CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismNon-aggression PactRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1939 Change Your Partners!
IN THIS CORNER BROWDER MARTIN ABIERN della DEMOCRATIC ERONT Browder Explains THEY DENIED THE PACT munist Party would continue to vote against war SOCIALIST APPEAL credits, despite the Franco Soviet treaty. And Vol. II, No. 63 August 29, 1939 even after Munich, the French Stalinist party has voted war credits despite the withering of Published unice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL, PUBLISHING ASS that treaty.
at 116 University Place, New York, And so, Hitler, in the alliance, receives more Telephone. Alinquin 8547 than Stalin aid. And since the members of Subscriptions: 32. 00 per year 00 for six months. For Communist party have been trained until aten: 00 per year, 31. 60 for six months. Bundle orders: cento per copy in the United States: cents per copy in forean countries. Single coples: cents.
yesterday morning in one school, the transition Rronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 1, 60 for six is provided by Browder not by repudiating the By Max Shachtman Rentered as second class matter February 16. Stalinist concept of an alliance, but by denying the post office New York, Act of Marah In signing the pact with Hitler, Stalin may not, 1879 that the alliance is an alliance!
as some wags put it, have joined the Anti CominBut Hitler will get every ounce he bargained tern Bloc, but he did deliver a mortal blow to what MAX SUTARTMAN for, that is certain.
is left of the communist parties organizationally.
The resignation from the Communist Party of Associate Editor ANUEL GARRETT FELIX MORROW Gabriel Peri, Stalinist spokesman in the French General Manager: Asstatant STANLEY Chamber of Deputies and foreign editor of HuSHERMAN manite, who, under recent Kremlin tutelage beThe Raw Deal came a raving French chauvinist, is only the first prominent herald of the hailstorm which will disFIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST integrate the Stalinist parties in those few counIn their vicious attack upon the unemployed tries in which they still have any influence.
WORKERS PARTY FOR: of Minneapolis and the nation, the federal auThe Pact shows the hollowness of Hitler dec1. job and a decent living for every worker. thorities are piling outrage upon outrage. Not lamations of a crusade against the Comintern which he knew better than the next man had long Open the idie factories operate them under content with slashing the wages and jobs of the ago been destroyed as a revolutionary force by the workers control.
unemployed, the WPA urged the Minneapolis Stalin clique Itself. The reactions of the respect3. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works police on to a murderous attack upon a peaceful able capitalist press and the Leaders of Publie and housing program, Opinion. from the Herald Tribune to the New picket line, FBI men disguised as WPA workers Leader are as usual arch hypocritical, and where Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on mingled with the pickets the night of bloody Frithey do not outrage an elementary sense of deall Jobs.
day, playing the role of agents provocateur.
cency, they are simply ludicrous: the gentlemen who, in the interests of American imperialism, Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability Attorney General Frank Murphy, President hailed Roosevelt when he pressed to his bosom pension.
Roosevelt and Governor Stassen via with one butchers like Batista of Cuba, Vargas of Brazil and Somoza of Nicaragua, pretend to be overwhelmed Expropriate the Sixty Families.
another in attacking the WPA strike and the with indignation that a Stalin could join hands with All war funds to the unemployed.
strikers. Hitler. people referendum on any and all wars.
Now the federal grand jury sitting in St. Paul Making Victory of Capitulation No secret diplomacy.
has interrupted its hearings long enough to hand 10. An independent Labor Party.
down indictments against 103 jobless citizens, Yet, most revolting of all is the brutal cynicism of the Stalin regime in trying to pass off its capitu11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante charging them with a felony which carries a penlation to Hitler as a triumph for the forces of deand Fascist attacks.
alty of two years imprisonment.
mocracy. the democratic front, the cause of peace and most impudent of all the independ12. Full social, political and economic equality The boss press joins with deputy marence of Poland.
for the Negro people.
shals in carrying out sensational raids on workMore than a year ago, in April 1938, Earl Browers homes, and picturing the victims as dangerder wrote that the New Republic has gone over ous criminals.
openly to the Chamberlain line (March 30 issue)
by advocating rapprochement with Hitler without Federal Judge Bell joins the anti labor pack political conditions. What else did Stalin do a few days ago? lengthy editorial in the August 23 Daily by setting bail for the arrested strikers at 5, 000 On November 14, 1938, at the 21st anniversary Worker and a press interview with Earl Brow and 10, 000 each.
of the Russian Revolution meeting of the the der in the following issue constitute, for the mo The ridiculousness of the whole situation is same Browder said: The reactionaries openly speculate that the Soviet Union may try to beat ment, the official Stalinist explanation of the only equalled by the serious implications which Chamberlain at his own game by joining hands Hitler Stalin pact.
the repression of the WPA strikers has for the Confronted with the accom of the Daily Worker, was par. Japan. Today the way to stop with Hitler. But even those who hate the land of Two main points strike the reader as soon as future of organized labor in the United States. pushed fact, American Stalinist ticularly aroused by the occa Hitler, according to the Daily socialism cannot believe it, when they see the Soviet Union alone rounds up the traitorous agents he reads the apologies and then compares them Imagine the marshals surrounding the humble officiels pretend to consider the sional speculations about a Hit Worker 15 a pact with Hitlery The Daily Worker, April 20. of Hitler within its own land, and puts them beyond to home of a WPA worker at o clock in the natural thing in the world.
On March 13 he wrote in the declared: all possibility of doing any more of their wreckThe Stalinist editorial, in justifying the pact morning, breaking in, handcuffing a 60. 50 at occasions when somebody or apologwerkers en the Munich flew the Atlantic was trusted ing, spying and diversions for fascism.
Now. joining hands with Hitler is explained as leaving the Stalin regime free to go on to month unemployed worker and dragging him off other speculated com the posse treachery make the dirty insin. By the American people. com away by the same Kremlin ercenary as dismake an alliance with the democracies. rested to jail, in the light of flashlight bulbs in the cam bility of a rapprochement be uations that the Soviet Union is But the Lindbergh who became tinct contribution for the protection of the threatits case entirely on the assumption that the Hit eras of the boss press photographers. Imagine tween Hitler and Stalin, these considering rapprochement a collaborator with Goering ened peace of the world an almost word forler Stalin pact would contain an escape setting bail at 10, 000. for honest workers mently denounced such specu. On March 21 Gannes was object of pronounced suspicion and Chamberlain became an word plagiarism from Chamberlain Munich pertod speeches clause. The editorial said: whom even the boss courts haven yet proved lation as the dirtiest kind of positively beside himselt be in the eyes of America. But The direct lie was given to all protestations slander!
that the Munich Pact was an achievement for And here it must be stressed that in each guilty of a single crime, for workers, heads of Earl Browder, head of the cause Ludwig Lore proceeded the Stalin who became a col to spread some more of his lies laborator with Goering, says peace, Browder said, and rightly, last December, and every non aggression pact which the Soviet families, who have lived here all their lives.
Communist book, Fightly, wrote in his about rapprochement with the Daily Worker today, is the when, directly afterward, all governments an Union concludes there is a basic clause of Soviet For, understand this well, these workers are which was issued last month: Lore speculation one of the BACK DOOR COLLABORAnounced vast expansions of their armed forces as a forest Peace fascism. Gannes termed mighty genius of socialism their first response.
peace policy which provides that in the event one guilty of nothing save their devotion to trade The reactionaries openly slimiest examples of an ex TION MADE THEM MAD What is is to be said, then, for the peace contribuof the parties to the pact invades or commits an union principles. It is one thing for Attorspeculate that the Soviet Untended vicious campaign.
tion of the Hitler Stalin Pact when, on its very act of aggression against a third nation, that the ney Victor Anderson to wangle an indictment ion may try to beat ChamberNothing enraged the Daily lain at his own game by Join On May 13, the Daily Worker Worker so much in these past heels, follow more brutal Nazi demands on Poother party (the Soviet Union) is not bound to against them from a handpicked federal grand land, and the mobilization of troops in virtually eving hands with Hitler. But editorially repudiated as the months as back door collaborajury, operating on star chamber principles, on the treaty, is free to act in defense of peace.
vilest anti Soviet slanders the tion with the fascists. This was even those who hate the land ery corner of Europe, troops who may be marching under cannon fire by the time this appears in of Socialism cannot believe idea of a Stalin pact with Hit its chief complaint against In his press interview, Browder also dwelt on the testimony of assorted stool pigeons, men print?
it, when they see the Soviet ler. It quoted a United Press Chamberlain. As Harry Gan.
the same point.
and crackpots with petty grievances. It is quite Union alone rounds up the dispatch from Berlin which nes wrote on April 22: Two hours after that interview, the text of another thing to make the charges stick before traktorous agents of Hitler save the game away, and ap: Yet, Chamberlain has never Kremlin Unmasks Itself the pact came over the wires without the es an open jury trial, where the defendants and within its own lands (1. the provingly quoted the dispatch ceased his back door collaboradefendants in the Moscow as follows: their witnesses can appear to defend themselves.
tion with the fascists. He is We were never partisans of the Stalinist policy cape clause.
trials. and put them beyond Rapid spreading rumors of continuing it yet with the Nazis, of yesterday, the so called democratic front, the Instead, in three different ways the pact And 10, 000 bail for 60. 50 a month heads possibility of doing any an impending German Soviet in the form of economic conpolicy of war alliance with Anglo French impe.
pledges Stalin to remain in alliance with Hitler of families! Why, Judge Manton, a real honest inore of their wrecking, spy. reconciliation, circulating with versations and with the Italian ialism, with its conversion of the masses into caning and diversions for Fas obvious consent of the Germaniascists by personal, friendly non fodder for the preservation of the loot taken no matter what happens. The first Article to God crook who was convicted of receiving cism.
government, tonight were re and aggression. encouraging by the democracies in the last war. But then, pledges him to refrain from every act of force over a million dollars in bribes while sitting on at least, the Kremlin gang had a plausible specious Pondering this, unconditional garded as NAZI ATTEMPT letters.
against Hitler, the second pledges that he, if the federal bench, only had 10, 000 bail placed assurance that Stalin woula TO THWART PEACE But Stalin economio conscreen behind which to operate. It could exploit versations with Hitler, the truly deep mass hatred of fascism with comHitler is engaged in war, will in no way sup against him. But then Manton was a big time never make a pact with Hitler, FRONT!
lowed up by political agreeparative ease: it could pretend that it was acting port this third power. the fourth pledges that he boss crook, and the WPA strikers are only poor the Communist Party will be MALIGNING THE BULWARK OF PEACE mnent, all carried out by the on behalf of Loyalist Spain or semi colonial China: most secret back door methods it could easily claim to be warding off fascist warwill not associate himself with any other group workers who never exploited anyone in their en gin to realize that Stalin framed up and murdered the defend As far back as May 5, 1939. So that the public announcemongering and the danger of war in general.
ing of powers which directly or indirectly is tire lives.
ants in the Moscow trials the Wallace Deuel, Chicago inent of the accomplished fact The open shift to Hitler, however, cannot be aimed at the other party.
And the vindictive attitude of the federal au whole generation that made the Daily News Berlin correspon struck the world like a thun justified by the Stalinists with the remotest degree The escape clause was the primary justifica thorities! Last week Henry Ford told the Na November revolution precise. dent said that Hitler wanted derbolt that, of course, Harry of plausibility, and Browder arguments, multition made for the pact. That alibi has now blown tional Labor Relations Board to go to hell. and free hand in a deal with Hitler, der to defeat a peace front. proof of Stalin genius. him, will impress only ox heads, and even they up in Browder face.
the government never raised a hand against him. With Oriental sarcasm, Stalin. And those who gave credence The venal editors of the kept would only be impressed by his vast effrontery.
The other striking fact is the frenzied effort. But Henry Ford is a very rich man and the For no amount of wriggling can prevent the masses from assimilating the basic truths we have in both the editorial and in Browder state WPA strikers are poor workers. Above all these in order to become himself the Stalin pact, the Daily Worker ile at the behest of their corments, to define the pact as somehow not an al strikers are union men and women.
Harry Gannes, foreign expert as thereby maligning the bus. rupt masters. The venal editors been repeating for some time: of the kept press of the StalinThe Stalinist bureaucracy, personified in Stalin, liance. That alibi, too, is blown up by the actual But make no mistake these anti labor clowns wark of world peace and hope, ist bureaucracy brazenly lie at rule, by terror and fear, because it is itself terriis at the end of its rope. It rules, and cannot but the the behest of their corrupt mastext of the pact, which constitutes as tightly knit who are joining the outrageous attack against French Communist On May 13 the Daily Worker ters. What was yesterday fied and afraid. It is concerned least of all Hitan alliance as the Soviet Union has ever engaged the Minneapolis unemployed and trying to paint Party Cracking described as a Nazi attempt vile slander becomes for ler, Ribbentrop and Mussolini have known it for in.
to thwart a peace front the them today triumphant facts.
years with world revolution or the Comintern.
honest workers as the blackest criminals, symWhy this anxiety not to describe it as an alli bolize the growing reaction in America. The fedmere rumor of an impending The abyss between these It is as much interested in democracy as in the ance? Lenin used to say that the Soviet Union, eral prosecution of the Minneapolis WPA striksnows of yesteryear. It is concerned, exclusively, Gabriel Perl, foreign editor same Daily Worker calls the unfortunately deluded masses Hitler Stalin pact. Today the prostitutes of the press and the with preserving itself and its tremendous vested if necessary, would make an alliance with the ers is a sharp warning to the labor movement of of Humanite, central organ pact a triumph for peace!
of the French Communist who read that press is as deep interests, which are in direct conflict with the indevil and his grandmother. if it served the the nation that the national administration is Day in day out the Daily as the class struggle. The cap Party, chief commentator on Worker declared there was only italist press is the instrument ment, Russia included.
terests of revolution and of the world labor moveworld revolution. For example, in Lenin time, deadly serious about its preparations for war and international events of the one way to stop Hitler. That pol of the capitalist exploiters of It fears war, primarily for its own sake. And Communist International the Soviet government made an alliance with icy was summarized succinct the masses. The Stalinist press here, as is so often the case nowadays, the fear of Turkey, while the Turkish government was its campaign to hogtie organized labor. International Press Corres: ly in the editorial of the Daily is the instrument of the Stalin war is the fear of revolution. the revolution of hounding Communists. Why can Stalin, there country to join in the most vigorous protest We call upon the labor movement of this the Soviet masses against the anti Soviet bureauParty whip in the Chamber of designed to stop fascism must Fitler, which exploits the masscracy.
fore, appeal to the example of Lenin?
Deputies, has resigned from provide for an immediate em es as vilely as do the capital We were not and are not today advocates of a He can t, and the Stalinists shy as far away against the high handed behavior of the federal war to defend Poor Little Poland. the Poland authorities in the Minneapolis situation. Every ite, in protest against the Hit: bargo on the fascist aggressor ists in the democratic and faspowers, Germany, Italy and cist countries.
of the landed aristocracy, of anti Semitism, of the as they can from such analogies, because the enler Stalin pact.
martinet Colonels, of oppression for national min.
tire political conception and method employed trade union should adopt a resolution protesting Marcel Cachin, Communist orities. We were and are for the armed national Party spokesman in the defense of a Poland ruled by its people, a people by Lenin is completely foreign to Stalin. While the attack on the Minneapolis labor movement, French Senate, refused to that has overturned its present rulers. We conLenin government made an alliance with Kem and send copies of the resolution to Franklin al Pasha, the Communist Party of Turkey was demned the Stalinist policy of inciting the masses Roosevelt, to Attorney General Frank Murphy: write an editorial defending the pact with Hitler, accord.
to dle so that Beck and Smygly Ridz might conIng to the Paris correspondtinue in power. That was yesterday. Today, we engaged in attempting to overthrow Kemal to Attorney Victor Anderson and to Fedcnt of the New York Herald condemn just as vigorously the Pact and the policy Pasha; likewise with the Rapallo treaty of 1922 eral Judge Bell.
Tribune on August 25.
with the German Republic, etc. etc.
The cause of the indicted WPA strikers is the by which Stalin says to Hitler: Keep hands off me and you can have all of Poland without a whimper But under Stalin? Not the least of the bene cause of all labor. Our first duty to these union ANNOUNCEMENT On September 16, the newly of the September 16 affair, and from Moscow.
fits derived by an ally of Stalin is the subor men and women is to free them from jail by rais GALA SOCIAL at the Browns redecorated Irving Plaza Bali. they promise an even bigger Therein lies the abominable treachery of Stalin Pact, conceived by the Kremlin bureaucracy dination of the Communist Party of the allieding a bail bond. This requires money. We appeal Brooklyn. Saturday, P. bers and sympathizers of the first class swing band has in a desperate effort to save its miserable hide.
country to its existing government. Laval and to every union to give generously and quickly to August 26. Lots of fun free New York who have been arranged for and a highly We said above: bought off one enemy. But Daladier received the loyalty of the French Com this worthy cause. Send all checks to Roy Weir, sandwiches refreshments. thrown off their cares and in alversified program of enter only for a moment. Tomorrow Hitler will repay his Hank Rice master of ceremo hibitions to enjoy what prom tainment is being planned. new partner, and richly. Tomorrow, Stalin munist Party, etc. Even the hope of an alliance organizer of the Minneapolis Central Labor nies. 35c admission.
ises to be the best party ever you really want to have one crimes, and the advance of Hitlerism which they is enough to provide Roosevelt with the loyalty Union, 18 North 8th Street, Minneapolis.
arranged by the District. The hellotagoodtime be sure to be facilitate, will pose ever more clearly and urgently of the American Communist Party. This process Answer the raw deal of the federal authorsame comrades who were in present and bring your gang. the Russian dilemma: Let the People charge of much talked Tickets are 75 cents and can has been a cumulative one. As late as the Seventh ities! Help free the defendants. From the Either a new revolution that will stamp out the about and highly successful be obtained from the office of curse of Stalinism or the reduction of the Soviet Congress, Dimitroff swore that the French Com Northwest Organiser, August 24, 1939. Vote on War!
Pioneer parties are in charge the party, 116 University Place. Union to a colony of fascism. folN. District Dance Will Raise Funds for Anti War Campaign th