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Have Hitler and Stalin Agreed to Partition Poland?
THE NEGRO QUESTION New York Councilmanic Events Indicate That Candidates of SWP Stalin Intends to Charge Subway Swindle Take Polish Ukraine BREAK UP SWP poor little Poland. They never managed to work up the ANTI WAR MEET tarists brutally seized the very same territories that are What Your Dollar Can Do By JOHNSON dollar puts a Socialist Appeal salesman on an important street corner for one day.
The Negro and the War Five dollars permits free distribution of two hundred Socialist Appeals.
Ten dollars puts a full time field organizer to work for The Socialist Workers Party says to the Negroes: one week in the anti war campaign. After your experiences in America during the last hundred years, after your experiences during the last war and after it, you would be making the greatest mistake of your far in excess of 450, 000, 000. During this same period unAnti War Campaign Committee (Continued from Page 1)
der the terms of the Dual ConSocialist Workers Party front, and that is not indicated at the present moment. It is lives if you were to give any support to the coming war. In 1894, through their repre tracts, the city, which owns 116 University Place, If Negroes supported the war, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack sentatives in City Hall, a group the lines, sustained a loss of a prospect, something for the near or distant future.
Garner, Cotton Ed Smith, Senator Bilbo and all that bunch of Wall Street sharks engineer 325, 500, 000 which was made up Dear Friends: ed a notorious deal called the through taxes wrung from the Stalin Seeks a Pretext in the Democratic Party would be able to sit back and say. Dual Contracts, through pockets of the workers of New onclose. as a contribution to the anti war work of the Socialist Workers Party.
Far more likely is that, by agreement with Hitler or not. We give them the nastiest jobs, we pay them the lowest which they set up two holding York City.
Enormous Take Name Stalin is planning to bring under his rule the Ukrainian and wages, millions of them are unemployed. Even in Wash companies, the Interborough Rapid Transit Company and From 1894 until the first ington here, the Federal capitol, we kick them out of restau: the Brooklyn Manhattan Tran, world wide slaughter ended in White Russian territories and populations now under PolAddress ish domination. The inspired reports in the Moscow press they should be reminded of where they belong. We treated operating the one the entry owned share release of the Wall Street about frontier incidents and minority uprisings are subway and elevated lines for a the city owned Ines was enor Court, to whom Wall Street apunmistakably calculated to create a pretext for Stalin takthem like dogs in the last war. We lynched them after they period of 75 years.
mous. But with the post war pealed, was forced to recognize LEGIONNAIRES ing his share of the division of present day Poland.
Guaranteed Profit came back. And now, when we want them to do some more period when operating costs the validity of this clause.
Upon the signing of the Dual rose and it became necessary The Wall Street bond holders The democratic and social democratic press is of dirty work for us, we just snap our fingers and whistle, Contracts the city sank 326. to begin replacement of antithen opened negotiations with and look at them! They come running to do anything we 000, 000 into the lines for their quated equipment, profits drop the LaGuardia administration course at want them to do! We have only to make a few promises development and extension; the ped until they fell below what to sell the city owned property and they are ready to be fooled again. Truly these Negroes Wall Street sharks put up only Wall Street could obtain from to the city for their original in.
same indignation when the arch reactionary Polish milivestment plus substantial are the most ignorant, backward and slave like people in tracts guaranteed the wall Immediately Wall Street bonus, a sum totalling approxithe world, and deserving of no more consideration than street sharks a minimum profit launched a drive to raise the mately 436, 000, 000.
question and established their brutal dominion over the of 10, 000, 000 a year; that is, a five cent fare. But the Dual national populations inhabiting them. Nor were they so the scraps we throw to them.
guaranteed minimum profit for Contracts carried a clause Appease Public But no, large masses of Negroes have no wish to support the period from 1994 to 1939 of which reads the rate bit tane y with the intention of raising mob of Jewish war veterans, LaGuardia agreed, apparent(Special to the Sociale Appeal) outraged when Poland, last year, helped Hitler in the disthis war.
Their memories of the last war and the great de 3480. 000. 000 the actual profits share be adventures Supreme ne tive cent ferielen bordet ut some of them armed with black Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire memberment of Czechoslovakia.
ception and fraud which were practiced on them are too up deficit that would vivid in their minds.
But the scandal of this bare held at 31st and Norris Sts.
anti war meeting of the SWP The working class, in any case, has no cause to shed tears So bitter was their disappointment after the last war, All this seems very commonplace and obvious. Millions faced swindle was so great that in the scuffle that took place.
over the prospect of the rotten ruling class of Poland losing that millions Negroes supported Marcus Garvey. They of Negroes and other colonials, in Africa, in the West LaGuardia was forced to apsid Kaye, a party member, was control of their Ukrainian and White Russian subjects.
were ready to follow even the fantastic, impossible scheme Indies, and India think of these things in a vague way.
pease publio opinion. He ap injured and arrested. Later the At the same time, however, the kind of liberation.
of going back to Africa rather than to continue to live in They understand them the moment they are placed clearly mainted overleparte de los magistrate hold Kaye for a fur which is now the prospect of the former Polish minorities. the American democracy for which so many thousands before them. Why is it, then, that so few people are saying that the city could legally under 1000 bail.
is very much like being taken out of the frying pan and of them had suffered and died.
all this in public speeches and writing it? Why is it that a buy its own property for 110, The vigilantes had a carefully hurled into the fire. Life under Hitlerite rule or protecpamphlet of this kind is published only by the Socialist pooloo less than the first pro arranged plan to break up the tion would be worse, if anything, than lifé under Polish What is the Negro to Do?
Workers Party? The reason is very important and is fun LaGuardia agreed. He signed meeting. They had announced rule for the Ukrainians or White Russians to say nothing What then is the Negro to do?
damental to an understanding of the political situation not the preliminary papers. speci the week previous that they were not going to allow any OMITTING ALL REF ism to hold any meeting agof the Jews who are suffering so horribly from the war.
Before we act we must understand the forces acting with only as it is today, but as it will be tomorrow.
Then is the choice to be the rule of the brutal and cynical us and the forces against us. Many Negroes in America Poor as the majority of Negroes are, and despised and THE FIVE CENT FARE! Despite the fact that a detect Moscow bureaucracy? That seems, at the present writing, feel that they would be ready to shed their blood and take humiliated as all of them are, in every community, particuany steps to break the chains which bind them. Yet they larly in America, there is a small number of Negroes who the subway fare to the World has open the radical squad, who to be Stalin sinister plan. The Bonaparte of the Kremlin feel also that their numbers are too few. They think that have better jobs than the others, who have managed to loon to test public reaction.
Fare to 10 cents as a trial bal meetings of the swp, was prest appears to be planning to place his bureaucratic, militaristic they would be overwhelmed by the number of the whites, climb onto a little ledge, a little higher than the rest of On top of this, La Guardia ent, and saw that the attack yoke over the necks of the Ukrainian and White Russian their power, their authority, and their control of the means their fellow Negroes. These are, in America, for instance, omitted all reference to work and provocation was started by peoples now in Poland. How much that would improve the ing conditions, to minimum to protect the swp, which not tion and the sentiments of their fellow nationals on the the legionnaires, he did nothing lot of the latter, they already know. They know the situaof destruction.
a few doctors, a few people who do well in business, and a hours for the subway workers, only had a permit for the meet.
That, however, is a short sighted view. Today we are few racketeers Numbers kings, and so on. They are dealing with an international war, and the problem is an thrown out of the restaurants, excluded from the theatres. ments. So long as Wall Street net meer het were also creatuly soil of the Soviet Union, who, in the Soviet republics of the outnumbered by the hoodlums. Ukraine and White Russia, are so arrogantly terrorized by international one.
Jim Crowed and discriminated against as all Negroes are. ers and those who use the sub the veterans and held only The magistrate discharged all the Kremlin clique as to be reminded of the persecutions Let us look at the last war. That also was an internaThey will complain, and pass resolutions, and sometimes ways fore transportation pay Kaye, stating that he was deter they suffered in the days of Czar Nicholas the Bloody.
tional war. It was fought in Europe, in Asia, and in Africa. will carry a case to the courts. But because they get somethe mined to stamp out all Un They know that their fellow nationals in the Soviet Union The British armed the black man in Africa. The French thing between thirty and fifty dollars a week, they are pre SWP Platform american activities.
aspire to liberation from that clique, for independence and armed nearly half a million Negro soldiers to fight for The Philadelphia local is goAs part of its platform for pared to do anything that the American ruling class really them. These fought not only in Africa, but in Europe. wants them to do. They are Negroes, and they are forced tions, the Socialist Workers of a leaflet in the neighborhood freedom and unity of the Ukrainian and White Russian the coming Councilmanlc elec ing to have a mass distribution separation which alone is the road to the revolutionary There was a regiment of West Indian Negroes. Now today, to live with the large masses of Negroes. But in reality, Party demands and its candi exposing the vigilantism of the masses now dispersed over three or four of Europe eastthe millions of Negroes all over the world are more politi they are much closer to the American ruling class than they dates, Max Shachtman in the legionnaires, and asking the Bronx and George Lyman workers to come out and pro ern countries.
cally conscious, more bitter against oppression and humili are to the great millions of their own people. It is the same Paine in Manhattan are pledged there that there are wagoing et. For a Free, Independent Soviet Ukraine ation than they were in 1914. They have not only had the thing in every other community, even in the South. The experience of the last war. They have suffered from the large majority of Negroes live in dirt, in poverty, are sul)(1) Expropriation of the sub hold in the neighborhood.
Several workers did join in Months ago, in an article in these pages, Leon Trotsky effects of the crisis. They have seen the rape of Ethiopia, jected to all sorts of humiliation, and a few are allowed cellation of the way lines through our can.
Con the attempt to beat off the vet foresaw how acute the Ukrainian question was sure to beand they know that in Africa, for instance, whether they special privileges, a few dollars more per week, etc. When tracts without paying the wall erans but they were also out come. The choices of the Ukrainian. and the White are ruled by Italian Fascists or British democracy, their ever something serious turns up, these may make a protest Street sharks another cent of numbered. Efforts are being Russian peoples are not confined to domination by the situation is the same. Their lands are stolen, their wages and demand a little more for themselves, but they are althe people money.
Another meeting will be held Polish militarists, by Hitler fascists or by Stalin G.
are often ten cents a day. They are driven away to live in (2) The immediate establishways prepared to do what the American ruling class wants ment of a Transit Commission at the same corner in the very There is another choice! free, independent, united Sosegregated areas, where at night they are kept jailed as if the American Negroes to do. It is so in America, it is so in to operate in one unified system near future.
viet Ukraine fortress of defense from the attacks of the they had committed a crime by being born with a black Africa, it is so in the West Indies, and you have a similar and elevated lines on a non. Release Twenty five the entire network of subways enemy in Berlin, Warsaw or the Kremlin.
skin. They are thinking the same things that the Negroes situation in India, Burma, Ceylon.
profit basis, entirely as a selfStalin seizure of the Polish Ukraine would be an atin America are thinking; only more fiercely because they sustaining service to the people Minneapolis WPA tempt to crush the movement for a united Soviet Ukraine have more cause. Many of them, particularly in the French Uncle Tom Negroes of New York.
under his iron heel, with the aid, in all likelihood, of Hitler and Italian colonies, have arms in their hands which they (3) Representation for the Prisoners on Bail have learned how to use. Now that the war has begun, Now these traitors are the people who have the best subway workers on the Transit Here as everywhere else, the interests of the Stalinist chances, who have the opportunity to get sometimes quite from their own ranks. Continued from Page 1) oligarchy are in diametrical opposition to the interests of many more of them will be armed and trained in order to a good education. They run newspapers and magazines. 6) The allocation of public they must support; all are longthe workers and oppressed peoples of all countries.
go and fight for their masters. But despite all the shouting They get subscriptions from rich white men. They are works money as a sinking fund Despite these circumstances, about democracy by James Ford, the great millions in Africa only need leadership to use their guns, not for Britenabled to borrow from white banks. These lick spitties, ment, and extension of the press ball for each woman was set at Uncle Tom Negroes, constantly speak in the name of the ent subway system.
ish or French democracy, but for their own independence, Negro people or in the name of Africans, when in reality, effect would in addition make tee had the bail available and Such a program if put into nor the WPA Defense Commitof course neither the prisoners for a free Africa, liberated from all sorts of imperialist they are only saying what the imperialists want them to domination, liberated not only from Fascist Italy and Ger possible an immediate raise in the women were jailed.
say. If they didn t, they would be thrown out of their jobs, the wages of subway workers many, but also from those democratic bandits, Britain, Fifteen other women had been and lose their little privileges and benefits. And so for the France, and Belgium. They outnumber by many millions arrested earlier but were resake of the crumbs and bones that they get from the big leased on their own recogniz The management of The New by Leon Trotsky, entitled, On the whites who keep them in subjection today. And these International announces an un the French Political Situation.
whites, in the course of a war, will have to arm more and table, they are quite prepared to sacrifice the interests of usually splendid October num The issue of a War Referenthe majority of Negroes. They are the most dangerous Plan Defense ber, which will be out in a dum by the people is again bemore of these despised and oppressed blacks. The Africans people. It is they who deceive the Negroes every time. They, Obviously the court resump week, fore Congress and is being wideare only waiting for the opportunity and for that powerful (Continued from Page 1)
tion of its policy of demanding. The leading article is devoted ly discussed by the masses in despite their black skin, are no more than agents of the organization which will give them a policy and leadership.
with the gaping bloody wounds excessive bail is being dictated to the world situation today. It this country. Harola prapera rien white imperialists. They are saying much now, but of Stalin purge. In its desper by the national administration is, Panoramic Survey of the views this question in an article In a war fought on an international scale, the Negroes in when America will have the Negroes in Africa as their allies.
time comes, they are going to shout for democ. ate effort to preserve itself, and the reaction in Minnesota, Second World War, and con entitled, Friends of the war American Negro soldiers who may be forced by conscripracy as loudly as the American ruling class. Some of them Stalin ruling clique has suc and is an attempt to break the cerns itself with the political, Referendum.
are going to get jobs in the government service. few of ceeded only in enormously morale of the labor movement economic and social aspects Sherman Stanley contributes tion to go to France to fight, will be certain to meet hunoutbreak of war in Europe. The ism in India.
them are going to be given positions a little higher than That is why the adventures ly hopeless task.
dreds of thousands of African soldiers there.
the ones they have at present: Some of them will be allowed into which the war is forcing it But Murphy and Roosevelt Hitler Stalin Pact, the role of Dwight Macdonald usual An Alliance of the Millions to train as officers. This one here will be made a major, the agonizing anxiety to the Krem stand the temper of the organ pects for early American par. sparkling column other Contact can be made and plans made for the struggle on there will be made a colonel. These appointments in gang. Hitler drive into ized labor movement in this secticipation in the war, and the From Left to right, will apan international scale. But there are other allies as welland others will fill the pages of the imperialist press and eastern Europe will at least tion. The WP Defense Com attitude and policy of the labor pear, and the first of a series have the effect even if only mittee will of course take up and revolutionary movement of historical articles by George Novack on Negro Slavery in the Negro press. Meetings will be held at which these Negro temporarily of reinforcing his the task of raising ball for those are analyzed, millions. For two hundred and fifty years, the British have Trotsky on France America. second feature, held over Other interesting features India. There are well over three hundred and fifty million Negro people to take part in a war and be deceived and against his great rivals in the laying the plans for the reseay from the previous number, is complete what will unquestionmaltreated just as they were in the last war for democracy. this bloody cockpit will only ada The WPA Defense Committee ably be among the banner 19people in India today, and the large majority of them are The bait that they will dangle will be promises of a better to his weakness, his difficulties, was heartened by a resolution Floyd Hurley, Frank Johnson, sues of The New International.
just awaiting their chance to get arms in their hands, drive world. They will say that after the war, things will be dif and his fears. Stalin knows any passed by the Minnesota State Edward Alberts, George Totino The management wishes to the British imperialists into the sea, and make their country ferent. We know better than that. So that the first prelimin doom and yet he cannot avoid Wednesday, calling upon all un lips, Ernest Stark, Arthur Sei must be placed in advance. In their own again. The same in Burma, in Ceylon, and in Indo China. So that from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, of the Negro ranks those traitors who sell their birthright hope is to be able to hang on ald of the Defense Committee Johnston, Alfred Christianson, The New International automhus Carl Pemble. Simon Baruch time, agents and readers of the until his enemies, including and its fund.
for a mess of pottage. Whether they are in America, in you have over five hundred million people, oppressed coloHitler, begin to grow as weak Twenty five Released and David Gordon.
magazine are requested to give Africa, or in India, they are traitors. Whoever tries to drag as he already knows himself to The 25 men released yester Bond of 58, 000 was posted to their assistance, by paying on nials, who are thinking in terms of freedom from the domNegroes into a war for democracy is a traitor and a day on bond were Max Geld win their release. The original bundle accounts at once and ination of imperialism. Imagine the enormous power which Leslie bail had been set at over a by sending in their subscripJudas. They will come preaching about unity. But the workman, Ed Palmquist, Arnold Mullen, quarter of a million dollars. tions to: these colonials can exert for their own emancipation in the ers and farmers want no unity with them. What we must George Palmquist, Victor Nich but the storm of protest from THE NEW INTERNATIONAL tremendous crisis which will soon be loosed upon all peoples struggle for is the imity of the masses.
Join the Socialist olas, Charles Grider, Oscar organized labor forced the Shoenfeld, Walter Russell, court to reduce it to the still 116 University Place in the world. Continued in Next Issue)
Workers Party Ralph Core, Glenn Smith, Toutrageous sum of 58, 000.
weakening the Soviet Union, and confront it with a seeming which finally culminated in the an article, British Imperialbe.