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SOCIALIST APPEAL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1939 Machinery for Dragooning Their presente el responsing People into the War Is All Ready Government the post office General Manager Lynching Bee The Third Camp pean coflict?
At bottom, the fight between these two camps SOCIALIST APPEAL is superficial, where it is not outright sham.
VOL. III, No. 71 Monday, September 18, 1939 The fight against war and the war mongers By James Burnham be conducted only by the third camp. the Published three times a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, and which both of the other two camps hope will (PubHshed three times a week beginning Sept. 9) remain silent and docile. The third camp is the Knowing That The People Do Not Want War, That They camp of labor! The third camp is the camp of Will Not Volunteer to Lay Down Their Lives for Boss Profits, Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 for six months. Foralgn: 60 per year. 60 for six months. Bundle orders: the toilers! It is the camp of the people who fight cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in and die in the war.
The War Deal Government Has Readied Its Draft Machinery all foreign countries Single copies: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 60 for olx The very fact that the majority of the AmeriYou have probably never heard of Herman BrasBy HERRICK they think we ll WANT to fight It was the poorest showing sert. His name never appears in headlines, nor is Reentered a second clase matter Pebruary 16, 1938. et can people, as shown by several tests, favors a The machinery for drafting the war they will declare? America had ever made in all it ever listed in the reports of international conat New York, under the Act of March referendum before Congress may declare war, you into European trenches is Not on your life, for all their her history and marked the be ferences. Nevertheless, Herman Brassert is one of shows that the instincts, the fears, the sentiments all ready right now.
the most important men in the world, and millions Editor: The forms for draft registra ple war That why Roose volunteer method of raising upon millions of human beings are now beginning MAX SHACHTMAN of the masses are healthy and sound.
tion cards are on file in every velt and his war birds foam at armies in major wars in this to feel the effect of his activities.
Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT They don trust their legislators on the war state capitol, ready to be rush the mouth at the very idea of country.
Herman Brassert is one of the greatest living FELIX MORROW question! They do not want to leave the decisioned to the printer and run off in the time dhe negle have the reley That was the people way of engineers, His spectalty is the design and techniAssistant Manager cal organization of steel mills, and at this he has MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY of that life or death question in the hands of the millions of copies on a moto decide on going to war. They voting on war in 1917. For the no equal.
capitalist politicians in Congress. They want to The draft administration is in American masses will put on a Washington, the draft naturally The great economic crisis of the late 20 began FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST have the chance of deciding it themselves for if existence right now, in skeleton uniform just as willingly as they goes hand in hand with their in Great Britain several years before it hit the rest opposition to a national vote of of the world. The British industrialists believed WORKERS PARTY FOR: the question of declaring another war for de form. At the top is the Joint would Army and Navy Selective Ser. The preparation of the draft the people on entrance into the that they were handicapped by the outmoded techmocracy is submitted to the people it would vote vice Committee. Selective ser is the government way of con. war.
nological character, in comparison with Germany Job and a decent living for every worker overwhelmingly against it. And rightly so!
vice is the official name for fessing that IT WILL NOT BE If you can still laugh, read and the United States, of much of the equipment Open the idle factories operate them under Roosevelt and Co. know this. They also know the draft or conscription words OUR WAR.
this: It is in no sense a con of their heavy industries. They decided to remedy Up to 1917 all of America scription of the unwilling; it is workers control.
which are never used officially.
this by a program of what was then called rationwhat everyone else should realize: This committee is a six man wars with other nations were alization. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program.
The United States cannot be plunged into war board consisting of military and fought by volunteers only. They weather selection from a nation Brassert was called in as a chief consultant for the re making of the steel plants. From then on he Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage unless the people are gagged. The United States naval officers. Its agent in each tried that in 1917 too. Here was which has volunteered in cannot 20 hour weekly maximum for all workers on President Wilson said this in made frequent trips to England.
kept in the war unless that gag is Under each state adjutant gen in a book called America all Jobs.
tightened to the point where the difference be eral are four to sixteen Army Part in the World War: His his draft proclamation. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability Steel Gets a New Direction tween Hitler regime and that of the United men who have gone through tour outbe Full clieatness of THEY WILL DRAGOON pension.
States becomes microscopic.
a patrioteering flag waver pub ALL OF US After a short while, however, it became clear to How about exemptions from Britain that the rationalization of the steel Expropriate the Sixty Families.
These men hold regional con lished in 1919 with an introducferences every year, in New tion by Generalissimo Persh the draft?
plants had actually to be made the preparation of All war funds to the unemployed.
Orleans, San Francisco, Chica ing: The draft bill is all written the steel industry for war, and that the whole proc. people referendum on any and all wars.
ess had to be speeded up. Occasional visits by Said Earl Browder, speaking at Madison Square Fer and Washington These cere most immediately. Every pos tile to be introduced in Congress Brassert were not enough. The British government Enlistments were opened al and is waiting in Roosevelt 9. No secret diplomacy.
Garden Monday night: 10.
is the. Times report of one sible means to attract a recruit on Day. The only exemption induced him to transfer residence to England, independent Labor Party. These are very trying days.
of them (October where five years ago, he settled his family on a 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante Army officers rehearsed on men pleaded with noon hour President. Congressmen and beautiful estate which he bought in the English and Fascist attacks.
paper today the national set up crowds at recruiting meetings, the highest federal and state countryside.
of a civilian operated selective and the entire country was plas officials Is for members of The idea that Britain began re armament only 12. Full social, political and economie equality service act, and estimated that tered with posters urging men pacifist religious sects IF the after Hitler had taken over Austria and was threat for the Negro people. An Invitation to Harrison) it would cost between 6, 000, 000 to enlist. Volanteer recruiting conscientious holding of such ening Czechoslovakia is a myth. The fundamental and 10, 000, 000 to mobilize 300, was not a success in the United belief by such person shall be preparations were far advanced long before Vienna We predicted some time ago, when the not 000 men in the first month of a States. It was as flat a fallure established under such regulafell.
Brassert did his work well. The British steel in unknown gentleman parasite Charles Yale Har war. They expect to draft as it had been in England. We tions as the President may prerison got a job with the New Deal and began to four million men in 12 months latert profited by England ex berrien e vet no such person shali dustry is re located, reorganized and re equippea.
It is specifically and admirably adapted for turnTwo camps are engaged in a wordy battle discover, in the columns of the New Leader, the one of the questions they dis army, but it was not until we capacity as the President may ing out the maximum quantity of the most destructive implements so far devised by human inover the decisive question that the specal ses identity of Trotskyism and Stalinism, that we cuss: Where are men on for had experienced some of the declare to be noncombattant.
sion of Congress has been called to face. On one would not have have long to wait before he ap est reserves to register? No, samneedsymptoms which had No one else can be exempted, side, which seems to have gained the great ma peared as a Home Guard recruiting sergeant for In each town or section of a the war and a few subsequent and state officials, ministers of New Assignment jority of the Senators, stand those who are going democratic cannon fodder.
city, there will be a local draft months thereafter.
to repeal the arms embargo legislation now on Sure enough, his latest column in the New board. The men who will sit on And who were the patriots ordinary workingmen. At best, the books. On the other side, are the so called Leader, social democratic organ of the War De viven herecte and be testea continued unteered? The authors e de be a red decides that conquered and consolidated power slabe mather isolationists, headed by Senators Borah, Nye partment, comes out for the war with a bang, According to the mobilization. Far from Satisfactory were least at the moment, their mil the problem of the reorganization of heavy indusand their associates.
and for the speediest American entry into it. Not plan, they are to be outstand the recruits obtained by voluntary service can only be DEtry, and from the beginning they were clear about the purpose of reorganization: for war. Through titious names or addresses classification, and can be reIn his broadcasted speech opening up the cam for Mr. Harrison, to be sure, for he has the ing eltizens.
the Nazi Four Year Plan, they proposed to bring THEY EXPECT US when they enlisted. Others fail voked by decision of the same all existing plants and mills to the highest technipaign of his group, Senator Borah stated the most intransigent intention of fighting out every ed to report to the stations to draft board. The board need question in this form. Has the time come when battle thousands of miles from the front, where TO BE UNWILLING cal efficiency, and to add new works of a surpassWhy this feverish preparation which they had been assigned. not assign any reason for any the United States must take a part in this Euro his soggy but well beloved hide cannot be reach for prodding us to the trenches General Peyton March. decision to anyone but the Pres greatest steel plant in the Worldedhe herdahe of. Goering Works.
There was one man whom they wanted for the That way of putting the issue is correct. Yet, gas or bayonet. But he is heartily in favor of job in steel: Herman Brassert. And they got him.
so fast is the United States being driven into the YOU doing your bit for Democracy.
In addition to his English estate, he rented a You don agree with him?
splendid apartment in Berlin; and every week he Second World War by the Roosevelt AdminiThen you re an agent of Hitler, and in all shuttled back and forth by airplane between the stration and its allies, that even this formulation two nations.
probability a paid spy of Wilhelmstrasse. In of the question is already outdated.
The Hermann Goering Works arose in record time, the full flower of engineering art.
In violation not only of the clearly indicated all essential respects their attitude toward the war is identical, he writes of the Communist, What a consolation it should be to the soldiers sentiments and interests of the American masses Trotskyist, Nazi newspapers.
By CARL HICHIN Theoretically, Woodsworthers, is the largest mass organifacing each other from the Maginot and Limes Lines! No favoritism in this war! They can each but even of the laws governing his office, PresiYou have a doubt or two about the lofty TORONTO, Ont. Throughout said, Canada was an independ zation controlled by the Comdent Roosevelt has already committed the coun: democratic aims of the war mongers? Mr. Har nadian participation in the New Canada be made responsible reception given the ath Interna Why then should munist Party of Canada. The know that the tanks which crush them, the planes that hurl destruction on them, the shells which try to participation in the war. His statement that rison is ready to take care of that, too. Our World War has continued to for the result of British policy tionalist was exceedingly en tear their guts apart, are on both sides alike the very finest products of the very highest skill. And the United States will defend Canada, which has brave bully boy writes: widen sufficiently to make Pre over which Canada had no con couraging. Those who heard him were all CP members, all of them are turned out with the trademark of already declared war against Germany, is pre would suggest that Trotsky or Mr. mier King pursue a most cir trol whatever?
Jeers interrupted from au at least until the Hitler Stalin the one supreme artist cisely such a commitment.
But, you ask, did not the two governments and Browder attempt to get up in the streets of Paris not deepening sufficiently rap sides of the House, but Woods pact.
The purpose of calling together the special and tell French trade uinon members that the idly to prevent King finally lin. worth continued: So far the Ottawa government the two sets of industrialists object to Brassert double duties? If you ask this question, you have session of Congress to repeal the arms embargo struggle against the Hitler Stalin pact is im ing up actively with Chamber. The createst contribution has hesitated to strike at the or still a lot to learn. Business is business; and patri is a fairly open and fairly brazen attempt by perialist brigandage. They would be lynched on would appear that Canada will ain is to maintain friendly relaney general of Ontario, appar otism is also business. During this same period it was Britain which supplied the greater part of the Roosevelt and Co. to ally the United States with the spot and with justification.
coal and ore which built and extended and fed the slave owning democracies, that is, to ad perfect way to launch the war for demo when the speech from the The common people of Canada loyalty abroad is pleading for Krupp and Stinnes and the Hermann Goering vance America present participation from the cracy, in our opinion: lynch its opponents!
Throne carries in a few days. could gain nothing by slaughter a crushing of the political labor Works. And, after all, should not a British soldier But even then, the extent of ing the common people of other movement. He has not yet reeconomic to the directly military. For Roosevelt be far happier to be torn to pieces by steel forged Now we don know much about the streets of Canada participation in actual countries.
ceived the federal authority.
Even the boss dailies are driven out of exclusively Empire products?
and his war making crew, the only question that Paris, but we are willing to supply Mr. Harrison military operations will be but to printing stories of houseIt was this same Brassert, by the way, who was remains to be solved is not Should we enter the with a list of our coming New York street meet a flea bite compared with 1914. WARSKE PROSE wives opposition to rapidly infirst offered the job (which he finally refused) of war? but How and When to enter.
ings against imperialist brigands war. We ever tion, nor any large expedition Later the new leader, Cold. creased food prices. butter is building Magnetogorsk. And it was he who was chief consultant in building the great steel plant How completely the isolationist bloc in Conso cordially invite Mr. Harrison to bring his ary force. But, more important, well, said Canada assistance up 25 per cent, other table comordered by Kemal Ataturk the completion of el Sesión actually convenes. But it is already start his job right. We might also suggest that ble becompositionell organ abroad of an expeditioners seperti dile demonstre: How to Get on in the World gress has cracked up, will be seen when the spewhich task has given Turkey a new weight among first lynch mob to our meetings so that he can the present wide unotganized to Britain should be purely eco modities about the same rigopposition may yet prove capa nomic and should not include ure: sgar difficult to get.
Thousands are intent on dodgthe neutrals.
clear that under the enormous pressure of a war he bring along Abe Cahan and Algernon Lee as ized basic opposition.
profit hungry and united capitalist class, and the his bodyguards.
When the speech from the force.
Coldwell reflected the west. tions, etc. are for the most part old hypocritical war cry of a united nation in shall be called a warmonger, concludes Mr. days ago wts the Ottawa Houseern farmer opposition to war received coolly.
So far, all was well with Brassert. But, when war was declared you would think that he would have face of the enemy, the bloc is nothing like it Harrison, in his most pathetic beer bass. The the impression was conveyed service. He played to the most ANTI. SEMITISM found himself in something of jam, and would used to be. What is left of it is weakening, re epithet does not frighten me in the least. am war. It was but a feeler. Within war may mean increased wheat There is one very dangerous that Canada was definitely at reactionary farm views, that GROWING RAPIDLY have been bound to end in either a British or a treating, and putting up a rearguard fight before an old soldier, ladies and gentlemen, and this is a few hours Prime Minister prices. Both be and Woods development however a rapid fermare concentration camp. But such thoughts, they themselves surrender the struggle.
Brassert was born in Germany, but long ago he Which was to be foreseen, and is to be under Warmonger? The name is too pretentious, impression. More recently he into safe channels the opposi local armory there is posted a became a citizen of the good, old And you has thrown the whole question tion of western farmers and sign to the effect that out of may be sure that stood. Like the Congressional sponsors of the we think. 000 recruits only were Jews.
years of did not lead him to give up his citizenship.
European residence original Ludlow Bill for a popular referendum Rat would be more appropriate.
been careful to sketch the limits Earlier a petition, signed by An effort is being made to utilThe main office of on war who became terror stricken at the huge firm continued to be loJust plain rat.
of Canada participation even thousands of French Canadians ize such alleged facts to whip though the upper House (the had been tabled in the House. up a particularly vicious crucated patriotically in Chicago.
So, four days after the war began, Brassert and mass sentiment that was set in motion for it and Senate) has unanimously voted In part it read: his family stepped off the Queen Mary to the unwho are now about as vocal as a corpse with the Against a bounding rise of prices which with for declaration of war against We, the undersigned electors needs the immediate attention bombed and unbombable docks of New York City.
the approach of war will assume an ever more SOCIAL DEMOCRATS of Quebec Province, declare of labor.
mumps, the isolationists fear to arouse the There is work still to be done! The steel industry mighty giant of labor by a militant anti. war ourselves categorically opposed But again on the more promunbridled character, one can fight only under the to any participation in a Euro ising side: the Toronto Trades of this country is already, from a technical standcampaign. Even the dullest of them understands slogan of a sliding scale of wages. This means that SPLIT IN PARTICIPATION point, primed for the war. But there are last mincollective agreements should assure an automatic During the week the Social pean war. We refuse to sac and Labor Council (highly Stalute changes and revisions and improvements to that a real fight against the imperialist war monrise of wages in relation to the increase of prices Democratic CCF parliamentary Fice our most vital interests inized) has had to change its be tended to, so that we may all be confident that the death which is Made in America will be gers means a real fight against imperialist gov in consumer goods. Program of the Fourth In caucus split to on the questo the petty interests and exie position slightly due undoubt ternational. tion of Canadian participation encies of international high fi edly to rank and file sentiment.
more sure and certain and terrible than any allen in the war. The minority was nance and the manufacturers of At first its heads declared tuli death.
hog for British imperialism. That is why we never put an ounce of reliance against participation. It includ armaments.
ed the CCF national leader Within a few hours a curb the last meeting the Council upon the pacific protestations of hate. war Jail Is Better Woodsworth. In the House was placed on even the very se edged back and withheld all Roosevelt in the past, and we place no reliance on later, Woodsworth explained he lective recruiting that had been statements on policy until the Bralisford, British Laborite, writes in the isolationist Borah today.
no longer spoke for the CCF taking place. Recruiting in On position of the government is New Republic, September 13, that the Stalin Hitler The isolationist bloc has kept completely silent paring the average weekly diet of Germans un Coldwell (highly stalin though Air Force members In a recent editorial, we printed a table com group. One of his colleagues, teacher is now reported halted e made known.
pact was violation of public morality for which Amongst all these trends, Ca nothing in the record of the Soviet Union has preon the Ludlow Amendment and, even where der Hitler war time restrictions with that of szed) would give the group have been and are being sent nadian Fourth Internationalista pared us. Where he been all these years?
he said Curope.
continue to be active to the ut some advocate it in words, they have refused to families on relief in New York City, where reContinuing, Woodsworth then But of deeper immediate po most now practicable. Condicall upon the people to fight with them for it. lief standards are highest in the country. The said part, If we are not at litical significance is the follow tions prevent recital of those Dr. Eaton Mackay of Los Angeles says the man who puts away a big meal, loosens his belt They fear to rouse the masses into action against two diets were about the same. The reliefers get war, is it proper that we should ing: couple of days ago a activities. But it can be said and sighs with satisfaction, wasn feeding his war on the crucial issue: shall the people be given between 30 and 32 ounces of meat per week, aslo into war without any declar fairly large group of the lower than in Canada, right now. Pasas ation? That is actually Cana middle leadership of the ULF sive opposition increases. As it stomach at all but a section of his brain the size the right to decide for themselves whether we against 25 ounces for war blockaded Germany. da present position TA does so the opportunity to of a fingernail. He said that the appetite is conshall go to war. Their struggle for neutrality But, according to Time of September 11. pris. If we are capable still of keen. asked a prominent ex change it into a more dynamic ternationalist to trolled by a brain segment weighing about oneeighth of an ounce. Relief clients will note with in has been purely verbalistic and is thereby con oners in New York City jails get 51 ounces of ing out of war, then for one press his views to them. The force most certainly is not les would hold up both hands to ULFTA, composed of Canadian sened. Nor is that opportunity terest the theory that they re not hungry they Just demned to futility.
meat a week. We leave the moral to you. keep out of it.
Ukrainian workers and farm being ignored.
think they are.
Canadian War Role Is Limited by Widespread Sentiment Against War my war.
4th In