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All Is Not Milk and Honey for the Their Highly Paid Building Workers Government Conspiracy of Silence The Special Session SOCIALIST APPEAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1939 ti war sentiments of the masses.
SOCIALIST APPEAL We must act now if we are to defeat his Vol. II, No. 69 September 13, 1989 plans!
By James Burnham Published race a week by the In the shops and factories, in the unions and SOCIALIST KT PEAL. PUBLISHING ASS fraternal organizations, in the streets, wherever at 116 University Place, New York, NY.
Telephone: Leonquin 8117 workers discuss the question of war in a word. Published three times a week beginning Sept. 9)
everywhere we must clearly expose his real The Facts show that the Average Weekly Income of these Subscriptions: 00 per year: 31. 00 for six months. For aims.
ein: 33. 00 per year. 50 for six months, Bundle orders Above all, the trade unions must formulate Labor Aristocrats is 11 Vigilant Unionism Is Their cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single copios: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 1, 50 for six their own proposals the special session of Sole Defense against Being Bled White by Banker Boss Roosevelt is back on top of the heap. When he nonths: 33. 00 for one year.
Congress. The progressives must demand that realized that his internal policy was hopeless, that!
Rentered to be under the act of Warch the unions act against Roosevelt war moves as second class matter 16. By RUTH JEFFREY families must be fed, clothed ing them to death were the it was collapsing miserably, he gambled his entire now. Say, those union building and housed, however, not 161 wage scale ten times its presstake on the war. And he won.
workers striking for an hour days in the year, but 365.
When he brings together his special session of ent amount. We do not know Congress, he will resume the command that he lost Editor: MAX SHACHTMAX Against the lifting of the embargo.
on WPA don get my sym It is a matter of record, now employers, having asAssociate Editor MANUEL GARRETT in July. He will call the tune, and a big majority Against increased military appropriations. Bathy that makes so boran do though that in the very best sumed the role and functions of FELIX MORROW will swing into the dance. Full speed ahead toward General Manager: Assistant Manager: Not a cent, not a man for Roosevelt imperialist some week in 1980. lawer, and years of building activity, be employers, can deny their re the warne MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY war.
700, it better to be a brick tion workers averaged not There is no longer a place But let us hope that no one will be so sinaple as For a peoples referendum before the United layer!
to imagine that this will mean a revival of the Nex We have all heard remarks during the year.
Taore than 100 days of work on the job for the worker who Deal. It will not be the dead Roosevelt of the dead attains an average rate of FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST States can enter any war.
like these in the recent weeks But these are not years of speed: only the fastest are able New Deal who takes the helm, but the Roosevelt of the War Deal. And the War Deal will hand out WORKERS PARTY FOR: Against the dictatorial Industrial Mobilization serve the prevalence wagen prosperity. Thomas Muraleem up with the pace set short shrift to those who try to remind It of the old Plan. Job and a decent living for every worker.
WPA construction jobs. So Building and Construction the union brief referred to promises of reform and the more abundant Against all anti alien and criminal syndicalist many people have in their Irades Council of New York, above, the output per worker life. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control, laws.
The aim of the War Deal, on a world scale, ts to bring the United States into the war in such a tocracy fattening in the midst sion descended ten years ago. In Industry increased approxl Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works For the defense and extension of all the demo of the depression. Yet, we workers have been considering mately 43 per cent. The depres.
way that American imperialism will dictate the and housing program.
cratic rights of the people.
war, settlement. Internally, the aim of the War Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage For the immediate national independence of unemployee painter, update tere days of employment during the frenzted effort to step up tur Deal is, in the shortest possible time, to fasten on 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on unemployed plasterer. year.
the people of the United States a totalitarian milther and more rapidly the outall Jobs.
Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaii. plumber, stone worker.
itary dictatorship dictatorship which will never For the repeal of the Woodrum WPA wage truth about the ages of bulld would then appear, has been IRRESPONSIBLE BANKS Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability It is time to get down to the The aristocracy of labor, it put per man.
be lifted so long as American imperialism sur vives.
cutting Act.
ing and construction workers. subsisting for ten years now BLEED THE WORKERS That will be the reward to the American people Expropriate the Sixty Families.
For a twenty billion dollar housing program. Let us review the facts and the income of 11 per week! During highly revealing union docuWe quote further from this for dying in the crusade against Hitler abroad: All war funds to the unemployed.
totalitarian dictatorship at home.
Roosevelt has his program for the special sesthe 1933 depths of the depresment: Unions estimate the total people referendum on any and all wars.
sion: a pro war program. Labor must launch its number of days it is possible sion, according to unfon rec Interest rates and multiple Roosevelt on Easy Street No secret diplomacy.
own program against Roosevelt. Stop Roosevelt! for a building worker to work ords, this figure fell to 50 And these averages, as the bonding and financing charges It is certain that Roosevelt plans to send this 10. An Independent Labor Party That must be the watch word of the labor move rived at through the following Bricklayers, Masons and Plas add burdens to the industry.
country into the war well before the party conven11. Workers Defense Guards against vigliante ment in the fight against war.
table, compiled on the basis of terers International Union put which seems to know as a tions next Spring. If he succeeds, he takes it for their own actual experience: and Fascist attacks it. In a recent arbitration pro. means of economy only the angranted that his nomination for a third term (and Total no. of days a year 365 ceeding. are tricky things too. clent device of cutting wages.
12. Full soolal, political and economic equality his 365 For while there is an average the whole suhdekeze musy while him? He will be able to take chief personal credit No. of Sundays for the Negro people.
313 erage: and many of our mem the possessors of wealth retain for his anticipations.
Holidays by agreement bers have been at the absolute all the avenues of gain.
Roosevelt is the leading, and most skillful warxero point below the average, Thus is outlined actual monger in the United States. There is, in fact, sub Roosevelt by executive order, without consul306 with no income whatever from situation in the construction instantial reason to believe that Roosevelt march tation of Congress, has just enormously expand Saturdays not worked 52 the Industry that has claimed dustry. Union standards must toward the war is considerably faster than that detheir services and that contin be defended militantly, for they President Roosevelt has announced that he ed the personnel of the Federal Bureau of Invessired by the Sixty Families themselves, and by the ually demands that they be are the only factors in the eneconomic needs of American imperialism. The Sixwill call a special session of Congress, probably tigation.
Rainy days (13 yr. period) 32 available for peak operations tire industry which protect the ty Families would like a maximum interval for for October What use will these secret service agents be to be stuck on the walls as workers from being bled completely white war time super profits under conditions of formal 222 thick as they ll stick.
by the ruler neutrality. with direct military intervention de Why has he waited so long to take the step put to?
Cold days (43 yr. period) 19 THE INDUSTRY MUST banks which control financing.
layed until the decisive last stages of the war.
which he promised months ago to take as soon as An answer is provided by what has been hapSUPPORT ITS WORKERS real estate and the supply and Then, with all the European powers exhausted.
construction companies, and war in Europe is certain. they could make sure that victory would guaranpening in Minneapolis. FBI agents by the score it adds, defending itself which for years have organized tee not merely the crushing of Germany which is The reasons are crystal clear.
were sent there by Attorney General Murphy Aver, no. days consumed looking for work.
against a wage attack by the attacks upon wage standards.
only one part of the purpose of the Sixty Familles Roosevelt knows that the American people during the recent WPA strike. Disguised as Master Builders Association of the entire labor movement in the war but firm dominance over their allies the bosses. The employers must be kept alive to the dan as well. American imperialism does not want any are emphatically opposed to this country in pickets, they mingled with the strikers in other may relate these wages to the ser facing this group of unionvolvement in the war, and that if Congress had words, they played the role of political police, Avertedlys sickness or ab man hours spent on the job. ized workers, who are under atvictors in this war except itsel.
But all of Roosevelt actions since his Chicago been called as originally scheduled, this sentiment agents provocateur and, acting on Roosevelt we relate them to the men tack both by Congress, and by address of October, 1937, prove that he is imp called into industry by the the Attorney General office would have found expression even if in inade You can strike against the government, pretient for the role of war lord, that he wants to beAver. no. days lost waiting employers and we deny tha: which calls them a trust re. come world leader from the outset and, in the quate and distorted form.
pared cases against the strikers. These FBI agthere is any other just rela straining trade. The New for material and delays vion.
process, save his own political carcass from being Deal must not be permitted to Therefore his aim first to whip up sentiment ents were the chief witnesses before a Federal caused by employers thrown into discard. No plea of poverty among succeed in its drive to aid the It is reported on good authority that one big fao and forces for his pro war plans, and then to grand jury, convened on Murphy orders, which employers, the union states, banks in smashing union wage tor in Great Britain decision have Congress act as a a rubber stamp.
indicted 103 strikers under a Relief Law proviprecipitate war 161 can erase the staggering and scales in the construction inWHAT BUILDING WORKERS condemning fact that this industry. Support of the WPA this autumn was the fact that Roosevelt was entering the last year of his second term of office, and He knows that the overwhelming majority of sion prohibiting interference with ACTUALLY EARN dustry is starving our members strike for the prevailing wage without a war, would have had little chance for a the masses are in favor of a peoples referendum workers.
Bullding workers and their to death and would be starv must not be relaxed.
third term. Though Great Britain would in any before the United States can engage in war. Older workers remember the notorious strikecase have counted on aid, it would not have been so sure of enormous and rapid aid from anTherefore he seeks to defeat that popular de breaking role of the FBI during and after the other President.
mand by shouting for national unity in sup last war. Under Attorney General Stone that was Everyone is so convinced of Roosevelt intenport of his war program. this is no time for supposed to have been ended. Now we discover tions that his declaration of the embargo required dissension. He is moving heaven and earth to that under Murphy the FBI has again become a by the Neutrality Act had not the slightest dampening effect on the rise of the war baby stocks, limit debate at the special session by prior agree political police an anti labor body.
or the stepped up speed of production of military ment.
If these facts were generally known, the enplanes for export. Roosevelt proposes, everyone knows, to transform large sections of American in.
He knows that, if he succeeds in getting this tire labor movement would be alarmed at Roose(Continued from Page 1)
country into the war, democratic rights and the velt expansion of the FBI.
two proposals, without mention endum.
dustry into a base of supplies for England and France which will be free of the risk of German inadequate social legislation of the last few years Were Negroes Consulted?
But the facts are not known. The govern figures.
To be sure, this is still that they have evoked different cent, according to the Gallup ing that they are different and bombers. 4) The figures given by the the National Labor Relations Act, the Hours ment extraordinary prosecutions in Minneapo a majority of the people, but line ups even in the past. Institute on regional distribu The Forgotten Man again Forgotten and Wages Act, etc. will be destroyed by the lis have not been reported nationally in the press the Gallup news release (New Objections Don Apply dictatorial Industrial Mobilization Plans. 2) The significance of this questions. The principal factor Meanwhile, WPA dismissals are still continuing: Even the defense of the Minneapolis prisoners York Times, September 10) emthe rolls are down below 2, 000, 000 now. It is no Therefore he unleashes campaign against by William Green, president of the AFL, in phasizes the decline in the vote. sleight of hand is easily demon in driving the vote for the prostrated.
doubt unpatriotic to mention such details when ev sabotage, espionage, and subversive activities Duluth on Labor Day, was not carried by the (1) The question which was mentioned that the strongest Here, 63 percent were against eryone should be practising up for the trenches.
to pave ihe way for the coming reactionary press services. posed in the latest survey was argument given by those op the referendum idea and only still worse, imagine, to recall that, according to the record, it is not Hitler who has thrown 1, 500, worded as follows: Should the posed to the proposal, among 37 percent for. This is way out measures against labor.
Here is a significant instance of how the kept Constitution be changed to re the people who were canvassed of line with the other regions. 000 WPA workers into the streets in less than a year.
He knows that the masses are looking to the press is working hand in hand with Roosevelt quire a national vote before was that such a vote would while the Institute has made no How convenient for Roosevelt, this war! Here is special session for larger appropr for in putting over his preparations for war dic Congress could draft men for consume valuable time in a statement on its methods of war overseas?
period of crisis. From the sampling the Southern popula your blanket cure all; no more talk is in order now lief, for re establishment of the union wage on tatorship.
Although neither the Gallup point of view of the average tion, one may wonder whether about unemployment and starvation and misery WPA, for actions against the Wall Street profinews release nor the Times man, this objection has many they are like the southern and wretched houses and mounting debts and teers and speculators comments gives the slightest times more validity as an argu states methods in handling taxes. And here is your ticket for an express ride How indication to the contrary, this ment against a referendum on electoral votes, to a third term.
Therefore he seeks to confine the business of question is NOT the Ludlow the draft after the was al weight was given to the Negro It is unutterably tragic that even a single worker proposal for war referendum ready in the war, than as an population in the South, and the bercevelt war plans and his war to come. By he can defeat Hitlerism by supporting steps: increased war appropriations and to lift but DIFFERENT proposal. objection to a referendum on sharecroppers? Or are we to William Philip Simms, Scripps Howard For The Ludlow resolution calls for whether the should enter believe that the Southern Neg such support we only strengthen Hitler at home, the embargo on arms, implements of war and eign Editor, is authority for the statement that a national vote before the the war at all. Obviously, once roes are more inclined to trust since he can then prove to the German workers that they are deserted by their brothers in other Gallup question asks about counts for drafting them are and France.
nations who fight to defend the colonies and profits vote on the draft, assuming the war machine, but the same the white workers in the North? of their own Imperialisms. And in this country, Roosevelt insidious scheme to drag the lapsed. In a Sept. dispatch he writes: that the is already the reasoning would not apply to The region with the next high by such support we give a free hand to reaction. Advices from Paris reveal that the French United States into the war is enthusiastically war.
the vote on whether we should est percentage of anti referen we necessarily abandon all struggle for jobs and Says the news release: The enter the war.
dum votes is given as the West, decent living conditions, and we accept in advance supported by the press from the Hearst papers Communist Party has been virtually destroyed. are now question itself is based on the (3) The question itself is a traditionally, a region of isola the totalitarian dictatorship which Roosevelt subJohnson made this amendment be necessary England gave returns more fav Resources Board have prepared to the last item.
Like Woodrow Wilson in 1916, Roosevelt ist party, but there is doubt that even this is proposal for a vote on the draft to put the Ludlow resolution in orable to the referendum pro By such support we make certain the victory, not as a substitute for a vote on en to effect, IT WOULD NOT BE posal.
of Hitler perhaps, but of Hitlerism, throughout the cloaks his pro war moves by public avowals for possible.
tering war, which he opposed. NEEDED FOR NATIONAL If Dr. Gallup has enlisted in world. peace and neutrality. while secretly taking More than 50 per cent of the party member Representative Ham Fish was VOTE ON THE DRAFT. The the War Board propaganda Roosevelt call for national unity in the criactions to involve the country in the war at the ship resigned during the first five days following another who counterposed the Constitution specifically puts section (and we cannot doubt sis, it has never been so important to reply: moment when it would best serve the interests of the formation of the Berlin Moscow axis, in draft referendum to a war ret the war making power in the that they would appreciate his Against the national unity of the imperialists! For unity of the working class in uncompromising class big business.
cluding approximately half of the Communist lease and the Times blandly decision by the Congress is ing as an impartial recorder of struggle against Roosevelt and his war and his ro Above all, he seeks to destroy the genuine an members of the Chamber of Deputies. compare the percentages on the enough to effect a draft refer the public pulse.
22 11 Has the Gallup Poll Become Part Of War Propaganda Machine?
much the special session exclusively to two pro war The French to the Daily Worker the radio, and the pulpit considering formation of a National Commun proposal of General Hugh John Skend white would teations, tinglande entien etur ne mendore dhe vet er en te onders Morgan por el ele the use what MASS MEETING Tuesday, Sept. 19, 8:30 EUROPE IN FLAMES Irving Plaza, Irving Place at 15th St.
Albert Goldman, Recently Returned from Europe, Will Speak Irving Plaza, Irving Place at 15th St.
Eyewitness Report of War Torn Europe Auspices: Local New York, Socialist Workers Party, Fourth International. 116 University Place, Admission 25c