Andrey VyshinskyBolshevismBujarinCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyKamenevLeninMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

Only the Revolutionary Struggle Against War Can Save Humanity!
BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, No. 63 TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1939 3c a Cops.
Real Meaning They Meet on Common Ground!
Of Moscow Trials Is Clear Stalin Capitulation to Hitler Increases War Danger; Threatens Existence of Soviet Workers 703 STERS THE HITLER PURGE THE STALIN PURGE the status quo.
war, those who had, starving and ragged, met National Committee Issues Call olution and the armiese of sales the imperialist To Party On Stalin Hitler Pact Headlines in the capitalist press scream about Stalin betrayal of the democracies. In contrast, the putrid Stalinist press, in obedience Today, at last, the world can see quite plainto the Kremlin Butcher, calls the alliance a blow for peace and a vicly the real meaning of the Moscow Trials.
tory for Stalin.
Stalin pact with Hitler! Stalin blessing on the most savage, hideous political force in reThey both lie. They lied unitedly yesterday, they lie separately today.
They both Stalin and the democracies betrayed the illusory corded history! Stalin signal for Nazism to advance with a free hand, and to yoke ever hopes of the masses. They deceived the peoples with the myth that the more tens of millions of workers and peasants conflict between the imperialist powers is a conflict between fascism beneath the Nazi chains. The mask is off at and democracy. They fooled the masses into believing that the comlast!
ing war is a war of ideologies. To help this myth, the democracies helped dress Stalin up as a democrat.
Stalin Murdered the Flower of the Party In their desire to maintain their monopoly over the world markets One by one, by tens and dozens and hunagainst the assault of the Axis powers, the democracies were only too dreds and thousands, Stalin butchered. By ready to use Stalin and his bloody totalitarian regime as a tool to defend frame up in open court or in dark rooms in black night, in concentration camps or the In their assault upon the booty accumulated cellars of the Lubianka, the guns of the GPU WORKERS JEER, by the Western powers, the rapacious Nazi imsmoked. Zinoviev and Smirnov and Kamenev perialists are only too ready to use those whom and Bukharin, Pyatakov, Mrachkovsky. all HIT STALINIST yesterday they called the Jewish Bolshevists.
who remained of those who had led the great revolution, all Lenin comrades and colTALK AS FAKE Ideologies Change as Needed leagues, those who had been the flower of the Amid the scramble for super profits, all the dead party which Stalin murdered, fell before Defenders of Stalin capitalist ideologies both fascist and demothe assassin of the Kremlin.
cratic are revealed as flimsy garments, And, month by month, the staff of the Red Line Scarce as Work the imperialist wolves look alike.
army and navy, the mighty heroes of the civil ers Ask Questions Amid this feverish contest for capitalist domination, the Stalin regime has been unmasked, and conquered the hordes of the counter revBy TONY CHAPMAN NEW YORK Shock, resentmore openly than ever before, as a characterless ment and revulsion gripped tool of the imperialists.
by Stalin by hunthis city workers as they mulled over the headlines anA blow for peace. the Stalinists brazenly call dreds, by thousands, by tens of thousands.
nouncing the signing of the the alliance with Hitler. But Molotov signature class in particular. Patient explanation of our Stalin. Hitler Non Aggression These were the allies of Hitler, the agents TO ALL BRANCHES AND MEMBERS OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY: point of view must go hand in hand with a Pact at Moscow.
on that pact doomed Poland as an independent of the Gestapo, the plotters of a German ori The Hitler Stalin Pact, and the world war merciless offensive against Stalinism, the most Everywhere during the past danger, enormously increases both the tasks virulent poison in the labor movement.
entation. So said Vyshinsky and the paid and the opportunities of our party.
three days, on street corners, in power, gave Hitler th signal to go ahead with Au branches must make special efforts to workers have spoken of nothing cafeterias, in their clubs, the his march Eastward.
establish contact with the Communist Party clse. Not since the advent of and unpaid hirelings and prostitutes of the un towards extending and deepening the cam and Young Communist League membership in Hitler to power in 1933 have victory for Stalin, his lackeys say. But speakable tyrant of the Kremlin!
paign against war whch we have launched. their localities.
The special editions of the Socialist Appeal, found expressions of bitterness there been such widely pro Stalin can expect even less gratitude from his through successfully than we ever were beHand in Hand with Reaction devoted to an analysis of the shameful Pact, and consternation. From 14th present service to Nazi Germany than he got for fore.
must be distributed widely among the Stalinist Street to the Bronx, from the his previous services to the democracies.
The Pact is not merely a striking confirmaAnd now, with its fierce, terrible irony, his ton of the prediction we made after Munich. Every effort must be made to bring the larg of proletarian anger against tory pulls aside the curtain: it is Stalin, Stalin It is a mortal blow. delivered by Stalin himest number of Stalinist workers to the mass this latest Stalinist outrage has Stalin fawningly sought the favor of the Westthe well beloved, the eagle, the lion, the rain American included. The rank and file Stalin meetings of the party on this subject and expressed itself in sharp, unern imperialists, providing them with the PeoFIGHT AGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR qualified terms.
Every locality should hold at least one largeWorkers Jeer and the sun, who embraces Hitler over the of the Kremlin bureaucracy, regimented in adples Fronts which brought about the victory of vance for war for the democratic front scale meeting at which the party position on Tuesday night, on the corner Franco over the Spanish masses and Daladier bones of the workers of Europe.
against the fascist aggressors. are every the Pact is expounded.
Why the trials, and the ravaging purges? where in a state of contusion. Some of them the betrayed Stalinist militants, those who are party attempted to stage an Will Earn No Gratitude Now is the time to concentrate on winning Avenue in the Bronx, when the dictatorship over the French working class.
honestly devoted to the cause of socialism, to outdoor meeting in order to exIt is easy to understand now.
fidy at a single blow. others, and they number thousands, are beginning to ask critical, im the banner of the Fourth International.
Stalin, the destroyer of the socialist revolu perious questions which all the base sophistry Now is the time to press harder the struggle the Hitler Stalin pact, proletarplain the ostensible benefits of In gratitude for these services, he was left out tion, the leader and defender of the power and on the Browders cannot dispose of so easily.
of the democratic peace front page popularize ian feeling ran so high that the in the cold at the time of Munich, when his peace front. to popularize stalinists were forced to re democratic allies believed they could buy the privileges of the new exploiters!
As part of our campaign, we must now make the slogan of Let the People Vote on War! treat under a barrage of bitter an exceptionally concentrated effort to reach Take the War Making Power Away from Con ridicule and derision.
To destroy the revolution, to march hand in the ranks of the Stalinist party and those infree hand peace from Hitler by giving him Hell fuehrer Stalin, the against Czechoslovakia and the Ukraine.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE, workers jeered.
hand with the world symbol of the counter Muenced by it with what they are so anxiously Socialist Workers Party revolution, Stalin had first to destroy all those of how the Pact came to be signed, of what it MAX SHACHTMAN, The brand of gratitude that Stalin will get Inock fascist salutes means in world politics and to the working Acting Nat Secretary.
from Hitler was foreshadowed by the fate of who made the revolution, to smash the living Poland. Only last September, when the Nazis bearers of the tradition of the revolution, to marched on Czechoslovakia, Poland was allowed root out every potential center of that opposition which would arise from among the masses as Stalin counter revolution had to come into AN EDITORIALa year ago, the Poles took Teschen. Today they the open for its last stages.
Whom can the people trust. mighty bulwark of peace and democracy. the genial are the verge of being taken themselves.
Faced with the supreme questions the question of war, Only by blood, by rivers and torrents of chief of the peoples of the world.
The annexation of Poland by the Nazis, in and the question of the preservation of freedom from fas Now Stalin drives home a blow against the people every whatever form it may take place, will only bring blood, could the new exploiters advance toward cisni and totalitarian dictatorship on whom can we, the where beside which Munich pales into insignificance. closer the day of Hitler assault upon Soviet Rusthe consolidation of their new power and priv masses of workers and farmers, rely?
Never, perhaps, in history, has there been a more brutal, sia with the full blessings of his present enemies We were told to trust in a collective security which cynical betrayal of the hopes of a great part of mankind.
ilege over the masses.
would be brought about by the great democratic powers. Do you think Roosevelt is fashioned from a different in the West.
Let us hear now from the defenders of the These powers, led by their Edens and Chamberlains and bolt of cloth than his fellow rulers?
Ready yesterday to praise Stalin if only he Trials! They know now what they defended: Blums and Daladiers, showed the kind of collective secur The present rulers of the great powers, and the exploit would fight on the side of the democratic imity they were interested in when they handed Ethiopia to the alliance with Hitler, the free hand for ers whose servants they are, are all identical in their hatred perialists, today the democratic capitalists and Italy, Spain to Franco, and Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
and contempt for the masses of the people, in their callous their social democratic lackeys seek to utilize Above all, we were told to put our faith in Stalin, the (Contraed on PAYO3. Continued on PASO 3)
We are now in a better position to carry it workers.
Scores of hands went up in (Continued on Page 2)
WHOM CAN THE PEOPLE TRUST? to participate in the partition of that country as