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I Am No Longer Member of the Stalinist Party Baitor: THE PACT BROUGHT PEACE!
Aanstant Manager. The Daily Worker MEMBER Unanimous Only the Workers Can Stop The New World Slaughter SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1939 He is for a revolution but Chamberlain must Browder Speech Available on Records Daily Worker Headline SOCIALIST APPEAL make it. Vol. III, No. 65 September 5, 1939 have to record my opposition to the Prime Minister mandate to go to war. But Published to ce a peek by the give the Prime Minister a complete manSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, date and complete support for him to go out Telephone: Algonquin 8647 into the world and make a new call to the naHubscriptions: 00 per ye year: 00 for six months. Fortions to build a new civilization that will l: 93. 00 per yeah Onited States: cents per copy in centa per copyrigthsingle copies: cents abolish poverty and inequality.
all Bronx and Manhattan su subacriptions are: 50 for ex He supported Chamberlain at Munich, he now months: 00 for one year.
Reentered a second class matter February 16, 1961. At asks him to lead the revolution to abolish poverty the post omce at New York, under the Act of Mareh and inequality. He, Maxton, will support him This is to inform my friends and comrades in there the labor movement that have severed conMAX SHACHTMAN nections with the Communist Party. am utilizing Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT STALIN LIED UP TO LAST MINUTE. On the press of the Fourth International to publish FELIX MORROW August 14, ten days before Stalin signed the pact my reasons for this action because there is no General Manager: MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY with Hitler, Pravda, Stalin personal organ, pubother way of making my case known to the public.
lished an article violently attacking Germany for am not a Trotskyist nor have joined the Sodesiring to change Europe frontiers by force and cialist Workers Party, as have not yet studied FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST to obtain complete hegemony in Europe. Pravda said: their program sufficiently to consider the serious WORKERS PARTY FOR. The war of the Soviet Union against fascism step of affiliation.
will be the most just and most legitimate of all wars joined the Communist Party in 1936. was very job and a decent living for every worker.
that humanity has known. It will be a war for the liberaton of the oppressed nations reduced to slavBROWDER Open the idle factories operate them under active in the Unemployed Councils, later in the workers control.
ery. It will be for the defense of the international City Projects Council, and held various posts in proletariat and the culture of the whole of progresdifferent locals. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works sive humanity against fascist barbarism.
and housing program.
This just ten days before he signed the pact!
Was Wounded in Spain Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wageOn May 14, 1937, left for Spain to serve in the 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs.
Abraham Lincoln Battalion of the 15th Brigade. served on the Aragon, Levante, and Ebro fronts. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability was wounded at Teruel and spent approximately pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
The Daily Worker, central organ of the Comfour months in the hospital. Altogether served nineteen months fighting General Franco fascist All war funds to the unemployed.
munist Party, came out Friday morning with troops. people referendum on any and all wars. the following headline: In Spain began to wonder about the sincerity No secret diplomacy. Enraged by Polish stand, Nazis bare British of the Communist leadership which came from the 10. An independent Labor Party.
squeeze on Warsaw.
United States. The business of officers being ap11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante Workers rubbed their eyes as they read it.
pointed in the United States was particularly difficult to understand if the Communist Party really and Fascist attacks.
For the World War was already on.
trusted its rank and file. Many of these officers 12. Full social, political and economic equality But what is the war, compared with orders were corrupt to the marrow. In many cases they for the Negro people.
from Moscow, to Stalin funkies on the Daily robbed the rank and file at every opportunity.
When packages for us came from home they divided them among themselves.
Moscow had said that the Hitler Stalin pact While the ranks suffered equally with the Spanwas a blow for peace. Therefore there could ish workers poor rations, filth, deprivation the be no war.
officers of the army and particularly officers who were members of the Communist Party enjoyed Like everything official that happens in Ger Moscow had justified its turn to Hitler on the the very best kind of food, wine and meat, and innumerable special privileges. With my comrades many and Russia, the ratification of the pact by theory that Britain would force Poland to capitulate to Hitler. And the Stalinist hacks, in wondered why both letters we wrote and letters the Supreme Soviet was unanimous.
we received from our folks at home, dealing with non military subjects, were rigorously censored With elaborate mumbo jumbo the deputies America as elsewhere, write what Stalin orders.
That why the fantastic headline in the Daily and anything enclosed, such as monoy, confiscated.
were gathered together (except for those purged Worker when the war had already begun. Continued from Page 1)
since the election. and after a perfunctory Tear from the hands of the Returns And Finds Party Changed hands, and throw off the bandits who rule lapse of time they went through the motions of Upon my return to the United States was over them.
greedy and merciless Sixty Families shocked at the deep and fundamental changes in considering and voting for the alliance with Moscow that Soviet military strength on the Polish NUTCRACKER. BERLIN Reports from This is not our war! said the American and their War Deal agents the warthe position of the Communist Party especially in people in November, 1916, and they elected Hitler.
frontier was being raised instead of lowered were Woodrow Wilson because he ran under the regard to the unemployed. There had not been a picket line at 70 Columbus Ave. for six months.
The real situation in the Soviet Union is re the dream of all Germans that the Polish nut may published here under headlines which suggested making power!
pledge: Vote for Wilson he kept us out of There was a steady policy of retreat. Where a few war.
flected in the mirror of this parliament. In now finally be gripped in a nutcracker which can But the New Democracy of Wilson had Take the war making power years ago the dismissal of 11, 000 from relief was already secretly prepared to drag us into sufficient cause for a giant demonstration, now France, England, America, the Stalinist parties suck it. New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 31, away from Congress!
nation wide cuts aroused only a postcard protest.
war, and within a few short months of his In 1936 the Communist Party was still officially have suffered serious defections in membership, elected reactionary war.
he succeeded in dragging us into that Let the people vote on war! Let opposed Roosevelta few years before it had foul as a result of the pact. Several Communist depuclassified him as a fascist but now it uncondition.
This is not our war! the American peothe people decide!
ally supported his every act.
ties in France have denounced it. In any casual Why the Polish Hasn ple have said, time and time again in these Put an end to secret diplomacy. The State The Communist Party had thrown the hammer last few months. They said it in the Gallup Department, under Roosevelt orders, has and sickle out of the window while was fighting polls, in the Fortune poll up to 75 of those at least one will be found who, at the least, hasn Commented on the Pact polled declaring that under no conditions shall closed all its files from 1914 the fascists in Spain, and had put up a fountain on open the records of the State Department to the people! pen and a postcard in its place.
made up his mind anywhere except in Russia.
There not a single voice is raised, for the good that the Polish Communist Party has issued no great many people have expressed surprise American ships and troops right across All secret treaties and agree Tries to Argue for Militancy But the New Deal of Roosevelt is hotand sufficient reason that a raised voice means declarations on the Stalin Hitler pact or, in gen footing it in the footsteps left by the New ments, all the secret reports now Still believing that the Communist Party was a a cell in a concentration camp, if not death.
eral, on Hitler Polish demands. Last year when Democracy of Wilson. The Roosevelt adminHow were these Soviet deputies elected? Hitler moved on Czechoslovakia the Communist. being sent in by American diplo these changes in policy with my friends. There istration is dragging us into the war, as fast as it dare go. Already General Hines, RooseBy exactly the same method as Hitler Reich Party of Czechoslovakia was loud in its pro velt administrator of the Veterans Bureau, is matic representatives abroad must was nothing disloyal in our discussions. We were stag deputies were elected a single ticket, no nunciamentos. It would fight! The Czech people making lynch speeches against slackers be made public!
that its political line represented the interests of opposition candidates. vote yes or else.
the working class.
y of War Louis Johnson is must never give in, etc. Why then the unusual howling for the hides of those Congressmen Not a man, not a penny, for this What was my amazement to be charged with besilence of the Polish who dared vote against giving Britain and war of the bosses!
ing a Trotskyist. Outside of official party literThe explanation is simple. There is no Polish France access to American armaments.
ature did not have the slightest idea of what a They only want to provide the British All war funds to the unemployed! Trotskyist was true had heard about them ally, actually, read it out of existence!
Republicans they re united now in sacred Workers in your unions, in your square Garden on February 20, but had not even The kind of struggle against war and for First, the leaders of the Polish Sophie union where her messo, soldiers will follow. That read their press.
neighborhoods, everywhere, mobilThe idea proposed at that time by the Trotskypeace and democracy carried on by the Stalinists Unshilicht, Bronkowski, Lenski, etc. were happened in the last war, it will happen again. ize for merciless struggle against ists of Labor Defense Guards seemed to me very and the London Bureau (Independent Labor summoned to Moscow and murdered in the tor Everything is being done in secrecy in Washthe war!
good, especially after my experience in Spain. Party, etc. received striking illumination in the ture chambers of the accused of being ington. Only a hint here and there, a slip of thought that the Communist Party should defend recent Commons debate on the Emergency spies and agents provocateurs. Then, the history into Roosevelt preparations for war.
Join the anti war party the organizing such guards. But nothing was done by itself against the numerous Coughlin attacks by Powers Bill.
of the Party, which had been organized by Rosa What must we, the American people, do?
Socialist Workers Party!
the party leadership about forming such guards: As reported in the last issue of the Appeal, Luxemburg and Leo Tishko, was re written and police and the Mayor for help, both of whom have in fact they opposed the idea and appealed to the the bill pictured as a police agency for all its twenty proved themselves sympathetic to the Coughlin. Gives the King, the Cabinet, power years. And Stalin decree, it ites.
to issue decrees having the force of law, e. ex land of the living.
CONFOUNDEDBesides being charged with the sin of Trotskyism was accused of being a saboteur, and a actly the sort of power that Hitler and Stalin fascist. all for discussing the changes in the have.
of party position! To top these charges, they attempt Any premises may be entered and ed to blacken and assassinate my character searched.
Place: Hotel Center. Time: No opportunity was given me to defend myself, Anyone may be arrested if the governI was grilled as if were a convict under the third (Continued from Page 1) presumably to discuss the Tuesday night. Business: exdegree and then the whole case was referred.
ment deems it expedient.
aration. Roosevelt war mong menace. Murphy announced planation of the Hitler Stalin decided to make a thorough investigation of ers label these as aliens and that offices would be opened pact.
Thus a British subject in this great British the Trotskyist movement in which was ac(as if the war had already brok up not only all over America, Isadore Begun, Stalinist cancused of holding membership democracy has no more liberty than if he lived en out) as slackers. This but in Puerto Rico, Hawall, the aidate for the City Council from My experience shows clearly that there is not campaign is being whipped up Panama Canal Zone and Alas the Bronx, is answering some the slightest democracy inside the Communist take. It can.
with a new frenzy as day ka. Wherever the American questions, Party. The rank and file is stifled by self perthe day for general mobiliza lag flies you must prepare QUESTION: Why was the petuating bureaucracy that decides all questions Now how do the friends of democracy reDANCE ENTERTAINMENT tion of Amercan cannon fodder yourself as a sheep for the escape clause absent?
and decides them only in its own interests and the ANSWER: THE PACT IS act to this naked tyranny? The Liberals vote for draws near. General Frank slaughter or you will be called interests of Stalin. No one is allowed even to disit side by side with Chamberlain.
Hines, United States veteran alien, slacker, red. or STRONGER WITHOUT THE cuss their decisions.
administrator, addressing the spy. ESCAPE CLAUSE. four The Labour leaders voted for it unanimously But no party can represent the interests of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, deWar Deal applaud the answer)
as John Lewis and William Green will cer Saturday, September 16th at p. clared: the American people QUESTION: Roosevelt, however, has one trade pact help Germany by working class unless the rank and flle exercise Doesn the full democratic rights and is allowed to express will not tolerate for long alien little anti war bone sticking in providing Hitler with raw matainly support Roosevelt when he brings in the its opinion and let its weight be felt in formulating policies and decisions Emergency Powers Bill.
isms, and he denounced his throat. The Neutrality Law, terials for war purposes?
ANSWER: No. Since there is The Third International is dead! have severed And the Stalinists who to this day foam at the of the IRVING PLAZA BALLROOM those attempting to advocate banning the sale of arms all connections with it. call on all my friends and mouth whenever they mention Chamberlain. newly re decorated)
changes in our form of govern though not of other war mas a labor shortage in Germany, ment and our methods of pro: makes it a little difficult for sent to Russia will prevent comrades to do likewise.
belligerents still that means that every machine New York City, William Gallacher, the Communist voted August 16, 1939 to put this noose around the neck of the British groups. he declared, are led Roosevelt, Morgan and Dupont them from making a machine Professional Entertainment to keep in step with the British gun for themselves. No apHENRY H, THOMAS workers. So much for the Stalinist love of deby slackers.
mocracy. And what will Browder do here when Latest scare raiser is no less fore, on August 29, seconded war mongers. Roosevelt there. plause. a person than Attorney Gener the stand of Louis Johnson, as to place the American fleet and Socialist Appeal Roosevelt brings in his Emergency Bill? Brow Swing Band al Murphy. On August 31 he sistant Secretary of War, who the American people at the dis 116 University Place der rally to its support and prove that this declared at Washington: had charged that the mainte posal of Britain and France to New York City.
is the finest example of democracy in the world. There will be no repetition of nance of the embargo on arms help them the situation in 1917 when a de shipments discriminated in their empires and to keep the protection of Refreshments would like to get better acquainted with he proves that the Stalin Hitler alliance just mocracy was unprepared to favor of Germany. and was the Latin American and Chinyour paper, the Socialist Appeal. Please send is a victory for democracy.
meet the espionage problem. very nearly equivalent to pre ese markets away from Japan, me sample copies for the next few weeks.
And the revolutionaries. James Maxton and Boxes Reserved for parties of or more Roosevelt right hand man senting Germany with an At Germany and Italy. Roosevelt Name the erstwhile brothers in arms of the has no doubt that 1939 Is an lantic fleet.
cannot save American capitalAddress Lovestoneites. They voted against, but Maxton, other 1917. This week he is fly. But Roosevelt and Johnson ism by te New Deal in time of Tickets 75c On Sale at office ing to Los Angeles where he don want to provide England peace so he will try by the old City their spokesman shows exactly how he is going anc Edgar Hoover of the and France with any equiva deal of war. He will succeed in to struggle against Chamberlain and the war.
FBI will meet in a conference lent. They are getting ready neither, ROOSEVELT WORKING OVERTIME CONFUSION WORSE Could it have been an advance token to Hitler TO DRAG PEOPLE INTO WAR STARRING BEGUN in Berlin, Roante vor Moscow. American workers, Fall Frolic.