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SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939 THE In the World of Labor Anti Fascist Protest Sends.
Coughlinites Scurrying for Cover NEGRO QUESTION Review of the Developments Leading to the Actors Dispute LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CAN NOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN 18 BRANDED KARL MARX.
By Paul Stevens West Indians Will Fighta struggle against the British oppressors.
No wonder the great democrats in Downfor blow the attacks of Fascists epite La Guardia and all his At Home, against Own Oppressors ing Street are so hot for peace and appease(Continued from Page 1)
police and any other orders to By JOHNSON of Great Britain finds herself involved in a ment! They know that the last word will be ing lots, the rest being scat and Coughlinites.
war as a result of the present European crisis, with the colonial masses at present under tered on the line of march Coughlin saw the direction of the contrary. At first these she can expect little assistance from her cotheir thumbs.
which the fascists had an the wind and began pulling in speakers called on their ranks. Chauvinism Must lonial subjects in the West Indies. Hathaway Is Not the Only nounced.
This opinion was expressed here by Sequence of Events ized the editorial statement in ing reports in the papers. The Be Driven Out Allen, one the twelve Negro legislators in Stalinist Convicted as a Slanderer From the time that Coughlin Social Justice to repudiate the Jamaica legislative council, in an interNegroes are held in subjection chiefly by three powerful After the first shock of de imperialist nations France, Great Britain, and the United view with the Pittsburgh Courier of Aug. 19, Recently the Stalinist press kicked up quite first broadcast his notorious the parade. This was to keep an ade will be held as schea fuss about the trouble Clarence Hathaway. Call to Action over a nation his own skirts legally clean among the fascista, States of America. It follows inevitably that racial chauvinism If England is drawn into another war in editor of its New York rag was having as a wide radio network on July 30, over possible bloodshed com feat Europe, it is my opinion that the people of result of a libel action brought against him by in which he announced that his mitted by his followers. In the charges. cle in every direction, is a social characteristic in all these countries. Each imperialist the widow of a Minneapolis publisher. It seems Christian Front intended to next issue of Social Justice. cowardice, bribery sell out power, however, has its own special type of chauvinism, based the West Indies will refuse to fight, he said.
that Hathaway was beset with more such libel fight the labor movement in however, he stated that there no accusation was too bitter to on its national peculiarities. What is important for us is that The government has shown no interest in the people problems and the people would express the have no interest in theirs. The average Eng Trotskyist plot. But the real truth of the only flag of the reds which aders from carrying banners these tank and file Coughlin. movement of each country.
lishman who is sent out from Great Britain matter is that these boys are crawling with he would respect was the with his picture and placards ites. Who are these people in the Socialist Workers Party?
Talk intimately to an American Negro who is disillusioned has no interest the islands except to draw an old Stalinist affliction called slander, which white flag of surrender, until lauding Social Justice.
they demanded. We re going with the Communist Party. Mingled with his disgust at the pohis salary.
even the courts of the democratic govern Saturday afternoon, August 19, Parade Kommandeur Law to march event Coughlin is litical degeneration of the will be a melancholy tale of perLest some New Deal enthusiast interpret ments they support cannot fall to recognize event followed event in rapid rence Gilpatrick, the 19 year against it. There was argu sonal Insults, social discrimination, and similar conficts springsuch a stand as even in the slightest indicating as such.
preference for the benevolent imperialism case in point is that of Anton ciliga, for The Socialist Appeal had al parade permit, stated on Augment as to where to obtaining directly out of the race relationships prevailing in capitalist America. Yet he has to admit that, when one looks back over closer to their shores, the Jamaica legisla mer Yugoslav member of the Executive Com ready warned the labor move ust 17 in answer to Coughlin On Sunday Father Coughlin the last 25 years. It is in the militant working class movement tor specified: mittee of the Comintern, who recently brought ment of Coughlin projected repudiation. understand took an apologetic tone in his and particularly in its revolutionary wing that the greatest pro In spite of anti British feeling, however, a libel suit against the stalinist International thrert, before leaflets began Father Coughlin. There was a nation wide broadcast and at gress has been made towards real political solidarity and social the average West Indian would not welcome Press, Correspondence in Engelsme in the rise to odline News mundschapprovedor this statement and tempted to counteract the deve euchatyvinces sociation between members of the races.
the annexation of the islands by the United States. They would even prefer an indepen plucky escape from Jails in Russia. rade in manifestation of Father Coughlin was forced caused to his prestige.
He at minded Negro, the main grievance. What he objects to more is dent status to this.
wrote a book about his experiences under the Christianity and in behalf of to retreat another step as the tacked the Christian Mobilizers a political attitude which, as always in our movement, can best We assume that the even in the last sen Stalin regime. reviewer in the Inprekor Social Justice would march storm grew more threatening. as using the wrong tactics. He be understood from an international approach.
tence was merely giving point to the imme answer that these people have for any critic handbill lauded Father Coughton repudiated the parade. the Christian Front in every the revolutionary movement. Social antagonisms suoh as those denounced him as a Fascist spy the usual oa Union Square August 19. The His Christian Front organiza cated for the organization of In Great Britain and in France there are a few Negroes in dlacy with which the people of the islands would like to get rid of British rule. Their whose arguments are based on fact and hard in and announced that the pa Despite these two Tepudla town and village in the country which take place in America are conspicuously absent. Not only official representatives, at present still mod to refute.
rade commander was Law construiter te perede hacer preparatlon for another the French revolutionaries but French bourgeois soclety on the erate and not quite revolutionary in their perIn court, the Inprekor editors were rerence Gilpatrick.
spectives, regard independence in this day of quired to present proof for their charge. And 30, 000 to Coughlin Prepares Allbl march on Union Communists Discuss Question in England where race prejudice is very strong, personal relawhat was their proof? Ciliga was guilty of rapacious imperialist Appetites as quite a risk.
on Saturday. The While the West Indians are quite firm in living in exile on an Italian passport!
Coughlin magazine. Social Square in the communist Party, the tionships between white and colored revolutionaries are exceptheir opposition to war for the salvation of had lived on an Italian passport not only in Tled an announcement on the of beatings and stabbings in the terly discussing the silence of colored comrades staying in the homes of white revolutionaries, of course, lliga was able to prove that he Justice, at the same time car. Coughlinites launched series raak and file likewise are bit tionally good. Little trouble ever arises about Negro or other the British their leaders over the call of slighting of Negroes and their friends at socials, etc. There the at all inclined to they are nevertheless not be pacifists. They carried Russia from 1926 to 1936, but that he possessed eáltorlal page reading. The Bronx, Workers Prepare to Fight the Socialist Workers Party for radical movement in England differentiates itself sharply from on militant, fighting strikes in Jamaica last such a passport while actively directing the management of the magazine The wrath of the workers at a United Front between the two English bourgeois and petty bourgeois society which was the year. Mr. Allen reports that as a result of he joined it. He was Yugoslav by descent and all responsibility for any the threat of violence and parties against Coughlin. The most race conscious in Western Europe before the Nazis came these struggles, some improvement in ecoYugoslav Communist movement from the day disclaims and disallows any nomic conditions has taken place.
and upbringing, but had been born on Italian act or demonstration on the bloodshed in the streets of New dependence of the leaders of to power in Germany in 1983. Prior to this (the 1938 riots. the interview quotes Allen as saying, the average le passport during his sojourn in all other countions posing as being under the Satisbet Workers Party seat police and La Guardia is felt by British Chauvinism and the African Revolution borer earned only about 35 cents a day. Since tries.
announcement bill into Harlem, calling on the blind cowardly dependence Yet the English revolutionary movement is eaten to the marthe riots, the average wage has risen to 50 and 60 cents a day, but this is still too far from the Fascist terror testifled in his behalt. merely provided an out for Nesto people to demonstrate which in Italy and Germany re row with a most dangerous anti Negro chauvinism. An English Numerous socialist and liberal emigrants azine. This low for decent existence. What we really The Stalinists were clearly exposed as the Coughlin should the parade against fascism with their own sulted in the victory of the fas revolutionary, in thinking of the colonial revolution, thinks alwant is an improvement of economic condi slanderers and defamers they actually are. prove a failure or end in blood banners and organizations. Evo cists. Many of them are wor ways of India but very rarely of Africa. India has produced erywhere in the city, workers ried that the successful tactics world famous leaders, like Gandhi and Nehru.
India has a great tions in our present status.
As a result of the verdict they have had to shed.
And, if last year strikes are indication.
publish a retraction in their own press and pay The August 14 issue of So prepared for August 19.
the West Indians know that they can achieve for the cost of publishing the verdict in two cal Justice carried a viclous coughlin felt the cold hand of in fighting the fascists are not achievements to their credit in recent years, and these are wide that by fighting. The interview may be other papers. It takes a long time to catch attack against the RELIGIOUS defeat closing down on the fights. copted by the communist Par. ly known. An English radical has no difficulty in conceiving of summed up simply: If the Negro people of the islands are going to fight, it will not be and their ilk should not be surprised by now of Coughin line which served York over song distance telesed the communist Party more. Quite often, English men and women admit that they find in an imperialist war for Great Britain but in when they are finally caught red handed.
troopers against racial minori 17, he ordered Gilpatrick to call call for a United Front. Not ev with many Indians.
thes in preparation for Satur. It off. Gilpatrick did as his en special spokesmen from the uehrer commanded and issued County Committee, sent pictures or to But this same Englishman, who when he wants to go to the dans souches tech, the followers the following statement to the out to every branch to here Iriend instead of an Indian, finds it hard to think of an African riots in preparation for their in behalf of request of Father United Front call of the social revolt. He speaks always of the English revolutionaries winning intoxicated themselves with ade application and will spend ceeded in allaying this indigna has accepted almost completely the evaluation of Negroes propdemagogic speeches, threats my future in the distribution of tion.
Father Coughlin will now at of independent action on a large scale, unable to organize a rev against racial minorities, and Social Justice magazine.
tempt to consolidate his ranks olutionary struggle, to seize the power and hold it. In other wild boasts about their prowess and the cowardice of the The effect of this retreat was for a new provocation, to talk words, he sees them essentially as the bourgeois sees them. The highly demoralizing to the them out of their disappoint African for him is the revolutionary white man burden.
By WIDICK Nick and similar elements have much about the role of the Chl anti fascists.
In the French revolutionary movement, the situation is ditranks of the Christian Mobiliz ment and prime them for a National Labor Sec y SWP been urging the union to take cago boys to submit to the in Counter Rally Called ers, Christian Front, Bundists, fresh move. One defeat will not ferent. The French used hundreds of thousands of Negroes in Behind the fanfare and dra over the jurisdiction in the ac vasion without a desperate On August 11, the Socialist etc. On Friday night, August stop him. The anti fascists must the last, and are preparing to use millions in the coming war.
matic highlights of the present tors union fields, that is, the struggle.
In series of brilliant public Workers Party called for a 18, Coughlinite speakers in Col. now follow up this victory with Many Negro divisions come to France for training. The French dispute of the actors and stage Four s jurisdiction.
hands is a deeply rooted and 70 put the matter bluntly, ity moves which exposed com: fascist parade, and began dis and quite openly that some Guards in every union local However ignorant a French revolutionary may be about Africa, profound crisis in this section slace 1937 these Chicago boys pletely the hatched up plot. tributing 200, 000 handbills, or where someone sold us out to and, above all, press for a he cannot see armed and highly trained African troops, officered flared into the open. review muscle in on the rich and lu went to bat before the execu and parades throughout the Donovan Hall, on West both to fight fascism has been dem sibilities. Further, he sees Negro deputies in the French parliaof the developments will ex crative actors union field.
tive council on the question. In metropolitan area. Night and street near Columbus Circle on onstrated. Now is the time to ment. Negroes have been cabinet ministers, generals in the plain the significance and WHITEHEAD RULE the matter of jurisdiction, they day, the struggle on August 19 the same night, Coughlinite organize effectively to stop French Army, high officials in the civil service. It is therefore scope of the crisis and answer STIRS RESENTMENT easily proved by previous decl. was prepared. All workers or speakers threatened to march Father Coughlin next attempt far easier for a French revolutionary to take the African revoluthe question so many unionists The right within the Ameri slons of the AFL that the Four Banizations were called upon to on Union Square Saturday de at violence.
tion seriously. And the French Communist Party did some good have asked: What it all can Federation of Actors in ion had jurisdiction in the ac enemy, and a registered letter work among the African troops in the old days when the Comabout?
New York City, an affiliate of tors field. They threatened to later when no reply was remunist Parties were revolutionary.
Not dissimilar in their social approach to individual Negroes, ganizations in the theatrical boys their chance, they thought. lose their fundamental right of the Communist Party asking to the revolutionary movements of Britain and France are wide apart in their conceptions of the African revolution.
techntent workers are affiliated secretary of the AFA, has long for five hours at the AFL Coughlin on Saturday.
and entertainment world. The Ralph Whitehead, executive autonomy.
for United Front against American Marxists and Bourgeois Ideas Theatrical stage Employes. cism. The AFA grew quickly in president of the Screen Actors Death Benefit Fund, one of the and usually referred to as the stage the carly NRA days and ob Guld, Lawrence Tibbet. Frank oldest working class organizaThe American Marxist is much closer in this to the English than to the French revolutionary. It should not be so. The Nehands union. Motion picture tained some contracts.
operators, etc. are part of this Whitehead was a ruthless dic. s, Kenneth Thompson, exec its support of the anti fascist But Gilmore, president of the Four tous in the country, announced Stalinists Fail to Table Resolution for groes have a great revolutionary history in America. Here is one set up tator of the union, rank and tative secretary of the screen rally.
revealing incident.
The actors are members of file participation in obtaining Actors Guild and other promiIndependent Political Labor Action During the Civil War, an independently organized detachment cne of the various unions char contracts was excluded, and nent Four s union leaders erties Union called on the poOn August 15, the Civil Libof free Negroes in the South fought for the Confederacy. When tered by the Associated Actors teinporary Agreements very blasted away at the crude at lice to forestall any violence the Confederacy was defeated in their state, they joined the and Artists of America, known damaging to the interests of the tempt of the reac although only the fascists had (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
can see who they are. With anti North. They were ready to fight with the Devil against God or as the Four s. Hollywood rank and file were made.
FLINT, Mich. lively dis koosevelt sentiment spreading with God against the Devil. All they wanted was a chance to stars, for example, are mem Resentment reached a new actor field.
tionary leadership to raid the threatened violence and the so cussion on the question of In through the plants, even the show that they were men. The Negroes, once they see way bers of the Screen Actors high this spring when an agreecialist Workers Party was callGuild, while the night club per ment was arranged between PROGRESSIVES WIN ing on the workers to rely upon dependent Labor Political Ac stalinists hesitate to flatly op out, will do the same today.
tion as opposed The Garvey movement is one of the most remarkable politipast policies pose the idea of a labor party, formers, vandeville actors, etc. Whitehead and Billy Rose, of FIRST SKIRMISH were in the American Federa: the New York World Fair The Is already in the the usmerican 250 wystm bene good men unaffiliated with their opposition in the most quarter of the century. Most American revolutionarles treat it On August 17, 250 members of endorsing Democrats of and they are forced to couch cal eruptions that has taken place in America during the last Internal frictions brought the hearsed for weeks without pay, ship of 5, 000 in a stage hands ance, an organization domi 1xbor, was put on the agenda of ambiguous of terms.
union leaders were fired, wages and technicians unions hande nated completely by the Com the Flint labor movement by method recently has been to misled by a demagogue. For proof? No serious study of the Broadway stars and actors were poor.
are in the famous Actors Equl combined with reports that and the culminates action against the Coughlinites These conditions, dispute between the Four s imunist Party, at its meeting Sunday, Aug. 13. party in principle, but conclud. letariat will have to emancipate him. The Negro is seen always call to Four s. Radio stars are in funds for personal use, brought would assist the Four s, and and Christian Front with no the locals of the UAW CIO in and is let wait and see what the British and French revolutionaries, the American revolutionaries function mentally pretty much within the limits laid the Federation of Radio artists, ugly rumors and whitehead perhaps break the hold of the result, of course.
down by the American bourgeoisie. It was the Communist Interalso of the Four s.
asked for an investigation in in its own field. Newspapers began printing tion calling for independent laRACKETEERS SEEK self defense.
What has been accomplished stories about the projected for action on the political ANNOUNCEMENTS national which held the American by the scrutt of the neck and made it take the Negro question seriously.
WAY TO MUSCLE IN He was found guilty, after a so far?
march of the fascists and the field, and condemning the past Yet even in the revolutionary days, the still saw the The AFL executive Counci call of the Socialist Workers policies of endorsing Demo THE FRIENDS of The Russian Negroes as tail to their own movement. The conception The stage hands unions have couple of hectic union meetings every a long history of organization in which he and Sophie Tucker, was unable to take away the Party for a counter demonstra local union and shop for disBulletin is to hold a boat ride About 60, 000 skilled workers the president, sought vainly to autonomy of the Four s. This tion.
and plenic on Sunday, August was that the white revolutionaries had a duty to the Negroes.
are members of the various or back the rank and file. Is clearly a victory for propo American Federation of Labor Efforts by Stalinist members The State convention of the cussion.
Kanizations within the When Whitehead and Tucker nents of democracy within the meeting in New York City on of the Council to table the resoBattery at 10:15 a. going from drowning. The class conscious white workers have to realup Long Island Sound to Rye ise the vast importance, the absolute necessity of having the Total strength of the Four refused to abide by the deci AFL.
Beach. There will be dancing millions of Negroes with them, of realising that the place of the s unions is around 30, 000.
sions of the Four s, the par The under paid badly ex August 17 passed a resolution though the Council did not itselt aboard to the music of a first Negroes is in the front of the struggle. We of the Fourth InterThe history of the ent body, the charter of the plotted chorus girls and night condemning Coughlinism.
unions has many black chap AFA was yanked, and a new club performers have a fightNazis In Parade take a vote at its meeting on rate orchestra. At Playland, national have now raised this question to its full status theo It. George Browne. provisional charter was given ing chance of building the In the August 17 issue of ognized the necessity for initi Friends of The Russian Bul part of our mental equipment. But to do this we must break abin a section reserved for the retically. What we have to do now is to make this conception leth, we will picnic all after lies about the Negro past. He lies about the Negro present.
solutely with bourgeois ideas about the Negro. The bourgeois has as one of his Guild of Variety Artists, head tists into a militant union organ of the German American lem, and the resolution, which chief aides. William Bieff, ed by Eddie Cantor.
noon, full program of which will be able to alleviate Bund, a notice appeared in condemns both old boss parHe lies about his future. He manufactures fake science to prove sports, games, music, swim the Negro inferior. He manufactures a fake Negro to justify his Chicago Associate of Al Capone. Whitehead, Tucker and oth their terrible conditions, thanks German ordering all storm ties, will therefore be sent for Another big shot is John ers then made a private deal to the solidarity of the Holly troopers of the New York Divi discussion to the rank and file ming, and fun galore being oppression of the real Negro. The bourgeois not only lies himself (Big) Nick, a vice president, with Browne, president of the wood and Broadway stars. sion out for the Saturday pa of the locals. After all shops arranged. The return trip will but is the cause of lies in others.
He has managed to instill quite who is under indictment on an who gave them a The Chicago boys have met rade, thus clearly showing that and locals have seen the resobe made on an evening boat. a substantial portion of his own lles about Negroes into the minds extortion charge. He is charged charter without either consult with another rebuff in their per Fritz Kuhn, personal represen. Rution and discussed it, t, it will offered, followed by dancing. denounce on every occasion all that the American bourgeoisie so Marxists have to repu and from St. Louis employers in re own executive board.
rich actors unions.
those in back of the parade side Council for vote.
National Office at the nom.
turn for a guarantee that the The fact that Joseph Padway. Of course, the main struggle by side with Coughlin. militant resolution calling inal price of only one dollar.
And having broken with bourgeois ideas we must vigorously stage hands union would no represented Whitehead during ments and the reactionary ele editor of the Jewish Day. and on a nation wide scale, and for general counsel of the AFL, between the progressive ele Previously Goldberg. for an independent labor party Make your reservations im create our own, for if we do not, bourgeois corruption will come ask for wage increases.
In Hollywood, Bleft is under this controversy gave credence ments in this section of the Alexander Hoffman, General independent labor political acmediately before the limited pouring in on us again. So conscious and complete a break with number of tickets are ex American bourgeois ideas about Negroes has never been made investigation for alleged to the rumor that the AFL ex AFL is by no means over with. Manager of Cleaners and Dy. tion in Flint and throughout hausted.
in America before. In the old revolutionary days the went payment of 100, 000 by film ecutive council intended to aid the first major skirmish, howers Union, Local 239 of the Michigan, was passed recently a certain distance but stopped short, and its rapid degeneration producers to him in return for the stage hands union invade ever, was won by the progres Amalgamated clothing Work at a meeting of the WPA Auxprevented its complete theoretical emancipation. Only Marxist guarantees similar to those the actors field.
sive tendencies. That is impor ers, called for militant resist Diary of the UAW CIO here.
At Your Service party can even attempt it. Determinedly carried through, such Nick was supposed to have It was this situation which tant because it gives real hope ance to the Coughlinites, Mr. This discussion is dragging THE APPEAL an ideological approach is the real beginning of the gigantic upmade. aroused the Hollywood and for the final outcome of the Hoffman asking the union every Stalinist out of his hole.
heaval which will Hft not one or two but the fifteen millions of Within the Bieft, Broadway stars, who knew too struggle.
membership to return blow into the open where union men!
POSTER SHOP Negroes to their rightful place in American society.
Flint CIO Council Opens Labor Party Discussion ters ir an