CommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1939 Party Swings Into COUGHLINITES In the Action on National MEET UNDER Labor Anti War Campaign POLICE GUARD Unions Stop Fascism In America!
PI. way.
New York AFL Meet Raps Roosevelt Anti Labor Stand NEW YORK CITY corner meetings, the Appeal BRANCHES AT WORK: to be mounted on a placard For 10 days now all the com and carried aloft for everyone rades of New York City have to see. Wouldn Dare Talk Will Father Coughlin Become been hard at work selling the publicity stunts and schemes (4) Branches are to devise (Continued from Page 1) rades are farming them out to Socialist Appeal, distributing Pu quota of 100 for the Anti War the other branches on the Without Protection Dictator of the United States? Lens of thousands of leaflets, for advertising the Appeal. The Fund Drive. We have accepted Coast.
selling the Coughlin pamphlet, best methods are to have com By WIDICK our quota with the determina This unit functions in the Uni Is Workers Feeling rades wear Appeal poster signs etc tion to go over the top.
By JOSEPH HANSEN Al versity of California at Berkestrenuous efforts have been hire a horse and wagon and set when selling in the streets; to CLEVELAND, Ohio much though money is scarce the ley, and when school reopens. FOURTH INSTALLMENT)
made to boost Appeal circula up an Appeal float; to decorate needed move to avoid the comrades have assessed them a mass meeting on the war rer NEW YORK Protected by tion. The Branches have run branch headquarters: to displague of jurisdictional fights selvese day pays our symerendum will be held, Septem. the police from the wrath of It Can Happen Here far more street corner meet tribute all back copies of the After the tragedy to the working class in Italy believers ings than usual, have held lo paper on hand.
within the AFL here was made by our anti Coughlin drive that members are taking the peti 500 anti fascists for the second last week under the impetus of we mean business, are coming tions out every Sunday for week in a row Cowlin in the democratic and liberal form of capitalist govern in the streets of the Bronx. 1ob in fulfilline New York cal parades and demonstrations (5) In addition, as part of the Christian Front held a meetthe teamsters unions.
through better than we ex door to door canvassing in ing on Fordham Road and Val ment considered it impossible that it could happen else East Side, Brooklyn, etc.
Powerful AFL building and pected. By hard plugging we working class districts.
entine Avenue, the Bronx, Wedquota in the War Referendum construction unions joined with expect to get there.
NEW YORK CITY where. They pointed to the immaturity of the Italian Abe Miller, local New York Campaign, all comrades who nesday night. Fifty cops, five the teamsters to set up a spe Show that the party means literature agent, has recom are collecting names on the peThe New York district is at of them on horseback were working class, the lack of a democratic tradition. In none mended the following goals in tition lists are carrying around fire a tema mjurisdictionaha nas statement of our job in a cam presente engaged of activitbrees cists from the love of the be so gullible as to be taken in by a demagogue who did no of the modern countries, they proclaimed, could anyone preparation for our mighty subscription blanks and getting anti. Coughlin demonstration. new readers for the Appeal.
putes paign as an article would be.
readers of the Appeal can note, people.
Storm Center BOSTON The city election campaign.
Before the meeting was over more than salute, frown, shove out his jaw, orate, and These are now being carried out in action: And so we find the comrades Still from Massachusetts, with its accompanying job of one woman had been trampled march his followers around in black shirts. 1) All branches are to dou of the New York Socialist WorkA sore point in the labor Comrade Tracy sends in a slug putting our candidates on the by a mounted policeman and This attitude was particularly true of the leaders of the ble their Appeal bundle orders. ers Party and hard at movement here is the en of 54 on its quota and adds: ballot by petition, is the first many others were charged by croachment of the Operating To date the party members ring; and the other two are the topeatedly rode into the crowd Fascism take over power in Germany? Fantastic! There most powerful labor movement in the world Germany. 2) Branches ordering Ap. work building our press. More peals above their regular quota power to them and let their enEngineers union on will receive them at a lower. ergetic activity be an example trades unions. showdown vicinity of 125. 00 and we are and the War Referendum Cam every time workers took up the can be only one Mussolini, they proclaimed.
special price.
to every branch throughout the was threatened last week be. counting quite heavily on the paign. Each of the three by it. chant Down with the Nazi cause of the stubbornness of social and indoor meeting, both self would ordinarily require agents.
In response to this light minded and irresponsible atti. In all parades and street country!
Frank Converse, czar of the of which will be held in Sep. the mobilization of the entire Coughlinite Praises Hitler tude toward Fascism, Mussolini himself sneered: engineers unions, on the points tember.
membership: and the New The main speaker for the a be dispute Converse long has Two meetings per week are work comrades are responding, fascists was one. Me Williams, expression, but its doctrinai postulates have a universal Workers of New York! Buy Your Socialist been a storm center of juris being held in different sections therefore, threefold. But in any who said he was captain and ordictional raids.
of the city, with the attendance case. Comrade Frank, New ganizer of the Christian Mobil and original Italian stamp does not prevent its principles Appeal at the Following Newsstands Keystone of the plan to end around 75 which is small for York Organizer, promises that izers. McWilliams ranted about costly intra union fights lles in Boston, but it seems an intense all of New York quotas will taking power in the and forms. Preface by Mussolini to The Universal AsMANHATTAN Ave. 42nd St. 7th the establishment of this au heat wave has been at work for be filled handily by campaign giving the Jews what they de pects of Fascism. 1927. thoritative committee which a month and a halt. Four closing time. Thus far, the dis serve. Hitler, said McwilliCherry Katherine Sts. Monroe Ave. 64th St. 65th SL The terrible capitalist contradiction of scarcity in the Madison Sta K stationery Store way. Candy Store. 66th St. way: 72nd St. way, 93rd St.
would function as a high tri trams of two comrades each. Crict has taken 1, 600 Burnham ams, was really a great man iard General Store, Kasex De Columbus Ave 96th St. Cent Pk buna!
midst of plenty continued to deepen relentlessly in Gerwith decision making continues gave Czechoslo Comrade Tracy, pamphlets, and has gathered because he Iancey Sts. Houston Clinton. West. 110th St. Columbus Ave. power Metsel Bookshop Grand Attorney many.
have been assigned the task well over 000 signatures to the vakia back to the Czechs. 181st St St. Nicholas Ave.
Sta Clinton way. 6th St.
The jurisdictional committee of door to door canvassing for petition. September 16 will see. Meanwhile, the cops true to The Powerful German Labor Movement Ave. N. 9th St. Ave. D157th St. way 145th St.
Nicholas Ave. Wigerson conference of influential labor phlets and Appeals. There is ey for both the war campaign busy suppressing anybody who Before January 30, 1933, when President Hindenburg Sandy Store, and are na st Madison Ave oth st. Candy Store, cor. 103 St. way.
leaders, consists of Ed Mura general mobilization every and election drive.
wanted to uphold democratic invited a man who called himself Der Fuehrer to become Ave. 2nd Ave. 9th St. Stuyvesant BRONX phy, president of the teamsters Saturday afternoon for street PHILADELPHIA rights of workers and religious Chancellor of Germany and to form a new government, and Ave 13th St. near Cafe Roy district council, William Finne sales of the Appeal and the minorities. Toward the end of Longwood Ave Southern Bouievard 171st St Fulton Ave.
can president of the Cleveland pamphlets.
writes in the branch secretary summed up the feelings of the In the last two weeks, the meeting one anti fascist the German labor movement was considered as the most al. 184 Second Ave, Univ advanced section of the international working class in the sw. 170th St. Jerome Avc.
Pl. 12th St 14th St. Univ.
Lenahan, secretary of the fed TOLEDO Buth St Jeronto Ave.
Jerome Pl. 14th St. way. Ave. Freeman st Southern Unive cration, and Albert Dalton, The Toledo branch contrib sained momentum and are at the speaker you wouldn capitalist world.
14th St. 4th Ave. 14th St. 174th St Boston Road. Kingsbusiness agent of the building utes Out of a working population of approximately 16, 000. 4th Ave. 14th St th Ave bridge Ra. Jerome Ays, East Me: an idea which other sweeping ahead with our anti dare speak if you didn have trades branches may be able to use. war campaign. We are holding the cops to protect you. 000, more than 6, 000, 000 belonged to trade unions. Two at Stand SE 14th St Alth Avec Ave Micella Grand Contour de Procedure Established Howard.
The Party, writes Fred open air meetings and having of their political parties, the Social Democratic Party of sw. 14th St. 3rd Ave NW 14th BROOKLYN campaign director, large crowds. We are get Join the Socialist the Second International and the Communist Party of the St. opp. Jefferson Theatre 14th St Procedure to be followed is was carried on a downtown ting our petitions filled up rapStraus cor. Pitkin Ave. Tompkins Workers Party Third International controlled between them approximately tus Ave Nyhon ser Sutter. co en Senderon 14th St sth St cor. Myrtle Ave. Havemeyer cor.
first for the unions involved to Crive for petition signatures. aly.
send representatives to a spe. We have a little stand with a 12, 000, 000 votes. Many representatives of the workers asin StethAve NE. 4th St cial conferenc to iron out the slogan painted above it. This is Ave. Bax Parkway 86th St Ave.
were successfully elected to the legislature.
27th Ave NW sw. way, sth st. soth sten Now Utrecht problem.
pui in the doorway of a vacant If a deadlock is reached, ap store in a busy section downNot only had the workers succeeded in gaining union oder ein RAxe Bikway peal must be made to the com town. Pamphlets are also sola Rand took ald Aveoth Ave. 40th.
wages and union hours throughout the greater part of Apr 16th st. 23rd St. 4th QUEENS mittee of four which would at the stand.
industry, but they owned innumerable houses, manifold Stern South side and St. 3023 Grand Ave. 31 10 Brondway.
hold hearings and suggest a Party members reactions solution. If the unions still dis to the campaign are good. New institutions, libraries, medical clinics, hospitals, convalesagreed, the committee would members are getting petitions (Continued from Page 1)
cent homes, labor secretariats, legal consulting agencies, ists got busy reconditioning their giant factories and mills have the power oamendment to the Sherman labor universities, and vocational training schools.
render a signed, selling Appeals, etc.
for another bid at selling for private profit on the world final and binding decision.
Have conducted house to house attempt to outlaw the market.
In event the committee of canvassing for signatures 300 thetic strike action of the which would exempt laborer (Labor Under Hitler, a pamphlet attacking Hitler, printed four was divided evenly on a have been secured so far. And Teamsters in support of the sanizations from falling under under the auspices of the American Federation of Labor, Despite the mountainous burden of the war debt and question, it would unanimously Comrade Howard adds a hurry WPA building trades strikers. their operation.
President George Meany and the mountainous burden of the reparations payments select a fifth labor leader to call for 50 more petition sheets He warned the delegates of the Well printed magazines, newspapers and books were heaped upon the backs of the workers and poor farmers of participate and cast the decid to be used in a special drive on Pikelihood that the army and all other officers of the New Saturday navy would be used against the York State Federation of Labor produced in great quantities by the workers. They enjoyed Germany, the period of prosperity that culminated in 1929 Cleveland labor leaders said FLINT organized labor movement and were unanimously elected to vacations at lodges and cultural centers owned by them made it possible to get by without too much danger of they expect formation of simi as proof quoted an editorial succeed themselves for the selves. They had built up huge reserves for group insurThat branch is here again, from the July 22 Army and coming year economic collapse.
lur committees on a nationwide scale as part of the solu with another dollar on its fund Navy Journal which took it for ance. They exerted a powerful influence not only through American dollars poured into Germany in hope of a big tion to the jurisdictional prob quota, another batch of peti granted that the president return from reconditioned German industry and the period lems in the AFL.
tions turned in, and the an statement required troops to nounced intention of outstrip back it up.
of eternal expansion, eternal progress, and endless vistas Answers CIO ping every other branch in the Green Defends Strikes councils of profit kept the German capitalists from grumbling too William Green, president of much.
Twice in 1919 and again in 1923 the workers had It frankly is a counter move country in campaign activity. We have not set ourselves the AFL, addressing the opencome within a handspan of establishing their own govern Wondrous improvements were made in the factory main the building trades fields in a membership quota. Coming session of the convention also defended the ment in power. So powerful was the political drive of the chines, embodying the latest developments of scientific inopposition to the AFL.
current dispute in there is not much sense in it. WPA building trades strike.
In the working class that the capitalists were able to retain their ventive genius and super efficient plant organization.
Cleveland, the six unions which In case you get the wrong ideal We hold that the payment position only because of the perfidy of certain key leaders But the enormous taxes needed to pay the staggering already have accepted the plan he hastens to add: We keep of the prevailing rate of wages of the workers. The might of the German labor move war debt kept the pocket books of the workers, the poor are the firemen and Oilers, ex recruiting all the time. The to workers engaged by the govcavating drivers, structural campaign is an accelerating ernment is a fundamental prinfarmers, and the small merchants drained. No matter how ment shook the capitalist clutch on political power and Without setting any ciple that we contend for with (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
iron workers, stone cutters, ce factor.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 15. national wealth again and again.
they attempted to wriggle out of it, taxes continued to eat ment finishers and operating quota, it is my opinion Flint no compromising until the bitwill have recruited ten new ter end.
Coughlin fascists last night Union wages, union hours and the other important coninto their income. And the wild inflation that struck the Because the plan was spon members during the campaign to the covernment refuses made their first attempt here cessions which the workers had gained through militant German currency during the early twenties ate like a cancer a struggles seemed as impervious to grasping capitalist fin into the savings of the poor. Bankruptcies increased.
leaders in the labor movement tinate in this respect, having still persist in the application working class organization. gers as a wall of polished granite a world of contacts, and can of a so called governmental Young people coming from the schools faced blank and here there is considerable hope recruit with much less effort fixed security wage for those The fascist hooligans con Yet within twelve months of that fateful day on which forbidding future. The heightened efficiency of the facthat other unions will go along than the average branch. With employed upon building converged on a platform at 31st President Hindenburg called Der Fuehrer to form a new with the plan.
tories threw increasing numbers of workers into the ranks Arement here it is not a problem of re: structen un entretien en we wth and Norrist Streets from which government, this powerful labor movement was completely of the starving unemployed.
the serpenters, brakiayers and cruiting members but of devel pur fight until the end. We wil members of the Socialist Workannihilated.
lathers unions.
The world wide depression of the capitalist system which vailing rate of wage principle. ers Party were bringing their The plan was made at an perienced people.
Those working class leaders who had not succeeded in began in 1929 heightened this process to the point of conference called emergency The campaign is having a Anti Coughlin Resolution anti war message to the workutilizing their passports and airplane tickets suffered in frenzy. Germany had a total voting population of only under the auspices of the good effect on our new people.
Green warned American laers.
teamsters last week, It first of all is showing them bor of fascism. The first great Answering the taunts of the describable tortures behind the barbed wire of concentra 36, 000, 000 in 1930, but 6, 000, 000 were unemployed.
a to that we are national organi democratic organization wiped hooligans, Joe Simmons of the tion camps. Many were killed outright, victims of the In this same year it was estimated by an American newsConverse open threat to fight zation, with active comrades all out in the totalitarian countries Socialist paper correspondent after a careful survey that there were other craft untons which re over the country all with obli. was the trade union, the lead nounced coughin aspartrascist Brown Shirt followers of Der Fuehrer.
How was it possible for an obscure individual, starting possibly 15, 000, 000 Germans on the verge of starvation.
byse the operating engineers. tional office, something that or to prison, the funds of the slave the American workers. with a party composed of only seven crackpot agitaTo make matters worse the democratic capitalist govConverse retreated from his was very vague to them be union confiscated, the head. fascist thug sprang up. He was tors who gained their livelihood as professional bar flies, ernment cut down on relief allowances and made it much position after the conference quarters taken over, the unlons forcibly ejected from the crowd to sweep a modern powerful labor movement of millions more difficult to obtain help from relief officials, alleging was held and he announced he would subscribe to the net set tween, but with everyone en speech, no freedom of action. The hooligans reassembled with fire and murder unchecked and reduce it to bondage that this would force the unemployed to get jobs and be absorbed by private industry. and raising of funds as one of the freedom of organization into hundred aroused worker Tale as miserable and horrible as that prevailing in the darkest days of the Middle Ages?
The entire market dropped into a bottomless well. The ANNOUNCEMENT democratic trade unions.
important tasks of every memThe growing menace offend it against the Coughlinites, Depression Sweeps Germany German capitalists found themselves with the most modern THE FRIENDS of The Russian ber.
Coughlin was recognized by the and restored order.
and well equipped factories in the world, but nowhere to Bulletin is to hold a boat ride ST. PAUL In this concrete setting, the esolution which adopted When the capitalist lords of industry in Germany saw sell products at a profit. The interest which they demanded Two branches in 27. The boat will sail from the different condemning fascism growing menace of Coughlin the plants they controlled for their private benefit taken fascist movement was ex over by the workers in 1919, they thought it was the end for their investment reached almost zero. Goods clogged Battery at 10:15 a. going parts of the country have print and anti Semitic doctrines.
Demand More Schools ed their own stickers with the warehouses to the rafters.
up Long Island Sound to Rye slogan Let the People Vote on series of resolutions de lers, who called for formation of of plush cushions and champagne parties for them. When The capitalists looked with hungry eyes at the union aboard to the music of a first. War and the local address. manding the expansion rather Workers Defense Guard. the cowardly or shortsighted leaders the workers handed wages and union hours enjoyed by the workers. Nor did rate orchestra. At Playland, sticker is in bold red, and large tion were passed unanimously. lected for the guard.
the plants and the government back, the capitalists wiped these men trained in the bandit warfare of imperialist comin section reserved for the size (4 by 10 inches. beads of cold sweat from their brows and resolved that petition fail to try out, in a scientific and experimental Friends of The Russian BulA mass meeting at the Party cut of 89, 710, 000 in state educa ANNOUNCEMENTS such a hairline escape should never occur again. What if letm, we will pionic all after hall has been set for Sept. 16tion which has resulted in a re.
the great masses of working people had actually put their way on their electric adding machines, what totals could noon, full program of to climax the campaign, and a auction of school services such THEATRE PARTY August 23.
be estimated in the reserves the trade union group insurance plans and savings accounts.
ming, and fun galore being tag day was held on Sunday. as evening schools, resolutions The Downtown Branch 18 own government in power!
holding a theater party for At first they attempted rather gingerly to chisel back a The more clear sighted of the workers saw that the unarranged. The return trip will covering a working class neigh state legislature to put a halt to Pins and Needles on Wednesday evening. August 23.
few of the concessions they had been forced to give up.
be made on an evening boat, borhood. Another tag day is the shocking condition of overendurable suffering from the crisis in the economic system with a Broadway show to be scheduled for the following crowded city schools.
This is the second edition of They added a few labor spies and strikebreakers to their could be ended in only one way establishing a socialist offered, followed by dancing. Thursday.
The convention also adopted a resolution in support of an the play and it is shown at payrolls. But the unions faced this threat with an iron state which would kick out Tickets are available at the small handful of wealthy National Office at the nom BERKELEY extensive program to build low So, come all keep cool to front and the capitalists saw that it was impossible to get families who blocked the wheels of production, and start inal price of only one dollar. The other sticker has been cost housing projects for work the showing of a swell labor anywhere with such antiquated tactics.
distributing goods to the ragged and hungry millions.
Make your reservations im printed by the unit in ers. Other resolutions called musical show. Tickets can The great landholding barons in East Germany silently mediately before the limited Berkeley, California, also large for support of a national health be obtained ate special rates bit their lips and let the poor farmers remain on the marThe capitalists decided to do something and to do it muebetely obedickets are 12 size. Three thousand were insurance bin, support of the famous ver. celdwell at the ginal lands where they had squatted. The big industrialquick hausted.
printed, and the Berkeley com thirty hour week, and for an (Continued in next issue)
ing vote.
Repulse Fascist labor courts, social administration, and workers factory Attempt to Rout Phila. Meeting up.