BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1939 What Life in Will Be Like From England When It Enters War a Preview Revolutionary Manifesto Against Imperialist War Internal Passports Annistant Manager: MORN a He Ought to Know Food Profiteering at Times Square as war news first started to flash SOCIALIST APPEAL from the Times Building Monday.
Vol. III, No. 68 September 11, 1939 My boy what is going to happen to him now? they quoted a father, apparently Italian Published twice a week by the or French as musing. And a block away, the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING A88 at 116 University Place, New York, reporters noted, Mike, Italian American bootTelephone! Alconquin 85 (PubMshed three times a week beginning Sept. 9) black was saying, For what? went over be More Light on the Life in Store for the American Worker fore. For what went over? Man can get a When Day, Now a Plan Carefully Designed by the Generals, alen: 51. 60 per year. So tod suntem cents per copy in Subscriptions 12. 00 per year 00 for six months. Forjob, have to shine shoes in a street.
Franklin (I Hate War) Roosevelt opposes a Becomes a Horrid Reality for all the Youth of the Nation All foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for mix popular referendum on war because he dreads By HAL DRAPER and most compact and com which existed in 1917. Today months: 00 for one year.
a March just such sentiment, expressed on a national If America goes to war. plete documents of its kind that most people would refuse to bethe post once at New York, under the Act of have ever read.
scale. The people of this country do not want what will America be like?
lieve in babies skewered on On the eve of the outbreak of the Second World. 1879.
More light on the war dietawar. If a new world war should bayonets, in breasts amputated War, the Militant Labor League, a left wing group torship which is planned for come to us our industrial mob in the spirit of vengeance, or in within the Labor Party, issued the revolutionary MAX SHACHTMAN this country on Day has been llization could become the most women crucified on hastily de call which we print below. While the Labor Party Associate Editor SANUEL GARRETT shed by two authoritative important influence on our vised crosses. The posters officialdom slobbered all over itself to assure the FELIX MORROW sources in recent weeks the daily living. It could be just drawn for the next war suggest government of its fidelity, and, more, shouted loudGeners American Legion and General about as important as the Con an appeal to reason of the type est for war, the voice of this small group rang out SHERMAN STANLEY Hugh Johnson.
stitution and laws of the United used in the best institutional adwith heartening militancy. The treachery of his United States Senator Warren Barbour of There is a group of men in States. We can avoid an eco. vertising. Newspaper feature Majesty Loyal Opposition, did not silence the New Jersey, addressing the American Legion all its time thinking in terms of mixed up in modern war. Iar emotional ring. One will FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST voice of revolution. The Militant Labor League will no doubt continue to find means for its revolutionstate convention there, spoke for requiring all Day, says an article in the So Johnson has seen the serve to illustrate. It begins: ary agitation despite the war time dictatorship.
WORKERS PARTY FOR: citizens to carry identification cards. He is go American Legion Monthly for latest version of the blue print didn go last time and ve job and a decent living for every worker.
ing to introduce a bill for that purpose in the August 1939, the United for dictatorship. Why doesn hung my head ever since. Open the idle factories operate them under Senate.
row they would be ready. Tuck the benefit of the people with MOST CANNON FODDER Manifesto of the workers control.
No barbaric repression waged by Czarist Rus ed away in the files of the war whose lives it deals? Isn it of the utmost importance es3. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works Militant Labour League Department they have an al clear that Roosevelt is afraid pecially for American youth and housing program.
sia excited more horror in the civilized world than the Czarist system of internal passports. they could conscript ten million they were in for when America are published in the Legion ar After nearly a year of unrelieved tension the Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage world is again on the brink of war. The energies 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on It was the subject of many a homily in the par men. They have files of posters goes to war, they wouldn fall ticle that is, the crop of canand resources of all nations have been devoted to all jobs.
liaments of the Western nations. Yet a United to help sell the war they con. so readily for the propaganda non fodder that can be expectstantly think of, and thoroughly which is and will be shoveled ed. In the following table the the piling up of immense armaments and the regiStates senator is now proposing to introduce detailed information Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability mentation of whole peoples for slaughter.
on the into them?
age span for the draft is divided pension.
that system here. We cite this as but one radio listening habits of people WAR PROPAGANDA into three categories: 18 to 21, WORKERS! What would you get out of war? In Expropriate the Sixty Families.
1914 they promised you the many steps and many of them will be en in all sections of the country. MACHINE IS READY 21 to 30, and 30 to 45. The sec7. Au war funds to the unemployed. land fit for heroes to live in.
acted into law here, as many of them have alTheir files contain sample news The fact that a propaganda ond column gives the present and feature stories to be pump machinery rivalling that of population falling between An end to militarism and autocracy. people referendum on any and all wars. ready become law in the European democra ed into newspapers. Goebbels in Germany is part these age limits, and the third That it was a war to end war, to safeguard No secret diplomacy.
cies which demonstrates that this war is not They have sample registra of the war mobilization set up column gives the number that small nations and make the world safe fer tion cards for the draft in every is verified by the August 1939 could be called for immediate democracy.
10. An Independent Labor Party.
war for democracy but a war to end state capitol ready to go to the American Legion Monthly. service.
And they gave you printer on moment notice The 300 odd men in the per Age Population To Be Called 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante 000. 000 and be ground out in million manent and ever enlarging se 18 21 000. 000 and Fascist attacks.
Mass unemployment and wage cuts.
lots. They have maps of loca lective service organization are 21 30 12, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 Fascism and dictatorship triumphant to two12. Full social, political and economio equality tions of the 6400 boards re not blind to the fact that there 30 45 13. 000. 000 2, 000, 000 thirds of Europe.
for the Negro people.
quired to draft men into the is a more widespread and ar Two out of every three boys Small nations abandoned to their fate and your service, and lists of personnel ticulate anti war philosophy between 18 and 21 to be called democratic rights attacked on all sides. Lying War Rumors is the title of an inter complete even to the number of there was in 1917. They are are healthy, have fewer responto man them. Plans are abroad in the land today than to the front! Reason? They Who gained from the last war? The British esting piece by General Hugh Johnson, ex square feet of floor space re aware that many people have sibilities, and are less valuable French, and American bosses. They got immense new tracts of territory whose resources and in NRA chief and even more to the point, Ber quired by various agencies. read and heard a great deal of to industry than older, betterThe war has been going on barely a week, but nard Baruch right hand man in running the habitants they could exploit they reaped immense While Roosevelt says he be pacifist propaganda: that war trained men.
lleves this country can keep has been depicted as a nefari.
the nation is already in the grip of a major War Industries Board in the last war. He ought out of war, the draft cards are ous enterprise; that there is the Legionnaires, the machin In the aggregate, conclude profits out of your blood and suffering.
The bosses are in control; they make the price rise, the inevitable accompaniment of mod to know what he talking about when it comes already on file in his executive such a thing as the Oxford Oathery already set up is geared to same lying promises. Do not be deceived.
ern war.
This will not be a war for democracy. Democand other solemn commitments produce 330. 000 men every 30 to war lies! He says, in part (N. World offices!
WAR PREPARATIONS against bearing arms. Moreov days; or 000. 000 every 12 racy does not exist for two thirds of the tIn New York City, prices of meat, sugar, Telegram, September BEHIND OUR BACKS er, there are thousands and months.
habitants of the British and French Empires.
lard, flour and other staple foodstuffs have gone Truth is the first casualty of any war. We it few months of war would see the disap pearance of the remaining democratie rights up from 10 to 25. Housewives, remember should keep that axiom pasted on our hatbands. ing to Henry Putty (the cynical don want to live in tents, wear scan Legion Monthly carefully Legionnaire authors name for uncomfortable uniforms or be refrain from mentioning that and free organisations of the workers. The ing the last war, are beginning to stock up on Of one thing we may be certain. Unless a the average man Ed. he shot at by total strangers. the most important section of Emergency Powers Act is an earnest for the sugar. This, by the way, is an interesting index fact is so big and conspicuous that it could no knew how completely his life. It is needless. they con the war mobilization plan deals future.
of just how much faith the masses are putting more be hidden or camouflaged than a bull in a has been planned for him. But tinue to catalog the multiple with the suppression of labor: This will not be a war for peace against ag.
in the New Deal promises to keep the country china shop, we will get it only in such form as No, Roosevelt war prepara tizen can be educated to the breaking of strikes. The totallgression. Britain and France, Germany and Italy are all greedy, aggressive Imperia sms out of war. the various nations think will fool us in their tions are taking place behind point of making him acques tarian dictatorship that is plan fighting for a re division of the colonial The current rise in food prices reflects the favor.
the backs of the people. Only cent to the demands of military ned is a dictatorship over the der. We don know exactly what happened to the mitted to know what the Amer bels and you wouldn have Hit representatives soaring prices on the commodity exchanges.
Another war will mean: of America Death and suffering to millions of tollers.
Commodity prices have reached their official Athenia, but remembering the Lusitania, it seems ican workers are in for. Hugh ler. Proscribe the radio and Sixty Families like those who Father Coughlin would be just have already been appointed to Wealth and fortunes to the small boss o maximum limits in the first few hours of daily incredible that the German Admiralty would sink Johnson, for instance which controls the means of producten.
trading. On a single day in the Chicago exchange such a ship unless it has gone stark, raving bilization plan, writes General man will have to be a stern and it is belng planned behind STOP THE WAR!
War more than 100, 000, 000 bushels of wheat, corn, oats, rye, and barley futures changed hands a Why would German bombers fly around umn in the New York World. resist the high pressured ap son. For if the American peo The leaders of the Labor Party and Trade Unions urge you to support the class enemy in their crime two year record which resulted in the most vio Warsaw and seek out devote their attention, details are naturally confiden The posters already drawn them, the Sixty Familles and against humanity. Clear out the traitors!
lent price changes since the middle of 1933. The a valuable bomb cargo and risk of their lives, tial, but it betrays no confi. indicate that the publicity divi their tool, the government, The Communist International, under the whip big chain stores and independent retailers are to blow up the country castle of Tony Biddle? dence to say that in both form son recognizes a higher level of would never succeed in carry of the Stalin gang has demoralised the revolutionand detail it is one of the best national intelligence than that ing out those plans.
ary workers of the world. Now to save the misertaking advantage of this large scale speculation Does Hitler want to force us to enter the war?
able anti working class Stalinist regime in Moscow to soak the consumers.
Not unless he is crazy. Is he gunning for Tony?
they cynically abandon the workers to their fate.
Mayor LaGuardia, after receiving over 500 Absurd. have no doubt that bombs were THE ENEMY IS IN complaints from housewives, is going through dropped on Biddle villa, but want to OUR OWN COUNTRY the usual motions of appealing and warning hear.
Labor Party Workers! Communist Workers!
against high prices and hoarding. Secretary of Trade Unionists! There is still time to stop the Agriculture Wallace, making a pious gesture, slaughter. Chamberlain and Hitler may yet comhas turned complaints about food profiteering Then and Now pose their differences, but so long a9 capitalism lasts war remains a constant threat the tollers over to the Department of Justice for investigaIf all the war mongers in racket, even going to the point rise to the Hearst press level of the world. No pacts or treaties can prevent the tion. At the same time, however, he indicated International Youth Day, founded in the America came out flatly for of saying that not even an eco morality. even the latter rivalries of imperialism breaking out into open that for the time being the Administration was midst of the war on September 6, 1914 as a day America immediate entry in nomic stake in an Allied vic printed the warning that all conflict. Only the workers struggle against the tory would be decisive. foreign dispatches are censor boss class for socialism can ensure peace, not displeased by price increases (New York of struggle against imperialist war and its so to the war, the issue would be cialist apologists, was celebrated by the Komso clearly drawn and the genuine tory, say these students of the Only fear of a German viced: The Nation does not.
Times, Sept. Demand Special Meetings of your branches!
Demand that the whole power of organised But, the workers, the consumers are dis mol (Young Communist League) in Moscow azei mano consiliere din valiteet cause of war, will be the basic nouncements cher changing emlabor be thrown against this imperialist war!
pleased at the increased cost of living. More fear this year with slogans which when compared conflict with the war mongers. cause of American entry.
ployers appeared in The New Build up the revolutionary vanguard! Join the Militant Labor League!
In its news summary, with Republic issue of September 13.
continued increases in food prices and an exten with those issued last year show how the Precisely for this reason, the Demonstrate against the war in the factories sion of price raising to all the necessities of lifc. like all the Comintern organizations the world war mongers do not all come out so much as a blink of an find the Russo German nonout for war. The better to break eyelash, The Nation accepts the aggression pact totally indefen and in the streets.
What can be done?
over, is a mere tool of Stalin foreign policy. down the resistance to war, the British Propaganda Office versible, he says: Not a man, not a gun for Imperialist war!
In the first place, it must be recognized that summary of the differences in the slogans war mongers divide among sion of the Athenia sinking, on All discussions of this starneither the federal nor local governments will was wirelessed to the New York Times, Sept. themselves various tasks. Some the ground that the world putsting agreement must begin of them call for war; others British seaman than in that of with one indisputable premise: voluntarily take any serious steps to curb the by its Moscow office: speculators, the big chain stores and the inde For instance, the word fascism is absolutely democracies others call for the great liberator of poison Moscow knew that the British pendent retailers.
The Press eliminated from today battle cries as a denun removal of the embargo prosas. as if they had talked to and French governments had visions in the name of real a British seaman about it. dropped their policy of appeaseSecond, the trade union organizations, ciation of the universal enemy. Last year a call warmly of Winston ment. high Soviet official in By Arthur Hopkins and the farmers organizations and gen for resistance to fascism was the characteristic themselves as genuinely neutral Churchill qualities of imag western Europe said to me in order to be able all the betination which should prove three days before the announce It ought to be easy now to tell Stalinisteven uine consumers cooperatives of the country must note of seven of the slogans. Today first slogan runs: Long live the ter tomorrow to howl for the most valuable (they proved ment of Ribbentrop flight to set up a joint committee for curbing the speculaif they keep their mouths shut. It because of war Father Coughlin is play. so when he waged an undeclar Moscow: There will be no sectheir look of perpetual astonishment.
tors, and controlling prices.
twenty fifth International Youth Day the day ing this latter role with particed war against the Lenin gov ond Munich. The Kremlin had ernment while swearing to the received reports to this effect, Third, local committees which include the of struggle of the toiling youth of the world ular skill. SUCCESS STORY: At Fort Snelling 21 aBritish workers that he Voroshilov talks with the neighborhood housewives must be set up to work against the incendiaries and provocators of war. Example. The Nation month private gives out the secret of his success wasn informs us that re. French and British military exwork hard, join the army, obey your officers imfor the control of prices.
and Premier Molotoff phrase of last An example of a number of sponsibility for the attack on perts confirmed it and the plicitly, and have a relative will you a 95. 000 es tate. It is reported that the soldier is seeking to Fourth, the trade unions must immediately week, For peace, for socialism. Last year the phases of this division of labor WPA rests directly with the whole history of the last six consider ways and means of including in all their struggle was defined as Against imperialist war is the September issue of The deliberately ignoring Roose: that last word Fischer in re within the pages of one journal economy bloc in Congress months made it abundantly buy his discharge from the army as the result of his deceased uncle bequest.
contracts a provision for an automatic increase and fascism.
Seven persons allegedly involved in Minneapoof wages proportionate to the increased cost of For the united front against fascism deadly calls for war, for the Western the prevailing wage, his out great democracies. He re Where a year ago the fourth slogan was, signed article its editor and message fixing the sum for cent years has never used it: publisher Freda Kirchwey, WPA, his initiative in ending Russia has been one of the lis dope ring were held as an aftermath of a brief living flurry when two federal narcotic agents, arresting In other words, consumers must be united in enemy of our youth, the corresponding one this nations to fight for their ex lawry of the strike, etc. etc. vives the term now as an Allied propagandist.
the two men in a tavern, were mistaken for armed the fight against increased prices. It is up to the year merely sends Greetings to the revolutionary istence. An unsigned editorial, Louls Fischer Deserts presumably representing the Fischer calls the Nazi pact gangsters. perfectly natural mistake.
trade unions to take the lead in this struggle. youth of capitalist countries.
collective position of the edit The same issue carries an ar devastating in its moral ef DAILY DOUBT: Everyone is predicting war Above all, the trade unions must guarantee the Slogan No. 7, which last year conveyed Bol ors, entitled Measures Short ticle by Louls Fischer, with fect. unpardonable and and preparing for it and that is the very thing that real wage standards of their members by insist shevist greetings to the revolutionary proletariat of War. belittles the embargo whom the Nation editors con ends: morally it will haunt will prevent it. says Dr. John Mott.
ing on a rising scale of wages which would keep of Germany, to the heroic Communist party of no assures the Neutrality Act nived he was its Moscow and us. But a political explanation pace with rising prices.
Germany. Long live Comrade Thaelmann! runs surd to pretend that the pas ing the Moscow trials and the provide. Its relation to the MosSocialist Appeal 116 University Place this year, Long live the wise foreign policy of sage of this bill (to remove the stalinist assassinations of rev cow trials and purges in whicn the Soviet Union, guided by Comrade Stalin bring provisions) would olutionists in Spain. Now, with tens of thousands were killed as New York City.
any nearer to war out a word of explanation in Hitler agents? Its relation to In the Streets would like to get better acquainted with instructions, Do not let the country be drawn and, in fact, declares that Ac this paper in which he regularly stalinist destruction of the your paper, the Socialist Appeal. Please send into a conflict by war provocators who want us tually the issue of our particl writes. Fischer bolts his Mos Spanish revolution? In a word, pation or non participation is cow paymaster. perhaps it its relation to all the infinite me sample copies for the next few weeks. yearning to keep out of the European war to pull their chestnuts out of the fire.
not likely to be much affected would be more accurate to say crimes of Moscow that Louis Name was probably the most common reaction among The final international slogan of last year, one way or another by the exist that Fischer got fired with Lit Fischer defended and condonAddress New Yorkers, second only to their realization Long live the glorious pilot of the Comintern, ing neutrality law or any other vinoff for a job as an Allied ed? Not a word about this from act possible of passage. The propagandist. His article was Fischer. Instead this utter City that we might not, according to New York the fearless fighter against fascism, Comrade collective editors, in other radioed from Paris on Septem scoundrel covers up everything Times reporters who circulated among crowds Dimitroff, is gone and left no trace behind.
words, play the peaceful aid ber The Nation does not even with his moral indignation.
There Is a Division of Labor Among the Many War Mongers Labor Looks Through