EnglandImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorkers Party

Somebody Got a Kick Coming!
Their Government Telephoneace, New York, NY.
developments in LABOR Menaber: The Farmers and the WP Workers Strike 10.
NEW RELIEF Аст The Japanese Treaty BOSSES Carlo Ohio Auto Pickets Beat Back Police Tear Gas, Bullet Barrage SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 index is an editorial in the current issue of the SOCIALIST APPEAL New Republic, the liberal weekly which has been Vol. III, No. 56 August 4, 1939 almost as uncritically pro Roosevelt as the StalBy James Burnham inists. For months, indeed, the New Republic is Published sweateek by the indistinguishable from the New Masses. But the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 New Republic editors are more sensitive to the Algonquin 8547 in public Subscriptions. 00 per year 00 for six months. For. paragraph in a half opinion, as witness this editorial: eign: 60 per year. 50 for six months Bundle orderit pesu cents per copy in the United States Scents per copy Here are men acting to protect their union Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 1, 50 for six months: 00 for one year.
standards, as they have acted many times before.
MRA Moral Re Armament has been getting the procet New York Nortonder theme of three Thousands have left their work. Yet this natua big play in the press lately. It recently climaxed ral protest is combatted (by the government. cross country series of meetings with a capacity with all the bitterness and fury that the most crowd (25, 000) at the Hollywood Bowl, and has MAX SHACHTMAN self righteous private employer could use. No currently been holding a convention at the Associate Editors HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW effort at conciliation made, even when tempers swank California resort of Del Monte. Thirty three EMANUEL GARRETH Manager: JOSEPH HANSEN rise and fatal violence occurs, as in Minneapolis State governors, and President Roosevelt, have sent messages of endorsement. Henry Ford is very SHERMAN STANLEY Newspapers are encouraged to whip up public enthusiastic, and Louis Mayer of one of anger against the unions. The strikers are perthe six highest on the recently published list of FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST emptorily discharged. Home relief authorities 1937 salaries spoke at the Bowl ceremony.
What is this movement. where did it come WORKERS PARTY FOR: announce that those deprived of livelihood by from? Why are politicians and big shots so happy the action will get no help from them. And even to have their names connected with and why Job and a decent living for every worker.
Mr. Roosevelt puts himself at the head of the do virtually all newspapers treat it at such length Open the idle factories operate them under and so kindly? When we notice that Roy Weir, of pack. Not for months has the country witnessed workers control.
the Minneapolis Central Labor Union, Charles an uglier spectacle. Unless a change in policy is Copperman of the California Teamsters, and a Twenty Billion dollar Federal publie works and housing program.
quickly made, we shall be treated to the sight of number of Scandinavian labor officials have been conspicuous at the California meetings, these ques Thirty thirty! 38 weekly minimum wage thousands of jobless mechanics condemned to tions become worth enquiring into.
30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on destitution because they dared, in a cause they all Jobs.
believed right, to protest against an action of the Primitive Christianity, a la Buchman Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability government in a manner that is a democratic MRA is the new ballyhoo by line for a movement pension.
which has been known for a number of years as Expropriate the Sixty Families.
the Oxford Groups. which was self advertised as a twentieth century return to the primitive All war funds to the unemployed.
Christian Brotherhood of the first century, people referendum on any and all wars.
Before it took the title of Oxford Groups. this movement was usually known as Buchmanism. No secret diplomacy.
from the name of its founder, Frank Buchman.
An Independent Labor Party.
Buchman, a plump, soft, oily fellow with the 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante typical appearance of a thousand small town Kl.
and Fascist attacks.
wanis Club secretaries, started his comfortable (The following editorial is reprinced from the racket fifteen or more years ago, in the United July 17 issue of the North Dakota Union Farmer, States. He busily converted suitable persons leading organ of the Farmers Union. through a patent method of his own, which he What does all this lullabaloo about the 130 called soul surgery. to a new life based on God guidance. He specialized in young people of hours a month for WPA workers mean? Why respectable families, particularly good looking Do the people of the United States want to go the strikes? That is what the farmers are wonyoung men, and wealthy dowagers.
to war in the Far East in order to defend the in dering about High point in his course of treatment was the vestments, present and future, of the Wall Street House Party. rich sympathizer (several memcorporations in China? Do they want to give up Certainly asking a man to work 130 a month, bers of the Rockefeller family, for example, were their lives for the protection of the profits or 32 hours a week is not unreasonable but included) would turn over a big house, and a group would be invited for a few days. Long meetings squeezed out of the Chinese masses by Standard the wages per month the WPA worker will get would be held, at which individuals would make Oil, Curtiss Wright, General Motors, and Asso remain exactly the same as when he worked public confessions of the errors of their ways: about half that time.
ciated Gas Electric?
but, in the case of the really smash drinking. gambling, and such like Sfessione What foolish questions.
Up until now WPA workers have been paid charmingly intertwined with plenty of sex.
the prevailing hourly wage which meant in Everyone knows the answer to them. Every(Continued from Page 1) looked like a war. Hundreds of When the union officials ap After good thorough confessing, the converts lice charged a small group of workers in a semblance of real pealed to Mayor Burton and the would become model citizens, and go around conone knows that the people of this country would many trades, the union scale. But they were limited in the hours of work to a monthly securstrikers at the plant gate who formation, wearing steel and city council to stop the violence verting their acquaintances.
never, willingly and deliberately, plunge into a For a while Buchman set up shop at Princeton ity wage which was little enough for security were attempting to slow down pith helmets to protect them against the peaceful pickets, war of imperialist aggression in the Far East scab car and persuade the from the police maces, surged these only replied, We shall University, but at that time, for some reason, the or anywhere else.
Now they have to work many more hours for driver not to enter the struck forward in wave after wave, maintain our usual policy of undergraduates did not take kindly to his brand of plant. The scab had attempted hurling their missles with dead neutrality. And the brutali theologico pornographic pap, and, in the wave of President Roosevelt and Secretary of State the same wage. Private employers will undoubtto smash through the pickets at ly accuracy. Police cowered be ties continued.
an angry protest, Buchman found it expedient to ediy use the lower hourly wage of PA to bat the gate by driving at a terrific hind the fences, gates and au Last Friday afternoon the Hull know this just as well as the rest of us.
pull up stakes.
ter down existing wage standards. As a result rate of speed.
But that doesn hold them back one moment tos guarding their heads with held a mass demonstraPolice Open Fire upraised hands.
tion at the plant with over 3000 Not So Innocent Abroad in the course they are steering toward their war. the purchasing power of non relief workers will Police opened fire with high City firemen attempted to in attendance. But the com Soon thereafter, Buchman showed up at Oxford Their latest move the denunciation of the be brought nearer to that of relief workers. powered tear gas guns from be turn high pressure hoses on the pany had closed down early and University in England, traditional home, as Mat1911 Treaty with Japan is just one more giant What does that mean to farmers who are alhind the plant fence, but re strikers and picketsOne hose che scabs had escaped before thew Arnold called it, of lost causes. After a few ceived a good dose of their own burst and drenched a squad of the workers arrived.
months careful maneuvering with the right peostep in their march toward war.
ready broken under the burden of a surplus be lethal medicine when the wind police who quickly ducked to Almost every cop in town ple, he got off to a flying start. Prominent figures Are they, and the Sixty Families whose press cause of underconsumption. it simply means carried the fumes back full in cover. The powerful streams of was mobilized this morning at signed on the dotted line, and House Parties were water would drive one group of the plant gates. It was clear blossoming around the English country side. He daily sings the praises of their policy, really in more underconsumption and more surpluses of their faces Instantly, the workers surged workers back. but another they were aching for a fight. stretched out to Holland, and, oddly enough, to terested in helping the brave Chinese people, as farm products and lower prices. It is to the forward hurling mighty bar group would dash forward from Traffic police were taken off South Africa, in both of which spots he met a Jolly they sometimes pretend?
farmers own interest that they stand squarely rase of bricks, stones and pavine Slank, wet handkerchiefs the busiest street intersections, reception; and he found the Scandinavian counThe facts give the answer: The United States with labor in vigorously protesting the inhuman ing blocks. Fearless workers pressed to their faces, and let and gangsters and hoodlums tries, also, hospitable.
relief measure passed by Congress.
picked up the red hot tear gas the cops and firemen have a could have had a field day, for He followed the same method in getting key reshells with handkerchief rocky shower.
all the protection the public was is the chief supplier of munitions and secondary cruits: young people, especially young men, of Slashing hourly wage rates is just one of the wrapped hands and tossed Police Brutality afforded. Traffic in this city of war material to Japan. In almost all decisive good appearance and families, and older persons of them back into the cops faces. Today strike battle, the 200. 000 inhabitants was at a wealth and if possible of title.
items, from airplanes to scrap iron, the Unitel inequitable features put in by the reactionary For two hours the workers fiercest in the history of the standstill all day.
He worked on a gradually bigger scale. He travStates has been sending to Japan more than all House Democrats. Another is the month starv fought without yielding, not giv city, was the climax to three Mobilization Called elled often with hundreds of followers (there were other countries combined.
ation period for WPA employes after they have ing an inch. Scab cars were weeks of police provocation and The strikers have issued a a thousand on his just completed trip to CaliforIn China itself, the United States corporations been on the job 18 months. third is a decrease caught fire. Withe rocks and of the 10. Called a declaration calling on all work in the best of style. Yet no one seemed to know where the money came from. He never asked for contributions, or passed a plate, like an continue their terrible exploitation of the Chin in the monthly wage, low enough now, in the their bare hands, the workers strike of the tool and dle men ers to mobilize at the plant this shattered the police ranks and at the Fisher Body plant, larg. ing. The union is determined to ordinary preacher ese workers, whether within the Japanese or the Northern states. fourth is reduction of the And such a friendly man! The first time you Chinese lines. The dispute and the only dispute appropriation so that 2, 000, 000 instead oi thug off the street into the Only about 650 tool and die shut the plant once and for all, meet him, It Frank this and Bill that: no until a settlement satisfactory which the government and bosses have with 3, 000, 000 will be employed by, WPA, though plant.
men were working, as most of to the union is made. General such formalities as Mr. among the Buchman there are still at least 11, 000, 000 persons out of Bid for Truce the production men are off. The Motors is attempting to break ites. And such hearty slaps on the back and prar the Japanese government and bossos is over At a. when the police ism and viciousness, repeatedly is the only one of twelve struck police. with characteristic sad: the strike by every means. This which shall have first choice in grinding profits work. fifth is that after January the states tical jokes and general good fellowship!
had exhausted their supplies of attack out of the sweat and blood of the Chinese people and municipalities will have to bear 25 of the tear gas they came out and pickets, injuring a number and is trying to operate. But com ng manumond and plants which the company New Worlds to Conquer The newest Japan crisis once again cost, whether able or not.
asked for a truce. But fighting making unprovoked arrest af any officials today admitted As his movement grew, Buchman ideas have broke out again early this after. ter arrest.
warns the people of the United States: Om Farmers fared quite well in securing appro noon, while most of the pickets grown with it. couple of years ago, he made his they are already three to four first little ventures into politics. His voice is getGuard! Roosevelt and Hull have a nice, bloody priations for the various farm programs but it had returned to their jobs in weeks behind schedule.
ting louder in telling the world how to run its busifuture all planned for you. They do not intend the city workers suffer, it will take even more to bring in additional tear gas INFORMAL HOUSE The Battle of 140th St. ness, how MRA is going to solve the problems of to let you have anything say in connection government assistance to make up for loss of supplies.
Box 245 Kerhonkson, depression and crisis and war this was the theme is not yet over. But it is already the farmers market.
with it.
taking on the historical form of the Hollywood jamboree.
The mass of pickets were Near Ellenville)
And here, my friends, is where Labor comes in, composed of members 120 of greenland in those great never to be forgotRoosevelt and Ilull have been the outstanding Catskilla. 40 Acres of pine for ten struggles in Minneapolis as MRA Absolute Honesty. Purity. Unselfish from other plants who dropped stinbathing handball ping pong.
ness, Love get into political action.
and Toledo in 1934, the famous leaders in the fight against the war referendum.
their tools and swarmed in a Rrchery wlinmins and horse Truck Drivers victory of the back riding nearby: dancing.
From the New York Times, reporting the Del body to the battle scene. The Battle of Bulls Run. and the Monte convention: Lauritz Laustsen, a Danish UNUSUALLY LOW RATES White Motor Company and the 18 Weekly Bender Body Corporation were Weekend Auto Lite victory at the Bat sawmill worker, in broken English told story of Elsewhere in this issue we carry excerpts from dle of Chestnut Hill where the the war they are cooking up to the verdict of how his employer had been guided by God to shut down for the day as thoufirst union auto contract was Tel. Kerhonkson 118 give better conditions. This had built up confidence the people.
the speech in defense of the WPA strike made sands of union men pitched inwon.
among the men, he said, so that in the midst of Congress is preparing to slink home, after sev by John Boscoe, president of the Minneapolis to the fray. Workers from halt deadlocked strike negotiations the trades union en reactionary months. They think, in Washing. Central Labor Union. It was a good speech and poured into the battle lines as president told an employer that because he was morally rearmed he trusted him, and any terms ton, that they have shelved the war referendum a militant defense of the strike.
word spread of the struggle. The Army Has a New Rapid Fire Rifle he might make would be acceptable.
By early this afternoon the. supported by at least two thirds of the nation It was not, however, entirely sufficient for the hospital records showed 46 inThe anti war agitator has new weapon too At the Bowl meeting, from the platform, Cop. until such a time that it won matter one way needs of the present situation. It reflects the fact perman, the Teamsters official, pledged his jured, including at least cops friendship to Bennett who happens to be or another that the average trade union leader, progressive 30 pickets have been treated in and a score of scabs. At least Just outpresident of Associated Farmers in the Imperial If it is to get off that sheli, where at the order though he might be, was caught fat footed by Valley.
the union field hospital. It is beof Roosevelt the Congressional committees Roosevelt attack on the unemployed. For the lieved that a great number. com Clear enough, then, why Henry Ford telegraphed his support to MRA and all its works. What need placed it, the people themselves will have to get average union leader had many illusions about for unionism at River Rouge, when the workers into action Roosevelt. Now that the onslaught has comic. public hospitals.
aid, but have not been taken to can get all the better conditions they want simply Let us put an end to this blank check for the the union leader may not try to defend Roose17 by putting faith in the morally re armed Henry Direct Lines from Mike Ford? Let us hope, however, that Edsel (and war mongers!
velt, but at the same time he hesitates to place Throughout the fight, strike Campbell and Bennett) are following the example Let us put the right of making war where it the blame at Roosevelt door.
leaders directed the action of the God guided Henry.
belongs in the hands of those who suffer and from an amplifier stationed on This state of mind is very dangerous, for it By JAMES BURNHAM the roof of a restaurant at one die in war!
The United States army has warned Cupid to Let the people vote on war!
leaves organized labor unprepared for a whole end of the street. Calling on the keep away from its enlisted men at Fort Snelling.
Let the people decide!
series of new attacks which Roosevelt is prepar. Tight back in self defense. the cents per copy. Bundle rates: 60 cents for 25: 00 for Minn. Marriages for enlisted men have been ing: the Monopoly Commission prosecution of picket captain at the mike 60: 75 for 100; 16. 00 for 000 banned unless they can obtain written consent of the building unions, new attacks on relief, new repeatedly mobilized the workthe corps area commander. The order of the war Printed by crs to points of advantage department excepts only master, technical, staff enslaughts on the unions and union conditions from which to escape the worst to facilitate production of war materials, etc.
or first sergeants in grades 1, and Officers at effects of the tear gas, which PIONEER PUBLISHERS Fort Snelling explained income of enlisted men is saturated the neighborhood for not sufficient to maintain a wife, children and How deeply has Roosevelt infamous If the unions are to be adequately protected. blocks around, and from where SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY and 4th Int. home. Buck privates get 21 per month: first class policy cut into his previous following? Bitter imion ieaders will have to come to the point of they could break up the police private. 30; corporal, 42; and line sergeant, 54 formations and shatter the pocomments in a number of formerly pro Roose pointing the finger of blame where it belongs: at 116 University Place New York City lice lines at the weakest points.
The military minds, who long ago repealed the law of humanity so far as they re concerned, will now velt trade union papers are one index. Another the Roosevelt administration.
The scene around the plant attempt to repeal the law of procreation, o Naturally. They know what they are doing John Boscoe Speech Buves pret at station Let The People Vote On War Unwilling Witness for the