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Stop Fascism In America!
THE NEGRO QUESTION allied found.
e regreticions understood theme bel mote open the YCL MEMBERS As a major step in their knows. But two things are all Jumps Over Legal war plans, the British tulers By JOHNSON ready clear: he will issue it. Entry into War on Friday pushed through Will Father Coughlin Become and he will use his powers to Parliament the Government Hurdles to Aid SoNegroes and the War enmesh the nation still more Closer as President of India Amendments Act.
Dictator of the United States?
deeply into the Allied cause.
This is more familiarly Called Democracies The Administration has Talks Peace known as the Indian Federashown it knows how to get tion a section of the new In Europe the war has begun. Like Woodrow Wilson, By JOSEPH HANSEN along well enough, for the presconstitution for India Roosevelt says that he will try to keep America out but we ent, without emergency powers. NINTA INSTALLMENT)
Under the terms of this act. Continued from Page 1)
know that he has been making every preparation to drag cleared a path for the warring is reached its bursting point, course, necessary for any bour now rules the waist sub 995. virtual one man dictator Thus last week, as the war cristion of American securities held America in.
Who Is This Father Coughlin. democracies straight to the the North German Lloyd liner geois government to take such 000, 000 people.
This is the situation that faces the American people and There are hundreds of organizations in the United Treasury. Theoretically. Bremen, which is worth 20. Steps to protect its own security The British appointed Vicethe great masses all over the world. The Negroes, here as States which have studied the rise of Fascism and Nazism Mr. Jones Institutions can fin biggest vessels in the German markets, and it is no special roy has life and death pow elsewhere, know that great decisions are being made which ance exports to either side. Ac merchant marine, was prevent that the New Deal thus cooperwith the greatest admiration.
tually, the Export Import Banked from sailing for two full ates. But the fact is that such has been passed by the Fed.
ers. He can decree any law will affect their whole future. What are they to do? What So far as he sees fit; void any law that does this war mean to Negroes? What must they think any of them into active struggle against the labor move several cotton and commodity cials, marine inspectors, and binding us to the Allied cause, throw into prison anyone oberal and provincial bodies: about it?
deals with Germany on political Treasury agents went over her a link which, this time ment. Big Business still depends on its labor spies, its Negroes, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, it Strikebreakers, its professional thugs who combine with strained phrase of the NY pose of this search was not many since German holdings of grounds. Therefore, in the re from stem to stern. The pur. 1911, doesn exist with Gerjecting to British rule, etc is no use merely whispering to one another that it is a the police in shooting down workers.
that Great Britain, France and band, of secret arms, and the paratively negligible.
might well be envied by the white man war. The stand you take today will help to German Fuehrer.
Yet there are significant indications that these organiza countries with them President spoke darkly of pridecide the fate of the world and your own fate for many Were the Indian people contions, students at the feet of Hitler and Mussolini, are would be the only beneficiaries Vateering. Nothing whatever Roosevelt Outstrips Wilson sulted before this Act was many years to come. Roosevelt war propaganda has been receiving funds vastly out of proportion to the size of their of the bank underwriting in which had not been proper holdings of American securities case of war.
except for one cam.
adopted? Not once! Was this screaming at you and the other workers and farmers of The total amount of British era membership The machinery has been in ly declared.
new constitution put to a America for the last two years. Now, as the hour comes motion for some time. Mr.
democratic vote? No!
is estimated at about 000, Largest of these movements is that led by Father Charles The result of the search was 000, 000, which will finance pur Rajahs and Princes all of Only a handful of native nearer when your parsons, your Elk leaders, your RepubJones revealed, in passing, that patent to all, however: when Coughlin, who calls himself the Radio Priest.
lican and Democratic Negro bosses, the university profesPresident Pierson of the the Bremen was finally permit chase of American materials In line with the tree stump American political tradition, Export Import Bank has been ted to sall, the chances of the and munitions for many weeks. were consulted and asked sors, Communist Party leaders like Earl Browder and the Radio Priest comes to the worker and the small merfor their vote.
James Ford, all are going to turn on their loud speakers, chant and farmer, not seeking office or pelf, god forbid! for American surpluses. At feet, as this is written, there the Allied nations, if they are to months developing new outlets been greatly increased, and in to set up credits over here for The British and Native wave their flags, and beat their big drums, to bewilder you States areas of India will But only to give free fatherly advice as a sincere exponent inst reports, he was in Paris, are rumors that she has been continue to buy American goods and drive you into support of this war. But in your hearts, be welded together by this of the political and economic doctrines of the Roman Cath about to entrain for Warsaw Act. But British appointed of Intercepted. To prove its impar on a big scale.
you, the masses of the Negro people feel that this war is Spinning the Web tiality as a neutral, the gov. In the last war, these vital ficials will dominate the newolic Church not your war. You feel that once more you, your relatives This is merely one strand in ernment insisted on likewise credits were supplied by the ly Federated India. ReactionHe thinks the real cause of the ills afflicting America is and your friends all over the world, in America, in Africa ary Princes, British army of. Big Business? Hardly. Father Coughlin has pondered Deal has already begun to spin Normandie and the Aquitania, under the leadership of ficials, political dictators and the West Indies, are going to be used and then flung across the Atlantic, web of thus putting them in grave dan Morgan Co. The Nye Senate these are the men who will aside. You are right, but only half right. For this time you long and deeply about certain experiences in Europe, and economic interest which will ger of being captured on the Committee revealed in detall attempt to keep India in line will not only be used, but by the support of this war you he has at last arrived at the real cause. Nothing less than eventually and this time per high Seas by the bottled up how as the golden chain that during the Second World War.
the non religious Jews, who won join him in denounc haps in a matter of months German Navy.
bound Wall Street to the Allies For every Englishman in will be tying a thousand times tighter, the chains which ing Bolshevik leaders in such trade unions as the country irresistibly into the bolCredits and Neutrality grew longer, the pressure from India there are 1, 300 Indians! now bind you as the pack horse, the servant and the slave When England and France Wall Street on the Wilson Ad The hatred of 1, 300 people, and the ocaust.
of capitalist civilization.
begin buying raw materials ministration for intervention on result of 200 years of imperNo one in the country except perhaps Roosevelt whom In 1914 1917, this dirty Job and 16 the President has his the side of the Allies increased. talist oppression, falls on the Why They Don Appeal to the Negro he helped place in office sympathizes with the poor, the Wall Street, headed by Neutrality Act munitions, the more direct. The Federal gov sor.
This time it is much simpler. head of each British oppresoppressed, the unemployed, the young people out of school. Morgan Co. This time, how: first step will be to cash in the ernment itself is laying plans to The Labor Party members In America, in Africa, in the West Indies, over 150 milthe farmers, those facing bankruptcy, those who are hun lever, it is the government itselt billions of dollars worth of extend credits to the Allies, and of Parliament voted with lions of Negroes bear on their bent backs and sweating gry, with more eloquent, beautiful, poetic, and moving banks are playing second fiddle led subjects. Some days ago, bring pressure on itself to enter tous act, thereby demonstrat limbs, a burden greater than that of any people anywhere language than the Radio Priest.
to the War Deal in this devil the British Government took the war when the proper mo ing once more their role as in the world. If this war is a great war for freedom and a In his fatherly interest in the trade unions, the Radio symphony.
steps to keep such selling safe ment comes.
agents of imperialism. better life, the Negroes should have been addressed before Priest asks the membership throw out their Bolshevik tance in the Administrations as in its own hands, and forbade There are two main reasons anybody else. They need a better life and freedom more toreign 1or this change. 1) control ovleaders who Make Troops Necessary by striking, and imperialistic plans. Not since securities.
er the nation credit and bankthan any other people. But just note how careful everybody who are milking the union members of their dues in under construction in American after full discussion with offi in Washington. 2) the Roose TANAK has been not to address the Negroes directly on the war cahoots with none other than the international bankers shipyards, almost all of them clals of the Treasury, and velt Adminstration is acting in question. In all the preparation for the great slaughter, in and loan capital, which boils down to the Hon relig: heavily subsidized with Federal furthermore It is understood this war crisis more openly as all the propaganda that pours over us like a flood, there ious Jews.
1918 Shipbuilding Tempo has been a great conspiracy of silence in regard to what Father Coughlin, the Radio Priest, began originally as rate in British plans for the mo the Wilson Administration ever Several days ago, as the bilization and orderly liquida Idared.
part the Negro must play in the coming war.
an obscure Roman Catholic priest from Canada speaking armles of Europe too up their (Special to the Socialist Appeal) Republican Party, Democratic Party, Communist Party, over one radio station in Detroit. When the depression hit Jumping. off positions, Mrs.
MINNEAPOLIS. The eve all carefully avoid making direct references to the Negroes America he blasted rights and lefts into a shadowy bogeyRoosevelt smashed a bottle of champagne against the prow of ning of August 30, the Minneapolis man he called the reds. Overnight he boomed into naYoung Communist and the war. They will talk and write about Negroes and the biggest liner ever built in League held an open meeting relief, about Negroes and the WPA, about Negroes and tional prominence via the reactionary capitalist press. this country the 17, 000, 000 on the subject of the Stalin the New Deal, about why the Negroes used to vote for the In the few short years since then he has tried his hand America, built with governat stock speculation, organization of company unions, ment controlled Lines.
ment money for the was cari Ross who is. Na Republican Party and why they now vote for the Demo tional Public Relations Secre cratic Party. The Republican Party appoints a commission stump speaking for Franklin Delano Roosevelt and espe Assisting in the ceremonies tary of the YCL! About fifty was Rear Admiral Land, chairto find ways and means to win back the Negro vote. The cially the New Deal in silver in which he made a tidy little man of the Maritime ComYCL members and sympathiz(Continued from Page 1)
fortune speculating on silver futures. He built himself a mission, who declared the vescombination meeting and social ers attended the meeting, held Communist Party points out why Negroes must hate Japan million dollar Shrine of the Little Flower at Royal Oak, sel fulfills the highest require the National Office!
and Hitler, why the Negroes must vote for the New Deal, on August 26 at which comrade The atmosphere of the meetments of our country foreign why the Negroes must be anti fascist, why the Negroes Mich. during the worst part of the depression (using scab Public Rallies Johnson was the speaker.
trade and national defense. He labor for which he was denounced at the 1934 convention read a letter from the Presi The publie rallies against the Several Negro contacts were ing was heavy, and the speak. must oppose those who attack Jews. But about Negroes cr gloomy attempt to justify of the American Federation of Labor. began publishing a gent, which was equally expli war and on the Stalin Hitler gained. Two new members the pact did little to lighten the and the war, what Negroes must do when the drums begin general tone.
to beat and the bugles begin to blow, not a direct word all sleek magazine which is filled with expensive photographs work during the war, the distry. Reading from east to west. Washington branch and more Avoids Questions these months. They have been trying to smuggle the but not a line of advertising except a few announcements abilities of a navy which lacks here is a partial At the close of the meeting.
READING, PA. Outdoor the chairman permitted the (Branches should of Catholic Church expeditions to his Shrine. He broad an adequate merchant fleet.
Negroes into the war a section of the American people.
casts over more than 48 radio stations, and pays, he claims. The launching of the America nouncements of public meet meeting on August 28. We sola dience to write out questions They have not dared openly to explain to you, why you, as the regular commercial rates, which makes each broadcast satisfaction. BOSTON Mns Max Shachtman Boia more nut watcond have passed to the speaker. Only start the discussion. They know their arguments would costly enough to set up any one of his listeners in comfort The Bremen Episode Under the National Defense on September them. Another outdoor meet the YCL wrote out questions.
stick in their throats. Today, and still more tomorrow, they for the rest of his life.
During the last six months his organization has spread dent has wide powers over door meeting Act, passed in 1917, the Presi GARDNER, MASS. outing on August 31.
They were natural questions, will seek to sweep you into the war under cover of the August 27, with YOUNGSTOWN. honest questions: How will the general slogan: Our democracy is in danger. One party, the streets with literature on a scale so wide, sudden, and markets, Shipping. banking, a large attendance of stalinist Widick, national labor secre: pact save Poland from Hitler? however, the Socialist Workers Party, has no tricks to prosperous that it must have received a series of high pow communications, and a dozen Finnish workers, who engaged tary of the Party, at a public How will the pact save peace?
ered financial shots in the arm from some mysterious other fields of economic life. in an earnest discussion with meeting on September Won Japan turn to the United play on the Negroes or anybody else on this life or death source, most probably certain Big Business men and Bank amendment passed in the early ing.
AKRON. Widick on Sep. States of Great Britain for an question of imperialist war. Clearly, simply, and without tember agreement aganst Russia? etc.
CLEVELAND ers whom Coughlin has lauded at times in a discreet way. days of the New Deal, to allow NEW YORK CITY. the possibility of being misunderstood, we say that this comWidick on Yet the speaker, Ross, went Followers of the Radio Priest have spread his magazine the banking system can be in cover the whole city is reported TORONTO. Shachtman on questions, describing them as the muscles and blood and lives of the poor for the pockets into a frenzy at most of the ing war, like the last one, is a war that will be fought by far and wide. Lately they have begun a series of small actions, beating up a worker when they catch him alone. declares the nation to be in a the branches will be holding September 6, dently thought that the two so and bellies of the rich. The poor have nothing to gain and TOLEDO. Widick on Sep cialist Workers Party members everything to lose by supporting the rich in a war that will state of emergency. How two outdoor meetings an even stabbing a school teacher, attempting to break up an Amersoon President Roosevelt willing in preparation for their in tember ican Labor Party meeting, raiding a workers school, stabpresent had turned in the ques. be fought exclusively for the benefit of the rich. And above issue such a declaration, no one door rally.
FLINT, MICH. bing a guard at a labor headquarters which they attempted meetings on September with The more rosse craved around all, the Negroes, the poorest and most oppressed people in to crash. And even a larger action an attempt to break up ican ways of thinking, and here socialism has not yet be Genora Johnson and George and sought to justify the past every country where they live, would be the greatest fools come a popular idea. Indeed, there are innumerable miscona meeting of 18, 000 people at Madison Square Garden in DETROIT. Shachtman on zled the YCL ers became.
by dialectics, the more puz to allow themselves to be deceived this time, as they were ceptions concerning socialism. Seizing advantage of this, September New York the last time. We are confident that the great majority of Finally one of the SWP comCHICAGO the Radio Priest announces to his audience that capitalism If the Radio Priest is following the principles laid down. An attentive rades arose and was recognized the Negroes who consider this question with the seriousness audience of 400, including many by the chair, who did not rec that it deserves, will come inevitably to the conclusion that by Il Duce and Der Fuehrer, his movement is not yet large and socialism are two varieties of the same thing, which is disillusioned members and ognize this comrade. The com they must fight against the war to the bitter end.
enough to blossom in colored shirts or arm bands; never like saying that war and peace are two varieties of the sympathizers of the Communist rade started to speak, said he same thing!
Party, heard Comrade Shacht understood Ross failure to pertheless, a movement as serious as this deserves to be studied That is our position. The Socialist Workers Party has more closely.
The well known reluctance with which American workAugust 31. Comrade Shachtman sying or explaining the stati: nothing to hide from the Negro. It says to him, as it says ers approach political action provides the Radio Priest with returned to Chicago on Septem Hitler pact, and suggested to the poor everywhere whites, Negroes in Africa, Indians Coughlin Program yet another variation from the program of European fas ber for a second mass meet perhaps a debate. At this in India, Brothers and sisters of whatever color, this war cism to fit American prejudices. Unlike Hitler and MussoThe Radio Priest is not an agent of either Hitler or point the chairman banged the MINNEAPOLIS Shacht gavel, announced the meeting is not our war. We will not support it. We, the workers, the lini he can come out quite frankly for Private Property. man on September Mussolini, despite the fact that he speaks well of them, ended, and herded the faithful poor farmers in every country, white, black, and brown.
especially Mussolini.
In fact Father Coughlin, the Radio Priest, advocates the out of the hall.
are not going to kill one another at the command of ChamNo Longer Faithful He does no more than admire their strategy, their propapreservation of PRIVATE PROPERTY in his public berlain, or Hitler at the orders of Roosevelt or of the Japprogram. Point No. of his Sixteen Principles of Social ganda, and their success.
Notice But it is certain that the faithful are faithful no more.
anese Mikado. We shall fight for a fraternal unity between The Radio Priest in fact says right out in public that he Justice. Unquestionably, the rank and all the poor in every country against all the rich. That is Private ownership? Yes; the Catholic Church will stand file Communist Party members the war we shall fight. Down with the imperialist war!
opposes both Fascism and Nazism.
and for it if necessa y. Discourse entitled special membership and sympathizers are deeply He gives his movement a good American name, Social Come, Follow Me, Father Coughlin Radio Discourses, meeting of Local New York, shaken by the Stalin Hitler (Continued in Next Issue)
1931 1932, 27. Justice.
Socialist Workers Party, has pact.
Father Coughlin, the Radio Priest, believes too, in a been called for Wednesday, These people do want socialIn Italy it was necessary to give the Fascist propaganda CORPORATE STATE.
September at p. Inism, they do want to defend the In Oslo, the work of peace done by the two presidents Roosea strongly anti capitalist tinge. In Germany Der Fuehrer In plainer words, this nation must become United Victoria Hall, at Irving Soviet Union, and they are just velt was praised at the opening of the Interparliamentary union Plaza, 15th Street and Iryeven came out in his program for socialism.
beginning to awaken to the fact congress. Theodore Roosevelt was cited for his mediation of States, Incorporated. Discourse entitled Plenty for ing Place. In view of the ser that they cannot obtain these the Russo Japanese war in 1904; Franklin Roosevelt for his The Radio Priest slants his program to appeal to Amer All. February 18, 1934. lousness of the present situthings with Stalin but rather pence appeal April 15 to Hitler and Mussolini. Do you boys (the ex service men) realize that with one ation, no comrade will be exagainst him. Communist Party Elsewhere have analyzed Father Charles Coughlin more battle you can make this country safe for financial cused attendance, members and MILLSTONE IN THE PATH OF PROGRESS: Aram Saroyan, program in greater detail, See Father Coughlin Fascist democracy? You can make this country the United States Admission by red card only.
have shown themselves very Fresno agriculturalist, advanced a proposal to cut down the Demagogue, Pioneer Publishers, 116 University Place, New of America, Incorporated, February 25, 1934. CITY COMMITTEE receptive to the teachings of anticipated heavy surplus of grapes in 1939 by stripping the York City. cents. To be continuod in next teste our Party in the last week. fruit from every second or third row of vines before it ripens, Fund Drive Lags Behind Party Agitation Work governsummary send aning trom