BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninMarxMoscow TrialsMussoliniPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

What Road Will the Members Take? PEACE PARADE FIZZLES UNDER THE The Road to Revolution Is the Events Clarify a Question: Why PACT SHADOW NEGRO QUESTION The Wouldn Fight the Road of the Fourth International Fascists, Feb. 20 and Aug. 19 That the Hitler Stalin pact just The Effects of Capitalist Propaganda By JOHNSON NEW YORK, August 27 Hitler. ROOSEVELT PROSECUTION OF WPA STRIKERS HIT BY SAILORS UNION couldn be rammed down the We have seen in the case of the Chicago race riots how braz(Continued from Page 1) ler that he was a useful ally out the prevailing wage on What would stalin do in the event of an agreement with throats of the rank and file enly capitalist society can obscure a truth hostile to itself, and members and sympathizers of how persistently it propagates lies. Let us take another type of not, we are sure, join the Com Stalin gave him a demonstra WPA, and did not print his dimunist Party because he want son of his power: he initiated ect statement to that effect? The noisy, hysterical and hollow campaign against Fas the Communist Party was amp. capitalist propaganda, widespread, generally accepted, and polsea to worship Roosevelt and the the Popular Front movements Was Stalinism any better when cism which the comintern has been conducting for the last annual parade of the Stalinist with a sad shake of the head, Yes, the Negro is badly treated capitalist regime of the United in the various countries. it failed to print a single word few years will be slyly squelched. It is noteworthy that on States. He joined the Commun What were these movements about Roosevelt Attorney February 20th when we mobilized considerable masses of stooge organization, the Amer. In the South, but he accepts it. After the revolution, of course, ist Party because he wanted to Nothing but what revolutionists General Murphy attempt to workers to fight against the American Nazis, the stalinists ican League for Peace and he will be different.
fight for a better world. had always denounced: coali: frameup the WPA strikers in refused point blank to participate in the counter demonstraSkillfully the Southerners spread the doctrine that the ecoBelieve Yesterday Teachings tions between capitalist and Minneapolis, where 103 strikers It was the first public affair nomic exploitation, the vicious social discrimination, the lynchtion which had nation wide repercussions, and they did everyBut in the Communist Party, workers parties, coalitions are now standing trial for the thing in their power to minimize its importance, thereby giv run by the Stalinists since the Ing, all these crimes against humanity the Negro accepts behe was systematically taught which the yellow Social Democ crime of striking against ing aid to the American followers of Hitler. What is there Hitler Stalin pact and provided cause he is a Negro, and therefore docile. These Southern Pasbehind this truly treacherous policy? Is it only conservative of the pact on the Stalinist or a preliminary test of the effects cists say that they know how to manage the Negro.
that the democracies de racy had always practiced, and the government. served the adherence of the which the Communist Interna How pitiful, to turn back to stupidity and hatred of the Fourth International? Or is there ganizations.
And yet these llars, among themselves, use phrase that comworld working class. He was tonal, in the days of Lenin and Roosevelt.
precisely at the mo also something new, for example, the latest instruction from pletely contradicts this theory of Negro acceptance. It is this.
systematically in doctrinated Trotsky, hade denunce de the mount when he also directing this muscle mecommending to notessrintefreie Fasciste prior to the Hitler Stalin pact, in the world you can do but kill him. In other words: keep the The If a. muzzle themselves so as not to interfere with the negotia: that 50, 000 would march, and Negroes in chains or they will blow this society to pleces.
lective and the Pop workers.
ward entering the Second World tions between Moscow and Berlin diplomats? This suppost: had issued an imposing list of But the Negroes Do Not Accept ular Front, and Roosevelt, he With the aid Staiin, the War! turn to Roosevelt, tion is by no means far fetched. The next 120 union groups, as well as was told day in and day out. Popular Front government of when it has become clear to bring verification. Socialist Appeal, March 28, 1939.
That is the real truth. The whole Southern system is based was the embodiment of these France, first under Blum, then more and more of his trade un other organizations, that would It was verified!
under Daladier, destroyed the ion supporters that Roosevelt march. Last year about 25, 000 on the fact that the Negro does not accept, and the SouthernFirst, by the additional refusal of the Stalinists to partici to 30, 000 marched in the parade. er knows it. After mankind domesticated the horse, the dog, the When Stalin switched over to French revolution which rose in will give no more crumbs to pate in the August 19 anti Fascist demonstration against the Workers Jeer cat, and the cow, these accepted. There is no need to worry the Axis Powers, the worker the June 1936 strikes. With the labor! The president is now Coughlin Bund parade.
who wrote this letter, and aid of Stalin, the Popular Front definitely aligned against la Second, by the Hitler Stalin pact!
Yesterday, however, there about them any longer. They are tame. But lions and tigers, thousands like him, wouldn go government of Spain directed bor these are not our words, were 4, 000, according to the of even performing lions and tigers, highly trained and tamed, men along. But, having been taught Its energies at suppressing the but those of a conservative ficial police estimate, and even keep in iron cages. Who in his senses would say that these anithe League did not claim more mals accept their captivity? They are sometimes beaten into nothing of the fundamental rev. cocial revolution and thereby trade union organ, the St. Paul olutionary principles of Marx immeasurably facilitated Fran Union Advocate, formerly a than 8, 000. There were only a passivity. Terrorized, they eat from the keeper hand. But he score of trade union banners, keeps them in the cage. For he knows that, given the slightest and Lenin these things are co victory.
Roosevelt supporter. Are you, with small groups marching be opportunity, they would throw off their docility and strike right not taught in the Communist Voted Arms Budgets who once called yourselves rev.
hind them.
and left like any wild beast in the jungle. That is the situation Party many of these workers The most precious tradition olutionists, going to move to the Mindful that the parade was of the Negro in the South. For the last seventy five years, he are now simply holding on to of the labor movement has al right of conservative trade unwhat Stalin decreed yesterday. ways been to vote against all ionists?
winding through the Jewish has been caged.
East Side, not a single banner There is no need to deal here with the long history of the Betrayal Began Long Ago!
armament appropriations in Herald of Dictatorship was carried defending the Hit Negro revolts, the thousands who ran away. who killed their Comrades of the Communist capitalist countries. So estab Just look at Roosevelt re In a stiff resolution adopted at its meeting of July 31, the ler Stalin pact. What reception masters, mutilated themselves, committed suicide, set fire to Party! Stalin betrayal of the lished was this tradition, that cently appointed War Resour Sailors Union of the Pacific condemned Attorney General Mur such banners would have re plantations, to cities, and even to whole districts. These we shall with the Hitler Stalin pact. of the Comintern (1935) Dim will run this country in time of phy and the entire national administration for the criminal proceived was clear enough, all treat elsewhere. But one monumental fable we must punoture When he delivered the com troft swore that the Stalin La war. Stettinius, the highest offi ceedings against workers who struck against WPA wage cuts, along the line of march. Cries at once, that the Negro slaves during the Civil War, even those munist Parties of the democ val treaty would not end this cial of Morgan U. Steel hitting especially at the You can strike against the govern. Stalin sold out Poland to Hitwho remained behind, were loyal to their masters.
racies to the Daladiers, Cham tradition, that the French Com. Corporation, Pratt of DuPont ment talk of Roosevelt and his subordinates.
This is the tale: The gallant Southerners went forth to war ler. Heil Stalin. Where leaving behind their wives and daughters in the protection of berlains and Roosevelts this munist Party would continue to General Motors Corporation, began in 1934 Stalin thereby vote against armament. In General Wood, head of Sears, WPA strike is the threat by Attorney General Murphy and the and There go the Stalin Bund and readers of Gone with the Wind. film fans, and revoluStating that one of the most ugly aftermaths of the recent your new pal Fritz Kuhn. their faithful and affectionate slaves. Lovely stuff. For fools consummated as black a bestead, even after the Stalin La Roebuck Co. Gifford, head of Roosevelt administration to institute criminal proceedings its.
trayal as this present one. val treaty had withered away. American Telephone Tele against the WPA strikers, the resolution continues tionaries who do not realize how profoundly. persistently and At Washington Square Park, maliciously the bourgeoiste imposes its ideas.
Nor did Stalin role as be even after Daladier had smash graph these generals of the rayer begin in 1934. It began in ed the general strike of Novem. Sixty Families inte de dictatorsers striking in defense of their rights, declared that: You can cime to the one subject whch Whereas, President Roosevelt, in order to intimidate work where the parade wound up. Facts Are Quite Different 1923e when he seized the reins ber. 1938 even then, in the Roosevelt appointed dictators strike against the government, which he had no right to do as to had not been mentioned in the 1862, they left behind one white man for every twentyl slaves.
When the Southerners passed their first conscription act in the World Revolution, aban: the French Communist Party No wonder Hugh Johnson our knowledse there is no law that gave him the authority to placards and slogans: the heLater they made it one for every fifteen. Rigid patrol duties were doned the German revolution voted for Daladter war bilis, weeps in the New York World abrogate the right to strike on any job, whether public or pri ler Stalin pact.
enforced to keep in subjection those supposedly so loyal slaves. 1923. subordinated the com and is still swearing its loyalty Telegram that these appoint vate, and Get This, If You Can!
Owners sent overseers to manage these loyal slaves. In addiimunist Party of Britain to a to Daladier war measures.
ments were a blunder, that to Whereas, If we, the members of the Sailors Union of the Comrades! Was Stalinism lead a country into war, you Pacific, permit these dictatorial acts to go by unchallenged and ecutive secretary of the Amer. For every fifty slaves, there was one white overseer. For every Rev. Thomas Harris, ex tlon, for every twenty five slaves, there was one Negro driver: des english trade union bu any better when Stalin mur have to do everything possible unprotested, we leave ourselves open to the same threats of ican League for Peace and De hundred slaves, there was one manager. For every eight hun reaucrats (1925. subordinated der squads were killing the rev. to carry full popular support, criminal prosecution made against the WPA strikers and all mocracy, issued League dred slaves, there was a superintendent. For every two thousand the communist Party of China olutionists in Spain killing and that Roosevelt appoint. pickets around fink ships, such as the Coldbrook and the Satartia statement defending the Hitler four hundred slaves, there was a director. An officer would toes Coach with the Chiang Kai them in the name of democ ments will lead people to call it and pickets around fink halls would have the same threats hang Stalin pact. In a ludicrous a place a body of cavalry around laboring slaves, another would Shek government (1925 1927. racy. a Morgan Du Pont war pering over their heads, and tempt to distinguish the League put them under lock and key with a heavy guard on evenings. Stalinism by munist Party, expelling, exiling any better when sust a few Motors and steel. Yes, New Deal, then as far as workers are concerned there is no statement accepter osonly. the the array of managers, directors, superintendents, locks and and executing and torturing his weeks ago it helped Roosevelt the appointments were a blun: difference between the New Deal and the typical raw deal that pact, but regrets the trade keys and guards could not keep them. So much for the loyalty opponents beginning in 1921. break the WPA strike? When it der on Roosevelt part but organized labor has always gotten from labor hating bosses and agreement. They swallow the and the acceptance.
ordered the German Commun deliberately lied about Roose whoever he appointed, the war politicians, therefore be it camel and strain at a gnat! Today, does the Southerner have faith in the loyalty and docilist Party with 600. 000 mem velt responsibility for the would be a Morgan Du Pont Resolved, That we protest the usurpation of dictatorial pow. The paraders were isstless, ity of the Negro? It isn only that the Negro is prevented from bers and six million supporters Roosevelt Woodrum Starvation war.
er implicit in the threats to prosecute workers for striking to few slogans being shouted in voting, is driven into economic servitude, is segregated. Is to capitulate to Hitler with Law, the figures for which defend their livelihood and declare that we will resist to the the customary manner.
lynched. The Southerners watch him as if they expected revout a fight (1933. Roosevelt himself dictated in Are Roosevelt morals any utmost any attempt at fascist regimentation of American labor, Socialist Appeals, carrying olution every day. loaded pistol faces him at every turn. In Popular Front Deception Stalin wooed Hitler in 1933 message to Congress? When it gime is built on lies, like Stal Resolved.
That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Pres. pact, sold well along the line the front door, he faces the pistol barrel of a white policeman his April 27, 1939 relief budget better than Stalin s? His re and be it further and thereafter without success deliberately lied about Roose in lies are more suave, ident of the United States, the Attorney General, etc.
lof march.
And he knows that the policeman will fire, so he turns and goes for the time being. To show Hit velt responsibility for wiping more plausible, because the out at the back. Negro farmer who does well and begins to rich American plutocracy can look prosperous, is warned, and if he continues with this crime, he is beaten and driven out of the district in fear of his life. still afford for the time being Who Against the War Referendum?
Did the Pact Surprise You? Then Negro policeman from Weston revisits the South and, going of democratic forms. But the for a ride, wears riding He is forced to take them off.
Get These Books and Pamphlets at lies are getting thinner, as the Many Negroes were beaten and some were lynched for wearwar comes near. The Roosevelt ing their private uniforms after the war. In small things and in smile is beginning to show its large it is the same story. What does it mean? What could it The Special Labor Bookshop Prices teeth mean but that the whites have a desperate fear of these so called Like the New Democracy loyal, so called docile, so called accepting Negroes. If you The Stalin Hitler pact has hit the members and sympa of the radical Wilson, the By HAL DRAPER let a nigger get out from under control, there is nothing in the thizers of the Communist Party with the impact of a thunder New Deal of Roosevelt has When the Ludlow resolution of the ideology of. fascism. Directly Helped Fascists world you can do but kill him. They at least have no illusions bolt. Their party. their champion, an ally of the Berlin Ildeluded many New Deal myth for a referendum of the people But at this late about Negro acceptance.
Mussolini Sees a Convert date, when the The defeat of the war refer. They Await the Call to Action But the logic of Stalinist politics which long ago deserted is cracking wide open, not a on the declaration of war was Mussolini personal organ, endum the cause of revolution led inevitably to just such pacts. The single militant should be taken before Congress a year and a Popolo Italia, in an editorial merely serve these fascists as Doubtless there are many Negroes in the South who are whole scheme of pacts, reliance on the boss nations instead Neither Stalin Hitler nor half ago, the united front of the on December 27, 1937, seized an opportunity for a sneer. cowed and politically backward, who see no way out, and who of on proletarian might, merely expressed itself in its latest American war mongers thun that, in really vital matters, pose.
the opportunity to demonstrate They had a more serious pur think that to be trodden underfoot is the fate of the Negro. But the desire for action is very near the surface. That situation can turn in the pact with Hitler. When Stalin left the road of inter Stalin Roosevelt!
Enlist In Anti War Fight! Cered their denunciations ront in the great democracles adopt in Germany, change overnight. Many of the boldest emigrate. But many thouOne Country. Stalin Hitler pacts became the normal course fighting for the war for the eluded both the Democratic and the fascists attitude toward de workers realize that Hitler is sands, who feel the bitterness of their position, are still in the of development.
liberation of humanity from the Republican parties.
mocracy: plotting to use them merely as and social freedom for whites. Some read the Negro press and For many years, the press of the Fourth International has yoke of capitalism.
been explaining the meaning and nature of Stalinism. Notably There only one army worth fort from this attack on the war Who received aid and com. it is ea question of choosing en he is preparing over their see how their friends and relations in the North day to day win suitable spot for town heads. Many of them no doubt a few more privileges. There are enough of them in the works of Leon Trotsky, who at every turn of interna liarching inneither Stalin referendum idea by these greatcountain, but when the supreme blame this on the regime or lead which transforms the masses. And that is the reason for the give that tional events, analyzed, predicted and warned the working class of Stalin perfidy.
nerRoosevelt at but the army democrats who were against interests of people meaning fascist dictatorship Tendanceel rigid terror, the control by Southern whites, We only help them For those who are not already familiar with the writings Enlist in the revolutionary most vital issue before them?
the bosses and plutocrats. that the restoration of democ accept we mean they submit to force, then we are saying what of Leon Trotsky, and especially for the Communist Party fight against war! are at stake, even the most racy in Germany would ena members and sympathizers, the Labor Bookshop and Pioneer The fascists.
Join the Socialist Workers is true, but we are saying it very badly. For when the bourgeois Publishers, both located at 116 University Place in New York Party!
The fascists were sleeful as care not to trust the people steps of the government. Like says that the Negro accepts, he means the Negro is contented they city are offering at special prices the following books and the referendum by Roosevelt Judgment.
wise in Italy The Hull, and their Republican im Ludlow amendment, Look, say the fascists to and abominable lle.
Negro, and Negroes are happiest that way. And that is a brazen and readers are urged to take quick advantage of their opporJoin the Socialist perialist collaborators like Lan continued the Popolo Italia, them: even in the democratunity to buy them. Mall orders should be sent to Pioneer Quite recently the press was filled with accounts of how the Publishers Workers Party don, Hoover and Stimson. They committed the error of taking cles, even in the United States, Negroes in Miami defied the Ku Klux Klan and voted. But it accepted it as an endorsement democracy seriously, and this you would have no more to say was many weeks after before the leader of the Miami Negroes BOOKS and PAMPHLETS by LEON TROTSKY explains the opposition of the about the launching of war than disclosed in an interview how, at the height of the agitation, the government and the newspa you have here. Why complain Negroes sat up waiting for the Klan with their Winchester rifles The Revolution Betrayed (300 pp. 50 pers.
The Third International After Lenin (357 pp. about fascism when Roosevelt across their knees. But none of the capitalist papers printed FOR ROLLICKING GOOD TIME 50 Stalin School of Falsification (325 pp. Nazis Pleased docs the same thing? This is that. The Southern Fascists suppress every example of Negro The History of the Russian Revolution (1400 pp. 60 Come to the Anti War Fighters couple of weeks later, when the weapon that Roosevelt gave militancy. They want everyone to believe that Negroes accept.
My Life (450 pp. 00 the war referendum was pushed the fascists.
We, however, are not going to allow ourselves to be duped by off the House agenda and again What is the answer?
the passivity of the terrorized Negroes. If you let a nigger get. 10 Stalinism and Bolshevism buried in a subcommittee, the It is: The right to LET THE out from under control, there nothing in the world you can do Berliner Tageblatt, one of PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR can but kill him. Good. That we accept. We shall struggle side by Whither France. 35 Goebbels battery of loudspeak be successful only if it is waged side with the Negro to break that control. For the Negro out of Lessons of October (125 pp. ers, likewise added its ap AGAINST Roosevelt and control can kill as well as be killed.
In Defense of the Soviet Union.
against the government lead The Suppressed Testament ef Lenin ON THE MOSCOW TRIALS The incident proved, said the ere. These do NOT stand for ment as of Earl Browder being Tageblatt, that the any kind of real democracy: United Browderette elected president of the AmeriCase of Leon Trotsky Verbatim Report of Dewey Com.
States Government and Con where now they deny us the mission (600 pp. 49 can Chamber of Commerce.
tomorrow gress recognized that democra right to vote on war ey does not work, at least over our heads, they will clamp member of his audience at the Not Guilty Verdict of Commission of Inquiry (420 pp. 00 when war has been launched Earl Browder was asked by a (From the New York WorldBehind the Moscow Trials Max Shachtman.
when important decisions are down a full blown war dictatorTelegram, August 26, 1939) Stake My Life Leon Trotsky. 05 to be made. Times, Jan.
Institute of Public Affairs in Why ship.
Did They Confess. 12, 1938. The Real Alternative Charlottesville, Va. July 5: World Voices on the Moscow Trials Is there any possibility, as They are AFRAID of letting INFORMAL HOUSE RUSSIA, SPAIN, PEOPLES FRONT, etc. REQUEST the masses of people exercise has been often suggested, of the World Revolution Rise and Fall of the Communist InterBox 245 Kerhonkson, Fifteenth Street at Irving Place All available copies of Vol.
any real rule. Their job is to Soviet Union entering into an national James (429 pp. 50 (Near Ellenville)
safeguard the rule of America agreement with Germany?
Russia Twenty Years After Victor Serge (300 pp. No. of this year Appeal. 98 Swing Band Professional Entertainment Sixty Families behind the false are needed for purposes of 120 acres of greenland in the Comrade Browder was quick Catskills. nores of pine for From Lonin to Stalin Viotor Serge (112 pp. binding front of democratic phrases with reassurance: sunbathing: handball, ping pong Revolution and Counter Revolution in SpainWe would appreciate it if and forms. The most active source of Snickerydawimming Felix Morrow (200 pp. 50 Tickets Seventy Five Cents On Sale at riding nearby: dancing.
Appeal readers would send government of the such rumors, he replied, is UNUSUALLY LOW RATES The Peoples Front James Burnham. 15 Fascism and Big Business Daniel Guerin (340 pp. Socialist Workers Party, New York District workers, by the workers, and Berlin, which has hopes of con 18 Weekly in as many copies of this 19 Weekend 00 sue as they may have availfor the workers is the real al fusing the democracies with 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE Busses met at station War and the Fourth International.
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