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Take the War Making Power Away from Congress Let the People Decide. Says Socialist Appeal Three Times a Week LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Minnesota Labor ROOSEVELT MOVES FOR WAR UNDER COVER OF NEUTRALITY Congress Will Approve Actions Placing In War Camp of Allies War Babies books.
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International DULUTH, Minn. The largest convention in the 57. VOL. III, No. 71 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1939 167 3c a Copy year history of the Minnesota State Federation of Labor voted unanimously Wednesday for a resolution calling upon Congress to prepare immediately a Constitutional amendment providing that any proposal for the declaration of war against any nation shall be submitted to a direct referendum vote of the people of the United States. Of the many anti war resolutions coming before the convention, the resolution for a popular referendum on war was the one that appealed to the 883 delegates as the most practical and realistic. The referendum resolution was introduced by a group of Twin City trade unionists.
Full Support to WPA Strikers All in all, the 57th annual convention of the Minnesota Federation was one of the most progressive in its history, When the conservatives in control of the legislative committee made a report calling upon the convention only to move for amendments to the hated Stassen Labor Law, Gene Larson of the Minneapolis Milk Drivers Union made a minority report demanding the Federation work for outright repeal of the atrocious Stassen labor legislation. Larson report provoked a veritable storm of approval which swept over the right wingers, and the convention voted by a large majority to work to wipe the Stassen law off the BORN 1914 KILLED 1939 The Duluth convention also voted full support to the hounded Minneapolis WPA strikers and approved the work After a series of rapid fire actions to line up the United States in support of Anglo of the Minneapolis Central Labor Union WPA Defense French imperialism, President Roosevelt is now confident of a safe majority for his war proCommittee. The convention condemned the new relief bill gram at the special session of Congress, called for September 21.
and state secretary George Lawson as well as many other His immediate objective is the lifting of the arms embargo so that England and France spokesmen placed the blame for the nationwide relief cut can purchase munitions and airplanes in this country. For this purpose he has already clearly and the abolition of the union wage scale directly upon placed the United States in the camp of the Allies by pledging military defense of Canada in President Roosevelt case it is attacked. He has sought to create a patriotic hysteria by declaring a limited state of national emergency, thus making the people believe that there is no real alternative but Ten Billion Dollar Housing Program BORN 1915America entrance into the Other resolutions passed called for a 10 billion Dollar federal housing and public works program; the 30 hour According to a United week in private industry, protested the 25 percent cut in Press dispatch of Sept. 14, food budgets by the Minneapolis Welfare Board, etc. The White House said today The convention took a long backward step, however, that submarine activities and when it adopted a constitutional amendment dropping the the sinking of the Athenia policy of endorsing political candidates. The debate on this were factors considered by issue raged all Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
President Roosevelt in decidRobert Olson of Duluth and George Lawson of St. Paul ing to call for a special session were re elected president and secretary, respectively, of the AN EDITORIAL of Congress.
federation What secret agreement for the partitioning of Poland War Notice Secretary of State Huu has was arrived at when the Hitler Stalin Pact was signed? notified the belligerent powers The answer is not yet available to the public, since secret that the government reserves diplomacy is just as much a part of Stalin foreign poli and its nationals under interna tics as it is of Hitler But the developments of the last tional law and will adopt such few days indicate that there is far more likelihood that measures as may seem most By GEORGE STERN such an agreement was made in Moscow than might be practical and prudent when What a macabre Joke it is to Ukrainians and White Russians concluded by the average reader of the Stalinist press.
those rights are violated by any of the belligerents.
hear Stalin newspaper Pravda but of determining whether The official Kremlin press has suddenly launched a fron In these declarations, as in suddenly wax pathetic over the their next yoke will be that of Date Russian minorities in of the Ukrainian and Hitler or that of Stalin.
tal attack upon the imperialist ruling class of Poland and the sharp protest of Anthony Drexel Biddle, American Amis to be carried its oppressive rule over the national minorities in the Poland!
out by the creation of so called bassador to Poland, against Polish Empire. Up to a few days ago, even a hint to the German bombing. It is clear One of effect that the Polish Colonels and landowners were not a that Roosevelt is determined to marks of the degeneration of by outright annexation of termodel of democracy, was treated by the same Stalinist against Germany. Yet the Presdrive this country into war the Soviet regime under Stalin ritory will soon be known. Howhas been the destruction of the ever, any partition decided uppress as a base Trotskyist slander. Now the Moscow ident is demanding the lifting Pravda has rediscovered Polish imperialism and oppres of the arms embargo as a step many nationalities as a result present circumstances is bound of the October revolution. One to be of a most transient and sion and its columns are full of reports of Polish attacks for genuine neutrality.
after another the governments on both sides there is a tact unstable character.
Roosevelt Stooges Now Arresting Women on the Soviet frontier and uprisings of the PolishWar Follows Arms As Senator Borah, leader of Labor Unions Map Plans for Fighting Ukrainian and Polish White Russian masses against the isolationist forces in conlics from one end of the union recognition of the fragility of to the other were converted in the new axis and on both sides the Polish overlords.
gress stated in his speech last Thursday: the course of the last ten years there is the fear quite justified Indictments at Sept. 25 Trial Accompanying this agitation is a tremendous mobiliza To those who are advocatinto instruments of Stalin bu. that the peoples they are tion of Soviet troops along the Polish frontier.
ing repeal, submit this quesreaucratic clique. More recent pushing around in eastern Eur15 native officials of these re ope will before long join with tion: Is it not your main purMINNEAPOLIS Shortly after noon on Wednesday, SeptemWhy?
pose in securing repeal to en publics were mowed down by the masses of Germany and ber 13, 25 of the jailed Minneapolis WPA strikers were released Is Stalin preparing to protect the frontiers of the So able us to furnish arms, muntStalin purge in scores and in Russia in freeing themselves on bail posted for them by the WPA Defense Committee of the viet Union from the rapidly eastward marching armies of tions and implements of war in hundreds from the rulers who would Minneapolis Central Labor Union. The ball was raised chiefly Consequently we are not to strangle them.
of all the swindles trom through the generosity of the Minneapolis Labor Temple Assoc. his recently found ally, Hitler. Has he come to realize that any es un to anations and to seek in Stalin sudden, touch Pravda attributed the speedy which the people of New York ation which, at stockholders meeting last Friday night, voted Hitler has designs upon Soviet Ukraine and, further east, nations, which groups are now the Urals?
in mortal combat?
rainians and White Russians nal instability, to the repression most scandalous is that now be victimized WPA workers.
for anything remotely resemb of the huge minorities that kept ing perpetrated by the La shortly after noon, the prison release.
Highly doubtful. That Hitler would like to annex the tion for Intervention in fact, is Is not this laying the foundeThe work of the WPA Defense Ukraine and the Urals has not been a secret for years, and it not intervention In the presstaunch support for the doc stroyed that national cohesion subways that are already own to the federal court building ed, however. No sooner were anyone who thinks he gave up his ambition for these terri ent European war? Is it not stine cand practice or the self so vital in a war. Behind the ed by the city, LaGuardia has where endly. dus were structed the 25 men released than the tories just because he signed a pact with Stalin, is far more through the authoritse which determination of peoples. The lines of the Pravda editorial, minimum op sx289000, 0064 echo of Lenin but of Goebbels. Kremlin, is the realization that Both the and the ber 26 when the strike trial is WPA women workers. Five woThe aim of the policy it shrouds Russia plight is even worse subway and elevated systems scheduled to begin. All were ju men were arrested Wednesday however, Hitler would be a greater fool than his worst bargo law is repeated the What Price Isolationism?
is not the liberation of the op. In this respect. It is not merely for which LaGuardia is paying bilant upon their release, and and five more Thursday morn enemies give him credit for being if he contemplated makWhile Borah and his coling an attack upon the Soviet Union right now. prelim leagues are against uifting the their subjection and the protec that make up the Soviet Union have been city property since thanks to the Labor Templements are out for at least six tion of the power and pell of but the whole regime and the they were first constructed and Association and the WPA De more women. All the women inary to such an attack would be an agreement, a settle arms embargo and in the ment of accounts, with France and England on the western they voice the opinions of the Stalin ruling oligarchy. It is army itself that have been rent have already paid Wall Street fense Committee which has but two have children whom workers and farmers they are not a question of freeing the (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) worked so vigorously for their (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Is the Partitioning Of Poland Part of Hitler Stalin Pact?
Steels Lead War Baby Stock Boom Steel Issues Shoot Up Edded more than Seed 31 Listed 100. 000 to the market vlasti totay when we lefront shot up as much as u703Whether this Behind the Lines Cado en la regionTwenty five Minneapolis WPA Prisoners Are Released on Bail SEE SWINDLE IN NEW YORK SUBWAY SALE MASS MEETING Tuesday, Sept. 19, 8:30 EUROPE IN FLAMES Albert Goldman, Just Returned from Europe, Will Speak Irving Plaza, Irving Place at 15th St.
Auspices: Local New York, Socialist Workers Party, Fourth International. 116 University Place, Admission 25c Eyewitness Report of War Torn Europe