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Workers! Mass at Union Square Saturday, Aug. 19, 4:30 Calls for United Labor Action Against The Fascist Invasion Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS NEW YORK WORKERS GIRD FOR ANTI COUGHLIN DEMONSTRATION Rally at Union Square Against the Fascist Provocation!
Response at Rallies Points to Huge Turnout August 19 AV. Or YOUNG CIRCLE LEAGUE NAT N RS DOARD, NY Stop Fascism In America. AVENUE VOL. III, No. 60 FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1939 167 3c a Copy The following letter calling for united labor action against the Coughlin provocation was sent on August 11 by Edward Frank, organizer of Local New York, to the following organizations: Avukah, American Jewish Congress, Jew.
ish Labor Council, Poale Zion, Socialist Party, Social Democratie Federation, Young Circle League, Workmen Circle, Workers Sick and Death Benefit Society, Independent Labor League, International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Jew.
ish National Workers Alliance, etc.
Dear Friends: After weeks of unprecedented anti Semitic and antilabor propaganda, the storm troop followers of Father Coughlin, America Number One Fascist, are organizing a mass demonstration and parade to form at Columbus Circle on Saturday, August 19th, at P. and March into Union Square.
The Fascists, in their circular, call their provocation a manifestation of Christianity. That is not true. The Fascist parade is simply a mobilization of strike breakers, thugs, Jew haters and union busters.
This provocation was forecast by Coughlin two weeks ago in a nation wide broadcast entitled The Call To Ac ANTI COUGHLIN tion, in which he attacked the Bolshevik leaders of the American Trade Union Movement, the non religious Jews, and stated that he would resort to the use of DEMONSTRATION force. will meet you in Franco way! he declared.
WORKERS Father Coughlin is organizing a Fascist movement in SATURDAY, AUGUST 1915. 4:30 RANKS WILL UNION America, with the same methods and the same aims as FORM HERE, SQUARE PARK Mussolini and Hitler.
Anti Fascist Workers Respond to Rallies The Fascist demonstration of August 19th is an open Called by in All Sections of the challenge to the whole Labor Movement, as well as to the UNION sq. WEST MUYERSITY whole anti Fascist movement of this city.
City 200, 000 Circulars Distributed We cannot afford to wait until Coughlin converts the United States into one huge concentration camp.
Time is pressing! Let us join hands now against this Anti fascists throughout the entire metropolitan area ANTIPAsust terrible menace to our liberties, our rights, our very lives!
responded with preparatory rallies and parades over the weekIT LABORI CUARD Let us all join hands to stop Fascism in America!
end to the call of the Socialist Workers Party for a counter5TH We call upon you to join with us and rally in Union demonstration against Father Coughlin projected march on STAKET SCHOOL Union Square next Saturday evening.
Square on Saturday, August 19th, at 4:30 to protest SOCIALIST against this Fascist provocation GIG SIX All indications point to a larger and even more militant (PRINTERS)
DEOS WORKERS Fraternally, demonstration than that PARTY SCHOOL down and waged last February 20 at hood along with us. FRANK, Organizer, the neighbor Local New York JOINT Madison Square Garden in Temper Rising CONMONIST Bronx: Rallies were held Fri.
of PARTY protest against the meeting IL. u.
the German American Bund. day and mass sales of the ChalNATIONAL lenge and the Socialist Appeal NATIONAL HEADROARTERS MANHATTAN: HEADQUARTERS Begin Saturday. At Coughlinite ning with a Friday night pa fascists who challenged ChrisLOCAL rade at 7th St. and 2nd Ave. tian Mobilizer speakers were JEWISH EAST SIDE anti fascists shouted slogans attacked by knife wielding Moagainst Coughlin throughout Stabbed a policeman, and the the East Side and called on the crowd swelled so rapidly that workers to demonstrate next police decided to call the meet703 18 Saturday at Union Square. Raling off. Throughout the Bronx.
Will Father Coughlin Become lies were held at Rivington and the temper of the anti fascist CTACLE FASCIST PARADE STARTS HERE Ave. and at Norfolk and De workers is rising. Several or lancey. Hundreds of copies of Dictator of the United States?
the Challenge and the Socialist ganizers of the Christian MoAppeal were sold. Tens of thou days are reported to have sufbilizers during the past few By JOSEPH HANSEN sands of leaflets were distrib fered the wrath of workers (Third Installment)
uted. Workers everywhere re who object to their anti Semitic sponded with cash contribuMussolini Assassinates Labor tions and statements. We ll be and anti labor slogans.
When it became clear that Mussolini had managed to Papers Sell Fast Coughlin Christian Front gangsters murderously beat Queens Antifascists ensnare a large section of the population behind him, the up four Jewish boys on Friday evening at 183rd Street and conducting parades to mobilize big stockholders gave the word, and King Victor called St. Nicholas Avenue, New York.
the workers and get everyone Il Duce to Rome to take power.
out Representatives of Sixty Families Run the Saul Wolff jaw was broken in three places, Sonny for the demonstration against Coughlin next Saturday Il Duce began immediately to put his real program into Board Which Will Become Executive AgLevine sustained severe bruises, and two other boys were also beaten.
at 4:30 in Union Square.
At rallies, sales of the ChalThe four boys, who have had no connection with antiWith the army, the police department, and the National ency of the Government in War time lenge and the Socialist Appeal fascist activities, were strolling down St. Nicholas Avenue.
were brisk. Thousands of leatTreasury at his disposal, he mopped up all the working Coughlin Christian Front meeting was taking place at the 183rd St. corner. As the boys passed without stopping, lets have been distributed.
class organisations. Not one escaped him Brooklyn: Street rallies and By HAL DRAPER a hoodlum recognized Wolff as a former schoolmate at Not a single one.
The most ister step thus far taken in the war preparaparade in Brownsville. Rallies George Washington High School. The hoodlum then instiThe heads of the working class who had derided the tions of the Government was made known in Washington gated a gang attack on the four boys.
at Coney Island and at Brighton Beach. Loudspeaker rally August idea of organizing Trade Union Defense Guards were Attack Anti. Fascists planned for Brownsville. Sales Bleeding though he was, woft refused to be taken to This was the definitive setting up of the board of war dieta a hospital until, at his demand, Policeman Schrader and among the first to fall victim. Those who did not succeed tors who are scheduled to take over governmental power in this another officer made the rounds of the neighborhood bars, Who Challenge Jew of the Challenge and the Socialin utilizing their passports in time were thrown into con country upon the outbreak of war, under the terms of the no.
ist Appeal very good. Leaflets until Wolff found and identified the ringleader of the centration camps and prisons. Many died of torture. Many distributed by the tens of thoutorious Industrial Mobilization Plan.
attack Baiting of Speaker The statement handed out by the War and Navy Departsands.
Indicating how police avenues of information are open were murdered outright. Those of the militant rank and ments announced that the new body has been given the innocentBesides these demonstrations to the fascists, the next night the hoodlum family apfile who were not executed were herded behind barbed sounding title of the War Re e against Coughlin, several Jewpeared at Wolff home and tried to put pressure on him NEW YORK, Aug. 14 The ish organizations are reported wire and set to breaking rock under Black Shirt rifles. sources Board. It is to functo withdraw the charges. The Coughlinite is an ex convict. Christian Mobilizers. Father to be protesting Mayor LA Mussolini stepped up the mass production of laws to tion at the present time as a civilian advisory board to the Coughlin shock troop organi Guardia issuance of a permit zation, rioted last night in the for Coughlin brazenly provocfull capacity in accordance with his promises.
Army and Navy Munitions Bronx in preparation for their ative march. On Thursday the He had promised a militant policy against the capital Board, in charge of perfecting march on Union Square next American Jewish Alliance plans Saturday.
ists Il Duce broke that promise by smashing every trade the plans for the mobilization to protest at the City Hall. It The rioting began when is now circulating a petition union in Italy. He did not spare even the Catholic trade official designation for the first members of the Anti Fascist urging the Mayor to take action unions (whose members were workers, not priests reli day of war.
Labor Guard, the Maccabees against the Coughlinites.
But in the event of an ingious workers, not non religious workers. and Americans All, a league ternational emergency it Square Will Be Packed In place of the militant unions which had existed preorganized to fight intolerance, Before Saturday the entire would lose its semi official viously Il Duce set up Fascist unions. He appointed status as an advisory organiza 30 Hour Week to Solve Unemployment challenged rabid Jew baiting supply of a quarter of a million statements made by a Chris leaflets will be exhausted, EdBlack Shirt commissioners in charge of these unions, tion and become an execu300, 000 Slated for Is Outstanding Slogan of March tian Mobilizer speaker at 141st ward Frank, organizer for LOHe made it compulsory for every worker to join. These with broad powers in many St. and Crimmins Ave.
cal New York of the Socialist unions were capitalist dreams of company unions done without attempting to make Workers Party reported today, ways similar to those exerAxe Murphy Stalls any reasoned reply to the ques. We expect a far larger dem up in bullet proof glass.
cised by the War Industries twelve hour parade of 125. craft form into a semi indus tioners, members of the Chris onstration next Saturday than On Prevailing Wage 000 members of New York lo trial union the biggest in the tian Mobilizers began swinging that held last February 20, Board of World War days.
When the employer wants to lower wages, say 30 per In line with the statement cals of the AFL on Saturday country now showed concrete fists, knives, and blackjacks.
cent, he informs the commissioner in charge of the Fascist made in the Industrial Mobiligreeted the 800 delegates to the ly in the numbers of warewhen the workers of New York Two Arrested By NEIL WHITE union. The commissioner as representative of the work zation Plan that the head of 76th annual convention of the housemen, market workers, expressed their anger at the The 14 uniformed police and fascist provocateurs, he deers demands in return not more than a 28 per cent cut.
this War Cabinet should be With the WPA rolls down to state Federation of Labor open andlers, etc. who marched in six plain clothes detectives pro ciared.
an outstanding industrial lead a new low of 2, 100, 000 on Aug ing here Tuesday.
the tecting the Coughlinites at first The anti fascist workers of Since strikes are illegal in, Italy, a Labor Court com er, the man who is named as It was a mighty are becoming thormerits of the conflicting claims. They may decide for the ward Stettinius, Jr. who is quarter million workers from strength. holiday spirit per 30 hour week to solve urn Mobilizer speaker could contin lice protect Coughlinites and chairman of the rd of di last January figure of 3, 350, vaded the marchers, reflecting ployment. Loc of the Erecue his harangue against the practice gross discrimination employer of the workers or they may decide for the com rectors of u. steel, the 000, new dismissals of 300, 000 their joy in recent victories and trical Workers and Plumbers Jews, but the fascist shock against those who wish to stop missioner in charge of the Fascist union, but generally kingpin of American war in workers in September, were their assuredness for labor Local 463 had big contingents troopers swung indiscriminate fascism from taking over the they arrive at a compromise, which would make it a 29 per dustry. Other members named projected this week by the future.
wearing caps with the slogan. ly, stabbing one policeman in United States.
so far are: Walter Gifford, WPA Administration, bringing The biggest single contingent Placards carried by the the cheek. Police arrested Ben Everything indicates that cent wage slash.
president of American Telethe rolls down to 800, 000.
in the parade was that of the Building Trades locals. de jamin Stafford, 29, a boxer by Union Square will be packed In this way Il Duce has done away with costly strikes phone nd Telegraph: The Administration also is Teamsters, all dressed in white manding the union wage rate profession, 603 Beach Ave. next Saturday and composed the differences between capital and labor Pratt, director of General hom soos through dismissalse or caps and white shirts. Their of page one wp4 were osreeted who claimed that he headed when the anti fascists of New through mutual agreement and amicable discussion among of Sears Roebuck: Dr. Karl on the rolls eighteen months. to pass a given point. Trans.
Banners calling for slum ization in Brooklyn, and Louis ACTION the march of the the employers.
Compton, president of the These dismissals are already formation of the union in the clearance projects and for de Popchinski. 41. chauffeur. Coughlinites toward a fascist (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) last two years from an old line (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) dictatorship in this country, Board of War Dictators Four Jewish Boys Murderously Set Up by Washington Beaten by Christian Fronters are COUGHLINITE SHOCK TROOPS RIOT IN BRONX effect.
New Wage en mebly Slashes For PA Mighty Parade of New York Labor Opens AFL Convention