AnarchismAntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyMarxMarxismNazismParis CommuneRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

COST OF LIVING Skyrockets Automotive Progress in Reverse a burlesque on even Italy and Germany. The WAGES LAG FAR BEHIND By JOHNSON complete crushing in the Civil War of all reThe twenty first edition of Automobile Facts sistance from the masses and the backward 7or purposes of comparison, 100 pre war leveland Figures was recently issued by the Automobile Manufacturers Association. It is an ennature of the Spanish economy and ruling 30 The American Negro and the class made this result easily predictable. But 160 To.
thusiastic volume, full of big figures: last year the lengths to which things have gone is stiu 1914 motorists paid one out of every eight tax dolWAGES Proletarian Revolution a little surprising. From the press glean a 1915 lars, their total tax bill coming to 1, 529, 312, 125 COST OF LIVING The Negroes are designated by their whole historical past few of the more startling recent disclosures: 1916 total cars registered were 27, 628, 879.
to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proItem: Every family must get an official 1917 the industry was the nation No. consumer budget book and must record therein with 1918 adopted by the socialist Workers Party convention July 5, 1939.
of steel, rubber, plate glass, nickel, lead and the greatest honesty and scrupulousness all mohair. it accounted for the direct and in receipts and expenditures. These books will It is going to be one of the high peaks in the history of the direct employment of 6, 380, 000 workers, or be periodically inspected by the Ministry of American revolutionary movement, this decision of our recent one seventh of all persons painfully employed Labor to determine the actual necessities of convention.
last year. and so on. and so on.
the home, that is, to see how low the wage There is, in the sentence quoted, an overstatement, in my There was one rather interesting fact about scale may be safely fixed. Real Wages the amount that one paycheck can buy)
opinion. It would be more correct to say, in the very vanthis surging giant of production. as the Item: At San Sebastian, swank bathing guard. But the place of the Negroes is in the very front. This Times called it editorially, which some place, women bathing suits must carry kneeDo.
is the truth that must be burnt into the consciousness of every how didn get into the book. It may be found length skirts and have tops that reach neck 1913 party member before the party can successfully approach the in a recent report of the National Association and men bathers must wear tops. Fine for 1914 Negro question. When we have absorbed this, we shall know of Sales Finance Companies, and it is that last violations: 18.
1915 how to approach the Negro.
year more automobiles, both new and used, Item: Maids in the houses of Madrid noble 1916 It is the masses of the under privileged, the disinherited, who were repossessed because of failure to keep up men now get 60 a month. This correspond 1917 are least corrupted by the prevailing ideas of a society. They, payments than in any year in the history of ent adds: You can tell the maids from the 1918 (Based on Union Labor Hourly Wage Rates) 705 31 in the mass, are the readiest to fight most desperately for the the industry. Almost 20 of all used cars sold aristocrats on the streets because the maids overthrow of any social system.
were repossessed (next highest peak was 13 in 1932) and almost of all new cars (the are not allowed to wear hats.
Item: The Ministry of the Interior has or(U. Labor Dept. statistics) Example of French Revolution 1932 peak being slightly less than ganized a large crop of censors to survey all The Paris masses were the battering ram of the French Rev It is somewhat astonishing. comments the past productions of Spanish art, literature and olution: the Sansculottes, e. the people without shoes. In that Cleveland Trust Company Bulletin, to find music and to eliminate any works they conmanual of revolutionary theory and practice, the History of the that the increase in repossessions resulting from the sudden business relapse which began sider inimical to the interests of Spain. Russian Revolution, Trotsky describes the entry of these downstaff of several thousand functionaries cenlate in 1937 was considerably more serious trodden masses on the historical stage of the French Revolusor every letter sent or received and all phone than that at the bottom of the great depression tion. 210. calls. All Spaniards must report the Minin 1932. serious crack seems to be devel. istry the presence in homes or shops of any COLUMN ON YPSL CAMP APPRECIATES MORGAN and appreciate this advise very But before it comes to war and the guillotine, the Paris oping in the imposing facade of the automomuch.
Commune enters the scene supported by the lowest city layers bile industry one of many such cracks which books of unfriendly character.
Item: Women are strictly forbidden to lie Dear Comrade Editor. fully appreciate of the Third Estate and with increasing boldness contests the have become increasingly evident in the strucpower with the official representatives of the national bourdown on Spanish beaches. want to express my appresons for our workers making a ture of American capitalism since the 1937 Item: On July 30, General Franco decreed describing the California against some of the matters ciation of Bill Morgan column protest on their own time geoisie. new double sovereignty is thus inaugurated, the first collapse.
manifestation of which we observe as early as 1790, when the that all Spanish men between the ages of 18 camp. It was the sort of that were at that time before with copies to Earl Browder istration and in the municipalities.
How striking is the picture (Continued from Page 1) big and medium bourgeoisie is still firmly seated in the adminWeather Report the State without pay. This return to the article which renews one faith our Congress. Certainly an or and the Daily Worker: and so must work fifteen days each year for Those who follow the whimsically humorous and how vilely it has been slandered! of the efforts of the weather reports which are printed on the first Fascist nation so far; even Hitler pays the victory will be achieved. Bill we have in our American form provocation, said the tele people in wigs and silk breeches are settling the fate of the ne medieval corvee has been ventured in no other to fight against all odds until is one of the most sacred rights still time for united front plebian levels to raise themselves up out of the social cellars page of the World Telegram every eve ning must have been startled to read the reunemployed youth who work on the farms caught the spirit which filled of government.
port for July 29 last: The winds today are as though the very foundation of society. taking a middle of the road position. They are moderate and southerly. The temperature will be universally demanded in some form and sacrifice.
recent speech: Work, being a social duty, fight and study and enthusiasm 11on not countenancing the ac Union Square Saturday.
Cough coming to life. Human heads lifted themselves above the solia is far from subversive a good substantial, tions of a few who attempted linite threat to invade tradition mass, horny hands stretched aloft, hoarse but courageous voices or other of all Spaniards who are not crippled sound money. 85 degrees at most. But the humidity is sheer Trotskyism insidious, craf as it must be deemed a tribute that all must change the manner of printing on the protest, but your actions as brazenly provocative in the to live a life of their own. They were recognized it was imposwrong interpretation al labor center characterized shouted. The districts of Paris, bastards of the revolution, began The ty: boring from within and without The most interesting item of all, however, his articles? They would be were in entire accord with the manner of their fascist fore sible not to recognize them. and transformed into sections. But friend who called this my attention adds that the report appeared this way in the home more attractive if you respectful and cooperative spir bears abroad even by Herald they kept continually breaking the boundaries of legality and reis that on August the New Deal administra give them special feature head it we have always found exist Tribune in edition, but that in later editions the reference to Trotskyism was deleted. He suggests by its prompt diplomatic recognition of the lines based on the material in ing in the actions and deatst. Your Dally worketa editolayceiving a current of fresh blood from below, opening their rankos that the term is coming to have the same sig Franco regime, took steps to show its friendi each article, instead of burying tions of the workers Alliance. correctly states today they lottes. At the same time, the rural municipalities were becoming nificance for the bourgeoisie that Commu ness for its sister democracy in more substan each piece under the dull and HERBERT LEGG out hesitation Call for deter which was defending the feudal property system. Thus from un nism had before the went respectable. tial form. The Export Import Bank, chief or unsuggestive column head On the Line. gan of the Administration dollar diplomacy.
Administrator of hope he right. also want to officially invite announced it was extending 13, 750, 000 in credhas already caused Coughlin to These were the millions who poured into the French Trade Southern California Spain: Work in Progress issue formal repudiation and Unions between June and August 1936 at the rate of 40, 000 a day.
its to Nationalist Spain to make it possible for the appeal to send up a repormade police take action against These are the masses who will rally around the more conserva As might have been expected, the victory Coughlinite violence in Bronx tive organizations of the more privileged workers and vitalize of Franco is bringing into being a Fascist ing and wailing of the Nation and the New camp which is opening this DEFENDING DEMOCRACY week, especially to the training IN AN HONORABLE WAY yesterday. Only way to prevent them for the proletarian revolution.
regime of so extreme a type as to be almost Republic can be imagined!
school which we will have on fascists from criminal outthe week of August 25 and Editor: breaks is mobilization of hun Revolutionary History of American Negroes MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR which will end in a crand jam. In its report for the year dreds of thousands not some If you think California 1938 39 the American Civil Lib. time in future but this Satur And in America, under adequate leadership. the Negroes run a good camp. erties Union states that there day. To this end fascist threat will come en masse to the revolutionary struggle of the fifteen million of them in America today, barring a thin you ain seen nothing till you developed during the year a must be faced by one solid lacome to the New York camp.
crust of petty bourgeois capitalists, intellectuals, and well paid more intense anti democratic bor front.
Edward Frank, New York domestic attendants of the American bourgeoisie, the large maIRVING HOWE propagande whose effect successful, inevitably will re crganizer of the Socialist Work jority of Negroes will fight for a new society with a vigor and endurance that will be surpassed by no other section of the sult in sweeping denials of civil ers Party, said: farmers. BIT OF TRUE Despite our sharp and deep American workers liberties. At the same time it By EMANUEL GARRETT COMPANY UNIONISM going political differences with Their ancestors did it. Lincoln doubted that the North could reaffirms its position with re: the Communist Party, we shall have won without the 220, 000 Negroes in the Northern Army and Dear comrades: SACCO AND VANZETTI My father in Italy is in good condition. I know this news is somewhat of movements characterized as prompt Joint action against the fought! It would have been madness to attempt, with the brav(Executed August 23, 1927)
could have come back in Italy and he would late, but inasmuch as a letter anti democratic.
common Fascist foe.
est white troops, what have successfully accomplished with the This democratic platitude has Nicola Sacco (born in Italy, April 22, 1891) have welcomed me every time with open from Herbert Lece. WPA Adblack ones. This is the testimony of Colonel Higginson, and was a shoemaker. For years he worked in arms. Even if come back with not a cent in ministrator of Southern Cali in reality often been used to the there are a score of similar appraisals. This bravery and endurMilford, Mass. shoe factory as a skilled edger my pocket, my father could have give me a fornia, commending the work advantage of the fascists. Thus WPA WAGE CUTS ance can be counted on from any people who for centuries have Bartolomeo Vanzetti (born in Italy, June 11, position, not to work but to make business, or ers Alliance for its coopera. the praises the experienced every variety of oppression and at last see a way 1888) was a worker who had tried his hands at to oversee upon the land that he owns. tive spirit has just been post police for defending the Nazi TAKE EFFECT SEPT. out.
many trades. For years he peddled fish in Now, should say that am not only inno ed on our project bulletin board meeting at Madison Sq. Garden Such was, or should have been, generally known at least by Plymouth, Mass. Sacco and Vanzetti were no cent of all these things, not only have never want to tell you what happen though it doesn mention the Marxists. But it is only within the last few years that research different from any other worker except in committed a real crime in my life though eu here in connection with the rights of the anti Nazis who met (Continued from Page 1) has begun to find and make known the revolutionary hostility one thing. Sacco and Vanzetti were anarchists. some sins but not crimes. not only have WPA strike.
outside. In Denver, Colorado, New York Times, August 17, as against the old slave owners which characterized the ex slaves They hated tyranny and oppression. They struggled all my life to eliminate crimes, the After many attempts and it has defended the exhibitors designed to drive down the gen after the Civil War. Fear of a servile insurrection hung like a dreamed of a society in which man would be crimes that the official and the moral law much effort on the part of the of the vicious anti Negro film, eral wage standards of all thunder cloud over the defeated plantation magnates in the free. They paid for that crime with their lives.
condemns, but also the crime that the moral militants on the writers and Birth of fe Nation. In prin: werkers. We must retain a years that followed their defeat. With the slightest encourage The year 1920 was the year of the Palmer law and the official law sanction and sanctity Historical Records projects to ciple, it defends Father Cough differential in favor of private ment from any political party in the North, the blacks in the raids, of the post war hysteria. On April 20th of that year a paymaster was held up and there is a reason why am here as a guilty the idea because the stalinists ton to grant him more attractive than relief. The out every vestige of the plantation system and with it the theory killed in Braintree, Mass, Sacco and Vanzetti man, if there is a reason why you in a few who have the majority voted time to spread his anti Semitic effect of the new wage scale and practise of white supremacy.
were nowhere near the scene of the killing minutes can doom me, it is this reason and against such action.
There wasn a shredo tangible evidence to none else.
The Stalinists called instead against the interference with er cities of the North and Negro Not Deceived by Democracy connect them with the crime. But they were Our Career and Our Triumph a hour work stoppage to pro Bund meetings by anti Nazis in East, said the Times.
Today the lives of over 90 of the Negroes in this country anarchists. and so they were arrested and test peacefully the 130 hour Syracuse, Unte etc.
This latest attack on WPA offer no soll in which Illusions about bourgeois democracy can have talk a great deal of myself but law. The workers were to walk II, some day, the gentlemen workers, like the previous flourish. The Negroes have no need to dream dreams and see tried before judge (Webster Thayer) who publicly bragged that he burn the damn aneven forgot to name Sacco. Sacco too is a out just two and a half hours of the will have de ones, results from the cut of visions of a new society. It is always before them to be able archists. Sacco and Vanzetti were found guilty worker from his boyhood, a skilled worker lov. before quitting time and as fended the civil rights of the almost a billion dollars from the to live as white America lives. But that desire, modest as it is.
er of work, with a good job and pay, a bank ac semble quietly in front of the fascists sufficiently and sentenced to death. The Massachusetts find relief budget and transference they will never get under capitalism. The majority do not undercount, a good and lovely wife, two beautiful building along the curb so not themselves in concentration of that amount to the war stand their position in these terms. But the thinking ones know courts chalked up another triumph for boss justice.
children, and a neat little home at the verge to block the entrance to the camps, will, at least, be a budget and transference of that that they will win their emancipation only by merciless struggle Seven Year Fight faith, a character, a man; a man lover of na demonstration. Just one happy themselves that they acted in which was President Roose their enemies all white America, white workers and all. When Appeals, mass action stayed execution of ture and of mankind. man who gave all, who family lolling around the build an honorable and democratic velt recommendation to Con the white workers realize, as Lincoln realized, that their emanthe sentence for seven years. During those sacrifice all to the cause of Liberty and to his ing, eating candy, drinking way.
gress in his April 27 reliefcipation is impossible without the Negroes, they will look for years, the wave of protest swelled higher as love for mankind; money, rest, mundane am soda pop Brooklyn, budget message.
added evidence confirmed their innocence, bitions, his own wife, his children, himself and We tried to turn this get tothem and find them as Lincoln did. They are doing it already pointed the guilt in fact at a gang of profes his own life. Sacco has never dreamt to steal, gether into some sort of milias witness the hundreds of thousands of Negroes in the CIO.
sional thieves. From Shanghai to Boston workThe revolutionary party seeks to accelerate that process.
never to assassinate. He and have never tant protest, with our own plac.
ers demonstrated. Bourgeois liberals (Felix Frankfurter and others) declared the trial a our childhood to to day which has not been when the Stalinists saw the frame up. In Paris, barricades were erected. gained by the sweat of our brows. Never. His placard which read Repress The Negroes real united front of labor fought for the reWhat Lincoln learned by experience, we of the revolutionary lease of Bacco and Vanzetti. Union Square was reputation.
acts they became exceedingly many times packed as labor leaders of differVanguard should know by analysis. Yet, even when it was a Oh, yes, may be more witful, as some indignant and isolated us. They ing political viewpoints, James Cannon, revolutionary party, the Communist Party took ten years to Carlo Tresca, etc. demanded freedom for have put it, am a better babbler than he is, held a short meeting and disaddress itself seriously to the Negro question, and then oaly by but many, many times in hearing his heartful banded.
The forthcoming issue of the Rosa Luxemburg Sacco and Vanzetti.
voice ringing faith sublime, in considering the vigorous intervention of the Communist International. The New International, which will But an impartial investigating committee Fraternally.
his supreme sacrifice, remembering his hero: Comrade enclosed Lere tain the following important (6) The Palestine Problem, has followed an identical course ten years of neglect of prominent liberals appointed by Glovergo to press shortly. con by Max Shachtman.
and then an impulse to action from our international movement.
nor Fuller weighed the evidence, ignored all ism felt small small at the presence of his letter which was addressed to analyses of national and inter Amendment Stand, by Harold explanations would be a dangerous sophistry. It is duerint part (7) Where Does the Ludlow This is not in the faintest degree acoidental, and any superficial the facts clearing Sacco and Vanzetti and to fight back from my eyes the tears, and quanch my the job stewardess of the local national problems: proving the case a frame up and confirmed heart trobling to my throat to not weep before vey. It reads: on the Historical Records Surtheir guilt. Massachusetts justice had to (1) Twenty Five Million of changes through which the or American bourgeois society and which is present even in a have its toll. Sacco and Vanzetti had to die.
him this man called thief and assassin and wish to acknowledge reus, by Argus. critical analginal Ludlow Amendment has movement as advanced as ours. Marxists are not exempt from That they did with the cry Long live an hearts of the people and in their gratitude ceipt of your letter of July 21st, ysis of the WPA, what it has gone and the present position the laws of history and can combat a prevalling prejudice in archy! on their lips.
all its aspects only by conscious and strenuous thought and acwhen Katzman and your bones will be disto achieve: what it has meant (8) The Negro in the United tion continuously renewed. This is not a matter of personal relapersed by time, when your name, his name, CAMP 3L How better recite the lives of those two great your laws, institutions, and your false god are to the millions of unemployed States. The first of a series of tionships between whites and Negroes in a party, important martyrs than in the unmatchable words of one but a dim rememoring of a cursed past in Near Brewster, New York in the United States. Illustrated articles by George Novack on though that is. There is a certain number of non revolutionary of them, Vanzetti, from his address to the country estate of the with a series of graphs com this enormously important Americans who maintain quite liberal personal relationships which man was wolf to the man.
court before entence was pronounced, piled by the author.
bourgeoisie rented for the If it had not been for this thing, might question for the future of the with those Negroes whom they know. Yet they are permeated from his final statement to the court: Bathing, sport, have lived out my life talking at street corwith chauvinism. We shall have to probe this question to its (2) The Situation in Ceylon, American labor movement. Everybody that knows these two arms ping pong, badminton, by Sherman Stanley.
In addition ners to scorning men, might have died, unthis partial ta depths.
knows very well that do not need to go into and a good time.
marked, unknown, a failure. Now we are not When as a party we realize how pervasive and subtle, even (3) Latest Developments in ble of contents there will be Campfires, singing, danc.
the streets and kill a man to take money. Dwight India.
Macdonald a fallure. This is our career, and our triumph.
regular amons revolutionaries, is the chauvinism fostered by American can live by my two hands and live well. But ing.
column Reading from Left to capitalism, then and then only shall we be in a position to tear Never in our full life could we hope to do such besides that, can live even without work (4) The PSOP and Trotsky. Right, book reviews and vari it out by the roots and begin to win the Negro for the revolution.
with my hands for other people. have had work for tolerance, for justice, for man un Employed 14 derstanding as now we do by accident. Our ism. by Leon Trotsky sequel ous other features in the Sep. But the first requisite for this is to tear out of our minds the plenty of chance to live independently and to Unemployed to the exchange of letters betember issue of the magazine. false conceptions of Negroes which we have unconsciously taken words our lives pains nothing! The taking Get all Information at tween Leon Trotsky and Daniel For information on subscrip over from American capitalism. To see the Negro as being in live what the world conceives to be a higher of our lives lives of a good shoemaker and a Guerin and Marceau Pivert.
YPSL OFFICE life than to gain our bread with the sweat of poor fish peddler all! That last moment betion and bundle rates, address the very vanguard of a great international political movement our brow longs to us that agony is our triumph.
116 University PL. 5) Continuation of the ar the New International, 116 Uni is to do him justice for the first time in American political ticle on French politics by versity Place, New York City. thinking. It is from there that the Fourth International begins.
OUT OF THE PAST to montagem are in sos a poner cuenta con caram watched FEATURES SITUATION IN WPA Rates: