BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionKropotkinMarxMolotov-Ribbentrop PactNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

primarily Lewis response to the growing into It Won Take Three Years to Drive Their The Into the War This Time Government of Mares 1679.
susar: 10 to ni Judas Goats SOCIALIST APPEAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1939 These remarks against the War Deal reflect SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 67 September 9, 1939lusion with Roosevelt of the CIO ranks. The By James Burnham Soviet Nazi Pact is probably a second factor.
Published twice a week by the Lewis, a realist where his own interests are conSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, cerned, is evidently getting out from under the Telephone? Algonquin 8547 New Deal Transformed into War Deal as the Representa(Published three times a week beginning Sept. 9) collapsing line of his allies. But in what direction is his quest for a tives of Big Business Openly Take over the Reins of GovSutacriptione 00 per year 00 for six months. Por new political base taking Lewis? In the same planner copy in the United States. centa per copy in speech, in Republican terminology he denounced ernment and Prepare the Rule of War time Dictatorship all forelan countries. Single coples: cents.
subscriptions are: 50 for six thoughtless and badly executed experimentaThe most vicious and the most dangerous le Bronx and Manager By DWIGHT MACDONALD dell Hull. There is John fense. In any scheme of nationmonths: 00 for one about the war, so far as this country is concerned. Reentered as second class matter February 16, 1989, at tion as largely responsible for the present situa It took almost three years for Hanes in the Treasury Depart al unity such men must have the post office at New York, NY, nder the Acto Mr.
the United States to get into the ment, who made a fortune in that continuous access is that it is being fought for democracy by Engtion, viewed with alarm the national debt, which last war. It seems safe to pre Wall Street bfore he came to Roosevelt which for some time land and France. am not going to repeat now the has already reached such proportions that it dict, that, if the present war the Treasury last year, and has been confined to members facts about the democratic British and French Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN may never be liquidated by Orthodox methods, lasts that long, we will be in it who was in complete charge of of the one New Deal group Empires which, for the benefit of a handful of inAssociate Editor MANUEL GARRETT and even grumbled like an old fashioned protecbefore it celebrates its first anthe department until Secretary which is always urging him to dustrialists and bankers in London and Paris, hold FELIX MORROW tionist about Secretary Hull reciprocal trade gversary Already the stage is Morgenthau got back from his right one economic, social or General Manager: Assistant Manager: political class on behalf of an in abject slavery six times as many human beings MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY agreements. Lewis in the Republican camp may waiting impatiently in the wings Messrs. Kull and Morgenthau other.
as Hitler rules. am thinking about a far broader seem fantastic to those who not so long ago for its entrance cue, Social Se are generally considered the Ever since the threat of Euand more startling irony in this lie of a new war hailed him as the savior of American labor. But curity cards have been turned extreme right wing of the cxl. ropean war became acute, FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST for democracy.
Lewis has never been either a savior or a Moses. be used when the appointed compared to Messrs. Johnson, noted a growing coolness at the over to the War Department, toinet, but they are reci liberals some observers profess to have Not merely is it absolutely false that this is a WORKERS PARTY FOR: He has always been little more than an excep time comes as a handy index of Hanes and Welles. Not that White House toward this type war for democracy. The truth, the ironic truth, is job and a decent living for every worker. tionally shrewd and forceful old style labor mlete nation a mes powered. com would make much durterence in presidenttebad vise helbesto that this war which began a week ago is the war Open the idle factories operate them under leader.
to end democracy as democracy has been known workers control. speech on a ceremonial occasion by the head according to the Herald vative and liberal drop board. These observers say that the period of the war (as the dreamers suppose. es. The Treasury Department, ondary distinctions of conser. Lest against the Stettinius in the modern world for all time. Not to end it for Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works of the CIO is no substitute for the necessary Tribune for August 31, has away and only the primary la consultants on the President but forever.
and housing program.
concrete program of the CIO against the War a new issue of Liberty Bonds. DOLLAR YEAR made all arrangements to print bel, bourgeois. remains. radio speech last night did not include those makers of acid Bourgeois Democracy: Road End Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage36 hour weekly maximum for all workers on Deal. The CIO, the unions of the most decisive The Department of Justice has MEN AGAIN. already begun an anti espioncontributions section of the American working class, have it all Jobs.
Morgenthau first act on gut battle, whose Even under the barrage of minute by minute events that swamp our nerves and feelings, it is age campaign. There will be ting back from abroad for ex have often been found in white Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability in their power deliver tremendous blows no repetition of the situation in ample, was to appoint three House oratory, but were headed worth a pause to reflect under a wider perspective pension.
against the war makers. The forthcoming icon 1917, when a democracy was special assistants. They are: by Secretary of State Hull and on the close of a great political era: the era which Expropriate the Sixty Familles.
vention of the CIO, if the ranks throughout the unprepared to meet the espion Burgess, vice chairman Under Secretary Welles, very witnessed the development of bourgeois democcountry see to it, can adopt a program and shove General Murphy.
The War Re of New York: Tom Smith, a indeed, All war funds to the unemployed.
racy, the form of government which for some hundreds of years the most advanced statesmen people referendum on any and all wars. it down the throat of every Congressman at the sources Board, headed by St. Louis banker; and Earle Even before America entry and philosophers thought to be the ultimate special session which Roosevelt is planning to steel, has been set up to rule private banking tim. etw. quite openly taken charge of the No secret diplomacy.
achievement of political man.
call for his war plans.
For the democracy which has ended is not, of 10. An independent Labor Party American economie life with Seligman. Baillie was a Treas alone, even if we did not know job for every worker, and to provide it all dictatorial powers the day won ury official for a few weeks sew the contents of the dictatorial ocracy: namely, parliamentary democracy based course, democracy in general or in the ab11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante stract, but one particular, concrete form of dem and Fascist attacks.
war funds to the unemployed! Down with the is already working on plans to ed because Deal Industrial war! Let the people vote on it! Stop Roosevelt curb war profiteering and to radicalism. Now he Bladly we know what democracy 12. Full social, political and economic equality upon capitalist property relations.
In 16th century England, bourgeois democracy for the Negro people.
war plans. defeat his attempt to abolish the embegan its stirring career. There parliament, in alfor democracy.
bargo provisions of the Neutrality Act! These materials not produced in this returns to serve his country we are going to get in the war liance with the King, fought the feudal lords; and, are among the most important planks in the pro country, such as tin, mangan. Like their predecessors in the later, in the 17th century, breaking from the King last war, these dollar a year Iron Rations paragraph buried deep in men and the imminence of achieved supremacy through Cromwell revolution gram which the CIO should adopt and which Irish Show Hostility Parliamentary democracy was transferred to the the CIO convention will adopt if the CIO memthe Times of September our entry into the war is To British Rulers reveals what is behind all marked by their reappearance United States, where it flourished. In France. It New York City has the highest relief stand bership makes its wishes known.
was established by the great revolution. In the 19th this activity: are willing to give up high Irish Republican Army century it spread for a while until it seemed desards in the country, over eight times as high as President Roosevelt has salaried posts in order to protined to supplant all other governmental systems; those of the lowest state. New York reliefers President William Green of the American Fedmen stripped two British solbeen telling friends recently tect their general class interdiers of their uniforms and but long before its goal was reached, there could get just about as much or rather, as little toeration of Labor called upon the German workers that the United States must be ests. In war, the supreme crisis shot another in a fight, in Bel be seen the shadow of its early doom.
to refuse to support war preparations and the far better prepared for an of capitalism, the government fast, Ireland, in a wave of an Bourgeois democracy was the form of governeat as the Nazi regime today allows its people as war drive which is now being by their Nazi emergency, 11 one comes, than becomes openly and without ti British Incidents throughout ment best suited to the young, vigorous and extheir wartime rations. Specifically: leaders. Now, BIN, 1f you practice at home it was in 1917, and the feverish any fooling what you preach abroad, we ll get places in the activity among departments called it: sound what Marx and this ween.
panding capitalist nations. It permitted the maxiexecutive com The Irish people hostility mum of freedom for the bourgeoisie: allowing RELIEFERS GERMANS struggle against war, and apropos, we ll dislodge concerned with military, naval mittee of the bourgeoisie. And to British imperialism made them to throw off the shackles of feudalism, and at Meat: 25 ounces a Meat: 20 to 32 ounce the bosses off our backs.
and industrial preparedness just as Earl Balllle would ex. impossible any other course the same time to hold the masses in check. As week.
es a week.
continued today. On several oc pect no pay for serving on the than a declaration of Irish capitalism reached imperialist maturity and old Dairy Products, olls Dairy Products, casions lately, the President has board of Steel, Inc. so he neutrality in the war by the age, however, bourgeois democracy became a and fats: ounces a etc. ounces a day.
pointed out the lapse of time expects no pay for his services Dail Eirann, but President luxury that had to be discarded. After the last war.
between this country declara on the board of Inc.
De Valera hounding of Irish Sugar: 10 ounces a which marked the turning point into the final de ounces a week.
Lion of war in 1917 and the de glimpse of what is happen revolutionists continued.
cline of capitalism, democracy could be afforded week.
Milk: pint a day. Even sheep in the stockyards do not willingly parture of the first troop ships ing in the upper reaches of the Milk: less than y Under the Offenses only by the rich, fat empires which could feed Coffee: ounces War Deal was provided in a replat day.
Against the State Act passed their democracy at home from the spoils of the go to the slaughter. They herd together for mu The actual outbreak of war cent column by Arthur Krock, early this year, the has week.
colonies. The impoverished, desperate nations had Coffee: ounces tual protection when the gates are opened to the has enormously speeded up the chief political writer for the Break fast Foods: been declared an illegal or to throw it aside, one after another.
chutes leading to the killing pens. Every one process of transforming the Times. Mr. Krock, whose ganization and this was sup20 to 32 ounces Now, with the new war, it topples from the last Breakfast Foods: week.
Ounces a week.
who has ever worked in the Chicago stockyards New Deall into the War Dealson Tommy lately returned plemented last week by a De remaining pedestals.
Valera proclamation setting We are indebted for this damning parallel to knows what a Judas Goat is. Patriarchal, ex in Washington are dominated Spain, 18 a bitter reactionary.
up special courts to deal with Fascism and Democracy Become Twins by the trusted agents of the big As the New Deal has been the Post, which also finds the parallel perienced old goats are put in with the sheep persons arrested under the bourgeoisie. These men are transformed into the War Deal, Act, and establishing intern The war has already, in a week, bridged the preThese goats are trained, when the gates open, to damning, but in another way. The Post, which is mostly assistant secretaries of his attitude has changed ac ment camps in which sustended ultimate gulf between fascist and demo ardently pro war, presents these figures as proof walk down the chute to the killing pens. The this or that, members of the cordingly, from hostility to suspected persons may be decratic imperialism. The political and social regimes Little Cabinet. There is Lou picion to cautious approbation tained while the Act remains of Germany, France and England become identical of the horrors of Hitlerism. Look it exclaims sheep follow and, one by one, have their throats in all essential aspects, merged into the war dictacut. The Judas Goat goes back to lead another is Johnson in the War Depart and now to something very in force.
in effect. See how badly off the Germans are!
ment, creator of the War Indus close to enthusiasm.
herd down the fatal runway. There are goats in tries Board, hardboiled reacArmy officers of not less torships. Regimentation, censorship, abrogation Lately, he writes, the rank than They only get as much to eat as our own unemof Commandof all civil and democratic rights, wiping out of all ployed dol But we think the moral should be the stockyards who have led literally millions of tionary Legionnaire and friend President has been receiving ant are among those who will opposition. Where is the meaningful dir.
of big business. There is Sum more and more, counselors of constitute the special courts.
stood on its head: the jobless in the richest na sheep to their death.
ner Welles in the State Depart whom Stettinius Jr.
There are also Judas Goats in the world of ment, wealthy and aristocratic steel head, is a type. They have were arrested by the Irish Exactly the same thing will happen in the United More than forty men States as it nears and enters the war. Indeed, comtion in the world are already living on the wartime diet of blockaded Germany.
men, leaders of the workingclass who have led career diplomat, who has more been calling at his request to Government in the latest inplete plans for the totalitarian war dictatorship are and are leading millions of workers to their or less openly shoved aside his discuss problems concerned cidents.
all in readiness.
chief, the mild, idealistic Cor with national security and deBut when the war is over, we are told, England deaths on the battlefields of imperialist war. Like and France and the United States will immediately Hearst Magazines, Inc. reported net profits for the first half of 1939 were 1, 488, 877, compared their stockyard prototypes, these human Judas return to their old democratic selves. Vain hope.
with 1, 235, 883 for the comparable 1938 period. Goats don get killed themselves.
vain and impossible! There can be no return.
There is no imperialist solution for this war. What There gold in that there swill.
Such were, in the last war, the French Socialever its outcome in a military sense, the social and ists Cachin and Guesde, the British Socialist economic chaos which has led to and far more, will Hyndman, the Russians Kropotkin and Plekhanresult from the war is of so colossal and profound a character that a recovery of normal condiov, the American Gompers, the Germans Ebert tions, stability, security, is unthinkable. The proband Scheidemann and Kautsky. Such are, in this lems and conflicts of the post war crises will be In our last issue, we quoted part of the warwar, Thorez and Cachin and Jouhaux and Citeven more shattering than those of the war itself. Continued from Page 1)
territory, follow the right of the Kremlin to mongering spee which John Lewis deliverhelp Germany invasion of Poland. To suppose that these could be handled by the oldnot counted. Usurers, speculators and maraudstyle bourgeois parliamentary governments is realed to last Fall CIO convention in Pittsburgh. Fine (the latter three did it in 1914 too) and ers always thrive on war. The Kremlin supThe Kremlin advocates refer finally to the ly laughable if it were not so fatal an illusion.
On Labor Day, Lewis delivered an address in practically the entire top leadership of the French and English trade union movements. And over fact that the German Soviet pact broke up the plied petroleum for the Italian campaign Parliamentary democracy might conceivably Ogden, Utah. The differences between the two here, in this pre war period, we have our own against Abyssinis. axis, having isolated Japan. In reality the linger for a few years in one or two small and unIn Spain the Kremlin USSR took Japan place in the structure of important nations, off the beaten track of historyspeeches should be carefully noted.
Judas Goats the Browders and Hathaways of charged a double price for the bad arms which the axis. The help of the distant Mikado to the but even this is unlikely. For the decisive sections At Pittsburgh Lewis had said almost nothing the Communist Party, the Lees and Waldmans get a good price from Hitler for Soviet raw military operations of Hitler in Europe would of the world, its day is over, Let us understand have an almost illusory character. On the con this. It is finished, done.
about strikes, unemployment, wage standards of the Social Democratic Federation, the editors materials. The lackeys of the Comintern even trary, the help of Stalin has a deep, real value.
and such matters, and had waxed eloquent on of the liberal weeklies, the Brouns and Lassers here are not ashamed to defend the Kremlin actions. Every honest worker must clench his It is not surprising that Hitler preferred the The Future of Democracy the beauties of the New Deal and the glories of and LaGuardias and Marcantonios and the fist at this policy!
friendship of Stalin to the friendship of the Mikado. Is it possible that pacifists. demoBourgeois democracy goes, and will not return.
the coming crusade for democracy. This empha greatest Judas Goat of all Franklin Delano crats and socialists can talk without blushBut the fate of democracy, of freedom and selfsis was just reversed in the Labor Day speech. Roosevelt. Capitulation to Fascism ing about this new diplomatic combination? rule for the masses of the people, is not bound up In his most blistering style he accused the politicAbasing themselves to the depths of cyniwith bourgeois parliamentary government. Indeed, al leaders of the nation and he made no disSays that Moral Re Armament man, Frank cism, the defenders of the Kremlin see the Ignore Needs of Working Class bourgeois democracy was never more than a de great merit of Stalin in that he is not directly tinction between the Tories and the Adminis Buchman: wave of unselfishness sweeping attacking Poland. In this circumstance also And about the workingclass these gentlemen Deption of the masses, the way in which the bourthrough our nation and every other nation would do not think at all. Meanwhile, the chaos progeoisie enforced its rule over the people.
tration of incompetence, callous indifferbe the permanent answer to war. Well, who will they discovered the refutation of my prognosis.
The end of bourgeois democracy means simply voked by the zig zags of the Comintern in the and clearly that the fate and future of democracy ence and cold brutality toward labor and the be the first to become unselfish? We ll give you But in reality never predicted that Stalin minds of the workers is one of the chief condi would conclude an aggressive pact with Hitler.
is bound up indissolubly with the overthrow of the tions for fascist victories. It is necessary to odds, though, that it will be the workers who will unemployed.
Stalin above all is afraid of war. His policy of penetrate for a moment into the psychology of rule of the bourgeoisie who can no longer rule by capitulation towards Japan in recent years And he came out against American participa be asked to be unselfish.
a revolutionary German worker, who, in dan democratic means, of their imperialism, of their testifies to this. Stalin cannot make a war with war, and with the victory of the masses in the tion in the war: discontented workers and peasants and with a ger of his lite, is leading the Illegal struggle against National Socialism and suddenly sees socialist revolution against the war. The only kind Labor in America wants no war nor any decapitated Red Army. said it many times in that the Kremlin, which commands great reof democracy possible in the future is socialist the last years and repeat it again. The Gerpart of war! Labor wants the right to work democracy, sources, not only does not fight Hitler, but on war for democracy is well worth fighting! But and live not the privilege oí dying by gun Delegates to the National Council of Method man Soviet Pact is a capitulation of Stalin before fascist imperialism with the end of prethe contrary, concludes an advantageous business deal on the arena of International robit is not the war of Chamberlain, Hitler, Daladier shot or poison gas to sustain the mental er ist Youth adopted a resolution September dle serving the Soviet oligarchy.
bery. Has the German worker not the right to and Roosevelt. The only war for democracy is the of current statesmen. Countries in the rors claring they would refuse to support or par In all the pacifist masquerades organized by struggle against their war. Let this be rememspit in the faces of his teachers of yesterday?
the Comintern Hitler was proclaimed the chief, Western hemisphere are self contained and bered in the midst of the lies of the days to come!
ticipate in any war in which the United States Without any doubt the workers will do it.
if not the only aggressor; on the contrary, have no need to participate in the festering may engage.
Poland was for them an innocent lamb. Now The only merit of the German Soviet pact is that in unveiling the truth it broke the backintrigues and ancient political quarrels of We congratulate these young men and women when Hitler passed from words to deeds and bone of the Comintern. From all countries, parSocialist Appeal started the aggression against Poland, Moscow Europe. The country is being told of the and we respect their determination to stand by 116 University Place ticularly from France and the United States, passed to deeds, too. and is helping Hitler.
come testimonies of a sharp crisis in the ranks their decision despite the houding to which they New York City.
statesmen and national leaders who are These are the simple facts. It is impossible to will be subjected of the Comintern, of departures of the imperspending sleepless nights in worry over the escape from them with rotten sophistry. would like to get better acquainted with ialist patriots on the one hand, and of the your paper, the Socialist Appeal. Please send situation in Europe. In every way how The defenders of the Kremlin are referring The fight against war, however, cannot be internationalists on the other. No force in the me sample copies for the next few weeks.
much better would be if some statesmen separated from the fight against capitalism. Capi so the fact that Poland refused to permit the world can stop this decomposition. The world proletariat will step over the treason of the Name would spend a few nights in devising a way talism breeds war as its natural progeny. Only know the course of the secret negotiations. We Kremlin and also the cadaver of the Comin for one fourth of America workers to get those who understand this and who join in the may admit that Poland incorrectly appraised Address tern. Trotsky its own interests when it refused the direct irreconcilable class struggle against capitalism, help of the Red Army. But does, from the a job at a wage that would keep them City September 4, 1039 alive!
will remain anti war fighters to the end.
Polish refusal to permit foreign armies on her Coyoacan, DF Trotsky Statement to the Press On the German Russian Alliance John Lewis Not Enough