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Give to the Anti War Party. 10, 000 Fund Drive Socialist Appeal WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 62 FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939 3c a Copy STALIN GIVES HITLER GO AHEAD SIGNAL!
Enlist in the SWP Democracy Begins at Home, Mr. Roosevelt! Hitler Stalin Alliance Which To Fight Against Shocked World Capitals Was LET THE PEOPLE Predicted by 4th International Imperialist War WAR!
Quota 50 Percent Hitler Germany announcement Monday night that secret negotiaInternational War Crisis Spurs National tions with Stalin were culminating in a non aggression pact between Campaign of for a People Vote on Hitler and Stalin came as a thunderbolt to the European chancelleries, War as an Answer to the War Makers the Peoples Fronters. the imperialist lackeys of the Second and Third Internationals but it was no surprise to the Fourth Intenational.
By HAL DRAPER Party. We say that not as a We predicted this publicly more than ten months ago!
Secretary Campaign Committee boast but as the statement of a Trotsky predicts Stalin will now seek an understanding with Hitler OUTLOOK BLACKEST responsibility. No one is sertSINCE 1914 headlines the New ously competing with us for the was the headline in the Socialist Appeal, October 8, 1938.
York Times. It is referring to possession of that dangerous the immediate prospect of war. post.
Commenting on the Munich pact, Trotsky Our Party has a modest qual. To the worker who reads the The Silence of wrote then: ification to make. The outlook newspaper headlines with growfor the future cannot be reck ing dismay and fear, we say. The collapse of Czechoslovakia is the coloned only in terms of the jock HERE IS YOUR PLACE IF The Tomb cying of the two imperialist al. YOU WANT TO ENLIST IN lapse of Stalin international policy of the last liances.
THE STRUGGLE AGAINST Ofive years. Moscow idea of There is a THIRD power in WAR!
When the news flashed an alliance of democracles the world the revolutionary The Anti War Party presents over the world that Hitler for a struggle against fascism working class. Its voice is weak an Anti War Budget of 10, 000.
and Stalin had signed a pact, is a lifeless fiction.
An Urgent now, but IT WILL BE HEARD That is one two hundred thou.
a member of England gov The terrifio blow at the in as it was in 1917 and 1918 sardth of the last Roosevelt ernment cried out, My ternational position of the when it spoke out with the mil. pro war budget. Your money God. is the pay off for the con.
Call And lion longued voice of the worth for this sum is the buildWires burned.
tinuous bloody purge which bemasses and changed the course ing of a fighting force such as of world history.
did NOT exist in 1914 headed the army, disrupted Radio flashes shot across the seven seas.
That is why our Party antici AGAINST WAR. Warning economy and revealed the Giant presses roared, rollweaknesses of the Stalinist repated the present war crisis by In answer to the war moves ing out shrieking headlines.
gime. We may now expect with launching a National Anti War of the rulers, the Anti War ParNewsboys yelled, Extra!
certainty Soviet diplomacy to Campaign on August That is ty calls for a mass campaign why our recent National Con around the slogan LET THE on every street corner.
At the very moment that the Hitler at the cost of new reattempt rapprochement with vention took as its key note the PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR.
But the Daily Worker, War Referendum Campaign is treats and capitulations which struggle against war. As the Rally the masses, who want Stalin official organ in war makers mobilize their ar peace, against the behind theAmerica, Was as silent as a getting more steadily under in their turn can only bring corpse.
way and the drive for a 10, 000 nearer the collapse of the Stal mies, so we must mobilize ours. scenes maneuvers of the boss Our Party is the Anti War (Continued on Page 2)
Harry Gannes and Earl fund for the Party organization inist oligarchy.
Browder were reported bus and press is in motion, the solily digging turnips In Mike Predicted Stalin Move vency of the semi weekly So Speaking at the Hotel Center, Gold garden.
The elevator operator in cialist Appeal is endangered. October 9, 1938, James Canthe Communist Party headThere has been a natural non, National Secretary of the quarters in New York re falling off of revenue accruing Socialist Workers Party, said: ported he was confused.
from bundle payments during What, in the post Munich 10, 000 FUND DRIVE But none of the party first grade yes men could the summer. This slack could world situation, oan be the next steps of Stalin? Some nalve unearthed for comment.
have been overcome even dur people predict new turn to Branch Paia Pald policy ing this period, but many of revolutionary by Sept. 15 on the Calais the larger organizations of the world arena. Some Stalinist 00 200. 00 Rochester Workers, have no doubt some Party in various parts of the of them sitting in this hell to50. 00 20. 00 80. 00 Lynn 100. 00 23. 00 46. 00 country have been concentrat night, cherish this hope of a 200. 00 St. Paul 46. 00 46. 00 WPA Measured Holds Union Square Meeting Despite ing heavily on other aspects of return to revolutionary activity.
Newark 350. 00 68. 50 39. 14 the War Referendum Cam. They see what they want to see.
Flint 20. 00 00 33. 33 In Human Lives poign, and have neglected to Many of them are so sick of Cleveland 200. 00 30. 00 30. 00 pay for their bundle orders of waving the American flag, and Boston 54. 00 27. 00 Seen as Demoralizing Effect on Ranks the Socialist Appeal.
are so hoarse from singing the Fitchburg 15. 00 00 26. 66 Kansas 15. 00 Star Spangled Banner, that 50 20. 00 Payments Must Be Made!
The WPA rolls in New they want to believe it was all Detroit 50. 00 00 20. 00 York City reached an all By JOSEPH HANSEN Several hundred dollars in a super clever revolutionary conquer fascism by militant Minneapolis 50. 00 09 time low today of 105, 000.
The anti fascists of New York in answer to every proybundle payments are outstand maneuver to deceive the capiReading 10. 00 00 20. 00 This is not only the lowsucceeded last week in answer ocation!
ing and the printers insist on talists.
Crisis Reaches New immediate and substantial pay, 100. 00 est figure since the start of Jing the fascist threat to march St. Louis 10. 00 20. 00 Meeting in drenching down Chicago 530. 00 40. 00 15. 09 the WPA program in 1935. Now that the policy has failed ments. Party branches and August 19 on Union Square pour which had begun early in Minneapolis 1100. 00 65. 00 11. 82 but the lowest figure since Intensity as Hitler Edward Appeal agents must immedi so miserably, so catastrophicalwith a mighty roar of protest the morning.
National Office 120. 00 06 the piddling CWA works which sent the Coughlinite Frank, organizer of Local New ately send in substantial pay. ly, they want to believe that Presses Demands 2200. 00 New York 50. 00 50 program of 1933.
Christian Mobilizers, the Nazi York took the speakers stand ments on their bundles in or there will be a return to revoAkron 100. 00 00. 00. 00 36, 000 WPA workers have Bundists, the Silver Shirts, and Saturday, August 19, at 4:30 der to insure publication of the lutionary activity on the part of Allentown 50. 00 00. 00 00 been laid off in New York Socialist Appeal in the coming Stalin and his clique.
other assorted storm troopers in Union Square and statBaltimore 10. 00 00. 00 City in the last weeks. 00 scurrying for cover.
ed that the anti fascists of New! As the man power mobilized weeks. Illusion! These people have Cambridge 00 00. 00 39, 000 more are to go. 00 Out of necessity the manage long since passed over to the Because of the immense re York had succeeded in stopping by the European nations last 15. 00 00. 00. 00 16, 000 AFL mechanics Sporse in the New York labor this provocation of the cough week reached the 10, 000, 000 ment of the Socialist Appeal another side of the barricades Conneaut 00 00. 00 00 who have been out on strike movement to the call of the so linites. We promised to meet mark, Hitler forced the seneral nounces that it will be forced their hands are red with the Danbury 10. 00 00. 00. 00 Denver do these statistics 20. 00 00. 00 00 mean in terms of human counter demonstration in Union against the fascists. We careflecting a military encircle from receipt of their bundles tionists. In Russia, In Spain, in New Hampshire 00 00. 00. 00 Switzerland, in East Chicago 20. 00 00. 00 life?. 00 and then the organization he cause of this terrible rain, it is rections, and augmenting his payments are sent in immedi China, in the United States on Evansville 00. 00. 00 a WPA pink slip to 44 Brad sponsors, the Christian Front, obviously impossible to contin original demand for Danzig ately by Air Mail. The various a world wide scale, they have Fargo 10. 00 00. 00. 00 hurst repudiated the fascist pa ue with our scheduled list of Corridor and other sections being informed directly of the ably as the hangmen of the revSaturday 00. 00 Fresno 10. 00 Avenue. 00 Hartford 00 00. 00. 00 morning. It was for Mrs. Laute telephone, was forced to call off critical situation. What is stat olution.
lin himself, by long distance postponing our demonstration. of Poland.
Indianapolis 00 00. 00. 00 It was reported that 7, 500 po The press and the diplomatsed above in respect to the So Stalin next move will be a Lexington 10. 00 00. 00 Smith, forty five, Negro. 00 who took one look at it, realthe projected march officially lice had been mobilized be did not hesitate to call this the cialist Appeal applies equally diplomatic approach to Hitler, Los Angeles 400. 00 00. 00. 00 Louisville.
10. 00 ized that she had lost her 00. 00. 00 work relief job, then took a were thrown into confusion and threats would lead to violence. sis since 1918. The September all funds to the Socialist Appeal business. But not on the basis Marston Mills 00 00. 00. 00 revolver out of a drawer and consternation. feeling of soll. Approximately 4, 000 were as crisis. freely predicted for and the New International at of abstractions, shibboleths, or New Haven 40. 00 00. 00. 00 killed herself.
confidence and power swept sembled in Union Square and months since the Munich set once to: principles Hitler principles Oakland 80. 00 00. 00. 00 through the ranks of the labor in nearby basements and park tlement, appears to be mater 116 University Place are as false and phoney as StalOmaha 10. 00 00. 00. 00 movement. This is the way to (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
New York City (Continued on Page 4)
Philadelphia 100. 00 00. 00. 00 Pittsburgh 10. 00 00. 00. 00 Plentywood 00 00. 00. 00 Portland 00. 00. 00 Quakertown 20. 00 00. 00 James Cannon. 00 Ridgefield 00 00. 00. 00 108 West National ary, Sacramento 20. 00 00. 00. 00 San Diego 10. 00 00. 00. 00 Max Shachtman San Francisco 100. 00 00. 00. 00 Seattle 00. 00. 00 Editor, Socialist Appeal South Bend 10. 00 00. 00. 00 Texas 20. 00 00. 00. 00 40. 00 00. 00. 00 James Burnham Washington 40. 00 00. 00 00 Editor New International Woonsocket 00. 00 Worcester 20. 00 00. 00. 00 Auspices: LOCAL NEW YORK, Youngstown 50. 00 00. 00. 00 4th International. Yellow Springs 00 00. 00 ADMISSION 250 ANTI WAR FUND SCOREBOARD Anti Fascist Protest Sends Coughlinites Scurrying for Cover WORLD POWERS Drenching Downpour Retreat of Fascists MOBILIZE AS WAR THREATENS 00 400. 00 1100. 00 3400. 00 Columbus 00 00 MASS MEETING This Friday, August 25th, P. Speakers HOTEL CENTER HALL 43rd St. Nyc The Truth Behind the Stalin Hitler Pact Will There Be War Over Poland?
20. 00 Chairman: Toledo. 00