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Stop Fascism In America!
DIES COMMITTEE YPSL Notice Negroes Wanted To Die Bucking the War Censors Earl Browder has been Canada Exemption Is War Move Profiteers having some heart to heart By JOHNSON, talks with the Dies CommitWill Father Coughlin Become Have Gala Day on Stock Market SWP National Comtee. The high point of his tes The Negro and War mittee Emphasizes timony so far came when Dictator of the United States. Continued from Page 1)
II ping up of a war spirit. Just Chairman Dles asked him Deal, as so much applesauce. sions of opinion is indicated by Value of Campaign what he would do about By JOSEPH HANSEN The stock ticker clicked out a the report that in the next few Before Hitler marched into Poland, a great many people members who criticised the (TENTH INSTALLMENT)
sour obligatto to the President days the President will anStalin Hitler pact.
kept hoping against hope that a war would not take place pious phrases in his Neutrality nounce certain measures for (Continued from Page 1)
What is a corporate state?
after all. That is merely behaving like the ostrich and preProclamation.
curbing foreign propaganda ined the local organization that That would demonstrate The President made no secret the United States, particularly the National Committee con most serious lack of unAccording to the Fascist and Nazi theoreticians it is tending that something isn there, because with our heads dug into the ground, we cannot see it. Now, today, they a state in which both capitalists and workers submerge of his extreme reluctance to cut that aimed at our system of siders the placing of our two derstanding of political contheir conflicting interests and submit to the will of the off England and France from government and glorifying naz councilmanic candidates on the siderations, replied the access to American munitions. ism, communism, or other ballot and the securing of the Kansas sage, because the keep hoping that America will not go in. They trust RooseHe took advantage of the legal forms of dictatorship. Another necessary signatures, as the velt when he says he will try to keep America out. These state as embodied in the person of the dictator.
technicality that Canada and report in the Times, foremost task of the New York national interests of America people are blind to the signs of the times. Every move that This pretty theory has not yet been put into practice in South Africa had not yet form Sept. Is even more explicit organization in the anti war have been helped by the Roosevelt makes is towards dragging America in.
either Germany or Italy. In each of these countries the dic ally declared war against Ger Without waiting to call Con campaign, and that all energy Nazl Soviet pact, which is good for the Party and for Take the question of armaments. During the last five tator is an agent of the capitalists and all of his actions many to exempt those British sress Into special session, be concentrated on it until comthe United States.
years, every great country doubled and trebled its armahave been directed against the workers.
Before his signature was dry on to tighten control over Com Max Shachtman is the candi And it would be ground Corporate State means in practice the ABSOLUTE the document. South Africa had muntstic and pro dictatorship date for the Bronx and George for expulsion? asked Dies.
ments. Guns and more guns, battleships, submarines and voted to enter the war. But propaganda in the United Lyman Paine for Manhattan, Certainly. said Browdairplanes; soldiers and more soldiers. Whereas in 1932, RULE OF THE CAPITALISTS.
Canada is still not formally at States.
running on a platform of irreGreat Britain spent 426 millions of dollars on armaments, er.
war, and so American war ma Mass Picketing Barred concilable opposition to war Which country would you in 1938 she spent 1065 millions. Hitler made Germany into Father Coughlin, the Radio Priest, wants a state in terials can still reach the bat Already the Department of and fascism and support for inAmerica like the corporate state of Mussolini and the corp tle fields of Europe via the Justice has begun an anti es: dependent labor political acsupport went to war with he was later asked, one large armament industry. Both armed for the war they Canadian border. After that, pionage campaign and has sent tion.
orate state of Hitler.
Russia. Such an unhappy knew was coming. But the United States did the same. In the War Deal will have to one hundred men into New Canvassers Get Results 1932 Roosevelt asked Congress for 667 millions of dollars Today the outposts of Germany are the frontiers of our search for other loopholes in York City. Mayor LaGuardia state of events, he replied The Downtown branch recivilization. Broadcast, March 24, 1985. what Administration spokes has put his police on a war ports an intensive campaign of solemnly, could only come but in 1938 he asked for and got 1065 millions, nearly twice men sneeringly refer to as the tooting and is banning mass house to house canvassing for about if the Trotskyites seizFather Coughlin, the Radio Priest, wishes to import the ed control of the Soviet Unas much, and in 1939 he got two billions. Why? He and picket lines on the grounds that signatures. Returns from the ion. In that case, he would Congress, like the other war mongers in Europe, know that Middle Ages to modern United States. In issue after issue so called Neutrality Act. Free Expression police now had more import canvassers are highly encouragThe Neutrality Proclamation ant duties than supervising ing. They are met with sympa favor war against Russia. today no country can attack America. But Roosevelt and of Social Justice, he praises dictator ridden Portugal to the It is worth noting, by the heavens and holds it up as a model state. Portugal, he ex is more or less the routine sort demonstrations. The first appli thy and cordiality wherever the American capitalists are not going to keep out when the of thing, with one exception: it cation of this rule was made they ask for signatures. copy way, that Browder, who has plains, was once governed under Christian principles, states that its provisions are against Coughlinite, demon or the Socialist Appeal left atter pigeons all ex radicals who other imperialist countries are fighting to divide Asia and Africa and the markets in Latin America. They have to be that is, the principles of the Roman Catholic Church.
the free expression of opinton on September 4, probably in or prospective subscriber out of have testified before the Dies in, to share in the division. So that when we turn a deaf This happy land of feudal barons and miserable serfs or sympathy by any American der to establish the impartial. the signer, Committee, made his apwas disrupted by the French revolution of 1789 but now citizen. This unusual proviso re ity of the police when in the Bronx party and youth mem pearance there voluntarily, ear to all Roosevelt spectacular appeals for peace, and pay attention, not to what he is saying but to what he is thanks to Dictator Salazar, the world outstanding Chris what is meant by free expres next days they apply the re bers have not only canvassed without being served subdoing, we can see that like the rest he is hiding his actions tian statesman. who has founded the new Portuguese flects the President eagerness striction to the labor move From house to house, but have poena, at his own request.
to clear the path for the whip ment.
set up benches on busy corners up for audiences these days.
Browder seems to be hard for war behind a mass of words for peace. Remember that State, as a firm bulwark against Bolshevism, upon princiwhere anti war and anti CoughWilson played the same trick in 1917.
ples of Christian Social Justice (Social Justice, June 5, lin pamphlets and copies of the 1939, 24. the old state of affairs has been restored.
Socialist Appeal and the New International are displayed. ApHappy Portugal! To wipe out even the capitalist revolution propriate banners are placed that overthrew feudalism!
back of the benches, and a Roosevelt is preparing to go in. The dirty bloody work group of canvassers stand at is going to be done, and as usual whenever dirty work has What Portugal has accomplished America can accomthe bench shouting anti war Sacrifice memplish, particularly since we have plenty available. Disand anti fascist slogans. bershly meeting Saturday, to be done, the Negroes are going to be called upon to do course of May 22, 1939. Quoted in Social Justice, June 5, The canvassers ask all who September at P. at the dirtiest part of it. Whenever blood is to be shed, the 1939. stop to sign the petitions for the Irving Plaza. Nathan Gould If we would find near parallel to Salazar Portugal rulers of this country see to it that the Negroes shed theirs.
Socialist Workers Party candi will report on the War and we must go to the high middle ages: the Christian mon.
That is a privilege and an honor of which they never de aroh, hlerarchy, property resting on social sanctions, dates. With this effective meth the Full program of od they have averaged a signa songs, dances and entertaincustom, duties and social Justice. But in the Middle Ages prive the Negro. They take away his vote, give him the (Continued from Page 1)
ture a minute at a bench ment will follow. Party worst jobs, shove him into the dirtiest slums, kick him out we had unity of religion, a totalitarian religion.
This slogan, here daringly used by the German General Statt East Side branches also report and sympathizers of the The Upper West Side and members and other friends Small wonder that Father Coughlin, the Radio Priest, of restaurants, lynch him. But when they want people to to help keep the western front quiet until Poland 13 conquered. good results with nominating League are invited.
die for democracy. to dig trenches in France, to build has never been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic will one day, on the lips of millions of soldiers bring this war to petitions.
roads, to clean latrines, while enemy bombers rain their Church!
an end and lead to the destruction of all the general staffs of The City Office ask all sym Subscribe to the bombs, then they are sure to come looking for Negroes.
The Radio Priest public program leaves an odor in its the warmakers.
pathizers to volunteer for canVusing.
SOCIALIST APPEAL wake astonishingly like that of the public programs of Il There the rulers of this country are perfectly willing to Duce and Der Fuehrer before they reached power.
In the last war American loans to the western powers played see that Negroes have their full rights.
The Radio Priest attacks loan capital, the interna prime role in this country entry into the war. Those loans But 1939 is not 1914. Today hundreds of thousands of tional bankers, the non religious Jews, the Bolshevik were handled here by the house of Morgan and Co. Coming Negroes are saying themselves: leaders of the trade unions. He advocates the government ports that his firm would again be named official agents for the Why should shed my blood for Roosevelt America, taking over the trade unions (interview published in the British rovernment to this country and then added: It would for Cotton Ed Smith and Senator Bilbo, for the whole Detroit Times, October 10, 1934. He attacks the reds be unataral thing, they wanted an American agent, that they would call upon us to repeat our performance.
Jim Crow, Negro hating South, for the low paid, dirty the socialists, who he says are not at all different from That performance led this country into war. Are we going jobs for which Negroes have to fight, for the few dollars Roosevelt and democratic capitalism. He attacks majority to let Morgan and the rest of the 60 Families repeat it. Continued from Page 1) workers all over the country. of relief and the insults, discrimination, police brutality lutton, to be introduced at the Tom Mooney visited the call and perpetual poverty to which Negroes are condemned rule. He advocates a just living annual wage, monetary reforms, labor right to organize, broadened Censorship blankets all the news from Europe, but even the nesota Federation of Labor, for the Labor Day picntc here last even in the more liberal North.
basis of taxation on capacity to pay, lower taxes. con New York Times admits that the cloud of controlled news is a one day general strike in pro Sunday. Commenting on his thicker over the so called democracles than the hated totaltest against the arrests. And in any case, Negro or not, for what is Roosevelt scription of wealth in event of war, and preservation of tarians.
Miles Dunne, secretary of the er, Teamsters Joint Council or preparing to drag this country into a war? Why should to of any poor worker shed his blood? The white man who Would the Radio Priest keep his promises if he gained tals, as well as out of Moscow, the Times surprisingly adds: Speaking at the meeting, toid reagentes lashine cont at the oute In Rome and Berlin more favorable conditions exist at this of the use of FBI agents in the WPA strikers, Mooney concenpower?
works in the factory or in the hotel with me, despises me Let his own words satisfy that question with all the because am a Negro. But he is very little better off than writing, since there is as yet no prior censorship of outgoing the strike. He suggested that Glotzbach, WPA administrator relief bureau together, we have fought side by side in the am. Since the crisis he and have often stood outside the finality of a funeral knell: news dispatches.
Chamberlain and Daladier are over taking and surpassing unionists Practically all the sixteen principles of social justice are Dictator Hitler at a dizzy pace indeed!
greetings to FBI agents and claiming that they were crack CIO unions, and he is beginning to see that he and are being put into practice in Italy and Germany. Social stool pigeons who from now on ing down on the unemployed in fellow workers first, last, and all the time. Before we are Justioe, February 13, 1939, While newspaper headlines screamed about the torpedolns, Ings. He told the delegates that ordere sought a tas sabsolve the ready to die for our country, we should have a country to Coughlin Favors War and the Army shelling, and even the cassing of the liner Athenia, it was prl. there was nothing in the consti. President from responsibility live for. And what part of this country is ours? We pro vately admitted by naval and other authorities in this country tution which gave Roosevelt the for the recent attacks on the duce and for centuries we have prod that German responsibility for the Now that the great wave of Roosevelt popularity has subsided and the people fear that Roosevelt is preparing mine. Not at all anlikely the British admiralty sank the ship themeffort to smash the endinne fact that Roosevelt himselt had mihkel Likeliest opindon: that the ship hit a misplaced British from striking, and showed that we have ose verlookisele the this country. But what do we get in return? And Negroes to enter the war, the Radio Priest turns out golden phrases itself to win a major success in propaganda aimed at winning sports serike seas sin atempt to proposed the slash on WPA, bas in particular.
this country over to early entry into the war.
against the war beast.
lower the living standards of defended the cut from the preWhen the ordinary working Negro asks these questions, vailing wage to the security But these dabs of anti war paint don hide the cloven wage, and helped smash the what can the war mongers say to him? Nothing. Nothing hoof of his real program.
strike by his treacherous state but lies and empty promises of better treatment in the fument that you can strike ture. And that is why the Republican Party and the Demoagainst the government.
While denouncing Glotzbach cratic Party and the Communist Party make special appeals policy of decent preparedness must prevail. Our people as a Garnercrat and an ene to the Negro on every conceivable topic, but keep far away my of the New Deal, Mooney from the war question.
must be protected even at the cost of our lives from unBy SHERMAN STANLEY Just aggressors.
This shall always be the policy of every failed to mention that President (Continued in Next Issue)
American citizen who is ready to lay down his life in Winston Churchill is the newly appointed Roosevelt personally elevated din. This Slave Constitution aimed at cen Glotzbach to regional WPA dia war of self defense. Discourse entitled, The Next First Lord of the Admiralty the head of the tralizing all of India under military control. rector War. Father Coughlin Radio Discourses, 1931 1932, British Navy.
but granted certain limited concessions in the his work in cracking 139. Winston Churchill is one the new meni Come to the Anti War Fighters parliamentary field to the native people down on the WPA strike in MinChurchill opposed the slightest concession to The arrested strikers are orThat is the professional war monger propaganda with bersinst the Chamberlain cabinet.
the Indian people. He wanted full military dicganized in the jail. The first DANCE and ENTERTAINMENT out so much as a covering fig leaf. No ruler of a nation be the next Prime Minister of England, re tatorship over India, with absolutely no con thing they did was to elect Max ever began a war without telling the suckers that it was in placing the decrepit Chamberlain.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th at P. self defense and that the enemy was the aggressor.
HIGHLIGHTS OF CAREER Geldman, leader of Federal (4) Winston Churchill was the man who led Workers Section But there is much more in the record of this England most extreme war mongers against Drivers Local 544, as their Jail of General In no sense, my fellow Americans, do wish to be acthe Chamberlain Appeasement (remember Thion steward. The encouragIrving Plaza Ballroom man. We list below four of the highlights of oused of being a pacifist. To quote Gerald Johnson, his career: that. policy. He wanted war, immediate war, ing solidarity of the labor (Newly Redecorated)
who wrote in Harper Magazine last November: took brutal and final war.
15th Street and Irving Place me part in the No More War demonstrations of a few (1) He was the man who organized the nomovement has kept the morale torious Dardanelles or Gallipoli campaign WHAT WAR IS ABOUT of the jailed strikers high.
ON THE PROGRAM Coughlin Radio Discourses, 1931 1932, 138. years ako. Discourse entitled, The Next War, Father conducted by the British Army in the First Winston Churchill is a super imperialist, a Arohle Savage World War.
super militarist, a super labor hater, super YOU ARE INVITED to join the In Afro American version of Cuban dances Social Justice by that or any other American name it In this campaign which military authori reactionary.
Labor Bookshop Circulating chooses would not be different in its essentials from Fas tles recognize as the most bloody, inefficient The fact that this man is conducting the war Dewey Johnson Library. Hundreds of titles.
cism in Italy or Nazism in Germany, and treacherous campaign in military history. for the British is proof in itself what the war Latest novels, Marxian classFamous Negro Baritone in some old and new favorites is all about.
ics, books on Economics, HisTrinidad Calypso Singers If the Radio Priest gains power in the United States, his lover 1, 000, 000 were slaughtered by the TurkIt is an imperialist war for colonies, for the tory, etc. Lowest rates in the In a presentation of topical and intimate songs military expenditures will make Roosevelt multi billion Hindu and Moslem troops recruited in India right to exploit colonial peoples.
city! 150 per week. Join now!
dollar army look like a troop of Boy Scouts playing cops the blood of British colonial slaves, who died It is not a war in the interests of workers 116 University Place. L. veral jazz versions of the modern dance and robbers. Stop Fascism in America!
or of the colonial people.
in a futile attempt to take Constantinople We can rest assured that every Indian workA REQUEST eto. etc. etc.
The postcard campaign against Fascism has started. Istanbul. er and peasant, every colonial slave in the British Empire knows what lies behind this Many people have written to the Chief of Police and the ANTI SOVIET All avallable coples of Vol.
Music by SAVOY BEARCATS Mayor of New York demanding that the police force No. of this year Appeal (2) Winston Churchill was later Lloyd war. The appointment of Winston Churchill are needed for purposes of George Secretary of War. He was the man helps strip away all Illusions. Winston Churchbinding.
Tickets 75c On Sale at: because of its rank partiality and favoritism toward the who sent a military expedition into Russia to ill is the most hated imperialist in the entire We would appreciate it 14 Coughlinites be purged; and that the democratic offi help the White Guard armies in the struggle LABOR BOOK SHOP British Empire. This war is hated by 500. 000, cials strip the Coughlin movement of every last vestige against the newly born Soviet Union. He was 000 people in the British Empire. They will appeal readers would send SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY of power. See The Nation, July 22, 1939. in the vanguard of the imperialist invasion of use it as an opportunity to strike heavy blows sue as they may have avall.
workers Russia against British Imperialism and for freedom.
116 University Place (Continued in Nest Issue)
able. 3) Winston Churchill was the man who led the fight against the New Constitution for InMINNEAPOLIS UNIONS RALLY TO DEFENSE OF INDICTED STRIKERS Coughlin favors a war machine and the declaration of Who Is Winston Churchill?