BolshevismCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerNazismNon-aggression PactSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1939 Stalin Democratic Front Dolan Minneapolis Labor Raises Bail In the Fund for Indicted WPA Strikers Labor Unions Stop Fascism In America!
It Stalin Talk a Fake, Cry Aroused Workers hecheklene vertete diem which are the fingered Labour sumion The Berlin Moscow Treaty one Roosevelt and Murphy, as have Federal Grand Jury Hands Down 103 Indict numerous union and unemployed groups throughout the ments Unionists Organize Against nation Stand by WPA Victims Will Father Coughlin Become Outrage 23 Already Under Arrest The entire labor movement, and every member of organDictator of the United States?
By WIDICK ized labor, must assume the reOutraged at the bloodthirsty tactics being followed by U, sponsibility for protecting and By JOSEPH HANSEN.
CIO and Stalin Attorney Victor Anderson and the boss press towards the 103 vindicating the rights of the deindicted WPA strikers, a broad committee representing the endants who are being victim (SIXTH INSTALLMENT)
The heaviest blowever deliv Minneapolis labor movement met Tuesday afternoon and voted ized by the government and the ered against the stalinists in unanimously to begin immediately the raising of a bail bond to boss press.
During the World War the French had used Negro the Cio was given this week free all those indicted. The committee, chosen by representa The entire conduct of troops from their colonies to fight where the carnage was by Stalin through his agree tives of the Central Labor Union, the Building Trades Council, Attorney Anderson, Attorney the bloodiest at the front. The United States, too, sent znent with Hitler.
the Teamsters Joint Council, General Frank Murphy and the over large numbers of colored troops. All these Negroes Symbolic of days to come and the Federal Workers Secially press and Anderson are erand jury investigation, acwas the public attack Wednes. tion of Local 544, aims to raise trying to give the impression companied by lurid and lying fought with unparalleled bravery and thus won the especial day by Heywood Broun, presi a bail fund sufficient to gain there will be a mass trial of all newspaper publicity, is delib.
hate of the German patriots. Men like Hitler feared the dentally in the CIO, on the new the release of every single one victims, actually each person erately designed to make the Stalin line. Broun denounced Negroes and considered them on the same level as apes.
will be tried separately, and public believe these WPA of the victimized strikers.
the Stalin Hitler pact in his naA speakers committee, head the trials may well drag along workers are criminals, which Hitler played on this hate. He wove fantastic stories tional column!
ed by Claude Skeldon of the for some months.
is certainly untrue. Their only It is no exaggeration to say Electrical Workers Union Local Protests Flow In crime is that they are unemabout the Negroes that would have shocked even a Souththat the bottom of the Stalinist 292 and Dunne of Local Protests gainst the ndica vloyed and that they are union ern Bourbon lynch lover.
strategy in the cio dropped 344. is sending speakers to all tive attitude of the Roosevelt men and women, devoted to Who was responsible for bringing the Negroes to the out this week. revulsion against the cyni, cash donations to the ball fund Minneapolis WPA strikers con took a brave and generous Rhine? The Jews, stormed Hitler. It was the Jews in cal deal between Stalin and and for property to be listed to tinued to pour in. Last Sunday stand for union principles.
the first place who instigated education for the Negroes, Hitler is bound to sweep the guarantee the bail bond.
the Iowa State Drivers Council is the responsibility of organ born half ape. This act of the Jews was nothing less entire labor movement. And a adopted a stiff resolution proixed labor to stand by THEM in Special Meeting Tuesday chief stock in trade of the Stal testing the victimization of the their hour of need. The rapid than a sin against the will of the eternal Creator. Mein inists within the CIO, anti In addition, a letter is being strikers. The Sailors Union of raising of a bail fund to gain Kampf, 640. Hitlerism. boomerangs against sent out by officials of the Cen the Pacific, which has had a the freedom of all defendants African negroes rape our women and children.
Very significantly. John Lwal Labor Union, summoning good deal of experience with will be a fitting answer to the (Mein Kampf, 532. strike breaking, high handed tactics of the fedLewis has maintained a dis. the executive boards of all government has sent a protest resolution to eral authorities. The black disgrace works havoc on the Rhine. Women, creet silence about the pact, al Minneapolis AFL unions to a girls and children pay for the bestial negroes lust with though William Green, presi special meeting next Tuesday (Continued from Page 1)
their death. An uninterrupted stream of poison and disattempted to hold street corner dent of the AFL, rushed to print evening. August 29th, p.
ease flows into the blood of our people. Mein Kampf. It the lowest, meanest meetings. Wednesday night the to chuckle over the dilemma of that Stalin has ever stalinists took to the corner of 540. done, cried an infuriated Brighton Beach Avenue and 6th It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, is Stalinist influenced.
The meeting will discuss plans always with the same concealed thought and the clear to rally labor support for the ARTICLE worker. The others picked up Street in Brooklyn to explain CIO Liability goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would victims of WPA.
the cry. The local stalinists, and defend the pact.
The federal grand jury which necessarily set in the white race which they hate. Meln The two contracting parties obligate themselves to bewildered, confused, incoher The pact is a great step Kampf, 449. For it is becoming increas began its investigation into the refrain from every act of force, every aggressive action ſertly begging for a chance to forward to stop fascism dead ingiy clear to everyone hat the Minneapolis WPA strike on explain, were routed. in its tracks and help Poland Stalinists are a terrible liability July 24, paused last Friday to and every attack against one another, including any sinThrough a lurid campaign such as this against the NeGroup Discussions by forcing Chamberlain and to Lewis and the CiO from any hand down indictments against gle action or that taken in conjunction with other powgrocs who had fought on the side of the Allies in the World point of view.
Daladier to fight against HitExperience over one hundred Minneapolis Wednesday afternoon, ers.
War Hitler brought his audiences to the seething point, as ler, declared a local Stalinist teaches that neither they nor citizens, workers on WPA. Most thousands poured out of their clairvoyant.
then he directed this rage against the Jews who lived in their policies can be trusted of those named were charged (This means that the Soviet Union gives Hitler a free shops in the Garment District, The Soviet We know of many CIO unions with violating Section 28 of the hand not only in Poland, but also wherever else he may denunciation of Stalinist foreign speaker continued, is a paraUnion, the Germany.
in the East and middle West choose in the future to strike. policy echoed up and down 7th dise for Jews and oppressed This infection of our blood, which hundreds of thousands where progressive tendencies Roosevelt Woodrum Relief BIN, Avenue. Everywhere workers peoples of all races ARTICLE II and of our people overlook as though blind, is moreover progathered in knots and groups, creeds. The have been slowly arising. Now making it a felony to interfere Speaker grew with relief clients working on they have been given another WPA. The law carries a penalmoted systematically by the Jews today. Systematically the latest editions under their eloquent about the struggle In case one of the parties of this treaty should be these black parasites of the nations ravish our innocent punch against the stalinists. It ty of up to two years in arms, arguing animatedly.
come the object of warlike acts by a third power, the prison.
of the Stalinist party against All of Stalin rabble rous the Coughlinites.
was furnished by Stalin.
young blonde girls and thus destroy something that can never again be replaced in this world. Mein Kampf, The taunts of the progres. son, who is known to have high Attorney Victor Anderother party will in no way support this third power. ing talk against Hitlerism in Where. interposed alone 826. sives in the labor movement political ambitions, has an(This means that Stalin promises not to help any power the past was a lousy fake, de worker, where was the comwill be exc The personification of the Devil, as the symbol of all only by the unnounced he is not through yet.
which may desire to block Hitler aggressions. clared one worker.
was munist party at the time of the evil, assumes the living appearance of the Jew. Mein concealed chagrin of the stal and that his jury will recon Just spitting into the wind.
inist followers. Because there vene August 28 to consider fur.
Kampf, 447. ARTICLE II On the corner of 39th Street linites into Union Square? The Therefore believe today that am acting in the sense is no answer to the fact that ther evidence being gathered The governments of the two contracting parties in the landup Seventbrk Avenue, a large spell had been broken. Yeah, the overwhelming majority of by Murphy G men.
groups of workers stayed way cried the assembled workers, of the Almighty Creator: BY WARDING OFF THE JEWS AM FIGHTING FOR THE LORD WORK.
people interpret the pact as. Provocative Tactics an Outrage future will constantly remain in consultation with one past the dinner hour discussing where was the Communist (Mein Kampf, 84. the Stalinists and fascists are another in order to inform each other regarding questhe pact.
Up to press time, 23 of those getting together. Look what it means for the Der Fuehrer went to enormous lengths to describe how indicted were under arrest.
Many big CIO unions are the manner The speaker dodged the mass tions of common interest.
Polish Jews. said an irate question. Chamberlain is the which some of holding conventions soon, in the international bankers, and loan capital, these and (This means that both Stalin and Hitler are now bound worker to a lone Stalinist apol enemy of all mankind. Watch, cluding the national CIO. This the arrests were carried out by ties of deep mutual interest and that they will act in ogist. Stalin, your Stalin, your keep your eyes on the Munichthe Bolsheviks and the capitalists were all one and the unison in the international political arena. fearless, wonderful Stalin has men, the speaker hollered.
same: THE JEWS.
places the in an inextri was a downright outrage.
handed the Jews of Poland into cable dilemma. What happens deputy marshalls barged into ARTICLE IV to the carload of Stalinist res the homes of the victims at all Meeting Routed Kitler hands. That progres The lone worker, who already But not even this propaganda painted with hell flames Neither of the high contracting parties will associate sive you want to tell me. had behind him the mass sup.
olutions that usually swamped hours of the night, handcuffed was enough. Something else was needed. Action.
the WPA workers and carted itself with any other grouping of powers which directly That the peace policy of the port of the crowd, called out.
Der Fuehrer provided that too.
Where will the resolution on them off to jail. All this was Soviet Union in action you want Don talk about Chamberlain.
collective security be? The one done to the tune of lurid heador indirectly is aimed at the other party. tell me, he continued Everyone expects Chamberlain Hitler Brown Shirts Go Into Action which Harry Bridges, Joe Curlines and pictures in the daily Listen you don know what to sell out the workers. But (This means that Russian participation in any bloc of ran, Mervin Rathborne. and Tribune and the star Journal boss press. The Minneapolis powers aimed at Hitler is henceforth excluded. to call you from now on Stal must we also expect the same Beginning very cautiously, by merely spreading Hitler other ers defended at the vied with one another to make in hands are as bloody as thing from Stalin?
last CIO convention literature far and wide, the Brown Shirts soon initiated ARTICLE Hitler as far as m con The crowd took up the cry.
the arrested strikers appear as cerned.
bolder actions.
In the event of a conflict between the contracting par What about it, what about No More Boycott?
The Stalinist apologist, sur it?
They beat up workers.
In order to sustain the atmo ties concerning any question, the two parties will adjust rounded by angry workers, an. For the first time in years What about the CIO national sphere of a deep dark crime, this difference or conflict exclusively by friendly exswered meekly. The Soviet the Stalinists suffered rout in resolution to boycott German the court and Anderson refused No one stopped them.
Union is still the beacon of the one of their major New York They broke into the headquarters of trade unions and change of opinions or if necessary, by an arbitration goods? And the one on peace to divulge the names of those struggle against fascism. strongholds. Silent, confused.
and democracy? What kind of indicted, so that those named wrecked them, throwing typewriters out of the windows, commission No Defenders speech can John Brophy, Stal. could give themselves up. Inthe Stalinists packed up and breaking the furniture to kindling wood.
inized director of the CIO, give stead the authorities, undoubt. This means confirmation of the intimate relations now But those willing to defend left the corner. From ten two weeks from now to the edly acting at the direction of obtaining between Stalin and Hitler. No one stopped them.
this latest turn in Soviet dip o clock onward, workers milled United Rubber Workers They tortured workers not in the refined Italian of the national administration, prelomacy were rarely to be seen on the corner, bitterly denouncARTICLE VI Ametica convention? Last year ferred to continue their stupid or heard. As this writer sought ing the Stalin betrayal. way with castor oil, but by stripping their victim, man or he talked against Hitlerism. and sensational policy of The present treaty will extend for a period of ten painstakingly yesterday for Uptown, in the Bronx, workPicture the headaches of the breaking into citizens homes years with the condition that if neither of the contracting woman, naked, strapping him down to a table, and then Stalinists in the auto workers and making newspaper headcould find no one in the Gar past their retiring time, argu beating him unconscious with rubber hoses.
unions trying to defend a Hitler lines.
parties announces its abrogation within one year of exment District willing to admit ing, discussing, putting every No one stopped them.
Stalin pact!
piration of this period, it will continue in force auto he was a Stalinist.
Monstrous Bail Set Stalinist to rout and stampede.
In the only a few It was almost in desperation In fact the police helped the Brown Shirts. If a worker matically for another period of five years.
But through all the bitterFederal Judge Bell, supposweeks ago, David Macdon: edly a liberal, joined in the that we finally hit it up to ness, there was much derisive attempted to defend himself from the Brown Shirts, then (This means that both Stalin and Hitler look forward to wards the Garment Center laughter. The workers laughed the police arrested him.
a long, happy and mutually profitable relationship. the approval of Phillip Murray. drive against organized labor Kremlin at 151 West 33rd St. long and heartily when a cowed by setting monstrously high When the Brown Shirts became strong enough to flaunt took a blast at communism.
bail for those arrested. Up to ARTICLE VII where, we were informed. Stalinist remarked that After Steel Labor, official publication Wednesday noon, bail for each Stalinist educational forum was all, Stalin will use his personal arms, the police furnished large quantities.
of the carried an edi.
The present treaty shall be ratified within the shortest in progress. Once arrived, we relations with Hitler to con The Brown Shirts began killing workers in the streets.
torial repudiating all sms. striker ranged from 5, 000 to vince the Chancellor that he possible time. The exchange of ratification documents stopped a moment to ponder.
All over Germany, workers suffered from these murClearing their skirts of Stal 10, 000, certainly a ridiculous What if someone were to rec shouldn persecute the Jews.
inist association will be a ma citizens earning 60. 50 a month, figure for honest workmen and shall take place in Berlin. The treaty becomes effective ognize this Trotskyist stalwart?
derous attacks of the Brown Shirts.
jor activity of many cIo lead almost all of whom are longimmediately upon signature.
Indeed, we might hardly be Tenth Anniversary of Still no one stopped them.
ers in the next period who pre time residents of Minneapolis (This means that ratification is but a formality, and Der Fuehrer stepped up the brutality of his campaign.
viously went along. Of course, and the heads of familles.
will be accomplished without delay. this latest turn in Soviet for Russian Bulletin From the Rhine to the Baltic, he organized small militant red baiting. amalgams, etc.
Among the indicted are said eign policy, someone were to will be far too common and to be no less than forty women, denounce us as a counter revo This Sunday, Aug. 27, the groups of Brown Shirts to break up gatherings of workers.
former workers on the WPA lutionary spy in the pay of the Friends of the Russian Bulle Hitler describes one of the encounters between his men And the Militants?
sewing project. The deputy FOR ROLLICKING GOOD TIME ment later, we had entered the niversary of the publications and the workers in the following words: marshals are understood to be From our point of existence. There will be a boat pearly gates.
View, plotting a roundup of these My men rushed into the attack like wolves. They hurled however, the important queswomen on Thursday and FriExplaining the Dialectics ride to Rye Beach, leaving the themselves on their adversaries in packs of elght or ten Come to the Anti War Fighters tion is what happens to the day. Almost all the women are Through the half open door Battery at 10:15 a. an 811 and began to drive them out of the hall by showering families.
them with blows. The hubbub lasted twenty minutes. By we could see a communist day picntc at Playland, with who joined the Stalinists under while winner women this time, our adversaries, of whom there were perhaps party fraction listening to a varied amusements. return the illusion that it was a pro led in jail, their families must women are shackfunctionary explaining the boat leaves at 8:00p.
seven or eight hundred, had most of them been thrown pact.
dancing and floor show on boat.
gressive party. Their first re continue to eat and be cared out of the hall and driven down the stairs by my men, of action said Tickets are available at the inevitably will be, for, which raises an additional We must understand the National orlice, 116 University We ve been sold out! All problem for the labor movewhom there were less than fifty. That evening we realthe plaintive voice, ly learned many things. Quoted in Fascism and Big the fine talk by Stalinist organ inent.
Non Aggression Pact between Place, for only one dollar. In Business, 101 See also Mein Kampf, 748. izers that Our Party is the Lengthy Trials Seen Nazi Germany and the Soviet case of rain, the outing will be only real opponent of Hitler, After that evening, Der Fuehrer called his men Storm Union is another expression of held on Sunday, September 10.
will mock the militants.
Attorneys John Goldie, Tom the dialectic process. By that Troopers.
is a seri Kochelmacker and Obviously, if there Gilbert mean, said the plaintive INFORMAL HOUSE ous dent in the ranks of the Carlson, all well known in labor voice, that the coming togeth(Continued in next issue)
Stalinists and it seems prob. circles, sat in Tuesday afterer of Germany and the Soviet Box 245 Kerhonkson, Sble It will come first from Labo Union. The attorneys Union signifies, in the language (Near Ellenville)
or dialectics, the unity of op acres of Socialist Appeal ments. Already there are re pointed out that though the posites.
116 University Place sunbathing: handball, ping pong.
ports The plaintive voice concluded.
New York City how Stalinist members archery: swimming and horsein the CIO wince and duck in the labor movement is now The Soviet Union hopes by back riding nearby: dancing would like to get better acquainted with your paper, Fifteenth Street at Irving Place. when this pact with Nazi Germany UNUSUALLY LOW RATES the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample copies for staline by the cry. Heil on the order of the day!
to accelerate the process of Incidentally, will the Stalin318 Weekly Weekend the next few weeks. friend at the teachers un ists be forced to employ a new Swing Band Professional Entertainment drawing the democracies into Busses met at station ion convention now meeting in technique against labor proaction for peace.
Name Tel. Kerhonkson 118 Buffalo wrote today, that the gressives in the future? Once Apprehensive over the reacAddress Stalinists were dazed and they called them TrotskyiteTickets Seventy Five Cents On Sale at tions created by the signing of punch drunk by the news of fascists, or simply Trotsky.
Socialist Workers Party, New York District the Stalin Hitler pact, the Stal Read The City the pact.
ites. wif they now snarl and inists, where they felt they crack up of Stalinist forces call them dirty anti fascists. were sufficiently entrenched, New International FALL FROLIC Dance and Entertainment Saturday, Sept. 16 at P.
Irving Plaza Ballroom for