DemocracyDewey CommissionEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

Issued Times a Week in the Fight Against War Bucking the Socialist Appeal to the LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR War Censors Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the fourth International Issued Tri Weekly VOL. III, No. 67 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1939 67 Зca Copy As in the last war every important channel of communication from Europe to this country is under the control of the British censorship. It would not make much difference iny.
way for with or without British and French persuasion, the press and radio are already dinning into the American people propaganda designed to win popular support for American participation in the war. Every drop of truth in the news submerged in a torrent of lies. All the official admissions made after the first world war of the deliberate use of lying propaganda to fool the people have been buried under the new flood of falsehoods. The big headlines are reserved for meaningless war communiques, rumors and war lies. The more significant news is distorted beyond recognition, absent altogether or reduced to tiny, unnoticed, and unexplained par.
agraphs. In this column we shall try to notice and explain some of the news of this kind.
FOR THE SOCIALIST UNITED STATES OF EUROPE! AN END TO BOSS WAR. We ll Repeat Our Performance. Morgan The Workers Can Wall Street Speeds Stop the War!
American How can the war be stopped? When can it be stopped? War Entry Behind the Lines 1914 DEAD GASSE GUIADED PROFITS 939 The South African cabinet split, seven for joining Britain in war, five for remaining neutral. In Parliament the issue was brought to a vote, 80 for war, 66 for neutrality. This division obviously reflected a tremendous weight of opinion in the country for neutrality. But when Premier Hertzog demanded a general election which in this case would be nothing but a popular referendum on the war issue the British governor general flatly refused. Hertzog government was overthrown and a new war cabinet formed.
Thus the votes of two cabinet ministers and 14 members of the South Afrioan parlament provide the basis for plunging the dominion into war! Democracy apparently is only to be permitted when the votes to the way the rulers of the empire want it to go.
Incidentally, although the refusal to permit a general election was reported by the official British news agencies, the Who will stop the war?
American reports completely omitted this crucial detail in the dispatches on this point. Did it suggest something too much like How can there be a just and lasting peace?
the universal demand in this country that the people themselves If civilization is not to be utterly destroyed, tens upon decide the issue of war or peace?
tens of millions of human beings to be killed, cities and Roosevelt Moves to farms and factories and homes to be wiped out, the very Outlaw Democracy in Both the British and the Nazis and the British are playing with methods of propaganda containing enough dynamite to earth to become a pockmarked desert, this is the supreme War Preparation blow up both sides in this gangster war.
British planes dropped leaflets Germany urging the people to overthrow Hitler in order to make peace. One day they will How can the peoples of Europe stop the war and gain do so, but not at the behest of the British rulers! For the British a just and lasting peace?
GERMANS SHELLING rulers themselves will be facing the guns they have placed in the Will their rulers the Chamberlains and Hitlers and WARSAW. EVACUATIONS hands of the British workers. That the way the only way this OF CITY BEGUN. OPENwar can end with any hope for the future of all men.
Daladiers and Smigly Rydzs. stop the war? These are ING PRICES STOCK EXThe Nazis in Berlin let it be known that along the Siegfried the ones who made the war, who plunged the people into CHANGE. STEEL UP line German soldiers have scrawled on the pillboxes facing the mass murder, for the sake of the bosses and exploiters NICKEL UP 3 CHRYS French Maginot line: We won shoot if you don t!
whom these men represent.
LER UP 5 SOUTH AF(Continued on Page 3)
What do they and the bosses care about the death of ten RICAN PARLIAMENT VOTES or twenty or thirty million workers and farmers? The WAR ON GERMANY bosses and the members of the cabinets don do the dying. UP 3 ANACONDA COP.
BETHLEHEM STEEL OPENS They haul in the war profits, and draw down dividends PER OPENS 38, ONE THIRD THAN LAST from the colonies and dominions for which they launched HIGHER NIGHT CLOSING. GEN By GEORGE STERN the war.
ERAL MOTORS 48. 50. 5144 The opening military phase as a war in the west. He will They will never, and can never make a just and lasting. FRENCH ATTACKING ON of the Second World War has far more Mkely agree to a neuMOSELLE. WRIGHT AERO peace.
begun with pary skirtralization of relations with Whichever group of them would win the military cam91. 95. 110. 116.
mishing that Germany Japan along the lines already WHEAT OATS RYE BARLEY alone on the one side and Bri realized with Germany.
paigns, it would make no difference to the masses of the ALL RISE TO LEGAL LIMITS tain, France, and Poland on the Thus, the stock tickers, chatIf this is so it will correspond people. They will hurl the people into battle until one or other. Millions of men are al thoroughly with Japan own another side is drained dry. Then a new Versailles, more tering like machine guns, began to click out the news of everready involved and the first most ardent desires, for of all great battles are certain to cut the powers this crisis, Japan harsh and brutal and unjust than the Versailles of 1919, mounting profits in blood. It deeply into the human and ma was left highest and driest by dictated by the conquering power. And then? Another war, was the wildest market in terial resources of these pow. Stalin gazelle like leap into only much sooner and more terrible, to try to break out of years, with excited brokers ers.
Hitler bed. Japan was left 703TPEUS milling around the war baby The war will enter its more with no alternative but to pull the stranglehold of the new Versailles.
trading posts. The Times decisive phase, however, only in its horns and sit tight waiting Stop the war. But there is only one way to stop the war, reported Sept. 5: when the principal neutrals for a future turn of events in to gain a just and lasting peace. stock prices raced upwards the United States, Russia, the war which will open up a yesterday as investors decided The peoples of Europe, the workers and farmers of that a European war would Italy, and Japan are drawn in new path for Japanese policy to an ever widening theater of to pursue. This it has done, Poland and Germany and France and England and Italy, help American business. In a both with regard to Britain and can stop the war if they take the decision into their own turnover of 5, 932, 150 shares, the heaviest in almost two years, Their participation will deter Russia. The pressure on Britain mine the course of all the other in China has ceased and it was prices on the Stock Exneutrals, the countries of Latin Japan whch took the initiative making change rose from to 20 points.
Bond trading was the heaviest America, of the Balkans, of in urgently seeking negotiations Imperialist Europe, the Europe of Hitler and ChamberTurkey, and the rest of the at Moscow for some kind of in the history of the Exchange.
lain, with all its tyranny and oppression, its insane bounsmall states caught in the armed truce in the undeclared Essential commodities shot daries drawn at the dictates of general staffs, its forts and skyward.
crossfire of the opposing imper warfare on the Mongolian fronialist camps. They will all be tier.
Dollars Arrested Organize in Jail tanks and bombers, its mad economic and social and cul Better than 1914 drawn in to one extent or an The Japanese know that prosWhen the last war broke out, other.
pective American entry into the Report Good Returns tural restrictions which strangle the well being of the peoFor this isn a dog fight. It war would bring its own forces ple, can never be at peace. Peace for such a Europe is only badly that the Stock Exin 1914, stock prices slumped so (Special to the Socialist Appeal) polis unions is capitalist society in convul face to face with Roosevelt MINNEAPOLIS, Minn The The strikers were indicted by On House to House the interval between wars, the time of recovery from the change had to be closed for sion and there isn a man, wo war fleet if Japan were in entire labor movement of the a Federal Grand Jury convenseveral months. The different or child on the face of the volved. It will not get caught Twin Cities has rallied to the ed at the order of AttorSignature Canvass last war and preparation for the next.
reaction this time is partly due earth who will not be caught in between Russia and the if defense of the 103 WPA work ney General Murphy, under socialist Europe, ruled by its workers and not by and to the fact that elaborate measEls agony.
It can help it, especially while ers who were framed up and section of the Relief Law profor bosses, can alone bring a just and lasting peace.
ures have been taken to control The neutrality of the major it sits helplessly stalemated on Indicted for striking against hibiting interference with The coming New York City powers still on the sidelines is Chinese fronts with million the Roosevelt Woodrum Starva WPA project workers.
THE SOCIALIST UNITED STATES OF EURthe liquidation of foreign owned of course of an illusory charac men garrisoning territories con tion Law.
sidencialmente electus semperpana! OPE! By setting for themselves this goal, and only by reason, however, is the busiUnions Contribute ter. This country under the quered not yet won.
The executive boards of the Roosevelt War Deal is not neu Italy likewise sits between 125 AFL locals of Minneapolis, been arrested and are being new world war. declared Ed. and bring a just and lasting peace.
Over 40 of those indicted have rostrum for our fight against the winning this goal, the peoples of Europe can stop the war ness men, with the experience of the last war behind them, total membership of held on a total of nearly hallward Frank, organizer of question of time and a fairly and the British Navy in the more than 60, 000 voted unant million dollars bail. Among the Local New York of the Socialist Socialist United States of Europe will give the fullest means from the first huge profnow know that war abroad freedom to all the diverse peoples of Europe, and through its over here. Wall Street has Pamilies and their tool in the whether Mussolint stays in the central Labor Union audi ty by the Tuesday meeting was this week to the party and socialist cooperation and not imperialist exploitation will served notice that it has no inWhite House throw this coun. serly neutral as a result of torium last Tuesday night to one which instructed each un youth branches to go out and tention of foregoing those proftry weight into the actual some deep dark strategy map rive their complete support to aon to call a special member. Becure the necessary organize European economy to guarantee the well being its, whether it means dragging thouscales of battle.
of the peoples, and will thereby assure a peace that will be the indicted strikers.
placing the country into the war or not.
Roosevelt neutrality he realizes he would be crushed ship meeting immediately to sand signatures for genuine, secure and free.
Signals Go Ahead Following on this action the take up contributions to the two candidates on the ballot.
speech showed clearly enough whichever side he took is someThe hard headed gentlemen WPA Defense Committee Endorsing the Local New This is the answer. This is the task.
where he stands and the Cana thing that events will sopn de St.
Paul Trades and Labor Asof Wall Street made it plain, by sembly appointed a committee Many locals have already made York decision for the councildian loophole in the neutrality termine.
their frenzied bidding for war manic campaign, the National act proclamation shows the di. He will probably try to wait empowered to cooperate in ev large contributions.
FOR THE SOCIALIST UNITED STATES OF trality. In the hands of the War stocks, that they regarded neuThe meeting adopted a reso Committee of the SWP informrection in which things are al until the balance of strength ery way with the WPA Defense (Continued on Page 3)
ready moving. All the machin seems to be turning to the one Committee set up by the Minne(Continued on Page 3)
EUROPE. Continued. Page 3)
ery of the press, the radio, and side or the other before being the movies is already working forced to a decision. Whether in full blast to bring the American his highly exposed position he people around to the idea of go will be able to do so is quite an.
ing to war on the side of Britalit other matter.
and France.
Turkey is not dissimilarly The future course of the other placed. Turkey entered into a by of. peace and democracy. Is this argument Stalin and Hitler completed only pacifist no means so clear. Behind an Britain during the period when did not express myself sooner on the Germanately ratified the pact at the same moment not a repugnant buffoonery?
humanitarian pact of mutual non aggression when the German troops crossed the Polish of Russia was toying around with Soviet pact and its consequences. was pre Since 1933 have been showing and proving (Hitler is, as known, a strict vegetarian. Isn border. Stalin knew very well what he was do strength, both in resources and Chamberlain and Daladier. vented by accidental personal circumstances in the world press that Stalin is seeking an un it all too clear why Hitler started the attack on ing.
strategic position, Stalin sits when the showdown came Tur. sickness and a departure from Mexico City to derstanding with Hitler. In particular, proved Poland immediately after the embrace of RibIn order to attack Poland and to conduct fearfully, hoping he can back found a neutral Russ thought, moreover, happen this prognosis in my declarations before the bentrop Molotov? ome of the less intelliGermany sufficiently to ensure at its back, Russia in league ings themselves were so clear that they need war against England and France, Hitler needDewey Commission of Inquiry in Coyoacan in gent defenders of the Kremlin remembered, ed the friendly neutrality of the USSR, plus a war of mutual exhaustion with Germany instead of the ed no comment. But it proved to be otherwise: April, 1937 (Case of Leon Trotsky. Harper unexpectedly, they did not know it before) Soviet raw materials. The political and comamong the powers without en western powers. Consequently In different countries there are still people and Bros. New York. Now the cynics in the that Poland is a semi fascist state. It seems, mercial pacts assure Hitler of both.
dangering his regime. although it professed fidelity to in diminishing numbers, it is true who have service of the Kremlin are trying to represent that under the beneficent influence of Stalin, At a session of the Supreme Soviet Molotov And those who think Stalin is its British pact, it has not dared the courage to picture the treason of the the matter as if their program alliance of Hitler started a war against semi fascism. praised the advantages of a commercial agreegoing to take this opportunity to move in a military sense. Kremlin as an act of political virtue. Accord the democracies and collective security. Or perhaps Hitler only imposed upon the ment with Germany. There is nothing surpris to deal with Japan are in for Turkey, at Russia mercy, will ing to those gentlemen Stalin and Hitler have was corroborated; meanwhile, my prognosis childish confidence of Stalin? If that were so. ing about it. Germany needs raw materials at more surprises. for Stalin not move until Russia role be common ends which they are pursuing with was wrong: predicted, it is alleged, the con Stalin could have promptly dispelled the de any price. When conducting war, expenses are fears a war in east as much comes clearer.
methods of secret diplomacy in the interests clusion of an aggressive military pact, while lusion. But in fact the Supreme Soviet immedi(Continued on Page 4)
Minneapolis Unions Rally to ELECTION Defense of Indicted Strikers IS ROSTRUM FOR handles. They can stop the war if they get rid of their warBail for 103 Workers Totals Half Million ANTI WAR FIGHT Trotsky Statement to Press on Soviet German Alliance