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Socialist Appeal BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, No. 59 TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1939 3c a Copy FASCISTS MARCH ON UNION SQ.
The End of the Rainbow Stop Fascism In America!
Workers! Rally Aug. 19 Against Fascist Invasion of Labor Center!
NEW DEAL LIBERALS PROMISES are AUTO WORKERS WIN UNION The Black Shirts, of course. continued taking action RECOGNITION An Appeal to the Communist Issues United Will Father Coughlin Become Party For United Front Action Front Call 200, 000 Circulars Printed Dictator of the United States?
The following letter was sent by Local New York of the Socialist Workers Party on August 11 to the New York District of By JOSEPH HANSEN the Communist Party when it was learned that the Coughlin Under the guise of an antiCommunist fascists were planning a march on Union Square: parade. the SECOND INSTALLMENT Coughlin fascist organizations New York District Committee, Communist Party, of New York on August called Mussolini Promises Everything to Everybody 50 East 13 Street, New York, for a fascist mobilization in CoFirst Benito Mussolini added the title Il Duce to his Dear Comrades: lumbus Circle and a march from there on Union Square on name. This was to give whatever he said an air of positive Father Coughlin, America Number One fascist, is mobil Saturday, August authority. He bolstered this authority when he orated izing his storm troop Christian Front for a parade at Shouting Buy Christian. with a glower that wrinkled his forehead. He tossed back Saturday, August 19 from Columbus Circle to Union Coughlin agents distributed leaflets announcing the march his head, shot out his jaw pugnaciously, and raised his arm Square.
in a powerful salute.
throughout the city during the This challenge in the teeth of the labor movement is the following days.
These actions impressed the hounded and desperate first action on the road of terror and violence announced by in choosing as their objective people outside the labor movement who hungered for someFather Coughlin two weeks ago in his speech, The Call to Union Square, traditional meet ng place of labor organizations one with enough boldness and audacity to lead them from Action.
and gateway to the Jewish East their scarcity to the plenty which Italian industry could In that speech over a nation wide radio book up, Father side, the fascists made a brazproduce.
Coughlin declared civil war on the labor movement. He at en thrust for domination of Then Il Duce began promising tacked the Bolshevik leaders of the American trade union New York United Front Appeal He assured the stockholding capitalists that no matter movement. He attacked the non religious Jews. He de Immediately upon learning of what happened they could depend on him to preserve priclared that he was taking the way of force. That he in the fascist plans, Local New vate property; that is, to see to it that the nation industended to fight the forces of labor cheek to jowl and work of the socialist Workers tries continued to run exclusively for their private benefit. shoulder to shoulder. We will fight you in Franco way! ous labor and fraternal organIn Italy, where large sections of the workers underOn August 19 Father Coughlin will take the next step in izations to unite labor forces stood very clearly that the fundamental cause for the dehis campaign to bring Franco way of violence, terror, and in a counter. demonstration pression and their misery was private property, it was murder to the United States.
against the fascists.
Simultaneously the Socialist necessary to do this not too loudly.
It is time to tonite against Father Coughlin!
Workers Party issued 200. 000 Having reached a thorough understanding with the big Father Coughlin has created a tremendous wave of hatred circulars for distribution stockholders, including some heavy greasing of his treasury against the Jews in America. Father Coughlin is preparing a calling them to rally at Union among New York workers, with cash subsidies, Mussolini whipped up his public lynch campaign against the Negroes.
Square on Saturday, August campaign.
Father Coughlin is preparing to wipe out the labor move 19, at 4:30 to protest To the workers he promised a slashing attack against the 703 6S ment in the United States, both the CTO and the AFL, in the against the fascist provocation.
same way that Mussolini wiped out the labor movement in Text of Circular We are taking action not against the working class, but After weeks of anti Semitic Italy, in the same way that Hitler wiped out the labor move propaganda, Buy Christian for it. We have so little concern for the bourgeoisie that we have put at the head of our program a demand for ex.
ment in Germany, in the same way that Franco wiped out the campaigns and anti labor atpropriation of large private fortunes, for confiscation of labor movement in Spain.
tacks, these Fascist mobsters war time super profits, for heavy taxation of capital. We on August 19 will try to carry will accept no kind of dictatorship. Popolo Italia, July Favors for Coughlinites, Stiff It is time to unite against Father Coughlin!
cut their threat to invade Union 23, 1919. Quoted in The Plough and The Sword, 34. Father Coughlin began by spreading anti Semitic and anti Square, the heart of New Fines for Anti Coughlinites labor propaganda in the United States. His followers have said the sWP circular.
Il Duce in his public speeches even supported some of York working class district.
the strikes of the workers.
hawked this vile propaganda in ever widening circles.
Fascism began the same way in Italy and Germany. This Fascist parade is no manifestation of Christianity.
NEW YORK, Aug. Mayor LaGuardia whitewash of the not against the working class but for it with knife blows Coughlin sympathizers in the police force has given an inFather Coughlin next launched a few minor forays against It is a mobilization of strikethe labor movement. His followers stabbed an anti fascist and union busters.
Jew haters in the backs of the workers.
spirational cue to certain judges in the Magistrates court.
To the terribly oppressed agricultural workers who slav Flying Squadrons Magistrate Farrel imposed the unusually heavy fine of 25 or school teacher, Samuel Appelbaum. They broke into the head Let the Fascists see the an5 days in the workhouse on Peter Torr, who had been arrested (Continued on Page 2)
quarters of the Debs School. They attempted to break up ger and the might of the workwhile selling Coughlin Fascist Demagogue. The charges Become Permanent ing class! Come out and prowere disorderly conduct, causing a crowd to collect, etc.
American Labor Party meetings.
Testimony brought forth the fact that the arresting officer Fascism began the same way in Italy and Germany.
Union Institution Schmauder had actually arrested Torr on general princi Father Coughlin has now launched the next stage of his Recall Feb. 20 Victory ples and had concocted the charges in the station house. When the Fascists met in drive to establish a fascist regime of murder in the United Madison Square Cop Favors Coughlinites Garden on (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Torr countered Schmauder charges by claiming they were February 20, the anti Fascists States.
FLINT, Mich. Aug. The absolutely false. Schmauder sympathies were made clear His storm troop Christian Front is marching from picket line of 50, 000 around the New York threw a mass Tool and Die strike conducted when it was revealed that he had forced the Anti Coughlin Columbus Circle to Union Square next Saturday to demon area.
Branches Voluntarily Raise Their Quotas by the UAW CIO has ended in salesman from the corner and replaced him with a seller of Social Justice. On the way to the station house Schmauder strate to the whole world of Big Business that Coughlin can got more than they bargained a victory for the union, and as On February 20 the Fascists Go Full Steam Ahead on Drive men went back to work today. defamed the Jewish race and said that every one of these siap labor in the face unchallenged, that lie is the American for. They will not, they must the Cio was assured recogni blank blank Jews ought to be wiped out.
not, go unanswered on August tion and bargaining rights in Judge Farrel struck out all testimony tending to show that 19!
42 of the 53 General Motors Schmauder had pro Coughlin leanings. His sole question was It is time to unite against Father Coughlin!
By HAL DRAPER plants.
a stooge Did you say that about the Jews? addressed to Don wait for the concenWe cannot depend on Mayor LaGuardia to protect the tration camps act now!
Secretary, Campaign Committee In Flint the strike met with Schmauder. Schmauder, of course, denied it. That was The workers are responding with enthusiasm to the campaign no violence, although Martin enough for reactionary Judge Farrel.
labor movement from Coughlin storm troop Christian Protect your unions! Proof the Party for a People Vote on War.
tect your liberty!
The Party branches have risen to their tasks in the campaign, to mobilize sufficient numbers goons made several attempts All out to Union Square!
LaGuardia cops are themselves sympathetic to Coughlin.
gearing themselves for a far flung mass agitation drive. to start a battle. Their atThis is the story which is told, with heartening unanimity, by tempts to provoke cio memThey arrest salesmen of anti Coughlin literature. They assist the first week reports which have started flowing in from the bers into fist fights in front of Coughlin salesmen.
branches the union headquarters across The trend previously report of the UAW CIO.
is ed continues: branch after doubt popular slogan. body plant met with failure branch has indignantly assign The success of this first step also.
of New York and to strike a violent blow for fascism in the ed itself higher quotas than of the campaign in Flint should those set for it by the National be an example for all the secsen, General Motors president, The fact that Papa Knua very citadel of the most advanced sections of the American Office. In many places, where tions of the Party Packinghouse Workers Union Accuses labor movement: Union Square!
was forced to recognize the the comrades embarked on the For here is a city where, one CIO. after calling CIO mem It is time to unite against Father Coughlin!
Company of Violating Wagner Act campaign with a certain might imagine, the workers are bers scum and rabble, was Brother workers of the Communist Party!
amount of doubt as to the re completely taken up with the a source of joy to every union sponse of the workers, the very problem of WPA, of unemploy man in Flint.
We call on you to unite your strength with ours in defendfirst attempts made to carry ment, of jobs, of trade union Permanent Defense Guards Cops Rush to Scene (Special to the Socialist Appeal) foremen to workers in their ing Union Square from Father Coughlin storm troop through the campaign have reunity and trade union action.
CHICAGO, Aug. 7Charges homes. Christian Front. The most notable develop against Armour and Company versed this attitude.
To Protect Fascists Charges against the company But let permit the branches lems which beset them, the rective organization of Flying filed today with the mand that a scheduled poll of Front of defense next Saturday evening against the marching Workers of the Communist Party, join with us in a United From Workers Ire to speak for themselves: American workers have not for: Squadrons. patterned in many by the Packinghouse Workers Armour workers in Ft. Worth columns of Father Coughlin stormtroop Christian Front!
FLINT MEN EAGER gotten that while the job prob. ways after the Union Defense Organizing Committee. Texas, be called off due to the United we can deliver a blow that will send fascism in Two riot trucks packed full TO SIGN PETITIONS the war question concerns their Guards of the Minneapolis un The PWOC, CIO affiliate, company illegal actions. Sim ions. The Flying Squadrons of uniformed cops with riot were made up of squads of six charged Armour and Company ilar charges bad been filed in America cowering in retreat!
sticks came to the aid of a The future of the labor movement in America is at stake. Coughlin Christian Front meet tion signatures, Organizer It is only another proof that cuch squad equipped with a in the course of a labor board tion of an anti union circular on our very lives and the lives of our families are at stake. It ing Wednesday night, at FordJules Geller writes: they are looking eagerly for a car, the squads working in election in Armour Oklahoma the day previous to the election Coughlin is allowed to continue unchallenged then it means in Maheosconx, when theriyye. Our first attempt to get pe means of titions was inspiring. We took against the oncoming war. And patrol the struck Fisher Body City plant.
only two petition blanks with us our Partythe anti war Party No. Plant, largest body plant The Cro union claims that are listu Street by products that the labor movement in the United States will go down in thousandront when conor would have had more signed. is ONLY force that can in the world, and keep an eye Armour vicious and illegal piant August blood before his fascist storm troops!
verged on The occasion was a protest provide such means. We re out on union leaders.
actions have demonstrated that CIO UNION WINS STOP FASCISM IN AMERICA!
The previous Wednesday meeting of WPA and unem to prove that in this campaign!
These Squadrons are now an honest election in any ArARMOUR ELECTIONS night the Coughlinite speakers Comrade eller reports fur permanent institution of the mour plant is impossible.
ployed, with a good percentage United Ranks next Saturday!
at the same spot had dared the of men from the shops also ther on the steps taken by the Flint UAW. They are made up The loss of the Oklahoma (Special to the Socialist Appeal) Rally in Union Square at 4:30 Jews and radicals to hold present. The petition was hand. Flint branch to mobilize the of the tested militants of 37 city election by the narrow CHICAGO, August CIO Answer Franco way of the machine gun and bomb counter. demonstration. The ed to a young worker, and he comrades for the campaign: and the best union fighters. margin of 333 to 308 on a yes packinghouse workers yesterhimself took it around to his The work has already been UNITED RANKS AGAINST THE young workers of the neighborThere is still considerable or no ballot was attributed by day scored a signal victory in with labor way hood, Jew and Gentile alike, union brothers, after enthusi begun. The petitions are out looseness in the organization of union officials to anti union cir a National Labor Relations COMMON ENEMY.
accepted the challenge. Neighastically signing. It was not and will easily be filled. The the Flying Squadrons, and their culars signed by Armour and Board election at Armour 31st Brother workers of the Communist Party! Let have a borhood clubs and groups, innecessary to agitate. All sign sale of Appeals, and of pam tasks are not clearly enough Company and urging employes Street auxiliary plant here. On formed of the Christian Front ers without exception on the phlets, is functioning. We plan defined, but their institution as to vote against the union, and a yes or no ballot the Pack UNITED FRONT AGAINST THE FASCIST FATHER threats against the unions and Tirst two blanks are members (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) to visits made by company COUGHLIN. Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
Enthusiasm Greets Party War Referendum Campaign Anti Labor Practices Laid ANTI FASCISTS It is without the street them the house the At Door of Armour Meat Co. Christian Front. a permit o march through the very heart MEET COUGHLIN CHALLENGE