CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismNazismNon-aggression PactPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

Stalin, Hitler Become Allies by New Treaty Their Government the post once this counGeneral Manager Assistant STANLEY are 12. Full Social, Political And Economic Equality For the Negro People Fowers Mobilize; War Crisis at New High SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939 strike, whether in private industry or on public SOCIALIST APPEAL works projects Vol. III, No. 62 August 25, 1939 This fight also gives American labor the opBy James Burnham portunity to tear away the veil of secrecy from Published forice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL, PUBLISHING ASS the Federal Bureau of Investigation, whose unat 116 University Place, New York, der cover men gathered the evidence for the Telephone: Algonquin 8547 indictments. The is today, as it was durSubscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For ing the post war years, a strike breaking agency.
slo: 88. 00 per year, 60 for six months. Bundle orders cent per copy in the United States: cents per copy in These government spies are known by the (Continued from Page 1) fruit of their vicious anti Sem showed that the Soviet press all forelan countries. Single coples: cents Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 60 for alx term agents provocateur, the malodorousin Hitler will demand, and the campaign, and that the real hardly touched this question evmonths: 00 for one year.
Stalin will offer, concessions, responsibility for the crime en in its news reports. Reentered as second class matter February 16. 1830. French word which has become part of all lanconcrete and tangible.
rested on the shoulders of the German Stalinists Wanted Pact No front is neglected in the ever hastening prep Rt New York, under the Act of Marek guages, to describe the government agent who breach in the foreign trade Fascist bureaucracy, the Stal. In line with Stalin search arations for the war. While, last week, the nations 79.
disguises himself as a striker and himself does monopoly, which will immedi inist press leaped in to throw for a pact with Hitler, the ille were turning out new armaments at the rate of two Editor: billions of dollars worth a month, and additional ately undermine Russian indus the mud of suspicion on the gal Communist Party of Geror incites others to do things which serve to try and prepare its collapse? young Jewish martyr.
MAX SHACHTMAN many proceeded, in February millions of men were being mobilized in Europe.
Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT justify governmental repressions.
Columbia University, second richest FELIX MORROW try educational institutions, was doing its bit in ning of the dismemberment of In the Socialist Appeal of De nationalistes de rechin pastin Under Attorneys General Palmer and Doughthe Soviet Union? To show good cember 31, 1938. Felix Morrow of Hitler. This was pointed out the moral make ready MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN erty, the agents were notorious for their faith on the part of Stalin, a wrote: by the Socialist Workers Par Under the direction of Dean Russell of Columrole as agents provocateurs. The authoritative new trial, perhaps, new kill Step by step, in their course ty theoretical organ, the New bia Teachers College (the most influential school Encyclopedia for the Social Sciences says that ings? Litvinov head, as the of making peace with the sur International, May, 1939, which FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST of education in the United States. a three days scapegoat for the discredited rounding capitalist world, the quoted the following revealing Congress on Education for Democracy was held by themselves committing actual crimes of vio policy of alliances with the cap. Stalinist clique degenerated un paragraphs from an article in and immensely publicized in the press. Some 400 WORKERS PARTY FOR: lence attributed to radicals. the agents of the italist democracies? Or, pro til their political methods have Die Internationale, organ of the delegates of various organizations were present, Job and a decent living for every worker bureau kept the country conscious of their serceeding to a drastic solution of become indistinguishable from German Communist Party: and several thousand others attended the sessions.
the real conflict between the those of Hitler. Nor, Is it clear, The idea of an alliance with Opep the idle factories operate them under The meaning of the Congress was well symbols Soviet Union and all the imper wul Stalin hesitate at employ the Soviet power which the workers control.
Their role became so scandalous that, under talist countries, will Stalin ing anti Semitism. Walter Dur proposes in sharpest ized by its leading guest and by the chairman of its key session, the huge banquet held at the Waldorf3. Twenty Billon dollar Federal public works Attorney General Harlan Stone, orders were move to direct attempt to re anty. Stalin official spokes contrast to the Hitlerite foreign Astoria.
and housing program.
store private property and open man, has indicated that in his policy, and which is independissued to abolish the political police function Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, elder statesman of up the Russian market to for now famous dispatch of Octo ent of whether Germany is so4. Thirty thirty! 80 weekly minimum wagethe The general impression was that this eign exploitation?
ber 11, 1938, to the North Amercialistically or capitalistically Britain Conservative party, was the guest. Win 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on throp Aldrich, head of the country largest had been done until the Minneapolis WPA the questions can Newspaper Alliance, pre organized, is being shared more all Jobs.
which can constitute the only dicting a rapprochement be and more by all Germans who bank, the Chase National, was the chairman.
strike revealed that Attorney General Murphy possible basis for rapprochetween Stalin and Hitler: after want to live in peace with the Such Congresses, however, are never complete Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability without their left decoration. To their shame and pension.
had re created the political police function of ment between Hitler and Stal all, Duranty pointed out, Stal Soviet Union. Die internathe in. Fantastic, you say? No, the in has shot more Jews in two tionale, No. 2, 1939, 77. disgrace, this was prominently provided by Ernest Expropriate the sixty Families.
whole course of Stalin has been years of the purge than ever Commenting on this national Bevin, one of the chiefs of the British Trades In one of those rare slips which reveal the All war funds to the unemployed.
leading straight to this end. were killed in Germany. De istic declaration of the comUnions and the British Labor Party: Charles cesspools underneath us, the Minneapolis Daily Stalin and his clique, long ago. spite widespread comment in munist Party of Germany, we Beard, America leading liberal historian: Nor8. people referendum on any and all wars.
Tribune of July 24 published a story headed, turned their backs on every the labor press on this extraor then said: man Thomas, whose picture the Times wisely fes9. No secret diplomacy. agents who posed as WPA riot pickets Olution. The bureaucratic caste Communist parties nowhere with the Soviet Union, posed hcpe and prospect of world rev. dinarily cynical remark, the The demand for an alliance tured; and william Green, who sent an effusive message from Atlantic City.
10. An Independent Labor Party.
to testify in inquiry. The story itself revealed is concerned only with self have repudiated 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante that, Wearing overalls and other articles of preservation at any cost. So statement!
regime of Germany, that is, in. Democracy of Baldwin and Aldrich and Fascist attacks.
The dozens of speeches at the sessions were workmen clothing, the agents, posing as pick cialist Appeal. October 15, 1938) The same issue of the Social dependent of the question of Turn Was Imminent ist Appeal carried a story head whether German fascism re studded with some of the biggest generalities on ets and onlookers, mingled with the crowd surglined, Soviet Press Gives mains in power or not, can record. Simple facts and concrete details were being around the project building. When the Commenting on the strange scant coverage to Nazi po have no other meaning than neath the scorn of these master minds. Here were shooting and tear gas bombing started, the agents November 10, 1938 pogroms Chief Soviet papers during the foreign policy of German imthe that of a promise to support the to be found only eternal truths. freedom and liberty and conscience and God. If civilization is scattered with the rest of the crowd.
against the Jews and the refus week following the November perialism. it comes to an al of the Soviet Union to open 10th pogroms in Germany, and agreement with Stalin.
to avoid overwhelming damage, bleated Presi.
Able attorneys of the trade unions can, in its doors to the refugees, the dent Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia, and the course of this trial, determine what these Socialist Appeal of December perhaps ruin for centuries, there is something to agents, posing as pickets, did to provide the po3. 1938 dismissed the lame exbe done which must be done now.
planation offered by JerNo one, of course, was so indiscreet as to menToday the Socialist Workers Party takes a lice with a pretext for firing on the strikers.
ome in the Stalinist Daily tion just what it is that must be done now. But further step in the elaboration of the program Worker, and said: they did not need to put it into words. What must for which we fight TODAY. We add to the The Jerome alibi is a gross be done, the whole Congress implied and prepared fraud. He dares not and cannot for, is to go to war against the Axis powers.
eleven demands we carry under our editorial Cultural Note tell the real truth. For, while The most farcical performance of the whole box, a twelfth: full social, economic and politithe Stalinist parties abroad still three days was the speech of the Ambassador from cal equality for the Negro people. The former president of the University of go on the old line of urging the Poland. Poland, giving its lessons to the people Its previous omission has not been accidental. California, Maj. Gen. David Prescott Barrows the fascist powers, Stalin is alGerman Demands Raise International on democracy! Poland, land of eternal military dictatorship. pogroms, suppression of minority Our fundamental program, the principles of so. retired. brought fifteen hundred members of ready preparing the new line: rights, everlasting violence cialism, demand a resolute and uncompromising the American Legion to their feet cheering when Tension to Highest Pitch Since 1918against the labor rapprochement with Hitler, if movement, telling just how and why we must Hitler will only agree.
revolutionary struggle for the rights of all the he declared at a Legion luncheon. That is the explanation for People Fear Outbreak of War fight for democracy. But it should not be imagined that this Congress oppressed, and none in America are more op To all Communists deliver this message Stalin silence on the question was a trivial affair or a joke, or that the time, pressed than the Negro people. But our party from the American Legion if you start any of opening the doors of the Soergy and money spent on it was wasted. Con enviet Union to the refugees. Hitlacking the resources to engage in this task, hesi rough stuff such as you did in Europe we shall ler does not approve of anyone alizing with increasing rapid off the outbreak of world war. Continued from Page 1) hot spots, is enough to touch gresses such as these, and the permanent organtated to proclaim as one of our immediate ob kill you first. San Francisco News, Aug. 15.
ization which issued out of it, are an indispensable opening the doors to the Jews, ity. In spite of rising domestic in the United States, the part of imperialism preparation for war.
jectives and tasks the struggle for Negro rights.
and Stalin woos Hitler. business, and high profit re growing fears of the people are It is particularly significant that Teachers Col Members of the Communist ports for the first six months brought out by the latest Gallup That period is now over. The Negro queslege sponsored this Congress. Imperialism prostiParty! You cannot believe our of this year, the Stock Market poll. This showed that 76 be tutes everything in society to its ends, and firm explanation, cannot accept it? slumped badly in reaction to ieve that the would be control over the educational system, with the eduour main fields of activity. Our press reflects Then ask your leaders for a the European outlook.
involved if a European war cators vast influence over the moral and intellec.
more plausible explanation Army in Slovakia the activities already undertaken by our party.
breaks out. Two years ago, the The demand therefore is today no mere pious dential news service for business men.
The Kiplinger Washington Letter is a confitual climate of the public, is essential to its plans.
than that of Jerome and Hitler latest move has been figure was only 38. The Gal It must be confessed, alas, that the big shots of the Daily Worker: to order the German army to lup release stressed that this the teaching world do not need much urging to fulwish or gesture, but a slogan for immediate and Under date of August 12, it undertakes to Why does Stalin not open take military possession of poll was designed to measure fill their prostitutes role.
wide the doors of the Slovakia, which the Munich the people fears, not wishes.
continuous action.
The people would never accept the war if they As if to underline these fears, Second to none in importance is this demand give the low down on the new War Dictator Ito the refugees from fascism? deal had established as a nomknew one half of the hideous, vicious truth about ship Board which was announced on August Stalinists Attacked Grynszpan inally independent state under the past week witnessed the it. Therefore the leaders of intellectual and culfor the destruction of the centuries old oppres. Here what it says: revelatory indication of the German protection. Slovakia largest peacetime army ever tural life have got to manufacture lies attractive sion of the Negro people. It is not a task for Business men who have something to make, were traveling was the attack miles between the southern bor tary maneuvers, for the purenough to make the masses willing to die for the Sixty Families and their counterparts in the other specialized sections of the party, but for the the der of Poland and the northern pose of conducting war great powers.
whole party. The struggle for the rights of the or something to sell. or who want to know what are Humanite wrsatile of their jobs would be in case of a war, will French Communist Party. border of Hungary: by this games in New York State and against Herschel Grynszpan, step. Germany directly threat. Virginia. The press reports fifteen million Negroes in this country is indis establish working relations through this Board the Jewish boy who shot a Nazi ens Poland southern Indus raised the usual scare about Democracy that the Congress Forgot solubly bound up with the fight for the emanci. in due course. There no need to rush official. On November and 10, trial areas, and at the same the vulnerability of WashingThe gathering was entitled a Congress on Educapation of all the oppressed.
tion for Democracy. Now will be the first to grant into correspondence now. We shall advise later.
1938, Humanite linked Gryn time has put a heavy squeeze ton and New York to the attack that the world is very much in need of education Note personnel of new Board non political sapon with yildagents of the Case on Hungary to keep firmly in of a foreign army which has theoretically landed on thel for democracy. Congress in this country might industrial leaders, Stettinius, Gifford, Pratt, know as surely as we do that Soviet German Paot coast. Washington also anwell devote its serious attention to the subject.
Gen. Wood, plus Compton of Mass. Tech. plus stant relation with the Trotsky day after the military occupa largest amount of war muniyoung Grynszpan was in con. At this critical juncture, the nounced the handing out of the Spokesmen from the United States could easily compose most eloquent speeches explaining how imperialism murders democracy through its military dictatorship in Puerto Rico, and could ers of. Nov. new Anti War Drive Timely ness, not a piece of New Deal political scenery.
10) and raised the question trade and credit agreement. The growing crisis underlines raise the democratic demand for the independence a Federal grand jury. what shady role might have with Germany. By this pact, the timeliness of the current of Puerto Rico. They could tell how the ten million Highly confidential dealings with it will be enTheir names will not be known until they are been played by an agent of the Hitler in exchange for German anti war campaign of the soNegroes of the South are deprived of all demo tirely safe.
Gestapo introduced into the credits will be enabled to buy cialist Workers Party, and the cratic rights, and herded in squalid, disease ridden all rounded up and arrested.
Other members will be added later to make Trotskyist circles of Paris much needed raw materials in fears of the masses expressed ghettoes; and demand full political, economic and They were indicted under section 28 of the which Grynszpan frequented, the Soviet Union.
in the Gallup poll drives home social rights for the Negroes. They could analyze Roosevelt Woodrum Relief Law an obscurely it representative of all essential industries, like thosh Gry The next day came the anthe speed with which the de the Day plans of the government, already War Industries Board in last war.
Commenting on this foul at nouncement of the Hitler Stalin mand for a people referen in their first stages of setting up a totalitarian milworded provision which makes it a crime to in Stettinius, 39 year old head of Steel, tack on Grynszpan, the Social non aggression pact. With dum on war must be pushed.
itary dictatorship.
terfere with WPA projects in any way.
ist Appeal, December 17, 1938. Hitler surrounding Poland on while the press reports are The Polish speaker could discuss the endless Their interference was, of course, the top man of new Board, is in line to be the civil pointed out: crimes of the Polish landlords, industrialists, pol WPA strike for the prevailing wage.
ian dictator of industry. if war comes. At a time when even con in accordance with non ag: rulers and diplomats on the iticians and generals against democracy.
servative writers put all em cression, refusing supply world scene. we must empha The British delegates would not have to search You can strike against the government, phasis on pointing out that the Poland with food and oil dur size that the masses of people far for material. They could tell the story of Iresaid Roosevelt, and Attorney General Murphy Hitlerites were only reaping the ing hostilities, Hitler has only must take their destiny into land. They could show by what devices an imper to seize Danzig and the Corri their own hands.
convened this grand jury to put teeth into Roosedor and Poland, cut off from This demand is the first step the earth and might even make clear that democvelt edict.
These Gentlemen all supplies, is Hitler to dis in the fight to mobilize the racy, genuine democracy, means immediate freemember at will.
masses against American indom and independence for India. They could give Are Against the But can England permit Hit volvement in the European the simple facts about Palestine, Ceylon, South ler to do so?
crisis: Africa.
which begins September 26.
War Referendum People Fear War LET THE PEOPLE VOTE And they might, all of them, show why, if a war Two years imprisonment or 2, 000 fine or In the present tension, a ON WAR! Only the people involving all of mankind threatens, the peoples DANCE ENTERTAINMENT both are the penalties provided by the Rooseveltsmall spark, in any of a dozen have the right to decide! themselves are not given the right to decide whether that war is worth fighting.
Woodrum Relief Law.
President Roosevelt, DemBut such Congress on education for democracy If the Roosevelt administration can successocrat.
would not be called by Dean Russell, nor would its Alf Landon, Republican delegates comprise the glittering figures of the fully carry through its prosecutions and get con Saturday, September 16th at p. candidate for President 1936.
Earl of Bewdley. Winthrop Aldrich, Ernest Bevin, victions in Minneapolis, it will undoubtedly then Ex President Herbert Hooor Charles Beard. It would be a congress which seek to secure convictions against the building at the IRVING PLAZA BALLROOM ver, Republican.
would have to name these lars and hypocrites, Secretary of State Huu. YES, SOME PEOPLE to war that don wanna have trades union leaders in New York, Chicago and these pimps of the spirit, as among the most vicDemocrat.
ARE FUNNY LOT anything to do with it or anyious of the enemies of real democracy. The strugelsewhere, who are still conducting WPA (newly re decorated)
Henry Stimson, Secre Editor: thing connected with it. That gle of the masses for democracy must recognize strikes.
tary of State under Hoover. People, my father used to why won sign your petition.
in them and their Congresses a corrupt and deRepublican.
Father was no dummy.
The fight to defend the Minneapolis unionists Professional Entertainment graded instrument of the enemy.
Col. Frank Knox, Landon sion, are a funny lot.
say, on practically any occaComradely yours, against this frameup is, therefore, the fight of running mate in 1936, Rep.
Secretary of War Wood brought to my mind again by This arresting thought was the entire American labor movement. In MinneAkron, Ohio August 14, 1989 ring. Democrat apolis, the Central Labor Union, central body of Socialist Appeal Swing Band the experience of one of our The American Legion comrades who was soliciting a What happened this week 116 University Place the AFL unions, will lead the fight. It should The New York Times (Ind.
signature for our anti war peti in your union, shop, street, New York City.
receive, not merely the moral support, but the Dem. New York Herald Tribunetion took place: tion. The following conversa city, that you would want Refreshments most direct collaboration of unions everywhere, other workers to know about? would like to get better acquainted with (Rep. have a petition here sup. For every direct story we get your paper, the Socialist Appeal. Please send in the fight to prevent the Roosevelt administraChicago Tribune (Rep. porting a referendum on war. about the life of the workers, me sample copies for the next few weeks.
tion from railroading seventy union men to jail, General Hugh Johnson, Boxes Reserved for parties of or more It a there are a thousand that Ap.
former NRA administrator.
Name This fight is not only a problem. It is also an don wanna sign it! peal readers fail to send us.
Walter Lippman, column Aren you opposed to war? Why don you tell other Address opportunity. An opportunity for the American Tickets 75c On Sale at office ist Herald Tribune, Rep.
Appeal readers labor movement to establish, once for all, the what you Sure m opposed to war, The Communist Party.
City a thousand per cent opposedl know? Send YOUR letter TO.
fundamental right of American workers to Ito it. In fact, m so opposed! DAY to the Workers Forum.
tion has become and will continue to be one of Confidentially Seventy Indicted About seventy WPA strikers and labor lead. Moulton of Brookings Institution, plus Colist circles, which warm water tion of Slovakia, the Soviet Un tions orders during peace time.
of United States district court in Minneapolis. Fall Frolic.