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Take the War Making Power Away from the Boss Politicians!
BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly 167 VOL. III, No. 58 FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1939 3c a Copy LET THE PROFITEERS DO THE DYING. Happy Days Are Here Again Stop Fascism In America!
The People Do Not New Mass Want to Suffer Layoffs On WPA And Die in War Speeded CUTS arhis: ARMAMENT ORDERS 70 cu MILLIONS OF Local New York Launches Drive show what to do solfer and die must demand and take the MEN AWAIT nee bearers de la period before the Marel on olemas To Place Names on Election Ballot Browder. attack the proposal for a war referendum.
They CALL TO WAR Will Father Coughlin Become Dictator of the United States?
In the year 1913, on the eve of the first world wide By JOSEPH HANSEN, imperialist war, the nations of the world spent 2, 400, Building Union Head 000, 000 on armaments. FIRST INSTALLMENT. Bolshevism is knocking at our gates. We can afford In the year 1938, according to an analysis just released, Says WPA Strike May to let it in. We have got to organize ourselves against it, the nations of the world spent 20, 000, 000, 000 on arma Spread to PWA and put our shoulders together and hold fast. We must ments: more than eight times the 1913 figure.
keep America whole and safe and unspoiled. We must keep the worker away from red literature and red rases; In July, 1914, just before the outbreak of the first world we must see that his mind remains healthy. Al Capone.
war, there were 5, 970, 000 men under arms.
NEW YORK, Aug. Will (Quoted in Fascism and Social Revolution, by Palme the refusal of Congress to pass Dutte. 204. Last month, in July, 1939, there were 12, 600, 000 men the Murray Amendment to the under. more than twice the number of 1914.
Relief Act, the consideration of The Black Shirts March on Rome which had Interrupted mass Stop to think, for a moment, of what these figures mean. dismissals of WPA workers on On the night of October 29, 1922, a man who later the rolls for eighteon months or The first world war was the most horrible catastrophe more, the WPA Administration called himself Il Duce boarded a Pullman sleeping car at in the history of mankind. How much more horrible do kave notice that wholesale firMilan and sped to Rome where he had been summoned by these figures indicate that the coming war will be! ing was to begin again at once, King Victor Emmanuel to act as Premier of Italy. On the 55, 000 workers to be laid off in following morning King Victor charged him with formThink of the incredible waste of these resources, skills, New York City before August intelligences, men consecrated, even in peace time, to the 31.
ing a new government. few days later 50, 000 Black Shirts, followers of Il war machine while tens and hundreds of millions of huThis almost unbelievable bruDuce, climbed off trains at Rome and paraded through the man beings are in need and want of the products which refusal of Congress to consider tality was supplemented by the they could aid in bringing.
the restoration of the prevailing streets shouting Il Duce! Il Duce!
This was called the March on Rome.
Are the peoples of the world going to allow themselves, wage on WPA projects.
Lest we forget, both of these Before the March on Rome, Il Duce Black Shirts and civilization, to be destroyed by the war thrust upon provisions, the dismissals of had ranged like wolves over Italy. They had raided trade them by Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier and the eighteen monthers and union headquarters, smashed the furniture to kindling Roosevelt?
the destruction of the prevailing wage, were dictated by the wood, dumped typewriters out of windows. They had BUSINESS APPEASEMENT If not, the peoples will have to take matters into their one billion dollar slash in the broken into halls where workers met, drenched the Hoors own hands, out of the control of the war makers.
relief appropriation made by President Roosevelt in his recwith gasoline and turned the buildings inter crackling fur carlo Who will suffer and die in the war. Continued on Page 2)
naces that lit up the sky at night with a red glow.
Not the war makers. You may be sure that they will be In every city and village of Italy unions had conducted safe and comfortable.
funeral services for members whose bodies had been found in dark alleys, victims of Il Duce Black Shirts right to decide whether that war is worth suffering and But if Terror, Violence, and Torture had ridden as bandying for.
The war makers in this country, from Roosevelt to now they swept behind Il Duce new government like a great desolating scourge that spared not a home of the attack it because they plan to lead the people into a war workers and small farmers of Italy.
Il Duce Black Shirts strong armed every trade union New York Calls on Workers to Vote against the will of the majority.
and co operative enterprise, confiscated the insurance and Let the people give the answer to the war makers!
pitiful savings of the poor, herded every one who breathed First Choice for Shachtman and Paine in War Postponement Let the people vote on war. union wages union hours behind barbed wire, drowned Coming Councilmanic Elections Beyond Fall Can Only free speech in castor oil, black jacked learning and culture, Let the people decide. Be for Short Period assassinated all opposition, and marched through every factory and farm with the dripping blade of the bayonet. NEW YORK CITY, Aug. New York Local of the Socialist Workers Party today launched a drive for 10, 000 signatures to The crisis month of August Il Duce, wiped out every progressive organization in place its two candidates, Max Shachtman of the Bronx and finds nearly 13, 000, 000 men unItaly. The workers bowed down their backs in misery. George Lyman Paine of Manhattan on the ballot as candidates der arms waiting for the outhunger, and degradation such as Italy had not known for for the office of City Councilman in the coming election.
break of war. In running independent cangenerations.
The British reserve fleet of didates of the Socialist Workers Office, then all the votes cast Mussolini, the once obscure man, who called himself Party as first choice on the for them will be transferred to 133 vessels and 12, 000 men is opening maneuvers this week Il Duce, labeled this campaign murder a revolution. ballot, declared Frank, the American Labor Party canTrial Evidence Shows Police Act under Inin the North Sea that are to last He called it FASCISM.
election campaign manager, didates (or whoever is marked second choice. on the ballot until the end of He called it a CORPORATE STATE which time the ember, by in accordance with the New structions in Hounding Anti Coughlinites poltYork election laws.
ticians figure war will have beHe said it would preserve PRIVATE PROPERTY We stand 100 per cent for if it to begin at all this kun Fall. An army of 750, 000 is exThe Powerful Italian Trade Unions independent working class poliNEW YORK The case naed. Sergeant Kelly testi ercising in England, and Brittics. We reject and denounce against Alyce Carlson heard in mony served as the basis for ish planes are making weekly Those who have studied the labor movement in Italy those candidates who are so Magistrate court, August 4, Magistrate Seigel dismissal of practice flights to the contiweak kneed, or thirsty for politknow that toward the end of the year 1920 the trade was dismissed by Judge Seigel, the charge at the next hearing. nent.
ical office, that they betray the unions boasted more than 5, 000, 000 loyal militant memwho made the ruling that anti This case is further proof of interests of the labor movement GEORGE LYMAN PAINE German Maneuvers bers. Besides this, there were almost 20, 000 co operative and seek help from the war Coughlin street salesmen were the deep inroads the coughlin legally correct in shouting movement is making into the maneuvers near the French Italy has just completed societies and a powerful working class political movement.
chest of Big Business which fl tion is preparing to collect the slogans.
nances on the one hand labor necessary 2, 000 signatures for New York police department. frontier. Germany maneuThe workers had succeeded in gaining the cight hour spies, thugs, and strikebreak each candidate in order to Carlson, anti fascist literature whitewashing the police is ex all with 2, 500, 000 men engaged During the trial of Alyce Mayor La Guardia statement vers, the most redoubtable of day throughout most of Italy. They had succeeded in gainers, and on the other, the Dem place his name on the ballot agent, evidence that the New posed once more as an open are to begin in the next few ing wages high enough to live like human beings. Even locratic and Republican parties. as a candidate.
York policemen are acting un lie and cover up for the Cough crisis laden weeks.
in the agricultural districts union contracts prevailed, and Against Relief Slashers The program of the Socialist der instructions to prevent sales limites working in the police dethe workers had won a few nation wide concessions such When you vote for a candi Workers Party which Max of anti Coughlin pamphlets was partment.
These are the men and guns being moved across the tradias unemployment insurance and old age pensions.
date of the Socialist Workers Shachtman and George Lyman brought to light.
Party you are voting against Paine are pledged to carry out Why No Coughlin Arrests?
tional green tables of the diploIn September 1920 when the big industrialists locked out Sergeant Orders Arrest mats in the game that is to end Democrat Roosevelt and Re to the full power of the Council Another victory for the anti sooner or later in a new slaughAt the first hearing. Officer Coughlin forces was won in ter of the nations. Last year 600, 000 men from the factories, the workers retaliated with publican LaGuardia and their manic office, 1f they are elected, calls for the expropriation Schnitses stated thate mients and New Haven in the case of Al the situation was much the slash relief. war mongering a giant sit down strike. The bosses fought viciously. But of the subways. expropriation son had shouted statements not bert Harde and Ray Robbins, same and war did not actually politics.
the strikers were determined to win. If the stockholding of the electric power monopoly, printed on the cover of the arrested on the trumped up break out. There was a climb bosses couldn pay union wages, let them step out of the MAX SHACHTMAN date for the Socialist Workers program, oando adequate relief that he had therefore arrested without a license. After the Ma gebed Stechoslovakia way. The strikers began running the factories under the Party you are voting against for those suffering from unem her on the charge of disorderly sistrate heard the testimony he Fall war may again be staved we are not competing with the unwarranted continuance of ployment.
supervision of expert shop committees elected from their any of the candidates of the the depression and in favor of of the own ranks.
They even opened the safes of the bosses and uncovered have rejected the support of lishing a socialist planned econ. on fighting Democrat Roose ledige but savo laid he had acted Judge asked. The cops in New end only for a brief period.
American Labor Party who eading the depression by estab tion campaign will be placed schnitges disclaimed know why complete the police ever are 218. na 38, the issue with Daly the secret bookkeeping which had hitherto hidden staggerparties.
ing rake offs through closely guarded manipulation of cost Vote for independent labor dia war program. Huge mass upon the orders of his superior, siap in the face, and the Main Developments To Support ALP Candidates politics by indicating on your meetings throughout the Bronx Sergeant Kelly, At the present stage of the prices and profits.
then postponed street meetings continue, more pre war diplomatic tangle, the With a trade union movement as militant and deter every candidate of the American Labor Party candidates boroughs are planned to drama and Sergeant quainted with fight. mined as this, how was it possible for a renegade from the squarely against the Demo to the Democratic and Republl and the struggle against the Coughlin and their most effec. In Moscow: The AngloSocialist movement like Mussolini, starting with a conStatements by George Ly tive weapon, the workers De French Soviet negotiations drag cratic and Republican parties can tools of Big Business. rising menace of Coughlinism man Paine and Max Shacht fense Guards.
temptible handful of porch climbers and foot pads, to wipe of Big Business. We will cam Neighborhood Circulation and fascism in America.
their man Councilmanic canpaign for them during the elec Petitions have been sent to way along with the these powerful labor organizations off the face of the land son period.
Next issue of the Soolalist French and British negotiators didates of the Socialist all branches of the in Appeal will print the full proWorkers Party, appear on still off at arms length from Join the Socialist as if they had never existed. If our candidates do not re New York for neighborhood cir gram of the Socialist Workers the ardently desired pact. They (Continued on Page 3)
ceive sufficient votes to gain cuiation. The whole organiza Party for the coming election.
Page Workers Party (Continued on Page 3)
Judge Rules Anti Coughlin Salesmen Can Shout Slogans