CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorld War

Enlist in the Fight Against War. Join the Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Party Reacts to War Crisis With Intensified Anti War Campaign Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issd Twice Weekly VOL. III, No. 64 FRIDAY, SEPT. 1, 1939 3c a Copy Shachtman Pamphlet on Pact to Be Published this Week Plan Mass Meetings to Explain Truth Behind the Headlines By HAL DRAPER ening situation on the world Secretary, Campaign Committee scene. As war in Europe apThe Party has reacted to the proaches at a faster and faster war crisis and the Stalin Hitler pace, the fears of the people deal with a fresh burst of en that America will be drawn into ergy and intensified plans for the coming world slaughter carrying our Anti War Cam rises to a new high. It is our paign over the top.
business to explain to them that Moving quickly to take ad the Washington and Wall Street vantage of the desire by new war makers are even now prestrata of workers to hear what paring to get into the war on we have to say about the re the ground floor, instead of cent events, party branches all waiting three years as they did over the country have schedul the last time, and that we must ed mass meetings at which the act now to take the war making truth behind the headlines will power out of their hands.
be explained and the way Special Steps pointed for the anti war work Special steps taken in furtherers in America ance of the Campaign include: The campaign for a People Two speaking tours, by Max Referendum on War which we shachtman and Widick, have been conducting is now on the war crisis.
being given even more solid ba pamphlet by Max Shachtsis by linking it with the threat. Continued from Page 1)
WORKERS! GUARD AGAINST PLOT TO DRAG INTO WAR War Propaganda Machine Going Full Blast; Boss Press Raises Jingo Cry Pact Splits Axis Powers Daily Worker Headline ANTI WAR FUND SCOREBOARD 00. 00 00 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00 00. 00. 00. 00 00. 00. 00. 00 00 Communist Party Members: Break with Stalinist Bondage!. 00. 00 While all Europe mobilizes, the war propaganda machine is already at work in this country trying to beat us down to the point where we 10, 000 FUND DRIVE will submit to joining in the Second World War.
Percent Branch Quota 50 Paid Two gangs of cut throats are moving against each other, fighting by Sept. 15 Paid Calais 00 00 200. 00 over the booty they seized from each other or more important that Hartford 00 20 128. 00 Rochester 50. 00 25. 75 they seized from the subject peoples of Asia and Africa.
103. 00 Toledo 40. 00 20. 00 100. 00 Detroit And as they square off at each other, the war propaganda machine 50. 00 20. 00 80. 00 100. 00 Lynn 33. 00 66. 00 is trying to line us up on the side of one of these gangs of imperialist 200. 00 St. Paul 64. 00 64. 00 Reading 10. 00 00 60. 00 bandits.
Flint 20. 00 50 Newark 350. 00 86. 00 49. 14 The war propaganda machine in this country, with all the facilities 200. 00 Cleveland 30. 00 30. 00 Chicago of the radio, the movies and the press at its disposal, is deluging us with 530. 00 75. 00 28. 30 Boston 400. 00 54. 00 27. 00 war incitement stuff as crude as anything they fed us in the First World Gardner Fitchburg 15. 00 00 26. 66 Minneapolis 1100. 00 145. 00 War.
26. 36 Philadelphia 100. 00 11. 75 23. 50 10. 00 Baltimore 00 Not only the yellow press, but the respectable papers are hot20. 00 Kansas 15. 00 50 20. 00 footing it for war.
St. Louis 100. 00 10. 00 20. 00 10. 00 South Bend 00 20. 00 Read the columns of the most powerful and most responsible 2500. 00 New York 100. 00 00 3400. 00 National Office 125. 00 35 spokesman for capitalism in the United States Akron.
100. 00 00. 00 Allentown 50. 00 00. 00 Lesson In the New York Times. Every line of it bristles Cambridge 00 00. 00 15. 00 Columbus 00. 00 with the attempt to whip up a war spirit in this The Meaning Connegut 00 00. 00 country.
Danbury 10. 00 Of Democracy Denver 20. 00 00. 00 New Hampshire 00. 00 Isolationists Join War Mongers East Chicago 20. 00 00. 00 While the press in England Evansville 00 00. 00 Just as we predicted they would do, the papers Fargo.
10. 00 00. 00 as well as in the United 10. 00 Fresno States howls about the com00. 00 which yesterday talked for isolation are today Indianapolis 00 00. 00 against the dictatorships. lining up with the war mongers.
Lexington 10. 00 00. 00 the British Government has Los Angeles 400. 00 00. 00 The New York Post is a typical example. Yes10. 00 Louisville given a demonstration of 00. 00. 00 Marston Mills 00 00. 00 what the next war means.
The Emergency Powers terday it said that collective security meant New Haven 40. 00 00. 00. 00 80. 00 Oakland Bill, demanded by Chamber.
00. 00 war and that America should keep out of Omaha 10. 00 00. 00. 00 Pittsburgh passed by Parllamento Europe troubles. Today it drops this isolatiorist 10. 00 00. 00 Hunger Strike Your Choice Must be the Road of RevoluPlentywood 00 00. 00. 00 August 24, provides for the talk and begins rooting for the British and French Portland 00 00. 00. 00 tionary Action Against Capitalism, Not Against British The King (ie, the Cab. empires.
Quakertown 20. 00 00. 00 inet) can Issue decrees havRidgefield 00 00. 00. 00 The Horrid Deception of Patriotism In Second Month 20. 00 Sacramento 00. 00 ing the force of law. 00 The Post is now (Monday) yelling for what only Any property or under San Diego 10. 00 00. 00. 00 taking except land may be San Francisco 100. 00 00. 00 the other day it was opposed to: revision of the. 00 Many outraged workers are The Editor taken over by the governSeattle 20. 00 00. 00. 00 CALCUTTA, Bengal, India ment.
breaking with the Communist Socialist Appeal neutrality laws to enable shipment of armaments Texas 20. 00 00. 00 Over 100 Indian national Party. Unfortunately, however,. 00 116 University Place Any premises may be Washington 40. 00 00. 00 ists and revolutionists who New York City entered and searched.
to those who will control the seas, namely, BritWoonsocket 00 00. 00 have been imprisoned in the la considerable number of them The Home Secretary ain and France. It offers us a way to provide Worcester 20. 00 00. 00 British Black Hole of Cal. are leaving one charnel house Dear Sir: may order any arrest he Yellow Springs 00 00. 00 cutta jails for the past to enter another. That is to say, Will you please publish deems expedient.
practical help for those with whom we symYoungstown.
50. 00 00. 00 years, are now in the second many of them are clinging to this letter in your column: Judicial proceedings month of a hunger strike for To Communists yesterday Stalinist slogans as may be heard in secret pathize, says the Post.
their freedom.
of the United States the court deems it expediThese martyrs of the color against today Stalinist slo Now that the Soviet has ent.
nial people are guilty of one gans: they will not obey Stal sold out to the Nazis, don 6. The government may Where Arms Go, Soldiers Follow thing only. They fought to in command to hail the Hit you think it is about time put into operation immedifree their country from the ler Stalin Pact, but they conthat you returned, both in al ately any measures consid The Post hypocritically makes a distinction grasping hands of the Bri. tinue to obey Stalin command legiance and sympathy to ered necessary for the na between sending arms and sending soldiers. But tish exploiters.
of yesterday to hail the demo that Country which stands From within their British cratic imperialists.
above all others for Iberty Both the Labor Party everybody who has cut his eye teeth knows, or dungeons they have issued a and democracy?
Typical Reaction and the Stalinist ought to know, that where we send arms, we will stirring call to India and the Disillusioned Communist Gallagher, voted for this War Defeat Jerome Davis, Stalinist Candidate, Typical of these is the followworkers of the world, urging The writer of this letter did Dictatorship bill.
soon enough send soldiers.
all people not to give one ing letter received by us. Continued on Page 3)
In Test of Strength George Counts, ounce of support to England dozen post war Congressional investigations in any war and to work unestablished the fact that the United States sent Progressive, Elected President of Union ceasingly for the socialist revolution.
its troops to aid the Allies just as soon as American plutocracy trade with the Allies was enBUFFALO, August 26 The Stalinists received a crushing blow yesterday when their candidate, Jerome Davis, was de dangered by Allied losses, and to make sure that feated for the presidency of the American Federation of Teachthat trade would continue.
BULLETIN ers by George Counts, widely known progressive educator and outspoken fighter against the Stalinist machine in the New On March 5, 1917, the American ambassador York College Teachers Union The election, at the annual teachers convention, was the first New impetus was given to the throughout the country quickly day, September 1; Youngstown, to Great Britain, Walter Hines Page, wrote to socialist Workers Party anti arranged in response to an ap. Tuesday, September Cleve the State Department at Washington: Lest of Stalinist strength in the Hereafter the Social war campaign with the an peal of the national committee. land, Friday, September and trade unions since the Hitler. Succeeding convention by overnouncement that two special Shachtman is scheduled to other mid west centers where Stalin pact. The outcome was whelming majorities. Perhaps our going to war is the only way in ist Appeal will be issued speaking tours began this week speaks to Chicheapcharsday nekem enthusiastic response edit which our present preeminent trade position can particularly significant since Paot First Effect tention, had been confident of opened. Monday was the day at least three times otional secretary of the Tuesday, September 5: Toron activity involved in the special les mehrer, dass nigro chung und ment was announced, and the week, with special edi sotd Becere tawa ceket national de la Wednesday, September tours was an indication of how State Department, Foreign Relations, 1917, Supclected Davis as president, and next day came the political City to fulfill demands for mass make the anti war campaign had easily re elected him each (Continued on Page 4) tions as necessary. meetings which branches, Widick will cover Akron, Fri. go over the top. Continued on Page 4). 00. 00 :00. 00. 00. 00 Stalinists in Teachers Union Feel Pact Effect Shachtman, Widick Begin Speaking Tours on the Stalin Hitler Pact