EnglandInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1939 Not a Preview of the Coming World War!
In the Labor Unions War Referendum Campaign Notes WAR REFERENDUM CAMPAIGN OFF Newark Takes Lead in TO FLYING START IN NEW YORK Drive to Build Appeal An meeting for the car. Dieser Streator WPA Strikers Get AMENDMENT TO Jobs Back in Settlement RELIEF ACT Strike Was Most Militant in Illinois. SOLVES NOTHING WORKERS FORUM other END LENDING BILL HOKUM AS Outdoor Rallies Called in Four Boroughs, By WIDICK YPSL, Party Sections Plan Activities Akron Outlines Methods by Which It Hopes To Do Its Part in War Referendum Campaign Fisher Body CLEVELAND, OHIO By HAL DRAPER Give Youth the Ballot at 18 to auto worker on the picket line Secretary Campaign Committee vote on War! In addition to Newark, New Jersey. has extra copies of recent Issues toid me the story of the role of New York strikes the first special youth tasks, they under been the first local to respond in recent weeks. The Minneap.
Homer Martin, president of the blow in the campaign for a take to distribute 000 copies with a substantial increase in olis local ordered 200 and 500 of U. in the War Referendum!
of the pamphlet, get 5, 000 sig its regular Socialist Appeal extra copies of recent issues strike at the Fisher body plant Eight outdoor rallies, spread natures for the petition as well bundle order, in the Appeal sec and local Cleveland, writes Art of General Motors.
over four boroughs, launches as 5, 000 for a special youth petion of the War Referendum Preis. has now realized that When the CIO called the strike, and the great majority Tear Gas Barrage laid down by the Minneapolis police against strikers at the WPA Sewing the New York drive on Friday, stisnete native Part of the campaign. George Breitman, systematic utilization of tool and die men walked out, Project. Emil Bergstrom, unemployed worker, was killed by a police bullet in this melee. As August 4, on the anniversary of PSL objectives should also literature agent, has placed an air meetings and ot a full time of the World War. be to give that youth touch to order increasing the regular, literature agent will bring reMartin rushed into this city reported in the last issue of the APPEAL, disguised federal agents acted as agents provoca. Attention, all branches, to the the Party campaign. bundle from 100 to 125 copies. sults. Two open air meetings with thunderous roar that teurs among the demonstrators.
preparations that went into this The quota assigned to Newark several days ago brought sales No CIO minority is going to action: We re two days out from the is an increase of 40, so local of 50 and 75 copies of the Apkeep the AFL majority out.
Printed leaflets, 25, 000 of launching of the campaign, as Newark has still six weeks to peal, and an extra order of 600 a big mass them, dressed up with two cuts. this is written, and the first of so in order to realize the addi copies was placed for a recent have gone out. Each rally will the branch Weekly Report tional 15 to complete its quota. issue.
20 workers from Fisher plant have a row of slogan placards Sheets are still to come in. Re. The Newark comrades are also Special Leaflets attended. Stung by this rebuke, flanking the speaking stand member keeping the score. all set to go. Comrade Breit. Several units in New York Martin left town.
On Wednesday, both the Bronx board up to date depends on man reports, to fill its quota of and elsewhere have been get Incidentally, one of his chief and the Brownsville branches prompt submission of the re 20 additional subscriptions.
ting out special leaflets adverassistants in Cleveland is scabmobilized their forces to hold forts. Keep regular!
Several cities have placed tising the Socialist Appeal and bing during this strike, and was preliminary roving streetthe New International, as well in the plant when the pitched corner meetings which as other Party literature, which battle was on.
means a series of five minute Gratifyingly enough, Martin Federal Workers League Recognized could be obtained at open air stands at different corners for and his Cleveland assistants meetings, newsstands, etc. The (Continued from Page 1) a brief rally, and then away to are hardly less unpopular with Bronx Branch of the Socialist Employable persons who the next corner, Workers Party has utilized this the AFL rank and file and even (Special to the Sociallet Appeal. not an affiliate of the Workers have been certified in need of In the Bronx, the prepara some leaders, than they are method to help develop their STREATOR. III. July 29 Alliance) carried on a militant employment for a period of tions have been more feverish. PUZZLED READER in New York and in the New Anti Coughlin Campaign.
with the CIO After 17 days of militant pro strike in southern Illinois, three months or more shall Here the use of a small printing SEEKS CLARIFICATION England States.
Strike Issues test against the Slave Relier Perry and Randolph countles, have preference in employment plant made it possible to put Dear Comrade Editor: It is definitely known that Akron Methods The July 28 Appeal shows Pelley has chosen Newburgh The radio speech of William ized under the Federal Workers ceived reinstatements to return continuously for 18 months or rosters advertising the rally some big improvements in for his headquarters because of agent of localdskron, inter etter Act, the WPA strikers, organ: where most of the strikers re statusu on sucher works opredects out special printed stickers and cutive board of the Fisher local under protest at a well at on a tight to obtain relief for Provided, that this shall not out to list of contacts. bl. The complete short pieces and there over a period of several the methods by which the Akron of the CIO UAW, besides blast tended membership meeting their strikers.
result in the discharge of a per cycle brigade touring the neigh the boxes are a big help. years.
ing the city administration, last Thursday evening. joint meeting of represen son employed on Works Proj borhood with placards and still, think four continorganization of the Party and small lunchroom is the hope to achieve their did a good job of explaining the The basis of the settlementtatives of the IWA and the FWLects where he has made a rea shouted slogans. the rally ued stories are too many. We front for the headquarters, War real strike issues.
was gotten in meetings between with State Administrator Miner sonable effort to find suitable will feature a recruiting booth should alm at two it would and it is run by one Floyd quotas for new subscriptions The strike was called, he de clared, because General Motors Halfpenny, City Engineer Renz day morning at which time the project operations would suffer tures to the petition will be Cop story and the Iowa frame. Grey. In the rear of the store and bundle orders for the sorefused to negotiate on de and the township relief super question of discriminations from his discharge nora where rathered in a large painted up story had been complete or with showerrave rede equipped cialist Appeal. Comrade Donsays among mands by skilled workers at visor Shiebel, and in another against WPA strikers will be unusual hardships would result streamer behind the speaker put on other pages and replac with short wave receiver and a aldson spacious room for fascist meet things: Fisher body. for a wage in conference with State WPA taken up.
from such discharge.
stand with the campaign slo ed on page one by other comings.
crease of 15 to 25 cents an hour Administrator Chas. Miner We are now facing the Plans are already underway 18 Month Principle Stands san, Let the People vote on plete short stories.
First of all, the Murray War. and a big placard Fraternally.
so they would receive the same Win Concessions masses, and each of us must to set up project committees Diagramless Puzzle Edward Smallwood 1ealize that standard of pay as prevailed in The settlement consisted of and relier committees on the amendment retains completely displaying anti war issues of new task conThe first story in the Workers fronts us. It will require that the Detroit plants: for more job return of all strikers to their projects. The morale of the the principle that WPA work: Appeal and Challenge of Youth. Forum on page three served security and for a proper ap jobs without any discrimina WPA workers of the Streator ers who have worked for eigh Good beginning, New York! me as a good substitute for the we explain what we stand for prentice system.
not only to friends and sympation, immediate relief for the area is still high, for they have teen months are subject to re. Some pointers there on holding diagramless cross word puzzle General Motors made 100.
thetic contacts, but also to strikers, full relief for all men learned their lesson outdoor rallies for the other whic 000. 000 profit for the first hairlaid off on account of 18 month day morning on the wen. Fri moval from Winthe Murray branches to note! Now let time. am convinced it refers used to occupy my idle The first change sewer prostrangers in their homes and on the streets.
300 men, a amendment would With this Workers but m damned if as the profit for the first six whereby laid off WPA workers foreman who thought that the original plans for mass and your quotas!
mind, the committee, composed of Martell, months of 1938.
will return to their jobs as soon workers had forgotten all about continuous layoffs of the weighhave been able to locate it in Who produced this profit. as their 30 day layoff is up, and workers solidarity attempted teen monthers is that before Newark Raises Quota any city, county, state, or coun Marsh and myself as chair.
Newark opens its campaign try. It is a clueless mystery (Continued from Page 1)
man, met last Sunday and drew Motors workers. Are we en Workers League as the bar. ranks by firing one of the acthere must be a replacement by rejecting its quota on petiup a rough outline for the camAlso the continuous string the Roosevelt plan would add paign. The plan is as follows: titled to a share of this huge gaining agent for the WPA tive FWL members.
on the relief rolls who has been tion signatures. We gave of sell outs. suppose it is up at most 1 to the national Branch divided into three profit in the form of higher workers of Streator and the certified as eligible for WPA them only a measly 1, 500 to to the reader to furnish his own income.
soon as the squads for canvassing.
wages? Certainly we are, and surrounding area.
learned of this, a delegation for three months.
The Streator WPA strike has approached the foreman and sued by the American Associatecutive raises it by another 50 bimself whether it means brino one but the heads of the According to the report issarner, and so the district ex. proofs. Also to determine for Nothing New Five working class neighAnd this addition was not to borhoods selected.
corporation will say no. The newspapers try to make the most militant and success out on strike if the fired work. 31. there are seven million other branches are going to fol sion to the bosses in return for the unemployed. Nor was it an vass in one neighborhood for grown up Cleveland citizens be ful violence on the picket line hols WPA strikes the Lasalle MS workers enraged by the lies comprise some 23. 000. 000 iver, announces also that they sirikes or bad judgment. It is chang from previous practices. the pamphlets and announcing lieve that we go out to create in contrat we state of Illinois: er was not reinstated. Seeins milies on relief. These fam low Newark lead. Com indirect favors or promises, or addition, it amounted to little an entire week, getting signato most of the Illirade McKinney, Newark organ simply cowardice. fear more than bookkeeping tures for the petitions, selling that we want to fight the police. County strike came out with hehhanded action of the boss people.
essteps were immediately among these millions of work will issue a special campaign only miserable pedant who merely continuing the already a nelghborhood meeting at the What could be more insane? flying colors and reinforced for taken to reinstate the firealers, 000. 000 adult workers bulletin for each member on wants precision in these little functioning activities handledend of the week. On Friday we Does any worker in his de future. In many sections of worker: so that within two eligible for WPA employment. less or the work in Newark, precision from our correspond Home Owners Loan Corpora cialist Appeals, the New Inter.
the directives, plans and prog matters. And if we demand under Rural Electrification will hold the meeting, sell Sohieve we enjoy getting our her, and saw the projects work forced to reinstate him. The when there are eligibles on the squads petition squad, Appeal his speeches in the union and 000. 000 available for loans to sell or give away tickets to the armed police? Does anyone be discriminated upon. detsledore sewer worker and were then monthers will be laid off only. The Newark branches have ente mish teach him a little tion and The only addi national and pamphlets, take a and heads cracked by the clubs of ing with skeleton forces.
Mayor Burton police. Strong Labor Situation ceed learned the lesson of soll. fore, only a smoke screen, for every member enlisted in the style.
squad pamphlet squad with thus cramp Here in Streator the projects darity well and many of the there are replacements galore drive. It clear we ll be The police provoked viohis free flowing foreign nations, chiefly aimed general mass meeting closing lence!
he emphasized atoa were closed 100 and the WPA WPA straw bosses have been from the relief rolls.
Mystery Deepens Pan American policy.
to further the administration the campaign. Same procedure will be told how they began slugging big shots, seeing that they taken down quite a few inches saying a lot about Newark pickets. The struggle of the would not be opened until the Also if Katz and Sullivan The workers of Streator have The mass of the unemployed, repeated in all five neighborcan be trusted and have been the ten million or more able hoods.
workers was purely a defensive strikers decided to go back as The second part of the Murere.
too long associated with Beedie and willing to work, have nei5. One comrade will be stacre to protect their rights a group. laid off the foremen adopted the slogan Only 34 ray Amendment, dealing with against police terror.
and timekeepers. It is very in cents work per hour, that Administration discretion, re Speaking of the petitions, and done the dirty work for ther gained nor lost by the end tioned on an important corner It offered them in the neighborhood to sell the As garding the Job hunting activi Yellow Springs, Ohio, him, it puts it up to the reader of this Bin.
conference with WPA adminis. a result the WPA workers have ties of WPA workers, hardships Sends in a vigorous protest. Ac to prove why they were both nothing. Its end deprives them Socialist Appeal.
Riot Zone During the final week we trator Miner he informed spontaneouemestarted the slow resulting from dismissals, etc. cepting his quota for the Anti. Suspended frome office by Bee of nothing.
We find that Safety Director officials that Streator They are determined to keep of the WPA workers. Let the that am assigned no quotas Katz and Sullivan on the one Elot Ness has illegally estab.
down movement on. and why fight Relief Needed will concentrate on street sales lished what is called a riot zone stidna pretty strong labor situ this up until they receive the workers put their faith in the in any of the other categories, hand and Beedte on the other Far more important to them front of factory gates.
in the downtown section and in around the plant, Schwed conthe cutting of WPA and relief Several weeks ago, Ben Mar prevailing wage once again. discretion of Roosevelt, Har and this is needless conserva was smouldering for almost a Those who cannot apolls under the terms of the pear openly have been assigned tinued. He has ordered that in of the Federal Workers Federal Workers League, a Co. union busters and strike for and sell or otherwise dis. If it wasn enough to throw Roosevelt Woodrum starvation the following tasks: a) Tool Since the organization of the rington, Murphy, Woodrum and tism on your part. will pay year.
the only Clevelanders who dare enjoy American liberties with: Workers a rendin in the now extended empire of jobless. Jobs and tions, membershipts and substreets of Cleveland around the the purpose of obtaining con the ball rolling and many are the you can strike against signatures. That for one van, very popular with the rank Roosevelt has deprived them passed in organizations where strike committee be set up for The WPA workers have started have shown the true nature of Up, will secure at least 100 pondent adds: Katz and Sulli cash relief are.
plant are strikebreakers and Serence with Miner in order to scriptions. c) Get resolutions scabs.
It up to the and file, represented the of the opportunity to work by we have comrades or contacts.
While the union maintains a get favorable settlement for the responding the slogan today is the government regime of comrade.
branches to show us we were healthy sentiment of the rank slicing relief appropriations to Grand finale will be a WPA strikers. It was unani Make streator the best labor Roosevelt.
minimum picket line at the mously agreed that this should town in the country plant gates and scattered for be done and the IWA set up a Make Lasalle County the best all wrong in assigning the peti and file for trade union demo the bone They consequently public meeting.
ces usually stand nearby, the committee consisting of Northe slogan will be Buy the Socialist Appeal tion quotas. We re willing to cracy. After that am com have the right to ask: very well, Together with the above, pletely convinced that mem. Mr. President, if the failure to the regular house to house canat Your Newsstand bers have to doubt the sincerity pass the Bill indicates, as you vass and street sales of the of all prominent scabs has been man, Hackleman, and Mac labor county in the country.
The YPSL swings its youth of Katz and Sullivan but said in your press conference. Socialist Appeal will be carried added to put heat on the com Dowell, and Trojar, Macdowell forces into the War Referen don know why. Is it going to lugher relief rolls, then how on.
pany At a special meeting of the Miner. The FWL lenders The Army Has a New Rapid Fire Rifle.
dum Campaign! The League be cleared up in the next about introducing a bill adding And on Friday m presentNational Bureau has decided chapter?
the billions you are now spending a motion to the branch to strikers, following the battle, a agreed to have the conference to launch a parallel campaign, Fraternally ing for war preparations and increase the Socialist Appeal union official read off the arranged by the IWA and to be The anti war agitator has a new weapon tooemphasizing the interest of CANNON business appeasement to the re bundle order immediately.
names and home addresses of Informed of the date.
lief appropriations. How about youth in the war referendum Just out27 of the leading scabs, much After waiting for over a week question Old Enough to SILVER SHIRTS OPEN the PWA? How about to the dismay and chagrin of and a half during which time Fight, Old Enough to Vote DRIVE IN NEW YORK WPA pink slips? ANNOUNCEMENTS You, Mr.
the company and the police, not the IWA leaders unsuccessfully Editor: President, are reto mention the rats themselves. sought to arrange the confersponsible for the misery in the Since the settlement will be ence, the FWL decided to take Limited Offer! York State indicate that the oit relief and WPA, Recent reports from New homes of jobless workers cut HOLD AUGUST 27 OPEN. The Friends of the Russian negotiated on nation wide matters in their own hands: You, Mr.
basis, each local unit of strik was dispatched to Miner inThursday morning a telegram Silver Shirts, headed by the President, are now asked to Bulletin will hold an all day FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY notorious fascist leader William act!
outing on Sunday, Aug. 27 at er has as the main task keepDudley Pelley, have establishRye Beach. The boat will ing the plant shut down. Ne forming him of the arrival of gotiations are out of the hands Streator delegation walked into a delegation from the FWL, the leave the Battery at 10:15 1938 BOUND ed headquarters in this area.
This is the first time headNEGRO DEPARTMENT The entire day will be of local committees.
Miner office that same afterBy JAMES BURNHAM quarters have been set up east Comrades and friends interspent at Rye Beach and the VOLUMES AFL Feeling noon and had a conference with of the Alleghanies, in Newested in giving some time for return trip will be made by Miner which lasted over an An attempt to obtain support hour.
boat, leaving in the evening.
of the burgh, The report also research work, please commuof the Cleveland AFL moveThe arrangements committee states that an intensive recruit nicate with Johnson, 116 UntThe Illinois Workers Alliance cents per copy. Bundle rates: 60 cents for 25; 00 for is preparing a varied and inment against the brutality of 60: 75 for 100: 16. 00 for 1, 000 Socialist Appeal ing drive has been begun both versity Place, New York City.
esting program of games, the cops met with official re AFL building trades leader Printed by music, swimming, etc. There buff, although all progressive snarled.
and the will be dancing to the music AFL leaders are in strong sym Actually Concert of the Classics of Swing smart strategy pathy with the strikers.
of a first rate orchestra on would dictate that even from a PIONEER PUBLISHERS New International Drinks Dancing Refreshments the boat, with a Broadway Antagonism of the AFL build selfish point of view the AFL for the SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, at 9:30 show on the return trip. Ticking trades leaders is the reason building trades should go to ets are available at the office given for the failure of the AFL bat for the cio. Then they SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY and 4th Int 00 at 317 EAST 13th STREET, Apt. a of the New International at to aid the CIO. These CIO would have a case against the 116 University Place New York City including postage For the benefit of the Needle Trades Brigade of Anti Fascist guys are out to get us, why the CIO invasion of the building the nominal rate of one dolUnion Guards Bulletin.
Admission 25 cents lar. Please make your reserhell should we help them? antrades later on.
vations early General Motors that more the seven proposaltbete setatewide for dona toadmit it. Let The People Vote On War