BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMolotov-Ribbentrop PactNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Aganet elerendum? No! Fight everal The Effect of the fact that clause of the German Russian Pact directly conPact in Scotland tradicts such a policy. Continued from Page 1)
bentrop signature to a scrap of paper. Meanwhile the August 28, 1939 Our comrades in Glasgow (Continued from Page 1)
war places questions of life and death on the order of the Dear here have held open air meetfears the army and fears Hitler. Stalin requires peacemat any price.
day for peoples, states, regimes, ruling classes. Germany is assure the men that war risk. am writing once more on ings which were very well átinsurance would be provided. the eve of a threatened upheav tended. They have some excelBefore Hohenzollern Germany toppled under the blows carrying out in stages her program of domination by war. Agent Thomas McGowan ofal of all of society only this lent speakers who defined and By WIDICK of the war coalition, it dealt a mortal blow to the Czarist With the help of England, she re armed despite the opposi cio National Maritime Union, year the probability of war ap. analysed the situation and then regime; furthermore the Western Allies egged on the Rustion of France. With the help of Poland she isolated who informed the crew of the pears much greater than it was called for the workers to take Green Repeats the only way out civil war sian liberal bourgeoisie and even supported the plans for a Czechoslovakia. With the help of the Soviet Union she not would be signed if possible The latest betrayal of the against their rulers.
It isn taking long for the palace revolution. The present incumbents of the Kremlin only wishes to enslave Poland but to destroy the old colo by tonight through the NMU workers of the world by Stalin The Glasgow section is the. the Russo German Pact, has best section of our British conservative American labor asked themselves anxiously: may not this historical incinial empires. If Germany succeeds with the Kremlin help agency.
left the workers of this country movement. All comrades are, leaders to show their true coldent repeat itself in a new way? Had the Soviet oligarchy in emerging victorious from the present war, that will sig NEW YORK, Sept.
ors in the war crisis. De in a terrible state of confusion with the exception of one, of been capable of self sacrifice or at least the slightest degree nify mortal danger for the Soviet Union. Let us recall that William Green, AFL presimands of seamen for war bon The Daily Worker here disre working class origin, nearly all dent came out this week for the of self denial in the military interests of the it directly after the Munich agreement, Dimitroff, secretary uses and life insurance for sail garded the Pact for days are working in heavy indusing vessels into the war zone didn even mention anything tries. They are well educated slogan Let the People Vote on would not have decapitated and demoralized the army.
of the Comintern, made public undoubtedly on Stalin held up the United States Line about it. Then after the capi and versed in Marx, Engels War. ONLY. he was talking about Germany!
The simpletons who are pro Soviet deem it self evi order an explicit calendar of Hitler future conquests.
President Roosevelt here for talist press had headlined it and and Lenin and are as sincere a The occupation of Poland is scheduled in that calendar for tle up the Manhattan of the for days straight, the Daily have ever met.
six hours Wednesday and may ran it up and down its columns group of revolutionaries as The German people don dent that the Kremlin hopes to overthrow Hitler. The case want war. Let Hitler let them is otherwise. Without revolution the overthrow of Hitler the fall of 1939. Next in order follow. Yugoslavia, Ruma same company. scheduled to Worker came out with the offi with the new Emergency vote and they all yote for nia, Bulgaria, France, Belgium. And then, at the bottom, sail Saturday cial explanation right from the Powers Act here one hardly peace. Green says. Correct!
is inconceivable. victorious revolution in Germany would The vessels of the United holy father himself, that knows what they will be doing But how about setting a fine raise the class consciousness of the in the fall of 1941, the offensive is to begin against the States Line are under contract the pact was one of the great next. believe they will estabmasses in the example for them? How about to a very high level and render impossible the Soviet Union. These revelations must undoubtedly be based to the National Maritime Un est victories for socialism. Itsh a totalitarian regime, wheMr. Green shouting Let the further existence of the Moscow tyranny. The Kremlin upon information obtained by the Soviet espionage service. ion. When the war broke out, The line is still to oust ther or not there is war.
People Vote on War in the It is impossible, of course, to take this blue print literallyrank and file pressure forced Chamberlain and get a govern Revolutionary Greetings, United States! Green is as silprefers the status quo, with Hitler as its ally.
the march of events introduces modifications into all such tion demanding 40 per cent in with Russia this despite the Glasgow, Scotland adoption by the union of a moment which will sign a Pact ent on this as Hitler is in Germany. If it a democratic right Serves Imperialist Aims calculations. Nevertheless, the first link of the plan occu crease in of the people of Germany to Caught off guard by the pact, the Kremlin professional pation of Poland in the fall of 1939 is now being consum boc per can, and a 250 bonus. The Answer Is Up To You unlicensed fe insurance vote on war. why isn it for the apologists now attempt to argue that our former prognoses mated. It is very likely that the brief delay of two years American people? We say it is.
These demands are hardly a Green actions show that he contemplated an aggressive military alliance between Mosbetween the destruction of Poland, according to the plan, drop in the bucket compared to is going to pursue completely cow and Berlin, whereas in reality only a pacifist agree and the offensive against the Soviet Union is approximately the super profits which the the exact course of betrayal he ment of non aggression was concluded. Miserable soph correct. In the Kremlin they cannot help understanding this. the war situation.
followed in 1917 18. Green is so istry! We never spoke of an aggressive military alliance in It is not for nothing that they have proclaimed many times: Crews aboard ships scheduled workers in this present world the direct sense of the term. On the contrary, we always peace is indivisible. If Stalin notwithstanding becomes to sail into the war zone expected. therefore, that they slaughter started from the fact that the international policy of the Hitler quartermaster, it signifies that the ruling caste is would receive the full backing Lewis Is Smarter Kremlin was determined by the new aristocracy interests no longer capable of thinking about tomorrow. Its formula of the union if they refused to in preserving itself, by its dread of the people, by its incaSeveral weeks ago it was an New sign on until the demands foris that of all doomed regimes: after us the deluge.
International suspends John Lewis, president of mulated by the union had been nounced in these columns that publication now at a time when the CIO, is a trifle smarter in pacity to conduct a war. Any international combination has met.
The New International maga its role is more important and his approach some value for the Soviet bureaucracy insofar as it liber Seals Doom of the Comintern Stalinists Lay Down zine might cease publication, decisive than ever.
Speaking on Labor Day, Lew ates it from the necessity of resorting to the force of But then the Stalinist leaders unless readers came immedi special effort will be made is declared properly that the armed workers and peasants. And yet the German Russian It would be a vain task to attempt at this time to predict of the union put their heads to ately to its support. This was to insure publication of the Ocor any part of it. This is the Pact is a military alliance in the full sense of the word, for the course of the war and the fate of its various partici cether with the officials of the accomplished at the time, and tober issue with the hope and United States Lines, and these The New International contin expectation that its readers will sentiment of the huge majority it serves the aims aggressive imperialist war.
pants, including those who still cherish the illusory hope of worthies worked out an escape ued to appear regularly. It has rally immediately to insure its Bf workers. They have nothing In the last war Germany was defeated primarily because remaining outside of the catastrophe. It is given to no man shipowners to further negoti its revival in January 1938, alto get from war.
Concretely, the following is So what does Lewis propose of the lack of raw materials of the It is not accito survey in its entirety this vast arena and turmoil of ate. the union leaders advised most two years ago. required: the American workers do to dental that the concluding of the political pact was preceded infinitely complex material and moral forces. Only the war the crew to sail the Presi For such an important publi All and keep out of war? Fight for a by the concluding of a trade agreement. Moscow is far itself will decide the destiny of the war. One of the major crew who refused to accept al to cease publication would bills immediately!
dent Roosevelt. Members of the cation as The New Internation units must pay ap their bundle repeal of the neutrality from any thought of renouncing it. On the contrary, in his differences between the present war and the last one is the that advice and demanded an unquestionably be a blow to the All Party units should arbill? No! What program does speech yesterday before the Supreme Council, Molotov radio. It is first now that see this clearly as listen here immediate settlement before revolutionary movement in the range quickly for a renewed Lewis have to offer? None! stressed above all the exceptional economic advantages of in Coyoacan, a suburb of the Mexican capital, to speeches placed by men sent from the ly. Indeed, now is the time scriptions. There are Instead, Lewis very inside the friendship with Hitler. The pact of non aggression, in the Berlin Reichstag and to news dispatches from Lon offices.
the CIO workers to participate that is, a passive attitude toward German aggression, is more than ever for the power hundred outstanding subscripdon, Paris, and New York City. Thanks to the radio, Negotiations still continue. Tul voice of The New Internations to the magazine which in another world war. The thus rounded out by a treaty of economic collaboration in people will depend much less than in the last war on totali Nothing has been granted by tional to assert itself in the ought and can be renewed it an CIO is the bulwark of democ the interest of the aggression. The pact assures Hitler the racy. The true defender of demtarian news from their own government and they will be stalinist leadershipeuserot the struggle against war and im organized effort is made by the ocracy! Remember that one? possibility of utilizing Soviet raw materials exactly as Italy infected much more rapidly by the moods of people in other operators to grant concessions revolution as the answer to the now, in order to help make up President Wilson aided by in its attack on Ethiopia utilized Russian oil. While the countries. In this sphere the Kremlin has already suffered John Lewis, among others military experts of England and France in Moscow studied a great defeat. The Comintern, most important instrument prepared to play throughout the But the outbreak of war in circulation and revenue from war.
used that in 1917 18 to recruit Europe, while creating new opforeign countries.
the American workers in the the Baltic map from the point of view of military opera of the Kremlin for influencing public opinion in other When the Manhattan portunities for the left wing and We call upon readers and last phoney war to save the tions between the and Germany, the German and countries, is in reality the first victim of the German Soviet crew demanded that the com revolutionary forces has also supporters of The New Internapany immediately settle the is created certain difficulties for the following way.
tional to help the magazine in world for democracy Soviet experts at the very same time were considering what pact. The fate of Poland has not yet been decided. But the Mr. Lewis also showed what he has in mind by another measures to take in order to safe guard maritime routes in a. Send in a subscription!
Comintern is already a corpse. It is being forsaken from found a new out. mediately for The New Interone side by the patriots and from the other by the inter chairman of the Maritime Send in a donation!
the Baltic sea for continuous trade relations during warspeech given that day by James Carey, secretary of the na time.
nationalists. Tomorrow by radio we will undoubtedly hear Commission, that the union was much a world magazine that WAR CASTS SHADOW The New International is so tional CIO (who obviously spoke with John approval. Occupation of Poland will assure contiguous boundaries the voices of the Communist leaders of yesterday revealing. receiving absolutely no coop: approximately one third of its Carey said he didn like the with the Soviet Union and a further development of eco in the interest of their respective governments, in all the eration from the commission circulation and income has OVER LOS ANGELES present War Resources Board. nomic relations. Such is the essence of the pact. In Mein languages of the civilized world, including Russian, the American seamen.
been derived from organiza: LABOR DAY PARADE Did Carey object to the dicta Kampf Hitler deciares that an alliance between two states tions and agents circulating the treason of the Kremlin.
But for many months it has magazine in England, Scotland, torial powers given it by Presi which does not have as its aim the prosecution of war is dent Roosevelt? Of course not.
The disintegration of the Comintern will not fail to deal been settled policy for mari Ireland, Canada, India, Austime unions not to cooperate tralia, South Africa, New Zea of the largest and one of the LOS ANGELES, Sept. One Did he point out that the crea absurd and sterile. The German Soviet pact is neither an irreparable blow to the authority of the ruling caste in with pehe sceneprestiging walency land, France, Belgium, and oth soberest Labor Day parades tion of this board was a major absurd nor sterile it is a military alliance with a division the consciousness of the broad masses of the Soviet Union an open strikebreaking agency: et countries. Now the war is in the history of Los Angeles step in preparing for American participation in the world war?
of roles: Hitler conducts the military operations, Stalin itself. Thus the policy of cynicism which was designed to The Sailors Union of the Paci changing all this.
fic has so far thwarted the comwas held here. Some 80, 000 Hardly! That this board was acts as his quartermaster. And still there are people who reinforce the position of the Stalinist oligarchy, will in real mission attempt to replace clamped down on virtually ev. American Federation of Labor Censorship has already been workers, representing 200 going to run industry the way it seriously assert that the objective of the present Kremlin ity speed the hour of its downfall.
Saw fit and the hell with wages, is world revolution!
hours and working conditions. The war will topple many things and many individuals. boycotting the training ships countries and will, no doubt, town Los Angeles, winding up Not one word of serious criti. Lenin Policy Was Different Artifice, trickery, frame ups, and treasons will prove of no of the commission, which are both spread and be intensified. at City Hall. In nearby San olam Mr. Carey objects because laWith Chicherin as Minister of Foreign Affairs in avail in escaping its severe judgment. But my article would nothing but schools for finks. Already mails are being stop. Pedro, 20, 000 more workers. com bor doesn have a representa Lenin government, Soviet foreign policy considered its be greatly misunderstood if it led to the conclusion that to the mainer the commission in de letters and packages open both the AFL and the Chodem tive on this union. busting, real task to be the international triumph of socialism, and everything new introduced by the October Revolution into ers are facilitating its attempts in some way The New Interna city.
strike. breaking. dictatorial board. You see, it isn fair, ac sought, incidentally, to utilize the antagonisms among the the life of mankind will be cast aside. am profoundly conto restrict union activities in tional will find its way into all The usual hilarity and exubecording to Mr. Carey, to allow great powers with the aim of defending the Soviet Repub vinced of the opposite. The new form of economy, freed thies strategie maritime industhese countries despite all bans rance of both the marchers and and censorship by the war powthe onlookers, however, was abthe bosses to break the unions lic. With Litvinov, the program of world revolution was from the insufferable fetters of the bureaucracy, will not On the west coast seamen re ers, nevertheless the fact re sent. The imperialist war, during war time. They ve got to be assisted by a labor faker. supplanted by concern for the maintenance of the status only withstand this test of fire, but also serve as a basis for ceived bonuses for sailing into mains that with the advent of whose opening guns had alwaters adjacent to Orlent war the European war The New In ready thundered in Europe, Would anyone be surprised if quo through a system of collective security. But when a new culture which, let us hope, will put an end to war zones. During the civil war international, for at least the dur, spread pall over the enthus Carey candidate for this post the idea of collective security neared partial realization, forever of labor representative on the LEON TROTSKY of west coast unions paid crews circulation of approximately nificant demonstration in previWar Resources Board was Mr the Kremlin became alarmed at the military obligations bonuses for sailing into Loyalist 1, 000 copies, and that likewise ous years.
which were entailed. Litvinov was replaced by Molotov Coyoacan, ports. The Sailors Union of the one third the revenue of The Distribute Leaflets Pacific refused Sagar Coating who knows no obligation other than that of preserving September 2, 1939 Franco ports.
ally cut off.
carried horizontally, passed The American labor leaders unimpaired the interests of the ruling caste. Chicherin A flagrant example of the Under these conditions The along Broadway, one of Los have enoughe con tantow that he policy of romanticism. For a certain time Litvinov policy with their policy, that is, Lenin essentially, was long ago decreed a Come to the Anti War Fighters way in which the boss press New International will not be Angeles principal streets, there will be smearing legitimate unable to continue publication for was no applause at all. byope, even the solden voiced was considered the policy of realism. The policy of Stalinion demands was the liberal very long unless American stander expressed his surprise DANCE and ENTERTAINMENT the idea of selving up their lives Molotov is a policy of unadulterated cynicism. on the seamen. Seamen tional and the Socialist Appeal, militant, less bewildered, an In a united front of peace loving nations which are in another war in which the SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th at P.
Nazi sympathies threaten members and sympathizers of swered his exclamation with American sailings: stand in the Socialist Workers Party and the following words: What can whole show is exposed before really opposed to aggression the Soviet Union cannot fail hand.
way of government effort to the Fourth Interna you expect? The war is not far to participate in the front ranks, Molotov declared at the Irving Plaza Ballroom bring its nationals home. was tional. rise immediately to its off, and we all know who ll be The War Resources Board is (Newly Redecorated)
the headline. All the rats are support.
doing the fighting. crude set up at present. Too Supreme Council three months ago. What appalling irony gnawing away at the founda It would be a calamity to the Members of the Socialist many Morgan men on it. in those words now! The Soviet Union has taken its place tions of union conditions.
ON THE PROGRAM If The Workers Party, having correct International Too many kuown opponents of in the rear ranks of those states which up to yesterday the ly gauged in advance the mood Organized Labor. Hard to sell Archie Savage that kind of an outfit to workKremlin persistently denounced as the aggressors.
that would be gripping the In a Afro American version of Cuban dances crowds, were on hand distributDewey Johnson GUERIN ing many thousands of leaflets.
liewe in the baloney or over her what the Kremlin Gains democracy when such flag Let the People Vote on The immediate advantages the Kremlin government reFamous Negro Baritone in some old and new favorites War! demanded the leaflet.
rant rule of the bosses is receives from the alliance with Hitler are quite tangible. The Trinidad Calypso Singers Capitalism Breeds War! The remains out of war. Hitler removes from the imIn a presentation of topical and intimate songs Fight Against War is the Fight What the CIO leaders are try. L. in paper cover edition, at a price every reader of for Socialism! For Workers ing to do is show Roosevelt and mediate agenda his campaign for a greater Ukraine. JapIn several jazz versions of the modern dance the Socialist Appeal can afford.
and Farmers Government!
Wall Street the correct way an remains isolated. With the postponement of the war danAdd this valuable book to your library.
The leaflets were well reto enlist the workers in another etc. etc. eto.
ger on the western frontier, one can envisage at the same 00 ceived. They were read, and Single copy.
staughter. Give them a post they were preserved in pockets here and there. What one time, as a consequence, a weakening of the pressure on the Music by SAVOY BEARCATS Bundle of or more. 75 and in pocketbooks.
vote among ten, especially eastern frontier, perhaps even the conclusion of an agreeBundle of 85 addition, the Socialist when it sewed up too for the Tickets 75c On Sale at: ment with Japan. It is quite likely, moreover, that in exCash must accompany orders. Join with your friends to Workers Party sold many copbosses. Give the workers the take advantage of the bargain bundle rates while this low les of the latest issues of the Musion that they are having change for Poland, Hitler will give Moscow freedom of acLABOR BOOK SHOP price limited edition lasts.
Socialist Appeal and other parsomething to say about how the tion in regard to the Baltic states bordering the SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY ty literature. number of sigslaugtiter is being conducted. However, though the advantages may be great, they are 116 University Place PIONEER PUBLISHERS natures were obtained on the Then maybe they ll fight. May116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK CITY petition Let the People Vote at best of an episodic nature and their sole guarantee is Ribon War. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
bound for to man vessels New International is automatic As one huge American Na.
15th Street and Irving Place Pourth ers. Hard to make anyone beFASCISM and BIG BUSINESS vested.
In be.