BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

man comrades of yesterday as achieved by the imperialist tore concentrated on getting terview with Premier de Vai serve as a fine example to Europe.
They are tions.
By DWIGHT MACDONALD By JOHNSON, It is worth paying some attention to President Roosevelt letter of Sept. explaining why he was cancelling his radio adExpose the Hypocrisy dress on Democratic Women Day. week ago, he wrote, The Negro and the War By JOSEPH CARTER home! Liebknecht declared in conference of anti war social IV In the early days of the First opposition to the social imper ists at Zimmerwald in Septem Of Britain Concern our Democratic women. But the events of the past few days ber of the same year.
All of us know how Negroes suffer in America. But World War only a few isolated lists: But in the first months of the The left wing at the conferrender it imperative that every utterance of mine in these days With Democracy you have to go to Africa to see how brutally the democ voices were anised against the war only a handful followed ence, grouped around Lenin, inof tension be addressed to all of our citizens, regardless of sex, age or political affiliation. We must all stand together in a firm racies treat Negroes. In South Africa, a Negro cannot lighting workers in the interest sisted that opposition to the war resolve to bear witness before all nations to our unshaken paeven lay a stamp in the same place where a white man buys of their exploiters at home.
must be expressed in explicit LENIN AND TROTSKY preparations for revolutionary Exposing the fraudulenttriotism. Our plain duty now is to fulfill our obligation to The powerful socialist parties AGAINST THE STREAM one. There is a special window for him even in the post action as the way out, and for claim that British imperialism the nation, regardless of political or partisan considerations.
and trade unions became war Alone also were the socialist an immediate split with those of Poland, the Irish American tional interests coming before any petty partisan concerns.
This is more than the usual star spangled stuff about naoffice. He lives in a part of the town that is marked off for him, and he cannot leave there after nine o clock with Belclum Shouted the British viev, and Trotsky, swimming were there supported the press is urging opposition to it is the most dramatic expression of a new major tendency in out a pass signed by a white man. Any white man, any turn coats as they rallied the against the current of reaction; pro war socialists.
American involvement in the American political strategy.
toilers behind the Union Jack. analysing the causes of the dirty drunkard of an Englishman or a Boer, can sign a In issuing a formal invitation to Republican leaders to confer For national defense. cried war: denouncing the ruling wing thought that the differ pressed in the current issues of with him on current state affairs. Governor Lehman of New Those who opposed the left European war. This view. expass for a sober, self respecting, hard working Negro. But the French any Negro who is caught out of the Negro district after Against Kalserism and for de governments: attacking the so ists and their allies were tem American, and the Irish Echo, time be outlawed. propose a truce on politics. Political nine o clock without his passes will be locked up by the first mocracy rame the appeal of cialists of yesterday who now porary, and would be overcome expresses the sentiments of the parties should combine their efforts for the good of the nation.
policeman who stops him. There are not ten colored doctors ism as they supported the Tsar Warning the workers against be peace was e Batin estab. Prisen people in this country the Addressing the heads of the National Youth Administration, Mayor LaGuardia expresses the hope that the youth of America in the Union of South Africa where over seven million ist armies Against barbaric those who declared that a truly socialist revolutions would deTsarism. replied their Gerdemocratic Peace could bevelop during the war and thereAttack de Valera would remain calm and serene in these stormy times and Negroes live, and the imperialists have been there for 400 Commenting on a recent in would join in the movement for national unity, which would years. That is the culture and civilization they give to the they prostituted themselves to powersOnly the overthrowest the belligerent powers to adopera, the Sept. Gaelic AmerThe President of the Chamber of Commerce talks of Africans in South Africa. goodwill and great tolerance as prime requisites for this In Kenya more than five people cannot meet without In a word, in each country of power by the working class. democratie peace terms.
constantly reiterated. LENIN BECOMES LEADER Evidently de Valera be crucial time.
police permission. One day six of them went home after fended the imperialist war in could bring lasting peace by OF ANTI WAR FORCES lieves that England is a break. EVEN DIES JOINS church for a cup of tea. In comes a policeman. One, two, the name of democracy and so destroying capitalism and es Lenin position was support water against the Continent and NATIONAL UNITY ed by only a minority at the if he gets his way, he will inthree, four, five, six. This is sedition. You are under ar powerful, impressive and effecAs dark and hopeless as the Zimmerwald Conference.
But volve his country in the war to even spread to the Dles Committee.
When one unregenerate rest. They were taken to jail and the next day fined. Every tive. Could anything be done to situation appeared, they had when the second conference make the world sate for por member the other day tried to infer from Browder testimony working African in Kenya is fingerprinted and must carry night against the tidal wave of faith in the recuperative pow. was held at Klenthal in April, lish imperialism. He has prob: that the New Deal was Communistic.
one of his colleagues the print around with him wherever he goes. Caught with treachery and chauvinistic hysers of the working class, cer 1916, his program had made ably made a secret agreement angrily rebuked him for playing cheap politics. And Chairman teria?
tain that once the masses such headway that the official with England without consult Dies actually took some pains to lead Gitlow to admit that neithout it, he is sent to jail. Wages in Rhodesia and Kenya learned from the frightful ex resolution of the conference ex ing the Irish people. The younger William Green nor John Lewis is a Communist.
FurtherTHE FIRST ANTI WAR are sometimes four, sometimes ten cents a day. Negro is FORCES APPEAR periences of the war itself that plicitly condemned the social men of Ireland, at least the ma. more Mr. Dies asserted that the committee did not want any no more than a dog to these people. And this is under the In little Serbia, the Socialist would turn on their old leaders cialists. and the social paci. line up on the side of their cen the cIo were Communist or Communist dominated organizarule of the great democratic countries, Britain, France deputies Laptchevitch and adn conduct revolutionary fists (those who taught that turles old enemy and Belgium. James Ford is a dirty traitor to tell Negroes Katzerovitch exposed the lying struggle to end the war. peace could be achieved by the more likely to embrace Eng All this means that when an imperialist nation like the that they must go to war for the democracies for the talk of national defense, proved They were called hopeless imperialist powers through dis land difficulty as Ireland benefit of civilization. Aren Negroes part of civilization? the hands of the Alled powers, ther to the thought, insane fan tion and democratization of Ireland hopes and prays that hostilities on the class war front at home. Any sort of political that Serbia was but a pawn in dreamers whose wish was fa armament, compulsory arbitra opportunity. Every friend of United States prepares to go to a war, the first thing that must How did the democratic of Africa? They got it as Hitler got Austria and Czecho war credits or support the war. World of their own imagination, called for revolutionary action safeguard her relentless en the door crack for a workingclass attack on the status quo.
Hitler lied, made promises and broke them, bribed the Independent Labor Party the war by socialist revolution?
In England, four members of handful of people will stop as the only way to end the war. emy.
The Sept. Irish Echo re. Hence the bourgeois politicians try to establish a sort of moral and sent armies to massacre all who resisted. In exactly voted against the war in the No. replied the international by the German group of of Lieb prints the cablegram sent by disarmament of all politicians, especially those with labor folthe same way, these great democracies robbed the Afri House of Commons, while 38 ists, the masses will make the knecht and Luxemburg. One the Northern Council for Unity. lowing. truce in the class war is the required condition of a cans of country after country and hold them in chains. And representatives of the Labor revolution.
Our duty is to point month after Klenthal, Lieb held in Belfast several days by declaration of war abroad.
the road, utilize the experiences knecht spoke at a mass May fore the outbreak of the war. THE STRATEGY OF now Roosevelt, Browder, and Ford tell Negroes that they In Russia, the fourteen social of the workers patiently to ex. Day rally in Berlin. Down calling upon President Roose DISARMING LABOR must all get together with the great democracies and ist deputies in the Tsarist Du. plain to them the meaning of with the war. he shouted. velt for assistance against Bri There are two main aspects to this strategy.
On the one hand, the forces of labor are crushed, gagged, or shed their blood. Shed it for what? To win back their. refused to vote war credits or they must employ at each stage his slogan echoed throughout Great Britain still holds six persuaded to keep silent. The Dles Committee new found concountry? To live as free men? Not at all. But to go and support the war.
of development.
the country by means of illegal countles of Ireland by force and cern for the good names of William Green and John Lewis help Britain and France fight against Hitler and Musso In Germany, the small antileaflets, pamphlets and papers. allows a tyranny to prevail here simply means that the Congressional reactionaries are beginStrikes began to break out in over the native population un ning to see the trade union bureaucrats as, potentially, a means lini about Danzig and the Polish corridor, and who should war forces assembled around ANTI WAR FORCES Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Lux GATHER TOGETHER country after country: reports equalled in Europe today. The of easing the American workingclass into the coming war, just dominate the Chinese and Latin American markets, and The anti war socialists reas of fraternization of soldiers Irish race counts on your assis Lieburecht Decembereichstag semblea Sloway their ranks. In both sides as they thus served in the last war. The iron hand concealed in who should dominate Africa.
began to seep tance to have this ageression the velvet glove of persuasion has already made itself felt. The electrified the world by his elo March, 1915 an International through the censored press. In ended, reads the appeal.
Remember what they Did in 1914 as a robber struggle between was held at Berne, Switzerland. men were sentenced for acts of pect Roosevelt to help the Irish cy that the Department of Justice is to take on a number of quert denunciation of the war Socialist Women Conference England, for example, army The Irish of course do not excratic women, he announced, in his decree of limited emergenThese imperialist bandits encouraged workers to fight in the two groups of powers. In In the same city, in April the sedition and mutiny: in 1916, people, As the Echo comments: extra men to help combat subversive activity.
the last war with the same talk about democracy, freedom defiance of party discipline, he International Conference of So 60: 1917, 221: 1918, 676, accord He may not see fit to request There can be little doubt that, as the war crisis sharpens and civilization. But after defeating Germany, Britain, answered the roll call vote on cialist Youth took place. Bothing to the official reports. England to cease her aggres over here, the Administration intends to crack down more and adopted clear THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION sion in Ireland, a thing which more widely on any sort of labor and left wing opposition to its France and Belgium simply took over the German colonies NO! One man against the statements against the war but BLAZES THE TRAIL and continued to treat the Negroes as before. Now they German Empire and the Social were vague on what was to be These anti war actions were past when Germany was the ag to the Democratic women, maintain our old loyalties and the are fighting another war. If the fascists win they will take Democratic Party!
done. The differences were ex given added impetus by the out. sressor and a Central European old ways of life upon which all of our happiness rests. To do this The main enemy at pressed in clearer form at the break of the Russian Revolution country the victim, but it may we must exercise a vigilant guardianship over our children. We the colonies back. If the democracies win they will keep in March 1917. But the Keren teach him that the ideals of this must protect them from every evil force which would shake their them. But whether democracies win, or fascists win, sky government continued to country Treland are not those faith in our fundamental institutions of democracy. It is pretty the Africans remain slaves in their own country, Eugene Talmadge, Southern spokesman of the American support the Allies. The Bolshes of Great Britain.
clear just what these evil forces are, and just what sort of Now Republicans like Dewey and Democrats like RooseLiberty League in the Democratic Party, held in Macon, campaign to achieve the aim The same meeting of the unity the President wants to enforce on the nation.
The other arm of this national unity strategy is to turn velt, men like John Lewis and William Green, all the Georgia, last January, was an orgy of lynch hysteria they had set for themselves at Northern Council for Unity is the actual running of the government over more and more to war mongers for democracy, have never told Negroes against the Negro people.
anything about the situation of Negrocs in Africa. Lewis This Stalinist Davis, told how the Democrats, Franklin through the Socialist revolution, the hypocritical slogans under unity means that the masses accept the status quo, which And with their victory in No. which the English ruling class means in turn that a reformist government like the New Deal encouraged Negroes to join the CIO and Negroes were Roosevelt Party, treated James Ford, the candidate for vember 1917, the first great is waging war: can increasingly dispense with the pretense of being independent right to join. But when Lewis tells Negroes to fight for vice president: breach was made in the World At this time of world crisis of and even antagonistic to the ruling class.
democracy, as he most certainly will, they simply have to The octopus of national oppression reaches out to hound we again call the attention of WALL STREET MOVING The Bolshevik Revolution ac all lovers of liberty to the conask him the same questions that they will ask Ford and the Negroes wherever they are. September saw a recru celerated the strike movements tinued military aggression of INTO WASHINGTON Roosevelt, and Lewis will be able to make no better reply. descence of the Klu Klux Klan in Peekskill, New York, scularly in Germany and in the provinces of Ireland, and Wall Street leaders into the government. In the last two or three In my last article described the beginning of the influx of But James Ford and Browder and the Communist Party with the promises to ride again against Negroes, Catho Austro Hungary. The mass ac emphatically protest against days, the process has gone on faster than ever. The crucial post are different. For many years they have posed as the spe lics and Jews. In Allentown, Pa. where James Ford tions of 1918 culminated in the her use of the German Polish assistant secretary of the Treasury in charge of customs and cial friends of the Negro people, ready to lead them out was scheduled to make a campaign speech last August, the tions of November. Peace was hide her own age long brutality cer has just been given to Basil Harris, vice president of the German and Austrian revolu situation as a smoke screen to shipping (described as the government chief neutrality offiof their bondage into the promised land of freedom. They Klu Klux Klan issued leaflets stating that the town would being achieved by the actions of towards our country and, par Lines and a prominent shipowner. The War Resources know, and used to expose the situation of the Negro not ooze with nigger blood if Ford spoke.
the working class!
ticularly divert attention Board has acquired a new member: John Hancock, a partner in only in America but in Africa and the West Indies. Listen, This Stalinist Davis, knew all about the situation in But only in Russia were the from her greatest crime of all the powerful Wall Street banking firm of Lehman Bros. Three for instance, to Ford, the Negro Stalinist, in an Africa. He goes revolutionary socialists in con. the Partition of Ireland.
more dollar a year men have been appointed to the Treasury: to write: sinister law was recently trol of political power. In Ger Unlike the fraudulent zeal two conservative economists, an Walter Stewart, one time article, The Negro and the Struggle Against Imperial passed by the officials of the City of Miami, Florida. An many and Austria those who that is born of political expedi aide to the late Ogden Mills and American adviser to the Bank ism. ordinance was enacted providing that the Negro residents had supported the war, those ency the warm regard of the of England. The native population has in South Africa) no elecwho were the most active oppo Irish people for Polish liberty is Since the European war began, as also noted last time, of the city must have passes to enter the white section of toral rights (with the exception of the Cape Province. the the city after dark. This is identical with the South Afrients of the revolution, suc no characteristic of mushroom there has been a tendency for under secretaries to shove aside ceeded in forming the new gov growth.
the regular cabinet members. Another example is the fading out power of the state has been monopolized by the white can pass system where the natives must secure the written ernments. As during the war. During Poland long night of Harry Hopkins as Secretary of Commerce and the rising star bourgeoisie which has at its disposal the white armed forces. consent of the British imperialist agents in South Africa therremain tasks became the of suffering, and while England of his assistant, Edward Noble, a wealthy, energetic young The white bourgeoisie, chiefly the Boers, defeated by the to walk about in their own country.
ary workers movement and the had no more sincere friend and Krock of the Times: As the war offers new problems and arms of British imperialism, at the close of the last cen Discrimination in Harlem assurance of capitalist stability. sympathizer than Ireland or perplexities to commerce, and the blockade of Germany offers tury, had for a long time carried on a dispute with British And he knew about the situation in Harlem. These reTHE BOSSES PEACE common hope for a glorious de opportunities to regain South American trade in this country, PREPARED THIS WAR liverance Mr. Noble function is steadily broadening and increasing.
capital. But as much as the process of capitalist developactionary practices against the Negro have been accompa The Allied statesmen and Every injustice and indign The President cabinet has been expanded to meet the crisment goes on in the country, the interests of the South nied with the most relentless attacks against the already low their social patriotic agents had ty practised towards Poland, is. From now on, three new men will take part in all cabinet African bourgeoisie are becoming more and more blended standard of living of the Negro masses. In Harlem, the promised a democratic peace. England has inflicted on Ire meetings though none of them is of cabinet rank. One is John with the interests of British financial and industrial capital, They imposed the oppressive land, the Poland of the West Carmody, the mildly liberal head of the Federal Works Agency.
largest Negro urban center in the world, job discrimination Versailles Treaty on the Ger ern Seas.
The second is Jesse Jones, head of the Federal SpendingAgency, and the white South African bourgeoisie is becoming more is rife and unemployment has been estimated by the New man people. The revolutionary. The charges of duplicity lev. a professional banker and a Garner Democrat. The third is none and more inclined to compromise with British imperialism, York World Telegram, capitalist daily newspaper, as up warned that only socialist rev nations, whom she rebukes for whose appointment to the post of Social Security Administrator forming together with the latter a united front of whites wards of eighty percent. Similar situations, more or less olutions, workers governments disregard of solemn treaties, so shocked the President liberal supporters a month ago for the exploitation of the native population.
acute, throughout the country, reaffirm the axiom that united in a Socialist United have a cynical ring in Irish McNutt is evidently becoming one of the inner circle of PrestSituation Has Changed for the Worse reactionary open shoppers place their heaviest burdens upon states of Europe could bring ears. England has always been dential advisers.
about a lasting and democratic regarded as the world leading And what has happened to the bright young liberals who That is what Ford wrote in The Communist (January the Negro wage earners.
peace. The Bolsheviks showed treaty breaker, and for that used to have the President ear? What has become of Jeromo 1930, 27. Has the situation changed? Yes it has. The And Davis knew too what kind of life the great democ the way in Russia. They made 19 Subbed her pernicious Albi Ezekiel and David Cushman Coyle and Leon Henderson? The votes that a few Negroes in the Cape had (referred to by racy of America offers the Negroes in the South.
that unless the Russian Revolu on. Every treaty she entered outbreak of war seems to have snuffed out their flame overnight.
Ford) have been taken away from them. So they are worse Pellegra is eating away the lives of the miserably paid tion was extended internation into with the Irish people she As Stephen Early, the President confidential secretary, put it off than they were before.
and under fed Negro and white sharecropper in the South, ally, reaction and more bloody brazenly repudiated. the other day, when reporters asked him what had become of wars would follow. Ireland is justice loving the Brains Trust That all out the window now.
We could print scores of such passages from the writings particularly in the Black Belt. All of this is carried on in How tragically accurate were nation with only one enemy in of the Stalinists. Only three years ago, Ben Davis Jr. had the midst of the bitterest campaign of rape frame ups the predictions of the revolu the world, and, anxious as she the following to say about Negroes in America. It is a and lynch terror backed by the Liberty League and the tionists! What scurrilous les is for friendship, there shall Socialist Appeal long passage, but every line is worth recalling today. Says most reactionary sections of the Democratic Party in the were the promises of the de never be peace between her 116 University Place New York City.
Davis, One has merely to look about him for the rising South.
mocratic imperialists and and England while the crime their lickspittles!
of Partition endures. would like to get better inted with your paper, atrocities against the Negro. The news broke in July that And yet Ford, Davis, Patterson and other Negro Stalin The second World War is now the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample coples for Silas Coleman, a Negro worker, was killed (for the hell of ists, now tell Negroes in Africa and America that they masters, and their agents in the forces against the war. They a stark reality. Once again the ceived and will unite their the next few weeks.
it to thrill members of the Black Legion, a super Klu must go and fight for this democrazy. The Communist labor movement, are repeating can stop the war, and bring Name Klux Klan connected with the Michigan Wolverine repub Party says that all workers (including Negroes) must sup the old slogans.
about a lasting peace, only by Address licans. Recently three Negroes were lynched in the space The anti war forces are once struggling for the socialist revport Roosevelt and Roosevelt is preparing to drag Ameragain reduced to a handful. But olution, for the Socialist United ica in of one week in the South a new record for the southern as in 1914 1918 the masses will States of Europe and a World riling class. The grass roots convention of Governor (Continued in Nest Issue)
Ilearn that they are being de Socialist Federation.
is City