DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMolotov-Ribbentrop PactMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorld War

Three Times a Week LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Stalin Ties Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. III, No. 72 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1939 3c a Copy Trotsky Sees Closer Hitler Socialist Appeal REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS UNITE BEHIND FOR WAR SESSION Russia Marches Into Poland Roosevelt Cash and Carry Policy Balkans Now at Hitler Mercy Japanese In New China Offensive War Deal Cracks Down on All Critics ARMAMENTS WALL ST. few hours earlier Stalin WALL STREET German army? To what end are the accusations of Prvada ingenting pinceso with Japan. ENGINEERS PRICE RISE Behind the Lines WA BA On the thirteenth of September there were communications from Paris announcing that all Soviet ships sailing to England were given orders from Moscow to return to Soviet harbors. What does it mean? Factual severance of commercial relations with England? Moscow could apply this measure only upon Berlin demand. What could this demand be based upon? Evidently upon secret articles in the German Soviet pact. We cannot find any other explanation. Perhaps the international friends of Stalin and Hitler (friends of our friends are our friends) can furnish us another one? On the thirteenth of September the official Soviet press agency, TASS, openly and bluntly accused Poland of violating the Soviet border with her military planes. Even the friends of Stalin and Hitler could scarcely maintain that Poland prepares to conquer the USSR at this time.
The matter evidently concerns those cases when Polish planes in order save themselves from the Germans approach the Soviet border. What interest does the Kremlin have in raising an international uproar about these incidents? An attempt to prove its loyalty to Hitler? Undoubt cdly. But possibly something more. It is possible that the Kremlin, at Hitler request, has begun to seek and publish pretexts for a closer and more open cooperation with Hitler.
One thing is clear beforehand: if the Kremlin, developing the present policy, shows itself driven into hostile actions against Poland, the international friends of the Kremlin (and by the same fact the enemies of the peoples of the USSR) would discover in it Stalin new service to peace and democracy.
Leon TROTSKY From all indications the first secret clause in the Stalin Hitler pact provided for handing Poland over to the Nazi Has Already Coyoacan, Sept. 14, 1939 wolves with a slice reserved for Russian occupation. These lines were already written when the evening Committed Nation to This is now attested to by the fact of the Soviet invasion papers announced that Pravda of September 14th accuses of Poland that began without warning at dawn on Sunday, War Camp of Allies Poland of oppressing the Ukrainians, White Russians, and Sept. 17.
Jews. The accusations by themselves are true. But isn it astounding that Pravda remembered them precisely now when Poland is drenched with blood under the blows of the tervention in Poland by signPushing ahead systematical had paved the way for his inly in his drive to plunge the United States into the imperstriving? Toward two ends at the same time: 1) to justify This truce is still limited and ialist war now raging in EtHitler attack on Poland; and 2) to prepare a more active горе, tentative, but as soon as StalPresident Roosevelt cooperation of the Kremlin on Hitler side.
in soldiers started marching, called together the leaders of the Democratic and Republie the Japanese understood they were free to crush China if an parties for a meeting on the they can, without further hin Shachtman and Painel eve the special session of drance from Russia. They! Pledge Fight on War Congress which he has called promptly announced the openBy GEORGE STERN for the purpose of repealing ing of a new offensive west of Profiteering the standing arms embargo Ry GEORGE STERN does not dare let Hitler have tt, Hankow, the first in nearly 12 legislation.
Late Last Friday night the and does not dare let it remain months. Renewal of Japanese Symbolic of the fact that the Late last Friday night the Independent unless he, and pressure on British, French, NEW YORK CITY, Sept. 188 New Deal has become the War Berlin padio issued the first annot Hitler, dominates it with his and American holdings in the Deal, and that all pretense of nouncement of the news that army, his secret police, his Orient will be an inevitable cor The steep rise in the prices of ollary household commodities was destruggle against the Economic Russia and Japan had settled whole bloody apparatus of renounced today by Max Shacht on a truce to terminate eight pression.
Balkans Menaced Royalists and their spokesmen man and George Lyman Paine, has been abandoned in the inyears of undeclared warfare on It was on this understanding These swift, spectacular de candidates of the Socialist terests of a united front for the Siberian and Mongolian that he left Poland to Hitler velopments topped the first two Workers Party in the New Wall Street War, was the invi.
frontiers. This was confirmed tender mercies. Because Hitler weeks of the second world war. York Councilmanic election, as tation extended by Roosevelt to on Saturday in Moscow and was able to move with such during which the German deliberately engineered by the Alfred Landon, banner bearearly Sunday morning Soviet blinding speed, Stalin was blitzkrieg made a shambles Wall Street war mongers.
er of the Republican Party in troops crossed the Polish bor drawn in even more swiftly of Poland and began the whole Since the second World War the last presidential election der and marched to meet the than he expected to be. That is sale re drawing of what re broke out in Europe, prices of and agent of the big capitalist oncoming hordes at some new, why his deal with Japan is still mains of the Versailles map of all staple commodities such as forces in this country, and col still unsettled boundary in east a tentative one and presumably Europe. Rumanie, and after it sugar, flour, and other houseonel Frank Knox, big shot Reern Poland. Simultaneously the that is also why he had to move all the Balkans, are now at Hit hold goods has shot up to new publican boss in the Middle Japanese High Command an with such caution that he did ler mercy.
West and editor of the Chicago nounced a new major offensive not even inform Earl Browder The Russian invasion, led by Artificial Rise Daily News in West China, the first in near of his intentions. For Browder the vanguard of an army of ly a year, and began moving has been trying to make the nearly 4, 000, 000 men mobilized This is an artificial jackingNo Discussion Roosevelt bas made no secret fresh troops south from the so Stalin Hitler deal palatable to along the border, was officially up of prices. declared the Soof his desire to rush through viet and Mongolian borders for the American Imperialists by announced as a new peace of cialist Workers Party candiCongress, with the minimum of a new attempt to crush Chinese insisting, with much verbal per fensive with which the benevo dates in an official statement discussion, the repeal of any resistance spiration, that it left Japan lent despots of the Kremlin in released to the press today.
e lives and Wall Street is attempting to The pattern of events sketch hopelessly Isolated. But now tended to protect legislation that might be interIRISH SAILORS Give Splendid Demonstration of Internapreted as an obstacle in the e din shadows behind the Stal Stalin has flashed the green property of their sorely strick cash in at the very opening of TIE UP SHIPS way of a speedy entry into the in Hitler pact is thus coming light to Japan in China, just as en brothers in the Polish Uk war. This is preliminary prof token of Wall tional Solidarity as They Back American war, and to adopt in its place swiftly now to light. Many pro he touched off the go ahead sig raine and White Russia. It was Ateering, a revised fess to see the forthcoming crenal for Hitler in Poland. What not, of course, an act of war. Street plans to reap stupenFellow Workers in Wage Demands neutrality bil Irish sailors tied up three which will make possible the ation of Rome Berlin Mos his peace loving and peace pro but of peace. The Kremlin com dous profits from the bloodships in an effort to obtain open participation of the United cow Tokyo axis. But Stalin has tecting efforts are going to munique announcing the shoot soaked battlefields of the new war compensation and insur States on the side of one of the only one real axis and that is mean to Rumania, Latvia, Es ing down of ten Polish planes World War.
NEW YORK The struggle of East Coast seamen to obtain ance, according to the As imperialist gangs in the wars the preservation of himself and thonia, and Finland, even Brow and the crushing of feeble Po The stocks of leading steel, the so called democratic A?
his clique of usurpers who hold der won dare guess now! lish resistance simply oozed chemical, and other war indus extra compensation for shipping in war zones received a tresociated Press Sept. 18.
tremendous leap mendous boost over the week end when 46 British sailors Jotned Employers had changed lies.
the Russian masses els bondage The speedy conquest of Po pie caught in the Iron pincers of forward as the moneyed inter in the strike that has already tied up six ships.
the flags of the ships from Commits Nation This display of international solidarity was cbeered by 200 English to Irish because un he is not nor ever has been an many and Russia naturally traditionally shared their terri up thirstily for their share of American seamen who gathered around.
der the Irish registry, the Meanwhile, even before con whose secret no man can disern Europe at the mercy of the tory.
session, Roose the slaughter. They recall the gress opens sailors would not be eligible The British sallors had been hired by the Standard Oll Co. of velt continues to take steps, on cover. Continued or Page Continued on Page 3)
Berlin Moscow axis. Rumania for war risk insurance.
New Jersey to work on two oil tankers carrying oil to British his own hook, to commit the Stalin is not moving into Po must now either yield or be ports. They had arrived Saturday on the Acquitania.
United States more and more land to berate the Ukrain crushed and similarly parti.
Make Demands deeply on the side of one of the ians and White Russians op. tioned. Bulgaria, like a yapping You Can Aid the Fight Against belligerents. Although the pressed by Polish landlords. httle jackal, is waiting to get When company busses arrivis ostensible neutral, RooseHis claim to such a purpose is back the territory of Drobujda.
velt has already pledged him the vilest hypocrisy matched given to Rumania after the last War by Signing Nominating ships a warm discussion on war sek to the armed struggle of only by those of his pact part war, and will readily accede to against Germany in the event. not to op ner, Hitler. Nor is he moving all that Hitler demands. Tur Petitions for SWP Candidates that the latter attacks Canada, because of any unquenchable key is immobilized, and its forsail. They are members of Naalthough the two countries are tional Union of Seamen of the urge to expand the frontiers of eign minister has been sumformally at war.
has had almost moned to Moscow United Kingdom. They had been Russia.
Despite the heavy smoke, ous Roy with whom the sign a new In addition, on the day the more than even he could han pact that takes into full account All citizens resident in New York who sympathize with hired for 37. 50 a month. screen of propaganda laid down American Lovestoneites have special White House Conference dle in seouring his primacy the new conditions. Mussolini the campaign of the Socialist Workers Party to place a Following conferences with by the British, the intense hos been playing friends and ene of Republican and Democratie within the broad boundaries he is still bargaining with Britain candidate in the Bronx and one in Manhattan on the ballot officials of the National Mari tility of the Indian people to the mies for many years has Party bosses was announced by already rales. No, Stalin is and France and Yugoslavia for the Councilmanic Elections are asked to sign a nomin time Union, the British seamen was has been clearly revealed. Joined the ranks of the war sup the President, be sent a mestaking the Ukraine because he waits to learn its fate from his ating petition immediately.
decided to ask for 85 a month, Mahatma Gandhi, faithful porters and has endorsed the sage to President Moscickt of lips.
Drop in at headquarters, 116 University Place, per cent bonus and a 5, 000 watchdog of British rule over participation of India in the Poland condemning the Ger or at the headquarters of the nearest branch to place your war risk insurance policy, the 375, 000, 000 people of India, war.
man bombings of that country, If Mussolini finally falls on name on a petition. If you have friends who are registered which is more in line with Am has become the most ardent But these men Gandhi, Neh again in clear violation of JUDAS GOAT the Allied side of the fence a voters too and who will sign the petition, bring them with erican seamen demands. supporter of India participa ru, Roy, etc. do not represent real position of neutrality. As is war front may after all take you or give us their names and we will have a canvasser The unemployed on this This action was taken in face tion in the war. Along with him the will of the Indian, people known. Roosevelt never opened form in southeastern Europe. call upon them.
Labor Day reaffirm our faith of deportation and other threats has gone the entire reactionary anymore than Hitler represents his ups in condemnation of But if he hesitates very much The circulation of a petition for signatures among your in democracy and our will to hurled at them by company and leadership of the Indian Nation the will of the German workers. bombings, just as horrible and longer and he is likely to. shopmates, 1f you are in a position to do so, will give the federal officials.
alist Congress, including the The determined mass opposi indefensible, that have been peace. We have not much to that cherished hope of the Ancampaign a big boost.
offer in material resources glo French combine will fade Absolutely no obligation is entalled in signing. Without Hint Mutiny Charge at this critical hour in hisshown by the reports of the reperial governments of France entirely and there be nothany commitment on your part, by signing a petition, you tory. We have and do offer Meanwhile. a government cent session of the Congress and England against the help ing left but to concentrate on our strength and courage give the only anti war party in the United States chance move to terrorize the striking Roy Joins War Mongers Working Committee (the lead less natives of the colonia)
the western front. If it turns out to fight against the second world war from the vantage and devotion to our nation.
American seamen was announc While it is still impossible to ing executive committee of the countries under their domim David Lasser, president of this way, Belgium and the Nepoint of the ballot.
ed with the calling of 12 strikers give concrete information about Congress. tion. The message to Moscicki the Workers Alliance, in a therlands and perhaps even the We need your help now as never before in placing our before the supervising inspector the reactions of the left wing At this meeting, a resolution is merely part of Roosevel Scandinavian Labor Day manifesto. Dally states cannot anti war, anti fascist candidates on the ballot for the com of the Bureau of Marine Inspec. parties to Britain war designs, was adopted appointing com carefully stage managed Worker, Sept. 5, 1939)
hope to remain neutral very ing election.
of the long (Continued on Page 4) been revealed that the notori. Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
Carlo British Seamen Help Brothers Strike Ships In War Bonus Fight en seus Leaders Fail to Líne Up So falled socialist Pandit