Anti-naziBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInter-imperialist warJohn DeweyMussoliniNational LiberationNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1939 The Stalinist To the Oppressed Peoples of War Line Adds Latin America, Asia, Africa New Wrinkle cata per Assistant Manager: Oppressed peoplasia and Africa! Do not be Why FDR Wants War SOCIALIST APPEAL Smash the Frameup Manifesto Vol. III, No. 70 September 15, 1939 On evidence provided by FBI agents sent into the Minneapolis WPA strike by Attorney PubMshed three times a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. General Murphy, a Federal grand jury has inat 116 Unlveralty Place, New York, dicted 103 strikers. You can strike against the (Pablished three times a week beginning Sept. 9) government. Roosevelt threatened though Subscription. 12. 00 per year 00 for six months. For there nothing in the Constitution or the law to len: 11. 00 per yerine botter States: cents per copy in that effect and his lieutenant Murphy carried centa.
out the threat. They hung the indictments on the (Continued from Page the character of the war now developing is all forelim countries single coples: es 50 for that of a struggle between two rival imperialist Bronx and Manhattan months: 00 for one year.
flimsy thread provided by a provision of the the most dangerous poison for the masses. The from your ranks, with equal firmness, the groups for the domination of the world, Roenterede to Roosevelt Woodrum Relief Law which prohi true face of the pacifist democrats begins to faithful agents of Stalin the traitor, yesterday Poland has been made the excuse for the outthe pomodice at New York, under the Aet of 1879.
bits interference with WPA workers. Trials be revealed in all its hideous nudity. Look at still the raging partisans of the democratic break of this war as Belgium became the pretext Gandhi, that senile saint of the Hindu capital war against the fascist aggressor, and today for the development of the last world war.
are to take place shortly.
Editor: ists! He drops his mask and changes his role the defenders of the treacherous alliance be The character of this war in no principle reMAX SHACHTMAN Minnesota labor got a stiff dose of govern of the humanitarian vegetarian prophet into tween Stalin and Htiler!
spect can be said to differ from that of the late Associate Editor ANUEL GARRETT World War.
ment and state prosecution in the last war for that of recruiting sergeant in the service of FELIX MORROW British imperialism, the most infamous oppres Yankees Policemen of This war has nothing to offer the masses of democracy. Minnesota labor understands that sor of India. The same despicable role is MARTIN ABERN any participating country except death and deSHERMAN STANLEY Roosevelt is taking the road that Wilson trav played by such petty bourgeois nationalists as World Reaction struction, further miseries and burdens.
elled, and that Roosevelt is moving even more Nehru, Roy, etc.
The role of Yankee imperialism is no less Incredible as it may seem, these simple statereactionary than that of the European or Jap ments of fact are now uttered by the general secFIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST swiftly than his predecessor. What Attorney Neither Hitler Stalin Nor anese imperialisms. The Yankee imperialists retary of the Communist Party of the United WORKERS PARTY FOR: General Daugherty didn get around to until Chamberlain Roosevelt will be the reserve force of world reaction States, Earl Browder. Daily Worker, Sept. 13. 1918 and 1919, Murphy is already up to.
of Latin America! Enwhen, sickened by the horrors of the war, the And to round out the picture he declared that to job and a decent living for every worker.
of enslaved peoples of the Orient stand up erect, The answer of Minnesota labor has been in understand the role of Poland we have to refer to chase out the British and French slave. drivers Open the Idle factories operate them under lieve the lies of the imperialist powers! Do not the fascist character of the government of Poland spiringly decisive. The Central Labor Union of workers control.
march to war under the bloody and ignoble and proclaim their independence. The Euro itself. This was a government which only a few Minneapolis, comprising the entire labor move3. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works banner of imperialism! Chamberlain Daladier pean imperialists, worn out by the war, will months ago participated with Hitler in the disno longer have the strength to strangle the memberment of Czechoslovakia.
ment, has set up a WPA Defense Committee want your skin, your bones that are exhausted and housing program, by feudal and capitalist exploitation, in order great revolution of the colonies. This task falls This government in the past oppressed, and Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagewhich is raising the necessary bail, taking care to throw you into the mouths of the fascist upon the less exhausted imperialists, the rich still continues up to the present to oppress nation30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on of the prisoners and their families, providing atcannons of Hitler! Japan wants to profit from est and most powerful ones, those of the United alities within its own frontiers.
all jobs.
your legitimate hatred of the imperialist banStates. It is the historic responsibility of the These words are by torneys, and fighting the case before the bar of same Browder who only dits of London and Paris in order to exploit American workers, with the aid of the op the other day howled for war of England and Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability public opinion. The St. Paul Trades and Labor you, in the name of a vague Asiatic patriotism. pressed peoples of Latin America, to prevent France against German Fascism.
Assembly, speaking for the labor movement of Do not let yourselves be used! If Hitler Musso world capitalist reaction from achieving its What Browder Said Until Yesterday. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
Minneapolis twin city, has established a com lini come before you, arm in arm with the ingoal. All war funds to the unemployed.
That is why the American workers and the famous Stalin, trying to exploit for their own mittee empowered to cooperate to the full with Yesterday he painted the Polish government as benefit your justified fight against Anglo Latin American peoples must not let them the genuine spokesman of the Polish people, the people referendum on any and all wars. the Minneapolis defense body. The Minnesota French imperialism, do not listen to them: unselves be deceived by the lies about the war true defender of their national independence. No secret diplomacy.
for democracy. The reactionary governments Federation of Labor, now in session, will under the anti imperialist, anti capitalist dema Yesterday he denounced as counter revolutionof Latin America cannot defend democracy.
10. An independent Labor Party.
doubtedly join in the defense and, moreover, will gogy of the Hitler Stalin combine hides the ary Trotskyism the view that the impending war for if democracy really existed in these con would be a repetition of the war of 1914 1918, that 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante have submitted to it a proposal for a one day hideous face of bestial fascism; drive them trolled countries their peoples would have the is, an imperialist war waged under the hypocritical and Fascist attacks.
general strike against the frame up.
Neither is Roosevelt more worthy of confi means of refusing to go to this war for the slogan of defense of small nations. He scurrilously 12. Full social, political and economic equality But the Minnesota labor movement should not dence. He works not for the defence of peace profits of Wall Street.
attacked as Fascist agents those who pointed for the Negro people.
stand alone in this fight. The finnacial burdens and democracy but for war, for the interests of Freedom for all the Oppressed!
to the fascist and imperialist nature of the Polish Wall Street, for the exploitation of all the peogovernment.
should be shared by the whole American labor ple of Latin America and Asia, for the domin Side by side with the millions of Latin Amer Today, at the dictates of the Kremlin master, movement, for the issues involved affect the fu ation of the world!
ica and of Asia, the African Negroes, the peo Browder tune has changed. Stalin agents have ples of Algeria, Morocco, Tunis and Egypt who ture of every section of organized labor. If the Hear Only the Voice of to explain why their paymaster has signed a pact suffer under the heel of the democratic im with Hitler which directly aids the latter attack government succeeds in railroading the defend Your Brothers perialists, will make comon cause with their on the Polish people. So they discover that the imThe anti war resolution adopted by the Pittsants, that means that strikes will be outlawed The voice that you must hear is the voice of brothers oppressed by Mussolini, Salazar and perialist governments are nothing but. imperburgh conference of the CIO United Project not only on WPA and all work in government the toilers of the world, crucified anew by the Franco. Together they will fight the common ialist governments! They can no longer defend the Workers Organizing Committee (printed else agencies, but on all public works for any naunfaithful and traitorous leaders, from Stalin struggle against serving in the competing ar war as a just war, because otherwise how can they to Leon Blum, from Citrine to Toledano, from mies of imperialism. Together they will aim where in this issue) breathes a spirit of such tional, state or municipal agency and, for that explain Stalin direct material and moral aid to Browder to Green, Lewis and Co. This is the at one goal: the complete independence of the Hitler?
carnest sincerity and more important. grim matter, on any job under government contract. profound voice of your countrymen bent under peoples of Africa, so long the prey of prede Then the war the struggle between two rival determination to fight the war makers, that it Shipbuilding, munitions, chemicals, steel all the the feudal yoke, it is the voice of the toilers of tory capitalism imperialist groups for the domination of the the cities and the fields who get nothing from The oppressed peoples of the colonies and world (Browder. it appears should not be supmay seem carping to make some criticisms of it. multitudinous fields in which the Roosevelt ad life but the duty of not dying from hunger so semi colonies must take into their own hands ported by the working class in any country?
Unlike the isolationists, the signatories of the tration sticks its nose and lets out a contract the right to decide their own destinies; they Browder remai silent on this question!
must take back their national riches which Pittsburgh resolution start out with a realistic. will operate under the shadow of a successful continue to be filled. That is the voice that you understanding of a number of basic facts: that frame up in Minneapolis.
were stolen from them by the foreign capital Browder Comrades Back The war that at this moment is devastating ists: they must take back their land with the Imperialist War the war tends to become a world war, that the Sharing the financial burden with the Minne the fields of Europe and that will very soon right to work it freely: they must take back the great means of production and the monopA week ago he endorsed the support of the war Day plans are primarily directed against la sota unions is, therefore, an elementary obliga embrace the whole world is not your war. It olies swallowed up by the foreign imperialby the Prench and English Communist Parties.
bor, that to fight against the wars waged by tion of the American trade union movement. But which shall be master of the world in the near ists; they must take back the freedom of which in a Daily Worker editorial (September enthey were deprived by the national feudal bar titled Symbol of the French Communist Party capitalists means to fight for the needs of the the financial aspect is secondary. Far more im future. Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin workers, that labor only loses by such wars. One portant is the necessity to arouse the organized there is only one national war in the world ons, allied with the foreign imperialist ban we read: dits. Maurice Thorez, general secretary of the has only to compare this resolution to the Labor workers of this country to the danger now con that can be just: that is your war! The war It is for these things that you must fight, great French Communist Party, has presented Day anti war speech of John Lewis to see cretised in the Minneapolis cases, to awaken ev that only you, oppressed and enslaved peoples, people of the oppressed countries of the world! himself for military service with the army of the fundamental difference between a serious, ery trade unionist and friend of labor and demoThe hour of this struggle will soon sound. The France.
ers and imperialists of Europe, the United proletariat of Europe, of the United States, of honest approach and that of a trade union cratic rights, to the need for smashing the states and Japan: the war for your national Now that Munich has led to war, Thorex, the the capitalist powers, will support you in this Communist leader beloved of the French people, bureaucrat seeking to take advantage of anti war Minneapolis frame up. Every union should take independence!
struggle for freedom. And with your aid, they offers his life to defend the national security of sentiment France.
will stop the inter imperialist world war by a stand in solidarity with the defendants against Break with all the transforming it into a war of the oppressed for And the next day, a special cable to the Daily But the Pittsburgh resolution is exceedingly the prosecution. Every trade union paper should Agents of Imperialism freedom which will establish the only lasting Worker from London reports that the Communist naive when it says that the only motives which publish the story. Nothing will give the prosecu But in order that you should be able to profit peace, the peace of the workers, erected by the Party vigorously proclaimed that it continues to force us into wars are the profits of the muni tion more cause to hesitate and back down, than from the war of the exploiting imperialist ban World Republic of Labor and Socialism! work more actively than ever to help win the war Down with both the Democratic and Fas against fascist aggression.
tions makers. These profits are a link in the a mountain of protests from the American trade dits, in order that you should be able to utilize cist Imperialists!
The French Stalinists support the war in the chain, and that is why it is so important to stop union movement.
Down with the Inter Imperialist War! name of the national security of France.
liberty, one condition is indispensable: you Roosevelt attempt to lift the embargo on muniDown with Capitalism!
The English Stalinists support the war in the Copies of all resolutions should be sent to the must mercilessly drive from your ranks the tions shipments. But it is only one link, and Central Labor Union WPA Defense Committee, open or disguised imperialist agents of every Long Live the War of the Colonial Peoples name of the struggle against fascist aggression.
for their National Liberation!
This is the same war which Browder correctly scarcely the most important one.
Eighth Street North, Minneapolis, Minnesota, The former want to push you to war in the Long Live the World Socialist Revolution! says has nothing to offer the masses of any parRoosevelt is taking the road toward war, not and checks and money orders should be made service of the British, French or American opAll American and Pacific Buro, ticipating country except death and destruction, only at the behest of the munitions makers, but out to the same body.
further miseries and burdens. pressor, the latter want to put you under the Sub Secretariat of the Fourth International.
All of Browder explanations of the Stalinyoke of Hitler, the Mikado or Mussolini. Drive as the executive of the entire American capitalist Hitler pact and the new policy of the Communist class. He is taking the road to war because that Party only increase the confusion and bewilderplaced in a sealed envelis the capitalist way out of the economic crisis ment in the Stalinist ranks. raging since 1929. For ten years the capitalists on the outside the envel. Covering Up the Nazi Alliance tried other ways: Hoover way, and then the Such Coincidences!
ope to be attached to the Browder condemnation of the war as imperialvarious shifts and turns of the New Deal.
outline submitted.
ist on both sides is for the sole purpose of serving The manuscript must be the interests of the Stalin dictatorship in a new For ten years they tried internal methods of getcompleted within one year period the period of the Stalin Hitler pact. For ting capitalism to run again. All these methods, in Hitler pact was announced the Soviet Paviafter date of award. the present, this requires an attack on British and as we predicted, failed. And, as we predicted, the lion at the World Fair withdrew from exhibi4. One third of the fellowship French imperialism, and an increased agitation Professor Sidney Hook an. terest in the labor movement. 250) will be presented to capitalists have now turned to the external meth tion the anti Nazi film, Professor Mamlock. This nounced a contest for the first The contest is open to everyone for a Roosevelt Stalin alliance against Japan and the winning contestant on od of war.
any other powers threatening Russia. But the prowas officially described by the Stalinists as a award of a 750. 00 fellowship under the following rules: acceptance of the outline, gram to be persuasive, must be put forward as Not merely for the gigantic profits of trade coincidence. The Times for Sept. for a piece of original research full detailed outline of a the balance. 500) acflowing not from Stalinist but from American inwork or a constructive analysis in munitions and other products with Anglo reports a whole series of such coincidences proposed manuscript, the ceptance by the judges of terests. That is why the Communist Party inof a labor problem. The award latter to be preferably of the completed manuscript.
creases its drive for rallying the workers behind French imperialism, but more importan to now taking place in the Soviet Union: will be made by a committee of book size, must be submit Outlines should be mailed to Roosevelt national unity and his war moves.
join the one imperialist gang against Hitler Increasing signs of a desire to consider Ger judges consisting of Professors ted on before November Hillman Bishop. Secretary However, events are moving very rapidly.
30, 1030, covering an orig of the Committee of the Com: Roosevelt is traveling at lightning speed towards imperialist gang in re dividing the world, and man susceptibilities are noted. Tolstoi play, The John Dewey and Sidney Hook: inal piece of research on mittee of Award, Government involvement of the United States in the war on the then to shoulder aside as much as possible Amer Road to, Victory, which deals with Germany known labor leader. The name any problem of general Department, College of the city side of England and France. In fact he has already ica Anglo French partners in order to take the part in the wars of intervention, has been with of the winner will be made pub. significance to the Ameri of New York, 17 Lexington Avedoe so by his declaration that the government will can labor movement: for nue. New York, defend Canada an active ally of Britain and lion share of the swag for the American drawn from the schedule of the Vakhtangove, and the chosen manuscript example: France against any attack. Since the interests of bosses. At the end of this another Versailles Theatre. Such famous anti fascist films as Pro DEWEY RESEARCH PEL Relations of the labor ATTENTION! NEW Stalin are at present not in that direction, the ComTreaty, breeding still more wars, separated by fessor Mamlock and The Oppenheimer Family LOWSHIP, of which Professor movement and public YORK READERS munist party will begin flank attack on this peace in the form of great economic crises. have been withdrawn, as has also Eisenstein Hook is Chairman.
school education; course.
The APPEAL now appears trade Philosophy of The fellowship was founded That what it all about, and not basically about Alexander Nevsky, although it deals with a on New York City newsThe policy of the American Communist Party unionism in relation to by friends and admirers of Promunitions profits.
Russo German conflict as far back as 1214. All fessor Dewey in honor of his will be determined at each stage by the dictates of the democratio way stands on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If you the autocrat of the Kremlin. If Stalin makes an life. clear and realistic understanding of the mo comments on anti German films, historical or approaching Both birthday, in want the APPEAL placed on open military alliance with Hitler for the partition The outline is to be signed tivation of the war makers is the first weapon contemporary, are being deleted from the jubilec appreciation of his contribu.
Any newsstand notify the of Poland and the Baltic states of course, under tions to the labor movement with a nom de plume. The Business Manager of the needed by the labor movement in mobilizing book on the development of the Soviet motion the slogan of national Independence of the Uk and to human progress, and in real name and address of APPEAL by mail.
rainians, etc. then the Communist Party will against the Roosevelt war plans.
picture now in course of preparation. the hope of stimulating wide in the contestant should be come into more open conflict with Roosevelt.
MANUSCRIPTS ASKED FOR JOHN Recently we noted that the day after the Stal DEWEY RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP of MASS MEETING Tuesday, Sept. 19, 8:30 EUROPE IN FLAMES Irving Plaza, lrving Place at 15th St.
Albert Goldman, Just Returned from Europe, Will Speak Irving Plaza, Irving Place at 15th St.
Eyewitness Report of War Torn Europe Auspices: Local New York, Socialist Workers Party, Fourth International. 116 University Place, Admission 25