BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Overflow Meeting Hears The Anti War Campaign Party Leaders Explain The Stalin Hitler Pact WAR CRISIS INTENSIFIES APPEAL ARMY NEW, YORES. Augusto sam se na teme ne orent couldn PARTY DRIVE rested Akron.
RESIGN FROM Drunken Cop Called Will Father Coughlin Become By Urges Vio Dictator of the United States? capacity audience of 1200 Jam stand the light of day?
NEW YORK TOPS WEEK ternational Both publications med the main hall of the Hotel Stalin infamous treason SUBSCRIPTION LIST have been placed on several lence, Arrests By JOSEPH HANSEN Center Friday night to hear the consists in this: Stalin has given In the past week New York new stands.
Socialist Workers Party ana Hitler the go ahead signal, the City brought in the best results. SEVENTH INSTALLMENT)
The Toledo comrades, writes lysis the Hitler Stalin Pact. green light, to invade Poland. Continued on Page 2)
even though they are meagre Corman, have arranged that (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Five hundred others were turn When Stalin gave Poland to man on the Stalin Hitler allt as yet, in the subscription cam the literature committee should BOSTON, August 25, 1939 The Defense of the German Workers ed away by a police squad the Nazis he gave Hitler an ex ance which will out during paign being conducted by the sponsor subscription camThe victim of a murderous which claimed fire regulations cellent strategic point of depar. the coming week Socialist Appeal in conjunction paign and is offering a prize for beating by a gang of patriotic The workers in Germany were much better prepared to limited the auditorium capa ture for an attack on the Soviet The four page printed leaflet with the War Referendum Cam the most subscriptions obtain hoodlums and veterans, Bernle defend themselves than had been the Italian workers. Many city to those already in.
previously planned for the campaign of the Socialist Workers ed. Also the Branchis subsidizMerritt, active anti war fighter The gravity of the world situ Pact Means War paign will be enlarged to cover Party. New York City turned in ing the mailing of 15 to 20 copof the militant workers had studied what had happened in ution, the increasingly perilous James Cannon, National both the international situation 11 new subscriptions and re les to leading trade unionists, ton heity Hospital last night, in Italy and therefore it was much easier for them to rec situation de saisobile la tiere Soviet secretary of the Specialist work and the immediate fight against newals. total of 23 new sub as a result of which they hope the aftermath of a sale of Ap ognize exactly what Hitler promises and Hitler Storm capitulation to Hitler. were re er, and concentrated on the coming week likewise, in an is. came in. In addition to New peals to a New England meeting which had been called Troopers meant flected in the serious demean meaning of the pact for Amer sue of 100. 000 copies. York City they were: New APPEAL AND SALES to explain the Hitler. Soviet Those who suffered broken heads and knife wounds our of the workers as they filed ican workers.
pact. Three others, George from Hitler followers, again and again attempted to fight into the hall Because of the defection of to reaching the membership Clinceapolis New Castle. NUMBER IN LOS ANGELES Matthews, Boston organizer of back in the only place that counted, in the streets. There Many Members the Soviet Union from the side of the Communist Party.
Los Angeles is doing well St. Paul Miscellaneous 1; with the distribution of the Ap. William Winnick, of the democratic imperialists, large part of the audience the United States will be drawn Some Quotas Reached Renewals. Minneapolis 3, New peal, according to a report were even several organizations of workers under the con consisted of Communist Party into the war sooner than was branches have topped their quo and John Hamilton, were arMeanwhile, three more ark 1, San Francisco 1, Canada the Literature Director, Harry trol of the Social Democratic Party of the Second Internata marks for the Anti War The number of new and re are disposed of at the present Fischler. 200 copies per Issue Until the called the cops, there had been no trouble.
tional and the Communist Party of the Third International and the speeches were largely addressed to them. American financial interests Fund of 10, 000, hall of which newal subscriptions turned in to time. Crews of Appeal sales with thousands of militant members anxiously awaiting the are tied up with the French and is due by September 15. Three date during the campaign is as men have been organized to sell Whstation 16 arrived he began word to defend the labor movement against the Nazi the New International, opened the scale favorably on the side pamphlet, Let the People vote the paper regularly from house inciting the crowd to smash Brown Shirts.
the meeting as chairman.
the reds. Who ll sock the dirty of the Axis. Therefore, early on War have been ordered by Los Angeles.
New Renew to house. The Executive Com Members of the Communist American participation in the branches in the last three days, San Francisco Wherever they actually engaged in struggle, they sent mittee has passed a resolution. These yellow sob s, why. 21 Party among us, he began, war is inevitable.
fought in the war, and these. the Nazis cowering for cover.
to the effect that every workmaking a total of over 11, 000 New Haven the most terrible crisis that Browder defended the pact sent out to date. The quota for Washington, ing member must subscribe to were too yellow. Hitler confessed in retrospect: Only one thing could has faced mankind is upon us, at a press interview. But d the Party is 15, 000 by the Sep Chicago the Socialist Appeal and The When Matthews protested have broken our movement if the adversary had under Civilization will be destroyed like to see him go into the East tember is deadline. From re Kansas New International and every Neill taking the Appeals stood its principle and from the first day had smashed or a new world will be made Side, away from the Appeal squad, the Bronx, the Needle ports received thus far, there Detroit other comrade must purchase with the most extreme brutality, the nucleus of our new by the overthrow of the old. Trades district, and get up and seems to be no doubt that the St. Paul our press. Distribution of the Neill ordered Officer Farrell movement. And Goebbels: If the enemy had known how to arrest him. As Winnick went Long ago we predicted that defend the pact.
weak we were, it would probably have reduced us to Socialist Appeal and The New Stalin was preparing to em quota of 25. 000 signatures for Minneapolis Our remarks here tonight the War Referendum petition St. Louis International was placed as the along to find out what station jelly. It would have crushed in blood the very begin. brace Hitler. That why he had are addressed primarily to the will be surpassed.
Matthews was being taken to, number one item on the agenda Newark ning of our work. Fascism and Big Business, 107. to kill off the old Bolsheviks. disillusioned workers inside the Neill suddenly rushed up, and of the Anti War Campaign in The last third of the Party New York City But the leaders of the workers organizations either cept the German refugees? He them, not to say. told you so, forward. Why did Stalin refuse to ao Communist Party. Not to taunt campaign is ahead. Full steam Toledo Los Angeles.
smashed Winnick across the face with the Appeals, breaking through stupidity or incredible cowardice as Hitler puts was preparing to embrace Hit for the situation is too serious Cleveland The San Francisco comrades his glasses are making special efforts to it (Mein Kampf. 723. forbade the workers to engage ler.
for that, but to speak the truth. TOLEDO San Diego distribute the issues of the ApArrests Assault Witness in any conflict with the followers of Hitler. Stalin had to destroy the Browder says the CommunNew Castle peal carrying analyses of the The Toledo branch rings the Canada Russian Revolution, Stalin had ist Party will not be shaken. He Stalin Hitler Pact. An order for Winnick protested and called Torgler (a leader of the Communist Party) confessed to erect a wall of steel and bul says: know my party. He bell on three later: For a long time the Communists had ordered thelr lets cemented by the congealed thinks of the party members as drive, petition signatures and quotas fund Miscellaneous 300 extra copies of this issue upon the crowd for witnesses to was placed by Literature this assault. Hamilton offered members to renounce all terror. The formula, strike the blood of the old Bolsheviks, be cattle whom he can ride down Appeal subscriptions, and plans to be a witness and Neill im fascists, was abandoned. Fascism and Big Business, 82 15 Agent, El Booth: She also refore he could embrace Hitler. this road. But Browder doesn are going forward for the pubmediately yelled, grab him. 108. Chester Johnson writes from ports that street sales are stin Neill socked Hamilton, split Shachtman Refutes Browder know the difference between lic meeting which will wind up Minneapolis that they are tak being carried on with continued The leaders of the working class ordered the members Max Shachtman, editor of the death agony and birth pangs. the campaign on scheduled ink steps to increase the news ting his lip. While the three success.
Socialist Appeal, was the next He reminds me of the chicken time. In place of an outdoor stand circulation of both the so were waiting for the police of their organization to send letters of protest to the Chief The Canadian comrades, alwagon. Neill continued his of Police demanding that he do his duty.
patriotic and drunken incitation claim that the Hitler Stalin pact doesn seem to realize the situ mobilized 100 for house to cialist Appeal and The New In though they have the problem of maintaining their own publito violence, An aggressive campaign was launched of postcard was in conformity with a long ation. Browder does not know house canvass for petition sigWhen the wagon came. writing.
established policy. Shachtman the honest Communist workers natures, netting 200 during the writes further: We are reach cation, Socialist Action, neverO Neill was heard telling the group of hoodlums to meet the wishing that there were more of them.
The Chief of Police responded by lauding the Nazis and vinov book, until yesterday for these many years. They ll campaign activity. good work er touched by any radical par. trying to extend the circulation wagon on St. Botolph Street, ternational block away and that he would Editors of workers liewspapers printed headlines an foreign policy, in which Litvin ka, even if it is twisted together Zutions and a Toledo favorable.
MINNEAPOLIS Obviously the major cities sends in throw the prisoners how them nouncing the death of Nasism. They wrote editorials ridi There is no room for bar The Communist Party is it, if present plans work out. so on the Anti War Fund and adequate to homem morda min natures were gathered in the paign, but reports from the action would cause, disobeyed possible for the preposterous Nazis ever to come to power. is no room for pacts with ag Where will you go. comrades: ROCHESTER past week. tag day for various cities would indicate his Sergeant, and ordered the gressors. In other words, the when you leave that charnel They began an intensive election campaign to prove to aggressor must be met reso house? There is not much time top on the Fund Drive, plus a the North Side was held on being achieved.
Rochester also goes over the pamphlet and appeal sales on that the quotas are capable of driver to turn back and go to the station, where the militants the world that terror and violence don pay at the ballot lutely and aggressively. On the now the whole world is poised few cents for good measure. August 27.
box other hand there is another the for war. All the contradictions Turning from a successful anwere soon released on bail sup огу thаt thе SOUTH BEND. has been plied by the Defense aggressors be of capitalism lead to war and o Couphou drive omrinde Whan setting results in bringing the Even after Hitler had been summoned into power by Committee.
Hindenburg, the Social Democrats called on their members that compromise agreements We, the revolutionists have sen pamphlet were sold, the war. referendum issue before Answered Call. to remain calm and not be provoked. The Executive mateng dhis with money that has rooseveltecruited Stalin. Stler: branch outdoor Peneeting progreen and into the local newspapers: In the patrol wagon it was committee of the Labor Federation sent a letter of protest brought three wars with the Our war is an entirely different on the anti war campaign. Lear. The latter. incidentally, has DIALINIRIN learned that the people run to President Hindenburg, pointing out that they had al fourth in the offing. Soviet war.
ning the meeting had called, lets will be distributed in each been done by comparatively Policy and World Peace. We of the Fourth Interna neighborhood where the rallies few branches; it easy enough complaining the disturbance ways opposed terrorism and violence in all its forms.
The entire strategy of the heads of the labor movement weapon for peace. Shachtman of the Communist Party to fight September 15 will mark the cul siven any quota, the branch Browder says the pact is altional plead with the members are held. mass meeting on tried. Without having been manding protection. It was could be summed up: Help Hindenburg stop the Nazis. went on. Why, then, didn he for peace, security and free mination of the Rochester cam has gathered 50 signatures for in response to this call that the petition.
Torgler confessed that even after Hitler came into power spendisse velice to make a placet dome but these compromis be lib: paign, In protest against the HitlerSAN FRANCISCO. sends Stalin pact, leading officers and Meanwhile, the mob, crazed in January, the German Communist Party aspired for only with Hitler? Why was the pact Revolution, and ina no other FLINT us a copy of a printed Open members of the International by Neill soused harangue, one thing: to last until the elections on March when they made in secret, like something way.
and knowing they had police hoped to win a huge victory counting noses at the ballot fresh batch of filled peti Letter to the Members of the Jewish Cultural Verband, Staltion sheets from Flint carries distributed in thousands of copCommunist Party and Clinist organization, resigned.
protection, turned on Bernie Merritt, Appeal salesman, and box Some of the world finest libraries were gutted and the the branch over its quota les to the local Stalinists. You Chaim Zhitlovsky, Gold beat him and kicked him. When To all persons in doubt as to which side to support, Hit books heaped in the streets, drenched with oil and burned mark and swadditional 50 have been told that the Trotsky berg. editor of the Jewish Day other members of the ler decisive and bold actions made him look like a sure like witches at the stake.
went to his rescue, he was un point to its promise to complete leaflet. Browder constitution Glazman, Opotashow, Dr.
conscious and bleeding winner, no matter what his program said.
Der Fuehrer lynched science and crucified art.
that quota also by next week. forbids you to talk with Trot Mucdoint were among those Police Avoid Publicity The leaders of the labor movement sat on their hands as All the workers savings and insurance were confiscated me, campaies was recertainly skyites. But now you see WHO Who resigned The next morning in court if completely stupefied and paralyzed, capable only of re by Der Fuehrer government.
timely, writes Comrade Gels makes deals with Fascists! We, Moishe Nadir, poet and surprisingly enough with only peating, Have you mailed your daily post card to the Strikes were outlawed.
party is evidenced here as a re the Trotskyites, invite you to an leading contributor to the Yidcharge of saunter Chief of Police?
Wages were slashed as much as fifty per cent. Hours discussedon sult of our resolute anti war open meeting where these dish Freheit. Communist Party ing and loitering. Officer FarThe harried and desperate, seeking in every direction for rell told the defendants that the were lengthened all over Germany. The unemployed were wribution of thousands of lear: you may ask questions and dispolice didn want to fight the a way out, turned from these strategists in despair.
herded into great concentration camps and worked like the lets at the Labor a may pina: cuss with us in comradely fash and published his letter of resDer Fuehrer dangled colored glass and glittering spanion. The meeting is scheduled Ignation in the Yiddish press case and were willing to have it last week.
Saturday, September here.
slave armies of the Pharoahs, slowly starving to death on Also we will distribute for Sept.
The Jewish Daily Forward of thrown out. After a not guilty the vilest kind of rations.
CHICAGO and YOUNGS August 29 states that Melach plea. the case, was continued gles of tin promises before their eyes. Above all, he promnouncements of our open meet ised action for weeks.
Before 1933, swinging a sledge hammer on a boulder in ing on the war question at this TOWN have mass meetings Epstein, former managing ediEvidently the police do not They moved toward him as if hypnotized.
chain gang rhythm would have been called serving a prispienic, at whch many thousands scheduled for the coming week. tor of the Freiheit, and Louis ST. PAUL will be in attendance.
fills its Appeal Hyman, prominent Stalinist want the search light of publlThe labor movement threw away its destiny and went on sentence at hard labor. Der Fuehrer called it liquidatcity on the drunkenness, probundle increase quota, and the leader in the needle trades, are fanity and incitement to rlot of down in blood, bombarding Hitler allies with postcards.
ing unemployment.
CLEVELAND branch secretary comments on also resigning.
Der Fuehrer compelled all workers to carry labor pass The program of three outdoor the reception of the campaign committee of the Is The Nazi Terror ports which the employer may keep if he wishes, even meetings a week during the an in St. Paut: We have found a Dr. Daniel Luttinger wish.
very favorable response to the working with the Boston Civil In order to launch his campaign of terror as quickly as though the employe risk breaking the law and quit. With along without a break, the We find people who say. You tlents of his brother, the late es to announce that he will Liberties Union on the case. In true boss press lying fash possible, Hitler had the Reichstag, the building housing the out that passport, no man can get a job.
ion, the Boston papers tried to legislature, burned down. He blamed this act of arson on Except for a heavy profit for Big Business, Der Fuehrer being particularly successful in don have to say any more: 10 Dr. Paul Luttinger at his of make the incident appear as a the Jewish communists.
attendance, literature sales and There is an almost unanimous Bronx, New York.
fice, 1684 Grand Concourse. pitched battle between Stalinbegan pouring the entire wealth of the nation into the war ites and Trotskyltes, and that The legislature was dissolved. All democratic rights were machine. Even children of four and five are marched with meeting planned for September sentiment for it.
Merritt was beaten up by the suspended. Hitler won a smashing victory at the polls.
wooden rifles under military instruction in Nazi Germany. will also be turned into a ers, so covering up the viNow he had gathered a mass base strong enough to carry cious role of Neill and the out the objective of his entire campaign. He put his pro Der Fuehrer enacted laws giving the employers the right house warming the branch 15 mob he stirred up.
to shift men wherever they please in the nation at any wage headquarters at 4618 Euclid The meeting itself put gram into effect.
Phil Frankfeld, leader on He smashed every trade union in the country. Not one and at any kind of work no matter what objections a work Avenue, with an office, bookshop and reading room, and a the spot. Although a New Eng er might dare humbly whisper.
land open meeting, there were hall seating 200 people. We Of all the gilt and tinsel promises made by Hitler, he need more petition blanks pronno more than 300 people pres Not one.
broke every one except this: he preserved PRIVATE to, writes Organizer Preis, was ent, despite claims to 1000 Despite the fact that he was born in the Roman Catholic PROPERTY you can see we are putting on The committee in charge of lainers at this time, since they members in Boston alone all steam for the final stretch Frankfeld blabbed for two Church and admired its methods and institutions, he (To be continued in next issue)
with three and four public arrangements for the Dance to want to announce the full pro hours, and so little did he con crushed even the Catholic trade unions. Like Mussolini, he gram next week. It was stated, meetings a week.
be held under the auspices of however, that the most popular vituce anyone that in the five understood that these unions were composed of workers, the District Committee at stars of the last Pioneer Party Socialist Appeal READING Irving Plaza on September 16 will appear again in some spewritten questions were submit not priests, workers whether religious or non religious.
He seized all the funds of the trade unions. Then he 116 University Place The campaign in Reading is have just completed arrange cial numbers which are guar ted, on which Phil spent just 40 New York City becoming consolidated. re to have everal well. anteed to surpass last year ainutes.
forced every man to join a Nazi union at the head of which would like to get better acquainted with your paper, ports Campaign Director Ad known Negro entertainers ap entertainment. The Committee sat an employer.
the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample copies for ems; and to prove it, he dis pear on the program. com repeats that this year party BROWDERETTE He melted down the statues of the great founders of the next few weeks plays filled quotas on pam plete announcement of the pro will not only surpass anything The press apologizers of the Germany labor movement into bullets, and erected in phlets and petition signatures. gram will be made in the next that has been done at similar The pamphlet quota, as a mat week issue of the Appeal at affairs, but will set a new high dirty, insinuations that the so their place the Medieval chopping block. He showed absoter of fact, is filled over 200 which time the names of the which they say won easily be Address vtes Union is considering lutely no mercy. Blood flowed. Heads rolled in the gutter.
with the comrades ordering an entertainers and the band will attained. Tickets for the Dance rapprochement with the fasother bundle. Like other sec be announced.
sell at 75 cents and may be obWorkers died under tortures that shocked the entire civCity cists. Daily Worker. March tions which have thrown them. The Committee refused to tained at the office of the 13, 1989 ilized world.
selves into the campaign, heldivulge the names of the enter 116 University Place.
ORGANIZATION an Prominent Entertainers to Appear At Anti War Fighters Dance Name