BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismNazismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1939 RANKS DEFEND WORKERS FORUM Bucking the War Censors WPA BUILDING Food Profiteering Is STRIKE IN Hint of Days to Come UNION FROM THIRD MONTH THUG ASSAULT Editor: The IS THERE DOCTOR velt administration to throw IN THE HOUSE? fear into the hearts of the workers here. The magnificent reI am a regular reader of the sponse by Prices Rising Everywhere in America Dethe entire labor Daily Worker. For the past few movement here has already reweeks seem to have gone into sulted in the bail being cut from Ineffectual Conduct spite the fact That Warehouses Are Full Gangsters Threaten a decline. have already writ, nearly a quarter million dollars While the main theater of events is still in Europe, the War Of Strike Weakens Furniture Un er How Do You Feel? de The fact that William Green Deal is quietly tightening up its military and naval establishBy WIDICK partment, which is supposed to has issued a sharp statement ments in the Pacific, which is destined to become the main Morale of Men An ominious hint of days to come in America was furnished ion Organizer give out medical advice to read. condemning the arrests and exsphere of American wartime interests. The main body of the in the past few weeks by the food profiteering racket which ers. In these notes, have fully orbitant ball of these innocent fleet is and has been in the Pacific for some time. Quietly and swept the country.
described my symptoms: black and penniless workers shows without any fanfare, the air arm is being extended across the In many cities sugar could not be purchased or else it was spots before the eyes, especial that at least he recognizes the NEW YORK Determined to By TONY CHAPMAN broad stretch of ocean that leads to the markets of China. available in such small quantities that they were negligible.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13 Begintiny dispatch in the papers reveals that 14 navy patrol bombers protect his union from gangsterly after reading the Daily Work. threat that this is to the labor flew from San Diego to Honolulu to replace an equal number of ning its third month, the build sugar, was the grocer reply The warehouses are full. The raids and physical destruction er, accompanied by pronounced movement. The complete ab war planes sent to Manila, in the Philippines, for neutrality ing trades strike against the to a housewife demand for a government is still paying farby a clique of ruthless Stalinists ears. am also subject to vio peal, therefore, is all the more dizziness and roaring in the sence of any story by the Appatrol duty.
abrogation of prevailing wages pound. And if she did succeed mers millions of dollars to des in control of a rival CIO union, lent attacks of nausea. These surprising.
Just what neutrality patrol duty is there for Americans on WPA is still officially in in getting a pound, the price troy crops or to fail to produce Joe Kitain, organizer of Bed symptoms began on the day the force in this city.
ding and Mattress Local 350 of Hitler Stalin Pact was announcFraternally yours in waters 6, 000 miles away?
Although the Building and was increased plenty.
Two WPA Strikers The rise in prices was a delib the AFL, lives under a constanted, and have been getting Sept. 9, 1939 Construction Trades Council of Same Everywhere The other day a Nazi submarine stopped and searched ap Greater New York has not yet out of sugar for two days. sponsored mainly by large com One big industrial center was erate, cheap. chiseling move threat of violence.
During the past three weeks, steadily worse.
Hennepin County Jail All this fully described to with the incident, smearing it in the now wearily familiar big still widespread stoppage, then another city we visited, the panies to take advantage of the the Stalinist leaders of the rival the editor of the How Do You American vessel in European waters. The newspapers made hay shown signs of calling off its restaurants only a few days ago wave of worry that followed the CIO union have conducted vl. Feel? column, but so far voted its main headlines and (On July 25 the Appeal dealleged contraband from an American freighter, the incident has conducted the strike has alScandals surrounding the rise timidation against members of condition is getting desperate. upon the labor movement to de. sious. com meysters was treated as an unfortunate matter of course. What business ready begun to shake the mor None was available at the ta in food prices were so smelly the AFL local.
did an American freighter have anyway in trying to take a load ale of growing numbers of Worried Worker workers against the impending fend the Minneapolis WPA of phosphate to Germany? This is the issue upon which wash strikers.
It seemed fantastic to have that wide spread protests quick Workers have been seized Perhaps you can help me.
ington and London almost came to blows in the first years of Union picketing at North housewives tell us that they ly arose. And Mr. Frank Mur after work and severely beaten MINNEAPOLIS WPA frame up, which was already ily how. But loosevelt is pursuing an policy of non neutral. Beach Airport, chief project is couldn buy flour at some of tooney seeneral of them and knifed.
Charges Assault Plot indicated by Attorney General PRISONERS ASK FULLER Despite the fact that Sol KI REPORTS IN APPEAL Murphy preparations.
This same thing happened ev out from trying to frame the main headlines of our July 28, to profess until just before American entry.
Depended on Roosevelt That the strike is beginning prices rose. And they still are blast against food profiteering. brother of Joe Kitain, organizer we are two of the arrested voted to the Minneapolis stride.
e in America. All food Minneapolis workers to issue a tain, the Commissar, is a Editor: de of course, he too busy try of the AFL local, the former is WPA strikers and have been the arrests were dealt with in Every once in a while some strutting little brass buttons to peter is of course the champion at that but one Maj. John Burns, strategy of relying on President of threats against the profi. Ing to break the spirit of the known to have offered reward readers of the Appeal for a long an editorial in the August 25 fs.
lets the cat stick his head out of the bag. Gen. Hugh Johnson the union leadership main going up, despite the fine talk Minneapolis workers to go after for his brother hide, accord time.
the war profiteers.
Warehouses Full ing to a sworn statement by Sol sue, both an editorial and a long We find it very difficult to news story in the August 29 an officer of the War Department attached to the department Roosevelt to act in behalf of the cers.
preparing for industrial mobilization, doesn do so badly either. skilled workers.
Yet there isn any shortage ed immediately to the new pres Local 350.
The labor movement respond Striano, a member of AFL understand why the Appeal up sue, a front page story in the Speaking of the mobilization plans, he told an Associated Press. The heavy extent to which to the present date has not car. September issue and a front reporter that they would require a minimum of regimentation the union placed its trust and of sugar, or flour or other food. sure against its already poor Striano testifies that on Aug. ried any material (with the expage story and editorial in the faith in the good offices of President Roosevelt is indicated by that date, the President has not Textile Workers, the Akron called out of his shop at 297 from the Northwest Organizer or Fascism if you want to call it that.
living standards. The United ust 30, at about P. he was ception of an editorial reprinted September 13 issue.
this inside story: been available for comment. counell, and numerous oth Powell Street in Brooklyn by or the arrests of about 50 WPA having carried fuller coverage But even so we regret not That is why the masses in Far from issuing a ruling in er labor bodies are demanding Sol Kitain, who said: ROOSEVELT MOVES workers by the Federal govern of the arrests, for Attorney their struggle against RoosePrior to his cruise in Canad support of the prevailing wase: a federal investigation of food Tonight want you to brinement on the phony charge of General Murphy indictment FOR WAR UNDER velt war program, in their op. Jan waters aboard the Attorney General Murphy has prices.
Living Standards Lowered Iters. We want to knock the. ting relief.
NEUTRALITY COVER position to the lifting of the Tuscaloosa, the President dock been busy prosecuting the MinIn the brief space of two out of him. ll give you two The arrests representa de to the entire labor movement, apolis is undoubtedly a threat arms embargo, cannot rely on ed in New York for brief, neapolis WPA strikers.
the isolationists in Congress overnight stay. On August 12, a Having had one month to ap weeks the living standards of hundred dollars.
liberate attempt by the Roose for if the government gets away They must organize their own committee composed of Repre praise the personal word of the the American people were re Striano replied, don use with this, it will establish a no (Continued from Page 1)
independent forces to fight the sentative James Fay, Mayor President himself. the feeling duced between 10 to 20 per cent that kind of money.
NOTICE TO ALL strike precedent against all loyal supporters of the system pro war schemes of the Admin LaGuardia and George Meany, in union circles, as expressed to because of the rise in prices.
Members Fear Reprisals NEW YORK YIPSELS workers in government depantof capitalist imperialism from istration, and to continue that President of the State Federa this writer, is that Roosevelt The WPA workers took anothMembers of the CIO union, which America involvement struggle until they succeed in tion of Labor, went aboard ship was not sincere when he gave er cut because the groceries The International Youth Day ments or public works or work in the war flows. That is why destroying the war breeding for a conference. After outlin us his personal assurance. bills are getting higher for the who are appalled at the gangs Hike scheduled for Sunday, contracted for by the governthey support Roosevelt arma system of capitalism.
ing the union proposal for National Unity Line ment program, of course in the quick ruling under section 15B But that realization does not purchase. and it was tough Sol Kitain, are unable to ex in order to have the League We are asking our Minneaponame of national defense. See Editorial Page 4)
of the Woodrum Relief Act 1av mean that the union leaders going before.
That is why, for example, Bororing the restoration of the pre will press the fight for the pre The squeeze play is on. War prisals by the Stalinist clique. signatures for the election. adequate material to arouse the ah in his latest speech has not ATTENTION! NEW vailing wage on projects begun vailing wage at the special ses preparations mean contin Meanwhile, members of the Yipsels should report to Man labor movement to the neces before July 1, the committee re sion of Congress. Presidentſued Roosevelt pledge to go to war YORK READERS ceived the personal assurance Roosevelt demand that Con subjugation of the union AFL Local who have been as hattan Bronx headquarters sity of rallying to the defense of movement. No strikes for high saulted and knifed are prepar all day Sunday to be assigned the Minneapolis prisoners di.
tors. in the event of an attack on The APPEAL now appears of the President that Attorney gress occupy itself with nothing er wages, if the bosses have ing legal action against certain work.
on New York City news General Murphy would act but his pro war proposals is be their way. And at the same of the Stalinist gangsters who So that if Roosevelt succeeds stands on Tuesday, Thurs Within the next few days. ing acceded to by the AFL offi.
in his plans to drag the inDepending on the president cials in the name of national ume, the rising prices cut down have been taken into custody by Workers of New York! Buy Your Socialist the amount the workers can the police.
day and Saturday. If you to the war, the isolationist ConDespite the physical assaults, want the APPEAL placed on promise, the unions ceased to unity. Here is an early exam buy.
gressmen and Senators will any newsstand notify the support all measures to prose Business Manager of the Pully one month has passed will sacrifice labor needs and war has begun. The food prozit protect the union and right of Appeal at the Following Newsstands cute the war for a rapid vic APPEAL by mail.
without a word from either demands to the demands of the eering was a sort of dress re further raids against its mem MANHATTAN Ave. 42nd St. 7th tory.
Murphy or the President. Since war machine.
Madison Sta. K Stationery Store way. Candy Store Katherine 66th SL Near Knickerbocker Village VIL way. 72nd St. way. 93rd st Card General Store, Kesex De Columbua Ave. 96th St. Cent Pk lancey Sts. Houston Sts. Clinton way. thonex 181st St St. Nicholas Ato Ave N. 9th St. Ave. De Candy Store, End Ave and St Madison Ave. 90th St. St. Nicholas Ave (Wigersona. 2nd Ave. 4th St. 17 First Candy Store, cor. 103 St. Bay.
By Leon Trotsky Ave. 2nd Ave. 9th St. Stuyvesant Casino. Ave. 10th St.
BRONX Ave. 13th St. near Cate Roy Boule(Continued from last issue) ois and even working class ous reaction. To find the bridge equally and wholly applies to with other sections of the Sovietine brotherhood of the peoples al. Waverly Pl. way. vard 171st st Fulton Ave.
My statement to the effect masses of Western Ukraine are from reaction to revolution, the revolutionary national up. Union and her western neigh in the future, the advanced Biederman 184 Second Ave. Uny. 170ch St. Jeromno Western Ukraine Poland) do demagogy. Similar processes port, by the way, of our entire else but a single segment of the iant most favorable for our cri even now understand the caus Pon SE 24h See See Porno sort the formed ion, as it is now constituted, and place in the Soviet Ukraine, on mands (The Death Agony of transitional de political revolution.
Independence and the Plan tic. The revolution occurs si es for Ukrainian separatism, as the state. Aven Westlife Boston Hotels in multaneously in all parts of the well as the latent power and a 1st Stand 14th St Ath Avesholu Subway suhtlon. 1897 Sedie hok that this fact is an additional ly it is more difficult to lay Capitalism and the Tasks of the It is noteworthy that the most Soviet Union. The bureaucratic historical lawfulness behind it, 2nd Stand 14th St. ard Ave Mcellan Grand Constanta TO argument in favor of an inde them bare. The slogan of inde Fourth International. Small serious argument against inde octopus is strangled and swept and they must without any res SLO. Fefferson thatra MX BROOKLYN pendent Ukraine is parried by pendent Ukraine advanced in wonder that the sectarians of pendence does not even enter aside. The Constituent Congress ervations declare to the Ukrain ena Ave 13th st. Ave Straus cor. Pitkin Ave. Tompkins even if they desired, they could guard will lead to the unavoid its meaning. They operate by omy of Soviet Ukraine enters the day. The Ukraine expresses to support with all their might Revena Mee AW. 7th Ave. Bl. 6th Aveen Myrtle Ave. Havemayer cor.
Khest Sutter. cor. Van Senderon not join the Soviet Union be able stratification of the petty means of abstractions an ab Integrally into this plan. The a desire to determine anew her the slogan of independent Sovi st. SAVE AND SA Ave Bay Pi Pitkin Ave. 73. Sutter 6th Ave 38th 8th Ave38th St. OtherY86th St Ave.
after the proletarian revolu for its lower tiers to ally them abstraction of the socialist rev threatens to break down the our critic, let us hope, will be against the autocratic bureauch viel Avenut ke stredit tion in Western Ukraine Cob selves with the proletariat. On olution. The question of the plan and to lower the produc ready to extend her this right. racy and against imperialism. Aven Rand Book Ditmara Ave bth Ave.
order freely to determine the petty bourgeois Ukrain Store. sendope QUEENS words: Today the separation of the proletarian revolution ism to real revolution; the questoo, is not decisive. An econom her relations with other Soviet ian nationalists consider cor Stern South side and st.
3023 Grand Ave. 31 10 Broadway.
the Ukraine is impossible, and after the revolution triumphs, it If the workers carry through masses in the given historical Ii national sections within the the right of saying yes or no, the Ukraine. But they object to the would be reactionary. An old a successful revolution in West situation for the conquest of Federation, despite the unified Ukraine must return to herself correlation of this slogan with future struerles. The Ukrainian point of rational and revolutionand familiar refrain! Luxem ern Ukraine. persists our power remains for these sterile plan, are pulling in opposite di the complete freedom of action, the proletarian revolution. They proletariat wishes to free itself ary politics) boundaries which burg. Bukharin, Piatakov and author, should our strategy wiseacres a book sealed with rection, it means that the plan at least for the duration of this want an independent democrat from the clutches of the bur cut nations into segments, as many others used this very then be to demand that the Sov seven seals.
does not satisfy them. plan is constituent period. There is no ic Ukraine and not a Soviet caucracy. The slogan of demo this were something immut sáme argument against the pro iet Ukraine separate and join Superficial Reasoning the handiwork of men. It can be other name for this than state Ukraine. It is unnecessary to cratic Ukraine is historically ble. The world revolution, gram of national self determin its western section? Just the op Piling one dire accusation in reconstructed in accordance independence. Now let us fur enter here into a detailed anal. belated. The only thing it is which is for him not living de ation: Under capitalism it is posite. This assertion plumbs discriminately on top of anoth with new boundaries. In so far ther suppose that the revolution ysis of this question, because it good for is perhaps to console ality but the incantation of utopian; under socialism, reach to the bottom the depth of our er, our critic declares that the as the plan is advantageous for simultaneously embraces also touches not Ukraine alone but bourgeois intellectuals. It will witch doctor, must unequivocalto the core because it ignores same melody: If the workers serves the interests of the im sire and know how to reach the gary. All sections of the Ukrain. our epoch, which we have ana out the masses, the emancipa its point of departure. He is not the epoch of the social revolu carry through. The sec perialists. and the Stalinists necessary economic agreement ian people become free and en lyzed many times. We shall out tion and unification of the at all concerned with the cention and its tasks. To be sure, tarian is satisfied with logical. because it completely ne with the Soviet Union, just as ter into negotiations to join the line only the most important Ukraine is impossible. trifugal nationalist tendencies under the domination of imper: deduction from a victorious eates the position of the defense she will be able to conclude the Soviet Ukraine. At the same aspects Democracy is degener: which may flow either into the The Charge of Centrism channels of reaction or the able independence of the small achieved. But for a revolution possible to understand just why Moreover, it is impermissable to have their say on the ques metropolitan centers. Only the Our severe critic flings at us channel of revolution. They vio and intermediate nations is im ist the nub of the question lies the interests of the Stalinists to forget that the plunder and tion of the inter relations be wealthiest colonial empires or the term Centrism at every late his lazy administrative possible. It is equally true that precisely in how to clear a road are dragged in. But let us con. arbitrary rule of the bureauc tween unified Ukraine and the bourgeois countries especially opportunity. According to him blue print constructed on the under fully developed socialism, to the revolution, how to render fine ourselves to the question of racy constitute an important in Soviet Union, with Soviet Pol privileged are still able to the entire article was written model of: first and then.
that is to say, with the progres an approach to revolution eas the defense of the USSR. This tegral part of the current eco and, etc. It is self evident that maintain nowadays a regime of so as to expose the glaring ex. He shies away from the strangsive withering away of the ser for the masses, how to draw defense could be menaced by nomic plan, and exact heavy to decide all these questions it democracy, and even there it is ample of our Centrism. But Ele for national independence state, the question of national the revolution closer, how to as an independent Ukraine only if toll from the Ukraine. The plan will be necessary to convene the obviously on the down grade. he does not make even a single against bureaucratic strangulabetween these two moments. ers carry through. vle to the bureaucracy but also to and foremost from this stand Ukraine. But a Constituent for hoping that the compara in precisely consists the Cen lations on the superiorities of the present day and complete torious revolution, everything the USSR. However, given such point. The outlived ruling caste Congress signifies nothing else tively impoverished and back trism of the slogan of indepen socialist unity. In other words, socialism intervene those dec will of course be fine. But just a premise Cobviously false) how is systematically destroying the but the Congress of an inde ward Ukraine will be able to dent Soviet Ukraine. Assuredly, his politics if scholastic com ades in the course of which we now there is no victorious revo can a socialist demand that a country economy, the army pendent state which prepares establish and maintain a re that is no easy task. Centrism mentaries on other peoples polare preparing to realize our pro lution, instead there is victori hostile Ukraine be retained and its culture; it is annihilat anew to determine its own do gime of democracy. Indeed the is the name applied to that pol itics may be called politics gram. The slogan of independwithin the framework of the ing the flower of the population mestic regime as well as its very independence of the Uk icy which is opportunist in sub bear the worst traits of cenent Soviet Ukraine is of paraUSSR? Or does the question in and preparing the ground for a international position. raine would not be long lived in stance and which seeks to ap trism.
mount importance for mobiliz JUDAS GOAT volve only the period of the na catastrophe. The heritage of the The Road to Unity an imperialist environment. pear as revolutionary in form. The sectarian is an opportun ing the masses and for educat think that now is the tional revolution? Yet our cri revolution can be saved only by There is every reason to as The example of Czecho Slovak Opportunism consists in a pas ist who stands in fear of her ing them in the transitional per time for all good Americans tic apparently recognizes the an overturn. The bolder and sume that the event of the lat is eloquent enough. As long sive adaptation to the ruling self. In sectarianism, opportuniod to back Franklin Roosevelt inevitability of a political revo: more resolute is the policy of triumph of the world revolution as the laws of imperialism pre class and its regime, to that ism (centrism) remains unfoldWhat the Seotarian Ignores in his efforts for peace at Lution against the Bonapartist the proletarian vanguard on the the tendencies towards unity vail, the fate of small and in which already exists, including, ed in its initial stages, like The sectarian simply ignores home and abroad.
the fact that the national strug think we should. say for revolution, like every revolu all the more successful will be mous force, and that all Soviet unstable and unreliable. Imper centrism shares completely this unfolds, one third, one half, and sle, one of the most labyrin. what he has done and fortion, will undoubtedly present at the revolutionary overturn, all republics will find the suitable islism can be overthrown only fundamental trait of opportun. sometimes more. Than we have what he proposes to do: same time extremely important Thank you very much, Mr point of defense. What to do? penses.
This goal will be achieved only The main section of the Ukrain dissatisfied workers, centrism tarianism and centrism (Verforms of the class struggle, Roosevelt.
Had our critic really thought The Critic Ideat Variant provided the old and compul lan nation is represented by veils it by means of radical cecken) of sectarianism and cannot be suspended by bare Heywood Broun, presi out the problem, he would have the slogan of independent sory ties, and in consequence present day Soviet Ukraine. commentaries.
references to the future world dent of the American News replied that such a danger is an Ukraine does not signify that old boundaries are completely powerful and purely Ukrainian from this scientific definition, liet. But on occasion the bud revolution. With their eyes turn paper Guild, in his daily colwhich cannot be evaded, for un isolated, but only this, that she of the contracting parties is there by the development of in of our hapless criticis in part ing (Oehler. If am not mis ed away from the USSR, and umn, It seems to Me.
failing to receive support and (N. World Telegram, der the rule of the Bonapartist will again determine herself completely independent. To dustry. It is they who are des and in whole centrist. He takes taken, Oehler is the editor of leadership from the internation Sept. 4, 1939)
bureaucracy the USSR is doom and of her own free will the speed and facilitate this pro tined to be the leaders of the as a starting point the specific The Marxist.
al proletariat, the petty bourgeled. The very same reasoning question of her inter relations cess, to make possible a genu Ukrainian people in all their accidental from the stand July 30, 1939 Meisel Bookshop Grand Ariton, Weat. 110th St. Columbus AVE Independence of the Ukraine and Sectarian Muddleheads