DemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMolotov-Ribbentrop PactMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveTrotskyVoroshílovWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Trotsky Writes on War and the Nazi Soviet Pact Socialist Appeal Above All Else Stalin Fears Internal Revolt ISSUED THREE TIMES WEEK Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Tri Weekly MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1939 167 VOL. III, NO. 68 3c a Copy Leon Trotsky issued the following statement to the British press: ROOSEVELT DECREES STRIKE AT LIBERTIES OF AMERICAN PEOPLE Who Is Guilty of Starting The Second World War?
War Deal Moves to End Democracy by Attack on Subversive Activities Bucking the War Censors Behind the Lines FOR twenty years the mainspring of German imperialism remained tightly wedged. When this spring began to expand, the diplomatic chancellories were disconcerted. The prolonged and sterile negotiations between London Paris and Moscow, following Munich, constituted the second stage of their discomposure. From 1933 on declared continually in the world press that the fundamental aim of Stalin foreign policy was the reaching of an agreement with Hitler. But my voice was too modest to convince the masters of fate. Stalin staged his low comedy, the struggle for democracy, and this comedy was believed, at least in part. Almost until the last day, Augur, semi official London correspondent of the New York Times, repeated his assurances that an agreement with Moscow would be reached.
Painfully instructive is the fact that the Stalinist parliament ratified the German Soviet pact on the very day that Germany invaded Poland!
The general cause of war lies in the irreconcilable conBy LEON TROTSKY II tradictions of world imperialism. The particular percussion, NI Yesterday talked on the immediate responbetween the democracies was a spring board however, which opened up military operations was the consibility for war. Hitler started bloody military for Hitler.
cluding of the Soviet German pact. During the preceding operations, Stalin helped Hitler to start. This In Munich England supported Hitler in the months, Goebbels, Foerster, and the other German poli time the immediate, so to say juridical re hope that he would be satisfied with central Europe. But a couple of weeks later, England ticians persistently repeated that the day for decisive sponsibility for beginning military activities finally discovered that German Imperialism WASHINGTON, Sept. 8: This morning President Roosevelt told his press conference action would soon arrive. It is inescapably clear now that shapes itself more clearly than in the last war.
The question of responsibility plays, as it is strives toward world domination. In its role as that he had proclaimed a state of limited national emergency throughout the country. The this day was the one on which Molotov affixed his signature known, a great role in the international propa the world colonial power, Great Britain could main point about this proclamation, for labor groups, is its threat t fail to answer the unrestrained pretensions of Justice against subversive activity.
action by the Department to the German Soviet pact. No power can erase this from Banda of both warring camps. Everyone of the states participating in the war attempt to shift of Hitler with war.
the annals of history!
the responsibility onto the enemy.
The Real Nature of the War The War Deal has finally come out in the open with its red baiting, labor muzzling camIt is not at all that the Kremlin feels closer to the total From the historical and political point of paign an essential, if not the most essential, part of its program to lead the country into the itarian states than to the democratic. This does not deter view, however, this juridical cor diplomatic) Diplomatic machinations, juggling with the war abroad. Using as a pretext a war in which the United States is not even a belligerent, the criterion is of completely second rate importmine the choice of orientation in international affairs. Deance. There are progressive, just wars and concerning the responsibility, can not make us White House is moving to crush and silence all opposition from the ranks of labor. This is spite all his aversion for the Soviet regime, the conserva there are reactionary, unjust wars, indepen forget that the struggle is going on between the first time in our history that such a move has been made before the United States entered the imperialist slave holders of different camps a war.
tive parliamentarian Chamberlain tried with all his might dently of who started first. From the scientific historical point of view, progressive, Just for a new division of the world. According to to gain an alliance with Stalin. The alliance was not realwars are those which serve the liberation of its ends and methods the present war is a di Later in the day, Attorney General Murphy issued executive orders authorizing the followized because Stalin fears Hitler. And it is not by accident oppressed classes or oppressed nations and rect prolongation of the past great war, only ing four steps under the proclamation: that he fears him. The Red Army is decapitated. This is thus push human culture forward. On the con with much greater rottenness of the capitalist are reactionary which serve economy, and with much more terrible meth(1) Increases in the not phraseology but a tragic fact. Voroshilov is a fabrica for the preservation of an antiquated social ods of destruction and extermination.
strength of the Army and in Consequently, don see the slightest reation. His authority is created artificially through totalitar order, which serve for the enslavement of son for changing those principles in relation to the tempo of recruiting.
ian propaganda. On his dizzy pinnacle he remains what he working onsdeguen dando backward for weaken the war which were elaborated between 1914 always was, a hide bound backwoodsman, without vision, the question, not of who started first, who (2) Increases in the per and 1917 by the best representatives of without culture, without military ability, and even without appeared as an aggressor. but which class sonnel of the Navy, National workers movement under the leadership of is leading the war and in behalf of what his Lenin. The present war has reactionary Guard, and Marine Corps.
talent as an administrator. The whole country knows that.
torical ends. If the oppressed class or an op character on both sides. Whichever camp is (3) Authorization for the In the purged military staff not a single name remains pressed nation appears in the role of aggres victorious, humanity will be thrown far behind.
in which the army could place confidence. The Kremlin sor on behalf of its liberation, we will always State Department to spend The Task of the Workers welcome such aggression. 500, 000 to help stranded (Continued on Page 2)
The task of the authentic representatives of Americans get back from EurEngland Rearmed Germany the working class and oppressed nations does The plain people of Germany. reports a foreign corres ope, The attempts to picture the next war as a not consist in helping one imperialist camp (4) Increase the personagainst the other, but in teaching the laboring pondent of the Post, men and women one can see in the war between democracies and fascism, were shattered against the real march of events. masses of all countries to understand the re streets of Vienna, Berlin and in the lanes of villages, face the nel of Federal investigating prospect of war as a man exhausted from a nightmare might The present war, which its participants started actionary meaning of the present war, to raise look forward to day of physical and emotional trial. It is agencies to protect the United before they signed the treaty of Versailles, their own program the world socialist federaBy GEORGE STERN grew out of imperialist contradictions. It was tion of nations and to prepare themselves to really startling to observe the number of pale, drawn, peaked States against sabotage, proreplace the regime of robbery by the regime faces among the soldiers as well as the civilians. Weeping wo paganda and other subversive So far the war has been make a peace offer to the west inevitable as is inevitable the crash of trains of general cooperation.
men are everywhere. In Berlin one feels dangerous explosive activities such as this nation fought more fiercely in the ern powers on the basis of the which are let loose one toward the other on the headlines than at the front. Bat status quo thus established. same track.
This is the program of the Fourth Interna forces close to the surface.
experienced between 1914 and tional. It appears utopian to the so called realteries of four inch type have Anglo French propaganda is al The chief antagonists on the European conists who don understand the logic of historicbeen rolled out by the newspa ready extending itself to dis tinent are Germany and France. In the strug1917.
And in Paris and London? Are the plain people there feelpers and they are keeping up a count in advance the prospec gle for hegemony in Europe and its colonial al development. The Fourth International now ing any differently than those in Berlin? No but ironically The President has still comprises only a small minority. But the party enough foreign correspondents in Berlin are far freer to write many emergency powers up steady screech lies. Denials tive Anglo French rejection of possessions, France attempted to keep Ger come back at them in tiny par. the expected proposals from many (not the fascist but the democratic one)
agraphs like the unheard clicks Berlin. Hitler will utilize this in a condition of division and weakness. In minority at the beginning of the last war and be transmittel sintin Paris and London, where no dispatch can his sleeve which he can use of a pop gun.
refusal in justifying in his in this sense French Imperialism was the midNevertheless, the reality is ternal propaganda the continua wife of German national socialism. On the oes of the phrase. War is a severe school.
In Times is constrained to report that in Rome and Berlin more when and as he sees fit. This is contrary England, which was interested in its fire the old prejudices and habits of slaves favorable conditions exist at this writing, since there is as yet no just the beginning.
sufficiently there. Hitler arm tion and extension of the war.
SPECIAL SESSION OF RUBwill be burned out! The nations will come out prior censorship of outgoing news dispatches.
ies are approaching Warsaw The conquest of Poland will breaking the European hegemony of France Where are the democracies?
of this war different than they went into it, BER STAMP CONGRESS DUE Franco British troops are mov create a brand new situation, and its international pretensions, began soon The day before this emergenand will reconstruct our planet according to after Versailles to support Berlin against Paring gingerly across the German Germany and Russia will be is. The re arming of Nazi Germany would have the laws of reason.
The League of Nations, which the fat beaded liberals for cy proclamation, it became frontier in the Saar where neighbors. Rumania and the been impossible without the direct help of EngCoyoacan, Leon Trotsky twenty years told us was going to make a peaceful world, has known that the President bad miles rather than yards separ. Balkans will be at Hitler mer land. Thus the masked but deep antagonisms September 5, 1939 just had the crowning indignity inflicted upon it. The Swiss ber 18 as the date on which he ate the Siegfried and Maginot cy. Italy, which has always reGovernment has banned further League of Nations broadcasts will call a special session of lines. British planes have care garded the Balkans as its God.
ried out a number of tentative given sphere of influence, will Congress to repeal the Neutralraids over German territory. be forced to take some kind of How ducky! Lady Astor has a gas mask case which con ity Act. He has already disThe British fleet is in its block stand, either with Hitler or tains compartments for purse, lipstick and compact. As she cussed the question on the ade positions the North Seal walked into the House of Commons to vote for the war, she had phone with Senators Barkley against bim. The tremendous and eight merchant ships have twin lines of fortifications along this lovely accessory all ready with her, and McNary, Democratic and Republican floor leaders te other. Only the pacifist liberals the western front would make an offensive there so costly that Hitler has joined his soldiers at the front. The official Congressional whips.
spectively, and also with other of yesterday today the loudest German news agency reports his walking through a hospital special session, the White of the warmongers are begin we may be sure the Western allies will look for another road ning to screech hoarsely for to the Reich and the road train talking with each wounded soldier. That certainly is shar. House made clear, will be callBranches Work Hard to Come in Under ing the dangers of war with the boys. They say Adolt just hatesed only if repeal of the Act 15 more gore. Those who are con through Italy and the Brenner ducting this war know it is go Pass is the best of them all.
the sight of blood. His will be shed, you may be sure, not by the certain.
ing to be a long and bloody one that road we may be sure they Wire in Fund Drive Mass Meetings Held But Union Officials Allied soldiers but by German workers. Underlying the President and the Franco British strategy mean to travel, either by breakconversations with Congression All Over Nation In Fight Against War is based entirely upon that per ing Mussolint from the axis or Find Escape Clause Britain rival political parties have agreed upon a truce in al leaders, reports the spective.
battering him down. That is The present phase awaits the why Mussolini will soon find which they will not contest pending by elections, since such con Times of September 8, Is his For Companies tests are considered undesirable in time of war. They all agreed desire that protracted debate completion of the Nazi invasion By HAL DRAPER whole heartedly on the war, Conservatives and Laborites on the neutrality issue shall be of Poland. The French and Bri bis perch on the horns of a Secretary, Campaign Committee dilemma too uncomfortable to alike tish are quite fully aware that maintain. And the way he falls avoided at all costs, lest the BOSTON, Sept. Twentyimpression get abroad among The state of emergency into which the Party has entered the defection of Russia from will determine how things go in in its fight against the war continues with mass rallies, outdoor seven of the thirty six crew nations that do not understand their side, with the consequent en the Balkans.
and indoor, attended by the largest crowds the Party has ever members of the government the democratic process that the What Your Dollar Can Do owned freighter Challenge, carneutrality for the time being of United States was divided on Turkey and the Balkans, sealed. If Mussolini goes with Hitler, spoken to.
the foreign policy of the Adminthe fate of Poland. Despite all the Balkan states will have to six more branches came through during the past week on goed for England, were paid dollar puts a Socialist Appeal salesman on an im istration.
the fanfare about helping our choose between slow extinction the Anti War Fund, going over the top on the September 15 of today because they refused portant street corner for one day.
to sail last night without a In other words, in order to ally the French and British as colonies of the axis or swift quotas.
Five dollars permits free distribution of two hundred avoid any misunderstanding The New York local is transforming its councilmanle elec guaranteed 250 bonus and Socialist Appeals.
by the totalitarian Third Reich, expiring the Poles will at least completes the gory chain of Lion campaign into a city wide anti war drive, in order to utilize 25, 000 war risk insurance for Ten dollars puts a full time field organizer to work for our President proposes to make make some dent in the German diplomatic doublecrossing and the opportunity afforded by the elections to bring its message to one week in the anti war campaign.
the American Congress into The men were discharged by military machine. Their tactics moves into the Allied camp. new thousands of workers. Un.
totalitarian rubber stamp itself.
will be determined in part by southeastern Europe will be der the slogan of Vote for the Ten branches in all are now u. Shipping Agent Leo. You are, believe, the most the speed with which the vari come one of the principal bat Anti War Party! all New York under the wire in the Fund Brien of Boston on orders ous neutrals are converted into tlefields of the war.
enlightened and best informed comrades are drive. Those which made the from the Maritime Combranche Anti War Campaign Committee Socialist Workers Party people in all the world at this belligerents and the principal And while these decisions are giving this drive first place in grade during the past week mission. Brien said that he moment, said 116 University Place, President in attention centers now not on in the making, artillery will their activities, to insure that are: Detroit. Baltimore, Lex already had hired half the numhis neutrality radio speech military efforts along the west roar with futile thunder on the Comrades Shacht man and ington, Ky. Evansville, Ind. ber of new men required to reMarston Mills, Mass. and Con man the ship and that he exDear Friends: last Sunday evening. You are ern front but upon diplomatic western front and air fleets on Paine get on the ballot.
subjected to no censorship.
neaut, Ohio. The last two have pected to have a full crew Record Street Sales efforts in Italy and Southeast both sides will take their ghast1 enclose But this enlightened democracy ern Europe designed to win newly toll in civilian lives. Russlan The record runs of the Social in addition fulfilled their entire ready for sailing by tonight or work of the Socialist was a contribution to the anti war Workers Party.
need expect no public debate on allies for the Anglo French co goods and arms will be flowing ist Appeal which have been quota in the 10, 000 drive, the tomorrow morning.
the issue which now means He alition.
in a thickening stream into Ger. coming off the press three figure for September 15 being The Maritime Commission in or death to millions of its citiIt is now generally expected many and American goods and times a week are being sold half of this total. The four other formed Brien that it could not Address zens: the question neutrality that as soon as he regards Polarms will be filling the war out on the streets in all the branches which were already guarantee bonuses nor could it The War Deal plan is not and as subjugated, Hitler will chests of the Western powers. main centers of the Party. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
SWP in Big Push on All SEAMEN WANT Anti War Drive Fronts WAR BONUSES; TIE UP SHIPS.
each man.