Civil WarCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyIV InternationalInvasionItalyNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Take the War Making Power Away From Congress!
BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1939 3c a Copy VOL. III, No. 61 VICTORY DEMONSTRATION IN UNION SQUARE!
Party Swings Into PAW age Clinch the Victory Action on National Cuts Take Anti War Campaign Effect in Over Fascist Bands!
September Roosevelt Anti Labor Stand ANTI WAR FUND SCOREBOARD SWP Completes Plans For Giant Anti Fascist Rally in Union Square Fascist preparations for a parade from Columbus Circle to Union Reports from Branches Show Real Progress German American Square on Saturday, August 19, reached their high point on Thursday, August 19 MobilizaIn Activity, But Fund Collections Lag Fraternal Group August 17, when Fritz Kuhn official organ of the Nazi Bund printed tion Turned into VicBehind the Rest of the Campaign Slashes Are Blow at military orders to the Nazi Brown Shirts to come out in full force.
Backs Call tory Celebration General Wage StandThis fascist provocation got the answer it deserved! Hundreds of By HAL DRAPER izers in the next period: we ards of Workers The Workmen Sick NEW YORK, August 18 thousands of anti fascists declared THEIR determination to hold a Death Benefit Fund of the Preparations for the giant antiSecretary Campaign Committee need it to carry out the tasks United States, oldest workCalais goes over the top those campaigns that will folof this campaign as well as counter demonstration against the fascists in Union Square on Saturfascist counter demonstration ers fraternal organization in Saturday at 4:30 in Union twice!
low. The building of the antiBy NEIL WHITE the country and founded by Square, in answer to the fascist One comrade sends in the war party can wait!
Substantial wage cuts for all day, August 19.
German American trade un. parade from Columbus Circle, full quota for the campaign for WPA workers in 36 states were ionists, signified its support While the fund gathering part announced August 16 by Col.
The fascists are bold only when no one resists them. When they saw were going full steam ahead as this town in the rock ribbed Re of the campaign is starting Harrington, national WPA of the August 19 anti Cough the SociaNst Appeal went to publican state of Maine, giving slowly, the branches continue administrator.
what was coming, the fascists began to back down. First Coughlin himlin demonstration in the fol. press.
it a percentage of 200 on the to send in reports of progress lowing letter, dated August Everything indicates a huge quota for September 15, which in the campaign for the The wage cuts were promul self, then his Christian Front and now, on Coughlin orders his shock 15, in answer to the Social rally in Union Square and sated against all WPA workers is half of the full quota.
ple Referendum on War. It in the East, the mid West and ist Workers Party invita powerful set back to the fastroops, the Christian Mobilizers, have withdrawn from the parade. The tion for united front action cists.
As Maine goes, so goes the is clear by now thet, more than the West. The 36 states affected against the fascist parade: nation or doesn it? That list at any previous time, the Party comprise the vast majority of fascists have crawled back to their holes temporarily.
More than 300, 000 leaflets Socialist Workers Party of branches with 00. 00 after has been swung into action in a the population of the country, had been distributed, thousands 116 University Place their names will tell us in the common drive of agitation and The cuts are to go into effect The anti fascists of New York have scored their first victory!
of placards had been placed in New York, NY.
next week or two. Chicago, action AS NATIONAL UNIT. on Sept display windows of stores and Fascism can be stopped. Dear Friends: Los Angeles, Philadelphia, st. good start has been made in In cities of 100, 000 or more Your letter of August 11 Louis, San Francisco each transforming the Party into a in the area affected, the larg.
with a quota of 100 or more CAMPAIGN PARTY which can est category of WPA workers.
Anti fascists of New York: clinch this victory over the fascist gunwas read before our NationBULLETIN al Executive Board. How One hundred thousand leafand 00. 00 turned in had better concentrate its forces from East unskilled labor, is to be cut men, anti Semites, Jim Crowers and union busters!
ever, it was received too lets were distributed Friday late to mobilize our memwill run away with all the Now the branches have the York, for example, the WPA night by Local New York of the Defend your unions! Defend your liberties!
bership for the rally on floor.
Socialist Workers Party, callprizes.
wage for this category will be gust 19th.
We need that Anti War Fund cut from the former figure of ing New York anti fascist ALL OUT TO UNION SQUARE SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 4:30 We will try anyway to workers to join the victory celNOW! We need it to expand LYNN 359, 80 down to 52 a mopth.
have as many members ebration in Union Square Satour press; to put out steady Smaller cuts go into effect at The Lynn branch secretary there we can possibly urday, 4:30 stream of cheap popular pamstarts with a good opening sen the same time against other phlets; to send out organizers reach yet.
New York AFL Meet Raps With best wishes for a all over the country who will tence. Enclosed please find categories of WPA workers.
Roosevelt Ordered Cuts Bundits Ordered successful counter. demon in Harlem tens of thousands of carry our anti war message to money order for 23 which is stration on August 19th, we These vicious cuts constitute To Parade by special leaflets appealing to every state in the Unionour the first instalment of our the Roosevelt administration (Continued on Page 2)
are Negroes to join the counter goal is 30 new full time organinterpretation of the provision Nazi Fuehrer Fraternally yours, demonstration with their orin the Roosevelt Woodrum Re BEISSWINGER, ganizations had been circulief Law signed by President National Treasurer. lated by late afternoon today.
Roosevelt on June 30. which Delegates, Rejecting Third Term Motion, In response to the call for provided that geographical Fritz Kuhn, the Naziunited action of working class wage differentials shall be ad American Bund fuehrer or Lay Relief Cuts at President Door organizations to meet the fasjusted to differences in the cost ders for the mobilization of cist provocation, the Workof living. Previously Northern his thousands of Storm.
men Sick and Death Benefit 10, 000 FUND DRIVE and Eastern wage scales were Tehetan.
for the Coughlin By STANLEY LAUREN Fund, one of the oldest workPald higher because the labor unPercent Branch pa NEW YORK, Aug. 17 The 76th annual convention of the Jers fraternal organizations in by Sept. 15 Paid lons have won higher wage rade Saturday appear on New York State Federation of Labor, representing over the United States, pledged its scales there than in the South 1, 100, 000 members, dealt a mighty blow to President Roosevelt 200. 00 Calais 00 These wage cuts, aimed of the official organ of the when, because of his recent anti labor stand against the pre80. 00 The Anti. Fascist Labor Rochester 20. 00 50. 00 bund, Deutscher Weckruf against the overwhelming ma46. 00 23. 00 Guard of New York announced 100. 00 Lynn vailing wage and his attack on the WPA strike, the convention jority of WPA workers, were und Beobachter.
46. 00 St. Paul that it supported the counter200. 00 46. 00 delegates rejected all resolusugar coated by being coupled It is addressed to 33. 33 the demonstration and would send 20. 00 00 Lions favoring a third term. that is the policy of the soFlint with an announcement that in Storm Troops of the New (Special to the Socialist Appeal) down members especially Cleveland 30. 00 200. 00 30. 00 The 1932 and 1936 conventions called security wage which is the other twelve states, the York Division, and orders had endorsed Roosevelt for in reality a starvation wage.
350. 00 Newark 48. 50 27. 71 FLINT, Mich. In answer to trained to help protect work54. 00 South and Southwest, wageBoston 400. 00 27. 00 them to fall into formations president. Let the record be clear. Let Roosevelt War Deal, the erst meetings from fascist atraises were to go into effect.
26. 66 on West 54th Street, between 00 15. 00 Gardner Fitchburg Only two out of 831 delegates there be no misunderstanding. WPA and Unemployed auxit tacks.
In cities of 100, 000 or over in Bth and 9th avenues, at 1. 50 20. 00 Kansas Silent this area unskilled workers are Saturday. The march voted against the motion to the security wage in the Wood iary of the UAW CIO of Flint 1100. 00 Minneapolis 50. 00 09 animously at its last Leaders of the Communist shelve the third term resolurum bill is a New Deal policy voted to be raised from the present route is described 50. 00 2200. 00 50 New York Lions.
dictated by the New Deal and meeting Friday, August 11, in Party had not yet responded to scale of 40. 30 to 46. 80, an in Columbus Circle to Union 20. 00 put over by the New Deal. support of a resolution demand the August 11 letter to it from 3400. 00 20. 00 National Office crease of 50.
Meany Speaks Out Square Moscow Platz.
00. 00 100. 00. 00 Akron.
ing the right of the people to the Socialist Workers Party, But since very few cities of Affects All Workers George Meany, president of 00. 00 The order to march is 50. 00. 00 vote on war.
Allentown asking for united front action such size exist in this area, the signed: New York com say that in the attack by the State Federation, speaking 10. 00 00. 00. 00 Baltimore There was no hesitation to on Saturday against the fascist Wednesday to the delegates in the New Deal on the building support the War Referendum threat. 00 major number of WPA workers 00. 00 Cambridge. 00 mander: Wm. Wheeler Hill, in the Southern area, even with opposition to passage of the trades, let each and every oth resolution on the part of the On August 16 the letter was 530. 00 Chicago. 00 00. 00 Parade Commander: Lawthe increase, are to receive third term resolutions, declar er trade take warning. We are overwhelming majority of the followed up by a telegram to 200. 00 Cleveland 00. 00 rence Gilpatrick. 00 only 31. 20 a month in cities uned that for one will not give continuing the fight right up to members. Here and there the New York County Commit15. 00. 00 Columbus 00. 00 Further instructions, the der 5, 000, and 36. 40 in cities a blank check indorsement to this very moment. We are so someone refused to vote, but tee of the Communist Party, Conneaut 00 00. 00. 00 of 5, 000 to 25, 000 order concludes, can be sethe New Deal policies because ing to continue and let the oth 00 (Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
10. 00 Danbury 00. 00 cured by telephoning ButterThe main purpose behind the there is one policy of the New er trades who are not affected 20. 00 00. 00. 00 Denver field 8347.
wage cuts was revealed by the Deal that absolutely and fun root for us, pray for us, and Detroit 50. 00 00. 00. 00 (Continued on Page 3)
damentally disagree with, and help us because if we go down 00. 00 New Hampshire 00. 00 just so surely do they New York AFL Convention Adopts East Chicago 20. 00 00. 00. 00 down.
Evansville 00 00. 00. 00 In speaking on the fight of Resolution Blasting Coughlinism Fargo 10. 00 00. 00. 00 the Building and Construction Fresno 10. 00 00. 00 00 Trades for the prevailing wage.
Hartford 00 00. 00. 00 rate, Matthew Woll, vice presi.
Indianapolis 00 00. 00. 00 dent of the American FederaOn the eve of the Coughlin invasion of Union Square, New Lexington 10. 00 00. 00 00 tion of Labor denounced the York labor center, the convention of the New York State FedLos Angeles 400. 00 00. 00. 00 presidential edict that You eration of Labor on August 17 put itself on record against Louisville 10. 00 00. 00. 00 can strike against the govCoughlinism with the almost unanimous adoption of the folMarston Mills 00 00. 00. 00 lowing resolution: ernment. saying: New Haven.
40. 00 00. 00 AN EDITORIAL 00 This is a new doctrine in WHEREAS, there is being spread in this state the poison Oakland.
80. 00. 00 David Dubinsky. President of the Interna Union Local 239 of the Amalgamated Clothing America. Heretofore we beof anti Semitism in an attempt to divide the ranks of labor, Omaha 10. 00 00. 00 and. 00 tional Ladies Garment Workers Union, is a Workers by its General Manager, Alexander lieved that labor, whether en.
Philadelphia 100. 00 00. 00. 00 GREAT labor leader.
gaged in government service or Hoffman.
WHEREAS, such tactics, using the pretext of BolshePittsburgh 00 10. 00 00. 00 He is a PROGRESSIVE labor leader.
He called upon the union membership to whether engaged in private em.
vism and the poisonous propaganda directed against people Plentywood 00 00. 00. 00 At least, that is what we are told. RETURN BLOW FOR BLOW THE AT. ployment, had the right individfor their religious beliefs, and Portland 00 00. 00. 00 This great leader calls those workers who TACKS OF FASCISTS AND COUGHLIN ually or collectively to give up WHEREAS, such fascistic movements, beginning at first Quakertown 20. 00 00. 00. 00 want to fight fascism EFFECTIVELY luna ITES.
its employment if it deemed with attacks against labor organizations as Communistic Reading 10. 00 00. 00. 00 tics.
That the spirit!
conditions such as to prompt it and spewing religious prejudice in order to divide the populaRidgefield 00 00. 00. 00 That is how he described the advocates of If Labor girds its loins and organizes its to use that as a means of protion, have wound up in Italy and Germany by crushing the Sacramento 20. 00 00. 00. 00 entire labor and trade union movement, and Union Defense Guards against Fascism in the fight under that kind of battle cry. Fascism test. But now we are advised St. Louis 100. 00 WHEREAS, an alert trade union movement, benefiting 00. 00. 00 statement it was really an apology which he will NEVER win in the United States. It will by Presidential procla San Diego 10. 00 00. 00. 00 issued after Coughlin attack upon him and be smashed before it gets to first base. that those engaged in public from the experience of European workmen, must be on guard San Francisco 100. 00 00. 00. 00 upon the We endorse Brother Hoffman call with employment no longer have against such union wrecking attacks from the first moment Seattle 20. 00 00. 00 00 Some day, when he is right up against the both hands. All that needed is to translate right that is accorded to those they come into view, therefore be it South Bend 10. 00 00. 00. 00 fascist buzz saw, President Dubinsky may it into action.
in civil employment, and that RESOLVED, that the New York State Federation of La20. 00 00. 00. 00 wish he had organized the lunatics into a Coughlin has already threatened labor with they dare not and must not bor, in convention assembled, condemns such agitation, Toledo 40. 00 00. 00. 00 fighting guard to protect the labor movement civil war. He will fight it in Franco way. strike.
whether done by an individual, a newspaper an association or Washington 40. 00 00. 00. 00 from the lords of the concentration camp.
Let Labor learn from Spain not to be caught Woll spoke of the serious conany other agency, as un Christian, anti democratic, anti labor Woonsocket 00 00. 00. 00 But not all the spokesmen for labor are like off guard by the American Franco.
sequences of this declaration and detrimental to the interests of the bona fide unions, whose Worcester 20. 00 00. 00 function it is to afford protection to working men and women,. 00 Dubinsky Prepare in advance! Organize to fight the against the labor movement.
Youngstown 50. 00 00. 00. 00 In our last issue, we reported the statement regardless of race, color or creed.
fascist wolves! Build Labor Defense Guards in He decried the government Yellow Springs 00 00. 00. 00 made to a meeting of Cleaners and Dyers every labor organization. Continued on Page 2)
CIO AFFILIATE BACKS PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Quota 50 support. 00 from The Way to Fight Coughlin Is the Way of Labor Action 00. 00 Texas