Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxismNihilismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1939 SWP DRIVE TO GET ON BALLOT PROGRESSES DESPITE TAMMANY Jobless Union Formed at Seven State CIO ALL SET FOR BIG DANCE Conference Takes Stand Against War Deal MANEUVERS FOR GENUINE LABOR STAND Also Denounces Per IN DEFENSE OF PERSECUTED AGAINST THE WAR MAKERS MINNEAPOLIS WPA STRIKERS Canvassers Get Good Results on Nominating Petitions for Anti War Candidates It was learned today from the most authoritative sources that secution of Minneaa communique is forthcoming (Continued on Page 2) further the development of trconscripting men and wo the American Labor Party in dependent political action du polis WPA Strikers men of dancing age to Irving the face of increasingly omin the part of the American work important dance Plaza this Saturday night when ous signs that President Roose ers.
maneuvers velt is maneuvering to embroil. It is high time that the The text of the anti war resolution adopted by the Pittsburgh (Continued from Page 1)
will be held the United States in the world American Labor Party officials conference of the CIO United Project Workers Organizing Com control in ail areas needed for The Pittsburgh conference of the CIO United Project Workers Meanwhile, many persons war now raging on the battle clarly their platform in retamittee follows in full: The resolution supporting the organizing Committee adopted the following resolution in de rushed preparations to don the fields of Europe, underlines the tion to the capitalist war which WHEREAS: the war being waged in Europe may well be Minneapolis WPA strikers ſense of the Minneapolis WPA strikers: anti war paint in a demonstra burning need to ensure the ap has been raging almost two come another bloody carnage of world destruction and stressed the vicious role of AtWHEREAS: The WPA workers of the Federal Workers Section that indicated wide support ballot who will stand up cour suck us in within a short time.
WHEREAS: detailed plans exist for the emasculation and torney General Murphy ag tion of the General Drivers Union Local 544 of Minneapolis of this Saturday frolic.
stifling of all labor organizations during war, embodied in the ents and demanded the acquit staged a militant and spirited strike in the nationwide strikes ageously in public and oppose. Silence in face of the war The parade grounds, located the war.
Army Day plans which are to be rushed through Congress tal of all defendants.
and protests against the vicious Woodrum Amendment of the at Irving Plaza, 15th Street and danger is tantamount to Apimediately upon America entry into the war; Jack Grittie of Newcastle, work relief and relief bill which slashed the prevailing WPA Irving Place, have been newly American Labor Party officialster for profits. The officials of The continued silence of proval of the imperialist slaughAND WHEREAS: the workers have been given the lesson Pa. was chairman of the conwage scale and increased the number of work hours, and decorated and the anti martial from the last world conflict that labor has everything to lose and Pittsburgh was secretary. Both tiators did settle the grievances of the Minneapolis WPA workers Savoy Bearcats. Heading the to the blood bath is not less against this capitalist war die WHERES: As a result of this militant action, Federal nego music will be supplied by the concerning their attitude to speak out and take a star Party must nothing to gain from war; AND WHEREAS: the American workers are to keep out are now serving as officers of favorably, and of the International slaughter, they must stand united against the Project Workers Organizing WHEREAS: Attorney General Murphy sent his agents to Savage, in an Afro American than criminal, declared Ed. The silence of these officials any and all wars waged by international profiteers and concen. Committee. national commit Minneapolis, which agents actions resulted in the prosecution version of Cuban dances, Dew. ward Frank, organizer of trate their forces upon solving the problems of the employed tee was elected to carry on the of some 40 or more militant WPA workers, who are now behind ey Johnson, famous Negro bari Local New York of the Socialist every people were necessary, that tone and many others.
and unemployed workers in their struggle for economic security: phasizes again that there is on struggle to place the socialist must throw himself into the As yet it is impossible to prison bars under five to ten thousand dollars bond.
Tickets can be purchased at ly one 100 percent anti war, an. Workers Party candidates on THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That this conference go AND WHEREAS: the Nye munitions Investigating Commit.
tee exposed that the profits of the Merchants of Death, the manu. Judge whether Lewis will follow on record condemning the action of these government officials the Labor Bookshop. 116 Uni ti ascist political party in the the ballot. If opponents of the the mandate of the conference versity Place. The admission is facturers, are the only motives which force us into wars: and set up an International for and the press in their strikebreaking role, and THEREFORE BETT RESOLVED: That the United Project WPA and unemployed workers.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that we express our sol 75 cents and plugged medale Tield the Socialist Workers war have not yet signed a nomParty.
inating petition, they should do Workers of the cio, meeting in conference in Pittsburgh Sep. Should he take this step which darity with the WPA unionists of Minneapolis by demanding will not suffice.
Relation to so immediately. If they have tember 9th and 10th, calls upon John Lewis and William would mean a definite break be their unconditional acquital of the trumped up charges framed want to emphasize that the not yet secured blank petitions Green, and other officials of the CIO and AFL to recognize the tween the CIO and the Stalinist by reactionary agents, and Socialist Workers Party has de tor circulation among their deadly seriousness of the threat to organize labor as incorpo: Workers Alliance It may very BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that copies of this resolurated in the Day plans, and to do all in their power to keep well be the basis to rally to tion be sent to the Federal Workers Section, Local 544, to John Subscribe to the clared that it will support every shopmates they should secure labor united in a genuine stand against War.
setner all militant WPA and un Lewis, Willame Green Rattorney General Murphy, Colonel SOCIALIST APPEAL bor party who stands Indepen day, either from the nearest (Seo editorial, page of this issue)
employed workers.
Harrington, and President Roosevelt.
ican Labor Party. We give cri. Socialist Workers Party tical support to such candidates Crom the City Office. 116 Un because we believe that it will versity Place, New York City.
or Independence of the Ukraine and Sectarian Muddleheads Last Call for New York Dance and Entertainment CALLS Behind the Lines By Leon Trotsky In one of the tiny, sectarian bound up with the world prole ments of planned economy and inasmuch as the Ukrainian peo proletarian revolution a midorian reaction in the USSR.
publications which appear in tarian revolution. From this the de centralist requirements ple like all other peoples of the backward country proved in the defeat of a number of revoAmerica and which thrive upon general perspective, ABC for of the development of nations are deprived of any capable of solving the national lutions, the victories of Fascism The Savoy Bearcats, one of the best swing bands in the the crumbs from the table of Marxist, he contrives, however, oppressed in the past. Having opportunity for expressing their question, especially the Ukrain which is carving the map of country will supply the music for the dance and entertainment being held this Saturday under the auspices of the the Fourth International, and to make a recipe of temporizing constructed a workers state on will. But the very genesis of the in question which is, in its Europe in its own fashionN. District at Irving Plaza.
repay with blackest ingratitude. passivity and national nihilism. the compromise principle of a totalitarian regime and its ever very essence, international in must be paid for in genuine chanced across an article de The triumph of the proletarian federation, the Bolshevik party more brutal intensification, es character. The Thermidorian currency in all spheres, includAn elaborate program of entertainment has been arvoted to the Ukrainian problem. revolution on a world scale is wrote into the constitution the pecially in the Ukraine, are reaction, crowned by the Bona ing that of the Ukrainian quesranged and the social committee stakes its reputation that What confusion! The author. the end product of multiple right of nations to complete sep proof that the real will of the partist bureaucracy, hastion. Were we to ignore the new it will even surpass the program presented at the Pioneer Parties.
sectarian is, of course, to the slogan of indepenused movements, campaigns and aration, indicating thereby that Ukrainian masses is irreconcil thrown the toiling masses far situation created as a result of Everything is set for what will undoubtedly be the out Soviet Ukraine. He is for the made precondition for solving er the national question as caucracy. There is no lack of well. The great mass of the that nothing extraordinary has standing social affair of the season and perhaps the last world revolution and for social all questions automatically. On solved once and for all. evidence that one of the pri Ukrainian people are dissatis occurred, and were we to coun before America is drawn into the war. All comrades and ism. root and branch. He ac ly a direct and bold posing of the author of the critical ar mary sources of this hostility fied with their national fate and terpose to unpleasant facts fa friends are urged to get ickets immediately and be cuses us of ignoring the inter cne Ukrainian question in the ticle argues that the party lead is the suppression of Ukrainian wish to change it drastically. It miliar abstractions, then we sure to be present. Get a group of your friends together ests of the and of re given concrete circumstances ers hoped to convince the independence. The nationalist is this fact that the revolution could very well surrender to and bring them along. Tickets may be obtained at the treating from the concept of the will facilitate the rallying of masses to stay within the tendencies in the Ukraine ary politician must, in contrast reaction the remaining chances offices at 116 University Place.
permanent revolution. He in petty bourgeois and peasant framework of the Federated erupted violently in 1917 1919. to the bureaucrat and the sec for vengeance in the more or dicte rus geven tristsofthempieces Jugeses imporums the proletariat, Societe Republica Chisince comes The Brother party, expressed parlare take as his point of de lessuiramidova te features able. Unfortunately, he under True enough, our author taken not in the sense of logical wing. The most important indigan of Independent Ukraine as stands nothing at all (the name might object that in Russia pri arguments but in the sense of cation of the success of the Len SECTARIAN ARGUMENTS follows: First the Soviet of this tiny publication, The or to October it was the bour passing through the experience inist policy in the Ukraine was LIKE THOSE OF STALINISTS raine must be freed from the Marxist rings rather ironical seois revolution that unfolded, of economic, political and cul the fusion of the Ukrainian Bol. If our critic were capable of rest of the Soviet Union, then stand assumes such finished. cialist revolution already be itation in favor of centralism tion of the Borotbists. have without much difficulty revolution and unification of the (Continued from Page 1)
almost classical forms as can hind us. demand which might does not of itself carry great in the course of the next dec surmised the arguments of the rest of Ukraine. But how can are not yet ripe. Despite the enable us better and more fully have been progressive in 1917 weight. As has already been ade, however, an actual break stalinists against the slogan of there be a separation without (Continued from Page 1)
dazzling speed at which things Our crític takes as his point reasoning, wholly in the spirit essary departure from central group, whose leaders were sub rates the position of the de: is caught in a vicious circle, bigger army and navy. Their flop, like an anglo French desi days, of departure the following post of bureaucrats and sectarlans, Ism. It must also be added that jected to persecution. The old tense of the Soviet Union. and the slogan of independent support of the arms embargo with Hitler for a drive on Rub tion: If the workers in Soviet is false from beginning to end the very composition of the fed Bolshevik, Skrypnik, a pure disrupts the unity of the revo: Ukraine together with Trotsky which by itself is in any case sia, or a Russian deal with BHUkraine overthrow Stalinism and reestablish a genuine work DEMOCRATIC TASKS TIED beforehand once and for all. suicide in 1933 for his allegedly the interests of revolution but credited. In point of fact this toward the war Is largely a deon Hitler, could not occur withthe swing tain and France for an attack ers state, shall they separate TO SOCIALIST AIMS Depending on objective condi excessive patronage of nation those of imperialism. In other peculiar logie first and vice to quiet their own con out more straws drifting into from the rest of the Soviet The right of national self de tions, a federation may develop a list tendencies. The actual words, the Stalinists would re then only striking ex sciences.
the wind than we have so far 80 on. If the workers over democratic and not a socialist on the contrary, toward greater the Stalinist emissary Posty our author. They will unfalling Our hapless critle has no inkl amount of trouble for Rooseveld further and more extensive They will make certain been shown. That will require throw Stalinism. then we principle. But genuinely demo, independence of its national shev, who thereupon remained ly do so on the morrow.
ling of the fact that historical in the Special Session, but un what to do. But Stalinism and realized in our era only by is not at all a question of wheth ative of the centralist policy, tells the Soviet woman: Inas and then but run parallel to turned on by the administration present belligerents and it will shall be able to see more clear cratic principles are supported component parts. Politically it in the Ukraine as the represent The Kremlin bureaucracy processes may occur not first der the heat which will be tests of strength between the must first be overthrown. And the revolutionary proletariat: iter it is advantageous in gener. Presently, however, Postyshev much as there is socialism in each other, exert influence up, and by the munitions manufac depend in no small measure on in order to achieve this one is for this very reason that they al for various nationalities to Himsent en in disgrace. These our country, you must be happy on each other, speed or retard turers hungry for war profits, the studure course of the primorgrowth of separatist tendencies The resolute strusele on the work of a single state, but rath matic, for they reveal how for suffer the penalty. To the revolutionary politics consists Roosevelt measures will stopal neutrals Italy, Japan, and, above all, the United them a correct political expres self determination of oppressed no a particular nationality has, pressure of the nationalist op as the socialist revolution has mutual action and reaction of It is very probable that States.
The Roosevelt will jam other war tated in the extreme the con ence, found it advantageous to Nowhere did the purges and re is your duty to be happy in the bent or faktin aimed alderen moves besides repeal of the PAT FORMULAS DON quest of power by the proletar. adhere to a given state.
SOLVE CONCRETE TASKS Life Through the racy and enables the proletar propriations. anti Not turning our backs on the revolution had sucked in the two tendencies in the given cirage and mass character as they thought of separation (or face against the Moscow bureaucerms embargo through the SpeSoviet Union, continues the au democratic problems, above all, cumstances gains the ascendandid in the Ukraine.
What does a revolutionist say ian vanguard to rally the peas, bills, and even a national reg social Democrat sedition Eyes of a thor, but its regeneration and the agrarian and national prob. cy in a compromise regime of SIGNIFICANT ATTITUDES to the woman? You will decide the same slogan opens up for draft are by no means exreestablishment as a mighty lems, giving to the Russian rev. a federation the centrifugal or OF UKRAINIANS ABROAD yourself whether you want a Here a chestnut from Algernon Lee, leader of the that is the road of Marxism. The proletariat was already un: en more concretely: Have stal ance is the sharp turn away to abortion against the Kremlin tunity of playing a leading role it cannot be too strongly emThe actual trend of the develop dertaking socialist tasks but it in and his Ukrainian satraps from the Soviet Union of police. To the Ukrainian peo mene matbontand, Kraumian moved phasized that Roosevelt aim tono Social Democratic Federa For my part, deny that tance, of the nationally oppress. this level the peasantry and the Ukrainian masses of the super into the war there is at present in this ed masses, is replaced by our oppressed nations (themselves iority of Moscow centralism will drive the outside the Soviet Union. When me is your attitude toward your Hungary. Both of these political as fast as he can overcome the country any considerable pothe tionary movement forward and reported that inner circles in litical and economic drift best possible roads of develop. were absorbed with solving have they failed? This question aggravated early this year, cialistic sophistries of were not Kremlin police: will support increase the specific weight of Washington are passing around toward fascism. There are ment. With this method) but their democratic tasks.
with far greater logic, one is of decisive importance. Yet communist voices racketeers the slogan: War by Christ a good many Hence flowed the historically our author does not even sus heard at all, but instead the your struggle for independence the proletarian vanguard. To Be Concluded Next Issue) mas!
voice of the Ukrainian clericals with all my might!
might say, Not defending a de inescapable compromises in the pect its existence. some of them may also be and national socialists was loud The sectarian, as so often fanatics) who more or less generated Soviet Union is our agrarian as well as the national enough. This means that the happens, finds himselt siding OUT OF THE openly advocate some brand task, but the victorious world sphere. Despite the economic DO THE UKRAINIANS of fascism. do not think revolution which will transform advantages of large scale agri DESIRE SEPARATION. proletarian vanguard has let with the police, covering up the Do the broad masses of the the Ukrainian national move status quo, that is police vioHORSE MOUTH Join the Socialist the whole world into a World culture, the Soviet government they really have much influThat Morgan Co.
ence. New Leader, Aug.
Soviet Union, etc. Such Aphor was compelled to divide up Ukrainian people wish to sep ment slip out of its hands and lence, by sterile speculation on have been appointed finanWorkers Party 5, 1939.
large estates. Only several arate from the It that this movement has pro the superiority of the socialist isms come cheap cial agents for Great Britain times may statement to the et. able to pass to collective farm ficult to answer this question, also are the moods among the ediy, the separation of the vealed by the Importers The critic repeats several years later was the government might at first sight appear dif gressed far on the road of sep. unification of nations as against fect that the fate of Independing and then it immediately Ukrainian emigres in the North Ukrainian is a liability as com Guide, confidential inforWhat Your Dollar Can Do ent Ukraine is indissolubly leaped too far ahead and found itself compelled, a few years REPUBLICAN American continent. In Canada, pared with a voluntary and mation service, in its latest for instance, where the Ukrainequalitarian socialist federa issue. dollar puts a Socialist Appeal salesman on an imthe peasants in the shape of pri ISOLATIONISM lans compose the bulk of the tion; but it will be an unques Please take notice, it portant street corner for one day.
JUDAS GOAT vate land holdings which in Communist party, there began tionable asset as compared says, that Morgan Five dollars permits free distribution of two hundred many places tend to devour the in 1933, as am informed by a with the bureaucratic strangu Co. have again been appointSocialist Appeals. In the grim tragedy that collective farms. The next prominent participant in the lation of the Ukrainian people. ed financial agents for Great m in favor of the Neuhas come upon us there is Ten dollars puts a full time fleld organizer to work for stages of this contradictory! trality Act except that favmovement, a marked exodus of In order to draw together more Britain and will probably al one week in the anti war campaign.
one ray of hope. Humanity process have not yet been reUkrainian workers and farmers closely and honestly, it is some be appointed for the is not dead. The peoples of or repealing the embargo on solved.
from communism, falling eith times necessary first to separ French government to act in two great nations risk their arms, ammunition and imer into passivity or nationalism ate. Lenin often used to cite the a similar capacity as during own annihilation to help a plements of war. It seems to HAS STALIN CONVINCED of various hues. In their totall fact that the relations between the previous war, which is Anti War Campaign Committee smaller neighbor. Greater THE UKRAINIAN MASSES? me that there is nothing un ty, these symptoms and facts the Norwegian and Swedish indicative that steps have alSocialist Workers Party nobility hath no man than neutral about supplying arms The need for compromise, or Incontestably testify to the workers mproved bec ready been taken to make 116 University Place, to any nation which can buy that he lay down his life for rather for a number of comprogrowing strength of separatist closer after the disruption of possible purchases of all have them, just as his unknown brother. Dear Friends: mises similarly arises in the tendencies among the Ukrain the compulsory unification of commodities in this country new, a higher morality has field of the national question, throughout our country his ian masses.
Sweden and Norway.
by the democratic nations. enclose tory. Senator Robert as a contribution to the anti war taken possession of the de whose paths are no more rectiThis is the basic fact underThe Importers Guide work of the Socialist Workers Party.
mocracies. Ludwig Lore linear than the paths of the agTeft, leading candidate for lying the whole problem. It INDEPENDENCE FOR took for granted that RooseName in his daily column, Behind rarian revolution. The feder the Republican 1940 nominashows that despite the giant UKRAINE IS REVOLUTIONvelt will succeed in wiping the cables. Post, ated structure of the Soviet Retion, as quoted in step forward taken by the Octo ARY SLOGAN out the embargo against Sept. 4, 1939. Address Times, Sept. 5, 1939.
public represents a compromise ber revolution in the domain of We must proceed from facts arms shipments to Europe.
between the centralist require.
national relations, the isolated and not ideal norms. The Therso we