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S. Meets War Crisis Crisis with Tri Weekly Appeal Socialist Appeal WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1939 VOL. III, No. 65 3e a Copy WORKINGMEN, THIS IS NOT OUR WAR! IT IS WAR OF THE BOSSES! DOWN WITH THE WAR. Government by the People Roosevelt Administration Working Overtime to Drag into the War Only the Workers Can Stop the World Slaughter!
WAR PLAN BIG BUSINESS ROOSEVELT Shachtman and Widick Tours, a Week Appeal here there to your Highlight Party Drive Roosevelt is hard on the heels of Chamberlain, Daladier, and Hitler. His powerful war propaganda machine is now working overtime to drag the American people into the butchery The Second World War began Friday at 5:45 of imperialist war. New York Time. Roosevelt sends appeals for peace to Germany and Poland, but he is working side by Two gigantic combinations of world powers side with his prospective allies, Britain and France. Says the New York Post Washington correspondent, August 31: The Roosevelt administration is adopting a policy of a frank are locked in mortal combat.
and open collaboration with Great Britain. Even The Post, which is now shrieking for war The very marrow from the bones of the Gerwith the rest, has to admit that The subterfuge of independent but parallel action with which cooperation has been cloaked in the past crises has been almost totally discarded.
man workers and peasants has been extracted Secretary of State Hull admitted yesterday for example, that he had been informed of the by Hitler to build the war machine which is now contents of the still secret message from Hitler to Great Britain.
Roosevelt is whipping up the war spirit unofficially and officially: Brig. Gen. Henry engaged on the plains of Poland.
Reilly and Col. Charles Sweeney, United States Army officers, will raise a volunteer division Thirteen slaves for every Englishman in the United TH is the advance guard of the American Expeditionary Force. For Negroes in the African colonies, brown men in the time being, however, they want to keep within present United States law, so enlistments will be made in Canada. It is believed the French consular service will cooperate.
the Malay states, yellow men in Hong Kong. Believed. As if the whole business is not a precise repetition of the way in which the Hindus and Moslems in India, Singalese in CeyAmerican people were manlon five hundred and fifty millions in the British euvered into the last war.
Empire, one quarter of the earth, are exploited Stooges Speak unmercifully like slaves to fight Britain dem It has seemed to us, said ocratic war.
Col. Sweeney, Roosevelt stooge, speaking to the New Six slaves for every Frenchman Moors in York Times, that Apart from French Morocco, Arabs in Syria, Senegalese in Africa, Mohammedans in Algeria. toil under ernment may or may not do, dictatorial rule for French democracy.
provision should be made so Party Goes on War Footing as War Breaks Stalin puppets, the so called Supreme that those young Americans Open Letter to Members, AntiSoviet Parliament. vote unanimously the alwho feel deeply that the cause of freedom is at stake will War Folder Ready for Distribution have an opportunity to enlist for the Stalin Hitler love pact, giving Hitler the in its defense. What we By HAL DRAPER did in 1914 has never been Secretary, Campaign Committee By the time you read this, THE war, for which the rulers disapproved and we see no War for Profits reason why we should not do have been preparing since the last war ended, may have broken out in Europe.
Shachtman, Paine it again.
What is the war?
In this crisis, the Party calls upon its members and supRear Admiral Yates Stir porters to go on a WAR FOOTING at once. If the war is de Run for Council on This is NOT a war for and against the indeling, Jr. in a speech before ferred by another week or month or two months, that only means Anti War Program the Veterans of Foreign Wars we have a little more time to prepare.
pendence of Poland.
The Socialist Workers Party has no interests separate and convention asserted on August few months ago, is now appear.
The Socialist Appeal, which became a twice weekly only a apart from those of labor. Today, when the whole world is on This is NOT a war for and against democ29 that the security of the ing THREE TIMES WEEK! Socialist Appeal, and Wid Local New York of the so party that fights against capitalist war a war to redivide racy not one of the participating powers, but the brink of war, the Socialist Workers Party is the ONLY United States depended on This action requires the full ick, national labor Secretary, cialist Workers Party this week the world markets and profits. It is in the forefront of the the defeating of the dictators est cooperation each day on the serie courtingas metines to the issued bits municipal dlection struggle against Fascism. It has a concrete program which rules the overwhelming majority of its subjects when the war meetings on program.
The Socialist Workers Party is running two candidates for with sword and whip.
message into the hands of pact.
out for its truth and clarity, of the office of Councilman in New York City: interests was by a victory of workers who are eagerly look! Fifty thousand copies offering the workers of New York Max Shachtman in the borough of Bronx.
This war is being fought solely to decide which the democracies, he said, ing for light to be shed on the two page Open Letter to the city a guide to the only action the in. VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATES OF THE SOCIALIST imperialist powers shall dominate the world. and the one sure way to do Max Shachtman, editor of the (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) WORKERS PARTY BECAUSE The assassination of the Archduke of Austria that will be to go into the war They are pledged to fight for the following program: at first. He denounced the Put an End to Capitalist War!
at Sarajevo in July, 1914 was not the cause of present neutrality act as funRoosevelt and the Democrats have scrapped all the pro the First World War.
grateful to Britain and gressive legislation they promised the Forgotten Man in 1932.
Even relief for the unemployed has been laid on the chopping The seizure of Danzig is not the cause of the The second World War has begun. only the minimums and the time limits block. Roosevelt himself slashed the backbone out of relief appropriations.
Second World War.
Army Parade Every branch of the Socialist Work are tomorrow and the next days.
Roosevelt promised a NEW DEAL. He handed out a WAR On August 31 the people of ers Party and the Young Peoples So Every sympathizer, every partisan of DEAL.
New York were treated to a cialist League will mobilize at once for the struggle aaginst war, is urged to Now Roosevelt and all his supporters are working over Peace Is Impossible Under Capitalism parade of tanks and other the struggle ahead. Every member at speed his contribution to the Anti War time to convert the Forgotten Man into the Unknown Soldier.
his post.
The First World War was fought to decide Under capitalism the youth has no future except that of Party, the Socialist Workers Party, equipment of the new motorized division. We can look out All leaves of absence for members of 116 University Place, New York City.
Roosevelt is dumping tour billion dollars year into the which powers shall rule the world. The victors for more of these.
the Party and are cancelled. All friends and sympathizers are most costly war machine in history.
dictated the bloody peace of Versailles.
The first World War cost more than 360 billion dollarsEvery member is on call for Party ac asked to report to the various branch But there are the workers, enough money to provide an income of 2, 000 a year for 12 tion.
years to 15 milion unemployed! The Second Worid War wiw World War. Another such peace will lead headquarters to help in the sale of the That peace led directly to the Second who do not want to go to war for Roosevelt or Daladier or The anti war chest of the Party has Socialist Appeal and in the distribution cost many times that staggering amount.
of Anti War leaflets.
Labor has no more to gain from the next war than from been exhausted in the last few days.
the British Empire or for anythe last. The last World War cost more than 13 million lives. directly to the Third World War.
The projected plans of the National Little time remains for us in Amerbody. There are the revoluYou and yours may be among the many times 13 million who Office require thousands of dollars im ica. Every day counts now.
will be slaughtered in the next world war. The flower of our Neither Hitler nor Chamberlain, Mussolini tionary workers who are ex mediately.
Down with the war!
youth will come back those who do come back from Over posing and continuing to exThere shell shocked, gassed, mutilated.
nor Daladier, Stalin nor Roosevelt, can bring The fund quotas which were set for Long live the international solidarity Why not use the war funds to end unemployment and pose Roosevelt. To terrorize peace to the world.
peace time have been superseded by of Labor!
those who will not be bamevents. Rush every available dollar to NATIONAL COMMITTEE Why not?
Peace will come to the world only when the boozled is, therefore, an imBut Roosevelt and all his friends even oppose the right of the National Office. The quotas are now Socialist Workers Party the people to VOTE whether or not this country shall enter workers of the world take matters into their own portant part of the war prepthe war. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 1)
An End to Boss War Says Local ternative is death or the concentration camp New York Councilmanic Program go ahead signal.
Text of SWP Election Program best way to insure American member, in order to get our war crisis and the Stalin Hitler hysteria the program stands events of the day PARTY MOBILIZATION CALL