AnarchismBolshevismFascismFranceIV InternationalIndividualismLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1939 Colorado Strike Battle Indicates IN THIS CORNER Spanish Epilogue centinta per eneral Man EN Assistant Manager: Cops Will Not Stop Fascists ver Mayor LaGuardia to prevent the fascist mobili CIO News established today owes much to his work and his SOCIALIST APPEAL unassuming acceptance of whatever demands the Vol. III, No. 59 August 15, 1939 movement placed on him. We cannot say better a Published trece a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASY genuine Bolshevik.
at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Though the Strikers Displayed Magnificent Courage In elen: 38. 60 per year. 50 for six month cents per copy in Subscriptions. 00 per year 00 for six months. For Meeting the Vigilante Bands Charge, They Were Unpre2 cents per copy In the all foreign countries.
Selons are: 60 for alx By a vote of 14 to 5, with two abstentions, pared to Meet the Armed Attack in Organized Fashion Bronx and Manhattan By Max Shachtman months: 00 for one year. Reentered as second class matter February 16, 1031, the Permanent Committee of the Spanish Loyal. Special to the SociaMat Appeal) the enemy was well armed, when he said the strikers fired The most omne at New York, onder the Set of March DENVER The story of the they advanced fearlessly to the first shot. The point is, that You wonder sometimes how the fascists and 1871.
ist Cortes, meeting in Paris July 27, named an other anti Semites get up all the nerve required Administrative Council to replace Premier battle between deputused vigt wards the truck blocking the in all such cases, whether or for the perfectly fantastic lies that form the underMAX BLACHTMAN Negrin as the head of the Loyalist Government Mountain dam site is worth across the bridge and coolly public officials pretend that pinnings of their program. And you can only conciude that it is not so much nerve that is required telling in detail. For when the pushed the truck off the road the strikers ARE armed and Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT in emigration as is a vast faith in the illiteracy and gullibility FELIX MORROW Whereupon Negrin left the meeting, denounc firing died down the union men under the sniping fire of the are the aggressors.
of at least a wide section of mankind in this area understood per vigilantes. The auto caravan General Richardson was or ATTIN SHERMAN STANLEY ing the majority as a fascist committee.
haps better than any other of union men then prepared to dered into the strike zone with case in point is the current issue of Social Justice, organ of the illustrious divine and devotee The chief point at issue concerned control on sroup of workers in the coun, cross the bridge. Just as the 226 national guardsmen, matry, the need and meaning of lead car was twenty feet from chine guns, rifles, tanks, etc.
of truth and equity, Father Coughlin. He has been FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST behalf of refugees of some 47, 000, 000 now in the Union Defense Guard. the bridge, the vigilantes de running a series of articles by one Ben Marcin, WORKERS PARTY FOR: Mexico, the last funds left of Loyalist Spain.
entitled An Answer to Father Coughlin Critics.
The 355 men at work on the tonated a dynamite charge LESSON FOR WORKERS IN TROOP MOVEMENTS and in the August issue, he reaches the chapter The bulk of the Loyalist treasury, by Negrin Green Mountain dam, a four and blew up the bridge in the Workers can sure learn a hell called Did Apostate Jews Participate in Bolshe1. Job and a decent living for every worker.
orders, had been sent in gold bullion to Soviet million dollar project being faces of the pickets, who were vism? The aim of this article is of course to Open the idle factories operate them under Russia before the collapse and is now, of course, the Interior, are members timber. One of the first strik which the troops moved in. For prove that as part of the Jew Bolshevik world workers control.
conspiracy. the Jews started and ran the Bolirretrievable. Negrin was removed, after being of five AFL locals in Denver. ers to leap out of the car to 43 hours the vigilantes had shevik Revolution in Russia in 1917. And the proof. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works accused of having used the remaining funds exThey struck on June 12 for wards the bridge was Tom been committing one outrage taken from the not unknown Grant Richards, is and housing program, clusively for the benefit of Stalinists.
higher wages, union recognition Kellerhalls, an organizer for after another against the unsplashed over six columns two full pages of Thirty thirty! 80 weekly minimum wageand the closed shop. Last the Denver Drivers Union and armed strikers. The vigilantes Coughlin magazine, in point type, in the form bitter exchange took place at the meeting March the CIO International a former member of Drivers began to get nervous early 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on morning, figuring of a list of the principal Bolshevik leaders in all Jobs.
between Negrin and Prieto. Each accused the Union of Mine, Mill and Smel Union local 554 in Omaha, a Thursday 1919. real and assumed names.
veteran of the Omaha strike. the strikers would be bound to Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability other of having lost the war. But the two had ter Workers had struck.
GOVERNMENT TRAP vigilante drew a bead on counter attack the vigilantes pension.
The Longest and the Lyingest joined to oust Caballero in May, 1937 and had FAILS TO WORK Kellerhalls and shot him camps.
squarely in the eye. He went So the troops first marched jointly conducted the war until the last debacle. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
And, writes Marcin, in making a resume of Just as the Colorado Indus down and as his buddies came into the vigilante camps to the Officials of the State, that is to say, of those All war funds to the unemployed.
Now, in Paris, Caballero joined Prieto to get trial Commission broke the to his atd, all were the targets protect them and their fami: who, in fact, governed Russia, we arrive at the people referendum on any and all wars. a majority against Negrin. Only the Stalinists CIO strike, so it sought to of vigilante bullets, including lies. The vigilantes still held following figures: Of 591 persons listed, only 36 break the AFL strike, charging the fallen Kellerhals.
the upper hand in the moun remained with Negrin. No secret diplomacy, are Russians, 487 are Jews, and the rest are di that the unions had violated a vided among Poles, Czechs, Karaims. Letts, The latter was only removed tains where they were sniping 10. An independent Labor Party.
As these two factions blame each other for aw requiring 30 days strike when one of the strikers drove at strikers. So the troops took Finns, Armenians, Georgians, Imeretians, Hun11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante the terrible defeat in Spain need any decent notice be given the employer. a truck between Kellerhalls their time about going out to garians and Germans.
and Fascist attacks.
worker choose between these two packs of The CIO union succumbed to and the enemy. The pickets rethe mountains.
the Industrial Commission and treated towards a second camp When they finally did move Now of all the similar lists that have come to scoundrels?
our attention in the last 20 years, this one is by permitted its strike to be bro some miles from the first in that direction, they were far the longest and the lyingest. It is, as you No. As we pointed out, before the final de ken.
camp This second camp was cheered by a group of 50 union might say, honey. You cannot really say bacle: Not so the AFL. On July 14 at the Bucket of Blood tavern ickets. Now don any reader whether the impudence of its compiler is greater These criminals will soon fall out among the Commission ordered the at a crossroad leading into the set the idea that these pickets strikers to return to work than his ignorance or the ignorance he hopes to were just scissorbills who dam site.
themselves. They will attempt to shift the blame They ignored the order and didn know the troops were find in his readers. In all likelihood, impudence on each other. In that attempt, much more will and ignorance are well intermingled in this case.
brought in to break the strike maintained a constant and ef UNION INDIVIDUALISM This particular group of pickLet us pluck a few sample pearls from the tiara: As we go to press, we learn that numerous be revealed concerning the machinations where Iective picket line around the SPOILS SOLIDARITY The list, you see, is really twenty two lists in dam site.
In the meantime, news of the ets had been fired upon all delegations are proceeding to New York police by they bound the workers and peasants hand all, that is, it is divided into twenty two divisions.
On Tuesday, August 1, the strike breaking back to work night long by vigilantes. The In one of them (List I) Lenin is grudgingly admitheadquarters to implore the authorities not to and foot, and made impossible a successful war company pulled the back to movement had reached Den World War was never like ted as a Russian. In the very next one, however, permit the Coughlin fascist march on Union against Franco. But already we know enough wer construction company of this. testified one of the pickHundreds of Denver un cts. a war veteran. Sure the author scruple get the better of him and he places question mark and an asterisk after Square August 19.
to say that no alibis will enable them to clear Chicago. organized several ionists immediately downed cheered for the troops. would These delegations are getting the run around themselves. All Stalinists, socialists and anar Russian. You read the footnote and it says: hundred vigilantes. armed their tools. walked off their nave cheered for anyone who Doubtful. He is Oulianoff by adoption. It seems Police officials blandly pretend not to know chists are equally guilty of having betrayed them and directed them to es lobs and drove up towards Bot us out of that trap.
to us that it would have been the better part of their followers. All have betrayed the interests re open it.
cort 25 finks to the project and Green Mountain NATIONAL GUARD TAKES whether the fascists are marching that day, or audacious imaginativeness to list Lenin as a Por Here a sad thing occurred. OVER STRIKEBREAKING tuguese Jew whose real name was Liebowitz whether they have been given a permit to march of the workers and peasants the interests of The vigilantes were business Instead of placing themselves The Souhanov (Sukhanov. has his real name given or have applied for a permit. etc. etc. Meanhumanity to the bestial regime of fascism. men in the towns neeKremme deres dispone a Buckether Bieke replaced the vigilantes as a as Ghimmer and rated, in List I, as a German.
while, the fascists are distributing hundreds of (Revolution and Counter Revolution in Spain, wealthy ranchers in the area who knew the disposition of the striebreaking seeney contis In List xx, allegedly of the Central Executive Committee of the 4th Pan Russian Congress of the thousands of leaflets announcing their march. by Felix Morrow, Pioneer Publishers, 1938. and kids 15 and 16 years old enemy forces and the battle eating the guns used by the out for the adventure of the ground, the two Denver con old kid they took a rifle, a revigilantes. From one 16 yearThese delegations are repeating the experience Soviets, the late Sukhanov is not only presented as Gimmer, without the but is converted into of similar delegations which attempted to get a Jew. Perhaps more serious a conversion is the prised fully 60 percent of the ceeding under its own leader. volver, a blackjack and a hand grenade.
change of this old Menshevik and open adversary ship. To make matters worse, They brought the 25 finks the Denver union officials had the usual classic statement that General Richardson issued zation at Madison Square Garden on February of the October Revolution into a Bolshevik.
Lunacharsky doesn get off much easier. In onto the dam site. All were insisted that the unionists go 20. Labor and the rest of the common people carrying guns of one sort or up to the dam unarmed, though any man who wants to can go List he is just a plain Russian. In List II, allegFar from stopping the fascists, LaGuardia now know who their enemies are, and they will another Company officials ex everyone knew the vigilantes back to work and any man who edly of the Council of People Commissars, he is given the real name of Mondelstam, which is provided them on February 20 with the protec not forget them in the next elections, says an changed such miscellaneous were armed to the teeth. The doesn want to can stay away.
weapons for high powered mod result was that the union forces bor executive committee on suspicious already, but the author is not sure of tion of the largest police concentration in the editorial in the August 4, CIO Union New himself yet and so the late Commissar of Educaein rifles.
were split three ways, that tion is still described as a Russian. But if he was history of the city. In the name of civil liberties, Service.
Wednesday vigilantes each contingent took a separ. Wednesday night reiterated its a Bolshevik, doesn it follow that he must have LaGuardia police spent the night plunging their So far, so good. But the enemies named are marched out of the camp to ste road towards the dam, that support to the strikers. Lending been a Jew too? So the author, losing patience by horses into the 50, 000 anti fascist pickets in the the Republican Garnercratic camarilla. and the time he reaches his last division, Central neighborhood.
smash unionism for good and ambushed by the vigilantes test to Roosevelt, Perkins and Committee of the Social Democratic Party of that all. What about Roosevelt and the Dentall at the Green Mountain site, and four more pickets wound other government officials.
General Workmen. finally puts Lunacharsky down as a Fortunately for the cause of liberty, not every ocratic majority in Congress? Not a word. The strikers camp was sev. od, and that the vigilantes had Thursday Attorney office an.
Jew in List XXII.
eral miles from the dam. When a field day at the expense of nounced it was sending in FBI labor organization and anti fascist group staked The sharp criticism of the Roosevelt admin everything on getting LaGuardia to stop the fasistration which is being voiced by important secthe vigilantes sighted a size the workers.
able group of pickets, the Not that the strikers and tion of civil liberties of strik men to investigate the viola Anything But the Truth cists on February 20. The Socialist Workers tors of the CIO finds no echo in the official pub strike breakers got cold teet their sympathizers didn dis ers. The Denver unions would distinguished Bulgarian family, is curtly dismissed Christian Rakovsky, who came from an old and Party devoted its every energy to rallying the lications of the national CIO. The open letter to and retreated towards the dam, play marvelous heroism.
in one line of List V: Peace Delegation at Kief, anti fascists in a counter demonstration against Roosevelt from Emil Mazey, president of the followed by union pickets. The ready legends have sprung up atitude towards Murphy G the fascists.
Briggs local of the United Auto Workers, which neyville road bridge and scattle such as how an unarmed strike in Minneapolis acted as Cain. Rakovsky. Jew. On what grounds?
Well, Cain, like Abel, must have been a Jew. But To the eternal honor of the anti fascist cause, we publish in this issue, gets no hearing from tered in the hills within rifle striker had walked right up to agente prov. cateur xustool Rakovsky name was not Cain, it may be timidly neither the pleas of the city authorities, the Stal the national CIO editorial office.
argued. So much the worse for him: these Bolclistance, leaving a huge truck vigilante and torn the rifle pigeons and not as disinterestblocked across the road, with from his trembling hands of ed and impartial observers.
sheviks are always changing their names anyway.
As a matter of fact, even John Lewis causholes cut in it for rifles.
inists, the Yiddish press or the Dubinskys, preanother striker, an old The unions involved have an.
Peter Stutchka, the patriarch of the Lettish sovented over 50, 000 anti fascists on February 20 tic references to Roosevelt, during the miners Despite the fact that the pick wobblie who, when he noticed rounced that the strike will cialist movement who died a Lett if you are interested just as he was born one, is of course from coming out in one of the most inspiring strike, or his attack on the Democratic majorets were unarmed and knew a deputy had drawn a bead on continue.
registered as a Jew in List IX. The Commissar of demonstrations that this country has ever seen. ity in Congress during his Chicago speech to gesturing towards his hip Affairs of Nationalities, Djougachvili (does the Likewise for August 19 the Socialist Work the packinghouse workers, didn get any space pocket.
author know he is speaking of Stalin. is given in Send in Your ers Party is wasting no energy on delegations to in the CIO News.
Among the wounded were List II as an Armenian, which ought to make those Blalock, Art Morrow, George of Stalin fellow Georgians who have intense naLaGuardia or the police. Our energy is concen The editor of a trade union paper, if he is Dollars, Help Judy, Art Kuhlman, all pickets, tionalistic prejudices feel pretty relieved.
trated on the task of rallying the anti fascists on loyal to his stewardship, owes it to all the major William Deming, an onlooker, The Lettish Bolshevik, Roudsitak (as the nonthat day to Union Square in counter demonstra tendencies in the unions involved, to permit their chalant author spells it. is put down as a Jew in Fight Coughlin and a CCC boy.
tion against the fascist gangsters.
voices to be heard in the paper with which he is List XVIII, but apparently Marcin Richards grew ALL THE WOUNDED remorseful further on in the same page and by Everybody out to Union Square: Saturday, entrusted.
WERE STRIKERS the simple device of adding another mis spelling August 19, at 4:30 But that is scarcely the way in which the 200. 000 circulars calling to the name, Roudzoutas, they permit him to particularly revolting role the counter. demonstration CIO News and the Union News Service of was played by Sheriff Mark become a Lett again.
against the Coughlinites. And Fletcher who had deputized the Smilga, the Red Army hero, whom the author, the CIO are edited by their Editor and Publicity as many more circulars as vigilantes. At the scene where (Continued from Page 1) with surprising affection, calls Smilgcha and Director, Len de Caux. You ve guessed it. He money and men are avail Kellerhalls was shot. Sheriff inghouse Workers Organizing who was as Russian as a bottle of kvass, is read able.
Fletcher first crossed the Committee, CIO, received 660 into the outer darkness as a Jew. Karakhan is It is now a year since the disjointed body of for Roosevelt than he is to the interests of the a Stalinist stooge, more loyal to Stalinist rooting Thousands of extra copies bridge and hollered to the vigi votes to 148.
given in List as an Armenian, but fearful lest of this issue of tae Appeal Jantes to cease firing.
This brings to 15 the number they be accused of accuracy, he is converted into Rudolf Klement, secretary of the Bureau for CIO.
distributed interested a Karaim in List XXI by merely having an The vigilantes cursed him of Armour plants throughout the Fourth International, was fished out of the workers. e added to his name. In fact, the author seems and told him to go back to the the country in which the CIO The whole membership of other side, which he did, union has won elections or been Seine by the Paris police. The accumulated evito be overwhelmed by this fear in other cases, too.
Local New York of the SoFor example, after having registered Maxim whereupon the vigilantes re certified as sole collective barcialist Workers Party asked Gorki in List XV as a Russian and who could sumed firing upon the unarmed Baining agent by the NLRB.
to take time of their jobs he had been murdered by Stalin secret service, strikers. similar vote taken in the deny that? he hastens to add that Gorki was edi.
and live on iron rations, to tor of Pravda, which of co the The Press he never was provide the maximum pre Yet the next day Sherite Cudahy plant in Denver, Colo.
Having exhausted the Bolshevik Jews, the auThe Fourth International is still feeling the parations for this great to unthor proceeds to a summary of the parties who effect of Klement loss, a fact which no doubt By Arthur Hopkins struggle that The strikers started it son a majority of 142 to 16.
Meanwhile there is no indica allege they are in opposition to the Bolsheviki.
they fired first. dollar a day for food weighed heavily in the calculations of the StalThe one summary is worthy of the other. Alex Dr. Irving Fisher quotes data gathered over a tton that Armour and Company provides a full time organizCommenting upon the sher. has altered its position and ac.
ander Kerensky will be astonished to learn that inists when they so carefully plotted and accom period of 25 years: Those who took two glasses of er for the next momentous iff outrageous lie, the Denver cepted the union offer to meet his real name is Kirbis (Why not Wallingplished his destruction. Though young, Klembeer or one glass of whiskey a day showed a mortten days.
Post merely observed that and discuss the basis on which ford Thrushtooth. and that he is a Jew. The ality 18 percent higher than the average. am still ent had considerable international experience.
All these necessary steps Whoever fired the first shot: a mutually acceptable contract Menshevik Abramovich will also be interested to of the firm belief that non drinkers do not live to assure the success of the all the wounded were strikers. might be worked out.
hear that he was a member of the Right Socialist German in origin, he had worked as secretary to longer It only seems longer.
anti Coughlin demonstration All Wednesday night the Officials of the PWOC declare Revolutionary Party, and the Socialist RevoluComrade Trotsky in Prinkipo, then in France as on August 19 require funds. vigilantes roamed the hills sur that Armour, by its refusal to tionaries, Ratner and Gotz, would also have been Chicago man, annoyed by children who sougbt secretary of the Fourth International, rounding the dam, taking pot parley, is forcing a nationwide a to obtain coins from the bridegroom during a charThe comrade who can interested in learning that they were members of shots at strikers who had fled Strike in the industry.
take time off send in money the Central Committee of the Menshevik Party.
od in Belgium and then once more in France. ivari, tossed the children red hot pennies and serlto provide a substitute for up among the rocks.
In a word, for the truth, the whole truth and He had acquired a wide and intimate knowledge ously burned several young children. If the boss you.
class dared. and they re getting more daring each Thursday morning Governor The Chicago Chapter of the nothing but the truth about Bolshevism, read the of the problems of our movement. Often he was day) they try the same stunt with the relief The anti fascists who read paper of the Christian scholar and gentleman, Carr called out the guard, say. Association of Catholic Trade clients.
responsible for decisions on urgent tactical questhis send in your dollars to ing that when two opposing Unionists this week issued to Father Coughlin.
Local New York, Socialist factions of several hundred the Catholic and secular press tions, a heavy responsibility for so young a comWorkers Party. 116 Univer. people, both armed, are shoota resolution demanding that Minneapolis Star editorial states this war Some pickets carried banners reading. Fer rade. He carried it out conscientiously and with ward with Roosevelt. We want Roosevelt and sity Place, New York City ing and fighting, this is the Armour Co. negotiate at between groups of American citizens, artificially Relief; not Hooverism and hunger, as Colonel every dollar will make that only action possible for me to once the grievances of their created by appeals of hate and prejudice, splits up more assured the success of take.
employees with the employees the nation into warring factions. perfect et During the past year we have suffered heavy Harrington, national administrator.
the August 19 anti Coughlin Of course the governor lied chosen representatives, the ample of confusing cause and effect. The hate opened a nationwide conference of officials losses and Klement was one of the heaviest. But in Chicago. WHO in hell is President, Hoover or demonstration.
when he said the strikers were Packinghouse Workers Organ not artificial; only the formation of groups into our movement goes forward. That we are firmly Roosevelt?
Jarmed. Just as the sheriff lied izing Committee.
haves and bave nota.
the ACCUSE ARMOUR CO. OF ANTILABOR MOVES Rudolph Klement to dence showed without a shadow of doubt that Labor Looks Through skill.