AnarchismAnti-naziCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMoscow TrialsNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, SEPT. 1, 1939 Champions of Peace and Democracy!
Their Government fleet.
GERMANSOVIET PACT Carlo ve Reflecting the verwiesemang tertentit Stalinists Suffer Full Effect of Workers! On Guard Morning Tribune. August 25, said editorially, Pact at Teachers Convention Against Plot To Drag into War prevent Hitler from doing a moral. economic or to SOCIALIST APPEAL entry into the war, to permit such luxuries as the will of the people.
Vol. III, No. 64 September 1, 1939 How far along they the American governBy James Burnham ment and the capitalist class it represents are Published to a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS on the road war, is evidenced by the brazen at 116 University Place, New Yorld, speech in Boston, August 28, of Louis Johnson, Telephone. ALRonquin 8547 Assistant Secretary of War, denouncing the exSubscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For 3. 00 pery in the United States: centa per copy in isting neutrality legislation as very nearly equistored and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six valent to presenting Germany with an Atlantic months: 00 for one year.
It took just about forty eight hours for the belly16, 1989, at the post office at New York, under the Reentered a second class matter Februsesct of March Johnson wants to present the British and crawlings of the Stalinist hangers on to begin. For 3, 1879.
French Empires with, not only the equivalent of the first day following the announcement of the an Atlantic fleet, but with the Atlantic and PaciEditor: Pact, they were too stunned to be heard from; MAX SHACHTMAN fic fleets of the United States and as many milthe first day following the announcement of the Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT lion troops as he can draft, equip and train.
Wednesday the procession had started, led by the FELIX MORROW General Manager: Assistant Manager: cringing whine of Heywood Broun and Freda MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY Why They Want War Kirchwey, followed promptly on Thursday by the Why does Assistant Secretary of War Johneditorial whimpers of the Nation and the New Re.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST publie. Soon they will be trampling each other, son who of course speaks in such matters for choking the road back to the comforting shelter WORKERS PARTY FOR: President Roosevelt want to put us into this of the good old Red, White and Blue; and the air Job and a decent living for every worker.
will be deafened with their yowls. Open the idle factories operate them under The war propaganda machine gives very idealPieture the anguish in Hollywood! What a lamworkers control.
entable disaster for the brave champions (at istic reasons for going to war. The real issue 5, 000 week) of the Anti Nazi League and the Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program.
is the title of a New York Times editorial, Augthousand and one committees, for the James Cagneys and Dorothy Parkers and Miriam Hopkins Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage ust 28, and the real issue, it says, is whether or and Donald Ogden Stewarts and Joan Crawfords 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on not Herr Hitler personal system of rule in Gerand Franchot Tones!
all Jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability many and its methods are to be allowed to poison And think, with a tear or two of the pained dispension.
everybody life.
tress of bold writers and artists and professors and bishops whose names adorned the stationery of the Expropriate the Sixty Families.
And the day before, the Times described the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democ7. All war funds to the unemployed.
coming war as a titanic struggle between demracy and the Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and the American League for Peace and De. people referendum on any and all wars.
ocracy and totalitarianism.
mocracy and the Writers Congre and all the. No secret diplomacy.
Lies, lies, lies.
other play committees of the 10. An independent Labor Party.
The answer to Johnson, Roosevelt, the New But, most embarrassing of all, most needing our 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante sympathy, is the predicament of those who signed York Times and the rest of the war mongers the statement of 400. This statement, for which and Fasolst attacks.
signatures have been gathered during the past four 12. Full social, political and economic equality can be given in the words of one of the few big months, was designed to defend the Soviet Union for the Negro people.
daily papers which hasn gone over to the war(that is, stalin) with its democracy and its peace polioy from the slanders of the League for Cultural Freedom. By a charming stroke of irony, ment of the Middle West, the Minneapolis large excerpts from the statement, together with an approving editorial comment, appeared in the issue of the New Repubtle which is pre dated Aug It is nothing less than absurd to say that ust 23rd the day the pact was signed.
either England and France will go to war to or those four hundred, are there today hall a (Continued from Page 1) ists and their allies had an ac work with the new Executive dozen who would not give their right eye to be able pact. The first effect was the cidental majority because of Council is not clear in advance. to prove their signatures a forgery?
political wrong to Poland. If such be the present collapse of the Stalinist charac the absence of one vice presi. Five of the Council are definite(Continued from Page 1)
These people, mind you, are the Moralists, these case, it is the first time in the long, and rather ter assassination campaign dent. But the Council, after a ly anti Stalinist, six clearly proagainst Counts.
long hearing, voted unanimous stalinist, and five undeterminthe ones who use their most ringing abstractions Are we going to allow the lessons of 1917 to bloody history of both these nations, who have Up to the eve of the convenly not to seat the alternates, ed, though these five were to denounce the immorality and a morality with Stalinist votes.
of the revolutionists be so easily forgotten? Are we going to be taken managed in one way or the other to grab off tion, the stalinists had de and save the votes of the miss. elected in again by the 1917 bunk about fighting for nounced Counts as red batt Inę delegates ou leser Stalinists from the very detailrent ble truse Who Is Betrayed?
most of the good things of the earth.
alyze democracy and a war to end war. This display of cringing did year, which They have been, you see. betrayed. Stalin has Pious platitudes, of course, are welling up in Union, etc. But they toned down the Thomas Socialists no good. ion.
betrayed them. Therefore. therefore, they As a matter of fact, proot exists that the lesThe Stalinist delegates, when The Stalinists promptly double it is entirely possible that, plead, take pity on us, for we are the innocent sons of 1917 have NOT been forgotten. This every European chancellery, and popular emothe paot news arrived, went crossed them on the conven with defections among intellecvictims. proof sticks like a bone in the throat of every tions are being whipped up to a white froth of about with glum faces and re tion floor by making factional tuals from the Stalinists due There are, it is true, millions and hundreds of war monger, forcing him talk at this stage bellicosity by them. But it behooves the Ameri fused to talk about the news. In speeches for the Stalinist candi to the Hitler Stalin pact, the deal was broken doubtful members of the Coun millions who have been betrayed, most terribly only about practical help to one of the war can people never to lose sight of the fact that the committees, word about date of cil may turn toward Counts. betrayed, by Stalin pact with Hitler: the world ring groups in the form of war supplies, hoping neither the democracies nor the totalitarian states Even so, only one of the imStalin paat was The Independents of New proletariat, the peasants and poor farmers, the colenough make a tough Stalinist leader portant Socialists spoke for York have shown the way and onial peoples, the Jews of the whole world, yes and that we will get in so deep that we will have to of Europe go to war for a principle. They go to quiet down.
Counts on the convention floor. by not compromising with the the simple, honest intellectuals and professionals go the whole way.
war for a profit, either to gain a greater profit or Although three and sincere liberals. But, search as hard as can times this Had they had the sense to iden staliniste, have gained imThis proof is there, for everyone to see in the year the stalinists had defeated tify themselves enthusiastically mensely in prestige. If teachers do not find the names of our fine feathered Gallup and Fortune polls.
to maintain the profit they have already gained, such a resolution in New York with Counts and his program elsewhere can follow the same friends among the long list of the betrayed.
in some previous war.
local meetings, the huge Stalin some of the Socialists might course, with world events shakI find their names, rather, on the roster of the ist delegation from New York have been carried along. As it ing the Stalinist machine to its active agents of the betrayer.
The People Want No War The sublimation of the profit motive into did not dare to vote against a was, they ran behind him from base, a period of unparalleled resolution condemning militari.
24 to 55 votes growth and militancy can be Yes, for tens and hundreds of thousands of sin.
In the Fortune survey, in reply to the question self sacrificing righteousness is one of the neatzation of the schools.
Progressive Majority Likely expected for the American FedHow Counts will be able to leration of Teachers.
cere persons, including many many workers, who whether, if France and England go to war, we est tricks of war politics.
The usual Stalinist resolution read their magazines, listened at their meetings, should send our army and navy abroad to help We should remember that not so very long supporting the Roosevelt adbought their books, believed and trusted them, they are exactly the ones who made Stalin betray.
them, only per cent of those asked thought we ago we fervently elected a president because he committee and on the floor that al possible. It was they who, openly or by lies or should do so immediately, 25 per cent thought kept us out of war, only to find ourselves en iestnor Pas smeren recognized by silence, defended the Moscow Trials and fought the effort to let the world know the truth about the we should do so only if it is clear they are lostrials. It was they who hid the truth about what ing. or per cent were undecided, AND 66 thusiastically in that war in a few months, and specific progressive policies of the New Deal, such as the was happening within the Soviet Union, and PER CENT THOUGHT WE SHOULD that we aren out of it yet.
Wagner Act and social security.
spread the hideous falsehoods about its democracy NOT SEND OUR ARMY AND NAVY Defeat War Referendum and plenty. It was they who helped put across the One of the few questions on The New Democracy in 1917 infamies ACROSS AT ALL.
NEW YORK meeting to post war hysteria, they threw of the Popular Front, and aided the which the stalinists remained whoop it up for the war was anybody labelled Socialist out Spanish workers. It was they who covered the in their own way, in its destruction of the In the Gallup polls, up to 75 per cent declared Not so enthusiastically did we enter that last firm was the proposal to let the held in Town Hall Friday even of the New York State legislapeople vote on the war quesing by the Social Democratic ture who tried to crawl back blood and guns of Stalinism, covered the ster to their opposition to our sending troops to fight in war. They couidn get more than a trickle of tion. They voted it down with Pederation.
by calling the reactionary the pact, with a mantle of respectability and ideals Europe battles.
Americans to voluntarily enlist. The New Dem out arguing for their position.
The ostensible purpose of the American regime of those years and imorality.
And since, as everybody knows even the ocracy of Wilson had to resort to the draft to as a New York Independent, ar. Ter Stalin treaty, but that was dared to denounce the October years?
What else have they been doing for the past five combination of powers in the world that can dragoon enough soldiers for the slaughter. The guing for the referendum, re only incidental to a series of re Revolutione No, they have not been betrayed. Their readers successfully invade the continental United New Democracy had to fill the jails of Amer red example ther:Stalin pact cruiting speeches for the war His Venom against the October Revolution was only equal.
and audiences have been betrayed: but they are the agents and tools and stooges of the arch beStates, the sentiment of the people expressed in ica with opponents of the war because it did not lineups and the resulting imposFortunately, of the five hun led by his tender regard for the sibility of knowing for what and cred people in the hall (admis rulers of Britain and France.
trayer the Fortune and Gallup polls is a sentiment dare permit free speech that how little real whom America would fight.
sion was free) there were not in being invited to sit down All dishonor to them! All contempt, all the reagainst all conceivable wars that the United enthusiasm there was for that war.
The Stalinists remained firm. more than two dozen young with the democracies and sign vulsion which we are capable of feeling!
also, in their vengeful attitude people. Addressing this small an agreement to defend peoStates might, participate in.
And there will be even less enthusiasm in toward Fred Beal, Gastonia audience of docile oldsters, the ples and territories from wanIt is this powerful anti war sentiment, this America for the Second World War. For more strike leader now serving a 20 leaders of the Social Democrat ton, lawless, criminal invaThe New Popular Stooge Front year term in North Carolina as ic Federation all past fighting sion, said he, Russia had Do you think these people feel shame for their mass opposition to American entry into any war, and more people are coming to understand clearly a result of a frameup. Because age. showed their determina: been invited to protect civiliza past, that they have learned even a little from which the war propaganda machine is now des that the war is not a war of democracy against se prieke withe. Stalinisoube tion to fight to the last drop of son Stalin had only joined what has happened? Do not be deceived: they are the Stalinists tabled a resolution the younger generation blood, Waldman gang, it was clear, immune to shame, sterilized from learning.
troy. totalitarianism, that ideologies are not the asking a pardon for Beal.
Independents Lead Fight for the British, French and Stalin would have been thereby editors of the Nation and the New Republic were American empires.
purified. As indeed, Stalin was sensitive to even the shadow of shame, do you think All the war mongers know that the American cause of the conflict, but that the war is a war The fight against the Stalinthey could publish even a single issue more of between two gangs of imperialist bandits.
purified by Waldman Europeople will not willingly consent to be sent to He Tough Now ists was led by the Independent their magazines after what has now been made The American people want no part in this Group of Local 5, New York, particularly repulsive spec pean colleagues, Blum, Cabalclear?
the slaughter houses across the sea.
and their allies in the New York tacle was Dr. Bruno Kamnitlero, etc. Just so long as they College local and in Philadel uer, German Social Democratic worked together.
No, they lie and grovel to order, these people.
If the American war mongers deny this, then phia. The Independents accu leader. One of those who were freely offered up, not their own ta of lies and grovelling, and they are hungry These assembled hypocrites They are not happy unless they have their full quoThey Are Afraid of the People let them submit the question to the decisive test: rate predictions, their ability to too yellow to fight against HitThat why all the war mongers are against without sufficiently dirty boots to lick.
erret out Stalinist maneuvers, Ier rise to power, he now pro aged hides, but the lives of our demand to LET THE PEOPLE VOTE Let the people vote on war! Let the and their insistence on standing poses to return to his fat solar the protection of the Stars and They never loved, but always hated the workers revolution. They loved only Stalin the established ON WAR! LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE!
people decide!
the first time, in spite of their onets of imperialist invaders. With tremor in his voice. And power, the status quo the hangman of the revoluThat why all the war mongers are opposed small numbers, powerful and in exchange, he assured the backwash of the ex socialist tion; and they licked his boots only while they Take the war making power away force.
were alongside those of the masters at home: the to our proposal to take the war making power The main problem of the In war will be between democ movement applauded with as rulers of imperialist America.
away from Congress and put it in the hands of from Congress and put it in the hands dependents was, not the Stalin. racy on the one side, and com. much vigor as it could muster.
could fight munism and fascism on the Now the boots are on opposite sides of the street.
the people, by a direct, popular referendum.
DEFINITION head on, but the Socialist Par other.
And they know, never fear, which pair can kick That why Roosevelt last year raised a lynch of the people!
ty big shots from outside New War for re division of the From the middle West comes them hardest. They speed! wrap themselves seven fold in the red, now with what lightning spirit against Congressional proponents of the York who, led by those of their world, for markets, for big the story, said to be true. of the candidates who were most ger profits, for more colonial union organizer who, when ask. feet of the master at home.
white and blue, and prostrate themselves at the Ludlow amendment for a popular referendum on doubtful of re election to the slaves? Perish the thought! ed what his political connecwar, even though the Ludlow mendt left Executive Council, entered into We must offer all our re tions were, replied that he was They will be the spokesmen, the most eager and all kinds of loopholes.
negotiations with the Stalinists sources to the democracies! a Trotskyist. When the ques the loudest spokesmen, for a wave of chauvinism screamed Judge Jacob Panken tioning worker demanded a full such as this country has never known. Soon they That why no Congressman has introduced French papers of the left, including the anar for a compromise slate.
So set for compromise were of the Domestic Relationser explanation, the Trotskyist will tell us that they knew all along that commuan amendment for a popular referendum on war chist, syndicalist, left socialist. and the press of these Socialists that they joined court. We never fought a started to expound the program nism and fascism are at bottom one and the free of the loopholes contained in the Ludlow the Socialist Party of Workers and the staliniste in denying cre war, he swore, except for of his group, whereupon the same. and that naturally Stalin and Hitler got amendment.
Peasants) have been suppressed by the French dentials and refusing seats to idealism. worker cut him short by re together. You must, they will shout from the houseBrave Against Revolution marking: Oh sure, know tops, shed your lifeblood for DEMOCRACY and They are all AFRAID to permit the WILL Government. All nationalist papers in the North two of them socialists on the Louis Waldman justified the now: you re one of them fel FREEDOM and the AMERICAN WAY. Yes, and OF THE PEOPLE to express itself! African colonies have likewise been suppressed bland lie that there were no al coming war by condemning lows the communists call for MORALITY the morality, of course, of the They are too close to the war, they are too Le Populaire, organ of the pro war Socialist when the case came up to the ard, who cringed before his reSixty Families, which, since they are American (From the New Republic, patriots, is so diametrio an opposite of the morality far along in their preparations for American Party, is the only paper untouched.
Executive Council the Social actionary judges when, in the August 26, 1939) of TOTALITARIANISM.