Civil WarDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

STREATOR, ILL. July 30 IN FUR UNION Article No. in the Press THE SQUAD AT WORK: Building Series: All squad assignments should The Labor Movement SWP Gives Workers over 500 WPA workers attendHOW TO BUILD YOUR AP be given out by the comrade in ed a mass meeting called by the Federal Workers League Strike of ConstrucAn Opportunity to REALOU NEW INTERNATION charset who is centrally located Must Stop Fascism in the City Park to launch Use Undemocratic The Appeal squad is a new Literature agents should call From Gaining Power tion Workers May Be the drive for 100 unionization Vote against War development in our literature the squad together for instrucof all WPA projects. Included Tricks in Fighting and circulation methods. It is tions as to what slogans they among the speakers were AlBy WIDICK Extended to PWA an important step in our prop are to shout, how to handle bert Gates and Lydia Biedel of Progressive Forces aganda system and great stress their papers, etc. Then squad By GEORGE LYMAN PAINE By MAX SHACHTMAN Chicago. Ben Martin, FWL must be laid upon it. In our members are assigned to favor Recently the New York Post Manhattan Candidate of Bronx Candidate of the leader, John Malone, CIO ordrive to step up the circulation able locations and street corcarried a long story on the HOfor Councilman (Continued from Page 1)
for Councilman canizer and Joe Tonlelli, of the tel, Restaurant, Bartenders and NEW YORK Elections for of the Appeal and New Interna ners. An accurate record of IWA. The keynote of the meet officers of the Furriers Union tional, a large part of our suc sales made at the assigned spot Soda Dispensers Unions weld ommendation to Congress.
The labor movement must The decision of the Socialist ing was expressed by Martin have just been completed, and cess will depend on the develop must be kept over a period of ing into one centralized group Strike Goes On to organize the culinary and ho.
time. This will soon furnish In an interview given today stop fascism from ever Rain Workers Party to run a candi when he said, The workers of the Stalinist leadership re elect ment of these squads of protestof as to which spots are the. tel services.
to The following branches have best literature spots.
Father Coughlin and his al ing municipal elections signifies salvation does not lie with cratic and undemocratic trick The step was hailed as a gi Murray, President of the ant step forward towards indus Building and Construction lies such as the German Amer that the workers of that comEvery squad member must Democrats: the only place the known to the trade union move already tried this with real re ment.
sults to point to New York be equipped with an Appeal trial unionism of the un Trades council declared, can Bund, the Silver Shirts, munity will have an opportun workers can place confidence ions involved. Announcement of We re going right ahead with the Ku Klux Klan, etc. who ity to vote this fall for the only is in their own ranks. The soli Before the election, the Unit City, Chicago, Minneapolis, Los newsboy apron and an attractive poster which has been turthe plans came from a reorgan the strike. These people (WPA hope to establish fascist die militant and consistently anti darity of the working class sean es Progressive Purriers, the areas Dieteelt and Newark: nished by the Appeal poster York local joint executive ing tools of themselves. They only whipped up a tremendous The war danger. Iterally a real gains that have been for second to na ve a watchers per the literature agent. Selection of This is the job of the branch shop.
One squad member can hold board of the Hotel and Restaur. are losing 750, 000 a week as wave of race hatred against the Hife and death matter is the labor.
Employees International long as they insist on holding Jewish and Negro people in all dominating issue of our polls to avoid repetition of stuft squad salesmen should be from down a corner for several union and the Bartenders Inter out on the union.
this country, but have now time. By voting for the candinational union, AFL affiliates Murray declared, in relation openly declared civil war on dates of the Socialist Workers terized past elections. The re rartly employed members and around, shouting appropriate The story spoke of the thir to Congress refusal to restore the labor movement.
Party working men and workquest for watchers was refused those who work full time but slogans, holding the Appeal teen unions pooling their the prevailing wage, We never It is only a question of time ing women can give the most by the stalinist administration. Have a day or more per week open in front of him and selling.
The progressive group then to devote to this activity. Also. If the corner is a busy one, sources, establishing a 50, 000 had much faith in Congress until these organizations begin clear cut expression to their organizing fund, etc.
a campaign of murder against hatred of imperialist war and offered to give up their oppost squad members should be se send out two or more squadsMurray went on to say that the labor movement as did sim of the imperialist war mongers.
tion group if the elections were lected from the local men to cover it. At special Too Good to Be True held in a democratic manner unit.
times (union parades, union Section 15B of the Relief Act, ilar organizations in Italy and such a vote, even on a local scale, will give important food The Stalinist election commitSince it all sounded too good which gives Relief Administra Germany.
The Squad needs some finan mass meetings, etc. It is a NEWARK, Let the tee responded by removing the cing, especially get going. good idea to send out the enmovement must Live food worker to write us store the prevailing wage, immediately munenenat cam prepared to piunge the popula. People Vote on War rally, on majority of progressive group The salesmen should be given tire squad to work together for his opinions on the matter. Ex gives the union, despite the ac paign of independent labor polition of this country into a new Sunday evening. Aug. 13, with candidates from the ballot on Tunches. The Branch can make! The surest way of having part of the proceeds for their mass coverage.
cerpts from his letter follow: tion of Congress, a chance to tics. Labor must have its own world disaster.
Murray Weiss as the main the grounds that the candidates The information contained affect this restoration government in Washington, ALP Benefits speaker, will climax the first were irregular in their dues up the small loss by profits that your branch quota of Appeals iwo weeks of in the Post story is somewhat If Harrington doesn come Labor must bulld Desarbled and there is some mis. through. Murray said. hero fense Guards to protect its own candidates of the socialist and Yipsels. The meet ers group was actually paid up regularly set aside Press now. Always be sure to supply Watinge for the councilmante paise program of the Newark the United Progressive Furri. Fegaddition, the Branch should to organize your squad right Locals are not pooling their we will extend the strike to the bers, its very existence against Workers Party will in no way ing will be held in the in dues and the Stalinist yes Fund which is to be utilized pri the salesman with copies of the esources. Instead, the Stalin PWA Projects.
Coughlin Christian Front at the same time for the candi sion will be free.
invalidate votes that are cast Hall, 252 Market Street. Admis men whose names were on the marily for supporting such un current New International.
ballot were for the most part dertakings as a squad of regu Next Week: Getting subscripIst controlled Local Joint Board The PWA project workers on gangsters and similar antila(similar to the district council which the prevalling wage has bor storm troops.
dates of the American Labor The Newark comrades are al not in good standing as far lar, full time salesmen. tions for our press.
of the Painters union but lack been paid up to date, have inParty. The proportional repre so actively engaged in pushing as their dues payments to the There is no other way to stop sentation system that exists in daily sales of the Socialist union were concerned.
ing to a great extent its author. dicated before their willingness fascism from taking over the New York makes it possible for Appeal on the streets, at facity at present) has assessed all to support their WPA brothers United States. That is the plat the first choice votes, which we tory gates, and house to house, tion, the United Progressive few days before the elecLocal Unions two cents per in this fight against the govern form of the socialist Workers hope will go to the candidates as well as carrying out other Furriers requested the numcapita for the purpose of insti ment attack on union condi Party. That is the platform on of the Socialist Workers Party. aspects of the campaign allot bers of the candidates on the tuting a full time appointed sections.
which stand.
to be transferred if necessary ted to them. They re going to ballot so that they could make CATHOLIC OBJECTS TO retary of the and severto the second cholce votes, meet their quotas in a shorter up their election slate. This re APPEAL NEWS REPORT appearance on the platform of al departments.
which most workers will give to period and probably exceed quest was refused.
Bishop Sheil of the Catholic The depression has hit the Dear Editor: Church. cannot conceive that the American Labor Party can them before the campaign is despite Roosevelt and Withdraw Candidates In the more than eight as good a newspaperman as didate.
over, at their present rate of they need some sineçures for Finally, after the progres months that have been bitter yourself would have overlooked am honored by my nomina activity.
their ex leaders.
tion as one of the standard In addition to the Let the sives had made every attempt ly engaged as a leader in the the fact, hence am forced to honest election and Chicago Hearst Gulld strike, conclude that your publishing However, the main reason bearers of the revolutionary So People vote on War meeting every attempt falled the Unit have been for this new centralization of consistent reader association is just as venal, cialist Workers Party in the on August 13, Newark has ed Progressive Furriers with of your paper. will say in ad specious and subsidized as the authority is the desire of the coming elections. can only planned two other meetings for drew from participating in the dition that consider to wrest autonomy from the Hearst, McCormick, Pulitzer the progressively inclined Lo Charged Originally with Carrying Signs my power to justify this honor August 20, will speak on The it was reported by the ad truthful and fearless. assumed more right to enter a propaganSocialist Appeal a newspaper; and Ochs gangs. You have no cals, namely Locals 16 and 677. although according to the On Sidewalk, Face New Charges in Court bring the platform of our party August 27, McKinney win womelstration that 300 workers that what read in your news da handbill in the postotriceans constitution they can only afto the widest possible circle by speak on Rights for the col voted in the election. Those columns were factual accounts. a newspaper than the other whose As a newspaper editor whose publishers have and that they fect the former, which is a labor in the Bronx.
cred Workers.
waiters union and shares Juris.
names remained on the ballot feeling for the working class is dc so cannot be your defense.
diction with another Local in (Special to the Socialist Appeal) hibiting the carrying of signs or polled a large section of the as honest and intense LYNN, Mass. July 30 Three placards on a public sidewalk.
that of have no quarrel with your votes despite the election boy yourself, admired your excel denunciations shops signed by them.
of Heywood pickets, members of the Lynn They were later released, to Significantly enough the Chapter of the American News await trial.
cott. Nathan Kramer, opposi ient newspaper technique. As Broun and nothing but comStalinists in proposing the set paper Guild were arrested here Prepared the next morning tion candidate for manager re president of the Cathedral Chi mendation for your expose of up. use the argument that the while picketing in front of a to fight the charges of violating ceived 750 votes. Another 700 cago Chapter, Association of Father Coughlin, gentleman Brass Rail strike would never large department store adver an unconstitutional city ordinhave occurred if the had tising in the paper the Daily ance, the men were astonished vote and have their union books little difference between us on lently as do you. think, as a had the power it now pretends Evening Item) against which to find that the charges had stamped to indicate that they approaching the main problem. newspaperman, that you should to have. The strike seems the editorial staff is striking, been changed overnight. Inhad voted did so by casting We both want justice and equity have informed your readers lost. Strike situations invari: for recognition of the Guild, stead of the ordinance, they for all workmen. have no that Bishop Sheil was there and Camp L invites all mem opens, the last link in the plan blank ballots.
Count Own Ballots ably embarrass the stalinist better wages and a five day were now faced with a most bers and friends of the revolu for Camps across the quarrel with the content of your then said what you pleased To top the whole election off, editorial columns; they contain about him in your editorial administration for political res week. The men were wearing puzzling, if not absolutely unpate in its four week program L like our other camps in the Business Agents who were your personal views which are comment. That is good newsun tionary movement to participation will be completed. Camp sons, and the fact that they reoil cloth sandwich signs an intelligible charge of Annoyveal stark empty treasuries. nouncing the fact of the store ance of Persons unknown of tun and sports beginning on California, Chicago, and Ohio, running for office, counted their of no more value than my own. paper work, something fear Trend Against In reading the account of the your management cannot decontinued advertising in the Attorney Samuel Angoff, for Friday, August 11.
will feature a regional training own ballots.
struck paper.
This bureaucratic The New York Division of school.
strikers, secured a continuance election Socialist Appeal concerning the ilver. The reorganization is in no James Nolan, president of to next week.
the Young People Socialist The Camp program will in that the Stalinists just palmed Packinghouse Workers Organ Sincerely yours, respect a step towards indus the Lynn Chapter of the Guild.
League is readying its summer clude all sorts of sports with off on the membership of the Izing Committee meeting for Harry Cyril Read trial unionism as the story states. The Stalinists made was the first to be arrested.
camp for a gala opening. The swimming and boating facili Farriers Union still leaves the John Lewis here, find with CHICAGO, INFORMAL HOUSE camp is located six miles north these neaches. Canapereenighet ership that has no intention of no mention was made of one feint towards such organization ing he was taken to the police After refusing to stop pickettwo years ago amalgamation station, there relieved of his Box 245 Kerhonkson, N. As the camp circular and likes will highlight the whirl of fishing for improvement of highly important incident who was omitted from the article of some craft locals. If it is at, tie, belt and suspenders and put (Near Ellenville) nounces: nestled in the rolling activities. Study and cultural conditions on the job.
published in the Appeal for no tempted by them now. It will in a cell. Shortly after he was 120 acres of greenland in the not be done voluntarily because joined by two other fellow picCatakutia cresten af dine for hils of upstate New York, sur groups will function regularly.
other reason than that our corsunbathing: handball, ping pong. rounded by a forest of ever Rates per week are: employ.
respondent unfortunately failed it would weaken their position keters, Herbert Schon, local archery: swimming and horse green and white birch, a moed 14; unemployed Per to include it in his report. We considerably (apparently all vice president, and Joseph back riding nearby: dancing they are seeking is a cloak for Colburn, veteran labor UNUSUALLY LOW RATES dern country home located on weekend: employed 4; unemparticularly regret the omisre 18 Weekly Weekend 45 acres of land will be the ployed maneuvers to usurp further porter, sion if it gave the article a misBusses met at station scene of our summer camp. For further information write leading tone, as Mr. Read control. All three were booked on vioNational Chain to: Camp Director, 116 Uni The trend in all the food lation of a city ordinance proTel. Kerhonkson 118 seems to think it did. We welWhen the New York camp versity Place, come the aid given labor by locals is against them and they any individual, including memface the possibility of being in Six successful anti war ral outdoor mass meetings, five of bers of the church hierarchy. In coming elections as they were Who Against the War Referendum?
lies covering all parts of the which took place on Friday. cases where we disagree with to city opened the campaign by August 4, and one each on Wed. vidual it is our custom as Mr.
tent in Local 16 a few months Socialist Workers Party for a the anniversary of the begin comment editorially. However, ago unless they pull something spectacular or diabolical referendum to let the people ning of the World War.
out of their bag of tricks.
vote on war.
we are surprised that Mr.
About 35, 000 people all toParade Precedes Rally Read should, on the basis of one Negro Unionists By HAL DRAPER gether were reached by these instance of reportorial negliIn Downtown Manhattan, the Bence, have concluded that our Worthy of study for progresrally was preceded by a parade paper which he has known to be sive unionists is the material The American Legion. its people who will be against that ing anyone. And Doherty divided nation. Mr. Doherty, from the Party headquarters to truthful and objective has becontained in the current Jour national leadership is opposed war that there will be a di refutation is: On the war ques however, does not seem to be SPECIAL!
nal of Negro Education, pub to letting the people vote on vided nation which the refer tion, at least, there is and can worried about a divided Conthe corner of Delancey and Nor come venal. Ed. if Pre Publication Tolk Streets proceeding through and available at all the librar denounces the idea of a peo will have the majority in this permitted, in the democra question. He seems to have the heart of the East Side. The FROM COMRADE ies, on the question of Negroes ple referendum before any division? Will the majority say cies any more than in Ger confidence that the 96 Senators Offer. 50 size of the meeting and the en IN CANADA in the union movement. start of armed warfare. And no, or will it succumb to the many or Italy.
and the 400 odd Representathusiasm of the workers in the Dear Comrade Editor: This material is part of a 1:ke the others who set them war hysteria. 3) Mr. Doherty is serving tives, who now have the power audience for the anti war mes Permit me to, congratulate general survey of the status of selves against this proposal, Mr. Doherty doesn care. notice that when war breaks to plunge 130. 000. 000 people insage which they heard made it you comrades in the United the Negro in American society the Legion leaders give the capitalist democracy doesn out, if not before, the regime to the slaughter, WILL GO the first such meeting in sever States for having produced also very valuable insofar as show away when they get down stop its war plans just because ihat will be established in this ALONG WHEN THE DAY a! weeks which the local Stal such an excellent paper.
information, etc. is concerned. to giving reasons.
the majority of the people are country will be TOTALITARI COMES, inists did not try to break up special section is devoted The publicity you have given war referendum, says Na against them. As Doherty AN. Only one point of view Every worker who has the by by heckling. One hundred ten the WPA strike struggles, covto the presentation of the statis tional Commander Doherty, Washington representative, Col. pro war could be expressed: same confidence in Congress as Boris Souvarine signatures for the War Refer ering such a large area, is retics of the number of Negroes would be Taylor, pointed out: the expec for would not a divided na Mr. Doherty shows must say: endum Petition were secured, markable for a newspaper with in industry, types of work they productive dissension tation of an anti war vote in a tion be shown if free speech TAKE THE WAR MAKING and over twenty pamphlets modest resources.
do, etc.
and confusion and in the referendum is the best argu could be exercised by those POWER AWAY FROM WASHPublication date: Septemsold, in a short time.
Up here in Alberta the workThen a brief history of the final analysis result in a di ment against holding any refer against the war? Wouldn the INGTON!
ber 18th. 704 pages. Price The rally in Brownsville haders and farmers have had a Negro role in the American vided nation. At best the de endum for these jingos to running of election candidates We Do lack confidence in the on publication will be been built up by a parade hela double dose of political pottage labor movement in the past, his cision would be a majority whom the people are so many of an anti war party provide a Congressional Representatives 50.
the Wednesday before. third with disastrous results. Already efforts to build independent un one. The proposed amendpartial count of how many opto represent the interests of the of the meetings took place in the unemployed are reduced to ions, the policy and practices ment implies lack of confl Fascist Warning pose the war, and therefore be American By arrangements with masses. Moreover the publishers a limited the needle trades market dis pauper status. But there are of the in relation to this dence on the part of our peo (2) democratic vote would impermissable. The Ameri they have proved it themselves subscription edition of this trict during the noon hour of healthy symptoms of a return problem, and the policy ple in their Congressional be a sign of weakness. Here can people, says Doherty, will by refusing even to discuss the important book will be Friday. The other rallies were to independent working class and practice towards the Negro representatives. Thi is not Doherty repeats the essentia be divided by war; but it will war referenc a week after published at a special preheld in the Bronx, Boro Park, action with more vigor, deteris contained in this magazine. in accord with the facts. argument which is made by. be up to the government to the Gallup poll showed that 72 publication price of 50.
and the Upper West Side of mination than ever before.
Along with Spero and Harris Other nations would readily the fascists! The fascists say hammer them into an appear percent of the people favored Orders for this edition will Manhattan.
Wishing you every success.
book, The Black Worker, this interpret it as a sign of weak scornfully to the democra ance of national unity in the it.
be accepted only until Fraternally.
material is the best we have ness. Times, Jan. cies. You are weak because same way that Hitler gets his To rely on the bosses men in Charles August 31st.
been able to find for facts on 10, 1939. you must depend on convincing 99 percent votes.
Washington is to give them a August 1, 1939 this vital problem. UnfortunAt Your Service To Hell with the Majority your people to commit suicide; No Reliance on Bosses! free hand to lead us into war.
Calgary, Alberta ately, the material is too copi. 1) Mr. Doherty takes for we merely order them; you (4) If Congress really con TAKE THE WAR MAKING Labor Bookshop THE APPEAL ous to be presented in this col granted that when the United must step Httle carefully to sists of representatives of the POWER AWAY FROM WASH116 University Pl.
Subscribe to The umn. We can only recommend States goes to war, there will put your war plans across; we people, then its vote on the war INGTON! LET THE PEOPLE reading of it.
be a substantial section of the can drive forward without ask should be a reflection of the DECIDE!
POSTER SHOP New International Will Open Summer THOUSANDS AT ANTI WAR RALLIES CALLED BY NEW YORK to American Legion Distrusts the People STALIN of cattle,