BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Stop Fascism In America! Day Moves Nearer as WarTime Rule of Country Is Signed Over Formally to Sixty Families War.
puble store online beste behang het under the settled matter is very satisfactorily on Wenty Roach. COUGHLINITE SHOCK TROOPS Roosevelt Embarrasses fascist dictator on speaking terms with the Holy Roman RIOT IN BRONX The Communist Party On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens our power we must throw all our forces on the Sharp Split in the mass front and defend each mass struggle.
Communist Party of India however small or local in character, with our initiative. Our efforts to bring Congress into The Bengal Labor Party, led by the young the struggle must be exercised to the utmost.
militant, Dutt Mazumdar, is the foremost (Continued from Page 1)
But we (the workers) must jealously guard the working class political organization in the iminitiative.
When an employer wants a Fascist union contract, he Mass. Institute of Technology: been recently made directly re of ways and means of suppress(Continued from Page 1)
War Dictatorship set up had The Plan is a detailed study portant British province of Bengal, with great influence in the peasant and trade unton move Rumblings in the of dictates it from beginning to end. It is then submitted to and Harold Moulton, presi sponsible to him personally, in ing all democratic rights in ments. In 1936 it merged with the Communist the Mother Country Also the commissioner of the Fascist union as the representa dent of Brookings Institute. stead of to the war and Navy war time, and especially of Party of India and appeared to be lost in the controlling the labor movetive of the workers. He signs it, thus making it lawful The secretary of the board is Secretaries as previously swamp of Stalinism Nor is the Communist Party in Great Britain Colonel Harry Rutherford, The Industrial Mobilization ment. It embodies several Differences with the Peoples Front policy immune to the internal disintegration resulting and binding on the workers.
of the Army Ordnance Depart. Plan has been known since methods of breaking strikes, developed, however, and culminated recently from the People Front policies of the leadThe contract is flexible in that it may be violated by the ment.
1933, when it was first pub fixing wages, abolishing all 80ership.
at the Tripuri session of the Indian Nationalist Four top flight economic lished, as the blueprint for cial legislation which protects Congress, where the Stalinists fell prone be Recently we reported in these columns on employer without penalty.
royalists are thus named to dictatorship in America in a the interests of the workers, fore Mahatma Gandhi, sacrificing everything the tragi comical dispute between the French He had promised to confiscate church property. On that become the rulers of American new war for the sake of unity with the Indian capitalists and the British Stalinists on the subject of or other national aratting women and children for war labor, censorship of the and landlords whom Gandhi represents British Conscription. The following item from promise Il Duce turned coat in a hurry. In 1927 he agreed life. TO GET POWER IN emergency.
CRISIS, as the New York When its main provisions press, etc. It includes also an Dutt Mazumdar openly dissociated himself the London New Leader puts the finishing piously that Fascism had no fight with the Church of Times headline puts it. It is were introduced in Congress as all important provision for the from this stalinist line, delivering a scorching touches to the running story of this dispute. Rome. The small farmers who had been deluded into be expected that other representa the Sheppard Hill and Shep. imposition of the draft for all attack on the Gandhi wing of the Congress. He compared the Gandhists with the counter rev. tionally with the communist Party of Great) lieving Mussolini would divide up the enormous church lives of America sixty Fam pard May bilis, the plan was men from the ages of 18 to 45.
roundly denounced by wide This War Dictatorship Plan olutionary generals who rebelled against the Britain, says the New Leader.
Roosevelt In Open holdings in land for their benefit received not a single hes will be added later.
circles of the trade union move has never been acted upon by Some weeks ago Harry Pollitt published a thing except an increase in taxes.
Spanish republic. So effective was his attack The brief announcement, ment, including both the AFL the people or even by Congress, that the Stalinist delegates were confused and pamphlet against Conscription.
which the War and Navy De and CIO, and with almost com and indeed it is not intended to Fascism is not incompatible with the teaching of the didn know who represented the official Stal The French Communist Party protested. It partment officials refused to plete unanimity by all liberals be submitted for any vote until inist line at the Congress urged that British Communists should support Catholic Church, nay more. the fundamental prin.
After that the Stalinist machine went to Day itself. Then, the governConscription to strengthen the Peace Front ciples laid down by the Church with regard to the nature amplify further, made clear and liberal organizations.
work on Mazumdar and publicly attacked him that for the first time President The Senate Munitions Investi ment officials expect, it can against Hitler.
and purpose of the State entirely square with those emRoosevelt has come out into gating Committee, headed by pushed through Congress in in its press as a disrupter of unity. agent An international consultation of Communist braced by that body of fascists who do in fact represent Party leaders took place to settle the question. the main current of the movement. Preface to The of reaction. etc.
Mazumdar stuck to his guns, the open on this plan for a war Nye, exposed it as providing for double quick time and without These dictatorship officials An actual operating dictator change, under the pressure of and he and the Bengal Labor Party were ex decided in favor of the French Communist Universal Aspects of Fascism, xvill, approved by stated that Roosevelt had apship in war time. The main hysterical war propaganda.
Benito Mussolini. pelled from the Stalinist organization.
Party view and Pollitt pamphlet was withproved the formation of the forces behind it have been the Especially since the election While Dutt Mazumdar has by no means ar drawn.
Pollitt, like all the paid Stalinist scribblers On June 11, 1929, Il Duce paid the Pope 1, 750, 000, 000 agency; and that the whole War Department, the Ameri of Roosevelt in 1933, however, rived at the revolutionary position of the can Legion and Bernard the day plans have been put Fourth International, he has nevertheless tak the world over, can withdraw a pamphlet from lire for the occupation of Rome in 1870. This apparently Baruch, who headed the simi into operation even without legen decided steps towards a correct class an1er set up during the Worla islative sanction, through adalysis of the Indian revolutionary scene. and that holds true for any subject under the See to from the enthusiasm certain Cathministrative action.
He correctly understands the dilemma fac sun.
ing the impotent Indian capitalist class, which How the ranks are reacting to the miserable olic priests in the public eye display toward fascism and Juggling of these leaders with the lives of is rapidly driving it to capitulate to British imthe corporate state.
perialism. One step to the left and the capi. the workers may be gathered from the conIt is interesting to note that Mussolini is not the only talists might Ignite the powder heap of agrar cluding paragraphs of the New Leader reian revolution, in the wake of which might port: come other revolutions. Nor is the British Communist Party hap. See. Hitler is a member of the Catholic Church, the fascist Mazumder understands that one cannot fight py organizationally. It has suffered such sev British Imperialism without fighting its ally, butcher Franco of Spain is a devout Catholic, as is fascist losses recently that it has now decided to ere the native capitalists and landlords.
recall members whom it sent into the Labour dictator Salazar of Portugal whose corporate state Father Charles Coughlin, a Catholic priest, lauds in his Social 930 227th St. who stabbed (Continued from Page 1)
Party. It is apparent that the struggle is be tween the outspoken aim of the millions of In We have heard this week of dally resigna Justice magazine. Dollfuss the Austrian fascist dictator Set. Robert McAllister. They Minnesota Stalinists Find Themselves Out dian people and the secret aim of the Indian tions from the Labour Party. These represent not conversion to the Communist Party bewas a devout Catholic too before he was assassinated in a bourgeoisie, between the fighting, genuine de were later booked on charges On Limb by Glotzbach Promotion mocracy of the masses and the dictatorship of of felonious assault cause they were always its instruments but faction fight with Hitler.
the diplomatic bourgeoisie.
obedience to the instructions of the Communist Police then attempted to disMussolini had promised seizure of war time super perse the meeting. Leaders of As to what must be done to consolidate Party and its latest change of line. Special to the Socialist Appeal) labor. There is no question in profits and high taxation of private fortunes. he broke the Christian Mobilizers, howthat promise. Il Duce decided that such a promise must crowd in order to release their Roosevelt at all costs, the com gressive New Deal forces and ever, attempted to rally the dishonest policy of defending my mind but that their main have come from a padded cell. financial policy based members under arrest. The munist Party has placed itself in this manner pave the way on the persecution of capital is infected with madness.
crowd foilowed the police to in some pretty ridiculous situ for the victory of the anti New He raised taxes immediately on all the lower income groups Mobilizers again attempted to funny as in Minnesota today. Itlons.
the station where Christian ations lately, but none so really Deal forces in the 1940 elecand appeased Big Business by slashing such taxes as had release those who had been ar In Minnesota, the Communist rested Joe Van Nordstrand got out Party, the cio and the work on the limb farthest of all.
OAKLAND. Cal. Gather round, cynics and suggest and assist. No books are lost. None are been placed upon it by previous governmentsscoffers. sulking cowards and cranks, beefyers Alliance have directed all Provisions in He had promised the Abolition of the Royal House and Police Go Easy necked bulls, stumble bum fascists, hypocriti. vital to the school and the future of the youth, shock trooper who broke their fire on Governor Stassen, Woodrum WPA bill that takes the Nobility. Il Duce broke that promise with an imperious through the police lines waving Mayor Leach of Minneapolis. away prevailing wages, re cal boss politicians and of the pulpits At twelve all classes suspend for lunch but gather round and see the beginnings of the before eating there is another swim period. In command to the workers. to fall down on their knees in American flag was arrested and Linuscolatzbach, state duces WPA rolls, eliminates new World society the Socialist Society be to trunks and suits and down across the long worship before His Royal Highness.
projects, was deliberately caling constructed within the framework of the white beach Westphen his name as Edward WPA administrator.
the cool water where great culated by the Republican parpowerful rollers sweep upon the shore with the. you will welcome him with your most impetuous Third Ave.
Thursday, August 3, the Stalty and the betrayers of the New old, diseased, ruthless, corrupt system called Capitalism!
relentless force of the marching youth.
enthusiasm and you will repeat to him your oath of un Police made no move to use inist controlled Midwest La Deal in the Democratic party Come. workers of shops and mines and Lunch is a joyous meal. Horse play and falling devotion to the Monarchy and to the Dynasty of tear gas or horses against the bor went to press. It was to create protests on the part of mills, tenant farmers of the South, agricultural songs, spontaneous wit and harmless sarcasm ovation to The King and to The Prince two more: Jack Dougherty, 47. issue Mobilizers, and arrested only practically an Anti Glotzbach the workers to embarrass Presworkers of the West, lumber workers of the prevail all during the soup and salad. Discusident Roosevelt. They knew the sion carried over from the study classes minof Piedmont. Speech Mussolini, Oct. 15, 1981.
North woods, students of the overcrowded and In a pipe fitter, 484 140th St. an article headlined workers would fight back. lying schools, hungry men and women waiting gles with tales of great feats in the water and Quoted in Speeches of Mussolini, official publication and william Connor, 17, 2764 ANTI NEW DEAL ROLE OF They (the betrayers) knew that endless hours in dreary relief stations come on the beach. Mock speeches and mock man of the Italian government, 142. Woodhull Ave. a student and GLOTZBACH CONDEMNED they could depend on their see the revolutionary youth of America as they ners bring laughter from the happy and comHe had promised to expropriate the land owners 11 associate editor of the Chris BY MINNEAPOLIS CIO. friend in the WPA administraforge from truth and courage and comradeship radely crowd.
Lageman condemns Glotzbach tion, Glotzbach. sword of victory sword of revenge Then, announcements! First, who will vol Duce broke that promise with a harsh command to the tian Mobilizer publication.
wildly milling for his anti New Deal, anti On Thursday afternoon, Augsword to lead the advancing ranks of the unteer to wash dishes and help the cook to slaves of the landowners to buckle down in their harness. crowd had begun to break up. labor. pro Republican state us! all the stalinists in World Revolution!
morrow? Half a dozen hands go up! Who will The landowners have not only the right, but also the police reported finding a black ments and actions in the re Minnesota seemed to agree Behold. comrades in the fight for freedom sweep the dining room and the front porch? Fascist duty, of remaining in their superior cent WPA protest demonstra that Glotzbach is a reactionary and truth, see at last the weapon which will will! will! What about you? Me? Surel StuThe District Attorney office tions. All locals are requested heel, an anti New Dealer, an against all challengers. and they must be INTRAS. Jack in the street.
smash the chains which now bind us to the dents and teachers lose their identity in this SIGEANT in matters of discipline, respect, obedience, wall of slavery!
SEMNT. Pesce, contadini Italia, 87. Quoted in an investigahristian mobilizers, informing them that Glotzbach Roosevelt, etc.
announced that it might make to write to President Roosevelt anti laborite, a pro Republican, division of labor. All campers take their turns Come! See the youth of America as they meet doing the necessary work. Each is anxious to The Plough and the Sword, 138. together in a Yipsel summer camp they have assume his share of the work.
He had promised jobs Il Duce broke that promise.
During the past week the co operated with Stassen and The Pay off managed to secure to study, work, and play. After lunch a siesta. Then another class for He covered up the actual increase in unemployment with statute the shock troop squads and against the administration what Glotzbach is a viciously Christian Mobilizers, who con Leach against Minnesota labor Now there is no question but Here you will see the comradeship of which an hour and a half. At three another swim.
we boast. Here you will see the true spirit of This is the life! Everyone is either red or faked statistics and listed all those he threw into his prison of Coughlin Christian Front, in every way.
brotherhood and serious devotion to the serireactionary politician, provbrown, depending upon abilities to take it from concentration camps as job holders.
have been whipping up their Bill Mauseth tells the readers en strike breaker and a hater old Sol.
ranks throughout the Bronx in that all indications are that of organized labor and all laous task of liberating a world bound and tied by fear and ignorance. Here you will see youth of Dinner is a riotous meal. Songs and jokes The GROWTH OF UNEMPLOYMENT, particularly preparation for their projected Governor Stassea and Mayor bor stands for.
has been attended by increasing violations on the part march on Union Square next Leach of Minneapolis have had the Socialist Workers Party as they undertake and greetings to comrades who have come from the near by city to see the school. After of employers (of Fasoist union contracts This Saturday. For weeks they have the able support of Linus to prove the ideals of the Socialist Society by BUT on Thursday afternoon, their cooperation and friendship dinner the social committee plans the eve is admitted by the Fascist press. For example, workers been Jew baiting with Buy Clotzbach, state WPA direct. daily papers carried a frontning fun are obliged by the scarcity of Jobs to compete with one Christian campaign.
lor, in their vicious attack Preparing for the Fight At eight the camp talent appears. Muslanother to the extent of making contract terms meanington that President Roosevelt From all sections and cities, from factory cians dominate piano players and fiddlers es less. The Plough and the Sword, quoting from Lavoro (Speech of Benito Mussolini, April 2, 1931. Quoted in himself had just nominated LiFascista, May 21, 1929, 116. and farm and school come these boys and girls pecially. One night a series of amateur plays Speeches of Mussolini, 136 and skits the next masquerade. One night nus Glotzbach for promotion of various nationalities and colors for two He had promised a living wage. Il Duce broke that the camp chorus renders some fine, inspiring weeks of common work and study. Under the Mussolini Chops Down His Own Ranks from State WPA Director to revolutionary songs and the next night we promise by slashing wages and lengthening hours.
Regional Supervisor.
very nose of the California bosses, Chambers When the Black Shirts, especially those who had joined honest attempt to absolve the Because of their wholly disof Commerce and the Associated Farmers have a hot dog roast on the beach. Hikes to these youthful revolutionists gather to develop town and fishing at night along the beach. According to the figures supplied by the Italian press itself, between 1927 and 1932 nominal wages were RE after the Fascist movement began to gain momentum, saw New Deal from its responsibtiinto organizers, speakers and fighters for the The Camper Voice DUCED BY HALF, and as the cuts have continued since that the profits of the capitalists were leaping upward at youth of the nation, youth of the world.
ity for passing the criminally 1932, it would be no exaggeration to say that wages have insufficient Relief Bill, the Stalnew and dizzy rates, that the cost of living was shooting to inists tried to direct the hatred Once away from the hypocrisy and lies of The camp newspaper appears! The Camp been reduced from the 1927 level by from 60 to 75 per the fake democracy in the towns and cities run er Voice is the official paper and it gives cent. Wages in 1935 were rarely as high as those before fantastic levels, that the big landowners were becoming so of the workers away from by the grafters and the armed thugs, these news and views of camp life. Typewritten and the war. Although they have been twice raised by 10 arrogant as to take over even land that had been com Roosevelt and the New Deal young people immediately turn to the building only two pages, it is a part of the life we would per cent since 1935, the cost of living in the meantime of a real, genuine life for the short time al and towards Glotzbach not give up for any of the daily papers issued has risen 30 per cent. Fascism and Big Business, munity property for hundreds of years, they were filled But the smiling hypocrite in lowed by limited funds and the serious work by the boss press. This is immediately foi 192. with a frenzy of despair and disappointment.
the White House was so favorwaiting to be done at home the organizing lowed by a Rank File paper which exThe length of the working day is variable according to They cursed Mussolini and clamored for him to put into a bly impressed with Glotzand teaching of the youth of California poses the official sheet. Foolish and harmless effect the program which had won them to his camp. They Minneapolis WPA strike that he bach savage handling of the Up at seven o clock and into the rolling blue gossip, jokes and suggested rules and regula the whim of the employer. He may make it anything from waves of the great Pacific Ocean for a morntions for the camp are contained in this prac eight to twenty hours without extra pay.
accused him of selling out to the very bankers he had has personally nominated him ing dip. Under the showers and then to breaktical joke of a paper. This, too, is a part of promised to fight.
It is impossible to get a job without a labor passport.
before the Senate for promofast. Promptly at nine the study classes begin camp life we will all remember.
But Mussolini used the same tactics on them that he had tion.
Trade Union problems, Labor History, Organ.
Fourteen days of common association and The employer enters his opinion of the worker on the labor ization, theory and practice of Marxism, then So now the Stalinists must fun. Two weeks of common work and study. passport when the worker wishes to leave to look for other used on the working class organizations. First he made either remain silent or turn the sixty Families and the One Third of the The establishment of bonds of friendship which employment.
sure that the Black Shirts were disarmed. He took away around and insist that Glotz Nation. For three hours the students and will never can never be broken. Knowing teachers all fresh from the battlefield of the their guns. Then he ordered the armed police and the bach is a hell of a good guy.
and understanding, each other, talking the He had promised three square meals a day 11 Duce armed legions of the king army to fix bayonets and put class struggle discuss the problems of revolu gave the Italian workers starvation.
same language that of social revolution, sharFortunately, the Minneapolis tionary work. No typical teacher student ing kitchen duty with comrades from all over an end to the complaints of his followers.
trade union movement sees business here! Common discussion and exthe state these are things no fascist whip or Fortunately the Italian people is not yet accustomed To prevent any more complaints from becoming annoy. Party deceit and the majorchange of ideas, argument and frank, honest to eating several times a day, and having a modest level right through the Communist capitalist war can ever break. This we have disagreement lead to solutions and general of living, feels less deficiency and suffering. Benito ing, he organized a vast internal spy system called the ity of the ranks see right agreement. Here there are no students and Here, at the summer school on the West Mussolini in Corriere della Sera, December 19, 1930. OVRA. In every shop, on every job, in every apartment through Roosevelt hypocrisy, no teachers. Here are only comrades. Some Coast, we have demonstrated the practical as Quoted in The Plough and The Sword, 165. house, in the theaters, in the crowded districts, these agents too.
are experienced, others are new recruits. No pects of our movement and no one can ever As one of the main points on his program he had prom are planted. They make regular reports to their superiors Central Labor Union, when Officials of the Minneapolis regular school ever saw this seriousness, this dispute this with us. The new friends, the ised: International Disarmament and Abolition of Comamount of real work being done in so short a memories, the lessons learned, the comradeone word of complaint from anyone, he is they heard of Roosevelt latest time.
ship of the Young Peoples Socialist League pulsory Military Service. Il Duce fulfilled this promise silenced. Generally he serves a long prison term. Some move, immediately telephoned Book Learning Enriches Experience will remain as an indication of our ability to by lowering the limit for military training down to the age times he is never seen again.
the Farmer Labor Senator, Erorganize, in the face of reaction, a permanent of eight and launching the biggest armament building pro Experience is a hard school and fools will test Lundeen, and asked him monument to the courage of youth.
FASCISM rules in Italy.
learn in no other is an old adage taken serigram ever saddled on the Italian working people. CORPORATE STATE governs for the capitalists. tion. Lundeen moved immedito oppose Glotzbach promoously by these boys and girls. All the vast But Mussolini did keep one point of his program works of the revolutionists of the past and The Italian workers stifle under a vast oppression with ately to do so. On Saturday the Workers of New York! Rally He preserved PRIVATE PROPERTY.
present are collected here for research and not even a tombstone for their once powerful labor moveUnited States Senate, upon mostudy.
Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and all the others.
tion of Lundeen, lad over The fact that from 1922 to now joint stock companies ment.
Books on labor problems and tactics, on public Against the Coughlin Bands have increased from 6, 850 to 17, 424 and their capital from Glotzbach nomination until speaking, philosophy and history, novels of the 21, 395 millions to over 52 milliards, is not this the most The Italian workers failed to organize Trade Union January. The nomination has At Union Square August 19 shop and farm are here. And there are no libeen sent back to the commit definite and eloquent denial in front of those who acouse Defense Guards.
a tee, for action at the next desbrarians to watch the books only teachers to the fascist regime of harrassing private enterprise (Continued in Next Issue)
sion of Congress forever.