CommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismStalinWorkers MovementWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939 In the Labor Unions Stop Fascism In America!
APPEAL ARMY The Anti War Campaign WAR CRISIS SUBS COMING IN SPURS PARTY BUT BIG CITIES ACTIVITIES NOT UP TO PAR 340 11 26 23 16 10 63 Sacramento. 22 11 18 12 50 4 re Boston 41 10 15 119 WHAT THE PARTY DID TO SPIKE THE COUGHLIN PARADE was had. We are practically certain to have our 50 in by September 15, writes the check of the subscriptions St. Paul. 20 branch secretary, Comrade to the Socialist Appeal shows St. Louis.
Burbank. The pamphlet will be that a total of 550 subscriptions sold on the downtown streets.
University City in the main cities have not yet University City, Mo. Will Father Coughlin Become CHICAGO been renewed. This is an unu Newark Chicago Hifts itself out of the sually large number, and one 00. 00 class in the Anti War Paterson Dictator of the United States?
of the most immediate and New York City Fund drive, and Organizer All 328 pressing tasks of all supporters Rochester Gates reports on progress: By WIDICK By JOSEPH HANSEN of the paper is an immediate city campaign comAkron 11 canvass to obtain renewals of Cleveland mittee of five has been set up (Continued from Page FIFTH INSTALLMENT)
NEW YORK CITY real The drive for 400 new sub these expired subscriptions.
Columbus government in Washington! organize the campaign inscriptions to the Socialist ApFor years certain German industrialists, who pondered while the trenches are being chicago.
indication of how the members This is a quite feasible task Toledo Youngstown of the International Typograph very deeply over what had happened in Italy, kept a few prepared for the cannon fod. campaign bulletin has peal moves ahead slowly at the and is undertaken immediately Allentown tion of labor unity was furn promising politicians of the lunatic fringe well fed and der. Roosevelt denies the peo been mailed out to all mem moment. Since the report pub would mean a substantial tev Philadelphia 51 ished this week end by Big noisy enough to attract a skeleton even of thugs and bigots most vital issue before them.
ple the right to decide on the bers, including specific quotas lished on August 18, 16 new sub enue for the Socialist Appeal, and assignments for each scriptions have been sent in which is so urgently needed to Quakertown Six as Local of the Houston to their banner MINNEAPOLIS branch. Each branch has se and eight renewals. They are day.
the largest unit in the union, is In a good many instances it Seattle Principal among these capitalist politicians he had Minneapolis carries the War signed comrades to take charge as follows: known.
New Referendum Campaign onto the of the work in the locality.
DurSubscriptions is simply a matter of neglect special resolution WAS taken over similar groups was Adolf Hitler, an obscure ing the period of the campaign Omaha on the part of comrades in the air waves!
Totals. 580 106 adopted at a membership meet moocher of the Vienna cafes and pool halls who considered Flint All branches have in their (NBC) has cach branch is instructed to put Party branches in visiting forStation KSTP ing urging the to defy himself a hot shot hair splitter when the boys in the beer St. Paul mer subscribers.
possession the names and adagreed to carry the program it as the first item of the agenNew York City The following is a list of the dresses of all expirations. Withprovided that an opposition de at every meeting.
the issue of assessments levied joints untangled their tongues and warped views on life.
current and expired subscrip in the next week a branches During the campaign, speaker has equal time. Other He had served in the World War, claimed to have been for a war against the CIO Renewals tions to the Socialist Appeal: are urged to make a canvas of local stations are still to be cach branch is to hold at least Only William last week the 580 ex subscribers a housepainter for a few weeks until the painters union heard from.
one indoor meeting, and at Oakland Green, president of the AFL, Cleveland Ex. CurCity pired rent In view of the large number The branch Radio Committee least one street meeting announced the suspension of ran him off as a scab when he refused to take out a union Syracuse of renewal subscriptions which the for its refusal to con card.
has the following advice to of week, as well as one money.
Berkeley Oregon are outstanding, the managefer other sections that wish to raising social affair for the tribute an assessment to the South Bend Fresno A Catholic, he admired the organizational methods of ment suggests that each branch Los Angeles. 14 AFL war chest.
appoint at least one comrade to seem that the way to get radio cu mentcado fets itselt. ee subscriptions and 18 renewals the Roman Church very much, even studying them care.
Oakland. Issues Involved direct the work for subscripfully, according to his own admission. Mein Kanof time is much like the way to cruitment quota of 10 new since the start of the campaign. members by September 15.
tion renewals. Large locals For two years the r. has San Francisco. 10 gat an Appeal sub ASK FOR 115. The South Side branch The major cities, as can be obHitler Autobiography, 682. should appoint a committee of IT!
Denver. persistently refused to collect three for this purpose. Also, all thuis tax of one cent per mem Adolf Hitler was well liked by the more astute of GerNew Haven At the same time, 15 is sent reports 50 pamphlets sold, an served, have yet to bring in the locals should utilize card inStreet Sales Washington, dex system for current subber comhacha woulde amount to many capitalists. They talked about him in their exclu in for the Anti War Fund, and increase of the Appeal bundle expected results, Comrade El Literature Chicago. 18 scriptions, expired sive clubs, studied his program, listened to him orate, Socialist Appeals were distrib NEW MEMBERS RECRUIT Agent of San Francisco, writes subscrip AFL executive council.
East Chicago, Ind. tions and also all contacts.
At the last convention of the watched him in action.
uted by 16 comrades on Sunday.
in an optimistic mood in regard Evansville Likewise it is imperative that August 13 to workers homes. READING Kansas AFL the seating of the to increased sales of the Social. So far as they could judge, Hitler had all the marks of the closest collaboration be dedelegates was a hot issue beA good anti war meeting was We are carrying our cam ist Appeal. She says: Louisville veloped between the Party and a German Mussolini.
cause of its stand on this quesheld on the campus of the Uni paign directly to the workers Though we starting Baltimore YPSL literature agents and ortion but a compromise was He swung a powerful salute, combed his hair down versity of Minnesota by the So with house to house cam street sales on a small scale ganizations in the sale and disworked out which simply postLynn cialist Club, and the program paign, writes the Reading 28 over his forehead in a forelock. When he spoke, the veins of open air meetings is in fun branch. Quite a number did now, already the results open tribution of the Socialist ApDetroit up simply swell prospects. m 30 peal and the New International, ewing, with two such meetings not sign the petition because very enthusiastic and encourThe AFL councii precipitated in his forehead and neck swelled out like knotted cords.
Flint particularly in the subscription He dubbed himself Der Fuehrer.
they felt it would not have any aged. YPSL comrade and held during the past week.
a crisis on this problem last Minneapolis effect on Congress, but they tried it, she with Challenges, campaigns.
week because the is For years he had been whacking away at constructing Con Sunday, August 13, the bought our pamphlet and told with Appeals, and in 45 minutes holding its national convention a national scapegoat. In private conversations with Big branch held an outdoor meeting us to come around later.
at Fort Worth, Texas now and we had sold out. The next time the council hopes that the polBusiness men, he washed off the circus paint and spoke at which speeches were made We can tell the Reading com we sold out quicker. Without In both Finnish and English. rades that it is NOT true that any doubt at all we will have icy of the can be very coolly and precisely about what he could do for them changed.
We are also in receipt of the Congress would pay no attento increase our order shortly.
and by what organizational and tactical methods.
The purpose of the Big Six Co op Informer. published tion to petitions. Even if it does Well Received resolution is to crystallize na Let it not be misunderstood for one moment that Adolf by the United Cooperative So not affect their vote, they get ciety in the locality, which has plenty worried by the evidence Baltimore writes of their diffiThe Literature Agent from tional sentiment within the Hitler was a representative of Italian Fascism. He was for a Don fight the a strong Finnish cooperative of the mass feeling on this ques culties, but nevertheless they not.
movement. This issue is Vol. tion. At the Senate hearings on are doing their best. They sell CIO attitude.
Hitler admired Italian Fascism. He spoke well of MusThere is another and just as Anti fascists throughout the carried banners against the No. and contains a discussion the war referendum which four Appeals a week on the country may find it profitable Coughlin fascists, distributed fundamental issue involved in solini. But he was not an agent of Mussolini.
article on Cooperatives and were held last May, the most newsstands and four New In to study the work of New thousands of leaflets and ran War which comes out strongly frequent reference was made to ternationals month.
the dispute between the AGENT OF BIG BUSINESS. Espe York SWP branches in the tremendous street meetings all and the AFL executive commitin favor of giving the people the available testimony on the cially among the unemployed, fight against the still born slong the line of march. GenIt is true that Hitler, like Mussolini, advocated a COR right to vote on war. Every popular demand for this meas where am unable to sell them Coughlin parade of August 19. crous donations were made by tee. The right of autonomy.
Elmer Brown, newly elected PORATE STATE.
cooperative should discuss this ure. In any case, the petition is because of unemployment) First to be congratulated for audiences.
president of the Big Six, point But his was a German movement. He didn call it a means of bringing the questhey get a good reception, par a splendid job are the Bronx vital question, it adds.
OAKLAND ed it out in a prepared speech tion forcibly to the attention of ticularly with the Negro mill SWP and YPSL branches, Cellar Clubs Visited fascism.
given before the union voted on The branch across San Fran the workers.
whose members worked night The comrades visited the nuthe resolution.
He called it NAZISM.
cisco Bay comes through with We are getting much exper The AFL does not have the a report which is late but wel ience doing this work. contin Massachusetts reports that to the scheduled parade.
Tarmo Hannula of Gardner, and day for the ten days prior merous cellar clubs, organiHitler Grinds out Promises come. Writes Organizer Bilues Reading, and believe we Gardner will aim for at least zations of Jewish workers, etc. right to levy an assessment on Roving Street Meetings the printers because the union Morgan on Oakland cam. will win members to to get them all out to stop the Few demagogues in history gave away brighter prom; paien activities, outdoor meet organizational objectives of the by live of the regular bundle were held in various sections ranks. This hits the two main the renewals and an increase roving street corner meetings The Upper Manhattan branch our our new subscriptions besides Among their activities: eight Coughlinites from getting to is an autonomous affiliate of ises than Adolf Hitler. He not only promises everybody the AFL, according to the view of the the fulfillment of his dream, but he painted new dreams ing with full branch mobiliza campaign, aside from its goals order by the end of the cam of the Bronx, Monday, Aug. 14. of swP and the YPSL units The AFL has been exercis to embellish the old.
ing authority never intended by phlets and circulation of peti. These are the training of the the membership of the AFL.
First he talked the situation over with the big indus tions. This is something new party in mass campaign activ comrades in Gardner to form meetings were held on differ Columbus Circle to 181st St.
a regular branch of the Party, ent corners.
with leaflets and street meet could never agree to submit trialists such as Thyssen, the steel magnate. They settled here and we are pioneering. ity, and recruitment. Indoor mass meeting on Success along these lines signed and these new subscrip poles in the Bronx no quota, therefore, was asВу Wednesday, telegraph ings.
to the policles advocated by the very easily, quickly, and amicably between themselves the Sept. 15.
means an important step fortions and increased sales of the adorned with notices for the were ers Impressed AFL.
question of just who would own the national industries Assessment of on each ward toward a campaign party paper would be a complete counter demonstration against Nor would ever recomIn Brooklyn, similar activity med that my union submit to and just what would be done about preserving PRIVATE branch member, and circula of mass agitation and action.
gain carried on. Boro Park rethe dictation of the executive PROPERTY.
council of the AFL. To do so meetings: house to house work we are anxious to print new the quota set for the Appeal is Wednesday night the comrades meetings at 13th Ave. and 46th Flint, Michigan states that the Coughlinites at Union Sq. ports tremendous street corner Then with Big Business pumping money into his treas every Sunday and union ideas in methods of work which very reasonable, and in fact would destroy the autonomy of Thousands of leaflets the International Typographi ury, he started automobiles, radio stations, and airplanes meetings, etc.
have been developed by individ that it will go over the quota. others trend mee delegation dis distributed.
Generous contribu We will immediately pur ual branches, and here is one Cules going in a propaganda campaign super collossal enough chase our full quota of pam from cal Union.
Geller declares The It is my opinion that this that. tributed the counter demonstra. members indicating their secretary Sales already in the past two tion leaflet right at a Coughlin support of the to make a Hollywood press agent bite his lip.
Iphlets with the aim of increas writes: suspension was timed for one weeks have been cleaning out ascist meeting at Please send us about 50 our bundle order.
Der Fuehrer promised that all the war profits would ing the quota before the camSWP antiFordham Coughlin fight.
purpose only: that the reaction. Road and Valentine Ave.
more petitions. We are experibe confiscated.
aries within the executive coun In Brownsville, long Each comrade is respon menting on a form of chain letcil of the AFL had hoped that Der Fuchrer promised that all the trusts would be turned sible for securing one Appeal ter with the petitions besides CAMP SEVEN OAKS. Eaton Crowds Applaud Parade of the Communist Party, the by suspending the on the Thursday night the comrades comrades were greeted with sub. We have about 18 com the routine house to house caneve of its convention they would over to the state.
town, Tennis, swim held a parade up Tremont Ave. applause by the workers for the intimidate us. They can sus Der Fuchrer promised that everybody would share in rades and so ought to double vassing which, though very on slow, is very fruitful.
ming, ping pong. Plumbing. to the applause of the crowds struggle against Coughlinism.
pend us, they can fight us, but they can not intimidate us. We expect to increase That is all we are told but we 50 per day. 14 a week. on the street. They shouted members promised to be Make reservations, please! slogans, distributed leaflets out to stop the Fascists from Brow declared.
Der Fuehrer promised that all old age pensions would our Appeal bundle order by 15 would like to hear more about Phone: Eatontown 515. again in the thousands, and getting to Union Square.
within a week (our quota is 10. this experiment and its results, Danger be generously increased.
finally ran a street meeting! In Jamaica and in Astoria, Split The branch Executive as well as any other projects Der Fuehrer promised that all the department stores Committee is in full charge of which branches have develwhich was attended by hun leaflets distributed by the thouIf the nationally fol.
INFORMAL HOUSE dreds of anti fascist workers. sands. Signs placed in store lows its present line and re would be divided up among small merchants.
the campaign and each mem oped.
Friday the Bronxites topped windows, meetings held, money Box 245 Kerhonkson, off their campaign by holding collected. Appeals sold. Both fuses to pay the assessment Der Fuehrer promised that the land would serve comber is heading one or more of TOLEDO. promises 10 in the many new complications will sub committees. pam the next mail and asks for more (Near Ellenville)
munal purposes and no interest taking would be allowed phlets, petitions, etc.
develop in the AFL internally a torch light parade through branches were on their toes a! petitions because their sheets 120 acres of greenland in the the streets of the Bronx. The during the week.
Automatic suspension from if it meant foreclosures.
OK, Bill. Now some cash are all filled out. Suggests sunbathing: handball, ping pong.
parade started at Tremont and Last Friday the Downtown Central Trades and Labor AsDer Fuehrer promised that education would be made ON THE LINE.
another pamphlet on war. archery swimming and horse Crotona, marched to Southern branch hired a horse and wagAnd semblies might follow ST. LOUIS back riding nearby: dancing available to the children of poor parents.
DETROIT. has sent in for Boulevard, and then back on on early in the morning, covUNUSUALLY LOW RATES the relationship of the The St. Louis local held an three successive orders on the 18 Weekly Weekend Tremont to Prospect where a cred it with huge signs calling to other unions in the Allied Der Fuehrer promised that the state would protect outdoor social affair on August pamphlet Let the People Vote Busses met at station tremendous street corner meet for the counter demonstration Printing Trades Councils behealth.
12 and sends in the proceeds on War. to the tune of a 470 ing was held. Saturday morn to the fascist march, and toured comes a new headache. For Tel. Kerhonkson 118 10) for the Anti War Fund. total. This brings them over Der Fuehrer promised that a people army would reing. August 19, the comrades the entire lower Manhattan sec.
which the main responsibility Other social affairs are their assigned quota of 450.
reported at a. for final tion until nightfall.
will rest on the AFL executive place the regular army.
PAMPHLET DRIVE. Ploleaflet distribution.
Hundreds of persons gave council because of its intransi Der Fuehrer promised that the viewpoint of positive of the two branches was held on pamphlet orders already sent SPECIAL!
Money Donated their names to party branches yent attitude toward the auton Christianity would be taken.
More than 50 was donated throughout the city for more oray of the August 15 and a thorough dis out to the branches now amount Der Fuehrer promised to end all unemployment.
Pre Publication Naturally, the stand of the by anti fascists attending the information about our organizacussion of the campaign plans to over 8200.
Bronx street meetings. Two Lion. Every day several letters AFL executive council tends to But all these promises constituted only run of the mill Offer. 50 friends in the South Bronx, sup arrived in the city office with throw the Into the arms filler his program. More important were his scathing of the CIO, especially if all the Before he began propagandizing, there was very little posed to be a Coughlin strong money enclosed for the right hold, contributed an additional Against fascism. These letters complications develop. attacks against the Versailles treaty which had humiliated prejudice in Germany against the Jews, as Hitler himself 25 to advance the campaign. came mainly from people who Meanwhile, progressives with Germany, forced her to pay reparations, taken away her points out in Mein Kampf. He counts it as one of his One young Negro insisted on had never heard of our organiin the AFL have a job on their taking leaflets for his friends Zation before this last week.
hands to prevent a split in local colonies, crushed her armed might, split her people among supreme achievements to have whipped up one of the and paying for them. Scores of Victory Leaflet bodies because of the suspen different border nations.
greatest and most bloody pogroms in history against these by others asked for leaflets to give On Friday, when the city of sion of the All this Der Fuehrer promised to rectify immediately, unfortunate people. Hitler remarks that his audiences were their shop and union mates. fice of the party heard that the Then most important of Boris Souvarine for his strategy he util astonished at first and refused to believe him when he One cab driver, seeing a Coughlinites had backed down REQUEST ized these grievances as a springboard for a poisonous and declaimed that the Jew was their enemy.
number of Yipsel comrades and called off their parade, a Publication date: Septemcarrying their banners and victory leaflet was ordered inAll available coples of Vol. relentless attack against racial minorities in Germany, who. But the people were suffering so terribly from hunger, ber 18th. 704 pages. Price leaflets from west to East stantly. By evening, every sec3 No. of this year Appeal he said, were the real cause of the economic ills rocking the democratic capitalist government gave so little for on publication will be Bronx for their night activity tion of the city was covered are needed for purposes of the land.
relief, that they were willing to turn to almost anyone who 50.
asked them to hop in and he with new thousands of this vicBy donated a free ride to aid the tory leaflet.
We would appreciate it if The Art of Constructing a Scapegoat promised a positive program and was clearly headed in the fascist fighters rush their More than 10, 000 special the publishers a limited Appeal readers would send direction of action.
How to divert the rage and desperation of the people subscription edition of this nessage to the Bronx workers. leaflets, addressed to the Negro in as many copies of this is important book will be Same All Over City people of New York, were dissue as they may have avall.
When Hitler saw the oppressed layers begin to fall for away from the real cause, the capitalists, to some scapeHarlem published at a special preFollowing the splendid exam tributed throughout able.
his line, he rejoiced. He knew that it would lead inevitably goat?
ple of the Bronx were the party and certain sections of the publication price of 50.
to the major objective, smashing the labor movement That was the crucial problem facing Der Fuehrer.
Orders for this edition will branches and Yipsel units all Bronx. The leaflet warned of YOU ARE INVITED to join the over the city. The Lower East the facist threat to the Negro number of essentially different internal enemies must through splitting the oppressed into two camps, those whom be accepted only until Labor Bookshop Circulating August 31st.
Side and Downtown Branches people of this city The reLibrary. Hundreds of titles. always be regarded as one in such a way that in the opin he dubbed Jews and those whom he dubbed Gentiles, started off with a bang last sponse to this leaflet was exLatest novels, Marxian class ion of the mass of one own adherents the war is being who would then tear at each other throats until one fell; Saturday night when they held ceptionally favorable.
ice, books on Economics, His waged against one enemy alone. This strengthens the beand the other, exhausted by the struggle, could not ward Labor Bookshop a march from Second Ave. and tory, etc. Lowest rates in the in one own cause and increases one bitterness 7th Street, down Second Ave. Subscribe to the city! 150 per week. Join now! against the attacker. Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, off the axe of the capitalist executioner 116 University Pl.
over to Avenue B, and then 116 University 153. Continued in next Issue)
across to Delancey Street. They SOCIALIST APPEAL Wice center profits.
STALIN binding.
arrangements with ller