AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismJohn DeweyMarxMoscow TrialsNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1939 FIRST VICTORY FOR INDICTED WPA STRIKERS Bucking the War Censors MAINE COMRADE LEADS WEEK LIST IN SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE African Soldiers and the Armies of Democracy lin new Re7 3 3 14 17 4 37 Study the Moscow Trials In the Light of the Pact Renewal Subscriptions Still the Main By JOJINSON Problem in Big Cities Which, on the Bail Reduction Won The American Negro press African people into two groups can soldiers to help in the mainWhole, Lag Behind Others Canada has joined the other British Dominions in declaring reports with pride, that among. elites and the indigenes (na tenance of the capitalist sysUnder Pressure of war on Germany. Apparently in Ottawa, London, and Washing!
the millions of soldiers the lives. An elite is an educated tem. Thus French imperialism ton, for a few days there was some toying with the idea that French imperialists are already French Negro who is given all hopes to divide its enemies, the Canada should abstain from any actual war declaration in order Minneapolis Labor using against Germany on the the privileges of a white man, workers and peasants at home Alone comrade in Calais, ner branches have not yet to provide a channel for arms from the United States to Britain.
Maine made the best showing shown what they are really capblack troops. report in the service, in the colonies or in HOW AFRICAN SOLDIERS Western Front, are thousands of can even enter the government and abroad.
in the subscription drive for the able of achieving, as for inBut Roosevelt must have assured his friends in London that he would have the arms embargo off the American law books long Continued from Page 1)
Sept. Amsterdam News states France, and rise to high posi ARE CONSCRIPTED Socialist Appeal in the past stance, Chicago, Minneapolis, before Britain actually needed American made planes and guns. quired. Last Friday the WPA on the way from Africa to fect of a department, head of this question. The Africans are dence that persistent agitation have been making intensive efthat a million black troops aretion, General in the Army. PreBut there is another side to sent in by this comrade evi ly low. Most of these branches week. Five subscriptions were Los Angeles. Boston is extremeit was decided than any temporary check in the flow of war guilty to the charges made in using Moors against the inet Minister. The French par dition of war more quickly than one individual, can bring excel Socialist Appeal widely among supplies. So Canada pitched in for King and the Empire.
It is significant that in Paris the act was hailed as the handed down by a Federal Cist Franco was merely follow presiding officer of the Cham the French soldiers. And many lent results.
beginning of the entry of the Americas into the struggle. One grand jury convened on orders in the example set by the ber of Deputies, and some of these Africans will have been total of 31 new subscrip at this stage is a speeded up. in 1914 from this is only the opening of the chapter?
The charges, an outgrowth of France began seriously build Candace, an African, who pre driven into the army as cattle during this week. The total to latter part of the present camRussian troops are being concentrated along the Polish and provision of the Roosevelt Africa in 1912. How did the im the whole Chamber.
the WPA strike, are based on a ing an army of Negroes in West sided amidst the applause of into a pen. The following letter date, since the inception of the paign.
from French West Africa, writ War Referendum Campaign, is Harvey Dawes of Youngstown when Iitler completes his conquest of Poland. In Berlin, Nazi crime of interference with all, when economic exploitation are treated worse than dogs. gives a clear picture of the newals. The record by cities is will be able to fill its subscripten in 1938 and printed in an spokesmen rub their hands with pleasure over workers.
and political repression are Here the French are no differ methods used and the sentias follows: moves. In Moscow the press speaks with congratulatory awe of tion quota; in addition they disthe swift and deadly efficiency of Hitler war machine. In That the Federal government what they are in Africa?
pose of 100 copies of the Appeal Branch their families.
New newal regularly.
Rumania the army of 1, 000, 000 is mobilized to wait fearfully to means to carry further its re! First, the men are conscript in Africa. soldier who has ments of these conscripts and done his service and fulfilled Los Angeles see if Hitler machine, with direct or indirect Russian help, is oils labor movement was Indt Secondly, in the prevalling certain other elementary condi. On Saturday, 14th May, at Minneapolis subscriptions San Francisco have been moving in more stea due roll on across the Rumanian frontiers when Poland is cated by the reconvenire under offers an escape to men look of the elites. Thus France di peaceful inhabitants were dancof the poverty and misery, the army tions is admitted into the ranks o clock in the morning, while New Haven.
dily and distribution of the Apgrand Jury Wash.
peal has been intensive and in Washington and in other capitals newsmen and diplomats the tutelage of u. Attorney ing for a way out. It means reg vides the colonial population ing in a ballroom at Abidjan. Chicago widespread.
buzz with speculation over the possible emergence of 18 Nazi: Victory Anderson. new cast ular food and clothes and a and builds up an armed buffer policemen, armed gendarmes, Kansas Local San Francisco has inagainst the hostility of the and riiterbole room, excepting Detroit creased its regular bundle orculation based on Soviet Japanese negotiations that are un of witnesses, totalling 46, were place to sleep.
scheduled to appear before the IMPERIALIST FRANCE: hall. The doubtedly going on behind the scenes, will be one of the chief jury. So far, more than 300 wit DIVIDE AND RULE masses of the people.
St. Paul der by an additional 25 copies.
Minneapolis The native chiefs act as re the women, were arrested. All instruments used to whip up war fears in this country and to nesses have been heard, with It welcomes the issuance of the Furthermore, the black sol. cruiting agents. They have to the men old men, children, the Baltimore paper three times a week. Its prepare it for entry into the conflict.
not one union man or woman ders get certain political priv or they wouldn remain chiefs sick or the healthy were St. Louis.
membership is responding enNewark Tileges. The French divide the for very long. And certain other brought in lorries to the mill10 Every German attack on Anglo French shipping is an atroci among them.
thusiastically to the drive for ambitious black men are quite tary camp. In the streets that New York City wider circulation.
ty, of course, even when German boat commanders send up prepared to assist the French same evening, veritable man Toledo Several of the smaller cities, rockets to attract rescuing vessels. But when British ships sink in enslaving Africans in return hunt occurred and lasted until Cleveland such as Worcester, New HavGerman merchantmen and in American waters to boot! It is for certain political considera dawn.
Akron en, etc. are exerting themselves by no means an occasion for cartoonists to deplet our heroic Britions. Such a one was Blaise 16th May, ten lorries of reSan Diego tish friends and allies to be as gory beasts of prey. Nevertheless to obtain new subscriptions.
Diagne, a Senegalese. He repre cruits at Adjame, ten at TreichNew Castle warning must be issued to eben Hanson Baldwin, military expert of the New York Times, is sented Senegal in the French ville Lynn several of the larger cities constrained to state, in a careful and moderate tone, to be sure, parliament, in accordance with 17th May, twenty lorries stin Boston which are so far in arrears with that the British practice of sending German vessels to the botthe clever French custom of al at Adjame, 110 were taken Texas their bundle payments to the tom is contrary to the usual practices of International law and lowing the colonies one repre from Sassandra, arrived at Abl Philadelphia something of a surprise. The British, you see, should really Socialist Appeal that it may be sentative each in the French djan on the 26th May by the Evansville.
necessary to discontinue the take advantage of all their legal rights in this jungle, and take Under the impact of the Flit The Case of Leon Trotsky Chambers, less than a dozen in Brazza. Anguish reigns Calais bundles to them, unless immo the boats as prizes. Sinking them is a dreadful waste. ler Stalin alliance, thousands of (Harpers. all among hundreds of French with grinding of teeth. Familles Youngstown diate and substantial responses Communist Party members in 1938, it published its final Deputies and Senators.
and houses are beginning to be Pittsburgh are made. In these difficult Respect for the laws is all right in its place but that place ord sympathizers are now seek a oport under the title, Not AFRICANS DIED LIKE abandoned. There is wailing ev Miscellaneous times it is all too easy for our erywhere. The arrested, withpress to find itself in an insolwho own the slaughter house and batten off the blood profits. Which Stalin travelled to this The scope and contents of the FLIES IN 1914 out exception, are clothed in 155 36 uble jam, unless the Party unGen, Hugh Johnson, who ought to know, pointed out again in a borrible goal.
inquiry were necessarily deterDiagne rose to be a Cabinet uniform. We saw them march The best showings to date its pay their bills on schedule.
recent column that the Industrial Mobilization Plan completely One of the most important mined by the proceedings in the Minister and sent thousands of by this morning.
have been made by St. Paul, The war situation has affect negates all the various anti trust and anti monopoly laws on the inndmarks on this road of de Moscow trials. Prosecutor Africans to their deaths in 1914 Come to our assistance Akron, Toledo, Baltimore and ed the revenue of the Socialist books of Congress. He recalls with jscularity how in the last war generation was the Moscow Vyshinsky had extended the 1918. In the bitter ice and snow is time! We are hungry, we are New York City. St. Paul has on Appeal, even as it has drasticBernard Baruch, head of the War Industries Board, gently Trials. Stalin frameup of the proceedings to cover the Trot of the French defense of ver. naked, we are weary of crying ly six more to go to complete ally affected that of The New chide the Attorney General for writing letters of platonic pro old Bolsheviks, followed by skyites past activity dun, the French command out our miseries! Nobody hears fits quota of 20 new subscrip International.
test that had to be thrown into the waste paper basket. This will thousands executed without fore 1917.
threw thousands of these black us, and thus it is they want to tions and Baltimore, two. But It is now for the American or be the case again, Johnson warns, unless a ruling is made that trial, were his preparations for As a result the volumes are colonials into the front lines. sacrifice us.
the big task in New York City ganization and supporters of Anything the President does in the public interest shall not the embrace with Hitler. He now particularly valuable, since Even Diagne had to protest, for Not content, together with remains in the field of renewal our press to rally to our aid.
be regarded as violations of the anti trust laws.
carried these purges out, iron they cover a large There isn any choice now except to get into another periodically enough, on the pretext history of 1917 1982 part of the his use to the French govern Captain Dubois, with stealine subscriptions, while 60 new sub The immediate need is: ment depended upon his influ children of 16 to make soldiers, scriptions in a period of 45 days An intensive drive for subof ignoring on a broad front laws that officials are sworn to en that the October generation The Commission not only ence with the masses. Their Darres is an audacious liar. He should be easy for New York to scriptions force, says the general.
were agents of Hitler! concluded that the Moscow skins are black, gentlemen, he has Payment on bundle acHow about it. general, if the people decide to ignore laws Inquiry Commission Formed trials were frameups, but dis said, but that does not make published the following cir attain.
cular: In the subscription field, ban counts.
which destroy civil liberties and the lives our youth? Will that CIRCULAR The widespread demand for covered in its investigation that them impervious to bullets.
go too?
an impartial Investigation of Trotsky writings and activi. Neither did Diagne speeches. The Chief Administrator the trials gave rise, in 1937, to ties were distorted beyond rec The French blacks, however, of Colonies Mayor Adminiscle formation of a commission ognition by Vyshinsky and the learned something from the last trator of the Mixed Commune of Inquiry into the charges! Stalinist press.
war. The Communist Party, a of Abidjan, warns the populamade against Leon Trotsky in The Commission two volj revolutionary party in those tion against the trials. Chairman of the com umes, in popular priced paper. Africa and the troops in Paris. town and which have the efthe rumors, gressive education in the United through the New York Labor and many of these were under fect of establishing a relation Slates and outstanding Ameri Bookshop, 116 University Place, the influence of the Communist of cause and effect between Party. The policy then was that the clean ups actually emcan philosopher, John Dewey. New York City.
The dance and entertainment swing. The Trinidad the revolutionary black soldiers barked upon, and the enroll.
mission were Carlo Tresca, the Tammany Seeks to would the advance guard of ment of the second portion of for next Saturday, September songs will be the high point of arranged by the District topical and intimate Socialist Workers League Continues anarche syndicalis the leadex: Block SWP Campaign striking for the independenceret 1937 and 1938 the world revolution in Africa, the contingent in the years 16, at Irving Plaza will be the the evening (if you have never finest affair of its kind, accord heard Calypso singing you are Revolutionary Fight Against War can radical publicist: Suzanne The former have as their ing to reports by the committee in for a surprise and a treat LaFollette, former editor of (Continued from Page 1) ers and peasants in France only aim to purify the com in charge.
you will not soon forget. The Freeman; Orto Ruehle, the tions among their friends and fought for socialism in France. mune of all the undesirable Continued from Page 1)
biographer of Karl Marx; Ed neighbors. We are mobilizing the enemy in each case was foreigners, and those who do Outstanding professional en L. will present severai war itself. Its Ontario council ward Alsworth Ross, the Amer every member and every friend the same French imperialism. not come in line either with hour program of songs and dance which are guaranteed to In Toronto mass meetings was reported not to have diswere held in the heart of the cussed the matter as late as can sociologist; John Chamber of the party in this task and we POPULAR FRONT BROKE the Treasury or with Justice dances which will surpass any stretch your abdominal mus As to the appeal for reworking class districts. Noon last Saturday. In the pastate, the literary critic: Alfred intend to let nothing stop us BLACK WHITE UNITY thing found in any of the Broad cles. KUJAC, our own mimmeetings were neld close to months the was com o Humanite and member of The Popular Front ruined all cruits, that has terminated way night clubs. Archie Savage ic will give several impersonafactories. Daily attendance and mited to the same treacherous the Executive Committee of the remain open every evening in for the Popular Front raised the terday All branch headquarters will this. The Stalinist propaganda since the evening before yes who created a sensation with tons of prominent political per: support increased. Last Satur line as the Stalinists.
day the League organ, SocialDictatorial Measures Communist International in the week from P. until hopes of all colonials. But the recruits presented Party will appear again in his!. AND. the singing star 1921: Benjamin Stolberg. the 10:30 to give The war measures act, on the author and Wendelin Thomas, sympathetic to the anti war self to be a ist Action, was all set up a themselves of their own ac. Afro American version of pop of Have You Had Your Worworkers Popular Front soon showed itWar Party Now. to oppose ev. days, was invoked by the King the German left wing Socialist. campaign of the socialist Work sellises ben combination of cap: co simple con constraints and ular Cuban dances. Dewey thy Cause Today and m pe will be there Johnson, famous Negro bari Dialectic (Signed) DARRES tone will present a program of with several new songs which songs ranging from spirituals to will be just as popular. etc. the bosses and to end imperial clared war. This act, in effect. was John Finerty, former sign the nominating petition. the masses but were chiesto ist war by the establishment of makes strikes illegal and any counsel for Sacco and VanzettirSpecial mobilizations of every concerned, not with destroying etc.
branch in New York have been but with maintaining French They surround a ballroom on ity of the French empire. Oh, what dars they are!
Dance music will be furnishment, due to state pressure, the almost the equivalent of trea This distinguished interna and every Tuesday and fought against French Imper morning. The 15th, 16th 17th build a living contact between from a successful trans continThe Commission Work called for every Sunday at 10:30 capitalism. The coloniais who the 14th at o clock in the ed by the Savoy Bearcats who The revolutionary task is to have just returned to New York printers refused to run the pa son.
per off.
Similarly with a scheduled the House, in preparation for New York, Paris and Mexicoi the branch headquarters. mem Stalinists as agents of Fascism. Adjame and of Treichville: nur Africans and the French work. The proceeds from the Dance Passed at the last session or Lional body held hearings in Friday at 7P. Assembling at lalism were slandered by the May, man hunt in the streets of these hundreds of thousands of ental tour.
series of leaflets. But some of this time, was the new Officials City, these difficulties are now being Secrets Act. It legalizes trials lished a volume of preliminary neighborhoods methodically for persuading the black soldiers tary camp. These inhabitants, treacherous turn about face of campaign conducted by the In the summer of 1937, it pub Party proceed to canvass their ganda machine was directed to habitants arrested to the mili ers in army and in factory. The will be used in the anti war. the As for the Stalinists, they ment may declare any factory material, covering the Mexico the stenatures necessary to that the independence of Africa with the exception of six the Stalinists has done an im Local of the Party. Tickets have gone completely over into or neighborhood a prohibited City hearings, under the title, nominate the candidates.
was no longer the slogan. Their among whom two Dahomeans, mense amount of harm. Fort can be obtained at the Labor the camp of the war mongers. area, and whilst it is apparentduty was now to die for French released because of bad phys. nately, however, owing to the Bookshop and the headYesterday the Stalinist con ly directed against agents of democracy against Fascism. ique, are all uniformed. We saw absence of that prejudice which quarters, 116 University Place.
trolled central committee of the foreign states, it is so worded Come to the Anti War Fighters Thus the stalinists introduced them with our own eyes, march 80 poisons relations between min Vkrainian Labor Farmer Tem as to make it possible by dea vast confusion into the move ing past and proceeding to the black and white workers in minds of these brave but misple Association issued a state Claring any factory or hall DANCE and ENTERTAINMENT ment and caused great bitter exercising ground on the road America, fraternization be guided blacks. The struggle for ment to the press. It embodied prohibited area to subject to seness among black revolutionar to Bingeville! Three submar. tween blacks and whites in the emancipation of the work call to all Canadian Ukrain cret trial and severe penalties SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th at P.
ies against all white political ines arrived to secure the safe. France is an everyday and easy ers, black and white, is to be ians to fulfil their obligations any strike organizer or any perparties as treacherous betray. ty of their expedition to Dakar matter. These black soldiers of won not by following the suicidto Canada as loyal citizens. son challenging the government ers of the blacks.
or France. Violent rapes are France can play a powerful al policy of the last war. Joining Stalinists Are Repaid in its war policy.
Irving Plaza Ballroom In those days, 1936 and 1937, made (and continue elsewhere part in the French revolution, one side against the other, but But their craven servility to Anti War Forces (Newly Redecorated)
the French workers were on the in all regions of the colony. not only in the struggle for Al by remorseless opposition to all the bosses and their abject be But there is opposition. The 15th Street and Irving Place march against the French bour and the captured flow into Abarican independence against imperialism, whether fascist or trayal of their membership and French Canadians, particularly ON THE PROGRAM geoisie. And in Marseilles, durajan by trains, petrol wagons, French imperialism but in the democratic (Next issue we shall print a supporters have not helped the those resident in Quebec, were ing the long continued strikes lorries, and boats, Mothers. struggle for workers power in letter written by Leon Stalinista. Professedly fearful in opposition in the last war. At Archie Savage and struggles of the workers wives, and fathers groan and France.
Trotsky to Claude McKay In a Afro American version of Cuban dances Those American Negro newsof another appeasement. Al that time they won for themagainst the Popular Front gov weep. That is what Darres in 1921, in which Trotsky, derman Stewart Smith Cane selves exemption from conernment, African troops were calls: Recruits presenting papers which in one breath talk Dewey Johnson then War Commissar of the da Stalin in speech criti scription.
brought out. Thus French im themselves of their own accord about the African fight for inFamous Negro Baritone in some old and new favorites Soviet Union, analyzes the Out west, the farm youth are perialism arms African peas without constraint on simple dependence, and in the other cized Chamberlain. In reply, role of Africans in Trinidad Calypso Singers boss representatives on the To known to be largely opposed to praise the black troops for the ants to shoot down French convocation.
French Army.
In a presentation of topical and intimate songs ronto city council are pushing service in the army. And genworkers and then arms French In reality, this campaign to part they are playing in the a motion to oust Smith from his erally there is distinctly lackB workers to shoot down African get rifle men took place be French army, are guilty either peasants.
In several Jazz versions of the modern dance seat in the city hall, and last ing among large and important cause the natives swore they of an extreme ignorance or an ATTENTION! NEW Saturday city officials refused sections of workers that eagerFrance in this war hopes to would not, on any condition, extreme hypocrisy. There are YORK READERS etc. etc. etc.
the Staliniste permits for a pub ness for service in the boss arThis is the figure given in 1938 whites. The latest news is that erwhelming number of Negros He meeting.
mies that characterized the Music by SAVOY BEARCATS The social democratic Coop early August days of 1914 botn by The APPEAL now appears General Manginn, the therapes still continue in who genuinely wish for the in French expert on the colonial June.
erative Commonwealth Feder in Canada and Britain.
Africa. These on New York City newsTickets 75c On Sale at: ation is as silent as the grave. The possibilities for quite a army. First they will be used This letter is a living docu will take no pride in blacks usstands on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If you Yesterday its parliamentary large opposition to the bosses LABOR BOOK SHOP against Germany. But as the ment and tells more of the truth ing their skill and strength to French workers feel the full about French Africa than hun assist the very people who are want the APPEAL placed on caucus met at Ottawa. It re war do exist. Only the nny newsstand notify fused to make a statement fol of the Fourth International is SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY strain of the war and begin to dreds of thousands of words enchaining them. Rather, these fight against their enemies at flowing from the mouths of Dal friends of Africa will use all Business Manager of the lowing the caucus. Recent pub applying itself and that with 116 University Place home, the French capitalists, adier, Leon Blum, and the means in their power (and APPEAL by mail.
Ucations of its organ all, but ig all its resources to the tasks like Franco, will use the Afri French Stalinists, about the un there are many) to clarify the nored the war orisis and the that these possibilities demand.
Heel of Dictatorship Descends on Canada ANTI WAR FROLIC TO FEATURE MANY PROMINENT PERFORMERS SO the the