BolshevismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Who Won the World War? MILLIONS OF MEN AWAIT Stop Fascism WAR PROFITS Steel Co.
CALL TO WAR In America!
cerns the course of such a war both sides win 1915 وو New Masses and Father Coughlin On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens cluding many of the army leaders, has grown South American Situation Fraught tired of the inept and unsteady Vargas dicta war begins With Revolutionary Possibilities torship. They are preparing for an attempt to replace it with one more to their own liking. 1914 46 million (This week column by Diego Montanez)
This attempt will be bitterly resisted by the Allied war orders pour in 13, 000, 000 Million (Continued from Page 1)
Unrest and turmoil continue in Latin Amer Vargas group, probably to the point of bloody ica. Chile and Ecuador have just had a little civil war 35 million Men Under Arms in Depression Sweeps Italy trouble, Mexico had a minor outbreak last week in the rich mining state of Guanajuato ferociously turn upon any section of the workWar Crazy World When the great imperialist bandits called off their World and United States diplomatic sources hint that ing class that raises its head. The advanced workers, who supported the large and influ 1916 333 million they expect further developments. Information War and proceeded to split up the booty, recording the from Brazil indicates that the constant jockeyential Communist Party in the past, have by enters war (Continued from Page 1)
details of this transaction in the Versailles Treaty, the ing for control of the government is fast ap now lost all faith in the Stalinist relic that proaching the point of eruption into open civil preaches support of the very government that have gone as far as to send Italian overlords of industry came out at the short end of war. In Argentina the reactionary, pro British murdered and jailed thousands of this conamin1917 585 million military missions to Moscow to the stick.
President Ortiz, with the aid of the Stalinists, tants and keeps it Illegal even today. Whole discuss matters of strategy Instead of vast colonies teeming with slaves and wealth whips up an anti German spy hunt. Through masses have voted against the new line even before the political pact is out the Latin part of the continent one finds with their feet. Others, to a surprising and sie 1918 concluded. This step, designed which they had expected to chain to their profit machine, nificant extent, have drawn the lessons of the 519 million as pressure on Hitler and Stalin they got little more than what was already under their the same ferment that preceded the sweep of revolts that took place in 1930.
Stalinist degeneration and have come over to alike, is regarded as coverPosCD the Fourth International.
up for the continuing deadlock domination when they first ordered the Italian workers With so many capitalist governments totterThough the Stalinist lackeys of the imperialand farmers into the trenches.
ing. a splendid opportunity for revolutionary Manufacturers must have reasonable profits to do their duty. of the pact negotiations ist police reached the depth of announcing. Judge Gary, head of Steel Institute, 1917. In Tokyo: the issue of action should exist. But, with the exception of As a result, the war debt rested unusually heavy on the the numerically small sections of the Fourth over the Moscow short wave radio the real Japanese adherence to the shoulders of the workers and farmers and they were filled International, and to a certain extent the Nact names of party members who they knew were Italo German military alliance opposed to the support of Yankee imperialhas again come sharply to the with discontent.
onalista Party in Puerto Rico, the clever smile of Roosevelt and the pro imperialist turn of ism (quoted from the unanimous decision of 66 fore. The Japanese have been On top of this, the tremendous factories and mills which the Stalinists have wrought havoc among the engaged for three months in had been constructed with feverish haste by the big industhe Sao Paulo Regional Committee of the the Communist organizations in Parana undeclared warfare against the labor and progressive movements of the conand Sao Paulo (the latter the Brazilian equivRussians tinent.
the Mongol fron trialists during the World War in order to rake down as alent of New York State. as well as many intier. They have so far been reThe situation of the capitalists is complimuch as possible of the highly profitable war orders, now cated by several factors. There are the strugluctant, however, to join the dividual militants, have broken with stalinismi and joined the Leninist Workers Party (Fourth axis alliance for fear of find faced a greatly narrowed market. Factories and mills begles between the democratic and dictaInternational section in Brazil. Even in the ins themselves confronting gan shutting down.
torial powers for control of the industries and prisons and dungeons of Rio and Fernando Britain, France, and probably markets and military bases, the struggles beNaranho Island where Vargas keeps five to the United States, as well as Unemployment swept Italy.
tween the and British capitalists, the By JOSEPH HANSEN six thousand anti imperialist fighters, the but a smooth and effective bit Russia, in war. The Germans, struggles of the native capitalists for a larger Hundreds of thousands of hungry workers drifted from On July 30 Father Coughlin of fascist methodology.
share of the booty, the fusses occasionally same process is going on, as new arrivals bring news of Stalinism and the new Fourth openly and brazenly declared The New Masses couldn too anxious to bring Japan in city to city searching for jobs. Young people found themraised by sections of the native capitalists who International: The Stalinist henchmen now find civil war on the American la find out what stations Coughlin so long as they believe there is selves facing a blank and desperate future, without hope of prefer liberal means of ruling, the continual work. And with the pillars of the buying power of the battles between sets of Job hungry officials, many manifestos of disaffiliation by militant Call to Action over a nation year and which he publishes But in the last month the cast a speech entitled The broadcasts every Sunday in the slans.
workers thus torn out, thousands of smalt merchants came the maneuvers of the labor bureaucrats and Stalinists, and under them all the restless stir ist Party section of the Third International) wide hook up of more than 50 periodically in Social Justice: Japanese have come to grips crashing down in bankruptcy.
ring of the hundred million workers and peasThat a lie! They knew very with the British in deterants, The revolutionary, Bolshevik movement in radio stations Everybody cast about desperately for some way out of Coughlin called on his storm well what he threatened.
Brazil, Inspired by its new gains, has held a The New Masses got a terrt Japanese foothold in the allmined effort to win a deeper his misery.
The fresher bureaucratic government cliques congress to consolidate its forces to prepare to troop organization, which move forward to winning the masses of down. take to the streets and fight Coughlin preparing his Chris. An anti British campaign, sponthat took power in the wave of revolts nine or calls the Christian Front, to ble headache when they heard important foreign concessions. Nor were the big industrialists or the big land owners ten years ago have become worn out. New and still fresher strata are being pushed forward. ants for the decisive struggle against the cor cheek to lowl and shoulder than Front to use violence in sored by the Japanese, from any too happy. Their profits continued to decline. ExceptIn Brazil a large section of the ruling class, In rupt native and foreign capitalists.
to shoulder with anyone who the streets. They know that the full swing.
opposes Coughlinism. We will only way to defend yourself ing only their own living standards, they slashed every fight you in Franco way! from violence is by organizing voking the trade treaty, signiWith Roosevelt move in re possible cost to the bone. Nevertheless, profits declined Coughlin threatened to estab: Workers Defense Guards! But tying to the Japanese that they still lower, Goods piled up to the roofs in the warehouses, lish defense mechanism in these heroes are the last ones will certainly have Yankee imAmerica like Fascism in Italy in the world to lift up their fistsperialism to contend with in and still no one came to buy. The capitalists cast greedy and Nazism in Germany such even in self defense much less any case, the Nippon militarists had managed to wring from them. With all the hunger eyes on the concessions which the powerful trade unions as the world has not seen. It is a death struggle! he Like a little toy dog that sud ance link. The Japanese civilof a safe cracker sizing up a small town bank, they even Is there anybody who does not know the and stalling.
declared. You are either with denly decides his own bark is ion leaders are angling for a studied the insurance reserves and the savings of the poor.
story about the sixteen blind men who made a The clause in the Stalinist constitution which me or against me.
too dangerous, they pulled in more flexible stand which bars all members of the and the THAT IS DECLARATION tall damn quick.
After all, they decided, the Italian workers and poor farspecial trip to the Bronx Zoo Just to become would leave Japan some nego acquainted with that most extraordinary of all from holding a discussion (or a debate) with OF WAR! Smelly Proposal tlating leeway if they find mers were used to starving!
beasts, the elephant? thought so. Well, it a Trotskyist is beginning to get under their Didn Hear Him fingernails because they are anxious to discuss But here the pay off last themselves in the tight spot of seems these men all walked up to the animal How did the heroes of Stalin sentence in the editorial, New facing with Many of the most clear sighted workers, small farmers simultaneously in question and reached out to fee it that us. The are willing to talk and we should communist Party meet this Masses method of fighting against all the Western powers and merchants felt that there was only way they could determine its size and proportions. provide every opportunity to make discussion threat of civil war against the America fascist demagogue and Russia.
As soon as the beast felt sixteen pairs of hands possible. If you think they are unwilling to talk labor movement?
that way was socialism. That is, shifting the wheels of with us you should get a load of the situation who announces to the world on his hide he turned away and ran for cover The New Masses, official that he is taking Danzig Seesaw industry into high gear under the ownership of all the as it exists in certain sections. Many of the voice of Stalin American sec. way Franco 3. In Danaig and Warsaw: leaving the sixteen blind men standing around working people as a whole and producing for the use of the seesaw same ers who yesterday wouldn be seen tion, declares in an editorial of continues The in a circle. Each had grabbed at the elephant and each thought he knew what the beast looked like comes around and starts the.
to learn where and that they will Father Coughlin speech, that It is similar to the snake said the first When you pass a rule forbidding a person it couldn locate any radio sta from what stations Coughlin is lays a finger on the fair face When the strikers began operating the mills and facbecause he had felt only the elephant trunk. No, not at all, said the second who had from thinking or associating with people who tion which had broadcasted feelings immediately known to declare they will tight Postories in September 1920, all the workers who had been think, you are only doing what the bosses so Father Coughlin speech, that the owners.
frantically attempt to push over on the discon it couldn even get a printed touched the feet, it is more like a tree.
land prevents the restoration to suffering from the depression felt jubilant. It was only All wrong, all wrong, muttered a third, tented population laws forbidding people to copy of the speech (Coughlin Make their feelings known to the Reich of German Danzig.
necessary to continue and extend this action. Open up a beast with ears like that is more like a criticize the state or to object to the boss mails them out by the hundreds the bosses who are backing up Neither side wants a war over Coughlin with hard cash! this issue and Hitler is still anall the idle factories and set the machines to work! Then methods of breaking strikes. In other words of thousands, postage free) and Jackass.
And so every blind man went home with his the bureaucrats are attempting to save hence had no way of knowing democratic and on your toes, will enable him to come before Doesn that sound sweet and gling for another cold coup that there would be jobs for everybody, short hours, plenty of own idea of what an elephant looks like. And their skins by passing decrees what Coughlin said in his Sun grandmother!
food, clothing, and the good things of life.
each blind man went about describing this If you think it is not worth while to come in day speech.
But the small handful of stockholding families, who had beast to all his friends. You can imagine the contact with the ranks of the you are mis Where were the editors of the But it smells like Stalinist September with another triuntil then owned and controlled the national industries for result. Today many people are under the im taken. There are today hundreds of workers New Masses? studying how General Minja way of fighting umph to present to the starvIng people of Germany.
pression that an elephant is little different in the unions who are supporting the Stalinists. their comrade General Miaja their own private benefit and who, like similar families in from a seagull Without this support the Stalinists would fade sold out the rank and file in other countries, consider themselves the axis around which Some Can See, But Won Look Away like a bad smell.
Spain to fascism and then And these workers are ready and willing to scrammed while his passport And now we come to the people who can see talk with anyone who is friendly and who does was still good? Or listening to brows. It was necessary to do something and to do it quick.
but who refuse to look. These people go about not call them names right off the bat. We must WHN, 1250 Kilocycles on the They put their heads together. There was only one way out spreading stories about beast and man which be careful not to do this in a way which would dial (announced in Sunday would make your few remaining locks turn a so far as they were concerned and that was to increase put them on the spot. They may still have a New York Times radio section)
cold, stone grey. As has been said: There are sister or brother in the and so must be as Father Coughlin told Amer.
profits by drastically cutting wages. But how break through none so blind as those who will not see.
careful where and when he talks with us. In ica what he thought of the nonthe trade unions. Now then, unless we are to be in the same one union there are two members of the Stal ieligious Jews, the red boat with the blind men, we must take a good (Specia to the Socialist Appoal)
inists who meet and discuss with us but can leaders of the American labor under workers control, and of At first they tried ordinary strikebreakers 10 a day look at the people we want to talk to and PHILADELPHIA, July 29 expropriating the sixty Faminot leave the or even be seen with our movement, the cowardice of At an outdoor meeting attend les.
men who will swing a club on the head of any worker about. The blind had an excuse but we have comrades because they have a father and his opponents, and how he ed by 75 Negro workers, none. If we are to really convince the workers who dares to stand up for his rights, or for a slight extra One listener shouted: You mother in the whom they must pro would establish the worst fas speakers exposed the companythat they are on the receiving end of a baseball commission shoot him in the back.
They know what would result if they ever cist dictatorship the world has union role of the workers Al san tell me Roosevelt gave us bat we must get out and take a good look at openly joined the yet seen!
But the entire working class was too strongly united and the We fought for every liance.
them and spend a little time talking with them.
Must Be Reached with Truth Judge for yourself. Without Some of us are in for a shock.
bit of it.
Reuben Plaskett, Negro New. member of the Philadelmilita be overcome by these raw time worn tactics.
Take my friend Thistlethwaite for instance. Many of the newer members joined the having heard Coughlin ark unemployed leader. re phia Workers Alliance execuThey repulsed this offensive of the bosses.
Here is a guy who has read all the books because it seemed a force for peace and despeech. without having read it celved a warm reception when eve committee acted as an The capitalists saw that there was no way to bring back and newspapers. He can recite the constitution what they were in tor. They thought peace and and important enough to be the part of Roosevelt es Anitha bate between a stalinist and a ning and deception. If the throat of the labor movement mocracy. The recruits had no way of knowing they consideredentu dangerous he took the stand and explained impartiami thairmand in dem their profits except by streamlining the attack with cunof his union backwards in pig latin. He has a reputation as a crackerjack motion maker on democracy could best be achieved by an or turb the rank and talent the tor of recent cuts in WPA and Trotskyite. Before long he for the social committee. In other words, smart ganized force. They were right but the communist Party and hence to as strikebreaker.
could not be cut by a frontal swipe, then it was necessary guy. But like the hero in the Palm Olive Soap They degot himself and began asking Prominent Stalinist whips questions that demonstrated inads he lacks a certain something. And with ura1 sentiments. It attempted to turn them in shared thatence ushline contrat stood aghast as point by point terest in the program of the to stick the knife in from behind.
out that certain something his social life is No one was better fitted for this job than Benito about as gay as a crutch.
ation policy of the Stalinism and in the name of Lenin. And it we day is not the persecution Party in the workers Alliance his pocket!
with a copy of the Appeal in He tried everything. He asked his best It gave them a mis education in the form of theme of his speech last Sun the treacherous, communist. He left the meeting (Continued in next Issue)
friends. He even took up physical culture but abandon them to this fate we will only be cut mania of dementia praecox was unmasked.
All copies of the Socialist it was not until he decided to re examine his Stalinist Tries to Interrupt Appeal were sold out before the ideas with some original research that his life These rank and flle members of the ANNOUNCEMENTS took on a new meaning. Try it sometime. must reached with the truth. We cannot exSterling Rochester, member meeting was half over. Penni The Army Has a New Rapid Fire Rifle Follow an Idea Through pect to win over the ers by some miracle. HOLD AUGUST 27 OPENI. of the Philadelphia execu less workers asked for free We must talk with them, explain and do all The Friends of the Russian tive committee, attempted to copies.
The anti war agitator has a new weapon tooTake some ider which has been politely acwe can to show them where their party is leadBulletin will hold an all day interrupt speaker, presumA large list of promising concepted and never investigated and follow it ing the working class. They know little of rev.
outing on Sunday, Aug. 27 etably because profane word tacts was collected.
Just outdown to the ground. good problem and one olutionary history. They think the is still Rye Beach. The boat will was used. Really these Trotwhich has been the subject of discussion for revolutionary. They have all sorts of strange long time is the composition of the Communist leave the Battery at 10:15 skyltes should be sent to Sunideas about the And as for the The entire day will be day school. However, the LET ALL Party. It not what you think.
If you are under the impression that all. they have never read our paper or attended spent at Rye Beach and the workers present, intent upon meeting of our Party. They see the dangers return trip will be made by the message of the in STICK TOGETHER members of the are in full agreement of fascism and want to fight against it. We boat, leaving in the evening. sisted that the speaker conwith the line of Holy Joe better known as can show them the way to fight. We can demThe arrangements committee tinue.
Butch) you are showing all the earmarks of onstrate the correct policies. But we must is preparing varied and in So interested were the work Come on all you fellows guy who has been living in a tightwad first give them a chance to meet with us and teresting program of games, ers, that the meeting did not who work on the WPA pocketbook.
to discuss.
music, swimming, etc. There adjourn until midnight. Let all stick together Matter of fact, if you take the trouble to will be dancing to the music Alliance Members Friendly And we ll get more pay.
By JAMES BURNHAM really sit down and discuss with rank and file of a first rate orchestra on Plaskett, surrounded by a members of the you will discover that Democracy versus Fascism? the boat, with a Broadway dense crowd of listeners, turned The government all against they, for the most part, have some good, heal modern war between the great powers show on the return trip. Tick the reactionary slander of Stal us cents per copy. Bundle rates: 60 cents for 25: 00 for thy Instincts. Many are really for this line of does not signify a conflict between democracy ets are available at the office linist questioners into boomer of this we have no doubt GO; 75 for 100; 16. 00 for 1, 000 democracy and it comes as a shock to learn and fascism but a struggle of two imperial of the New International at angs. Workers Alliance mem But let all keep together the real meaning of the peace and democ: 1sms for the re division of the world. More the nominal rate of one dol bers directed good political And victory we will shout.
racy baloney which Browder Co. have been over, the war must inevitably assume an inPrinted by lar. Please make your reser questions at him, and received slicing. Many really mean it when they say ternational character in both camps w112 vations early.
answers that left them friendly Colonel Harrington is the man PIONEER PUBLISHERS they are against fascism only they don un be found fascist (semi fascist, bonapartist, derstand how to fight fascism. Most of them etc. as well as democratie states. Finally, CAMP SEVEN OAKS. Eaton to the program of the Who says we ll get more hours for the are not aware of the policy followed by the in France itself, parliamentary democracy, altown, Tennis, swim program of a 20 billion dollar We will send him to the Stalinists in Germany when Hitler took power. ready sufficiently weakened today, would unming, ping pong. Plumbing. Federal Works and Housing showers.
Many are trying to establish democracy in doubtedly be one of the first victims of war 11 50 per day. 14 a week. Program, of turning all war 116 University Place their union and find it hard to understand Just Make reservations, please! funds over to the unemployed, It is not upset before its start. from Wwe New York City WPA striker why the Stalinists keep stalling and stalling and the Fourth International)
Phone: Eatontown 515.
of opening the idle factories Streator, TII SWP Position on WPA, Relief Let The People Vote On War