Anti-naziEnglandFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorld War

This Is Not Our War! Down with the War!
Appeal Begins to Publish a Week Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Tri Weekly VOL. III, No. 66 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1939 3c a Copy ROOSEVELT WAR DEAL ACTS TO PROVIDE BRITAIN AND FRANCE WITH WAR CREDITS Says Hate That What Wilson Said War Briefs War But Acts To Enter War Party Swings Into AntiWar Action were mere og mere endure the bad work to a.
Beginning with this issue, the Socialist Appeal will áppear three times a week, and more frequently if necessary.
The war situation dictates as rapid an expansion of our work as is humanly possible. party of agitation that is the goal laid down by our recent convention. We must reach the widest possible number of workers with our antiwar message. Outdoor rallies and indoor meetings, tireless agitation in the factories and schools and neighborhoodsand above all, increasing the circulation of the party press.
The three times a week So 99 cialist Appeal is an experiment, for a period of one month. At the end of that All news from Europe is subject to censorship for the first time, if increased income and few days of the war this warning notice is being carried by the press. Nobody needs the notice. Every line of news car.
distribution justify it, the So red ories out that truth has been bound and marked for the cialist Appeal will continue to duration of the war.
appear at least three times a How many workers, despite all the propaganda to line them week. But only if the results up, have spoken out in all countries against the war? What Liebknechts have risen to denounce the lies of the war mongers?
of the experiment demonstrate what is happening in the colontes, among the oppressed peoples that the party branches are in India, Ceylon, Algiers, Syria, the Malay states, among the War Deal Jumps the Legal Hurdles to Make prepared to assure the neces black men. brown men, yellow men, ruled by the colonial fuehrers of England and France? How many anti war fighters have The Treasury of the United States Available sary increased costs and cir been imprisoned or executed? The veil of censorship, as yet tulation.
impenetrable, is drawn across the living stage. Only the staged To the British, French War Needs Forward to the DAILY tableaus of the imperialist rulers and their lying communiquesAPPEAL!
only these are permitted us. The democratic censorship of and France is as opaque as that of Hitler. have said not once but many times that have seen National Committee Socialist Workers Party Workers Will Pierce Censorship war and that hate war. say that again and again. hope the United States will keep out of this war. believe that. In the first; overwhelming days of the war, the censorship is supreme. As supreme as the puders. But the last war toppled a it will. And give you assurances that every effort of your score of thrones; and long before that the vell ot censorship it KEEP AMERICA government will be directed towards that end.
had been plerced. It will be plerced by the revolutionary workOUT OF WAR Thus Franklin Roosevelt concluded his radio speech ers everywhere and more quickly than in 1914 1918!
to the American people on Sunday, September 3, the day that England declared war on Germany.
God and his ministers, unceremoniously relegated to the backThe President of the United States was not telling the ground during the diplomatic struggles of the last few months, came into their own again once the war started.
truth, to put it mildly. Two days earlier, he had taken the The emissaries of the Vatican, neglected and unheeded during first big step towards dragging the country into the Eurothe diplomatic tussles, when they vainly solved by the Pope, to secure consideration for one after another formula pean slaughter.
were warmly received by the various Chancelleries after the On September 1, after a conference at the White House, Jesse Jones, Federal Lending Administrator, announced In each country the priests and ministers offered prayers that that the Export Import Bank is in a position to finance the just cause of their country would be upheld by the Lord.
American exports of surplus commodities to Europe, and Hitler made a rather awkward, and certainly unaccustomed, With the outbreak of war in prayer but a rather realistic one, that the Lord God, who al the Reconstruction Finance Corporation has plenty of unEurope and the increasing dan ways has given His grace to him who was determined to help used credit to finance industrial production in this country 703 SP Local New York of the Socialist himself, will also stand by us.
should the occasion arise for it as a result of the war emerWorkers Party (Fourth InterAll public buildings movies, theaters, etc. closed in London national) has launched an in by government order. Only the churches have held their cusgency.
Violates Present Laws tensive drive to arouse the tomary services. Keeping the churches open was deemed, it city workers vigilance seems, a war time necessity. The Archbishop of Canterbury Repeating an Old Performance against the war mongers in the opened the church campaign before the war broke out: It is no violation of the Johnson Act United States. Meetings in all question of our own interests that is directly involved in this which forbids the extension of parts of the city have been war. It is a moral issue on which the future welfare of the scheduled for this week in pre world depends. No wonder the churches were exempted from Morgan arrived home from England Monday, Government credit to foreign ready to repeat our performance of 1914 1917 when, as paration for a large, city wide the closing order.
governments which are in de rally later on.
American agents of the British Empire, his banking firm All leaves of party members Moscow dispatches report that an undisclosed number of re successfully manipulated America into the war on the side of Morgan client.
the United States. France and and Yipsels have been can serves were ordered to register immediately in case they are celed to meet the emergency needed. It has also been reported that service was suspended Asked if it were true that his firm was being retained England have not paid again by Britain, Morgan told newspapermen that he All forces have been mobilized on eight principal domestic airlines. The suspension was pretheir war debts for several hadn yet, butto intensify distribution of the sumed to have been ordered to enable the commercial planes to By HAL DRAPER It seems to me it would be a natural thing if they Socialist Appeal, now appear. fly troops to any border point where they might be needed.
Secretary, Campaign Committee years. The plain and obvious ing three times a week: as well wanted an American representative that they would call Is Stalin getting ready for another blow for peace. The total receipts on the Anti War Fund drive now stand at intent of this law, solemnly as for the circulation of tens of on us to repeat our performance. 1000.
thousands of leaflets denoune.
One of the far flung agents of J, Morgan immediate That used to be considered a good bit of money. Now it is ennly signed by the President passed by Congress and soling the war.
ly went to bat Anthony Drexel Biddle, Jr. of the Philaa drop in the bucket.
Mass meetings scheduled by Let Them All Play With Pins dephia Drexels and Biddles and of Drexel Co. Philadel. We set the goal of 5000 by September 15. That was modest. the news pictures don phia affiliate of Morgan and, incidentally, Amthe City Executive Committee Methodically and with the precision of one long versed in warto begin with. While the nonfor Thursday and Friday to fare. reports a special correspondent to the New York Times, bassador to Poland. He declared in a well publicised state financial aspects of the War nent three a week or four a in his cheek or not is unmisshow whether his tongue was broadcast the truth about the the bent form of the German Kaiser once the All Highest ment to the State Department in Washington that his villa Referendum Campaign have week Appeal means to our takably to cut off France and Second World War and the of the German Empire placed little colored pins on a map to in a Warsaw suburb had been bombed deliberately. He shown good results for all the mass work at this moment, England from all Federal meaning of the Stalin Hitler indicate the positions of the opposing armies in Poland, their had just moved in. Why the Germans want to bomb a pact have been arranged for advances and retreats, the various towns bombarded and the ambassador, the scion of a long line of bankers, he seriously went into campaign which are necessary when the credit.
the following localities so far: did not say.
objectives falling to the German armies.
work. THE BRANCHES HAVE world is at war and the war.
Needle Trades Speed the day when Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier and every NOT COME THROUGH ON makers in the United States and Healpolitikers of the War Deal, All this is true, but to the Thursday, Sept. 7, at P.
at Cultural Center 125 West other member of the ruling classes will be reduced to impotent Funds Are Vital the burden 33rd St. Speakers: Alex How play with paper maps and little colored pins!
Our meetings are larger than against war by America falls trality Act, is merely one more of the struggle the Johnson Act, like the Neuard, Abe Miller, The government of Australia, New Zealand and Canada anever: the regular press run of on us, the anti war party of the legal hurdle, to be jumped Astoria nounced their entry into the war, and the world was thereby the Socialist Appeal is now at Fourth International.
Thursday, Sept. 7, at P. Given to believe that the peoples of the British Empire had signithe highest point in its history: the petition drive will easily go Sacrifice now for the move over and crawled under as 31, 31st Ave. Speakers: George any sense consulted, about one in thirteen of the 550 million over the top by the date set: ment and for the anti war seems most convenient. There yman Paine. Robert Stiler. people in the British Empire. The other twelve (375 millions in new thousands of workers, who struggle, before the rulers call is no lack of legal talent in Boro Park India alone) were no more consulted than Hitler consulted the have never listened to us be upon you to sacrifice for them. Washington. Although both Collection of 5, 000 Signatures for AntiThursday, Sept. at P. German people. The same democratic method was employed fore, have been attracted by Rush every available dollar to Branch Headquarters, 1601 42nd in the French Empire.
our drive to take the war makWar Candidates Is Concrete Step in the (Continued on Page 3)
the and the Exportst. Speaker: Sherman Stanley ing power away from Congress Import Bank are official govand to let the people vote on Lower East Side This is no war for domination or imperial aggrandizement Fight Against the Capitalist War ernmental agencies which can war Coincidence Friday, Sept. at P. for material gains, it is not a war to shut any country out of its draw on the billions of dollars Great Central Palace, But the anti war chest of the Clin sunlight and the means of progress.
Party is empty.
ton St. Speakers: Sam Gordon, Perhaps it may seem a paradox that war should be under Calling in the Treasury for their for intensified, ballot, a spokesman for the We know that many branches Sylvia Bleecker.
taken in the name of liberty and that right should require. drive to put Max Shachtman City Committee said today, in have planned to concentrate Professor Mam lock, operations, they are set up as Brownsville the anti Nazi film produced quasi. private corporations.
Friday Seat surrender for the time being to the executive contigos bed and George Lyman Paine on order to take full advantage of their money raising efforts durin the Soviet Union, and Furthermore, they don deal Palestine Hall, 1731 Pitkin Ave. hands which will not abuse them, which will use them for no Councilmanic Elections, the campaign offers for publicity. tember 15. But if even this Speaker: Nathan Gould.
played continuously at the directly with foreign governclass or property interest.
City Committee of Local New As against all the other parties, going to pull us through, the Downtown Soviet Pavilion at the ments, but only with the inWho said that? The man who cold bloodedly starved the York, Socialist Workers Party every one of which is partici comrades in the branches have Friday, Sept. 8, at P. LA bor Temple, 14th St. and sec German people, save rickets to those who survived a whole pointed to that step as the im. pating in the current wave of to realize what the fund drive World Fair, was with dustrialists and exporters who ond Ave. Speakers: Felix Mor generation of German youth after the war was over, continuing mediate task in the concrete war mongering, we must put means to the Party at this mo drawn from the Soviet Pa sell to such governments.
the British blockade to make sure that the German revolution application of the party anti forward our election program ment.
low, John vilion program two days Legalistic hair. splitting, of on every occasion and on every Additional meetings will be was crushed. The man who drew so tight a blockade around war program in this city.
Great Burden Red Russia in the post war years in an undeclared war that announced later in the week.
Shachtman is the platform in the course of the after the Hitler Stalin pact course, but sufficient for the Make up your list of pamphSympathizers of the party was finally stopped by the British workers with the threat of candidate for Councilman in the coming pre election period. lets and leaflets which you was signed.
purposes of the War Deal.
and readers of the Appeal are general strike) that operations had to be made without anesthe Bronx and Paine is its standard Point Number One in our pro want to see us put out; reckon Pavilion officials said it gram is the international fight up the sections of the country Opens the Treasury urged to aid in getting the larg. tics and famine swept away millions. The man who was Clem bearer in Manhattan Legalisms aside, the point is est possible turnout for these enceau strongest ally in writing a vengeful peace Winston We must assure the placing against capitalist war.
where organizers are urgently was just a coincidence.
that the War Deal has already rallies.
Churchill, now First Lord of the British Admiralty as in 1914. of our candidates on the official (Continued on Page 4) needed; think of what a perma(Continued on Page 8)
Carlo to Funds Do Not Keep Pace James statement was in at With Agitation in Anti War Drive fault on their obligations to Party Asks Friends to Help Put Shachtman, Paine on Ballot an