DemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

Why Is Russia Mobilizing?. By Leon Trotsky Not Even the Three Times a Week Kremlin Knows. Socialist Appeal 107 3c a Copy CALLS SPECIAL SESSION TO FORCE VOTE ON WAR MOVES SWP Drive To Get on Ballot Progresses Act of War Seen in His Statement on Defense of Canada LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Moscow mobilizes and everybody asks himself, against whom? But at the present moment even the Kremlin doesn know. One thing is clear: the German Soviet agreement facilsOfficial Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International tated the defeat of Poland, but didn at all guarantee the Soviet Union neutrality. The Polish army proved to be weaker than VOL. III, No. 70 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1939 many supposed. Now in Paris and London, undoubtedly, the people are looking at the German army approach to the Soviet border with interest and without excessive alarm. The friendship of Stálin and Hitler needs distance. The complete defeat of Poland can prove fatal to the German Soviet agreement. Having settled down on the borders of the Ukraine and White Russia, Hitler will propose to Stalin to give a more active character to his new friendship. Simultaneously, he can turn to Paris and London with proposition to give the German army an opportunity to march farther east, will show complete willing ness to bind himself, at the same time, not to raise the question of colonies for twenty five or fifty years (Hitler gladly exchanges time for space. Under the pressure of double blackmail Stalin will have to make a definite choice. In view of this critical moment approach, the Kremlin is mobilizing. In order to maintain both possibilities, the Moscow radio stations are giving news in the Russian language favorable to the Western democracies.
and in the German language favorable to Germany. It is diffi cult to imagine a more symbolic expression of the Kremlin double dealing politics and of Stalin personal character. In what way is this double dealing going to be solved?
Long War Dangerous to Hitler Stalin understands what even ex Kaiser Wilhelm understood: namely, that with a prolonged war Hitler is headed toward a great catastrophe. But the whole question is one of time limits and tempo. On the road to the abyss Hitler can not only crush Poland, but he can give the Soviet Union such blows as to cost the Kremlin oligarchy their heads. And those gentlemen value PRICES their heads above everything. For their salvation they can be compelled to go farther on the road with Hitler than they wanted at the moment the pact was concluded.
DEATHS As an obstacle on this road there is, it is true, the extreme unpopularity among the masses of the alliance with fascism.
Molotov referred to it recently in his latest speech when he compained that the simplified propaganda (that is, the CominReport Good Results tern propaganda of yesterday against fascism) gave birth even Sole Function of Congress Will Be to put in the Soviet Union to discontent with a German Soviet combinaDespite Interference tion. The above mentioned radio news in the Russian language Rubber Stamp on Presidential Decreestestifies to this fact. But Stalin expects to master public opinion Of Tammany in his own country by further purges: the enmity of the Russian Repeal of Arms Embargo Certain workers and peasants, unlike the enmity of Hitler, is not yet armed. Thus, having started as Hitler quartermaster, Stalin can become his half prisoner and ally.
NEW YORK CITY, Sept. 13 Despite orders from Tammany Is a New Turn Possible?
ward heelers to their support Having stacked all the cards, in open defiance of law, the But can the Kremlin complete a new sharp turn, breaking ers to block the anti war camConstitution and the will of the people, by his decree declarthe Soviet German agreement and throwing itself at the last paign of the Socialist Workers ing a limited state of national emergency and by his unmoment against Hitler? For this there would be necessary, of Party and prevent it from ob course, serious military successes by France and England in the taining the number of signaparalleled proclamation that the United States will defend next period, plus a radical change of the neutrality law in the tures necessary to place candiUnited States. But the Kremlin would hardly enter an open war dates Max Shachtman of the Canada in its war against Germany, Franklin Roosevelt on against Hitler even in this case. However, the concentration of Bronx ad George Lyman Paine Wednesday summoned the Special Session of Congress to significant forces on the western border would permit Stalin to of Manhattan on the ballot for the coming Councilmanic elecreject Hitler absolutely inevitable new demands.
meet on September 21st.
To connect the question of the direction of Moscow politics tipus, canvassers report steady The war mongering Roosevelt administration, rushing with the ideas of the international working class, with the tasks progress in filling out the nomheadlong toward direct military intervention, has decided not of socialism, with the principles of democracy, et cetera, can nating petitions.
only be by completely ignorant babblers or by paid agents In the Bronx yesterday 300 merely to deprive the people of any voice on the issue of the mined by the ruling oligarchy struggle for self preservation than an hour and a half by can war. Following the example of the totalitarian democrats of The Kremlin choice of roads will be determined by the mate Vassers of the Bronx branch.
the soBritain and France, Roosevelt rial interrelation of forces of both camps and by the march of People not members military operations in the next weeks. It is better not to say the cialist Workers Party but sympathetic to its anti war camis determined also to reduce choice of roads. but the direction of the next zig zag.
paign, reports Max Mont, orCongress to the function of LEON TROTSKY ganizer of the Bronx branch, approving steps which have Coyoacan, are giving the most encouragSeptember 11, 1939 ing help in order to insure the appearance of Max Shachtman ecutive decree.
on the e ballot in their borough of the Bronx.
ter is stateNeedle Trades Respond Manifesto In Manhattan the workers in ment on the defense of Canathe needles trades Industry are da is an act of war. Canada By GEORGE STERN giving the campaign a particuDelegates at Seven has declared war against Germany. Roosevelt has notified Stalin has moved more than only against adversaries wholarly warm welcome. They are State Meet Oppose the world that the armed forces a million troops to the Polish are helpless. He may use his familiar with the successful anof the United States will defend and Rumanian frontiers and bayonets against the Polish ref tfascist drives of the Socialist War Plans Canada against its declared the whole world is wondering ugees who seek haven in his workers Party at Madison why.
domain, but this column guess Square Garden on February 20 enemy. By such a move, Roosevelt drops even the pretense of The black line of the Nazi ad is that when the German troops and in Union Square on August vance through Poland is mov. each the first Russian outposts 19 when the Coughlinites threat PITTSBURGH, Sept. 10 Del(Special to the Socialist Appeal) neutrality, ing like lava across the land. It they will more likely be greeted ened an invasion. Canvassers egates from CIO WPA unions in By what right, by what auhas already submerged the in with respectful salutes and con for George Lyman Paine report seven states met here over the thority, does Roosevelt usurp weekend, at the call of the States to war?
the power to commit the United dustrial heart of Poland and at gratulations for the speedy and that those who sign the nominto the bellicose snarl of the beast excited by United Project Workers OrganBefore even a generation has passed, Eu this writing the Germans are efficient completion of the drive pathetically on the streets when rope is again at war! The imperialist beasts the odor of blood and carnage. The state of Izing Committee of the CIO, to emergency already decreed in the United take steps to set up a perman. the country into the war within Roosevelt Strategy Plain skirts of Lwow, capital of the With the conquest of Poland, they chance to meet later, and are at large again, anxious to devour, in their Roosevelt campaign to rush States creates the necessary conditions for ent International Union of WPA Polish Ukraine, only 100 miles Hitler will have other means of lend band in securing more greedy ferocity, all the riches of civilization and all of humanity itself. This once more consnuffing out in advance every critical voice, and Project Workers.
from the Soviet frontier. What keeping his new axis partner in signatures.
the shortest possible time is Silent firms the precision of the Leninist description is going to happen when the a state of perpetual trepidation.
every manifestation of distrust of the militarAnti Roosevelt Resolutions in scurts steaming up against It is no accident that precisely ence on the part of leaders of tions.
Meanwhile the policy of sil of our epoch as the epoch of wars and revolumoving fast and straight toward ist and pro war policy of Washington, New astronomical sums are being swallowed up in nificant resolutions opposing plainer every day.
The conference adopted sig its goal. His strategy becomes Stalin borders?
at this time reports are reap(Continued on Page 2) The Anglo Franco Polish imperialist bandits Trotsky says he does not be pearing concerning the activity Roosevelt war plans and deon the one hand, and the German Imperialist During the first two weeks, lieve the Kremlin itself is sure of nationalist propagandists bandits on the other, are however, only the night and day, the war profiteers are already persecution of the Minneapolis sovernment, he lines up the of the answer to this question. among the people of the Polish outposts of the world catastrophe that has al licking their chops in expectation of the profits WPA strikers.
The only certain thing we have Ukraine. If the Nazi Soviet pact ready begun. All of humanity stands on the they will draw from the slaughter of millions United States on the side of Anto go on is Stalin fearful de did contain secret provisions brink of the abyss. Nothing can save us from of men. The power of anti democratic repres tp Murray. CIO vice president, same time, his subordinates Called at the initiative of Phil glo French imperialism. At the termination not to let himself for parceiling out Poland. Hitdestruction and a return to savage bestiality be drawn into a war that he ler will be handing over to his except the revolt of the peoples against their knows will mean his end and friend in the Kremlin a heavilygeneral staff prepares to call a million men to the conference with 35 dele start a howling war mongering capitalist governments.
the end of his ruling clique. charged bomb. Resurgent Ukthe flag immediately, while awaiting the trans gates from Pennsylvania, Ala campaign throughout the coun No part of the world will be spared by the try.
Stalin union with Hitler was a rainian nationalism can and formation of Latin America into a source of bama, Maryland, Illinois, Michwar. Mussolini stands on guard, awaiting the Rubber Stamp Congress shotgun wedding and is conse will have consequences just as supplies and a barracks at the exclusive serv igan, West Virginia and Ohio, development of the situation and weighing the ice of Yankee imperialism.
representing steel, coal, rubber Then, with the fondamental quently destined to be neither explosive for Hitler as for Stalprice offered him by the Anglo French capl Roosevelt Gives Orders to and auto areas may possibly direction toward the war estabblissful nor long lived. That is in, but Hitler whole daring mean that John Lewis is pre lished in advance, he calls Conwhy the approach of Hitler strategy is based upon playing By WILLIAM SIMMONS talists on one side and the German capitalists on the other for the sale of the Italian people.
paring to wipe out the workers gress together to rubber stamp hordes to the Russian frontier with dynamite, a game in CHICAGO Ever since the As always, the Balkan peoples will be the canLatin America has the whole world guessing. which stalin cannot afford to Packinghouse Workers Organiz non fodder of the big imperialist powers.
Washington is already calling the govern Alliance in an anti Stalinist of the moves already taken and to ments of Latin America together at Panama make the next giant steps.
frightened bride golns to be Stalin has strangled the Sovi. headed by Van Bittner, present. Roosevelt Will Plunge Us into War to dictate to them what shall be their conduct that the Cio national council and will get from Congress reThe conference recommended and particularm he demands Only those who wish to deceive themselves is he going to begin, even at smouldering hatred of the Uk. Labor in Washington, it has will be deceived: there is not a corner on the ama Conference is the continuation of the com set up a nation wide WPA or peal of the arms embargo. The this early date, to show her who rainian peasantry. Any fuse been clear that further moves surface of the globe that will be spared by the edy of Lima, Authorized by the so called Sanization as an international Senate isolationists, led by Bor.
ah, feeling the pressure of the is master in this charnel house? touched off in the Polish Uk in negotiations with the packers war. The assurances of peace by the United Declaration of Lima, the Yankee imperial charter local bodies.
ists are taking the first steps in the mobilize the WPA and Unemployed Aux ple, announce that they will One guess is that Hitler will raine will reach charges laid would be more closely related States can fool no one, America, whether it be Genora Johnson, representing anti war sentiments of the peokeep right on marching. But if deep in the Soviet Ukraine by to the clean atmosphere of the North, Central or South, is not a world apart.
tion of the oppressed people of Latin America iliary of the UAW CIO of Flint, fight to retain the embargo he does he will greatly oblige Stalin himself. The spectre of national administration build Roosevelt cynically lies, and the puppet govAlready the watch dogs of the imperialists, Michigan, led the fight for a Borah expressed the entirely the French and British borone, an independend, tintedeutkraine teisele on the stock surelding resten menetes tiheyatissemenien els booster master their most faithful lackeys in the mass move: militant anti war stand, and correct belief that repeal of the There will be plenty of Hitler undoubtedly haunts the Krem Unfortunately for the young sphere isn Europe but is a continent of peace ments, begin to yelp. Such a watch dog is Lom succeeded in carrying the reso embargo, coupled with the Age ministration general conduct bardo Toledano, in Mexico, who cynically ap lutions unanimously.
Stalin double crossing before lin these uneasy nights. That union, it has thereby also per and democracy.
peals to the Latin American masses to support Oppose Armaments of foreign relations, will inev the world sees daylight, but it may be why Stalin has sent a mitted itself to be maneuvered It is not true. The Yankee imperialist sharp is not likely to take the form of million men to the border and onto weaker ground. Its ens his teeth, feverishly prepares his weapons Roosevelt war policy and the democratic Supplementing the general itably bring us into the war. Soviet German clash at this that may also be why Hitler strength lies in the yards. There and awaits only the opportune moment to stage of the game. Hitler won greets this move with evident the workers feel the pinch of throw himself into the fight to overcome all Co. oppressors of the enslaved peoples of In it life by attacking armament Nevertheless, any reliance on dia. of Indo China, of the five continents.
appropriations, a resolution on the isolationists to block Roosechoose this path because for the satisfaction.
their mounting grievances, and his rivals. The whole world will then be but flood control demanded that velt war moves would be utotime being he has too much to For a double cross on a they have shown on more than single red hot furnace. The fire will extend Pacifists Serve the imperialists Congress appropriate funds plan. The isolationists rain from Soviet peutrality. grander scale by either party one occasion that one ounce of from Europe to Asia, from Alaska to Pata In this tragic hour, when guns are deciding. not for armaments for the de themselves patriots of the first Stalin certainly won choose to this unholy union, conditions action brings quicker results gonia the humanitarian verblage of the pacifists is struction of life, but for flood water, advocates of an ever boonuse he willingly tights (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) Roosevelt will change his democratic smile (Continued on Page Continped on Page Continued from Page 2)
CIO JOBLESS UNION FORMED been taken beforehand by exAT CONFERENCE e The plain fact of the matBehind the Lines To the Oppressed Peoples of Latin America, Asia, Africa!
Es manufacture more engines of destruction Bouncing the a Paministrations by his own acts as head of the PACKINGHOUSE WORKERS WANT ACTION POLICY are