Bolshevik PartyBolshevismCommunismDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1939 The Day Plan Seen For What It Is Blueprint for Dictatorship IN THIS CORNER Meany vs. Rubin THESE STALWARTS, HAVING DONE THEIR BIT, WON BE THERE tion of Labor cut through lies and bunk and Not an Accident Mass. Institute of Technology and Moulton of SOCIALIST APPEAL Brookings Institute.
Vol. III, No. 61 August 22, 1939 Take another look at the four corporation executives listed above.
Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. THREE OUT OF THESE FOUR ARE at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone! Algonquin 2017 MORGAN MEN paid underlings of The New York Times, Responding to the Bugle Call as Morgan and Co.
Bubacriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For alan: 60 per year 60 for six months. Bundle orders: War Comes Closer, Frankly Discusses the Meaning of The first three corporations on the list S: centa por copy in the United States: cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single coplex: cents.
Steel, General Motors and American Tel and Tel The Industrial Mobilization Plan, and Yells Hurrah!
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six By Max Shachtman months: 00 for one year. are parts of the giant empire of Morgan. Reentered as second class matter February 10, 2011, By HAL DRAPER tions (counterpart of Goebbels for oppression.
the post once at New York, under the Act of March It was Morgan and Co. which from 1914 The day after the Roosevelt Propaganda Ministry. Selec. Before we turn back to the Father Coughlin has just added a new slogan to 1, 1119.
to 1917 floated the bonds and acted as the busi administration announced the tive Service (the draft, to be Times we wish to clarify this his armory, one borrowed from a companion inness agent for the Allies in America. It was setting up of the War Dictator administered in each town by question of a dictatorship which arms: An attack upon Father Coughlin is an atBaltor: MAX SHACHTMAN Morgan and Co. which had the main stake in the ship Board which will take the local industrial and finance is a democracy and vice versa.
Associate EditoriCANUEL GARRETT over on Day and adminis. Fat Boys. War Finance; Price The editorial neglected to quote tack upon the Catholic Church.
Whether the Catholic hierarchy decides to ACFELIX MORROW entrance of America into the World War. ter a military regime, the New Control (and wage control. other examples of this strange mixture: we shall do so.
cept this identification of the Radio Priest and his Goneral Manager MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY Morgan and Co. has retained these connections York Times was ready with its ete.
editorial eye wash. study of These agencies. continues FEW EXAMPLES OF DEM.
movement with the Church itself, is beside the since 1918.
the Times editorial of August the Times, are to be set up OCRATIC DICTATORSHIP point for the moment. What we are interested in Now Roosevelt promises to turn the United 11 on Industrial Mobilization in accordance with the careFirst, there is Greece. The FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST right here is the relation between Coughlin new States Government over to Morgan on Day, is invaluable.
fully studied and thoroughly in reader may be under the im slogan and his fascist agitation in general and WORKERS PARTY FOR: The appointment of the War tegrated Industrial Mobiliza pression that Greece is a bloody to let his hired men manage it as directly as they Resources Board, says the lion Plan of the fighting ser dictatorship ruled by the butchthe question of the freedom of religious belief and Job and decent living for every worker.
of worship, especially of the millions of Catholics manage the other enterprises of the Big Boss. editorial, is one of the most vices, PLAN FOR DIRECT er Metaxas, where as many in this country. Open the Idle factories operate them under The Government machinery is to be openly the industrial mobilization of CANALIZING THE WAR LIFE and where there are as many Where We Stand on Religion workers control.
converted into a super holding company for the the nation for war. It will OF THE NATION. concentration camps (in pro3. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works investments of America Sixty Families.
blaze a fresh trial in the history One might wish that the portion to the population) as in Now, we do not pretend to be what we are not.
and housing program.
The revolutionary Marxist movement is not a reof American national defense, workers were as clear about Hitler Germany. Where workIt THEIR government. It will be THEIR for no such body has hereto the intent of the government ers parties are outlawed, parligious organization; it does not propagate or sup4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagewar.
fore functioned in peacetime. as is the Times. But just to liament port religious doctrines or institutions, considering 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on them harmful to the real interests of the working all Jobs.
It will NOT be the war for democracy that This is correct. Roose clinch the polnt, the editorial aries shot on sight. But the class; and there is no doubt that non believers they will call it. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability nounce openly that a military THE INDUSTRIAL MOBIL. the following statement to the predominate overwhelmingly in our party.
It will be a war to extend the empires of Morpension.
Yet, contrary dictatorship will follow the out IZATION PLAN IS, THERE press by the Greek Consul Genthe slanders of red baiters of the Coughlin type, we do stand for complete free6. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
gan and the Sixty Families, and nothing else. break of any war the goes FORE, IN ESSENCE BLUE eral in New York: FOR into, and more than that, to PRINT DICTATOR Premier Metaxas has been dom of religious belief and worship for every man Down with these war makers! All war funds to the unemployed and woman who wishes to exercize that freedom.
name the dictators in advance. SHIP.
authorized govern the counTake the war making power away from ConNOT VERY PLEASANT people referendum on any and all wars.
We stand for it just as firmly as we support the BLUE PRINT try by royal decrees and his full right of any person to be a rationalist, aggress!
FOR DICTATORSHIP. BUT INEVITABLE But the Times is against dic with that of Premier Daladier authority therefore compares No secret diplomacy.
nostic or atheist.
10. An independent Labor Party Let the people vote on war. In time of war the War Re tatorship It all for democra in France. Consequently Greece person religion is, in our view, his private 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante real power. In addition to be left standing as is. It isn Or listen to the Times Rome goer, does not have the demand made on him to affair. This holds true even of individual members and Fascist attacks.
this kingpin board, which would the sentence continues: Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain asserted it in effect CONTROL GOVERN. THOUGH DESIGNED on January 2, 1938: correspondent. Arnold Cortesi, made his blood boil to read of the things happen MENT AND CIVILIAN RE TO BE DICTATORSHIP Premier Mussolini has deabandon his religious affiliation as a condition for ing in China, and that in certain circumstances QUIREMENTS in accordance ADAPTED TO DEMOCRAT. clared more than once. that party membership. Lenin, whom we regard, along with Marx and Engels, as our teacher in these Great Britain might have to send a fleet to the Far with the production capacity of IC NATION INVOLVED IN the so called dictatorships are East. But not enough of a boil to spill any of his the nation, many other emer TOTAL WAR.
matters, even invited priests to become members the world purest example of of the Bolshevik party upon the one condition that The most vociferous howlers for a third term own, we ll wager.
gency bodies. are scheduled Not that the Times finds this democracy.
they support the political program of the party to spring up, like legislative palatable dear, dear, no.
for Roosevelt at the New York State Federation To clear up the natural ques.
and work for its victory.
mushrooms, out of the lush soil Certainly none of this is tion as to what democracy is To be sure, while considering that religion is the of Labor convention were of course the Stalof war, AND BETWEEN very pleasant, but it is perhaps anyway. we can now mention private affair of each individual, the revolutionary inists.
a THEM ARE TO CONTROL inevitable in this mad period another Times, editorial which party, as a party with a world outlook of its own, EVEN THE MINUTIAE OF of contemporary history.
has its own position, which it feels free to voice, appeared two days after the Frenziedly, day in and out in the Daily (LyTestifying at the Dies Committee hearing on But take heart: The ap one on Industrial Mobilization, While it is not a mere atheist society, it is conThese other emergency pointment of Mr. Stettinius and August 13. It is titled: Democ. scious of the fact that it is the party of the only ing) Worker they have sought to cover up August 16, Fritz Kuhn, fuehrer of the German bodies are listed: War Trades his associates should reassure racy is Freedom. And Dic remaining progressive force in society the work Roosevelt erimes: his April 27 relief budget American Bund, stated that Father Coughlin and the first line of offense for the Industrial Mobilization Plan ulated by a policeman when ing class. And this class, by its very position in message cutting nearly a billion off the previous members of his Social Justice organization strike breaking. Public rela might be made the instrument eun. Since the latter sentence society, is wedded to modern science. The party, therefore, be it in a minority or be it in control of year WPA appropriation and limiting the were among friends and collaborators invited to is a good description of life un the government, wholeheartedly supports the der the Industrial Mobilization teachings of modern science, and does not abandon WPA rolls to two million maximum; his insis Bund meetings. The Bund, he stated, cooperates with evPlan, as explained by thel tence upon wiping out the prevailing union wage erybody who has the same aims and purposes that support just because science conflicts with Times itself two days previous superstition or supernatural beliefs.
on WPA; his outlawry of the WPA strike, etc. that we have.
it is clear that by this time the Does this mean that a workers government editor has forgotten his Day would go in for police suppression of religion or editorial, as he hopes his readetc.
religious institutions? Not for a minute! Such a ers have President George Meany of the State Federagovernment would confine itself to this policy: To finish up on the Times, first, in the field of education, which could not be we cannot forbear revealing a private matter, it would teach all pupils and stuBy NEIL WHITE Plotkin Co. left.
that its present attitude of re dents the objective truths of modern science; secmade the issue clear as crystal. NEW YORK, Aug. 17 Eight This reporter followed them gretful acceptance of the Day ond, not only would it completely separate the Let the record be clear. Let there be no misTo its report of Coughlin hypocritical dis sleepish. looking individuals out, managed to corner Rabbi dictatorship is a change of church from the state, but it would compel the church institutions to maintain themselves excluunderstanding. The security wage in the Wood avowal of any connection with the fascist par today to present a petition to questions to him Only last year, on April 10, sively by the support of their respective flocks and respectfully urge our beloved rum bill is a New Deal policy dictated by the ade of August 19, the New York Times on Suppose the Coughlin Fas 1938, the Times ran another not, as is the case nowadays, by means of special Wednesday added the sentence: The Socialist Mayor of the city of New York cists permit to march is not editorial on the Plan Here is privileges and prerogatives which various religious New Deal and put over by the New Deal.
Workers party had planned an anti Fascist been issued. to withhold the to deny or, if it has already revoked, what then?
what it said then: institutions obtain from the state in one form or The morning after President Meany made this meeting in Union Square to protest the parade. permit for Saturday parade kan answerede scur work is tar government by fiat, with We won be around. Plot In effect the plan provides another.
What serious and honest objection can be made declaration to the delegates, the Stalinists rushed The identical sentence appears the same day of Coughlin fascists.
Immediately upon entering, hands of the City.
done, everything is now in the the President as absolute dictator of the nation destinies, to such a policy?
to Roosevelt defense. They needed a union in a story in the ultra reactionary New York they were herced off into and with an emergency estabYes, replies the red baiter, but what about the Well. gently persisted, lishment virtually superseding religious persecutions in Soviet Russia and in Loy leader to answer Meany. But all they could Sun.
corner by a beefy looking cop suppose the Fascists actually the Cabinet and executive alist Spain?
get was one of their miserable hirelings. Jay HAD planned means, in ordinary English, in gold braid.
business, he march into Union Square on branches of government.
In both countries, we reply, the church was not a purely religious institution. It was a big economRubin, president of the Hotel Tradės Council. that the parade was no longer being planned. The barked ic institution (the Church was the biggest single yesterday commented on the remarks of George casual reader would have assumed that, Cough we have a petition for the sanization will not be there ute to the thoroughness us preb: Meany, says the Daily Worker, August 17: capitalist in Spain. and instead of confining Itselt lin having disavowed the parade, the Socialist Mayor, quavered Plot may quote you as in favor aration and clarity of military kin, secretary of the Ameri of the workers in general turn thought that have gone into this to what it considered the moral precepts and the The prevailing wage was kniſed by reaction Workers party had called off the parade.
religious teachings of Christ, it identified itself in can Jewish Alliance, who ing out to stop the Fascists? plan to note that both Germany headed the delegation Was this a mistaken use of grammer? Is it a (His ary forces and not by the Roosevelt administra coincidence that both the Times and the Sun Plotkin took two steps back and Japan have patterned their the most active way politically with capitalist Alliance was formed two ward, threw tion, says Rubin.
weeks ago with the blessing of intoned: after ours. It (the ShepAnd if the Church, or anyone else, enters polmade the same grammatical mistake. the Stalinist party and nobody Our organization is a semt pard May Mobilization bild itics, and takes a position in the class war that Meany says it was Roosevelt. Rubin says it We don think so. Just as it wasn accidental else.
religious organization, nowe certainly should not be passed goes on in modern society, it cannot legitimately was not that neither these papers nor, for that matter, He ain in, announced the don advise the workers tot in its present form. For though thiest if it finds itself compelled to share the for This is not a question of interpretation. It is any other capitalist paper, gave any publicity to Well then, said Plotkin, against the Fascist demonstracy in the transition from peace when organized religion is up to its neck in politics, a question of fact. Either Meany or Rubin is a the anti fascist counter demonstration, except as summoning up his last ounce tion, we do things respectably to war, it does so at a price is the sheerest hypocrisy.
fascist moves or police steps necessitated indirect of courage in the face of this with this. Comrade Rabbi the price of freedom. it We are not interested here in an abstract fight On May 23, Col. Harrington, WPA ad mention of the anti fascist action.
formidable representative of Plotkin dignifiedly turned his is a surrender of democratic against religion or religious beliefs, to which we ministrator, Roosevelt man Friday, appeared the State. will you please see back, signalled to his col rights to a military autocracy. have always acknowledged fullest freedom. We are that Acting Mayor Newbola leagues to follow him and a legislated confession of our not interested in offending the religious sentiments before the House appropriations committee then stalked majestically away to iack of confidence in those selfof any person quite the contrary. When Coughlin The British government began distribution of Sure. said the gold braid dismiss a maximum of 300 governing principles for which holding hearings on WPA legislation, and recsays we are, then the honorable gentleman is lysoothingly. We ll see that he demonstrators on whose be this nation long has stood four ing. We are interested in fighting against Coughlinommended ending of the prevailing wage. He 1, 500, 000 was helmets for protection of bables in in politics, and that spells fascism, spoke for Roosevelt.
event of war. What magnificent humanity the Brit sets it. Now, if you ve finished halt he had presented the peti square.
your business.
Ish bosses display saving the lives of even the sign of times On June 30 Roosevelt signed the infamous kids of the poor so that they may get bayoneted The boys are falling into mee. Coughlin Provokes Anti Catholicism The bugle is calling, and every When Coughlin tries to take refuge behind the Roosevelt Woodrum Relief Law. He attached in the Third World War!
newspaper organ of the Fatskirts of religion he is both hypocritical and to his signature a statement of four minor obBoys must do its duty. Un cowardly. But more than that and let every Cathjections he had to the law. The ending of the pleasant but perhaps inevitolic worker reflect on this point. By his antiable.
Semitic campaign, Coughlin is stirring up what is prevailing wage by the law was NOT one of his merely another kind of bigotry: professional antiobjections.
Catholicism. Many Catholies are beginning to un felt SPECIAL!
derstand it and to feel disturbed. Only this mornPre Publication ing the press reported the burning of a swastika You can strike against the government with (Continued from Page 1) the whole rotten system. Let buquerque, New Mexico. few days ago, we rea pointed declaration that he had not made any Offer. 50 no one voted against an idea not fall for the Save the DANCE ENTERTAINMENT ceived the first issue of the revived Ku Klux Klan objection to the security wage provision when Tag. The Fiery Cross, published in Atlanta, Ga.
which is so obviously just, and World for Democracy bunk.
so enthusiastically supported The full text of the adopted It is almost as violently anti Catholic as he signed the bill.
by the workers.
resolution was: 1s anti Jew. The new imperial Wizar de produchlin Is Meany a liar? No, he is telling the truth.
One speaker, a Stalinist, in Whereas: All the nations of that we shall ever strive to promote the interest Rubin is the liar. deliberate, sniveling liar. Saturday, September 16th at p.
desperation, made a frantic the world are preparing for an.
of the native born, white, Protestant, Gentile Popspeech, supporting the idea of other mass slaughter in which ulation of America. That would leave out the With the most conscious deceit, he and his Daily a referendum, but ending up the workers will be asked to by Canadian born Catholic, Coughlin)
Worker tell lies, lies, lies.
at the IRVING PLAZA BALLROOM with an appeal to get out your die for the profits of the bosses; bayonets if any one dares to How little the religious bigots of all kinds, whose And Whereas: Roosevelt is Boris Souvarine record of mutual persecution and hounding reeks attack these shores of our spending billions for arma(newly re decorated)
through the pages of history, understand in reality United States.
ments in preparation for AmerPublication date: Septemabout the question of that freedom of religion Stalinist Is Answered ican participation in this war: which they accuse us Reds of violating!
ber 18th. 704 pages. Price No sooner had he finished And Whereas: It is the peo Professional Entertainment on publication will be 50.
Our last issue omitted a significant fact about than speakers popped up all ple and not the 10, 000 a year Says Representative Dewey Short (R. Mo. over the hall congressmen who suffer as a By arrangements with! The wage hour law is just the NRA in disguise the War Dictatorship Board which President త Every war is a war of de result of war; and if the NRA taught us anything it was that any Roosevelt appointed on August the publishers a limited Swing Band fense, if you listen to the boss Therefore Be It Resolved: attempt to force the members of any industry to subscription edition of this That the WPA and Unemployed oard has been As reported in the press, important book will be how they always auxiliary of the UAW CIO of conform to universal and uniform standards is published at a special pre ruinous. Yep, 25 cents per hour is communism.
set up in accordance with the notorious Indusfool us!
Flint demand that Congress trial Mobilization Plan, and is to take over the Refreshments publication price of 50 Our enemy is right here at submit at once to the several Orders for this edition will home, the DuPonts, the Mor states an amendment to the country the outbreak of war. The appointees be accepted only Eleanor Roosevelt says: My own great hope, in until fans and their like. Our war constitution which will provide August 31st.
what seems to me a rather baffling world, is the are: Stettinius of Steel, Pratt oi General Boxes Reserved for parties of or more is against them, not against that any proposal for the decattitude which young people, with all their difft Motors, Gifford of American Telephone and the workers of any other coun laration of war or armed hosculties, seem to preserve. There is always the note try. talities, against any nation or Telegraph, and Wood of Sears, Roebuck four of optimism among the real leaders and an ideal Tickets 750 On Sale at office Labor Bookshop Yeah, we got a war on our people, shall submitted to a ism which marvel at their being able to preserve of America highest paid lieutenants of the Fat hands right here, against real direct referendum vote of the 116 University PI. in the present situation. She knows what is being Boys plus two academic advisers, Compton of eriemies. Our fight is against people.
cooked up for youth.
CIO Affiliate Backs Referendum on War about the WPA strike, Roosevelt coupled Fall FrolicSTALIN Morgan War press!