BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninMoscow TrialsOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1939 The Last Turn Had There Been Liebknecht In Parliament however, shouted MARTIN profits. Hate War In the Struggle Against War.
purged many of its alien employees in order to SOCIALIST APPEAL get war orders, the United Auto Workers made VOL. III, No. 66 SEPTEMBER 6, 1939 no protest.
But the most open indication of the war monPubMehed twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL. PUBLISHING ASSN. gering position of the CIO bureaucracy was the at 116 University Place. New York, keynote speech John Lewis made at the Pitts(Published three times a week beginning Sept. 9) burgh convention last fall.
Subsorptions: 52. 00 per year: 51. 00 for six months. Por The United States of America, he boomed, digu1. do per year. Wnited States: cent per copy in is under increasing pressure in the realm of forIl forola countries are subscriptions are: 50 for of eign affairs. It is possible that we will have monthe: 00 for one year.
to meet the German dictator as he tries to extend Runtered as second coas matter February 16, 1031, at ofice at New York, under the Act of March his domain into the realm of the Western hemisphere. If that day comes, who is going to susKarl Liebknecht stood up in the German Reichtain the United States of America? Who is gostag in December 1914. Around him the social paRaitor: triots vied with each other in their eagerness to MAX SHACHTMAN ing to man its industries? Who is going to send Associate Editor CANUEL GARRETT vote the government war credits. Liebknecht, PELIX MORROW its young men to military ranks to engage in his NO and that NO was Goneral Manager: Assistant Manager: war? Labor Labor! Who is going to protect heard by the working class of the whole world.
NABERN SHERMAN STANLEY Last week the British Parliament in the institutions of this country, those that are orgy of patriotism voted the government full dictatorial meritorious. Labor! Who is going to protect the FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST titles to property and great wealth down through many. Laborites, conservatives, and the Communist Gallacher stampeded over each other to vote WORKERS PARTY FOR: the generations in America? Labor Labor. HITLER. STALIN the government war powers. Four members of the The workers of this coun will never make Job and a decent living for every worker.
Independent Labor Party feebly cast nay votes: anything out of war. They merely work and PACT Maxton, in doing so, bade His Majesty imperial2. Open the Idle frotories operate them under ist government to go out and work for peace among werkers control.
sweat and fight and die. Some one else takes the the boss nations. Had there been a Liebknecht in the British Parliament this is the kind of speech Twenty Bilen dollar Federal publle works an house program.
he would have made: It was a grim black picture Lewis painted. Thirty thirty! 80 weekly minimum wapo But then; master of oratory that he is, he triWho Will Fight against Fascism?
30 bour weekly maximum for al workers on umphantly concluded with The Way Out: In all Jobs The government is preparing for war. It asks consideration of all these things, in consideration powers so that it may conduct this war. And all Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability of the fact that we are Americans, and that we the gentlemen of His Majesty loyal opposition Penolon.
believe in the principles of our government, and scamper to nod assent. Hapropriate the Sixty Familles.
These loyal flunkies of imperialism are quite that we are willing to fight at any time to mainT, AN war funds to the enemployed ready to accept the official deception that this will tain that flag, we are going to ask from those be a war against fascism, to defend poor little people referendum on any and all war who are the beneficiaries of that service and that Poland. And since it is not their blood that will No veret diplomacy.
attitude and that loyalty, we are going to ask be shed on the battlefield, they are ready, nay eager, to spread this deception among the working 30. An independent Laber Party.
proper treatment for ourselves. proper treat709 COEU people.
11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante ment for ourselves. Proceedings, First Consti Yes, war against fascism is indeed honorable.
ad Tacelet attacks.
tutional Convention. 9)
It is necessary. If the government were capable of waging war against fascism, too, would vote Vull social, political and economio equality Yes! But the war against fascism cannot be What an inspiring prospect for the American Some Timely Words for the Negro people.
fought by this government. It can only by fought workingclass! Messers the bourgeoisie! cries by the working masses, striking at the root of the this mighty chieftain of labor, if you expect us fascist disease. And above all, it can only be fought to make your war for you and die for your inwith, and not against, the workers of other lands, stitutions. those that are meritorious, that is)
especially of Germany. This government presumes to fight against fasLying phrases, an essential stock in trade of we demand proper treatment! Don expect our cism; it is anxious to save Poland. Miserable As both warring camps justify themselves in tariat to imperialism, and gave up the principles fraud. It cares little for poor little Poland. It the liberal politician, have an unfortunate way of heart blood unless we get time and a half for getting themselves remembered long after their overtime! Union shop in the trenches! Lewis the name of national independence, it is well to of Socialism and thereby the real struggle for the will sell Poland to Hitler if a satisfactory price can remember the slogans and promises under which everyday interests of the proletariat.
be arranged.
utility has ceased. The He kept Us Out of only forgot to insist that the union label be the First World War was fought. Poland Social patriotism and social imperialism, the War slogan on which Woodrow Wilson was placed on all ammunition, and that CIO gunners merely replaces Belgium, the Beast of Berlin standpoint of the openly patriotic majority of the Is There Democracy?
re elected in 1916 had become a bitter joke with refuse to handle scab shells.
is heard once again, as is British world domina formerly Social Democratic leaders. is a more What the government does care about, and that If this was the keynote of last year CIO con tion. And now, as then, the socialists support in a year. And we suspect that President Roosedangerous enemy to the proletariat than the pour a great deal, is the vast colonial empire India geois apostles of imperialism, since, misusing the with its 375, 000, 000 people; Ceylon with its great velt in his radio speech of last Sunday coined vention, what may we expect from this fall their governments, with the so called Communist parties joining the chauvinistic chorus. banner of Socialism, it can mislead the unen ten, rice and cocoanut plantations: South Africa not a few phrases which will later on come back gathering? Only strong rank and file pressure on After the war is over, many of the chauvinists lightened workers. The ruthless struggle against with its gold and diamond mines: the harbor of to plague him. Notable among these was his all delegates will prevent it from turning out to will repent, as they did after the last war. Almost social imperialism constitutes the first condition Hongkong: Australia with its wool, meat and grain.
fervent hate war. a gag he hasused on be an orgy of social chauvinism unparalleled everybody admitted that the war of 1914 1018 was for the revolutionary mobilisation of the prole Malay with its rubber and tin, and so fortii. To waged under lying slogans that is, almost every since the last war.
defend these, conquered through the years by the tariat and the reconstruction of the International previous occasions and one that by now is bebody until this new war began. mailed fist of imperialism, it will go to any length.
ginning to spread at the seams.
The Way Out The government pleads tearfully for the deThere was little except phrases of one sort or STYLE NOTE: Says Sylvie Dawes, just return. Timely Words fense of democracy. Democracy! There are 550, As against all illusions that it is possible to But in 1914 few saw the truth, fewer still had bring about the basis of a lasting peace, the be000. 000 people in the British Empire. At least 500, another in the President speech. The truth is grim preparations for war have come one bright the courage to proclaim it to the world. The leader 000, 000 would willingly give their right arms to be ginning of disarmament, by any decisions of that he was in a damnably uncomfortable spot, spot the influence of military uniforms on styles of the anti war forces was Lenin. In 1915, in the diplomats and the governments, the revolutionary freedom, rights or security, but must work at bay.
free of our democracy in which they have no and he squirmed and twisted accordingly. The midst of the war, he wrote the draft resolution of hats have been designed along military lines. par.
customary ring of conviction, the usual thrilling ticularly the hats.
onet point. If the government were interested in of the people that only the social revolution can fighting fascism it would start with its comme yleid the left wing delegates to the Zimmerwald antidramatic effects were absent from his voice. For war conference of Socialists. His words are as bring about lasting peace and the emancipation ministrations, the colonial fuehrers of mankind.
timely today as then: nothing to Hitler in terror and brutality: this politician who for months has been whip The World War, which has been devastating And the manifesto of the Zimmerwald confer Democracy indeed! When the very powers Europe for the last year, is an imperialist war ence, penned by Leon Trotsky, concluded with asked for today wipe out democracy; put the powwaged for the political and economic exploitation this ringing call ers of dictation in the hands of a board that speaks war mobilization of the nation, this ardent lover What name shall we give to those repulsive of the world, export markets, sources of raw Proletarians. not for the people, but for the land owners, indus Since the outbreak of the war, you have trialists and financiers. And you, Messrs. Laborof democracy (across the Atlantic, that is) and doughty fighter against tyranny (also strictly tish Labor Party leaders, the Abraham Cahans the entire world in a world economy but at the creatures the Leon Blums in France, the Bri materials, spheres of capital investment, etc. It is placed your energy, your courage, your endur ites, you Mr. Greenwood and Co. you too, Mr.
ance at the service of the ruling classes. Now Gallacher, yours is the slavishness of servants who trans Atlantic) had to advise his people to re and Algernon Lees of the Jewish Daily For same time permits the existence of national state for a small bribe, a little extra favor, spy upon, you must stand up for your own cause, for the and betray their fellow workers. Yes, betray.
main neutral, had to pull a long face and talk ward and the Social Democratic Federation, and capitalist groups with opposing interests.
sacred aims of Socialism, for the emancipation of The honorable Mr. Greenwood, Laborite, plouspiously about the New Testament and brotherly the Stalinists who peddle this imperialist war If the bourgeoisie and the governments seek the oppressed nations as well as of the enslaved ly deplores the war clouds. He abhors war. And he love and true neutrality and spiritual values. among the workers as a war for which the to conceal this character of the World War by asclasses, by means of the irreconcilable class has certain criticisms of the government. But Mr.
When all the time he longed to be leading the workers should gladly die?
serting that it is a question of a forced struggle Greenwood, who presumes to speak for millions of It is the task and the duty of the Socialists of Labor supporters, hastens to add that the foe will world crusade of fire and sword.
But the President was unable to deny him ized the term social chauvinists or social pa concerning the defense of democracy in this war, the belligerent countries to take up this strug not find us a disunited people. Precisely. That is During the First World War, Lenin popular for national independence, it is only to mislead gle with full force; it is the task and the duty of Mr. Greenwood function in society. Oh no, he is self the pleasure of a few hints, and some of triots to describe those who gave lip service to not a supporter of the government. He is its loyal the Socialists of the neutral states to support since imperialism signifies the most unscruputhem none too subtle, as to the future direction socialism but were actually lackeys of their lous domination of big capital and political retheir brothers in this struggle against bloody opposition. It is his job to oppose that government barbarism with every effective means. Never in on all issues except where it really matters. It is of his Administration policies. When the own imperialist governments. Socialism in action.
his job to see that the government gets the proper world history was there a more urgent, a more peace has been broken anywhere, he said, the words, chauvinism in deeds that was the Judas Imperialism can only be overcome by overwindow dressing in order that labor may be de Sublime task the fulfillment of which should be ceived into purchasing its wares. It is his job to see peace of all countries everywhere is in danger. role of the Second International in 1914 1918. coming the contradictions which produce it, that our common labour. No sacrifice is too great, no that the people are not disunited as between workHe also revealed that the American frontier, as That is still the role of the Second Interna Capitalist countries for which the objective conis, by the Socialist organisation of the advanced burden too heavy in order to achieve this goal: er and boss, that they are deluded into believing defined by the War Deal, takes in by now a con tional. In all the democracies these lackeys are peace among the peoples, themselves members of one happy family of good ditions are already ripe.
siderable stretch of territory, namely, the West once more serving as recruiting sergeants. Working men and working women! Mothers democratic Englishmen.
They Betrayed Workers and fathers! Widows and orphans! Wounded and The honorable Mr. Greenwood adds that no ern hemisphere and seas adjacent thereto.
Stalin latest betrayal of the working class, At the outbreak of the war, the majority of crippled! We call to all of you who are suffering democratic country will make war. Mr. Green(The economic frontier, by the way, in the mat the Hitler Stalin pact, has been exhaustively ex the labor leaders had not raised this only possible from the war and because of the war: Beyond all wood conveniently ignores the democracy of the Empire. And he speaks a deliberate lie. Mr. Greenter of jobs and opportunity, is a much less ex posed in these pages. But only those can honestly in opposition to imperialism. Prejudiced by na borders, beyond the reeking battlefields, beyond the wood knows that wars are not made by one or the pansive affair: here the New Deal can suggest indict Stalin who come to court with clean hands. tionalism, rotten with opportunism, at the begin devastated cities and villages Proletarians of all countries, unite!
other country. That they stem inevitably from the nothing more promising than Alaska. system of capitalist exploitation that Mr. GreenThe most notable of the President side re denounced Stalin betrayal of the working class namely the revolutionary internationalists who ning of the World War they betrayed the prolewood supports, of course in his own oppositional way. Hasn it long been exposed to every thinking marks, however, was the at first glance innocu to the democracies as decisively as they now PARTY ASKS AID being that the last war was not provoked by Gerous statement: This nation will remain a neu denounce his alliance with Hitler.
many alone, but by every one of the ruler nations?
Twenty five years after the First World War Mr.
tral nation, but cannot ask that every Amer The social chauvinists of the Second Interna. IN GETTING ON Greenwood, who would dispel the war clouds, ican remain neutral in thought as well. One re tional are now loudly denouncing Stalin for his BALLOT resurrects a fraud.
members that in 1914 President Wilson, in a latest crime. But his previous crime of subordin We heard another honorable Laborite speak.
neutrality address in similar circumstances, ating the workers of France to Daladier, of This one, an Independent Laborite no less. Mr.
Maxton says: record my opposition to the Primo urged Americans to be impartial in thought as America Roosevelt, etc. that crime they hailed (Continued from Page 1)
The September number of detailed history of WPA is Minister mandate to go to war. But give the well as in action. The difference between Wil and joined in, and paid Stalin for.
We want to confront the can The New International is off the contributed by Dwight Macdon Prime Minister a complete mandate and complete son and Roosevelt formulations is the differ When Leon Blum was premier of France with didates of the capitalist parties. press and on sale. Featured in aid. Every important aspect of support for him to go into the world and make new call to the nation to build a new civilization of the wildly patriotic social this issue is editorial comment the relief policies of the RooseStalin support, his paper, Le Populaire, devel. democrats, of the treacherous viewed only briefly in this is. ined in this story of the WPA.
ence in the tempo of imperialism today and then that will abolish poverty and inequality. Mr. MaxRoosevelt has no intention of waiting three years oped extreme discretion concerning the first ton asks His Majesty government of exploiters Communist Party, with our sue, since the pact was signed which can well be called the before he enters the war.
Moscow Trials. Stalin G. executioners and revolutionary socialist program as the magazine went to press. most thorough going exposition to lead a revolution to abolish poverty and inequaiity.
spies ran amuck in France, with immunity. In on the real issue of the day the The forthcoming number will of relief history yet written The fight against fascism is also a fight against Spain, Caballero and Prieto were hand in glove way or a free workers society. the outbreak of the European so simple that every WPA and fend democracy by opposing powers of dictator such powers as the government seeks. will deCannon Fodder at with Stalin and the Socialist press said not a word about the Moscow Trials or assas effectively, we urge every par. To enable us to do this job war. the significance of the anemployed worker should be ship for a war that the people do not want that is Stalin Hitler Pact and the fu reached with a copy.
not their doing, from which they can gain nothing.
Union Rates sinations of revolutionists. And these people and lty member, every sympathizer. iure role of American Imperial Other important articles conI will defend Poland by offering the Polish workism.
their like have the effrontery to express pious every friend, every reader of lained the September num ers my comradeship and support in their struggle the Socialist Appeal to chip in ber are, The Future of Roose against their oppressors, inside or outside of Po land. will fight German fascism by joining hands In the last war, Gompers and the AFL bureau indignation at Stalin!
They and Stalin are cut from one patternand help us get the necessary them a hand! Party sympathie velt, by James Burnham: An crats led the workers of America into the slaugh5, 000 signatures to place ers and readers of the Appeal with German workers against their exploiters. And ter like so many Judas goats leading sheep into playthings, tools, of the imperialist powers. As the killing pens. This time, the mantle of Gom we refuse to recognize that one of the imperialist ficial ballot in their respective can avall themselves of peti indie suby Leon Trotsky, and will show them mean business by fighting the boroughs.
the City Office, 116 UniSherman Stanley. That is the way to fight fascism. That is the pers is divided between William Green and John camps is less foul than the other, so we fail to versity Place.
way to defend democracy. The main enemy is at Branches of the party in the Do your bit!
The subscription rate of The home!
find an iota of moral superiority as between a Bronx, in the Downtown, Upper Help put over the Socialist New International is 00 per The Steel Workers Organizing Committee re social chauvinist or a Stalino chauvinist. Both West Side, Lower East Side and workers Party election cam year, Single coples also can be obtained by addressing: ON THE WAY TO THE TRENCHES: Five cently made contracts providing that employees are traitors to the working class. Against both Needle Trades sections of Man paign!
hattan are holding open air Join hands with the only anwe shall wage irreconcileably the revolutionary The New International youthful pickets for peace were ordered off the absent because of war service retain their senmeetings regularly to obtain ti war party. the only party 116 University Place Iowa state fairgrounds shortly after opening an jority ratings. When General Motors last spring struggle.
the necessary signatures. Give fighting Fascism in action!
New York City anti war campaign before a preparedness exhibit.
ping up the war hysteria, who has been organiz. Social Patriotism HIGHLY INTERESTING ISSUE OF NEW INTERNATIONAL APPEARS Lewis.