Andrey VyshinskyAntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyLiberalismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1939 Stop Fascism In America. Shachtman, Paine Run on Anti War Progarm TEXT OF LOCAL NEW YORK COUNCILMANIC PROGRAM APPEAL ARMY ing for jobs.
PARTY KEYS ITSELF TO WAR FOOTING Notice bhurto SPARKS IN THE NEWS In Manhattan Program Stands Out For Truth Amid WelBRANCHES INCREASE cialist Appeal. Also the ComBUNDLE ORDERS mittee has instituted a camter of War Lies review of activities of Par paign to spread the Socialist ty branches in respect to the Appeal to many more newsWill Father Coughlin Become circulation of the Socialist Ap stands and neighborhoods. The peal during the recent period, following offer has been made (Continued from Page Centinued from Page 1)
and particularly following the to all comrades: Dictator of the United States?
ent crisis proletarian resist Together with Congress, Roosevelt is so anxious for war signing of the Stalin Hitler pact, Any comrade who can can once to the war propaganda that he refuses to permit a referendum vote of the people on shows that several cities have vass one house regularly and By JOSEPH HANSEN machine.
the question.
increased their bundle orders place the Socialist Appeal on The press has unloosed a regIf the people are fit to face bayonets and bullets and to and have ordered extra quan one newsstand will receive as (EIGHTH INSTALLMENT)
ular Niagara lying propapay the colossal cost of war, they are fit to decide whether cities of specific issues. many Socialist Appeals as he ganda to cover the secret war they shall die on foreign battlefields!
The following cities have in needs free of charge. If this ofWill It Happen In America?
diplomacy of Hitler, Chambercreased their regular quotas: fer of the New York Literature ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE UNEMPLOYED!
TAKE THE WAR MAKING POWER AWAY FROM CON Reading, Pa. 10 15; New Hav Committee is to have any real For ten years a blighting depression has stifled produc Maln, Roosevelt, Stalin and Co.
en, 10 15; St. Paul, 50 75; New meaning, it should be taken adtion in the United States. In the great industrial sections, ties are either silent or have ark, 100 135; Cleveland, 50 70; vantage of now. This is an imfactories are running far below capacity. Many of them joined in the deception. In the Stop Fascism!
Akron, 50 60; and Philadelphia, portant way to build up Socialare practically idle. Around the plant gates, men rot wait ty, closely followed by the desIn recent months a rabid race hatred campaign, similar 25 30.
ist Appeal sales in the neighto those conducted in Germany and Italy, has been whipped placed by several cities for spe Special orders have been borhood.
up in New York, by men who advocate a fascist dictator for Again it is necessary to point cific issues, as for instance: St. out that several hundred exthis country.
Vnemployment rages in the land like a pestilence and a eration, the leaders of the American Labor Party and the Louis. 50 extra; Los Angeles. pired subscriptions to the 8eOn February 20, Fritz Kuhn German American Nazi 100; New York, 1, 000 of the 1s cialist Appeal and The New Inscourge.
rest of the war mongering Bund staged a fascist rally at Madison Square Garden. 50. 000 The Eatinates of the number of unemployed vary from brotherhood. Socialist sue just out; Minneapolis, sev. ternational are outstanding.
anti fascists plcketed that meeting in response to a call issued Workers Party says: An end to eral hundred extra of various The most important way new to brycloe to seventeen MILLION!
GEORGE LYMAN PAINE by the Socialist Workers Party.
occasions; Chicago, 350: San stabilize our press is for the Warehouses are crammed with food, clothing, automo this deception!
La Guardia protected the Nan Brown Shirts with the larg Let the people know the truth Francisco. 300: Philadelphia, Party membership to make est mobilization of police in the history of New York.
bides, building materials. Crops are destroyed, pigs slaugh about this robber warı THEIR STOOGES WITHIN 100; Toronto, 58Washington, systematic effort to scontre On July 30, Coughlin sent out his notorious Call to Action these renewals immediately.
tered, cotton plowed under. The skeleton of hunger stalks END THE SECRET DIPLO THE LABOR MOVEMENT. over a nation wide hook up. He summoned his shock troops, 50. As this is written ters indicate that additional exthrough the richest land on the earth.
MACY FIGHT AGAINST HERDING the Christian Front and Christian Mobilizers, to meet his op tre orders will come in for the LET THE GOVERNMENT THE PEOPLE INTO THE ponents cheek to jowl and shoulder to shoulder. He deNo one dares count the number who are starving.
tri weekly.
clared that he would fight in Fascist General Franco way SPECIAL ATTENTION TO The depression has shattered the future for youth under DOCUMENTSI TAKE THE WAR MAKING in America!
capitalism. Millions of young people each year leave school Against their will, the peoples POWERS AWAY FROM CON Coughlin followers in New York brought this campaign DISTRIBUTION Special attention is being deto pursue that mirage called a job in private industry. In of all countries are being herd CRESS. LET THE PEOPLE to a peak with the announcement that they would march on voted to the distribution the cities they pound pavement, make out fruitless applica italist racketeers of the world. The platform brings home the Union Square together with Pritz Kuhn Bundists on August sale among the Communist 19 in support of Social Justice.
tions, pore over the want ads, learn all the bitterness that these bandits are strengthen terrible danger of the rising Party and Young Communist They rioted in the Bronx; they stabbed and beat Anti tas League members. In New cists; they tried to arm themselves.
ode word sorry can contain. On the farms they stag. ing war dictatorships and fis tide of Fascism, of which York, the City Literature ComHundreds of thousands of New York anti fascists held nate, their future under capitalism as hopeless as the crops bodles of the working class. The mover. Nothing is more fatal themselves ready to answer the call of the Socialist Workers mittee is trying to cover all meetings and gatherings of the rotting in the fields.
Communist Party bound by than the Illusion that the war Party to hold a giant counter demonstration.
Communist Party with the so. Continued tren Page The depression has laid ruin and bankruptcy on the door its pact with Hitler carries on will stem this tide. On the con LaGuardia again assembled huge contingents of police to protect the Coughlinites and the Bundists but FUEHRER Party and YCL have been printstep of the small merchant. Taxes steadily increase. The conspiracy of silence about trary, blackest reaction will be Roosevelt drive toward a war strengthened once the bosses COUGHLIN HIMSELF WAS FORCED TO CALL OFF THE ed and are available for nationchain stores have taken over his customers.
dictatorship. The leaders of the set their war machine in mo PARADE RATHER THAN FACE THE ANGER OF THE al distribution.
The depression has eaten like a corroding acid into the American Labor Party and the Lion.
100, 000 Anti War Londote rest of the renegade clique who The greatest war danger for The candidates of the Socialist Workers Party are pledged The four page folder on the fixed salaries of the white collar workers. Cut after cut are bound to the Roosevelt Warus lies not abroad but at home to continue the fight against fascism from the vantage point war crisis will be off the press has been forced upon them to help the company out of Deal either defend this dictator. In Washington.
of the City Council and to spread for and wide the only way special membership by Tuesday in an issue of 100, meeting of Local New York, its inability to keep paying out the old rate of profit. Files ship or hide it from the work. The greatest fascist mongers to stop fascism: militant action against fascist threats and 000. In attractive make up. It ers. The Socialist Workers Par are in Wall Street, in the Sixty the building of WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS.
Socialist Workers Party, has deals in popular terms with the are crammed with applications from skilled men ready to ty says: NO FAITH IN THE Families who control American These DEFENSE GUARDS are an extension of the idea been called for Wednesday, meaning of the war crisis, the work for anything.
BOSS POLITICIANS OR industry and finance.
of picket squads to defend labor rights. They are organized September at p. in Stalin Hitler pact, the fight Victoria Hall, at Irving The depression has taken away the income of doctors, on a permanent basis to defend the labor movement from any against war in the United In the Bronx Plaza, 15th Street and Iry.
MAX SHACHTMAN States and the War Referenforce which attacks with terror and violence. The whole labor dentists, and other professional people. It has forced them movement must mobilize to protect itself against the mortal Ing Place. In view of the serdum, plus a section on the 80into a quiet grave in the back office of some giant corporadanger of fascism by building WORKERS DEFENSE fousness of the present situ cialist Workers Party and the GUARDS in every union local.
ation, no comrade will be extion, or left them stranded with a heap of bills in an office Socialist Appeal.
cused from (The full Councilmanic program of Local New York, of attendance. The pamphlet Max shachtthat no one ever visits. Their clothing begins to reveal the which the above is only the first part, will be published in Admission by red card only. man on the Stalin Hitler pact is seedy appearance of failure. special page circular. CITY COMMITTEE on the press.
The depression has placed the housewife on a wrack of 24 Hour Duty torture. Dwindling pennies must be stretched endlessly into In New York, next week will By Dwight rent, meals, clothes and shoes for the children, doctor bills.
onald see a special membership meeting and large public meetings The fear of unemployment hangs over the home like a organized in Manhattan, Brookdeath sentence.
lyn, Bronx and Queens.
Branches have already orderFood prices and sales taxes rise relentlessly.
ed their members to be ready The depression has cut hundreds of thousands of small for duty on a twenty four hour basis.
farmers away from their land. They wander like pariahs What to Do from the middle west to California where they are lashed (Editorial note: Hereafter Dwight Macdon liss Lamont, Vincent Sheean, Dashiell HamAs the situation in Europe with all the land owner prejudice that once was wielded ald will contribute to the Socialist Appeal a mett, Donald Ogden Stewart, and their 394 teeters back and forth between against the Chinese, the Japanese, the Filipinos, the Mexi.
twice weekly column dealing exclusively with comrades in arms this is matter for Freudian a general world war and a the economic, political and propagandistle war speculation.
temporary peace, the minds of cans.
preparations on this side of the Atlantic. the American masses turn The depression has brought those who own their farms Johnson vs. Johnson more and more toward the into slavery under the whiplash of the Big Banks the Short History of Liberalism, central pillar of the War Deal is Louis HERE IN AMERICA?
thought: WHAT CAN WE DO mortgage doesn hang on the wall like the shot gun but Vol. II.
Johnson, Assistant Secretary of War and the Ours is the only voice that 703 4C it is far more deadly. And the farmer and his family live The Liberals Dismount real power in the War Department. Johnson can answer that. Ours is the a tough Legionnaire politico, so tough, in fact, historic task of pointing the way off the vegetable patch, worry about cash for clothes, seed, must admit was a bit surprised at the as to appall even General Hugh Johnson (no for the fight against the war.
repairs to the farm machinery. In the evening for cheap abruptness with which the liberal weeklies relation. The newly created War Resources makers in this country who recreation they thumb through the only touch of prosperity hopped off the Stalinist band wagon after the Board, chairmanned by Stettinlus of Steel want us to get into the world horrible news about the Soviet Nazi pact was and manned by DuPont Morgan executives, slaughter on the ground floor.
in the house a shiny mail order catalog filled with glistenout. had expected a decent interval of was Louis Johnson brain child. In one of his Our immediate weapon is the ing pictures of modern conveniences, stylish clothes, derecent Scripps. Howard columns, General campaign for the People Vote squirming. rationalizations, and covering up.
Instead, in the very first issues published after Johnson makes some sharp criticism of this on War. Every branch which the news broke, both the Nation and the New board.
warehouses of the bankers and overlords of industry.
has thrown itself into the work Old Iron Pants isn shocked by the idea in has found the ready response Republic began to swing their editorial axes in The depression has wound the speed up to unendurno uncertain fashion at the foundations of the itself. Quite the contrary: The need for such of the workers, and on the basis able tension, slashed wages, lengthened hours, regimented impressive ideological structure they thema board is absolute. American Industry in of it has been able to direct (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
the industrial worker into an industrial slave. Chained to war must be under a one man dictatorship as them against the war governthe Socialist Workers Party, the selves for years now have been building up.
CHICAGO, August 31 Grim stalinist leaders here have or. The demolition job was done so fast, indeed.
ruthless as Hitler It is the composition of ment in Washington. Even the a belt line, he strains every nerve and muscle to keep going harbinger of war dictatorship. ganized hoodlum the board that bothers the General. To lead a most backward workers, who with the speed up. Labor spies report every careless word; police have been systematically against Appeal salesmen the dynamite. Thus ends a long and beautiful country into war, he writes with cynical friendship.
every time the boss passes by with a mouth as sour and harassing and arresting Social last three nights.
frankness, you have to do everything possible are still hypnotized by the Ite profit conscious as the company cash register it may 1st Workers Party leaflet dis hoodlums against an Appeal have tended to over rate the fidelity to stalinist Appeal salesmen and Social. An attack last night of about There is a lesson here, it seems to me. We American enthusiasm for what would instantly want to see the country hurled mean the last pay check. Outside in the streets, those who tributors all this week. sales squad of 10 was beaten ism of the vast army of liberal bourgeois fel be called a Morgan. duPont war personally into war behind their backs.
Close to Masses conducted by General Motors and the Scores of salesmen and dis off, but with a number of Ap low travellers of the American So long as worked last year gaze with hungry and desperate eyes.
Steel Corp. The General goes on to accuse choose from the latest mall. It Here is one report which we If the boss finally goads the workers into taking action, trybutors have been picked up peal salesmen injured. Some of the Stalin regime seemed useable as a neats paw for America war aims, so long did the his namesake of a bit of Trotskyist sabotage: is from Local Philadelphia, then it is strike breakers, thugs, tear gas, maybe a bullet. stations, and Somebody in government was very dumb in which has not hitherto reported Arrest Salesman liberals remain among the faithful. But once this role of Stalinism was cast in doubt to say. Inventing delay and discord as our first but which has been at work: The depression has struck the security of old age like a threatened with further punishPolice arrested Seymour the least the liberals dropped the like a step in war preparation. Could it have been The campaign has tremenconsuming sword. How many look forward to old age ment if they continue Appeal.
Kahn, Appeal salesman, and hot potato. The question of who was using Assistant Secretary of War Johnson? coma dous organizational and propa.
with assurance in the United States? No job. No pension.
rade Vyshinsky, reach me that dossier marked ganda possibilities. As a direct Relatives too poor to sponge on. Try to get on relief! Every however, the anti war issues of are holding him on an open whom has been resolved most dramatically: approach to the masses, nothusing the Stalinists, and not vice versa. Thus Tonight mass meeting on the pact has acted as one of those major, cataday the newspapers report what want in the midst of plen the Socialist Appeal have met charge.
The Basutos Are Saved ing has a greater appeal, especially in the light of today ty means to the old people a rope, gas, leap from a Communist Party members the Hitler Stalin pact, with Max clysmic political shocks, which as Trotsky Whether there is war or not, and whether events. On no other party acbuilding.
have been purchasing Appeals Shachtman, editor of the Social once put it, suddenly and unmistakeably lay the Axis or the Democracies are the victors, tivity can a speaker feel himShould only those born into the wealth of the Sixty which include material expos. Ist Appelens the main speaker bare the real, underlying class relationships of one thing can be predicted right now: no force self so close to his listeners. He ing what behind the Hitler er, has been advertised by dis the intelligentsia.
It takes such cataclysms to Families enjoy the right to live like human beings!
except their own revolutionary action is going holds them and they are glad Stalin pact.
tributions of leaflets in every expose their roots, snce in this sphere such corner of the city.
to strike off the shackles from the colonial peo of it. The instinctive desire for WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEPRESStalinist Hoodlumism connections are normally vague, hidden, and ples. The veneer of democracy is at its thin a way out comes to the surSION?
nest in the colonies. There the real nature of face as it does in no other type In a desperate attempt to small handful of people the Sixty Families plug break up the growing frienditLet the People The Ghost Goes West the struggle between the democratic and the of meeting.
totalitarian states appear nakediy, unmistake The Party comrades are inthe horn of plenty which could pour out untold wealth for ness between the rank and fille The most pathetic casualty of the crisis was Vote on War!
ably as a thieves quarrel over the privilege of oculated with this sympathetic of the Communist Party and America working people.
the newborn Committee of 400 which the Stal picking the pockets of the masses.
vibration. Comrades who are inists recently concocted to counter the damThus in a recent issue of the Pariser Tages notorious for their shying away Despite the fact that markets are glutted even now, the zeltung, a German emigre daily of the Thomas from the stranger in the street big basic industries owned by the Sixty Families have re The NEW DEAL that Roosevelt promised the For aging effects of the Committee for Cultural Freedom and the League for Cultural Free Mann school of anti fascism, there was an in have been conversing easily gotten Man turned out to be a RAW DEAL. Now Roosedom Socialism. Such creations are shadowy, conditioned their plants for super production. During the dignant news item headed: GOEBBELS ALSO and earnestly for hours after KNOWS BASUTO, to the effect that Nazi pro the meeting. It has helped acpast five or six years they have streamlined their mills and velt brain trust is trying one last trick with the alphabet. spectral affairs at best, but this particular paganda, in the Basuto language, was being tivate comrades. We hold three plants with the latest word in machinery. One man does They have taken the word, RAW, and spelled it back chost went west in record time.
It burst into circulated in a newspaper among the Basuto street corner meetings a week, wards. That makes it Roosevelt WAR DEAL.
prety the work it took scores to do even a few short years ago.
to all men of good will to forget their tribes of the Transvaal. And how did the Bri Monday, Friday and Saturday.
But what will democratic capitalism do after the war But this does not make a market where goods can be sectarian quarrels and unite behind the tish meet this threat? The Times report on several occasions we have is specific: The authorities of the Union of spoken to several hundred. At sold at a profit. The interest on the investments of Big has ended? Does it plan another League of Nations? An Kremlin in the good fight against fascism. The Fascists and their allies are well aware South Africa, realizing the danger of such pro one Negro neighborhood meetBusiness is rapidly reaching zero.
other World Court at the Hague? Another Versailles that democracy will win if its supporters are paganda among the easily influenced natives, ing we had at least 150 people Treaty?
united. Accordingly, they are intent on deIt is a life and death matter for Big Business to slash especially when many of them are in economic present.
stroying such all costs. They have In Italy King Victor called Mussolini to Rome.
difficulties, promptly confiscated the paper. can very easily say that wages, lengthen hours, and to do so in the near future.
tried to prevent a united anti aggression front The Basutos are in economic difficulties, it where perhaps a few hundred The democratic form of capitalist government as repre In Germany President Hindenburg called Hitler to by sowing suspicion between the Soviet Union seems. But they are not without powerful people knew or had heard of Berlin.
and other nations interested in maintaining sented by Roosevelt has confessed its bankruptcy. Of all friends. Herr Hitler solves their troubles with the Socialist Workers Party, to In America?
peace. Just one week to the day after this propaganda. And Mr. Chamberlain solves day several thousand people reits boasted attempts to help the Forgotten Man, nothing noble, moving appeal, pact was announced. them by promptly confiscating Herr Hitler member us. Our concrete orremains but a drive to convert him into the Unknown Perhaps it will happen before the war breaks.
What this news has done to the psyches of Dr. propaganda. Which leaves the Basutos Just ganizational gains will come. (Continued in Next Issue)
Max Lerner, Prof. Robert Morss Lovett, Cor where they were before.
am sure of it.
at Cimeti dan Com Juild ani Fari Chicago Police Harass, Here is on side and other eine Arrest Appeal Salesmen browbeaten