BolshevismCommunismFascismItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTerrorismViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1939 Stop Fascism In America!
PLANS WORK Lexington 1100. 00 thank you for the copy of the SOCIALIST APPEAL, re CAMPAIGN QUOTAS ceived today. It is so good that PICKING UP: must have it regularly in or. The campaign score box this Jobless Aided StriPetition Signatures (Continued from Page 1)
der to enjoy Nfe! Enclosed find issue publishes the results money order for a six months achieved in the first 10 days of ed on the huge estates of the rich land owners, he promised kers Settlement Is Begin to Come insub. Give the damned hogs the drive to increase our ADthe land they tilled.
hell. of Mankato, peal circulation by 1, 000 coples Only the Beginning Branches Draw Plans 10, 000 FUND DRIVE Minn per issue. So far the circula In a few months, all of Italy will be in our power.
Following is the Anti War Fund scoreboard for the first week Lion has increased by 150 copand we shall be entrusted with the task of accomplishing of the campaign.
THE CAMPAIGN ies per issue.
the only revolution possible in Italy, the agrarian revolu(Continued from Page 1)
Branches have reported extensive plans for picnics, social af PROGRESSES: This is a fair beginning and (Continued from Page 1)
tion, which must give the land to those who cultivate it.
fairs, house canvassing for funds, etc. and we are confident that Our drive to sell the Appeal some branches (Cleveland, canvassing permanent bodies in the local door to door (Speech of Benito Mussolini, March 23, 1921. Quoted in for these will come through. But even for the first week of the oam is progressing with some suc Newark, Akron, etc. have Fascism and Big Business, 93. unions is a great step forward. funds in support of the cam paign these are cess and we expect to increase started in well. But all too To those who saw in the nobility and the king the source Unemployed Helped Strike paign, in conjunction with getTOO MANY ZEROS!
Also significant to the future ting signers on the petitions.
our bundle order shortly. many branches have not yet The War Referendum Campaign and the anti war work of the Joe Kent, new literature agent been heard from special What is your branch planning Monarchy, the Senate, and the Nobility.
WPA Unem nailing percentages. All comrades have assign in order to get its quota of subTo those who felt that they suffered oppression from the ployed sections of the cio rening for contributions to the Branch Quota 50 Paid Percent ments on expired subs, in addi scriptions and to increase its Roman Catholic Church he promised confiscation of all employed abole service to their campaign, and at the same tion to which each member is bundle order? Have you given employed brothers. The unem time advertising a meeting.
by Sept. 15 Paid Church property.
ployed auxiliary had scores on Every comrade individually pledged to get a sub either to out contact assignments, have Rochester 50. 00 20. 00 80. 00 the Appeal or the New Inter you planned one regular mass And to the small merchants he appealed with a program sime picket lines every day here has been given a quota to Kansas 15. 00 50 20. 00 national by September The street sale by the entire branch of taxing the rich and seizing the huge profits piled up by pickets per member than any get one Appeal sub during the Newark 350. 00 31. 50 18. 00 quota set is very meager and each week?
20. 00 other local union. The shop time of the campaign, must get 00 10. 00 Big Business think we ll be able to exceed There are still exactly five New York 2200. 00 50. 00 workers recognized this fact, 50 it easily. We have weekly weeks left in which to fulfin We demand. a) a heavy extraordinary tax on capital one petition completely filled.
National Office 3400. 00 and will undoubtedly take more and must raise towards 20. 00. 001 checkups for this purpose and your quotes and help raise the. with a view to its partial expropriation. b) the Akron 100. 00 00. 00. 00 seriously in the future the or our quota. chart is being kept there is no reason why it won regular circulation the seizure of all property of religious associations. 0)
Allentown 50. 00 canization of the unemployed et branch progress, and also of 00. 00. 00 be a simple matter to carry Appeal.
revision of all war supplies contracts and seizure of 85 Baltimore 10. 00 00. 00. 00 the plan out.
EXPIRED SUBSCRIPTIONS: of the war time super profits. Popolo a Italia. Boston 400. 00 00. 00. 00 they can. We are carrying out Red This week 125 regular subApril 20, 1920. Quoted in The Plow and the Sword, 151. Calais And, in addition to the suc5. 00 00. 00. 00 Sunday activity. The com scriptions to the Appeal have The use of automobile paCambridge 00 00. 00. 00 rades, divided into squads of expired. The names of those These measures, Mussolini claimed, would give jobs and trols, admirably Initiated in cess with the petitions, the Detroit during the Briggs plete fulfillment of its quota on Flint scoreboard shows com Chicago 530. 00 09. 00. 00 three square meals a day to everyone.
two, are given a permanent as whose subs are expiring have strike, was adapted to the Cleveland 200. 00 00. 00. 00 signment to a square block for been sent around to all the Columbus But the greater part of his propaganda he devoted to 15. 00 00. 00. 00 which they are held respon branches that live in their vistrike here. About thirty five Appeal bundle increase. Over constructing a national scapegoat on whom to blame the cars were constantly on duty, the top, now, comrades of the Conneaut 00 00. 00. 00 sible. We plan to visit con cinity. It is up to the branch Danbury 10. 00 00. 00. 00 tacts once week at a mini to take immediate steps for cruising up and down the strike Flint branch, with all the other economic misfortune which afflicted the people. scapequotas!
Denver 20. 00 00. 00. 00 mum and to make the press renewing these 125 subs: goat would conveniently divert the wrath of the people area, watching and prepared to Detroit 50. 00 00. 00. 00 the leading approach in our act. Picketing was conducted MINNEAPOLIS PLANS (1) Assign a branch comrade New Hampshire 00 00. 00. 00 work. We will introduce the to pay a visit.
from the real cause private ownership of the national East Chicago 20. 00 (2) Try to get a sub to the Appeal and New International fashion. As one shift of pick MODEL CAMPAIGN. 00 industries and resources.
00. 00 Evansville 00 00. 00. 00 to them. Eloise Booth, San New International at the same Although there were only a few thousand Jews in Italy lets left its station, the men From Minneapolis we get a Fargo 10. 00 00. 00 time. 00 Francisco literature agent.
Fresno and no frenzy or hate existed in the population against and paraded to the union hall: report of the first branch meet10. 00 00. 00. 00 Gardner Fitchburg 30. 00 00. 00. 00 them, nevertheless he blamed the international Jewish pickets stopped all traffic as ing which laid plans for the Hartford 00 00. 00. 00 ANNOUNCEMENTS bankers and loan capital as being at the bottom of the the army of union men crossed campaign. We present it here the street.
as a model of how a branch can Indianapolis 00 00. 00. 00 trouble. His attacks against the bankers brouglit him a THEATRE PARTY August 23.
The settlement of the Tool co about organizing its work in 10. 00 00. 00. 00 The Downtown Branch 19 and Die strike is only the bea Party campaign.
00. 00 Los Angeles 400. 00 great deal of popularity among those suffering from mort 00 Louisville sinning of the forward march. After a political and organholding theater party for 10. 00 00. 00. 00 gages and high rates of interest. Pins and Needles on Wedof the UAW CIO. In Flint mem rational report on the perspecLynn 100. 00 00. 00. 00 He accused Bolshevism and Communism as being bers are now flocking into the tive of the Party in the camMarston Mills 00 00. 00. 00 nesday evening. August 23.
This is the second edition of responsible for Italy ills, and the democratic capitalist union. Militants are preparing paign, given by Comrade Vin Minneapolis 00. 00. 00 The National Negro Commit New Haven 40. 00 00. 00. 00 tee has been appointed and the the play and it is shown at government, which everybody could see was doing ab for the fall, when the produc cent Dunne, the branch adoptOakland 80. 00 air conditioned theater.
00. 00 an National Negro. 00 Department solutely nothing to solve the crisis, he attacked as being the the plants. On the basis of the The following program has Omaha 10. 00 00. 00. 00 has begun to function. The So, come all keep cool to Tool and Dle victory, union mil been adopted by the Minneapotool of Jewish capital and Bolshevism.
Philadelphia 100. 00 00. 00 the showing of a swell labor 00 Committee meets every Tuesitants are determined to build lis branch for the War Refer10. 00 musical show. Tickets can Pittsburgh 00. 00 Mussolini advocated a strong state, a government. 00 day, National Office, 6:30, and toward the day when General endum Campaign. All of these be obtained at special rates Plentywood 00 00. 00. 00 comrades are invited to at which would do something.
Motors will be forced to grant quotas we have set as minifrom Sylvia Caldwell at the Portland 00 00. 00 tend. 00 the 30 week at the 40 hour mums. corporate state, he said, would stop the struggle be National Office.
Quakertown 20. 00 00. 00 three months program of. 00 wage, and the long awaited Sale and distribution of Reading 10. 00 tween the workers and the bosses, wipe out costly strikes, 00. 00. 00 action has been drafted; and THE BRONX BRANCH of the closed shop.
2000 Let the People Vote on Ridgefield 00 00. 00. 00 the first number of a Negro Socialist Workers Party reand unite everybody employer and worker alike behind The Stalinist policy of sub War pamphlets. Sales at pic Sacramento 20. 00 00. 00. 00 bulletin is in preparation. quests all sympathizers and Italy.
servience to the police and re nics, on the street, at union St. Louis 100. 00 00. 00. 00 Funds are urgently needed for friends who live in the West spectability prevailed during meetings, etc. and to block out Still Mussolini was unable to chisel deeply into the trade St. Paul 200. 00 00. 00. 00 its publication and the Negro Bronx to purchase the Appeal this Tool and Die affair. But working class districts for two San Diego 10. 00 00. 00. 00 Department will have to rely at the following newsstands: unions. This did not disturb him; he was enmeshing those when the production workers or more tag days to involve the San Francisco 100. 00 00. 00. 00 exclusively on donations raised Kingsbridge Station Armory who were unorganized the unemployed, the young people are called out, a. fighting policy whole membership in this Seattle 20. 00 00. 00. 00 by branches.
Corner; Moshulu Station will be absolutely essential. work.
who had no jobs, all those who were desperate and harried (Committee of three South Bend 10. 00 00. 00. 00 special Negro number of East: 3889 Sedgwick Ave. For General Motors is only renamed to be in charge. Texas 20. 00 00. 00. 00 the New International is in 204 St. and Valentine Ave. and suffering under the vast crushing weight of a nationtreating momentarily, digging 3500 signatures to petition 40. 00 00. 00. 00 preparation and will be pubFordham Road and Jerome: wide economic crisis.
its trenches, and setting up its for the War Referendum Washington 40. 00 00. 00. 00 lished in November.
188th and Concourse artillery for the battle to come. Amendment, and a collection Woonsocket 00 00. 00. 00 popular pamphlet is being Mussolini Begins Inserting the Stilleto of funds for the Anti War ParWorcester 20. 00 00. 00. 00 prepared on the Negro and the Youngstown 50. 00 ty. Committee of three. While he was blowing rainbow colored bubbles in public, 00. 00. 00 Coming War. If donations are the slogan of All Funds to the IT OUR LIVES Yellow Springs 00 00. 00. 00 Mussolini sent his followers, whom he dressed in black large enough, the Negro De Anti War Party. We feel Forty new Appeal subpartment will collaborate with that we can get a thousand sigscriptions. Committee of shirts, into action against the victim which had been picked AGAINST THEIR the youth in the production of natures to the petitions. Readthree. National Committee and de from 50 to 200.
a special page Negro issue of ing petition quota is 50. The by the capitalists for the slaughter. RESPONSIBILITY Increase of Appeal bundlepends upon our success in the The Black Shirts started cautiously. They began by disthe Challenge towards the end city administration of Reading Doubled quota on Fund of September. This will initiate is social democratic by In charge: the Appeal campaign.
Drive from 15. 00 to 30. 00. Stump tributing Fascist literature in ever widening circles.
Brigade, plus two more coma campaign among the Negro and his friends) and the Read rades named. 11. Membership recruitment Adopted quota of four new youth.
No one stopped them.
This is from the New York ing comrades intend to stick Raising of 550 for the An tember 15 to be our quota. als no quota previously as tion will appear in every issue der its nose.
campaign. 25 members by Sep Appeal subs outside of renew Articles on the Negro ques the war referendum issue un They beat up a few workers.
Times, so it must be fit to War Fund print. Committee of Comrade named to take signed.
No one stopped them.
of the Socialist Appeal.
charge. The people should not be KANSAS. One comrade in Distribution of 12, 000 15, Increase of five in Appeal Branches must communicate whitewater orders 25 pamThey gained in boldness and stabbed a few workers.
allowed to vote on war, said 12. Publicity and letters to bundle no quota previously as with the Negro Department. phlets. the whole quota for No one stopped them. Times editorial on Decem 000 of page leaflet. No special machinery needed at this time. newspapers, politicians. Com signed.
Then they began a very clever procedure. Fifty or sixty ber 16, 1937, because EVERY Public meeting on War rade in charge. SINGLE. It is the representa.
QUOTA news stories for the Socialist 50 on the Fund Drive, and of them piled into trucks and drove to a workers meeting.
tives of the people, and not Referendum. Branch Execu13. Compiling of information RAISED BY AT LEAST 100 Appeal; and must make stren then increases Appeal bundle They lined up with their black jacks and knives, and then tive to set date later in cam on war question. Gathering of PERCENT! Comrade for com uous efforts for at least an in order all in one letter. Which the people themselves, who paign.
press clippings, and the preprade, Fitchburg is out to show ilial donation to the Negro Degives him the right to end his rushed the meeting with all the fury of wild beasts.
necessarily enact the laws appropriate the money for Street meetings adjacent aration of this material for the big city slickers where they partment.
letter with Best wishes for The workers, caught unawares, stumbled back confused, the upkeep of the governto the various city parks, using ing locally and for forwarding get off!
the all around success of broke out of the building. In this way fifty Black Shirts ment departments, AND ACthe distribution of leaflets be to the National Office. Comnot fund drive and anti war camSore time of rade in charge. Committee CEPT RESPONSIBILITY were able to break up meetings of five hundred workers.
burg by a long shot. Here and notify them of a meeting paign and the revolution.
FOR OTHER NATIONAL three. 14. Weekly report blanks to more: Kansas came through first in Squads will be on the the fund drive for the twiceThis action phase of Mussolini program delighted the Twin City picnic for Aus be sent to National Office. Hold street meeting every streets downtown in the morn weekly Appeal a few months, DECISIONS.
ust 20 to be money raising af Branch Organizer in charge. Sunday, except Aug. and 20 ing. selling the pamphlets, ago, and preliminary advices capitalists. They toasted one another in champagne over But who is going to accept fair of the campaign. Execu 15. Publicity on the radio when there are district wide af Appeals, and getting signa from Wichita point their good judgment in greasing Il Duce treasury. Pro the bullets that come flying tive Committee to aid Social (Comrade in charge. around after the national fairs.
the same sperity winked at them just around the corner.
Committee for this affair.
decision. Mr. Times editor?
16. Every party comrade to Letter weekly to newspaconclusion. Anyway Special arrangements have we re rooting for them; it a happy The Black Shirts increased the number of beatings and 10. Three new organizers by be urged to give all the spare pers.
tortures of workers. Truckloads of Black Shirts travelled September 15. In the hands of time possible to party work Plan indoor rally to climaxl also been made for publicity, darn good state in spite of cer. during the campaign.
and a city wide mass meeting tain unfortunate associations campaign from town to town breaking up workers meetings, pillagjail wherever they raised their knives.
17. Letter to membership on 10. AND.
to end the campaign is planned. Browder had to be born someCOMRADE HAN ing, iurdering. Flames leaped up behind them like funeral The heads of the labor movement denounced every memcampaign. Organizer in NULA WRITES, TRANSLATE charge. to imitate two methods do weh where, or didn he. THE PAMPHLET INTO FIN. which are to be seen in both the with Reading and Allentown, ALLENTOWN, Pa. What pyres marking their progress.
ber who defended himself by putting up his fists in self 18. Banner in front of head NISH FOR DISTRIBUTION Akron and Minneapolis plans: there no holding the PennsylWith every resource at their command the police aided defense. That is physical violence, argued these heads quarters, AMONG FINNISH POPULA mobilization of every individu vania Dutch.
the Fascists. Workers possessing guns were disarmed.
of the trade unions. It plays the game of the fascists.
Note that Minneapolis has as TION.
al comrade and division of the Hautman mentions in passing Comrade signed itself a recruitment quo AND Workers resisting the Black Shirts were arrested and Such arguments could not have played the game of the ta, although nationally only the an enthusiastic response to the membership into squads or that they have already ordered thrown jait. The police provided trucks, gasoline and Fascists better if Mussolini had paid for them in cold cash.
total figure of 200 new mem fight for a war referendum committees charged with a spe their full quota of pamphlets, guns for the Black Shirts.
bers has been proposed.
announces These strategists launched a whirlwind campaign of from the cooperative organiza selection of working class plans for a mass meeting at completed If a group succeeded in repelling a Fascist attack, then aggressive. postcard writing, protesting to the Chief FITCHBURG VIES What city is going to chal heighborhoods for concentra the Hotel Allen on Sept.
the Black Shirts returned the following night with re of Police and demanding that he suppress the Fascists. WITH BIG CITIES lenge Fitchburg to a little soHe requests that we supply him inforcements and ferociously hunted down the guilty They sent delegations to the government and demanded cialist competition?
From the town of Fitchburg FULL STEAM AHEAD with James Burnham as the speaker; and as our supply of workers.
that it strip the Fascists of every last vestige of power. in Massachusetts comes a let AKRON STARTS OFF IS DRIVE KEYNOTE James Burnham is not exThe Defense of the Italian Workers And they began a huge election drive to show up the vio sections of the Party food for ON ALL CYLINDERS quota of 25 pamphlets, orders will speak. Ready to go full The average worker felt that there was only one way lence and terror of the Black Shirts at the ballot box. thought. We ll be in there at the fi 50 as a starter, and adds We steam ahead in this drive.
These tactics weakened the forces of the workers. It There are only a handful of wish for one of the prizes, hope to send for more soon. says Comrade Hautman.
in which he could defend himself from the terrorism and laid them wide open to the ruthless attack of the Black comrades in Fitchburg, but writes in Donaldson, Akron. Comrade Adams writes: violence of the Black Shirts, and that way was by FORCE ROCHESTER, there is a trade union move. Campaign Director.
In many sections of Italy the workers began to organShirts who hoped for nothing better than this. We are holding our first street Here is the first instalment ment and a strong Finnish co Rush 200 pamphlets! This is corner meeting on this cam from Local Rochester on our ize Trade Union Defense Guards. These Defense Guards Their whole strategy was summed up in the phrase, corside marmo Hannula trans petitions about so at least, he discussed this campaign very Niemeyer.
The quota is the were an extension of the idea of picket squads. They were Help King Victor exert pressure against Fascism!
All those who demanded that a way be found out of adopted by the Fitchburg commits the 16 point program adds.
thoroughly tor are sure Anti War Fun organized on a permanent basis and trained themselves to This ought to make it un that we can carry out the quo ment is 10. 00. Where are defend the working class organizations from the onslaught the depression saw that the workers were frittering away rades, we know it going to be necessary to announce that the tas assigned to us. Our fur the four page leaflets? he achieved.
their destiny scribbling penny postcards.
of all forces that attacked with terror and violence. WhereAkron campaign is well under ther perspectives are street complains. We started our outever these Defense Guards were set up they sent the Black Mussolini, at least, seemed to provide action.
Here are some of the points, way. Here are the first steps of corner meetings every week, door meetings on schedule and Campaign director elect the Akron branch: putting up a table on Penn st. need the leaflets for the crowds Shirts cowering for cover.
Il Duce began to look like a sure winner to them. They ed Comrade Hannula The committee selected the main street in Reading) we are speaking to. Well, flocked to hear him denounce the international Jewish But the leaders of the working class organizations. de2. Set quota of 60 pamphlets working class neighborhoods. with our slogans to obtain sig now, here a tip that goes for bankers, the Bolshevik leaders of the unions, and loan 25 assigned by National Office. to squads. We divided the branch in natures for the petitions. As we everybody: the leaflets will be cided on a different strategy. They hoped to reach a compromise with Mussolini or to persuade the Chief of Police capital. The glitter of Il Duce promises dazzled them. More than 100 increase. All squads will canvass tend to make an intensive follow Rochester noble ex to do his duty and stop the fascists by throwing them in (Continued In next issue) Raised petition quota to a neighborhood for one week to house to house campaign and ample on the matter of ten dolfour times assigned amount get signatures, sell, pamphlets, finish up with picnic under lar bills.
Toledo four)
scists by the