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The Fight Against War Is the Fight for Socialism!
LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Tri Weekly WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1939 VOL. III, No. 69 3c a Copy PLOTS RUBBER STAMP WAR CONGRESS Inseperable Indicted Strikers Win First Victory Raps Roosevelt Progressive Labor Will Use Whip of War Hysteria to War Making Plans Drive Congress MAR LCAPITALISM Cars CANADA UNDER WAR TIME DICTATORSHIP Behind the Lines TAMMANY SEEKS TO BLOCK COUNCILMANIC CAMPAIGN The Northwest Organizer, official weekly organ of the Minneapolis Teamsters Joint Council, on September issued a scathing editorial against Roosevelt war plans. Subscribed Gives War Propaganda, Machine Time to United Labor Protest Lo by the entire membership of the ten teamsters locals of Minneapolis and by twenty other unions, the Northwest Or. Operate Before Announcing Date of Special Wins Bail ReductionKanizer speaks for a powerful, militant section of the AmerIcan labor movement. Its editorial is therefore an authorita Session Browbeats Isolationist Group Green Hits Arrests tive voice against the war plans and deserves to be reprinted here: With the full cooperation of the kept press and the Re (Bpecial to the socialet Appeal)
MINNEAPOLIS. The That the boss papers would even dare begin to propaganpublicans, Roosevelt and his subordinates are unlimbering Central Labor Union WPA dize for the Day dictatorship is a sharp DANGER SIGNAL every weapon at their disposal to assure a bound and gagged Defense Committee won its to the American people! The war makers are preparing to Congress when it meets in special session.
drag us into the Second World War which began last Friday first victory in the fight Roosevelt has delayed the special session while press, morning!
radio, movies, his FBI agents and every other possible instruagainst the government frameup of 103 WPA strik Leading the criminal war pack is the President himself, mentality, batter away at the anti war sentiment of the AmerFranklin Roosevelt. It was Roosevelt and Farley who ican people. He will probably so without discussion!
ers, when Federal Judge Gun nar Nordbye last Tuesday the war referendum proposat which would let the people vote now set the date for Oct. The President is concerned filed an order providing about It is Roosevelt man, Louis Johnson, who has cooked up the machine a full month of war Senate might create the imon whether they wanted to fight another war for boss profits. giving his war propaganda lest oppositionist speeches by 75 per cent reduction in bail. Day dictatorship plot for the United States. And Roosevelt time hysteria to prepare Con pression abroad that the nation Eleven of the 43 workers so far arrested were released without is divided on the government American Legion, into the post of Secretary of War. It was gress to do his bidding.
ball on their personal recognize Roosevelt who proposed, and a united Congress who adopted, He not only demands of Con neutrality policy. the ance.
the two billion dollar armament program in Washington this gress that it abrocate the sec Rigid rules of procedure in William Green, president of year.
tions of the Neutrality Act pro the House of Representatives the AFL, declared the AFL hibiting shipment of arms and assure the President of his will sympathy and full measure of With the publication of the Day Dictatorship plan, this munitions abroad, but that it do there, especially since the Remoral support of the strikers reactionary plot is now out in the open. In succeeding issues in Duluth last Monday, where of the Northwest Organizer we shall expose this plan which publican leaders have promised he spoke at Labor Day cerewould crush all organized labor, outlaw strikes, blot out all to work hand in glove with him.
In the Senate, however, he 18 monies.
labor papers, push labor down into the mud as far as any Even with the judge reducfascist has ever done.
likely to have some difficulty.
tion, over 40. 000 ball will be reSenator Borah on Monday said(Continued on Page 2)
Fascist Threat Is Here at Home he would insist upon full and open debate.
It isn Germany that constitutes the threat to what demo We hear and read rather cratic rights the American people still retain It is big buststrange things these days, he ness and the Day backers right in this country of ours.
said. Although we are sup posed to be neutral and not yet The second World War for Democracy is a fraud. The openly participating in the war, first victim this war is democracy itself. There is no demnevertheless there is constant By GEORGE STERN ocracy in the England of Prime Minister Chamberlain or the Fourth International suggestion about the censorship When President Roosevelt in the holocaust.
France of Premier Daladier today. Both Chamberlain and of the press, of the radio, curDaladier that is to say, Big Business rule by decree laws, Group Challenges voked wartime powers to order! That is why Roosevelt starts tailing public discussion and Increases in the armed forces out with decrees aimed at sub Branch Headquarters Open for Sympathizers like the dictators they have become. If Day were to become shutting off debates.
War Makers and to start a witch hunt versive elements. That is why Ignoring Burning Questions against subversive elements, he cannily waiting for the Who wish to Sign Nominating Petitions for be subjected to as brutal a dictatorship as was ever seen on Borah and other isolationist he showed how soon and how war boom to begin to make itthe face of this globe.
senators are, however, likely swiftly democratic rights will selt felt before he comes before Shachtman and Paine, Anti War Candidates The workers of this country don want war and they don By CARL HICHIN to play along with the Presibe extinguished in this country a chastened Congress with a dewant any part of the Day dictatorship. Specinto the socialtat Appeal) dent at least to the extent of as its masters drag it into war. mand for abrogation of the war TORONTO, Canada, Sept. acceding to his insistence that Without waiting to officially no matter be taken up in the Britain and France are al embargo provisions of the neuNEW YORK CITY, Sept. 11 the anti war campaign of the Workers Have No Foreign Investments to Defend ready as totalitarian as their trality act a feeble barrier declare war, the King govern special session except the Pres enemy across the Rhine. Par against embrollment in Tammany ward heelers have socialist Workers Party.
The workers have no interests abroad to defend. No memment, long lauded by the Stal ident proposals on abrogation liaments have been thrust aside war, but a barrier nevertheless, issued orders to their supportWar Mongers Worried ber of the Minneapolis Milk Drivers Union or the General inists as a democratic friend of neutrality legislation.
without ceremony. They were when Congress convenes in its petitions of the Socialist Work ward heelers to stymle our ers not to sign the nominating The orders of Tammany Drivers Union, or the city and Sanitary Drivers, or the Fed of peace. is hurriedly putting This means a two party lyneb t even permitted to go through special session we shall be ers Party which is now cam campaign to place candidates Canada on a war footing.
eral Workers Section, or the Electrical Workers Union or any campaign against proponents of other union has any interests abroad to defend.
Dictatorial legislation, left on the constitutional war as the sovereign will of the stration of the process whereby paigning to place anti war can Max Shachtman of the Bronx the statute books from the days to take the warmaendment power: peoples they are supposed to the representative bodies in The Standard oil company, General Motors, General of the last slaughter, has been away from the President and invoked by the cabinet in coun Congress and to vest them in represent, Chamberlain merely England and France were dis hattan on the ballot for Coun and George Lyman Paine of Manhattan on the ballot is part Electric, Ford, Morgan have interests abroad to defend.
told the House of Commons that possessed of their powers.
of the drive of the war mongers We haven If the big boys want to go abroad to defend their cll without so much as a par the people by a direct referenThis was confirmed yester. to hurl the United States into Opponents of the war referthe country was at war. Daladinvestments, let them go.
liamentary if you please. dum.
ier had his docile deputies vote endum have tried to tell the day by sources sympathetic to the world. wide slaughter. Morgan has a gun. He has just returned from a Provincial police departments All the burning questions left to him in advance to declare people that such decisions declared Edward Frank, have set up special bodies to unanswered by the last session should be left to the divinelywar when he saw fit.
city Organizer of Local New sojourn in Scotland where he was shooting grouse. If he wants deal with subversive ele criminally inadequate WPA As their last acts these expir inspired leadership of our electYork. Lately we have been to defend his investments, let him take his gun and fight for ments. Secret trials have been and public works funds to proing democratic bodies turned ed representatives, elected, evGetting reports from canvassers them. But don let him try to force us to fight for him. And legalized. The boss press has vide jobs for the unemployed, don let him try to lle about any fake war for democracy. carried boasts that the state Federal failure to accept reover to the masters of the two ery one of them, by the corrupt that they have experienced dirgovernments unlimited dicta political machines which are ficulties where formerly they We can all see how much democracy came out of the first forces are all set to make sponsibility for direct relief, the have been met sympathetically World War.
thorough clean up of any dire need for a gigantic housing were swiftly used. to decree the democratic process. But by every one. This is particuDown with boss war and all the boss war makers. troublesome dissenters. program, etc. will remain undeath to all remaining civil 11. we already have before our larly true in the sections where Workers in some key indus answered if the President has berties, to choke off all remain eyes in the two great so called Tammany still holds sway. Now Down with the Day Plan for a Military Dictatorship in tries are now toiling in factories his way. He wants Congress to we have received confirmation ing channels of independent democracies in Europe what the United States!
surrounded by bayonetted do his bidding. then adjourd opinion, and to dragoon the happens when the people hand of our suspicions from unimtroops.
and leave him with a free hand economy of the country above over their fate in such a crucial peachable sources.
Take the war making powers away from Congress. Let Rallying the workers in op Lynch Spirit Unleashed all the workers. into a totali moment to these puppets of the By HERRICK By preventing us from getthe people vote on war through a popular referendum! position to the slaughter, So The repressive atmosphere tarian unit geared to the grim big industrialists and financiers Has the American Institute of ting the necessary number of 22 All war funds to the unemployed!
cialist Action. organ of the so instigated by the President business of waging war. who pull all the strings of gov. Public Opinion the Gallup poll signatures to place our candicialist Workers League, Fourth demand for national unity.
And that is what democratic ernment. already been mobilized for dates on the ballot. continued International, has been pre no opposition, no discussion, his rights and Congress and its Not even the highly colored, the Roosevelt war drive?
vented from appearing. Last expansion of the FBI to war Congressmen will amount to censored dispatches from not The Institute, which is head to throttle the anti war cam What Your Dollar Can Do night, mass meeting called against subversive activities, when Roosevelt and Wall Street of the enemy but of the war ed by Dr. Gallup. announced Paign and to prevent it from by the had to be can has helped create a nch at deem the moment has come to makers across the sea can Sept. that a new survey of gaining wide momentum. Wall dollar puts Socialist Appeal salesman on an Im celled because of the activities mosphere in which all forms of throw this country weight into conceal the hatred, the reluc public opinion was undertaken Street fears nothing more than portant street corner for one day.
of state operatives. Fearful of repression flourishes. The Comthe struggle for markets, col tance, and fearful confusion of in view of the fact that Repre the anti war sentiment of the Five dollars permits free distribution of two hundred the closure of their plants, munist party, hopelessly disonles, and super profits. Roose mind with which the masses of sentative Ludlow has announc people which would find expres Socialist Appeals.
printers have refused to print credited by Stalin Nazi pact, velt has already issued the all the European nations have led his intention of re introduc sion in the anti war election Ten dollars puts a full time field organizer to work for anti war leaflets for the has had many meetings broken false cry for national unity met the cruel fate of a second ing at the coming special ses campaign of the Socialist Work one week in the anti war campaign.
First Casualty: Democracy up by Legionnaires and other an end to political differences horrible war in their own time. sion of Congress his resolution ers Party.
In this new war for democ reactionary groups, the latest in time of crisis. For the Re. They did not in time heir for a refere of the people racy. democracy herself being the breaking up of meetWon Be Stopped publicans and Democrats tools own voices and their own before Congress can declare has been made the first casuslings in Davenport and Des in common of the Sixty Fami strength. But they will, as the war. But neither Tammany Hall Anti War Campaign Committee ty.
Moines, Iowa at which Eliza lies who are the real rulers of treachery of this war unfolds Whereas in 1936 and 1937 it nor any other hot bed of reacSocialist Workers Party And only the chal beth Gurley Flynn was sched the land this unity will be itself and all the fine phrases was found that over 70 percent tion can prevent us from get 116 University Place, lenges the war makers. With uled to speak. The Daily News, easy to achieve. They will sim are unspun to reveal the greed favored the referendum proposting the necessary number of the sharpening of the crisis, It Sept. 12, editorially called for Dear Friends: ply stop their shadow boxing. or a few at the heart of all the al, and six months ago it was signatures. We call on all our immediately commenced the the FBI to seize the books of tr But hidden behind this cry is destruction. Let us make our reported by the Gallup survey friends and all others who opI enclose. as a contribution to the anti war distribution of leaflets by the the The Communist Party the intention of the government volces heard in time here. Let that the percentage had drop pose war to help us in this work of the Socialist Workers Party.
thousands, explaining Stalin is now an easy victim, but to lash all genuine opponents of us demand the right for the peoped to 61 as a result of Roose campaign. We ask them to capitulation to Hitler, warning these incidents are building up the war Into submission, to be ple to speak for themselves and velt propaganda drive against come down to headquarters, Name of the imperialist designs, ral an atmosphere in which all in gin the campaign of hysterical by universal vote proclaim it, today the proposal appears sign nominating petition lying forces in opposition to the bor and radical groups will be Address propaganda that will lead our their hatred of boss war and with a majority of only 51 per themselves, and circulate petlboss war.
come the victims, unless labor millions of youth straight into the war makers. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 8) resists.
GALLUP POLL wortel ponte tekel power pointed as lesion whiche. SPREADS WAR PROPAGANDA