BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyKamenevLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVictor SergeWorkers PartyWorld WarZinoviev

Patriotism THE NEGRO QUESTION Puts Blight On Finnish Movement You Can Aid the Fight Against War by Signing Nominating Petitions for SWP Candidates Sheds Hypocritical Mask In Persecuting Minneapolis WPA Strikers, Says Plentywood Union PACKINGHOUSE WORKERS SHOW SWP MEETINGS PROVE MASSES AGAINST WAR the By JOHNSON All citizens resident in New York who sympathize with the campaign of the Socialist Workers Party to place a (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
candidate in the Bronx and one in Manhattan on the ballot The Negro and the War nounce as forces inimical to the in handcuffs whose only crime for the Councilmanic Elections are asked to sign nomin PLENTYWOOD, Montana. welfare of the people, and consists of fighting for right ating petition immediately.
At a special meeting of Federal Whereas, he has further to exist, while corrupt Judge Drop in at headquarters, 116 University Place, Labor Union No. 31760, AFL, shown his contempt for the suf and bankers, who have dis It should now be clear to every Negro that the Communor at the headquarters of the nearest branch to place your called to discuss the persecu ferings of the great masses of graced and plundered the counBy TAUNO VUORI name on a petition. If you have friends who are registered tion of WPA workers in general unemployed in so many ways, try are treated with servile ist Party is today as great a deceiver of the Negro people voters too and who will sign the petition, bring them with The recent tour through the and WPA workers of Minneapo viz. reduction of relief budget, courtesy, and as the Republican and Democratic Parties. There was a Finnish sections of this country you or give us their names and we will have a canvasser lis in particular, the following appropriation of billions of dol Whereas, the full strength time when the Communists and Soviet Russia were the call upon them.
resolution was forwarded to lars for the building of a huge of Governor Staasen of Minneby Mr. Hjalmar Procope, FinPresident Roosevelt, Attorney war machine, depriving WPA sota was thrown into the scale greatest leaders of the poor and oppressed every country The circulation of a petition for signatures among your nish Minister to the United shopmates, if you are in a position to do so, will give the including the Negroes. They used to call upon all the states, became the occasion for campaign a big boost.
of ilise the book Harrington and Governor living by ordering hundreds of ing cl Minneapolis in conStaasen of Minnesota: Absolutely no obligation is entailed in signing. Without workers and peasants to fight against imperialists and cap a display of the complete de thousands dropped from the sonance with Roosevelt wishitalists everywhere, above all in a war. But these days are what was once the revolution any commitment on your part, by signing a petition, you Whereas, it has taken ap WPA pay roll, the attempted es, now therefore give the only anti war party in the United States a chance proximately 75 months for slashing of prevailing wages by Be It Resolved, that in seover and they have been over for many years.
ary movement among the Finns to fight against the second world war from the vantage President Roosevelt to shed the the institution of slave stand cordance with our constitutionStalin sold oil to Italy all during the martyrdom of Ethi of America.
mask of hypocrisy and disclose ard of wages, and lastly, his al rights we condemn each and The Social Democratic Finpoint of the ballot.
opia. That was proof enough for any Negro. Since that nish Federation long ago forgot We need your help now as never before in placing our the fact that like all capitalist dragging from some hitherto every act of President Rooseanti war, anti fascist candidates on the ballot for the comspokesmen he is a bitter enemy undiscovered hole known only velt and his underlings, includtime Stalin and the Stalinists have been encouraging whatever Marxism its leaders ing election, of labor and a regular pal of the to himself the scab herding pro ing Attorney General Murphy Negrocs and all workers to fight for the British and French ever knew, so it was no sur Economic Royalists whom he nouncement: You can strike and Col. Harrington, etc: prise to see the Social Demo pre ously pro de again the government, and democracies against Hitler and Mussolini; that is to say, call on in cratic paper, Raivaaja, going Whereas, he has directed opposition with one gang of bandits against another gang. And after into fits of patriotic joy about the easy introthe legal machinery of the na duction of Hitlerism in this naencouraging workers to do this for years, Stalin suddenly Procope, his capitalist govern were Finns (tsk, tsk. but they tion against workers who have tion and pledge our fullest supment, the traditions of Finland, make sure only to attack the challenged his right to dicta port to the victims of Roosevelt turns and signs the Stalin Hitler pact. Thus he encourages the great virtues of the Finnish small try vice consul, while in torial power by insisting on oppression in Minneapolis.
the fascists and throws the workers in every country into settlers in Delaware, etc. etc. the same article they speak of their right to maintain a decent President, wage whether paid out by the Wankel game of worshipping at the al matic and democratic envoy.
tar of middle class nationalism.
Since even the Finnish Uittle government or through the offices of his industrial cohorte, gle for Negroes. Precisely for this reason, they are the most Stalinists Hall White Guards Browders, Paasikivi and Co. and dangerous enemies of the Negroes in this attempt of the The attitude of the Commun can feel the questioning attitude Victory Lies in Union Militancy, Not in. Whereas, FBI agents, under rich shove them into the war. Why do they do it? ist Party, expressed in the developing among many of the the direction of Attorney Genpages of Eteenpain, organ of Finns, especially the younger, Polite Committee Negotiations eral Frank Murphy, who takes Revolutionists No Longer Rule Russia their Finnish Workers Federa Espeaking ones, they are his orders from President tion, is revoltingly identical. now a drive to cut Roosevelt, are known to have They do it because revolutionists like Lenin and Trotsky Their only criticism of the tour out from the youth section of (Continued from Page 1)
no longer rule Russia. Stalin and millions of officials, engi of this representative of the thel paper all this in political than a whole carload of beauti that contracts made are put in draw the brutality of the police plant by plant basis, provided acted as agents. provocateur to White Guard government of bunk that you can find in a fully adorned appeals.
neers, trade union bureaucrats and others, now have the writing. Van Bittner, in making on the heads of workers defendcountry in their grip. They live easy lives with great power drowned the Finnish Soviets in pers, as one inspired corresponAction Got Results the announcement from the ing their rights to existence, Here are some of the most said: The modification of our Whereas, Deputy United Secretary of Labor office and and privileges. They oppress the Russian people, they mur blood, the government that still dent actually put it.
By WIDICK der all the old revolutionists like Zinoviev and Kamenev of their own party, in all, apcanada the Fourth and in outstanding examples from var. demands was made as a con States Marshals, gloating in the National Labor Secretary cession to prevent a strike.
in frame up trials, they have tried several times and are peared in their paper on Aug alists are beginning to spread few weeks ago the Armour opportunity afforded them to sentiment of the masses of peoThe deeply rooted anti war still trying to murder Trotsky, the last of the great revolu ust 19. They protest. and this their influence among the superintendent fired That concession falls right in persecute and humiliate WPA ple reflected itself in the mud shop workers in Minneapolis, have nieetings on the war crisis and tionists. They do not want revolution anywhere. Bureau is one for the books, a real thinking Finns. This develop stewards from the semnº yes, these o kcommunmentis being suckened by the thea plane for the should dramatically the Stalin Hitler Pact which and Roosevelt, but will give the Russian workers a chance Procope in Boston! In an artic the rotten conditions of the wage adjustments. The same and simply referred the union of the capitalist press who pub the many new faces at the mass revolutions will not only overthrow Hitler, Chamberlain weren invited to a party for by letter and word of mouth of mand a grievance hearing on flatly refused to even consider a during the hours of the night isst week nation wide wage agreement in company with photographers It was an inspiration to see le bristling with outraged na Finns in Soviet Karelia, where evening a meeting of 650 shop leadership to their local plant lish pictures of those workers meetings in Akron, Younge to overthrow Stalin.
Therefore Stalin and his army of bureaucrats give money Boston vice consul who over burocrats are cracking down, tegy committee and ordered it managers. On the other hand town and Cleveland.
to the Communist parties in the various countries, and Two leading Stalinists attendlooked them in favor of his as in Ukrainia, and even trying. not merely authorized to call the union officials have themfriends, of whom but one half to stop the teaching of Finnish. a strike immediately unless selves pointed repeatedly to the ed the Akron meeting, and askthese parties no longer lead militant struggles as in the old 13 were reinstated. Results fol futility of trying to buttonhole JUDAS GOAT ed sympathetic questions. In days, but try to fool the workers, white black, and keep Youngstown new group of We liberals have clothes, cook food, clean up camps and trenches and clean yielded. While Armour officials not formulate or control policy workers listened attentively them subordinate to Roosevelt, Chamberlain, and Daladier.
latrines, though they had enlisted as soldiers of the line choice between the battle By their fruits ye shall know them. Their policy is to were permitted to indulge in a for the corporation.
when Roosevelt war aims at field and the concentration their expense were exposed.
support the democracies in a war for civilization. And this, Far from practicing any sort of democracy to Negroes, claring that the punishment this fact was afforded at the camp, and we shall choose New headquarters in Clevethe American commanders did their best to make the firing had been too severe, the Fargo, plant when two the battlefield. We prefer to every Negro knows from his own experience, would be a land furnished a good backthirteen were reinstated.
workers were fired on similar die on our feet rather than to ground for delivering an antidamnable treachery and betrayal. Any one, parson or presi French maltreat the Negroes. The French people are not At the Denver Armour plant grounds and at about the same live on our knees.
war talk to the audience of dent, black or white, who encourages Negroes to shed their as prejudiced as one would expect from their treatment of workers similarly made de time as the 13 Chicago shop ste. Harold Laskl, noted nearly 100 people. Roosevelt blood for this so called democracy is a damnable traitor natives in Africa, and great numbers of French people in mands for grievance adjust wards. The heads of Armour liberal historian, in an ad emergency proclamation had dress to students of the of France do not differentiate at all in any way between ments during working hours and Co. simply refused to disand betrayer.
been headlined in every news The plant manager fired the cuss the matter and told the un Wisconsin, April 7, 1939.
Negroes and whites. But when the American officers saw paper just before that meeting protesters. But he quickly ion officials that they could go and the impact of this event What Happened to Negroes in 1917 this and the friendly way in which Negro soldiers were agreed to complete reinstate to Fargo and see the local plant could be felt among the people.
Some people, however, including the Communist party, being welcomed both by French men and women, they is ment when confronted with the manager if they so desired. The What can we do to stop war?
state that there is a possibility of Negroes gaining their sued a military order, Order No. 40, instructing Negrocs threat of an immediate strike the Blame demandweyerstrilaces have enrolled under its banner to keep America out of war?
the plant demanding immediate a total of 84. 000 out of the 129. To keep from going to Europe rights participating freely in American life, if they not even to speak to French women. For this offense And now just a few days ago reinstatement.
000 organizable workers in the to fight? These questions were show that they are willing to die for democracy. Let us against democracy, many Negroes were arrested, though 700 workers in the killing de Incidentally the union leaders packing industry. It is true that paramount in everyone mind look back at the last war. They said then that the war was the French people, men and women, had made no com partment at the main Armour had already previously weaken these figures are being disputed as radio bulletin after bulletin plant of the Chicago stockyards ed the union position when in by the meat packers; that is to brought the latest moves in the being fought for democracy, was being fought to make plaint.
tied up the production line for the midst of its demands for a be expected. But there need be imperialist war.
the world a better place than it had been before. Also, and The American officers, in this war for democracy, wrote a hour in protest against the in nation wide signed contract it no doubt that union organiza Party Mobllising a special document to the French commanding staff, telling creased speed up. Elimination agreed to hold elections for de tion is making gains in the this is what is important, many Negro leaders told the Although the meetings were of the speed up is now the ma termination of collective bar stockyards right along. arranged at very quick notice, Negroes to support the war whole heartedly. By showing them that Negroes were a low and degenerate race, that jor demand of workers in every gaining rights in additional Ar. Time and again the workers the fine work done by the themselves good citizens, they would win the sympathy of they could not be trusted in the company of white people, yard in the country. Yet, start mour plants. With such an have taken action at the drop branches was a significant inthe whites and gain all the things of which they had been that although some Negroes were officers, the French Offi ling as it may seem, a state agreement any lost election in of a hat, using the strike weap dication of how the party ranks ment issued by the plant super any one plant, regardless of on as a means of redressing are determined to fight uncenedeprived. That is what was said but how did the rulers of cers should have nothing to do with them, except in matters intendent said that: union company coercion, would auto their grievances. On the other ingly against war.
their country actually treat the Negro?
relating strictly to fighting. The French, said this Ameri leaders disclaimed having plan matically eliminate that plant hand, as Van Bittner announc of course, there was the moFirst of all, they took many more Negroes than they can order, should not eat with Negroes, nor even shake ned the stoppage and termed from national agreement. It ed, the leadership seeks to pre ment of shock felt by everyone them runaways.
would no longer be nation wide, vent a strike. It attempts to when the bloody spectacle of should have taken. Out of every hundred persons in the hands, and above all, they wanted the French to use their The same day 2, 400 men in and the company would seem start the battle by giving heavy mass murder, destruction, and population, were Negroes so that, roughly, out of every influence to keep the white women who worked in or near the John Morril and Co. piant quite justified and have new concessions to make a plea for pestilence unfolded before the hundred soldiers, ten should have been Negroes. More than the camp from forming any associations with Negroes. at Ottumwa, Iowa, went on arguments to back up its refus negotiations become more pal world. The ghastly nightmare strike in protest against the fir. al.
atable. Continuing this, what had become the reality.
that, groes are the worst paid, live in the worst This was the way in which the American ruling class ing of four workers prominent Two plant elections were held will happen to the demands ofl Perhaps the bitterest comhouses in the worst localities, get the worst food and the fought side by side with Negroes in the great war for in the organizing activities of subsequently. The one in the the workers? Are not labor or ments against war came from poorest medical attendance. Thus, taking the Negro popu democracy the PWOC. This is the largest chicago by products plants the ganizations built for the fight the women in the audiences.
individual packing plant in the union carried by a large major to defend the workers inter women whose husbands or sons lation as a whole, the number of persons fit for military Negro Bravery And the Reward country.
ity. The other in Oklahoma Ci ests? An organization drive face the prospect of death whilo service should have been proportionately less than the numLeaders Back Down ty, Okla. the union lost by a a which does not voice clearly Wall Street sucks the profit out ber of whites. This through no fault of the Negroes, but The Negroes, believing that by fighting bravely and In Washington, however, the narrow margin. Elections are and precisely the demands of of their blood.
showing that they were men as good as any other, they union delegation started out by still pending in the plants at the workers is foredoomed to significantly, while many askthrough the lives and conditions to which they are conAlbert failure; and a leadership which ed questions on various aspects making an important conces Lea, Minn. Armour has twenty does not prepare for struggle in of the Socialist Workers Party demned. So that instead of ten out of every hundred of the would gain freedom from their oppression, performed feats soldiers being Negroes, we could reasonably expect that of distinguished bravery. Of all the American soldiers in sion to Armour and Co. It with nine plants in the country. Elec defense of these demands is not program, one fact was accept France a Negro was the first to win the Croix de Guerre single nation wide wage agree tions have been held to date in worthy of a militant union. The ed by al the Socialist Work there should have been about seven or eight. But instead of some number like seven or eight per hundred there were (War Cross. and one Negro regiment, the 8th Illinois, ment covering all of the com hekteererplants and thirteen of workers have already set the ers Party is the only anti war these were won by.
example for union policy.
Party in America.
more than ten. So that this American democracy seized the received more decorations than any other regiment in union was willing to negotiate Workers Have Set Example opportunity to kill off as many Negroes as possible as a France. Another American Negro regiment stayed a longer with the packing firm on a The PWOC now claims to means of helping democracy solve the Negro problem.
spell in the trenches than any other regiment in the Allied Come to the Anti War Fighters forces. No one after that could say that Negroes were inSoldiers But Jim Crowed ferior. They had stood the stern test of modern war and DANCE and ENTERTAINMENT The war was a war for democracy, but the Negroes came out with a great record.
were segregated. There was not a single regiment consist What happened to the Negroes, after this fine showing, more timely than ever is the literature of the Socialist Workers Party for those who have left the Communist ing of white and Negro soldiers mixed. American democ should be branded on the forehead of any so called Negro Party and for those who desire to understand the nature of Irving Plaza Ballroom racy did not want to have even American colored officers, leader who tries to thrust them again into war. For as soon the present imperialist conflict. Newly Redecorated)
and it took a hard fight to have a few hundred. When they as the war was over, there was such a desperate series of 15th Street and Irving Place The following books and pamphlets should be obtained did agree, they trained Negroes as officers in a special camp race riots in America as had not been seen for many years.
as soon as possible from the ON THE PROGRAM of their own. And these men were informed by the State In Washington, in Chicago, white mobs inspired and enLABOR BOOKSHOP Archie Savage Department that when they visited the South, they should couraged by American employers and American capitalist In Afro American version of Cuban dances 116 University Place not wear their uniforms. Democracy was sending the police, shot down Negroes, many of whom had lost relaDewey Johnson NEW YORK CITY Famous Negro Baritone in some old and new favorites Negro to fight for democracy, but could not bear the sight tions in the great war for democracy. The Southern whites Founding Conference of the Fourth International. 250 of him in the officer uniform of democracy.
were so anxious to put the Negro back in his place that they Fascism and the American Scene Trinidad Calypso Singers In a presentation of topical and intimate songs The old lynch spirit continued. The Negroes were beaten lynched Negroes who dared to wear the uniform of a pri By Dwight Macdonald 100 10c Declaration of Principles of the L. up in the camps, they were stoned and jeered as they vate. The great war for democracy and the bravery and the Stalinism and Bolshevism by Leon Trotsky 10c In several jazz versions of the modern dance marched along the streets. When they were on leave and sacrifices for democracy of the Negro people ended with Whither France by Leon Trotsky 35c eto. etc. eto.
attempted to enter cafes and restaurants frequented by thousands of them having to fight desperately, not for Lessons of October by Leon Trotsky 856 In Defense of the Soviet Union by Leon Trotsky. 10c white people, they were driven out in many places. democracy, but for their lives in democratic America.
Music by SAVOY BEARCATS Let the People Vote on War by James Burnham. 030 When they went to France, the discrimination continued Now let Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt and America Permanent Depression by Art Preis. 03c Tickets 75c On Sale at: American democracy forced most of the black soldiers to Earl Browder and James Ford and some so called Negro People Front by James Burnham 150 be common laborers. Of the 200, 000 Negroes who went to leader, stand up and tell Negroes that the present war is Father Coughlin Fascist Demagogue LABOR BOOK SHOP By Joseph Hansen 050 France, some 160, 000 were used as servants and in labor another war for democracy and that they must go again to From Lenin to Stalin by Victor Serge 350 SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY battalions. Eyen when fighting democracy, the Negro was fight in it.
SPECIAL War and the Fourth International 050 116 University Place kept in his place. Negroes were made to build roads, wash (Continued in Next Issue)